Urine analyzers. Use of urine analyzers in qualitative prevention research

Urinalysis is one of the most important diagnostic tests. With its help, you can determine not only deviations from the norm in the functioning of the urinary system, but also identify a number of other serious diseases. Based on this analysis, an experienced doctor can confirm or deny the presence of a large number of different ailments in a patient.

Types of urine analyzers

In the past, all laboratory tests of urine were carried out manually, so this process was quite labor-intensive, and its results were not always objective. With the advent of automatic and semi-automatic urine analyzers, it has become possible to quickly obtain more accurate data and identify even minor deviations in the composition of urine.

Semi-automatic analyzers, as a rule, are small in size and can operate both from the mains and autonomously (with the help of batteries). They are simple and reliable in operation, do not require additional special maintenance, do not require long preparation for work, and display the results of the analysis performed on the display (they can, like automatic analyzers, transfer data to paper).

Automatic analyzers make it possible to conduct a complete automated urine examination in a short time. At the same time, the reliability and validity of the analysis performed is significantly increased. The process itself is quite simple. It is enough to place the test strip in the automatic feeder, which will load it into the measuring module. There, the device will very quickly scan the strip and then display the result on the monitor. The strip itself will go into a special waste collection container.

Features of automatic and semi-automatic analyzers

The digital system built into the semi-automatic analyzer completely eliminates any errors during the research process. With the help of such analyzers, it is possible to very quickly obtain analysis results for several parameters at once. The productivity of the devices is from 120 to 150 tests in one hour. Loading is carried out one strip at a time. Semi-automatic memory - up to 1000 results. Compared to automatic analyzers, the price of semi-automatic devices is significantly lower.

The performance of an automatic urine analyzer is several times higher than that of a semi-automatic device. It performs approximately 500 analyzes on 10 parameters per hour. The advantages of automatic equipment for urine analysis are the high accuracy of the tests performed, the speed of the study and ease of use. Automatic analyzers with the ability to connect to a computer are especially convenient. Full automation of such devices minimizes the participation of personnel and significantly reduces the time of analysis, which completely eliminates the unreliability or subjectivity of the information received.

Automatic devices, unlike semi-automatic ones, enter all the required research parameters independently, and the finished results are transferred to the computer memory. This greatly simplifies the processing and transmission of data, as well as their storage.

Express urine analyzers

Urinalysis has become a mandatory procedure in medicine. The use of dry reagent test strips is one of the most widely used testing techniques in Europe and the USA.

We offer urine analyzers for the analysis of total protein, sediment, glucose and other urine parameters, manufactured by TECO Diagnostics (USA) and Siemens Diagnostics (USA) (formerly Bayer Diagnostics), a company that is a world leader in medicinal chemistry and has a leading position in the fields outpatient analyses, laboratory automation and cellular diagnostics.

Automatic urine analyzers operating on special test strips will help increase the working capabilities of any clinical laboratory.

With their help, you can simultaneously conduct research on several parameters. At the same time, the devices are characterized by high accuracy of the results obtained, ease of use and speed of analysis.

Characteristics of the AM 2100 express analyzer

The use of the am 2100 express urine analyzer is based on the use of special test strips on which various reagents are applied. The device operates on the principle of reflex photometry, productivity – up to 90 studies in 1 hour.

The urine analyzer operates autonomously from the network; in parallel, it can be connected to a personal computer to organize data. Additionally, a printer is attached to the analyzer to print the results.

A distinctive feature of the device is that it is compatible with test strips from all existing manufacturers. Therefore, there is no need to purchase specific consumables. As a result, the price of the analysis will not be inflated.

A urine analyzer is used to determine the following parameters:

  • urine density;
  • reaction (acidic, alkaline, neutral);
  • glucose;
  • acetone;
  • urobilinogen;
  • ascorbic acid;

The main advantage of the analyzer is the rapid execution of studies of various levels of complexity. No special training is required to operate the device; just read the instructions for use. If necessary, the device is calibrated to determine additional parameters - drugs and alcohol.

Uriscan Pro and Uriscan Optima

The Uriscan Pro urine analyzer is a highly efficient device characterized by high performance. Allows you to process about 700 material samples within 60 minutes.

The device has a built-in internal memory, thanks to which the results of more than 2,000 thousand tests are stored.

The device does not require frequent setup. The required range of research is determined based on which test strips are used.

In this case, you can get up to 13 indicators in a matter of seconds. It is possible to carry out both simple analysis and increased complexity, which requires obtaining the maximum number of parameters.

The Uriscan Optima urine analyzer has the same technical characteristics, but is characterized by a slower analysis speed. If desired, you can choose 1 of 2 modes - standard (up to 36 analyzes per hour) and accelerated (up to 700 analyzes per hour).

What types of urine analyzers are there with test strips?

Urine analyzer on test strips uri-tex is a semi-automated device. It is small in size and easy to use. To obtain an analysis, 1 minute is enough. Up to 2 thousand results are stored in the device’s memory.

The device can use not only standard test strips, but also additional ones designed to determine individual parameters - and hypercalciuria.

The urine analyzer on test strips uri-tex vet is used to test urine for pets and cattle. The device is controlled using a touch screen.

A printer is connected to the device via a USB input, thanks to which the results are printed on a form. Productivity is 45 analyzes per hour.

If necessary, the device operates in express mode, in which research is significantly accelerated - up to 120 per hour.

The analyzer kit includes special software designed for connection to a personal computer. This makes it possible to systematize the results in electronic form and create an archive.

Automatic devices are an ideal option for express diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system. Suitable for use both in large diagnostic centers and in small laboratories and even in pre-medical reception rooms.

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A device that allows you to study the composition of urine with high accuracy and speed in an automatic position is called an express urine analyzer. As a result, laboratory efficiency increases. A general urine test is a standard laboratory test for diagnosing diseases. Urine examination makes it possible to diagnose the immune system, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

Main types of examinations and types of analyzers

For express testing, automatic urine analyzers from various manufacturers are used: AM 2100, DocUReader, laura smart, Dirui H-100, Uriscan Optima, URiSCAN PRO, as well as visual test strips “Uriscan”. Using automatic express analyzers, a rapid test of human urine is carried out. Thanks to the express analysis, the laboratory technician receives information about whether blood and urine tests are normal or not.

There are 3 types of apparatus for urine analysis: portable, semi-automatic and automatic. Using a semi-automatic analyzer, approximately 500 tests are prepared per hour. The time spent is up to 10 seconds for each analysis. Controlled via touch display.

Main functions

The analyzer helps to get a ready answer at the patient’s bedside.

Using the device you can perform the following functions:

  • print reports;
  • view analysis of results;
  • save data from up to 500 patients in the analyzer’s flash memory;
  • create a file for each individual patient.

Testing and getting a ready answer is simple. A drop of urine is applied to the test strip and inserted into the analyzer. The device calculates analysis parameters based on a special program. Using portable analyzers, analysis is performed at the patient's bedside. It is determined within a minute. These devices are in great demand among doctors and laboratory technicians. A device of any type determines the following quantitative indicators:

  • urobilinogen;
  • leukocytes;
  • nitrates;
  • bilirubin;
  • glucose;
  • relative density of urine;
  • the presence of protein in the urine.

Test strips for studying general urine analysis are called visual indicator strips. Their use does not require special medical knowledge. Test strip analysis takes 3-5 minutes. Read the results visually. Compare the colored (in case of a positive answer) indicator part of the strip with the colored grid drawn on the packaging.

Principles of collection for urine testing

For an accurate and reliable result, you need to correctly collect urine.

All urine tests that are prescribed to patients are divided into special and planned. In order for the analysis to be reliable and to be able to identify disorders of the genitourinary system, it must be collected correctly. The main factors that influence a general urine test are:

  • violation of sterility when collecting material;
  • long-term storage before delivery to the laboratory;
  • strong physical activity before the procedure;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • urethral injuries;
  • taking diuretic medications.

Popular brands of express urine analyzers

Device AM 2100

Biochemical "AM-2100" automatic type. AM 2100 prints results via a built-in printer. Up to 90 tests are performed per hour. Waiting time for response - 30 seconds. Continuous 8-hour operation. Operating mode - 2 min. Power consumption 25 W. The service life of the analyzer is 5 years.

DocUReader device

This compact, portable device requires test strips to operate.

Compact express urine analyzer - DocUReader. The test strips are pulled into the machine where they are processed. DocUReader is equipped with a special computer program, as well as an optical measuring head with waves of different lengths, which provides accurate rapid analyzes. Such a device allows doctors to quickly obtain results and provide timely medical care to the patient. Features of DocUReader:

  • controlled by pressing one button;
  • throughput up to 40 tests per hour;
  • economical;
  • a large percentage of determination of components;
  • LabStrip U11+ test strips;
  • built-in printer;
  • access to a computer.

Qualitative and quantitative laboratory testing of urine is one of the ways to diagnose diseases of the excretory, digestive, cardiovascular and other body systems. Serves to identify the disease at the very beginning and the possibility of timely initiation of treatment. Semi-automatic and automatic urinary analyzers URILIT are devices that are recommended to be purchased for testing in medical centers and laboratories.

Principle of operation

Biochemical research is carried out using test strips, onto which special reagents are applied that interact with the components of the biological fluid. The test strip, immersed in urine for the time indicated in the instructions, changes color. The color change is read by electronic photometers, which eliminates technical errors in decoding. The test results are stored in the memory of a semi-automatic or automatic urine analyzer.

Advantages of using devices:

  • high performance;
  • convenience;
  • easy interpretation of results;
  • possibility of prompt printing of research results.

Range of urine strip analyzers for medical centers and laboratories

The Corway company suggests choosing the URILIT brand model that is most suitable for a specific flow of visitors:

  • Urine analyzer URILIT Allows you to determine nitrites, ascorbic acid, glucose, protein, specific gravity, leukocytes, blood, calcium, microalbumin, bilirubin. This semi-automatic device has compact dimensions, a large TFT liquid crystal display, two analysis speeds (60 and 120 tests per hour), and a built-in printer. Possibility of connecting to a computer via RS232 and an external printer is provided.
  • URILIT-500C. Semi-automatic analyzer with high productivity - 520 tests per hour. It has a large memory block - 9999 tests.
  • URILIT-1280. Device for automatic examination using a microscope. In combination with the URILIT-1600 model it forms a urinary station. The printer is an external laser. 19-inch diagonal color display.
  • URILIT-1600. Fully automated device that accurately dispenses the liquid sample with automatic supply of test strips and sample. Productivity – up to 300 studies per hour.

The Corvey company offers to buy semi-automatic or automatic urinary analyzers; upon request, you can find out prices for medical equipment. The cost depends on the level of process automation, productivity, and design features.

A urine analyzer is an electronic, automatic or semi-automatic device that allows you to quickly study biomaterial according to specified parameters. A urine test is one of the mandatory tests that is prescribed to a patient when going to the hospital. The process of urine analysis has always been routine and labor-intensive, but the use of devices ensures prompt data acquisition and reliable results, eliminating errors and inaccuracies.

Classification of urine analyzers

Analyzers can be divided according to the following parameters:

  • To size.
  • To automate the process.
  • In terms of performance.
  • According to the research method.

By size:

  • portable;
  • mobile;
  • stationary.

Portable devices fit in the palm of your hand and can be carried with you, designed for home use. Such models do not have a built-in thermal printer; the results are displayed on the LCD display. Test strips are used for testing. Mobile devices are more professional, weigh from 1.5 to 2.5 kilograms and have a built-in thermal printer, which allows them to be used right at the patient’s bedside. Such analyzers are especially popular among field specialists. Stationary models are high-performance, have dimensions and characteristics that are inconvenient for constant transportation, and therefore are used in laboratories of various levels.
For process automation:

  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic.

The main difference is in the sample submission process. For semi-automatic instruments, the preparation and submission of samples to the compartment is carried out by a laboratory assistant; one sample is supplied for each study. In automatic models, samples are placed in groups, these can be racks with test tubes or carousels with test strips. This method significantly reduces processing time, which is especially important in laboratories and clinics with a large flow of biomaterials.
By performance:

  • up to 20 tests per hour;
  • up to 150 tests per hour;
  • up to 1000 tests per hour.

A performance of up to 20 tests per hour is typical for portable devices. The equipment produces up to 150 tests per hour, suitable for small clinics and laboratories. High-performance analyzers are designed for laboratories, centers and clinics with high traffic volumes.

According to the research method:

  • based on the dry chemistry method;
  • based on flow analysis;
  • complex methods of analysis.

For analysis using the dry chemistry method, special test strips with applied reagents are used, which change color upon contact with liquid. In flow analysis, a quantitative count of elements and microorganisms in urine per unit volume is carried out. Allows you to identify diseases that occur covertly. Complex analysis methods use instruments that combine different techniques. This allows you to more fully assess the condition of the body.

Areas of application of analyzers

They are used both privately and in regional medical centers, laboratories and clinics at various levels. Suitable for use in remote communities where there are no doctors and monitoring of indicators is necessary. They allow you to quickly identify drug and alcohol intoxication and are included in the list of necessary equipment for visiting specialists in drug treatment clinics. A number of standard models are suitable for use in veterinary medicine, but there are special modifications for this area.

The analyzers are convenient and easy to use. When purchasing a device from a specialized company, managers will provide the necessary instructions on how to use the equipment. A detailed description of the operation and maintenance of the device is in the attached instructions.

Popular brands

The Russian medical equipment market is represented by many brands of analyzers. A large selection makes it possible to select and buy a device that best suits the requirements and capabilities of the institution.

Urine analyzers for private clinics, small laboratories, mobile medical services:

  • AM 2100 is a semi-automatic mobile express analyzer made in Russia, weighing 2.2 kg. Conducts analysis from 1 to 11 parameters, test strips are suitable from different manufacturers. Capacity up to 90 tests per hour. A special modification “BEE-SURE-S” allows you to determine the content of alcoholic and narcotic substances in urine.
  • Clinitek Status plus is a compact device with a large display, weighing 1.66 kg, analyzes 10 urine indicators, and is equipped with special cassettes for examining the urine of pregnant women.
  • Laura Smart - has two modes for processing test strips: normal - 60 analyzes per hour, and accelerated - 240 analyses.
  • A number of devices have similar characteristics: DocUReader 2 Pro, Uriscan Optima, Dirui H-100, URILIT 150, URISYS 1100. The operation of these devices is based on the dry chemistry method using test strips with reagents, they are light in weight and easy to transport.

Analyzers for large medical centers and laboratories

Laboratories and regional medical centers with significant traffic require equipment capable of processing large volumes of samples:

  • Automatic urinary analyzers from the Japanese company Sysmex are presented in three models, have extensive characteristics and are capable of providing a complete urine analysis in five minutes without additional research.
  • UF-1000i and UF-500i - analyze material in two directions - bacteriological and urine sediment examination. Within a few minutes it is possible to determine the vtc indicator, urinary tract infection, and also identify inflammation, infection or mycosis. Productivity up to 100 samples per hour for the UF-1000i, and 60 analyzes per hour for the UF-500i.
  • The UX-2000 combines strip and cellular analysis. You can use each analysis separately or combine it to obtain a full range of urine data. This device performs up to 150 tests per hour.
  • A Klinitek brand device, Atlas, is an automatic analyzer that performs analysis according to 12 criteria. It has a unique sample supply system, which reduces loading time and eliminates interruptions in work; processing of 1 analysis lasts 16 seconds. The results are displayed or printed.
  • LabUMat, Iris IQ-200, Urilit-150 devices have similar characteristics.

Significance in diagnosis

A general urine test is one of the primary studies, which reveals abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Urine is suitable for analysis within 2 hours after collection, since organic compounds break down into simpler ones over time, and this leads to incorrect data. The use of analyzers allows you to quickly and reliably identify deviations in the functioning of the body. Based on the results, a diagnosis is established, signs of the disease are identified in the early stages, monitoring the patient’s condition and assessing the effectiveness of treatment are simplified.

Principle of operation

Most urine analyzers use the “dry chemistry” method. It is simple and requires a minimum of preparation and action from the laboratory assistant. The source of information is a test strip with applied reagents; they can be from 1 to 14. The strip is treated with urine, then placed in the apparatus. The feedback of indicators on the biomaterial is read by special optical elements, then the data enters the module, which collects the information and converts it into digital form. Next, a comparative analysis of the obtained data with the normative ones takes place and the final information is displayed on the screen or printed.
The analysis is deciphered by a doctor, but special programs have been developed for a number of models that integrate with a computer. Using this software, you can immediately get feedback on the pathology and a description of the possible causes of its manifestation. If it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can decipher the data online using special resources.