How to enable night mode on a laptop. How to enable night mode on Android device

In Windows 10, to make it easier to work at the computer in the dark, "Night mode". Extremely bright blue light from a monitor can have a negative effect on your eyesight and nervous system person. In the operating system settings, you can set a certain temperature and brightness of the light that will be used when this mode is turned on.

How to enable Night Mode

In fact, activating this mode is not difficult. Its inclusion is possible only in Windows versions 10 Creators Update and higher. Connection instructions are as follows:

Setting up Night Mode

If you are not satisfied with the settings "Night mode", set by the system by default, then you can easily change them to more acceptable ones for you:

Disabling Night Mode

If you were able to turn it on, then turning it off is also unlikely to be a problem. The instructions look like this:

  1. Open "Options" keyboard shortcut Win+I or through the menu "Start".
  2. Go to element "System".
  3. Expand section "Screen" in the left menu.
  4. Here under the heading "Night mode", you need to move the switch to position "Disable".

What to do if Night mode does not work in Windows 10

Sometimes Night Mode may not work or may not work correctly on Windows. Let's look at all the reasons that could contribute to this.

Update not installed

Ability to switch the computer to "Night mode" appeared only for users who updated Windows 10 to Creators Update or higher. If your version of Windows has not been updated, you will not have access to new features. Let's look at how to check how current your Current version Windows and how to quickly install the required updates:

Incorrectly installed updates

Unfortunately, Windows 10 cannot always install updates correctly on its own. Most likely, in this case, you will notice other problems with the computer, for example, severe freezes in system applications, the inability to launch certain functions that previously worked normally, etc.

IN in this case you will have to delete installed update and reinstall it according to the instructions described above. You can remove an incorrectly configured update using the following instructions:

After you delete the last one incorrect update, all you have to do is install it again, but manually, so that it now works normally. Instructions are presented above.

Using the information provided in this article, you can enable or disable "Night mode" in Windows 10, configure its operation and solve possible problems.

Work at night by turning on night mode.

  1. Night mode is available with Windows 10 Creators Update.
  2. Night mode in Windows 10, the idea of ​​​​creating such a mode suggests only one thing, to say thank you to those people who thought of using this in the Windows 10 operating system. Indeed, this mode not only delivers a pleasant sensation but also protects your health, namely your eyesight. When you work at night, with the room lights turned off, looking at the monitor is very straining on your eyes. There is such a remark for health and I heard it a long time ago when I was little, it was about 30 years ago and the year was 1980. So, in order not to spoil your eyesight, watch TV or work on a computer, although then there were no computers like now, but it’s a fact The fact that the TV is not much different from the monitor in this regard is necessary when the room lighting is turned on. This way your eyes don't get strained. When you sit at the computer at night and turn off the light, your eyes begin to get tired. you feel discomfort. Night mode was designed specifically for such cases as working on a computer device at night and with the lights off. It works like this by activating night mode the monitor screen will be warmer, old monitors had this function, and some new ones have it, like color temperature, something similar. In night mode, you can adjust the heat yourself or leave it at default. You can also turn it on yourself by clicking next to the clock in the tray, in the lower right corner, by clicking on the notification icon:
  3. As in the picture above, click on the notification icon and select from the menu that opens night light. This is the simplest and manual mode, but you can spend a couple of minutes and configure the night mode to turn on automatically, which will be more convenient.
  4. Turning on night mode on the machine:
  5. Click on the start button in Windows 10 on the taskbar, but not with the left one, as you usually do, but with the right one, so I revealed to you the secret of another menu in the system. Right-click on the start button and in the menu that opens, click system:
  6. In the system window that opens, select the screen on the left and in the screen menu that opens, find the night light switch, turn it to the on position, then click on the night light parameters hyperlink:
  7. In the night light settings window that opens, you can use the slider to adjust the warmth of the screen. You can configure it to turn on automatically in two ways:
  8. 1.) Enable this by checking the checkbox from dusk to dawn. This method will automatically configure the inclusion of night mode if you have geolocation enabled in Windows. You can turn it on by clicking on the location parameters hyperlink, just below the on/off switch:
  9. 2.) You can set this option for setting up the night mode manually by setting the time to turn it on and off:
  10. In my personal opinion, I used the geolocation mode, the good thing is that when you fly to another country where the time differs from the time you live, the laptop uses the night mode according to the time in which country you are.
  11. Night mode not working? Night mode won't turn on?

  12. If you are faced with the problem that the night mode does not turn on, this may be the case. Let's look at what video driver you have, if not native but from Microsoft ( Basic video driver) then update as expected by inserting the native one from your card.
  13. Also see if you have the mode enabled automatic update video drivers. Disable it otherwise with the exit new version The video driver will be reinstalled with a new one from Microsoft again.
  14. Another option for fixing the night mode problem is using the registry.

  15. To use this option, you will need to go to the registry by typing “Regedit” in the line. The “Run” line can be found in the “start” button in the lower left corner, the menu item is called “Run”.
  16. After opening the "Regedit" editor window, follow the path:
  17. HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/CloudStore/Store/Cache/DefaultAccount

  18. In the "DefaultAccount" section we delete two keys:
  19. $$


  20. Exit the editor and reboot computer device, the partitions themselves are created anew. This fix option will work if the mode switch is not active. But it can also serve as a fix for other situations that arise when problems with night mode in Windows 10.

Hello. After the next Windows updates Very useful functionality has become available to 10 users, allowing them to reduce eye strain. Today you will learn how to activate and disable night Windows mode 10, how to configure it and whether you need to spend your time on it at all.

Night color

A few years ago I installed on my Android smartphone an application that activated a “blue filter” at night to make the image less bright and contrasty. At first I was skeptical about similar software, but in my own example I felt a positive effect. Your eyes didn’t get tired so quickly if you looked at the screen for a long time before going to bed (in general, I don’t recommend using mobile gadgets for a long time late at night).

Now similar functionality is available in Windows 10. The principle of operation is simple: in the evening the color tone of the image shifts from a cold tone (blue) towards a warmer spectrum. As a result, nervous tension decreases, healthy sleep occurs faster, in the morning you feel better, there is no irritation.

Mode activation

To enable the above Windows opportunity 10, required:

  • press the combination on the keyboard Win keys+ A or simply click the mouse cursor in the lower right corner on the notification icon. Several items will appear quick access, among which there will be the item “Night light”:

  • This way you can turn the mode on and off. But there is more convenient option, allowing you to automate the process. To do this you will have to enter the OS settings:
  • Go to the “System” section, and in the new window select the “Screen” tab. On the right you will see a switch that should be activated:

  • Below it there is a link leading to detailed settings. Let's look at them in detail.

  • By moving the color temperature slider, we can change it to obtain shades that are pleasing to the eye.
  • Just below there is a “Schedule” block, where we can enable the schedule and set two temporary values ​​- when the function will be enabled and when it will be deactivated:

  • You can also choose the "From Dusk Till Dawn" option. In this case, the system will set the range automatically based on your location. If in Windows 10 the night mode does not work, does not work according to this principle and gives an error (red text in the screenshot below), then you need to click on the button to change location settings:

I would like to note that the tool described in the article will definitely appeal to those people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. Scientists have proven that bright, cold light promotes wakefulness by reducing the desire to sleep. As a result, you can sit for hours at a laptop, disrupt your body’s routine, and systematic failures can lead to nervousness, irritability, and will have a negative impact on your vision. But warm, soft shades lead to the production of melatonin, resulting in a desire to sleep.

As for me, this is one of the most useful things implemented by Microsoft developers. I strongly advise you to use such developments. Moreover, you already know how to disable night mode in Windows 10 and how to configure it optimally for your eyes.

It is worth noting that if it stops working, you should deactivate it in the settings and then enable it again. Unfortunately, there are still some errors in the work, but next updates they promise to eliminate them.

Sincerely, Victor!

Windows 10 Night Mode

Night mode in the Windows 10 operating system will solve problems caused by bright monitor light in the evening and at night. Bright screen light negatively affects vision and the state of the nervous system.

Appeared in Windows 10 new feature“night mode”, after turning it on, the user can independently adjust the night mode of the screen, selecting the brightness of the computer monitor, which is most suitable for the eyes of a particular person.

Night included Windows mode 10 in the operating system settings is called “Night light”. I think many users will use this useful function, made available in the Windows 10 Creators Update.

How to enable night mode in Windows 10

Night mode for Windows is enabled in the operating system settings.

Go to the Start menu, then Settings, then System. The first option to open from the list is “Display”.

Here, in the “Color” setting, you can immediately turn on “Night light”, or follow the link to “Night light settings” for further settings of the monitor’s night light.

How to set up night mode

In the Night Light Options settings, there is an “Enable Now” button to enable night mode. Screens emit blue light, which makes it difficult to sleep at night. When Night Light is turned on, warmer tones are displayed.

By default, night mode is turned off until sunset (21:00), and then turns on and remains active until sunrise (7:00).

Using the slider, moving it along the “Color temperature at night” scale, experimentally adjust and select the most suitable option for the night light of the monitor.

The user can independently schedule the time when the night mode is turned on and when the night mode needs to be turned off in Windows 10. To do this, in the “Schedule” setting, you need to turn on the “Schedule night color” switch.

If your computer is running a location service, the system may automatically turn on night mode at certain hours, depending on where the user lives.

Many users, for greater security, disable the operating system setting for location detection. In this case, the user independently sets the time to turn on and off the night mode.

Click the mouse cursor on the numbers and select the appropriate hours and minutes to turn the Night Light function on and off.

How to disable night mode

Night mode is disabled in Display settings. In the Night Light setting, toggle the switch to Off.


Using night mode in Windows 10 will preserve vision and reduce the impact of bright colors in the dark on the user's eyes. The Night Light mode changes the color emission characteristics of the monitor screen.

Protect your eyes when working at the computer at night

You don’t need to be a righteous person or a herald of the ultimate truth to understand that night work Use of a computer causes nervous disorders and can be a factor in serious illnesses.

There is no doubt that night rallies on the computer have their own reasons for everyone, and we will not ask the question of what exactly you do on the computer at night and whether your mother knows about it.

Monitor backlight control

The most in a simple way do not expose your eyes to bright light there will be a decrease in the brightness of your screen.

Windows 7 Tools

In Windows 7, this function opens after moving from the “Control Panel” through “System and Security” to “Power Options”:

Move the slider left and right to achieve the brightness value that suits your eyes:

IN laptop computers When “Changing the power plan” there is an option to adjust (using the same sliders) the brightness values ​​at which your monitor will operate on mains power or battery power.

Video card driver

Software setup Screen illumination by accessing the video card is provided for devices from many manufacturers (say, Intel or AMD, etc.).

To start adjusting the screen characteristics using a driver, for example, from Nvidia, you need to call up the context menu with the right mouse in any field of the desktop, select “Control Panel” from the list (when working with different video cards, this menu may differ slightly):

Calling the panel nvidia control

In order to enable the brightness setting, move through “Video” to “Adjust color parameters...” and go to the second point of four (don’t forget to enable the checkbox Nvidia settings). You already know about the “drag and drop” slider function:

Manual adjustment

Any of the stationary displays has a built-in manual adjustment resource. In addition, it is independent of the operating system installed on the PC.

For example, for the LG Flatron display, the manual debugging mode is activated by pressing the “MENU” key, and the movement to adjusting the brightness is done by pressing the “AUTO/SET” button.

Each specific model The display has its own personality and before enabling or disabling any of the options, it is recommended to study the user manual supplied with the device or visit the manufacturer’s website.

Laptops, like desktop displays, are also equipped with control buttons. And they also depend on the manufacturer.

On Lenovo laptops To increase or decrease the screen brightness, use the Fn key in conjunction with one of the “cursor” buttons: “→” or “←”.

Changing the theme and color scheme

Not a bad solution In terms of protecting your eyes from the bright light emanating from the screen, you will use the “Contrast Black” theme on your desktop.

In order for it to turn on in Windows 7, you need to go from the “Start” menu to “Control Panel”, then to “Display”. And select it in “Personalization”.

The selected dark background will be active in all Microsoft applications. For example, Word would become like this:

Dark background in MS Word

You can do the same with the browser. Let's say, select the theme "Late Night" in Google Chrome. To do this in open window browser, select “Theme” in the “Settings” tab. After installation, your eyes will clearly suffer less from brightness.

After you have managed to turn off bright colors on your monitor, you may experience new problem- keyboard lighting. After all, not everyone has blind typing.

Here's an example of a clever solution for highlighting it:

USB keyboard backlight

Software control of screen brightness with f.lux

A fairly common utility for solving the problem that our article is devoted to is the tiny f.lux program. As they say, the spool is small but expensive.

Its essence software solution is to change color range screen from cold to warm spectrum, depending on the time of day.

You can install it not only on Windows, but also on MAC and Android.

After unpacking, the shortcut is launched.

We agree with licensing requirements.

After this, the program window will load. Clicking on the ball in it will give you the opportunity to enter current settings.

As you can see, at night the display will emit a halogen type of lighting, which is closest to daylight (it is sometimes called that). Changing settings will become available after clicking “Change”.

The first launch will be accompanied by a prompt to enter the name of your settlement(must be entered in Latin), which will be reflected on the map:

Now changes in light output from the screen will correspond to sunrise and sunset in your area.

Icon installed application finds a place in the tray. And hovering the cursor over it allows you to see the time remaining before the screen brightness changes:

According to clients who liked the f.lux program, after two to three days of use, a return to normal mode work entails unpleasant sensations, and I really want to return to f.lux.

To watch videos it provides special mode"Movie Mode".

Using graphic products requires disabling it. Otherwise it will be incorrect reproduction chromaticity.

Disables “f.lux” in the tray. First you need to left-click on its icon, and then check the box next to “Disable for one hour”. To enable it, uncheck the box.

Windows 10 Night Light

An equally elegant way to control screen brightness sun rays outside your window will be the use of the night mode feature in Windows 10.

Enable Night Light in Settings Windows systems 10 is located in the “Display” section of the system, which can be accessed from the “Start” menu through “Settings” and “System”.

This is done by setting the switch to the desired position.

When turned on normally without making changes to Extra options sunset time will correspond to nine o'clock in the evening, and sunrise will correspond to seven o'clock in the morning.

You can change these hours yourself by going to “Options”:

Night light options in Windows

Or you can bind it to your real time zone. To do this, the service for determining your coordinates must be activated.

The color scheme for night time, which is optimal for you, can also be adjusted.

You can disable “Night Light” in Windows 10 in the same “Display” settings by moving the switch to the reverse position:

Night light in Windows 10

If for some reason you cannot enable Night Light in Windows 10, disable your antivirus and update your operating system.

We hope that the tips we offer in this article will benefit everyone who reads it, regardless of the operating system used.

Take care of your eyes, try not to overstrain them. Remember that the most valuable thing in this world is health. After all, no amount of money can buy it.

How to enable night mode in windows 10?

Apparently Microsoft couldn’t stand it and decided to add night mode to its Windows 10, like Apple’s, for example - Night Shift. This has become one of the most important, but not very advertised features of the new Windows builds 10 Creators Update, which is already available to everyone. I won’t describe the installation process here; it’s very simple and only takes a couple of clicks.

How to install Windows 10 Creators Update

To get started, download to your PC special application For Upgrade updates Assistant:

Launch the program and wait while it checks the operating system and performs a search suitable version. Then you need to click next several times, wait pre-installation, the system will automatically restart and install everything itself in about 15-20 minutes, depending on the power of your computer.

To enable night mode, you first need to go to settings or all Windows settings(this is not the old Control Panel), then open System and turn on the Night Light option:

Alternative way open this item: 1) On the desktop, click right click mouse and select "Display Settings" 2) Right-click on the start icon, then select System and select screen from the list on the left.

After you have activated the “Night Light” item, click on the link below “Night Light Options”:

Here you can choose for yourself color temperature, varying depending on the characteristics of each display, as well as automatic switching on"Night Light"

Alternatively, you can use the standard dusk to dawn pattern or select specific times for activation and deactivation.

Officially, this update will be sent to all users on April 11, but you can install it now using our link:

Download Windows 10 Update Assistant

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How to enable night mode in Windows 10 Creators Update

With the Windows 10 Creators Update, you can turn on Night Mode, which reduces eye fatigue while working on your computer in the evenings and at night. What is it for and how to enable it?

How to activate night mode on your computer

If you sit late at the computer, you've probably noticed that when the room is dark, your eyes begin to get tired faster from the flickering screen. Moreover, the blue light emitted by the monitor activates our nervous system and drives away sleep. Due to these reasons, many applications have been created, such as f.lux, which provide automatic change color saturation and screen brightness. This feature is now built into the Windows 10 operating system.

Night mode in Windows 10 was introduced to protect the user's eyes and also make it easier to use the computer at late times. Sitting at a computer in a dark room and under the influence of the bright blue light emitted by the monitor can only ward off sleep. These conditions make it more difficult to fall asleep later in the day.

How does the Night Light feature work?

A solution that has been known for a long time is to automatically change the screen backlight to warm dominant colors. Warmer flower temperatures help you fall asleep faster and reduce negative effects night session at the computer. With night mode, you can schedule automatic color changes depending on the time of day and adjust the color temperature.

The Night Light function is available after Windows updates 10 to Creators Update. To use it, open the Start menu and select the gear icon to enter Settings. Then go to the System – Screen section.

WITH right side You will see the “Night Light” function. Move the slider to the "Enabled" position.

Click on the "Night Light Options" link to configure this mode. A screen will appear where you can select the color temperature - you can set it to very warm, medium or low color palette. Using the slider, the palette can be adjusted very precisely.

Of course, the night light feature in Windows 10 does not work right away. As already noted, the mode is used primarily in the evening and at night, so as not to overstrain the eyes before bed. By default, the scheduler option is enabled, which causes the night light to turn on and off depending on the time of day.

By default, the function is activated from 21:00 to 07:00. But you can set the time yourself.

There is also the option to automatically adjust the time based on sunset and sunrise, but this requires location services to be enabled in Windows 10.

You don’t need to be a righteous person or a herald of the ultimate truth to understand that working at a computer at night causes nervous disorders and can be a factor in serious illnesses.

There is no doubt that night rallies on the computer have their own reasons for everyone, and we will not ask the question of what exactly you do on the computer at night and whether your mother knows about it.

The easiest way to avoid exposing your eyes to bright light is to dim your screen.

Windows 7 Tools

In Windows 7, this function opens after moving from the “Control Panel” through “System and Security” to “Power Options”:

Move the slider left and right to achieve the brightness value that suits your eyes:

On laptop computers, when “Changing the power plan” there is an option to adjust (using the same sliders) the brightness values ​​at which your monitor will operate on mains power or battery power.

Video card driver

Software adjustment of screen lighting by accessing the video card is provided for devices from many manufacturers (say, Intel or AMD, etc.).

To start adjusting screen characteristics using a driver, for example, from Nvidia, you need to call up the context menu with the right mouse in any field of the desktop, select “Control Panel” from the list (when working with different video cards, this menu may be slightly different):

In order to enable the brightness setting, move through “Video” to “Adjust color parameters...” and go to the second point out of four (don’t forget to enable the Nvidia settings checkbox). You already know about the “drag and drop” slider function:

Manual adjustment

Any of the stationary displays has a built-in manual adjustment resource. In addition, it is independent of the operating system installed on the PC.

For example, for the LG Flatron display, the manual debugging mode is activated by pressing the “MENU” key, and the movement to adjusting the brightness is done by pressing the “AUTO/SET” button.

According to customers who liked the f.lux program, after two or three days of use, returning to the normal operating mode entails unpleasant sensations, and they really want to return to f.lux.

To watch videos, it has a special “Movie Mode”.

Using graphic products requires disabling it. Otherwise there will be incorrect color reproduction.

Disables “f.lux” in the tray. First you need to left-click on its icon, and then check the box next to “Disable for one hour”. To enable it, uncheck the box.

Windows 10 Night Light

An equally elegant way to subordinate the screen brightness to the sun's rays outside your window is to use the night mode function in Windows 10.

Enabling “Night Light” in Windows 10 system settings is located in the “Display” section of the system, which can be accessed from the “Start” menu through “Settings” and “System”.

This is done by setting the switch to the desired position.

When turned on normally, without making changes to additional parameters, the sunset time will correspond to nine o'clock in the evening, and the sunrise time will correspond to seven o'clock in the morning.

You can change these hours yourself by going to “Options”:

Or you can bind it to your real time zone. To do this, the service for determining your coordinates must be activated.

The color scheme for night time, which is optimal for you, can also be adjusted.

You can disable “Night Light” in Windows 10 in the same “Display” settings by moving the switch to the reverse position:

If for some reason turning on Night Light in Windows 10 is not available to you, disable the antivirus and update the operating system.

We hope that the tips we offer in this article will benefit everyone who reads it, regardless of the operating system used.

Take care of your eyes, try not to overstrain them. Remember that the most valuable thing in this world is health. After all, no amount of money can buy it.

The new one started to irritate me Windows function 10 - “Night Light”. I decided to turn it off, but that was not the case. All parameters for setting the night light are inactive (gray). The on/off switch, the on/off time setting, and the temperature are all set, but it is not possible to change the parameters.


After searching a little on the Internet for solutions, I found only three:

  1. Connect a second monitor and enter the night light settings through it (not every home has 2 or more monitors)
  2. Roll back the system a day and then you can turn it off this function(Not best idea, is not it?)
  3. Make changes in the registry to disable the “Night Light” mode (I liked it the most)

It was the 3rd option that I used, which helped me.

So, what do we need:

Open notepad and copy this text there:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount\$$\Current] "Data"=hex:02,00,00,00,5e, b6,ca,5c,aa,bc,d2,01,00,00,00,00,43,42,01,00,ca,14,\ 0e,15.00,ca,1e,0e,07.00 ,ca,32.00,ca,3c,00.00

Warning. The above method involves changing registry settings. Modifying the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems. Full responsibility for possible consequences When changing the registry, the author is not responsible!

Now let's save this file with any name and extension .reg

After saving the file, go to the folder where we saved it, right-click on it and click “ Merger»

Then operating system once again warns us that this may not be safe ( don't forget, you do this at your own peril and risk, but it helped me)

We agree with the changes and see a message that the data has been successfully entered!

Now let's go to " Options -> Screen"and we see that the night light function is DISABLED!

That's all. I hope that this article Helped you. If you know other ways to eliminate this “glitch”, write in the comments, also write if it helped you this method just like me.