Red line channel program Bolsheviks. TV channel red line

Many people contact our editorial office with a question: the communists have a new television channel, but how can you watch it?

We answer:

“Red Line” is a 24-hour socio-political television channel that offers viewers an alternative picture of the day, a look at events in the country from the point of view of a working person.

You can watch the channel broadcast in various ways:

1) on the Internet on the page of the official website "Red Line":

You can watch the live broadcast by following the link

Also recorded TV shows of the Red Line can be watched on the official channel

2) by setting up a broadcast from the ABS-2 satellite, which is broadcast in decoded format to the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

How to setup?

Below we publish the broadcast parameters of the channel "Red Line"
Broadcast (translation) language: Russian
Broadcast format: MPEG-4
Satellite: ABS 2
Frequency: 11473 V 22500 FEC: 3/4

For those who do not quite understand what follows from this: below we publish a brief step-by-step channel setup.

I) It is necessary to determine the channel broadcast parameters in the frequency table: (note: for the red line, frequency: 11473 V 22500)

At the same time, you need to make sure that your satellite system is configured to receive satellites that have the desired channels.

II) In the main menu of the receiver we find the antenna settings (installation, installation) item. If there is no such item, in some tuners these settings may be located in the “channel search” item. By entering this menu item, we should find the satellite settings parameters (satellite name, LNB type, DiSEqC, polarization, LNB power supply, signal level and quality scale, etc.). These signatures may vary slightly in different receivers.

III) Click "OK" on the name of the satellite, and from the drop-down list select the desired one (our satellite ABS 2 )

IV) Press the yellow button on the remote control, as a result of which we go to the frequency editing menu.

V) Click the green button (“Add”) and enter the channel’s broadcast parameters according to the frequency table. If such a frequency already exists in the receiver, the tuner will display a corresponding message about this and switch to the specified frequency ( 11473 MHz, SR 22500 , polarization V ,FEC 3/4 )

VI) After all the manipulations, all that remains is to press the red button on the remote control (“Transponder scanning”) and then the “OK” button to search for channels using the specified parameters. Next, using the "EXIT" button on the remote control, we exit all installation menus, while agreeing to save all changes made.

The socio-political TV channel “Red Line” allows you to look at life through the eyes of the working class. The channel covers the latest political and economic news of the country. The presented programs allow you to get acquainted with an alternative point of view and look at the situation in the country from a different perspective.

The channel presents information-analytical, journalistic, educational and educational programs. Feature films, original projects and programs from the “Special Report” series are regularly broadcast. Particular attention is paid to interviews: guests of the TV channel share their point of view about various events and incidents.

According to representatives of the TV channel, the main audience of “Red Line” is thinking people aged 25 to 55 years. Watch the Red Line channel online on our portal, live and in good quality. The TV channel is broadcast free of charge, without registration.

The Red Line channel is a socio-political channel for working people, created with the support of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The TV channel has an audience of more than 22 million people, including 70% with higher education.

Start your day with a live morning discussion program on the Red Line TV channel “Point of View”, which discusses pressing social and political issues that concern all concerned citizens of our country. During the day, watch the historical film chronicle “Lenin in October” about the first days of the revolution. After the news release “Topics of the Day” in the evening online broadcast of the Red Line TV channel, watch programs about the Great October Socialist Revolution, such as “We are ours, we are new...” and “Lenin in 1918”.

On weekends, the Red Line TV channel's program schedule will delight fans of domestic cinema with the broadcast of films and detective series. Online viewing of shopping mall The Red Line will take you back to the past, but at the same time it will not separate you from the present.

Follow the Red Line channel poster so you don’t miss exclusive news from the first mouth. On our website in the “TV program” section you will find the TV broadcast program for today, tomorrow and for the week. There you can also find out what is currently on the Red Line channel..

Don’t be upset if you didn’t have time to watch the original live broadcasts of the Red Line channel on TV, watch online on our website or in the app.

Download the Lime HD TV application on Google play or the AppStore and watch your favorite shows from any device at a time convenient for you. Our application has a number of advantages:

  • -excellent picture quality;
  • -ease of use;
  • -enlarged font for people with poor vision;
  • -the ability to add favorite channels to bookmarks;
  • - archive of broadcasts for several days.

And also, you can sign up for paid subscriptions and get up to 40 new channels on all devices after authorization.