How to find out what version of Yandex browser. How to find out the version of Yandex.Browser? What version of the Yandex browser is installed on my computer

Many users ask the question: “How can I find out which Windows is on my computer?” You need to know whether you're running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows for many reasons. The most important thing is that knowing this, you will be confident that you can install desired type software and drivers created to work with the operating system.

What is it for?

For example, if you are running Windows XP 32-bit and want a device, you need to install 32-bit drivers designed for hardware. 64-bit drivers will not work in the 32-bit version of Windows XP and vice versa.

Luckily, it's really easy to find out what variety yours is. copy of Windows XP.

How to do it

Click on "Start" and select "Control Panel" from the menu. Click on the "Performance and Maintenance" link. Note: If you are viewing classic look control panel, you will not see this link. Simply double-click on the "System" icon and go to step 4.

How can I find out which Windows is installed on my computer if the XP version is downloaded? In the Performance and Maintenance window, click the System link. When the System Properties window opens, look for the System area to the right of the Windows logo.

Note: You must be on the "General" tab in the "shell" properties.

In the “System” section you will see basic information about the OS version installed on the computer:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional version[year] means you are running Windows XP 32-bit.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition version[year] means you are running the 64-bit version.

Important: There are no 64-bit versions of XP Home or XP Media Center Edition. If you have any of these editions of XP, then you are running a 32-bit operating system. This will help you decide how to find out which Windows is on your computer.

Now that you have found out which version of Windows XP you are running, you can be confident in your choice correct drivers and software for your device.

How to do this on Windows 7?

How can I find out which Windows version 7 is installed? Click on "Start" and find "Control Panel" in the menu. Click on "System" and select the "Security" link. Click on the System link.

When the system window opens, under its name you can see basic information about your computer below the Windows logo. In the System section, look for the System Type tab among other statistics about your computer. The system type will indicate whether the computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit OS.

Important: There is no 64-bit version of Windows 7 Starter Edition.

How to find out which Windows version 8 is installed?

There are two main Windows editions 8 - standard OS and Pro version. Each of them can be in either 64- or 32-bit format. As with previous shell releases, knowing what type your computer is using is very important in the first place in order to install drivers and software correctly.

Open Control Panel in Windows 8.

Tip: You can check your Windows 8 system type much faster from Power menu User, but this is only available if you are using a keyboard or mouse.

Touch on touch screen or click with your cursor on "System and Security" in Control Panel, then select the "System" tab. After that, you should open the menu item called “View basic information about your computer” and find the System tab located under the large Windows 8 logo. The system type will indicate what system is installed on your device. This is the answer to the question “how to find out which Windows is on your computer.” As you can see, this process is quite simple, and its execution is similar in all versions of the operating system.

Remember that you should not install applications designed for a 64-bit shell on a computer running a 32-bit OS. Otherwise, you may cause serious problems with the device, which may result in the loss of much saved data and even the need to reinstall Windows.

Hi all! As usual, I am with you, Dmitry Kostin. Many people are interested and ask: “How can I find out what Windows I have?” You might think that what kind of a strange person must be not to know what his value is? operating system. To this I can tell you that the older generation may indeed not know this. And besides, many people need to find out not just the name of the operating system, but also other parameters, such as version, bit depth, etc. That's why I would like to touch on this topic and talk about it in more detail.

And of course, we will not go far into the wilds, but will see how everything we have planned can be done using built-in methods.

Properties of the system

This is perhaps the easiest way to view the version and Windows bit depth. We discussed the same method when we talked about .

As you can see from the screenshot, my laptop is running Windows 10 Home for one language.

"Run" line

Well, where would Windows be without such a cool thing as “Run”? With it we can quickly do everything we need.

You can also enter another command in the “Run” line, namely msinfo32. Then a window will open for you "System Information", where you can also see the version of your system, as well as the build.

Command line

Yes, as it turned out, there are a whole bunch of ways. And the command line is no exception.

Crap. Why go far? As soon as you call command line, in the left top corner Your system version will be displayed immediately.

Like this simple ways They will be able to help you find out what kind of Windows you have on your dear computer.

And by the way, a question for you: What operating system is on your computer? Do you like her? Write in the comments.

What are the differences between Windows versions?

When it comes to the system itself, everything is clear here. Each subsequent system has a new name and differs in interface, features, functions, etc. But you probably noticed that each system has its own add-ons such as Starter, Basic, Home Edition, Professional, etc.

And these versions differ only in the configuration. For example:

  • Starter. This version was the most limited for Windows 7 and came standard on many netbooks. In addition, it is intended mainly for developing countries. In this version you couldn't even change your desktop wallpaper. I'm not even talking about the fact that there were no games, scissors, or interface Aero Glass, notes and much more.
  • Home. This version is distributed mainly on laptops and netbooks. It is considered basic and does not have full functionality.
  • Pro. Professional version. As a rule, such versions are designed for offices and small businesses. Well, it’s worth noting that the Pro version is the main one among users who download Windows from torrents.

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Well, this concludes my lesson for today. Glad you came to my blog. But don't rush to leave. Be sure to read other articles, and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog, then you will be aware of all the most interesting things for you. See you in other articles. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Regardless of which Internet browser you use, you should remember that technical development does not stand still. Consequently, the developers constantly offer updates to improve the functioning of the program. Not every user has an idea of ​​whether they have them and how to make the operation happen automatically. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to check the version of internet explorer and how to install updates if necessary.

How to see IE version

In fact, it is very easy to find out what type of browser is installed. First, let's launch an Internet browser. Select the Help menu button. After clicking on it, a drop-down window will appear in front of the user context menu. In it you need to click on the line About the program. That's all you need to know about how to determine the version of internet explorer. Actually, after this, a window will appear in front of the user in which you can find out details about the browser version.

It should be recalled that the sixth version is already considered outdated and is not supported by the developers, and if you decide to install, then as a result you may have a problem with the installation, i.e. internet explorer will not install. About the most for various reasons and ways to solve this problem you can find out. Therefore, if for some reason the updates did not automatically download for you, you will need to do this procedure manually. The operating system version affects which version of internet explorer is installed. For example, for XP best option— IE 8. Taking into account the features of Vista, for computers on which it is installed, it is advisable to have a browser updated to version 9. In “Seven” and “Eight” from Microsoft, it is preferable to use IE 10 and 11, respectively. The default version is already installed in Windows 8.

Where can I find update information in my browser?

After the question of how to find out the version of internet explorer has been resolved, you should think about using last option browser. This is due to the fact that manufacturers are constantly working to improve the program and increase its functionality. Accordingly, it is advisable not to forget about updates.

Tune automatic updates quite simple. To do this you will need to open internet explorer. In the browser, open the Service tab. In it we find the line About the program. By clicking on it, the user opens a context menu. In it you need to find a line that says to allow the program to automatically install updates. Check this box and click Close.

After any changes have been made, the computer or other device being used will need to be restarted. You can also disable automatic updates by going to About the program, but you will need to remove the highlight next to the corresponding line. In fact automatic installation enough additions convenient setup

. After all, in this way you will not need to do practically anything, the browser will do everything itself. Regardless of which version of internet explorer you have installed, you can fully experience the advantages of this Internet browser. Knowledge of what type of browser on your computer may be needed if, for example, there are problems displaying a website. Not all resources in currently

optimized to work with new versions of internet explorer. However, using outdated options can cause problems. From Microsoft is one of the most popular browsers , since it is installed on every computer under Windows control . Given that a significant number of users prefer to use other products, e.g. Google Chrome ,Opera, Mozilla Firefox and so on, IE still holds its position, occupying a special place in the market. Besides normal functions browser, plays a role in the operation of the Windows operating system. So, depending on the current version of IE on your PC, some services, system components and utilities may not work correctly. In this article we will look in detail at how to find out Internet version Explorer. Let's figure it out. Go!

How to find out if your viewer is up to date

To find out current version browser, launch IE and click on the options icon in the upper right corner of the window. If the gear icon is missing, click Alt key and select Help. Also in older versions there is separate tab"Reference". In the menu that appears, click on the “About” item. After this, a window will appear containing all necessary information about the browser.

A common method for Windows applications

The second method is even simpler. Click on the shortcut right click mouse and select "Properties" from the menu. Next, click on the “Halley Location” item. After you get to the folder with the executable file, go to its properties using the right mouse button. In the window that appears, go to the “Details” tab. In the “Version” section you will find all the necessary information.

In the properties of the exe file you can find out the necessary information

The version number consists of several parts - numbers separated by dots. You should only pay attention to the first digits of the number. All other numbers show various minor updates, fixes, etc.

If you have an operating system installed Windows system 10, don't be upset. Although the default browser is New Product from Microsoft - Edge, Internet Explorer has not gone away. You can find it through Windows search, either in Microsoft Edge- there is a special menu in which you will find a button to launch IE. Please note that Windows 10 has last internet Explorer, but new versions will no longer be released, since Microsoft has decided to develop its new product - Edge.

Now, if necessary, you can easily find out the version of Internet Explorer. Use the suggested method that is most convenient for you. Write in the comments whether the article helped you solve your problem, and leave your opinion about browsers from Microsoft.

Internet Explorer browser is the most popular program to browse the Internet. The browser is installed on all Windows computers as standard program and has very rich functionality. Despite the fact that many people in the world prefer to use Chrome or other browsers, the leadership of IE has been maintained for many years and this browser is like no other suitable for viewing old sites and pages, and also supports many technologies that are not available for other programs, which makes it indispensable on work computers in various organizations.

Often, some sites only support a certain version of Microsoft's browser. In order to find out the version of Internet Explorer before updating or restoring it, you will need to use several simple methods. The first one is based on requesting information directly inside the application, and the second one is based on analyzing information from executable file programs. Also, if the user uses Windows 10, you will need to learn some of the intricacies of using IE in the environment of the new operating system.

Quick navigation through the article

"About" window

In order to obtain information about the Explorer version directly from the menu intended for this, you will need:

  • Launch the program on your computer.
  • Press the “Alt” button on your keyboard and select “Help” from the menu that appears. You can also use the gear button in the upper right corner of the program if installed version IE contains it.
  • Select “About the program” from the list that appears.
  • Study the information in the window that opens. So, the picture will tell you which version of Explorer is installed on your computer, and the information below will tell you the specific build number.


You can also view the program version in the properties of the executable file in the folder with the program. To do this, you need to right-click on the Internet Explorer shortcut and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, click on the “File location” button. After clicking on specified button, Windows will show the folder containing the iexplore.exe file, the properties of which must also be called up through the right-click context menu.

In properties this file the user needs to go to the “Details” section. In the “description” block there is a line “Version”, which should be third from the top. It is the first two digits before the dot (or one if the version is lower than 10) that will indicate the program version.

Windows 10

Despite the fact that Edge is considered the main browser in Windows 10, Microsoft company I didn’t remove Explorer anywhere and left it available for launch on the Professional edition of the system. To launch the browser, you can use the search tool on the taskbar, or call service menu in Edge, where there is an "Open in Internet Explorer" button.

Installed on Windows 10 latest version Explorer, which will no longer be updated. This is Internet Explorer 11, into which all previously received updates are already integrated. The user can place a program shortcut on the desktop or pin it to the Start menu, like any other program.