Designing the VKontakte community: the most detailed guide in RuNet for a group or public page. How to design and decorate a VKontakte page

The popularity of the Odnoklassniki network is undoubtedly great. Thanks to this site, many found each other after decades. And now communication with former classmates gives a lot of pleasure to some of them. But at present, the site is interesting not only because you can communicate, here you can learn a lot of useful and interesting information. And, of course, many users dream of having their ball page beautifully designed. Let's look at how to decorate a page in Odnoklassniki.

Decoration of the Odnoklassniki page

The site administration provides the opportunity for each user to change the design theme, thereby decorating their page. It can be made unique, inimitable and bright. For this purpose, the designers of the social network prepared and developed more than forty excellent unique designs. You can choose any one and set it on your page as a cover. To do this you need:

  • Log in to your Odnoklassniki page.
  • Find on the right top corner link in the form of a colorful rainbow circle.
  • Hover your cursor over it and the “Decorate your page” link will appear.
  • Click on this link.
  • will appear before you various topics, which you can apply to your page.
  • Having chosen the design you like, you need to click on the “Install” button; if you want a different design, click “Select another theme”.

If you want to remove from your profile earlier established theme, you need to click on the same link and select the standard design. Therefore, before you decorate Odnoklassniki, you should think about whether you need to do this. The site developers always take into account the wishes of their users, so they are constantly preparing new additions and improvements. Group administrators are also given the opportunity to decorate their group’s page; this can be done for free by following the “Decorate your group” link. You can choose the theme you like from the catalog provided.

Name decoration

Many people pay attention to the fact that some users of the Odnoklassniki network have their first and last names framed beautiful symbols. Let's look at how to decorate a page in Odnoklassniki by writing your name beautifully. This can be done in three ways:

Now you know how to decorate Odnoklassniki using various themes and interesting symbols. This will allow you to make your page individual, reflecting your mood and inner world. We wish you good luck and be individual!

VKontakte - how to beautifully design your page

In one of the posts I made a request. And she promised to write for those who are interested in how to beautifully design your profile on this social network.

If you have your own page on the VKontakte social network, you can easily change it appearance by changing the theme. It's not at all difficult to do this. You can use a simple program Get Styles , which is accessible to any beginner. To do this you will need:

  • download and install this free program;
  • go to the website of the specified program and install any theme you like;
  • If desired, it is easy to return the standard theme or change the design.

For comparison, three pictures of my VKontakte page: the first one is in standard design, the next two are in different options new topics. Agree, there is a difference. Bright design is clearly more advantageous.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to beautifully design your VKontakte page in pictures.

1. Enter the site address in the browser bar (indicated by the first blue arrow). And select one of the addresses, for example, I clicked on the second one.

2. A similar page will open.

3. In the upper left corner you will see an invitation to download the program. Click directly on this window.

4. On the computer, the following icon will appear on the desktop after downloading. Let's click on it, i.e. Let's start the process of installing the program on your computer.

5. Here I abandoned the point " Full installation", clicking on "Settings parameters" (highlighted with a red square). The window immediately became active, I unchecked both items "Install Yandex home page..." and "Set Yandex as default search...", because I already use the Yandex browser. You act at your own discretion. The cry is "Next".

6. At this stage, I also did not agree to the offer “Install Plusmo...”, unchecking the box.Clicked "Install".

7. We see congratulations - that’s it, the program is ready to work.

8. Now comes the fun part. We go to the site and see on the left a list of topics for your choice.To see how your page will look with new topic, click first on the picture itself, it will enlarge. If you liked the topic, dTo install, click “Apply” (shown by the blue arrow).

Among all the opportunities that the Odnoklassniki website provides its users, there is also a personalization function, that is, changing the appearance of your profile. In this article we will look at how to decorate a page using special design themes.

Getting rid of the standard theme

You can make your Odnoklassniki profile more interesting and memorable by replacing the standard background with another one. To do this, go to the menu called “More”. Then click on the inscription: “Themes” in the drop-down list.

You can also go to the list of designs by clicking on the circle with a palette and the “Decorate your page” link located above the list of friends. Choose the design you like from the ones offered and see how the appearance of the profile changes. Confirm the choice of design by clicking “Install” or select a different design.

The change function is available to all Odnoklassniki users for free. Unfortunately, the choice of profile design is small: several animated backgrounds and about seven dozen static images. Come back to same design website is even easier than changing it. We go to the list of topics through the “More” menu or via the “Decorate your page” link.

Click on the first theme, called “Standard”.

Click “Install”.

Decorating the group page

Administrators of groups with more than 10 thousand subscribers and official pages public people, brands or companies have the opportunity to add their own themes.

  1. Follow the link “Decorate the group page.”

  1. Click on the words “Upload a theme for the group” and, following the prompts, upload three images to the site for the new skin in jpg formats or png.

  1. We wait for the topic to pass moderation and install it on the group page.

In order for a self-created design to be approved by Odnoklassniki moderators, you need to take into account several points:

  • the main image, repeating background and skin cover must be in harmony with each other;
  • the maximum height of the top image is no more than 140 pixels;
  • The main image should blend into the background smoothly and without obvious joints.

Can I set my own theme?

In answers to frequently asked questions, Odnoklassniki developers clarify that it is impossible to upload your own skin. However, resourceful users figured out how to install their own theme in Odnoklassniki using third party software. For these purposes, the OkTools browser plugin is used. It can be downloaded for any web browser.

Click “Install Now”.

Click “Add to FireFox” and confirm the installation.

After restarting the browser the plugin will add new element in the website menu.

Do you want to know if you can beautifully design your web page in Odnoklassniki, but you have no idea how. Let's look at beautifully designed classmates using covers from the proposed topics, inside the social network. networks, as well as creating groups with uploading your images and logos.

Having relatively good popularity and its own target audience, social network Odnoklassniki, like other popular sites, are working on the internal design of the site. It is based on the convenience and simplicity of designing your favorite page or community. Let's start the review with the simplest and end with the more complex, so that everyone can find the answer to how to make beautifully designed classmates.

Topics beautifully designed in Odnoklassniki

It’s worth starting from the technical side, and step by step how to install a beautifully designed image on your page, of course, directly displayed in the background and at the top of your profile. Any, and especially multilingual social. The Odnoklassniki network is trying to create the most convenient, original, and unlike analogue user interface functions. And now we will look at how to change the theme on your page completely free of charge, thereby creating beautifully designed classmates.

To do this, you need to log in to Odnoklassniki, now using the example with step by step guide, which contains an image and description, consider two options for moving to a page with themes for designing your page.

Option 1.

Go to your page, to do this, use the top right menu, click on the “My Page” link.


We already have a theme selected, as you can see in the image above. The design theme is called “It’s Warm With Us,” very actual topic on the winter New Year holidays and, as a result, beautifully decorated classmates.

Let's move on and move on to the most important part, how to get to the design section. Right below the site search, there is an active circle with rainbow colors inside. We hover the cursor over it and the circle, rolling to the side, opens an active field with a link to a page where you can select design themes.

Having made a click, we get to the page - Design Themes, it is this page that makes beautifully designed classmates. Let's see how you can install this or that image presented in the Odnoklassniki gallery.

The selection is very impressive both in quantity and in originality. Odnoklassniki offers one hundred and forty, beautifully drawn themes for design. They combine pastel colors associated with lightness and simplicity, styles from cartoons and Russian cinema, as well as fashionably drawn pictures and thematic images, each theme is accompanied by its own individual name.

Let's install one of the images we like together. To do this, from the current catalog, select the theme “Animal Paths” and make an active click on the image you like.

After which, in a pop-up window, the example image will be adapted to your Odnoklassniki page and will now look like the image below. Visualization examples are created so that you can experiment, and then choose the images you like best and create your own beautifully designed classmates.

Option 2.

If anyone has problems understanding the first example, and you cannot find the page with the themes, then we offer you an alternative transition there. For this, at the beginning news feed, find the active link “More” by clicking and in the drop-down menu list, find the “Themes” tab. We follow it and find ourselves on a page with beautifully designed images for your Odnoklassniki accounts.

I saw such beautifully decorated classmates

If you have surfed the expanses of social media. network "Odnoklassniki" and came across an originally designed page, then you can set the theme of the image for yourself.


Even if the user account is closed by privacy settings!

In order to use this method of designing your page, we find the same circle under the site search and hover the mouse cursor over it. Having opened, we are presented with an active link “Install this theme for yourself”, one click and the theme you like is installed on your page.

Beautifully designed groups in Odnoklassniki

The design of a community, regardless of whether it was created for business or general interests, is practically no different from the design of pages. The only and main difference in the design of the group is the ability to set an avatar or a thematic logo. Otherwise, as in the first option, the background installed using the “Themes” catalog.


If you have creative abilities, in particular the ability to choose the right colors and create thematically compatible images, then decorating a group beautifully will not be difficult for you. For example, in the version presented above, the culinary direction of the group is very simply and tastefully combined with the theme proposed in Odnoklassniki (background), and an avatar in the form of a basket with cherries. Having studied the images that social media offers. network, you can form your beautifully designed classmates.

Additional material for beautiful design in Odnoklassniki

In order to select a thematic image, avatar, of your future group, use free services offering images in free access. Smart and most popular search engines, they will help you with this, and we, in turn, will present you with one of the services such as clear example. - excellent portal free images

from all over the world, there is a Russian version. It will easily open up perspectives for you and the opportunity to choose the image you need for a beautiful group design in Odnoklassniki, and possibly for future publications in your beautifully designed community. Everyone wants to look beautiful and individual, stand out from others and feel special. This also applies personal page

VKontakte, which can also be transformed beyond recognition, even without the notorious themes for VKontakte.

Filling out your profile The first thing you can do with your page is: fill out your profile completely . This will not only allow you to show others your preferences, but will also simplify the search for you among friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, etc. Add information about your studies, service, work, then smoothly move on to personal interests: cinema, music, hobbies. How more information

in your profile, the more interesting you will seem to other people.

Page ID ID your page, this is special code , an individual number that you can find in address bar your browser when linking to your page. Mostly this is a random set of numbers, which can be changed to an interesting name, nickname or your own set of characters. To do this, just go to My Settings, then go to the general tab and there you will see My Page Address. Here you can change your ID: just enter in Latin required name (spaces must be replaced with the symbol “_”) - required SMS confirmation

for the changes to take effect.

If you don't have a single photo in your albums, feel free to add them. The page is live if the user constantly writes something on the wall and adds new photos. If the quality of the photo does not suit you, you can use the built-in VKontakte photo editor. To do this, select Edit under each photo. Here you can crop the photo, add filters, frames and other objects to the photo.
Also create thematic albums for easy viewing of photos.

Smileys in status

We have already told you how to add emoticons to your status; we will only mention why this is done. Smileys in status- it is not only beautiful, but also very informative. Sometimes there are simply not enough words to convey your mood and emoticons will help you express your feelings or simply communicate your mood to others.


Few people know that on the social network VKontakte you can set not only some geographical language, but you can also set interesting language packs . For example, the Pre-Revolutionary package will allow you to transform the page into the era of the Revolution of the early 20th century. And the Soviet package will give interesting Soviet names to your Audio Recordings and Bookmarks.


And finally the topics. You can find specialized skins on thematic sites. Such scripts and extensions will help you radically transform the appearance of your VKontakte page. But remember that this page customization is not suitable for users with weak computer, since the page will glitch and twitch when scrolling.

Transform VKontakte, customize each field and make your page more informative. If you decide to look for people on a social network, communicate with them and generally make a positive impression, then you must create a VKontakte page.