How to delete a recording from a DVD rw disc. How to remove deleted files from your hard drive

CD-RW discs give us the opportunity to write and delete various types of information from the disc many times. This is a special type of disc that is almost no different from a regular CD-R, except that it can be rewritten many times.

In other words, after recording and using them, you can safely delete all recorded information from the disk and record a new project. Another feature is that using CD-RW you can add new files to those already recorded. We can conclude that CD-RW is a unique and convenient means for saving and recording important information. To properly clean a CD-RW disk you need to go through the following steps: Who uses Mac OSX: 1. Insert the rewritable disc and open Disk Utility.2. Press the “Erase” button and select our CD on the panel on the left.3. Click the “Erase” button to erase everything from the CD-RW. Immediately after all the information is erased, you can add the files you need to an already clean disk.

Who uses windows:1. We insert the disk we need and go to the “Start” menu and go to the “My Computer” folder.

2. Select our CD-RW disc. Right-click on it and when the menu appears, select “Clear”. We wait a short time until all data from our disk is completely deleted. Now we can safely write new files to an already clean disk.

Another article for novice users on the site Computer Tricks for Beginners. Today we will learn how to erase a disk, meaning optical and if information in the form of music, films or in another form has already been recorded on the disk. Let me say right away that not all optical The discs are rewritable, that is, you can write something on them and then erase and write something else, and so on many times until the disc is erased. You can erase information on the disc only if it is rewritable and is marked RW- REWRITABLE, which means rewritable. You need to look at this when buying the disc itself and immediately tell the seller that you need a reusable disc, that is, rewritable, and you can understand this by looking at the markings on the disc, it should be of this nature DVD-RW/CD-RW, there are others for example CD-R or DVD-R where R means or is translated as Recordable.

Such disks are disposable, in the sense that information can be written to them only once and then it will be impossible to erase it.

How to erase a disk

We won’t go far and erase with a program that we have already used and discussed in the article on how to create a disk image and, as you understand, this is a program for working with DVD/CD discs Alcohol120%. This program has a very simple interface and you can learn how to use it from It won't be difficult for you. To erase the data disk you need to insert it into the drive and run alcohol120%.

After starting the program, you need to go to the DVD/CD erasing section in the menu on the left

and the disk erasing options window will open. In the first list that opens, you need to indicate your drive, that is, the computer drive that contains the disk that you want to erase.

The erasing speed is set to maximum by default, leave it as it is. The erasing mode must be set to full erase (wiping the entire disk) - this means that all files will be completely deleted from the disk. If you set the erase mode to fast erase, then only the headers of the files will be deleted the files themselves will remain on the disk, the principle is approximately the same as when formatting hard drives and flash cards.

And as a result, erasing a disk in full erase mode takes much longer than quickly erasing a disk.

The remaining 2 parameters are not to copy an invalid TOC (used to protect the disk) and reset the book type of the disk - this is the type of the disk being written at the moment, this is no longer relevant since now all (or almost all) drives support almost all types of disks , so you shouldn’t bother with these parameters and let them be assigned by the program by default.

After you have set the necessary parameters for erasing the disk, erasing information from the disk that was written to it will begin.

After the disk is erased, the disk drive will open and a message will be displayed indicating that erasing the disk is complete.

Format DVD

DVD - RW discs

Format a DVD disc - this option is available only in Windows 7. In Windows XP you will be prompted to “erase CD-RW”, which is similar in principle, but not the same thing. Just keep in mind that only DVD-RW discs can be formatted; attempting to format a DVD-R disc will damage the disc.

When formatting a DVD disc, the disc is divided into sectors for ease of writing and reading the disc, which is unacceptable for DVD-R discs. Writing to 1 bit will ruin the entire disc and it will be perceived as recorded. It is not possible to delete information from DVD-R discs.

You need to know that the DVD-R disc is already formatted initially.

The easiest way to format a DVD disc. To do this, insert the disc into the drive and wait for it to load. Open My Computer. Right-click on the DVD disc and select “Format” from the menu that appears. Next will be the formatting settings


When deciding to clean out a hard drive, users usually use formatting or manually deleting files from the Windows Recycle Bin. However, these methods do not guarantee complete erasure of data, and with the help of special tools you can recover files and documents that were previously stored on the HDD.

If you need to completely get rid of important files so that no one else can recover them, standard operating system methods will not help. For these purposes, programs are used to completely delete data, including those deleted by conventional methods.

If files have already been deleted from the HDD, but you want to erase them permanently, then you need to use special software. Such software solutions allow you to erase files in such a way that later they will be impossible to recover even with the help of professional tools.

In short, the principle is as follows:

  1. You are deleting a file "X"(for example, through the “Trash”), and it disappears from your field of view.
  2. It physically remains on the disk, but the cell where it is stored is marked free.
  3. When new files are written to disk, the cell marked as free is used and the file is overwritten "X" new. If the cell was not used when saving a new file, then the previously deleted file "X" remains on the hard drive.
  4. After repeatedly overwriting the data on the cell (2-3 times), the initially deleted file "X" finally ceases to exist. If the file takes up more space than one cell, then in this case we are talking only about a fragment "X".

Therefore, you yourself can delete unnecessary files so that they cannot be restored. To do this, you need to write any other files 2-3 times to all the free space. However, this option is very inconvenient, so users usually prefer software tools that, using more complex mechanisms, do not allow them to recover deleted files.

Method 1: CCleaner

The well-known CCleaner program, designed to clean your hard drive of junk, can also reliably delete data. At the user's request, you can clear the entire drive or just free space using one of four algorithms. In the second case, all system and user files will remain intact, but unallocated space will be securely erased and inaccessible for recovery.

Method 2: Eraser

Eraser, like CCleaner, is easy and free to use. It can reliably delete files and folders that the user wants to get rid of, and in addition to this, it cleans up free disk space. The user can choose one of 14 deletion algorithms at his discretion.

The program is built into the context menu, so by right-clicking on an unnecessary file, you can immediately send it to Eraser for deletion. A small minus is the lack of Russian in the interface, however, as a rule, basic knowledge of English is sufficient.

Method 3: File Shredder

The File Shredder program is similar in its operation to the previous one, Eraser. Through it you can also permanently delete unnecessary and confidential data and erase free space on the HDD. The program is built into Explorer and can be called by right-clicking on an unnecessary file.

There are only 5 erasure algorithms, but this is quite enough to safely delete information.

Note: Despite the fact that it is very easy to use such programs, this does not guarantee complete data deletion if only part of the disk is overwritten.

For example, if there is a need to permanently delete an image, but the OS has thumbnail display enabled, then simply deleting the file will not help. A knowledgeable person can restore it using the Thumbs.db file, which stores photo thumbnails. A similar situation is with the paging file and other system documents that store copies or sketches of any user data.

Method 4: Multiple formatting

Normal formatting of the hard drive, of course, will not delete any data, but will only hide it. A reliable way to delete all data from a hard drive without the possibility of recovery is to perform a full format and change the file system type.

So, if you use the NTFS file system, then you need to complete(not fast) formatting to FAT and then again to NTFS. Additionally, you can mark up the drive by dividing it into several sections. After such manipulations, there is practically no chance of data recovery.

If you have to work with the hard drive where the operating system is installed, then all manipulations must be performed before booting. To do this, you can use a bootable USB flash drive with the OS or a special program for working with disks.

Let's look at the process of multiple full formatting with changing the file system and partitioning the disk.

  1. Create a bootable USB flash drive with the desired operating system or use an existing one. On our website you can find instructions for creating a bootable flash with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
  2. Connect the USB flash drive to your PC and make it the main boot device through BIOS.

    In AMI BIOS: Boot > 1st Boot Priority > Your flash

    In Award BIOS: > Advanced BIOS Features > First Boot Device > Your flash

    Click F10, and then "Y" to save settings.

  3. Before installing Windows 7, click on the link "System Restore".

    In Windows 7 you are taken to "System Recovery Options", where you need to select the item "Command line".

    Before installing Windows 8 or 10, also click on the link "System Restore".

  4. From the recovery menu, select "Troubleshooting".

  5. Then "Extra options".

  6. Select "Command line".

  7. The system may prompt you to select a profile and also enter a password for it. If you have not set a password for your account, skip entering and click "Continue".
  8. If you need to find out the real letter of the drive (provided that several HDDs are installed, or you only need to format the partition), enter the command in cmd

    wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, size, description

    and press Enter.

  9. Based on the size (in the table it is in bytes), you can determine which letter of the desired volume/partition is real and not assigned by the operating system. This will protect you from accidentally formatting the wrong drive.
  10. For complete formatting with changing the file system, write the command

    format /FS:FAT32 X: - if your hard drive currently has the NTFS file system
    format /FS:NTFS X: - if your hard drive currently has a FAT32 file system

    Instead of X Substitute the letter of your drive.

    Do not add a parameter to the command /q- it is responsible for quick formatting, after which file recovery can still be done. You only need to do a complete formatting!

  11. After formatting is complete, write the command from the previous step again, only with a different file system. That is, the formatting chain should be like this:

    NTFS > FAT32 > NTFS

    FAT32 > NTFS > FAT32

    After this, the installation of the system can be canceled or continued.

Burning files to disk is a proven way to store important information in a safe place. True, there is one “but”: not always and everyone has a “blank” suitable for recording at hand. And if you are now faced with such a problem, do not rush to get upset ahead of time! After all, you can use absolutely any old scratch disk that you have to record data.

“Disk Studio” is a multifunctional one that will help you capture the folders you need from your computer and individual files onto any media, or erase unnecessary information from already full disks. Read the article and you will learn how to clean up the disk in this application.

Step #1. Download the program from the website

To get started, visit the special page on our website where you need. Once the download is complete, run the installation file and follow the instructions. Select the location where you want to place the program and wait until the archive is unpacked. Then start working with the application by double-clicking on the software icon.

Step #2. Launch the program and specify the desired option

The main menu of “Disk Studio” will open in front of you, where you need to select and specify the operations that the program should perform. The application allows you to work with both CDs and DVDs. You can quickly figure out how to clear a DVD disc of old files, and then burn songs, videos or any other data onto the selected media. To delete information from a disk, click on the “Copy and erase” tab and select “Erase disk”.

Step #3. Clear your disk of unnecessary files

A mini-menu will appear on the screen in which the program will prompt you to determine the working drive. This should not be a problem, because, as a rule, in most cases there is no choice: in computers and laptops there is only one, if no external device is connected to the equipment. Click the "Open Drive" button and insert the disk, then click "Erase Disk" and wait for the erase to finish.

Step #4. Rewriting an old disc

Unfortunately, there are some discs that cannot be cleaned. But they can be rewritten! In any recording option, specify for the program the files that you want to save to disk. Knowing about this and movies, you will free yourself from unnecessary spending.

To rewrite an old disk, configure additional parameters: speed, the name that needs to be assigned to the disk, if necessary, request its verification and turn off the PC after recording is complete. Don't forget to insert the disc into the drive. When the program asks for confirmation to overwrite and delete files, click Yes.

Now you know how to clean your disk from unnecessary files. As you have already understood from the article, “Disk Studio” is a convenient software for working with disks. You can quickly write absolutely any information to external media or rewrite old disks, filling them with new and useful data.

If you are faced with the need to write information to removable media, then you will agree that it is not always possible to find a blank disk. Fortunately, progress does not stand still and now you can use previously filled blanks in your work. You will need a special disk cleaning program that can quickly bring any storage medium into a form suitable for further work.

How to delete old data from disk?

If you are trying to understand a CD, then pay attention to the convenient and very compact Disc Studio application.

From the main menu of the application, you can immediately go to any section that interests you. Need to burn music, video to disc or copy data? Or maybe you need to create an image of specific files or an entire disk? Rip or backup? Easily!

Main menu of the "Disk Studio" program

Simply click on the desired item and follow the on-screen guide. In just a few steps you can make all the settings, launch the procedure you require and complete the task perfectly.

Deleting old data is easy!

The functions of the disk cleaning program are pleasing in their variety. However, let's return to its main purpose. What needs to be done in order to rid the old disk of information that is no longer relevant? Overall, not so much. After launching Disc Studio, go to the "Copy and clear" and select "Erase disk".

Copy and Cleanup Tab

A compact window will immediately appear on the screen. Click the button "Open drive". When the blank is in the drive, press the button "Erase disk".

Cleaning process setup menu

Then wait for the running process to finish. In about five minutes you will have a completely clean disk at your disposal.

Writing new data

“Disk Studio” is an extremely useful tool for working with disks, which will help not only clean old storage media of irrelevant data, but also write completely new files that you need onto them. Simply select the desired mode from those presented in the program.

So, in the case of music, you can specify the requirements for the format, quality and frequency of songs, adjust the recording speed and even assign a unique name to the disc.

Window for generating a list of music to record

When creating a DVD, the software will offer to add files for recording, as well as design the menu in an original way. You can customize its design: choose a background, icons that will act as “switches,” enter headings and decorate the slide with clipart, or use one of the templates from the software collection.

Creating an interactive menu for a DVD


The disk cleaning program is a real godsend for people who have absolutely no time to run to the store, but at the same time urgently need to get a clean disk for recording important files. you can do it now. You don’t need any supernatural skills - just go to a special page on our website and click the button "Download".

If your computer has a device (CD, DVD) that can burn to CDs and also supports rewritable CDs (CD-, DVD-RW), you can delete and then re-write the discs. This article explains how to erase a disk in Windows XP.

So, how to erase an RW disk:

  1. In the My Computer folder, right-click the CD-ROM drive and click Open. *Windows displays a temporary storage area containing files that are ready to be burned to a CD.
  2. In the system taskbar (left), click the “Erase this CD-RW” button.
  3. In the wizard that opens, after clicking the “Next” button, an indicator of the progress of the disk cleaning process is displayed.
  4. When the process is completed, you will receive a message in the notification area and you can use a blank CD-RW.

Please note that not all CDs are erasable. This function is not available for CD-, DVD-R.

On a standard CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, files are read-only, which means you can only read the contents of the disc and not change it. If you use only standard programs for CD-RW or DVD-RW devices, you will not be able to delete, change or move individual files from the disk.

However, if you have a CD-RW or other RW disc, you can erase and rewrite the CD or delete individual files. Let's try to figure out how to erase a DVD by deleting individual files. By default, Microsoft Windows and other major operating systems only support deleting an entire disk, not individual files. However, there are third party utilities such as DirectCD, for example, or other batch recording software.

One of the most popular software of this type is Nero, which is used to present various data, audio CDs, as well as Blu-Ray and DVD discs. Nero has a user-friendly interface that makes it extremely easy to create, and, of course, delete any type of disk. And this process only takes a few minutes.

In Windows Vista, Windows 7, if you are using the “Live File System” file format, you can delete one or more files from CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RAM. We've sorted out the CDs. Let's figure out how to erase a hard drive.

Any hard drives, except the system one (usually drive C), can be removed by formatting using standard means or special programs.
According to the standard you need:

  1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop or Start menu.
  2. In the “My Computer” folder, right-click on the drive and click the “Format” button.
  3. After clicking on the “Start” button, wait for the process to complete.

You can also erase your hard drive via the command line:

  1. From the Start menu, select “Run”.
  2. Enter the command “format e:” and press the “Enter” key.
  3. After confirmation, we expect the disk to be completely cleaned.

You can erase the system disk through the BIOS, for example, using Volkoff Commander. The process follows the disk formatting model, via the command line - after loading, we write - “format with:” and press the “Enter” key.