Where can you post your articles? We select external platforms for publishing text content

This is not a catalog of articles, it is not an exchange or a system for posting articles. This is a thematic beginner's help site dedicated to an expanded topic called "Internet Safety"

Post an article on the Internet for free and receive an eternal link to the site

Author's works in the field of content creation, articles, photos, video materials are accepted and can be posted on this resource after careful moderation. Your works will be published on a separate Internet page of this site and will have one indexed link in context and the signature of the author.

Details below.

Why post articles on third-party resources?

Even the best article written for your own websites cannot give the author all the preferences he deserves.

Publishing your article on this site will allow you to receive an additional influx of visitors to you, via a link that will be forever fixed in the text you propose. All sites offering the service of publishing material for free with a link to the author write about this bullshit.

But some modestly keep silent about the fact that the link may well not be indexed Indexing in search engines (web indexing) - the process of adding information (about a site) by a search engine robot to a database, which is subsequently used for (full-text) search for information on indexed sites.
© Wikipedia
and besides the herd of idle spectators increasing failure rate Bounce rate- a term in web analytics that denotes the percentage of visitors who left the site directly from the login page or viewed no more than one page of the site.
© Wikipedia
, does not carry any payload.

And your unique material will only work for the owners of sites who “hosted” an article by an unknown author.

Our capabilities allow you to publish an article with direct links among diverse materials, and with a high probability you will find your niche in the nooks and crannies of this site. The article will definitely correspond to the topic of the category where it will take root (we will try).

Main! You have already found a resource that easily accepts articles for publication and you can get a “bold” link. No donation backlinks or payments required.

Posting an article or offering us news is simple, or rather, you don’t have to do anything (except for writing the article itself, of course).

The material is sent to the administration email (address at the very bottom of the text) of this site, after checking and clarifying negotiations (and where would we be without this), the text either appears on a separate page with its own unique address on the Internet, or does not appear.

It is guaranteed that all materials not accepted for publication will be immediately forgotten and authors will have many chances to propose these opuses to other publications while remaining the owner of the unique content.

You can post your article forever in all categories offered on the pages of our resource. A blog, forum, bulletin board and even photo albums will open their doors, waiting.

Works of journalism, of any subject matter that takes place here, are considered as a priority. Interesting articles that do not fit into any category on the site will be awarded to be the first in a new category.

What articles are accepted for permanent publication?

  • Analytical articles solving a specific problem
  • Only useful content.
  • What types of articles are rejected?

    The following materials will not be published without trial or investigation:

  • Religious nature
  • With a political slant
  • Contrary to the laws of at least one country on planet Earth
  • Advertising articles (not fact. Separate price list)
  • Announcing press releases (Tricky, but short)
  • Reviews of goods, companies and services, sporting events.
  • With uniqueness below 90%
  • Categorically do not fit into the format of this site. (The site is still thematic)
  • Less than 2000 characters
  • An over-optimized article will be subject to merciless trimming
  • Article with affiliate link (Ugh, disgusting)
  • Why can you trust us to publish an article?

  • (11893033519 bytes) Free disk space. Not much, but increasing every day.
  • Hosting tariff paid until 2020-02-04
  • The domain name was paid until 01/04/2020 (according to the laws of the Russian Federation, payment is accepted only for one year)
  • None noindex to your links.
  • TCI above zero
  • Free and no backlink
  • Articles published on the site are carefully checked for the accuracy of the information, web links are checked for the quality of the site.
  • We will correct grammatical or spelling, stylistic and other errors ourselves.
  • The number and quality of advertising blocks on the site will not change.
  • The text is carefully moderated.
  • A detailed explanation of the reasons for the refusal (that we are non-humans or something)
  • Instructions

    To get started, go to the website www.livejournal.com.

    There is nothing complicated in the registration process, just think about your username. It's best if it reflects the direction of your blog.

    You will also be asked to choose a website design. When choosing a design style, avoid bright colors. They strain the eyes and cause negative emotions. If you wish, you can buy an account.

    Buy a paid account only after your magazine begins to gain popularity.

    To do this, select the “new entry” column in the line in the upper left corner.

    A regular editor will open in front of you, where you can paste your text. You can edit text using various built-in tools.

    After this, you will be able to post an unlimited number of articles on your site. It is not difficult to post an article on the Internet; the main thing is to carefully read the posting rules.


    • posting articles on the Internet

    Finding an author for a future book, article, scientific work is a very serious task. When faced with a candidate for the first time, any customer is dealing with a pig in a poke. However, many reputable publishing houses and serious media find authors thanks to open sources, and you are no worse than them. With the right approach to business, everything will work out for you.

    You will need

    • - computer;
    • - Email;
    • - various communicator programs;
    • - registration as an employer on job search sites and freelance exchanges, access to professional social networks and other online communities.


    The first rule is the more information, the better. Describe in as much detail as possible your requirements for the candidate and the terms of cooperation. Imagine what it does to you as a performer. What will be decisive for you? The answers will help reflect the most important nuances in the project description.

    When the ad is ready, place it on as many resources as possible: freelance exchanges, professional communities of journalists, copywriters and other writing fraternities on LiveJournal, the Professionals.ru network and others, even professional communities on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and similar resources, by search work.

    Your proposal will most likely generate a lot of responses. But don't be afraid to drown in this stream. Among them there will be much less worthy of attention. After all, many often react to almost all projects in a row, without really understanding what the customer actually wants. So, feel free to throw proposals that immediately show that they are obviously unsuitable to the trash.

    Contact candidates you are interested in. Study their portfolio (if it is not presented, ask for a link to it, and a serious applicant will offer a link to the work that is closest in topic). If the candidate has an account on the freelance exchange, study his reviews. The presence of negative ones is not necessarily a warning sign. In this case, read what a dissatisfied customer writes, a review left for him by a freelancer, ask the freelancer himself what’s wrong. Don’t hesitate to ask awkward questions like this: the candidate’s reaction to them and the content of the answers will provide a lot of useful information, thanks to which the candidate can strengthen your rating is in your eyes.

    Offer selected candidates a short test task. And having given the proposal to the one who can handle it best, do not completely discard the rest of the applicants who reached the final of your selection. There is a possibility that the selected author will need to be replaced at later stages (both through his fault and due to objective reasons) . And in this case, you will already know who to offer the project to first.

    Video on the topic


    On freelance exchanges, potential performers have great confidence in a customer who has experience on a particular exchange and reviews from the performers with whom he has collaborated. But if you are new to the stock exchange, do not despair: everyone needs to start sometime.

    The key to successful website development is quality content. This can be done using unique articles. Therefore, all webmasters are looking for quality materials on article exchanges. If you have the skills that will help you write a good text, then you can publish it on the Internet and earn money.


    Find an article exchange. This can be done using the appropriate query in the search engine. The most famous are the article exchanges “Advego”, “Etxt”. Register on the site of your choice. The registration process is not complicated, you only need to have your own mailbox. After this, you must select the purpose of your stay on the site. More specifically, the site will ask you to indicate in what capacity you want to work on the resource. Either the author or the customer. Choose the role of the author. In addition to publishing your own articles, such exchanges can give you work in writing material for customers.

    Place your material on the exchange. On your profile page there will be a “Publish Article” menu. Perhaps the menu will be different (article, put up for sale, etc.), but the meaning is the same. After this, a window will open in which you indicate the name of your publication, its category, price, and path to the text file. On some exchanges you will need to copy the text of the article. Take care of the uniqueness and literacy of your . Also, the site on which you will publish the article may require compliance with certain rules. You can read all these rules in the user agreement.

    Publish the article on your website or blog. If you have your own resource on the global network, then it is better to publish the material on it. This will allow your creativity to be seen soon, and you will receive quick appreciation for your creation. In addition, you will attract more users to your resource. You can publish your article using HTML tools or the tools of your engine on which the site is installed. Be sure to attach a comment panel to the text as well. Remember that new materials should be published on the main page. This will provide feedback on your creation. Don't forget to include the keywords of your article.

    Often, various scientific conferences on various topics are held in higher educational institutions. Also, graduate students write articles and then publish them in special collections. It is important to know some rules for formatting such publications.


    Do scientific work. Your original work should be sufficiently voluminous, that is, answer all questions, tasks and goals. In the publication you need to write only the essence, the most important points and a practical solution. The last one is worth dwelling on in more detail. So, make no more than 1 page of abstract on A4 format using Times New Roman 12 font. Alignment should be centered. Try to clearly and concisely present the essence of the study in order to fit into this format. Make several paragraphs (5-7), in each of which write no more than 3-4 sentences.

    Write the main content of the publication. Next, collect all theses together and create the final one. To do this, you will need everything strictly according to: introduction, tasks, theoretical and practical parts, conclusion. Compose your abstract so that after reading this publication you get a clear impression of the essence of the work.

    Create a proper title and subtitle for your publication. The title of a scientific work is usually written in all capital letters and in bold font. For example: VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT IN THE CITY OF PERM. Next comes the subtitle (name of the author and director), which is written in italics and regular font. For example: L.N. Ivanov, Scientific supervisor D.N. Simonova.

    Attach additional materials to your work. In addition to the main part of the publication, you can also add graphs, tables, pictures, etc. These illustrations must be scanned and attached to any part of the work: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

    Make a bibliography. In conclusion, write down the sources that you used when writing your research paper. Select 3-5 of the most significant ones. Number them in alphabetical order. Here is an example of the design of sources: 1. Sazykin, B.V., Operational risk management in a commercial bank / B.V. Sazykin. – M.: Vershina, 2009.


    Registration requirements may vary depending on the educational institution.

    When designing an article in a magazine, a layout designer must solve several problems at once. Emphasize the features of the content of the text without drawing attention to the bright design. Separate the article from others, but maintain the unity of the magazine style. An experienced specialist can kill all the birds with one stone. For beginners, the basic rules of typography and design will help.


    Choose an illustration for the text. Its content should fully correspond to the topic of the article and complement it, and not directly duplicate it. The reader will evaluate the photo as successful if its proportions are close to the golden ratio, and the location on the strip complies with the rules of composition. If necessary, add infographics. The main criteria for its design are conciseness and information content.

    When designing the title, pay attention to the transfer rules. Do not separate prepositions, conjunctions and particles from the words to which they relate. The position of the title relative to the text depends on the goals of the journal and the content of the article. As a rule, it is undesirable to place it in an array of text - this splits the article into random fragments and creates the illusion of a headless publication.

    Choose a font for the title, lead and body text of the article. If the style of the magazine is not experimental, use a classic typeface - Academy, Bodoni, Franklin Gothic, Goudy, Helvetica, Petersburg, Times New Roman, etc. The font size of the main text should be readable - in the range from 8 to 12 points. The standard difference between the title and the text of an article is two points.

    • you get another high-quality link to your site, increasing the link mass, and receiving additional traffic and more trust from search engines;
    • if the article is interesting and you gain wide popularity in narrow circles, this is especially true for independent authors;
    • With your material you can convey information about your company or products to a wide audience;
    • if the selected site has an audience interested in your product, you can get traffic to your site, which can be converted into sales.

    You can publish articles on other sites for a fee - for example, through Miralinks. You can agree with another site to exchange articles with links if your goal is just a link. But if you want to promote yourself, this option will not work. And, of course, everyone wants to save money.

    We hasten to please you: in fact, there are resources on the Internet where you can post articles absolutely free. But you need to prepare well: find such sites and write really good material.

    Next, use these queries to analyze the search results and find suitable sites. Or use platforms likeBuzzSumo – it will help you find popular publications on different platforms. Go to the site itself and see if you can post your post here.

    In principle, every field has its own industry online magazine (or even several), which accepts articles from third-party authors. And you should know about such resources.Another option is to analyze the link mass of competitors (for example, through the service Ahrefs or Serpstat.com.

    Among their links you can find sites where they posted their articles. Why are you worse?

    What to look for when choosing sites so that the publication of an article will be useful?

    1. How much site traffic is high. It is clear that the more the better. If there are few visitors to the site, then your idea will be of no use (especially if your goal is PR or traffic).
    2. How much site audience is active– how many views do you have, how many likes and reposts does the article receive on social networks, do the articles have ratings and how many are there.
    3. How much contenton the site is relevant to your topic. There is no point in choosing sites for content marketing or SEO purposes that do not have your target audience.
    4. Look at website visibility in search– if it is not in the TOP 20 of Google or Yandex for the queries you are interested in, no one will see your article. In this case, there is no point in writing and posting it.

    What you don’t need to look at is the so-called “bellies”: TIC and PR. This is completely unimportant in modern realities. What is important to you is traffic, popularity of the resource, and how your article will look against the background of the rest of the content here.

    What exactly do you need? doesn't fitfor PR, content marketing or getting a link:

    • blog platforms such as LiveJournal (links from them are often closed from indexing);
    • sites that publish only press releases;
    • sites with low traffic;
    • sites that copy other people's content.

    When you have chosen a list of sites, contact the editors, owner or administrator of the site and discuss the possibility of publishing your article.

    Examples of sites where you can publish articles on internet marketing

    Let's move from theory to practice. Let's say we need to get a link to this page:. We want to publish the article on another thematic resource.

    Logically, we need to find sites on our topic - SEO, Internet marketing - with good traffic. And the main thing is that they accept articles for free. Suitable for us:

    A publication about marketing and digital communications. The audience is businessmen, marketers, freelancers. You can send an article with a link to your website (you can either agree on the topic in advance or send ready-made material). The main requirement is that the material is not advertising, but useful for the reader. Cases are accepted with pleasure.

    I published an article here in response to another reader’s publication. Accepted without any problems along with the link. The topic was agreed upon in advance with the editor-in-chief.


    Blog of a large online agency with more than 450 thousand visitors per month. Here you can send interesting articles and cases on Internet marketing. There is a format for publications “for PR” - you can place the necessary link in the article.


    Here you can also send an expert article, longread, interview or review of tools. The main requirement is the usefulness and uniqueness of the material.

    All articles are published free of charge.

    This is the largest site in RuNet dedicated to business, technology, marketing and everything related to it. The audience is businessmen, startupers, IT specialists of all stripes.

    You can write a column here - and it will be a great way to talk about yourself. The site has post-moderation.

    What to write about: everything that has practical benefit for the reader.


    The largest and oldest resource for IT specialists. The audience is programmers, administrators, businessmen, analysts, copywriters and other representatives of IT professions.

    On all these sites we can post our article with a link. The main task is to write material that is good in every sense.

    How to prepare material for publication

    For your article to be accepted, it must be of value to the site you choose. In other words, your article should become another pearl in the collection of content of the donor site, and should be at least as good as what they publish.

    First of all, select a topic. Browse the website, blog - check if articles on the topics you want to offer have been published here before.

    Agree on a topic. Many editors accept ready-made material, but I would recommend first discussing the topic and plan of the article.

    Discuss the presence of a link in the article. A link to your site (if your goal is to receive a link) should look natural in the text and be useful, without keywords with the words “buy”, “order” and the like.

    Think about than you can write vividly, with a sparkle, and something that can really hook the audience of the resource. This is the only way they will remember you (if you want to promote yourself) and want to follow your link (traffic). Obvious topics, overtly advertising articles, and watery articles “from Captain Obvious” will not work.

    How to track results

    There is also nothing wrong with requesting statistics from the site owner.

    Periodically visit the sites where your articles are posted. See the number of ratings, reposts; analyze how the article went on social networks (if it was broadcast there). Read comments and respond to them - this is another chance to earn points for your karma.

    In fact, it’s not so difficult to find a platform for publishing an article as to prepare good material that will be 100% accepted. Be prepared for rejections or lengthy editing of the text. But whoever knocks, the door is opened. Try it, write good articles – and everything will work out!

    How to promote a website with articles?

    Website promotion with articles is the most effective way to promote a resource in search engines. This method consists of writing a thematic article using the necessary keywords and placing links to your resource in it.

    The finished article is posted on information resources, blogs and other sites similar to your topic. The effectiveness of this method lies in the weight of links from posted articles. Since the text around the link and the link itself belong to a homogeneous topic, the link carries more weight and increases the TIC.

    Where to start promoting your website with articles?

    The first step is to write an article. If you are an experienced descriptive writer or, in modern times, a copywriter, then it will not be difficult for you to write it yourself. If you are not one of them, you can order articles on content exchanges such as TextBroker or CopyLancer and others. When ordering an article, you must indicate the title of the article, topic, number of characters and keywords that will be anchor links to your site.

    Another way to get an article is to do it yourself or order a rewrite of the text. Rewriting is simply a presentation of the text in your own words, that is, you take an already existing article and rewrite it in your own way and for yourself.

    When you have an article in hand, you need to provide it with links. We make outgoing links keywords in the text. For greater effect, it is advisable to have no more than two links from the article, usually one to the main page and one to the internal page of the site. You can also put links to two different sites with the same topic, but no more. So, the article is ready for posting.

    Where to post the article?

    First of all, you should start searching for web sites, where to post articles. The choice of site must be taken extremely seriously! The theme of the site should be similar to yours. This will increase the flow of your site's target audience. It also makes sense to choose sites with good TIC and PR indicators, since a link from such resources will transfer part of the weight of this resource to your site, and accordingly, part of the TIC and PR will go into your pocket.

    Where to look for platforms for articles?

    Sites for articles can be found on the forum about search engines. They often offer good platforms for posting articles different topics at reasonable prices.

    You can also use special services that will help you find potential sites for articles. The Liex article exchange, the SeoLink article exchange, the Sape link and article exchange, and the SeoZAVR article exchange will help you. You can choose the optimal platform for your article there. Typically, articles are posted on the site for the entire duration of the existence of this very site, that is, for the entire duration of the resource’s operation.

    Article directories

    Other resources where can I post an article?, are article directories. They do not require a backlink, help promote the site for low- and medium-frequency queries, and contribute to the TIC and PR. The article and links are added to the article directory once and for all.

    If you plan to add articles to catalogs yourself, then prepare a database of article catalogs; you can buy it or assemble it yourself. Articles will also be needed. And since there are many catalogs of articles, it is not possible to find uniquely written articles for everyone; you will have to resort to the services of rewriters and reproduce the article you have.

    It is important to immediately inform the rewriter of all the details of the order: the required number of output articles, the necessary html tags, whether it is necessary to generate article titles and add links, their number per article, whether to incline the link text to increase naturalness, and other requirements. Try not to generate more than sixty articles from the original one, otherwise problems with uniqueness will arise and search engines will glue together non-unique articles, and links from them will lose all weight, and therefore meaning.

    Another way to place articles in catalogs would be to order a run from a professional. The advantages of this method will be the catalog databases, they will definitely be updated, they are cleaned and supplemented by the runners. You also don’t have to waste time on the run itself, and some writers themselves even reproduce (rewrite) your original text of the article, add links and anchors, the main thing is to give them keywords. You can search for developers on Mastertalk, SeachEngine or other forums, in the SEO services section.

    You can post your article for free in article directories. If the article is of high quality and relevant, then other webmasters may want to post it on their website.

    There are also many sites that provide space for articles on specific topics. And if the question arises where can I post a free article?, then ask the search engine, and it will return a list of sites that make this offer, perhaps your topic will be there.

    List of sites where you can post an article for free

    We bring to your attention a list of article directory sites where you can post your article for free. Most article directories post reviews and news from visitors with links to their sites only after a new user logs in or registers.

    Welcome if:

    • You know how to create useful and high-quality content.
    • Love writing for large audiences and receiving feedback.
    • You already understand and plan to further develop in Internet marketing.

    We offer two formats of cooperation: for PR and for a fee. In the first case, we do not pay, but we place a link to your account or website in the signature to the article. In the second, we publish material without links, but buy it for money.

    There are at least three reasons to submit an article for publication on our blog:

    1. Large audience.

    1. Active promotion. We promote all publications on social networks, newsletters and via push notifications.
    2. Good fees. More on this later.

    Content requirements

    It doesn't matter how many characters there are in the article. The benefit and presentation of the material are important. Don't set yourself a goal to reach a certain number of characters. We have both short notes and long reads on our blog:

    • News and humorous publications like “Everyday life of an SMM manager in GIFs” can be studied in 5 minutes.
    • Small articles - like those about Facebook reform, copywriters and entrepreneurs - can be read in 10 minutes.
    • Serious materials, like a fact-checking guide or a complete guide to Google Docs, require half an hour or more.

    Advice: write as much as necessary to fully cover the topic.

    Design requirements, writing tips, rules for communicating with the editors - all this is in the editorial policy. Use the document as a step-by-step guide.

    Amount of monetary reward

    The average royalty is from 3,500 to 12,000 rubles or more. The exact amount is calculated after submitting the text and depends on the quality and completeness of the material provided. For those who work with us on an ongoing basis, the rate may increase.

    Payment is made to Yandex.Money / WebMoney or bank account / card.

    Guest articles (from representatives of services, agencies, etc.) are not paid.

    If the article is not accepted

    If the article can be improved, we send the edits to the author. But it may be that the article does not suit us in any way; there is simply no point in editing it. In such cases, we immediately refuse.

    You must be prepared for such a turn and have a plan “B” - understand what you will do with the material in case of failure.

    We respond to all applications, even if the material is not suitable. If you sent an article but did not receive feedback, peace of mind. Our editors check all articles within 10 working days, so you will definitely receive a response.

    Have you studied statistics, examples of articles, editorial policy and are now ready? Then write on with the note “Diamond from the Heap.”

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