Which google apps can be removed. How to remove stock android apps

Not long ago I started writing a series of articles answering fairly simple questions related to Android that nevertheless arise in the minds of beginners. And here is one of these questions - how to remove applications from your Android device? There are several ways to remove it, I will write about each of them.

Uninstalling Android Apps Using Application Manager

We go to the dispatcher using the following path:
Menu - Settings - Applications
Choose required application and click on it - an application management window appears, in which you can, among other things, delete Android programs u (delete android apps) from your device.

Minus this method deleting applications is that the list shows, among other things, pre-installed applications, which cannot be deleted in this way. But for an unpretentious user who wants to remove an Android program he has installed or delete Android applications, this method is ideal.

Removing Android programs using special programs

How to remove applications for Android using special programs? And where can I download them? Such programs should make the process of removing applications as easy as possible. You can always type into the search Google Play, for example, "Uninstall" and get dozens of applications that allow you to uninstall other applications in your Android devices.

Uninstalling Android programs using file managers

Absolutely any decent file manager should have a tool that allows you to remove applications. It is accessible from the menu: a list of installed programs is displayed, uninstallation occurs with one tap.

Uninstalling Android applications using Google Play

If you installed applications when Google help Play, they are stored in the “My Applications” tab and deleted from there. Just find it and go in - the “Delete” button will be available. If you have installed many applications, just use the search.

Removing Android system programs

To remove Android system applications, you will need root user rights and access to the /system folder. If you have the above, use the program. All installed programs are stored in the /system/app folder. In order to remove a program you need to find it apk file and just delete it.
Be careful, we highly do not recommend doing this!

In one of the editing lessons APK applications Android, why and how to properly integrate applications and services into the operating system, in this lesson we will look at how to properly remove them from the system! Let's get started!

This lesson is a continuation of the Encyclopedia on editing apk.

What is necessary!

  1. Installed Root rights on an Android device
  2. File manager with write access to overwrite the SYSTEM and DATA sections (for example Root Browser)
  3. Apktool – (for beginners)
  4. SmartApkTool – (for beginners)
  5. Notepad++ – (for beginners)

What does it mean for beginners? If you have just started learning about Android and are taking your first steps in this direction, it is better to use these tools to understand the meaning of “how everything works.”

Should I or should I not remove the system application?

They remove the system application, only in order to replace it with a similar one, with a better one. convenient option. If you are deleting in order to increase memory in order to expand memory for installation, then you are very mistaken! The memory and partition for installation can be:

/data/app or /storage/sdcard1

Whereas system applications are in the section /system

If you have updated the system application, suppose Google Maps, then the update will be installed in /data/app, and the old version will remain in /system/app.

Therefore, think carefully, maybe you don’t need to delete the system application, maybe you need to manually embed it?

Theoretical information

System applications and services are located in the SYSTEM section:

/system/app/ name.apk

If the firmware is ODEX or its individual parts, then next to the system application there may be a file similar in name, but with a different resolution:

/system/app/ name.odex

Some files have additional libraries which are located:

/system/lib/ name.so

Various caches and databases of system applications and services are located:

/data/data/ papka_prilogenia

If the firmware is DEODEX or its individual parts, then the files are located:

/data/dalwik-cache/ name.dex

/cache/dalvik-cache/ name.dex

Also on smartphones and tablets Samsung brands As a rule, there is a Preload section, which can contain applications and their odex files.

/preload/system/ name.apk

/preload/system/ name.odex

Plus, again, Samsung has so-called regional non-uninstallable applications that are installed every time if you do full reset data (wipe).

/system/usr/csc/ name-region

Where under name-region there can be the code name of your region, for Russia and the CIS - SER, for Ukraine and the CIS - SEK.

What can be removed from the system?

To this answer, you can find 1000 answers on the Internet that state what is possible and what is not! The correct answer is yours individual approach and preferences! As the line of the great Russian writer A. S. Pushkin says

“and experience, the son of difficult mistakes”

Everything is individual, until you make a couple of mistakes and gain experience, you will not understand what can be deleted and what cannot!

Naturally, there is a small set of rules that can be deleted; if you see a similar name, then there is no need to delete it:

  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • Launcher
  • Settings
  • Phone

Golden Rule

If you delete something, then you should think about how to replace the deleted application with a similar one.

Instructions for removing Android system applications

This instruction is larger than similar ones on the Internet, but it shows how to completely and correctly remove a system application (for beginners)


  1. Open the file manager and copy the application to the memory card, which later needs to be moved to the computer
  2. Open the decompiled application folder
  3. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file using Notepad++ - look for “project name” (package)

5. Please note that there is a LIB folder in the decompiled application, if there is one, pay attention to what files are there.

As you gain experience, these steps will no longer be necessary.

Uninstalling a system application

To make it clear, let's take an imaginary application 1.apk

  1. Delete the application in the /system/app/1.apk section
  2. Delete the ODEX application file if the firmware is coded /system/app/1.odex
  3. We delete libraries if the application had a LIB folder. Go to the /system/lib/ folder and delete the *.SO file(s) of the application
  4. Go to /data/data and delete the application folder (“project name”)
  5. If the firmware was DEODEX then find the DEX application file in /data/dalwik-cache or /cache/dalwik-cache, the application name will be similar to this type system@ This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Now all you have to do is reboot Android and you're done!

Android, like Windows, has system applications and built-in standard programs.

Some of them, the so-called native ones, can be removed, but a standard uninstaller will not work.

You definitely need to acquire root rights and download a program to remove system applications.

Just don’t overdo it, or even better, take care of backup right now, or even better, native firmware.

What and how can I remove standard programs? You need to start from those that load the system and drain the battery.

Today on Android there are dozens of unnecessary system files, which most people never use, therefore, to optimize the system, it would be a good idea to remove them

The best application for uninstalling programs on an Android smartphone or tablet

For me best app to remove programs from Android devices - use Root App remover. You can download it directly on this page.

Among other things, it allows you to manage files that cannot be deleted in the usual way.

One of its most attractive features is the harmless disposal of “garbage”, established by manufacturers to your Android devices.

This "garbage" works in background and occupy the memory of a smartphone or tablet, and this, in turn, has a noticeable impact on the speed of operation.

The mere existence of these apps is not a bad thing. Some of them may be useful.

Worst of all, one fact: these applications cannot be removed from the system without administrator rights.

Obtaining administrator rights is associated with the risk of system damage. Therefore, it is best to simply remove applications that will not cause you any harm.

The ideal tool for this is the program offered here to download Root App remover. A new version has 8 functions.

Features of the Root App remover program in addition to removing applications on Android devices

  • System - here we are dealing with the biggest advantage of Root App Delete.

There you can select the application management mode: pro or beginner. Beginner mode is good for beginners.

Here you can disable system applications, and when we need to, enable them again.

On the other hand, the second mode, Pro, allows you to quickly delete any application, but without the possibility of recovery.

In both modes you can find a list of system files, with a certain color– the color will indicate which ones can be disabled or completely removed without risk.

For example, those marked in red have important for the system and getting rid of them is guaranteed to get problems.

One thing to note is that some of the files white, which means there are no tips. In this case, it is best to look for information on the Internet.

  • Custom - a list of programs you have installed and the ability to remove them all at once.
  • Task Manager - what processes are in this moment are active and consume battery resources. Which processes will be stopped and battery power will no longer be consumed.
  • Application Manager - Provides file name extensions functionality for Android applications.
  • Application freezing - list about current state systems.
  • Scan cache - after scanning the device memory, you can delete the cache in one motion.

Overall, Root App Delete is very easy to use, but you have to be smart. It helps in getting rid of system files and allows you to turn them off.

Note: Using the program incorrectly may damage your system.

Limitations: To remove some or get full functionality, access to the system root is required. Good luck. Download link below.

Android 1.6 and higher



Freeware (free)

Many manufacturers of Android devices also make money by installing so-called bloatware - almost useless applications like a news aggregator or viewer office documents. Most of these programs can be removed in the usual way, but some of them are system ones, and standard means they cannot be removed.

However, advanced users have found methods to remove such firmware using third party tools. Today we want to introduce you to them.

Cleaning the system from unnecessary system applications

Third-party tools that have the option to remove bloatware (and system applications in general) are divided into two groups: the first do this in automatic mode, the latter require manual intervention.

To manipulate system partition You need to get root rights!

Method 1: Titanium Backup

Famous app for Reserve copy programs also allows you to remove built-in components that the user does not need. In addition, the backup function will help you avoid annoying mistakes when, instead of a garbage application, you deleted something critical.

1. Open the application. In the main window, go to the “ Backups» with a single tap.

2. In " Backups» tap on « Change filters».

4. In " Filter by type» mark only « Syst.».

4. Now in the “ Backups» Only built-in applications will be displayed. In them, find the one you want to delete or disable. Tap on it once.

Before any manipulations with the system partition, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of applications that can be safely removed from the firmware! As a rule, this list can be easily found on the Internet!

5. The options menu will open. It gives you several options for what to do with the application.

Uninstalling an application (button " Delete") is a radical measure, almost irreversible. Therefore, if the application just bothers you with notifications, you can turn it off with the “ Freezing» (please note that this feature is only available in paid version Titanium Backup).

If you want to free up memory or are using the free version Titanium Backup, then select the option “ Delete" We recommend that you make a backup copy first so that if problems arise, you can roll back the changes. You can do this with the “ Save».

It also doesn't hurt to make a backup copy of your entire system.

6. If you chose freezing, then when it is finished, the application in the list will be highlighted in blue.

It can be defrosted or removed permanently at any time. If you decide to delete it, a warning will appear in front of you.

Press " Yes».

7. Once the application is uninstalled, it will appear crossed out in the list.

Once you exit Titanium Backup, it will disappear from the list.

Despite its simplicity and convenience, there are limitations free version Titanium Backup may cause you to choose a different option to disable built-in applications.

Method 2: File managers with root access (uninstallation only)

This method includes manual removal software along the way /system/app. Suitable for this purpose are, for example, Root Explorer or ES Explorer. For example, we will use the latter.

1. Once logged into the application, go to its menu. You can do this by clicking on the button with stripes in the upper left corner.

In the list that appears, scroll down and activate the switch " Root Explorer».

2. Return to the file display. Then click on the inscription to the right of the menu button - it may be called “ sdcard" or " Inner memory».

In the pop-up window, select " Device" (may also be called " root»).

3. The root will open system directory. In it, find the folder " system" - as a rule, it is located at the very end.

Enter this folder with a single tap.

4. Next point– folder “ app" Usually she is the first in a row.

Go to this folder.

5. Android users 5.0 and higher will see a list of folders containing both files in APK format, and additional ODEX documents.

Those who use older versions of Android will see APK files and ODEX components separately.

6. To delete a built-in system application on Android 5.0+, simply select the folder with a long tap, then click on the button with the image of a trash can on the toolbar.

Then, in the warning dialog, confirm the deletion by pressing " OK».

7. On Android 4.4 and below, you need to find both APK and ODEX components. As a rule, the names of these files are identical. The sequence for removing them does not differ from that described in step 6 of this method.

8. Done – the unnecessary application has been removed.

There are others Explorer apps, which can use root privileges, so choose any appropriate option. The disadvantages of this method are the need to know exactly the technical name of the software being removed, as well as a high probability of error.

Method 3: System Tools (disable only)

If you do not intend to remove the application, you can disable it in system settings. This is done very simply.

Open " Settings».

2. In a group general settings looking for the item " Application Manager" (can also be called simply " Applications" or " Application Manager»).

3. In " Application Manager" go to the tab " All» and already there find the program you want to disable.

Tap on it once.

4. In the application tab that opens, press the buttons “ Stop" And " Disable».

This action is completely similar to freezing using Titanium Backup, which we mentioned above.

5. If you disabled something wrong - in “ Application Manager" go to the tab " Disabled"(not present in all firmwares).

There, find the incorrectly disabled one and enable it by pressing the corresponding button.

Naturally, this method does not require interfering with the operation of the system by installing Root rights and the consequences of an error when using it are less. However, it can hardly be called a complete solution to the problem.

As you can see, the task of removing system applications is completely solvable, even if it is associated with a number of difficulties.

Android device users regularly wonder how to remove standard (system) applications preinstalled by the manufacturer. Such applications are mostly useless, and often only harm the smartphone or tablet, taking up RAM and permanent memory.

Standard applications accompany most devices, both from well-known companies and not so well known. The problem is that you cannot remove a pre-installed application simply by going to the Android settings. To remove an unnecessary program you will have to put in a little effort. Well, let's find out.

Which Android system applications can be deleted and which cannot?

Many users do not fully understand how it works Android system, having reached the point of deleting applications, it simply sends important services into oblivion, without which a smartphone or other device will completely stop working or function with errors. To avoid undesirable consequences and possible flashing, you should first figure out which standard applications Android devices can be removed, but which ones are best left untouched.

As a rule, you can remove pre-installed shell applications (installed on top of Android) without harm to the system. For example, smartphones Meizu company come with a proprietary Flyme shell, into which they are sewn third party tools. Removing them will not affect the operation of the system - you will simply lose the application.

But when deleting Android system applications, you need to be much more careful. operating system works as a single organism, and the removal of at least one “organ” will affect the performance of others. So, if you accidentally or deliberately delete the standard clock application, you may not be able to set up an alarm clock and many other features in the future.

It would take an entire article to list applications that can be removed without harming Android, especially since on the well-known forum w3bsit3-dns.com users have already compiled a list through their own trial and error.

  1. Go here.
  2. Expand the spoiler “Description of stock programs.”
  3. You'll see a pretty extensive list. system programs For different versions OS Android.

Those applications that can be removed without affecting system functionality are highlighted in green. The names of programs that are best left alone are highlighted in red. In addition, for each application, users added short description consequences of its removal.

Getting rid of factory Android applications: disabling

Do not immediately resort to removing annoying and unnecessary application, which hangs in the background all the time. To save the precious RAM, you just need to disable it in the Android settings.

After disabling the application, it will remain on the device and will continue to take up storage space, but will not be active, without draining the battery or using up RAM.

To disable applications in Android you do not need special knowledge or third-party software. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

  1. go to the “Settings” of the device;
  2. look for the “Applications” item;
  3. from the list installed applications select the one we want to disable;
  4. On the page that opens, click the “Stop” button (in different versions Android OS may have different names, such as "Stop", "Disable", etc.).

Please note that not every application can be disabled. If you don't see the Stop button or it's colored grey colour and is not pressed, which means the system needs this program, and it can only be deactivated by uninstalling it using third-party software and ROOT rights.

Removing Android system applications using ROOT

It is important for any manufacturer that its application is used by the user, so they prevent their removal from the device by simply removing this feature. However, users quickly found a way to remove unnecessary programs through third party support. And the first thing we need to remove Android system applications is superuser rights.

Superuser rights, or ROOT rights, give the user access to many system features that are not available ordinary users. Please note: by obtaining ROOT rights, you may lose the manufacturer's warranty on your device.

Getting ROOT rights is not so much difficult task, as it may seem at first glance. Today there are a lot of programs that allow you to become a superuser literally in one click, in addition, many manufacturers from China equip their smartphones with ROOT rights straight from the factory. The only problem is no universal remedy obtaining ROOT rights for each device. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you explore forums where rooting of devices is discussed.

If we talk about the easiest ways to obtain ROOT rights, then with the best side The “KingRoot” application has proven itself. You can download it absolutely free, it automatically detects your smartphone model and very quickly installs the necessary files.

When deleting Android system applications, do not forget about backups

Perhaps, main mistake What beginners usually do is neglect to create backup copies. Having spent very little time creating a backup, you can be sure that in case of problems, the device will be restored in a matter of minutes.

To create a backup copy of your data, you can use special programs, of which there are plenty today.

For example, Titanium Backup, which has wide functionality and a clear interface, performed well. The program is distributed free of charge.

Delete standard Android applications With using Root Explorer

Having received ROOT rights and done backups data, you can proceed directly to deleting unnecessary programs. Now that you have become a superuser, you can access the directories where system applications are stored. However, you cannot get to them without using a file manager that supports working with ROOT rights. Most suitable option will become a small utility Root Explorer.

So, if everything you need is installed, do the following:

  1. launch Root Explorer;
  2. go to the /system/app folder (data from all standard Android applications is stored in it);
  3. from the list presented, select the applications that need to be removed;
  4. we confirm the actions.

We remind you once again: do not delete applications whose purpose you do not know. Find out what they are for and only then proceed with removal.

It is not necessary to delete applications. For them to stop functioning, it is enough to move them, for example, to a memory card. If problems arise with the performance of the device, you can easily return the application data to its place.

Removing factory Android applications using

The KingRoot utility, which we recommended just above as the simplest way get superuser rights, has quite extensive functionality. Possibilities include deleting both custom and built-in applications. Moreover, this process is as simple as possible:

  1. launch the application;
  2. On the main screen, select “Uninstall programs”;
  3. from the two tabs “Built-in” and “Custom”, select the first;
  4. we remove programs, confirming the actions.
Uninstalling Android system applications using a personal computer

There are quite a few file managers and applications for Android, which in their arsenal have the ability to remove standard applications. But these methods do not help some users. If you are one of them, then the Debloater program can come to the rescue. So:

  1. download the program to your PC;
  2. We look for ADB drivers specifically for your smartphone on thematic forums and install them;
  3. go to the smartphone settings, where we look for the “For Developers” tab and check the box next to “USB debugging”;
  4. now we launch KingRoot (you can’t do without the utility);
  5. in the "Management" tab Root rights" against " ADB program» click “Request”;
  6. in the line that appears, click “Allow”;
  7. we return to our PC and the Debloater program, where we see that it recognized the smartphone;
  8. At the top left, select “Read Device Packages” and wait for the process to complete;
  9. a list of installed applications will appear in the program window;
  10. Check the boxes next to unnecessary programs, click the “Remove” button, then “Apply”.
How to get back deleted stock Android apps

Quite often, users, without thinking, disable or delete applications important to the system, after which the device begins to work with errors, and some features become completely unavailable. The problem is small if you simply disabled the application: just go to “Settings” - “Applications”, select the one you need and reactivate it by clicking the “Run” button.

As a last resort, resetting the settings to factory settings will help.

The situation is worse if you permanently deleted Android applications. However, there is no need to despair. If you followed the advice above and backed up your data, then you just need to restore it by returning the files to the /system/app folder. If you ignored the advice and don’t have copies, then there are two options left:

  • find files from other users;
  • reinstall the operating system.

In the first case, you will have to seek help on forums, where users will easily share copies of files with you. All you have to do is put them in the desired folder. In the second, you will have to start flashing the device.


Not all applications preinstalled by the manufacturer are needed. Most of them simply hang in the background, taking up memory and annoying the user with regular updates and alerts. Fortunately, there are a great many ways to get rid of them today. We tried to select the simplest and most effective ones, which we hope will help our readers. The main thing is not to delete applications whose names you see for the first time.