Title, description and keywords meta tags interfere with promotion. Page title - what is it and what should it be? Real examples on WordPress


Defines the title of the document. Element is not part of the document and is not displayed directly on the web page. In the operating system <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/questions/komandy-klavish-na-klaviature-windows-7-kopirovanie-vstavka-teksta-na/">Windows text</a> The header is displayed in the upper left corner of the browser window (Fig. 1). Only one tag is allowed <title>on the document and place it in the container <head> .</p> <p>Rice. 1. Header view <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/customize-windows-10/gde-hranitsya-istoriya-brauzera-firefox-na-pk-vosstanovlenie/">Firefox browser</a></p> <h3>Syntax</h3> <head> <title>Heading

Closing tag



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website - How to write a page title correctly


Tag performs many tasks, both directly and indirectly. The role of the page title is described below.</p> <ul><li>Based on the title text, the user receives <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/internet/tehnologiya-3d-touch-chto-dopolnitelnaya-informaciya-uvedomlenii/">Additional information</a>, what kind of site it is, where it is located and what the current page is called. You should not think that it is enough to indicate the site logo in the document and ignore the title, because the visitor can minimize the window. When collapsed, the title is also displayed on the taskbar buttons, so you can easily navigate which site you are working with. <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/education-and-science/kogda-sozdali-odnoklassniki-kto-vladelec-odnoklassnikov/">this moment</a> work rather than leafing through them one by one.</li> <li>Most browsers support the ability to save a web page to <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/disks-and-files/kak-nastroit-lokalnuyu-set-mezhdu-dvumya-kompyuterami-kak/">local computer</a>. In this case, the name of the saved file is the same as the title of the document. If the header text contains characters that are not allowed in the file name (\ / : * ? "< >|), they will be ignored or automatically replaced with other legal characters.</li> <li>When saving in the “Favorites” section of the browser, the address <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/education-and-science/pechat-tekushchei-stranicy-sochetanie-klavish-v-word-kak-naznachit-goryachie-klavishi-v/">current page</a> with its title is placed in the list of preferred links. Since this list is typically stored as <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/plug-ins-for-browsers/kak-udalit-zapis-s-diska-dvd-rw-kak-udalit-udalennye-faily-s-zhestkogo/">separate files</a>, the above-described rule is also attached to their names.</li> <li>In keyword search results, search engines use the page title to indicate a link to <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/security/kak-rabotaet-poiskovaya-sistema-obzor-programm-dlya-poiska-dokumentov/">this document</a>. An interestingly written title containing <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/problem-with-os/uznat-statistiku-zaprosov-po-klyuchevym-slovam-statistika/">keywords</a>, will attract more attention from visitors and increase the chances that more people will visit the site.</li> </ul> <p><b>title</b>(title) - the most important tag for <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/network-and-internet/osnovnye-kriterii-vnutrennei-optimizacii-teksty-dlya-lyudei/">internal optimization</a> html code of pages. Search engines attach great importance <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/utilities/kak-razmer-shrifta-vliyaet-na-ux-i-konversiyu-chitabelnost-imeet-vazhnoe/">great importance</a> text contained in the title, so this factor should be used as efficiently as possible.</p><p>Syntax: <i><title>Page title

Physically, the content of the title tag is the title of the page, which is displayed in the topmost field of the browser. The title content is also displayed in the results. search engines according to user requests (these are the names of links in search results). Therefore, the title of the page should reflect its essence as succinctly as possible and must contain keywords. Contents for each page title must be unique.

Search engines may not take into account all words contained in the page title, but only a certain amount of the first words (the rest can simply be cut off). These indicators vary from search engine to search engine, and may simply change over time as the algorithm adjusts, so it is highly recommended to place keywords and phrases at the beginning of the title.

It is advisable to include the most important keywords in the first ten words (and 80 characters). In any case, the closer to the beginning, the better.

There is an opinion that it is better to avoid using stop words in the title (and, about, or, I, to, before, not, etc.), since search engines ignore them anyway.

Quote from Yandex help:

"In any language, there are words that occur much more often than others. Words that occur too often to be meaningful for a search are called stop words. Typically, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines Stop words are usually ignored, even if they appear in the query text."

Statistics of requests (or rather impressions) from Yandex fully reflect this rule:

Today, the statistics results for these queries are identical and look like this:

However, search results for the same queries differ quite significantly. According to the first request of the site, the site is now not in the TOP 10 at all, but according to the second - it is in first place:

It is unknown which query is most often typed in Yandex. Search engines return results that are most relevant to a query, taking into account stop words, although they do not display the number of queries with stop words in their statistics.

This screenshot, by the way, is good food for thought. Here is a small analysis of page code optimization performed on it.

If possible, try not to use "stop characters) in title": () - = / \ ! | + _!}
Or, to put it more correctly, try to place keywords in title before the stop characters rather than after them, as it is believed that search engines may give less meaning to words in title, appearing after the stop characters. Although this assumption may be classified as a myth.

It is not advisable to use the same word in the same case and mood several times unless absolutely necessary.

The title must contain meaningful text. Simply listing keywords and phrases can cause sanctions from search engines. In addition, meaningless link text in search results is not at all conducive to getting people to click on it.

The presence of key queries in the title greatly facilitates the subsequent promotion of the site. There is no more significant tag for search engines. And if, without much damage to SEO, you can ignore the use on the page keywords meta tag or highlight tags, for example, then the title tag should never be ignored if you hope to bring your site to the TOP for competitive queries.

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The title tag is a title tag and its content is displayed in the browser header.

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To understand what a title is for, you need to determine what functions it performs. Its main task is to inform search engines about the content of the page.

Where is the title

You need to look for the title tag in the code at the beginning of the page, inside the tag .

Requirements for filling out the title tag

The position of your site in the search results largely depends on whether search engines “understand” what it is about and who it is intended for. This is what the title tells them and why it is so important. When deciding what to write in the title, keep in mind that there are a number of requirements for the wording of this tag, without which you will never “make friends” with search engines.

  • Most frequently asked question– what should be the length of title. The size of the visible part of the title ranges from 55 to 80 characters including spaces. The remaining part will not be visible in the search results, but the search engine will take it into account. Yandex usually shows 70-80 characters, and takes into account the first 15 words of the tag. Google shows 55-70 characters and takes into account 12 words.
  • The meaning of the title should be clear at first glance. Having seen it, the user or search engine should instantly understand what the text is about. It is better if the wording of the tag is catchy.
  • You can include several key queries in the title. It is recommended to put the most frequent one from the group at the beginning. The wording of the sentence in the tag should look natural from a grammatical and stylistic point of view. That is, it should not be a simple listing of keys or a pile of words (just to fit everything in). “Curves” and unreadable key constructions are not allowed.
  • This tag should not duplicate the title of the text that you enclose in the H1 tag. If you want the same query in both the title and title, change the wording; a verbatim match is not allowed.
  • Do not include comma-separated keywords in the title. The search engine may identify your site as overspammed, and you will spend a lot of effort removing it from sanctions.
  • Each document on your site needs its own unique page title. Same tags for different pages have a very bad effect on website promotion.
  • The title tag must be unique. You can’t copy other people’s tags if you don’t want search engines to punish you for plagiarism.

Rules spelling title will help you learn how to fill out this tag as quickly as possible.

Title tag for different sections and pages

First of all, the title tag is formulated for the main page. It usually includes the main highly competitive request. Since this is what will be shown in search engines as a snippet, it is necessary to make its wording as attractive as possible so that the user wants to find out in more detail what is behind it. In fact, such a title works like an advertising slogan.

The remaining titles on the site depend on the content of the pages. To avoid the hassle of deciding what the title should be, you can come up with a template for pages of the same type. Usually it includes the name of the page or section of the catalog and words that attract attention - reviews, photos, cost, discount. This technique can be used by writing a title for product cards, online store sections, and images in the gallery. In title cards they start with the name of the product or words like “buy”, in sections - with its name, in the gallery with the words “images”, “photos”, “examples of work”.

Correct spelling of all tags is extremely important for website promotion. Your investments in promotion will not work until the main tags are verified and corrected, among which title is the main one.

IN Lately The Russian language is significantly enriched by new words, both invented in our country and taken from English. People who often create publications on the Internet often refer to one of the terms that can be classified as borrowed. We are talking about the concept of “title”. What is it? Is it difficult to compose a title correctly? You can learn about this and more by reading this article.

What is this word called?

A title, title or page header is a text element in which the content of a publication is very concisely described. You can see it by looking at the left top corner your browser. This item the program will display the page title. The title of the article you are reading now surprisingly coincides with this title. But after reading our material, you will not have any questions about why this happens.

Title is not required condition for each page (although very desirable). It can only be placed once. For page visitors it is inconspicuous and little used, but from the point of view of promoting the resource in search engine rankings, it is an indispensable element. As many users may have noticed, when entering a query, those links that best match the search are first displayed. And a complete match has a significant impact on the relevance score. And along with it, it also affects the site’s place in search results(it is essential, but not decisive).

It is worth mentioning several of the most common shortcomings when creating a page title.

  1. The first is its elementary absence.
  2. The same title on all pages, which makes it ineffective in terms of website promotion. The best option is to assign as a page title the name of an article, category or task a value that displays the entity “Site Navigation” and the like.
  3. Simple indication of pages: “Main”, “Second”, “Third”...

What else does a page have besides a title?

Categories are additional pages resource. They represent concentrated, highly topical content even within the site. So, if the resource is about trees, then there may be the following categories: “coniferous”, “deciduous”, “fruit”.

Keywords are a thematic direction, information about what exactly is being written about. If we draw an analogy with this article, these are the words “heading”, “title” and “page”. The description deserves special attention.

What is description?

This short description page content, which is up to 150 characters in size (less often up to 300). It is important because it is displayed to users when shown on search engines as summary this part of the site. A pattern emerges here. If you create an attractive description, you will see that it brings more clicks to the site than before. And vice versa. Thanks to this, the title and description are the most important in terms of attracting new users from search engines. But the descriptions must be of high quality and reflect the content of the article, so that the resource does not earn the reputation of a “bad” site.

How to create a high-quality page title?

The right title, which will effectively promote the resource, must meet a number of requirements.

  1. It should contain the most important queries that are also present in the visible part of the page.
  2. Size limit: up to one hundred characters, including spaces. More can be done, but the largest search engines say they are wary of sites with such large titles.
  3. Uniqueness of the words used: no more than two. The fact is that until recently, about ten years ago, the page title played a very important role in determining the position of the site. Therefore, many unscrupulous writers literally filled the contents of pages with keywords. And they didn’t forget the title. Therefore, filters have been introduced that filter out too much repetition of the same words, considering the page to not contain useful information. Therefore, if you decide to create a title that is not correct, but a little “twisted”, you will most likely only make it worse.
  4. Correct writing is a prerequisite. The title must be compiled based on the rules of the Russian language.

How to prepare the correct description?

How to create an attractive description?

  1. It must be correct and comply with the rules and norms of the Russian language.
  2. He must describe the page concisely in such a way that the person who reads the description wants to view all the information.
  3. The description should intersect to a significant extent with the content of the site, because if this does not happen, the visitor will quickly leave, and from the point of view of the search engine, there will be a negative user factor (when readers quickly leave the site, and the search engine believes that the information is of poor quality ).

pages from a programming point of view?

And what is “ main character» articles from a programming point of view? It is created using language HTML markup and is placed at the beginning of the program code after it looks like this:

The page title is written here

If you want to see this with your own eyes, open program code of this page and at the very top you can find the title. It will be displayed in the first ten lines. As you can see, a title is not such a complex concept as one might previously think.

Title and description meta tags are the basis for website promotion in search engines. To achieve good effect in this difficult matter, you should adhere to several rules, which we will consider in this article.

title tag

Is one of the most important tags. Search robots it tells you what your web page is about, the title serves as a kind of title. Optimization work should begin with this tag, as it helps improve positions in search results.

The title tag is indicated at the beginning of the HTML page code and is displayed in the header:

It is also shown in search engine results:

By title title Most users decide whether to go to a site or not, so the tag should be interesting, informative and attractive.

  • The basic information of the tag should be contained in 40-70 characters with spaces. Search engines cut off long titles.
  • Start your title with something important key query, use the exact occurrence of the keyword. Indicate the highest-frequency phrase you selected at the beginning semantic core. If the main goal that the user of the site should achieve is a purchase, then the tag should start with the word “Buy”.
  • Indicate the city of the site in which you work. This is important not only for people, but also for search engines. When ranking, search engines will take into account the specified city, and users will understand whether your company is suitable for its territorial location. But if you work in several cities or make deliveries throughout Russia, it is better not to list cities.
  • Don't oversaturate title key In other words, just 1-3 queries are enough for which the page is optimized. For example, the title “Buying a car, buying a car quickly, urgent buying a car” is over-spammed and unattractive to potential customers. Add a benefit that differentiates you and excites you potential client; indicate the city of location. When optimizing, always focus on people, not robots. For example, the Title “Urgent car purchase in Moscow within 24 hours” is more effective.
  • The title within the site must be unique, compiled for each page and reflect its content.
  • Do not overuse safe words: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and particles. But to increase the readability of the title, it is better to include them in the tag text.
  • Do not use special characters (“”= ()/ \ | + _) and punctuation marks (- . ! ?).
  • Do not include the company name in the title as it is not a significant keyword. But if you have famous brand, then you can specify it. Also, do not write down the site URL and such “useless words” as “ Home page", "About company".
  • Compose the title tag for people according to all the rules of the Russian language; the title should be catchy and attractive.

Description tag

Search engines generate a snippet from the content of the description tag and/or from the content on the page, depending on the search query.

  • The tag length should not exceed 150-250 characters including spaces.
  • The tag must describe the content specific page resource.
  • Please indicate the most important information, placing keywords at the beginning of the tag. It is important that the request is in the initial word form, that is, you must use the request “buy an air conditioner” and not “buy an air conditioner”.
  • Description should not repeat title. The description should serve as a continuation of the title, revealing it in more detail.
  • Must be written for people.
  • The description must be unique for each page.
  • Should not be spammed with key queries.
  • Indicate the benefits of your company or resource to catch the attention of users and stand out among competitors.
  • Add calls to action, they motivate people to make a purchase, order services, etc. The tags also contain attractive emojis.
  • Avoid banal phrases " low prices», « high quality" and so on. Distinguish yourself from your competitors by being unique; this applies not only to title and description meta tags, but also to texts on the site.
  • Do not use special characters or stop words.
  • Do not include the site URL.
  • If you did not indicate the company name in the title, you can add it to the description. The description has more characters allowed, and the title can be used to remind you of your brand and improve its recognition.

Title and description for online stores

Compose competently unique title and description tags for a corporate website and resources where there are not too many a large number of pages, easy. But what to do when your project is an online store with a huge amount goods?

In this case, I recommend using templates to automatically generate title and description tags; this scheme will avoid duplicating tags. Of course, your title and description will not be ideal from an optimization point of view, but you will avoid complete duplicates and will not forget about the inclusion of important key queries.

You can create a Title tag for product cards in an online store using the following templates:

  1. “Product Name” is inexpensive in the “Name” online store.
  2. “Product name” buy inexpensively in “City name”.
  3. Buy “product name” in “City name” with delivery.

As a Description template for an online store, you can use:

  • “Product name” from “price from product card” with free shipping.
  • Use a call to action at the end of the tag, e.g. “Order from the Store Name store.”