Connect high-speed Internet Beeline. How to extend speed on Beeline - instructions for replenishing Internet traffic

Unfortunately, cellular operators provide Internet access with speed restrictions - when a certain threshold is reached, the speed drops sharply. This was done with the need to limit the load on base stations. No operator has real unlimited Internet at the maximum available speed.

However, modern tariff plans and Internet options offer subscribers quite impressive amounts of traffic - for the same periodic surfing, a modest 4-6 Gb per month is quite enough. Need to download files or listen to online radio? Then you need to choose more spacious packages and tariffs.

But if the basic traffic package is used up, the speed will be limited until the end of the reporting period - usually until the end of the current month. If the basic package has run out, you can increase the amount of traffic. For this purpose, the Beeline operator has provided a family of Extend speed services. Actually, there are two of these services:

  • Extend your speed 1 GB;
  • Extend 4GB speed.

Using these services, you can restore comfortable Internet access speeds for little money.

Let's consider each service separately and pay attention to the interesting possibility of auto-renewal of speed, which will allow you to increase the speed of the modem on Beeline (or the access speed on any other device).

How to extend speed by 1 GB

In order to extend the Internet speed on Beeline by 1 GB, you need to use the Extend speed 1 GB service. As the name of the service suggests, it increases the high-speed traffic package by 1 GB until the end of the reporting period. The connection cost is 250 rubles.

To activate the service, you need to call 0674093221. The service is activated immediately after the call. If necessary, it can be connected several times - this will increase the packet size for high-speed access to the network (packets are summed up). The service works in conjunction with the Highway family of Internet options.

How to extend speed by 4 GB

You can extend the speed on Beeline not only by 1 GB, but also by 4 GB. For this purpose, a corresponding service operates on the network. With its help, subscribers will receive another 4 GB of high-speed traffic after the main package is exhausted. Connection is made by calling the number 0674093222.

If necessary, the service can be activated several times (including simultaneously) - high-speed traffic will be summed up. The connection cost is 500 rubles, traffic is provided until the end of the reporting period, that is, until the end of the paid month. The service works in conjunction with the Highway family of Internet options.

Beeline speed auto renewal

P Using the Highway family of options, you don’t have to worry about increasing your speed. Automatic speed renewal on Beeline will help solve the problem with high-speed access in automatic mode. If the traffic suddenly runs out, additional 100 MB packages will be automatically connected to the number (as they are exhausted). The cost of each package is 50 rubles.

This will continue as long as there is money on the number - as soon as it runs out, the speed auto-renewal will turn off and the speed will drop to 64 kb/sec. Need to disable auto-renewal of speed by 100 MB? Call 067471778. It is also possible to automatically connect 5 GB packages - the cost of each package is 150 rubles. To activate the service, call 067471778.

Terms of service Extend speed

TO There are no special conditions for the provision of services Extend speed in the Beeline network. All subscribers using the Highway family of Internet options can use the services. High-speed traffic is provided for a period of no more than 30 days. After the packet is exhausted, the speed will drop to 64 kbit/sec. The service does not work in roaming.

If Internet services become unnecessary, then you can find out how to disable mobile Internet on Beeline from the article posted on our website .

How to extend traffic on Beeline by 1 GB? Many users will think that this issue is trivial, since the development of an unlimited Internet connection is just around the corner. But you shouldn’t be so skeptical about this issue, because among the most popular questions on the pages of thematic public pages are still those related to speed extension.

There is no truly unlimited connection on mobile networks. For a fee, the subscriber is provided with access to the Internet. The volume of traffic depends on how much the user paid. After the end of the paid limit, the speed limit occurs. This leads to the fact that access to a certain type of service is simply excluded.

Before you extend the speed on Beeline on your phone, carefully study all the possible options. Choose the most profitable and convenient method for yourself, and use it monthly. If you have any questions, please contact customer service. An experienced specialist will advise on any issue and help resolve any technical issue.

This package of services is minimal. After its activation, the subscriber is provided with only 1 GB of traffic. It doesn't expire until the end of the month. The cost is only 250 rubles. In this case, the Internet connection is provided at a speed of 21.6 Mbit per second. After the traffic provided as part of the package ends, the connection speed is reduced to critical levels - 64 Kbps. At the same time, 3G is 3.6 Mbit.

If the Internet has ended and you need to extend it by the minimum possible number of gigabytes from 1GB to 2GB-3GB, then you should enter the following command:

  • *115*121# and call.
  • Call 0674-09-32-21.
  • Use your personal account or the My Beeline mobile application.
  • Contact a Beeline support center employee at 0611.

How to extend the Internet speed on Beeline on your phone - 4 or 5 GB?

Not in all cases, subscribers choose the lowest tariff to extend the speed of their connection to the global network. Many subscribers require a larger amount of traffic, for example 5 GB. What to do in this case? How to increase traffic on Beeline by more than 3 GB? In this case, you can use the corresponding “Extend speed” service. If necessary, you can activate this service as many times as needed. The cost of the service provided in this case is 500 rubles. This is 2 times more expensive than in the first case.

The connection speed is 21.6 Mbit per second on a modem or mobile. The service is activated at the end of the next billing period, when the “Highway” or “All” services are activated.

To take advantage of this offer, you must complete the following steps:

  • Enter the command *115*122# and call.
  • Dial by phone 0674-09-32-22.
  • Log in to your personal account and leave a request online.
  • Contact the call center using the short number 0611.
  • Contact the mobile operator's communication center.

Internet option "Highway"
The service provides for an extension of speed up to 30 GB. The action is provided throughout Russia at the following tariffs: 1GB (*114*03#) – 200 rubles/month, 4GB (*115*04#) – 400 rubles/month, 8GB (*115*071#) – 600 rub./month, 12 GB (*115*081#) – 700 rub./month, 20 GB (*115*091#) – 1200 rub./month. Such prices are valid even in roaming, which is the most advantageous offer for most subscribers.

After the traffic is used up, the subscriber is automatically connected to the “Auto-speed detection” service. For every 200 MB, 20 rubles will be debited from your balance. If necessary, it can be disabled.

Disabling is carried out free of charge as follows:

  • Contact support at 0674-11-74-10.
  • Contact the call center operator at 0611.

“Internet for a day” service

If there is a need to receive a small number of gigabytes on a mobile phone, for example 500 GB, then you can connect to the Internet for a day. The cost is only 19 rubles/100 MB, 29 rubles/500 MB. To activate, enter the Ussd request *115*11# or dial 0674-093-112.

Before connecting to a particular service, carefully read the tariffs. Please note that purchasing traffic is much more profitable than paying the full rate.

Every mobile Internet user has probably encountered a situation where the provided amount of traffic has been used up, and low speed limits the ability to use the Internet. To gain access to high-speed Internet, you should activate the “Extend speed” option.

Description of the service "Extend speed"

When you connect to this service, after renewal, the Internet will be provided at the highest possible speed available for each type of network and its coverage area. If for a 2G network the upper speed limit does not exceed 236 Kbps, then in the case of a 4G network the nominal speed reaches 73 Mbps.

The speed extension service is available for almost all tariffs, except for the “All 1”, “All 2”, “All 3” tariff line, "All 4", "All 5", tariff "Zero doubts" and "Welcome".

Extend speed 1 GB

Extend 4GB speed

Terms of service

GPRS/EDGE data transfer speedup to 236 Kb/sec
3G data speedup to 21.6 Mb/s

The "Extend speed" option is valid until the beginning of the next billing period, that is, until a new traffic package is provided for the next month in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan used. But if the additional amount of traffic is used up, the speed will be reduced to 64 Kbps.

How to activate the "Extend speed" service?

To activate the speed extension service, you must.

Get 25Mb

Do you use mobile Internet? What about friends? Colleagues? See, almost everyone uses it now. Every day there are more and more users. So, almost every telecom operator offers unlimited communication services with World Wide Web satellites. By being aware of what exactly the mobile operator offers, you will not lose anything. You will only benefit by being aware of the latest and most profitable offers.

But did you know that the speed of query execution and access to information are limited? There is a certain number of megabytes, after which the Internet begins to slow down.

Of course, most Beeline tariffs are designed so that each subscriber has a fairly large amount of traffic. Of course, it should be enough for everyday work on the network. But there are times when the basic package is not enough. There are special packages for such cases.

Which one is better to contact? For such moments, the Extend Beeline Speed ​​package was developed. Various options are available, including 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 gigabytes of data units.

Any of the options listed will allow you to freely surf the World Wide Web at maximum speed. The only difference is how much additional data there will be. Select 1 gigabyte, 2 or 3 respectively.

This is one of the most convenient options. Its activation guarantees an additional 25 MB of high speed. The package has already been used up, but you still need to be online? Then pay 20 rubles, have this opportunity.

  • Type 067493350( ;
  • Contact 07177( .

Get 1 Gb

When using the 1GB speed extender, it will extend the size of the traffic at the highest possible speed by another gigabyte. It costs 100 rubles, which will be written off from your balance account when the activation time comes.

How to activate the service?

  • Call number 0674093221(.
  • USSD request *115*121# .

How much does it cost? Only 250 rubles.

Get 2 Gb

Perhaps 1 giga unit of data will not be enough for active users of social networks, and someone will want to use double the network volume. Do you want two GB? Connect to extend the speed of 2 GB using:

  • Connection command *115*21#
  • Number 06747177(

How much? 160 rubles for connection.

Attention! The additional traffic package is not valid in roaming.

Get 3 Gb

You can use the service and activate 3 GB. Connection is also easy. Extending the 3GB speed can be activated as follows:

  • Dial code 0674093222( and press the call button
  • Apply the key combination *115*122#

Activating the service will cost 200 rubles.

Get 4 Gb

Do you want to increase the amount of data you can use? Then take advantage of the opportunity to use as much as 4GB. The cost of the service will be a one-time 500 rubles. You can enable it by typing the following combinations:

  • *115*122#
  • 0674093222

Important! The service activation operation is completed instantly. As soon as the call is completed, it will be available for use, distributing extended Internet to everyone.

Get 5Gb

Finally, let's look at the most popular version of the service. 5 GB is the most convenient amount of traffic according to user surveys. Beeline extended speed makes it possible to use the Internet for all your needs.

If you have a modem, it is possible to send a signal to a laptop or phone. For this case, traffic consumption increases noticeably. And 5 GB is used up pretty quickly. What can we say about smaller packages? The Beeline service helps to increase the signal rate.

Interesting! Please note that the cost of a 5 GB connection is only 250 rubles. Now compare with other packages. Isn't this the best deal? Get as much as 5 GB by paying 250 rubles. When 1GB costs the same.

By taking advantage of this offer, the subscriber acquires excellent fast Internet, the rush of consumption of which will not decrease when consuming less than 5 gigabyte data units.

  • *115*22#
  • 0674093222

Did you know that 80% of our users, having connected the package, did not want to part with it?!

The family of services of the same name offers various options. Choose one that is convenient for you. Do you want to be able to receive and transmit data up to 5 gigabytes in size? Please!

In addition, you can use the “Auto-speed renewal” option, which will automatically activate packages after the current one is used up.

Carefully! After using up 5 gigabytes of traffic from “Extend speed”, auto-renewal is not carried out. The speed of data exchange is reduced to 64Kbit/sec. But you can always connect 5 additional GB!

The Beeline operator takes into account the needs of its customers, who often and frequently need fast access to the network. Now you know exactly how to extend your speed, all you have to do is choose the most convenient package!

The highest speed of receiving data exchange with the network is 236 Kbps for 2G networks and 73 Mbps for 4G. Sometimes the real one may differ due to line congestion and location relative to the network coverage area.

Mobile Internet is becoming more and more common in the life of any person. This allows you not only to always be in touch, but also to actively use all its capabilities: from checking email to downloading large files from the network. One of the most profitable and affordable accesses are tariff plans from the Beeline company, among which there are options with huge traffic packages at high speeds and even with completely unlimited night traffic.
But what should those company subscribers do if the Internet included in their subscription fee was not enough, the traffic ran out, and the speed dropped to an impossible 64 Kbps, at which it is impossible to load even one page on the Internet? There is always a solution, and from the Beeline company you can even choose from several available:

1. The first option - if you constantly and regularly do not have enough traffic, then the best solution would be to change the current tariff to a newer one, that is, if you have Highway 1GB, then connect Highway 3GB and so on. Thus, with a small difference in the monthly subscription fee, you will receive a larger package of Internet traffic at high speed and will be able to afford to implement all the necessary requests and even more.

2. Enable the “Extend 1GB speed” option, which will allow you to temporarily remove the Internet speed limit on Beeline until you use up the traffic package included in the service. The activation cost is only 100 rubles at a time. You can activate the “Extend 1GB speed” service and extend your traffic using the command *115*121# or by calling 0674093221. Some time after the request, you will receive a corresponding notification.

3. Activate the “Extend 3GB speed” service on your tariff, which will give you the opportunity to receive even more Internet volume from Beeline. This time we are talking about 3 gigabytes for only 200 rubles. In order to activate this option, you can send a request *115*122# or call 0674093222. The package is valid for 30 days, or until it is completely used up.
4. Many modern and new tariff plans, including Highway, already have an automatically connected “Auto-Speed ​​Renewal” service, which turns on automatically as soon as your Internet runs out and 150 megabytes of traffic are added to your number for 20 rubles, which will allow you to continuously be in network without interruption for additional connection. It is very comfortable. For a separate connection to your number for the “Auto speed extension” service on Beeline, you can use the command *115*23# or call 067 471 778. But if this service is already active on your number, and you will need more traffic and you want to use using one of the above methods, this option will need to be disabled. This can be done using the combination *115*230# or by calling 067 471 7780.
Based on the above, we can conclude that now you know four possible ways to extend traffic and Internet speed on Beeline, and this task will no longer confuse you and will not take up a lot of your time.