Programs and services. Closing the LiveInternet end-to-end link

Hello guys, everyone. In light of recent events related to the tightening of penalties for sites in the form of various filters like Minusinsk from Yandex or Penguin from Google for low-quality so-called (external links that lead to your site), many Webmasters are disoriented and do not know in which direction them to move on. Links are bought, the client’s budget is spent, the site’s position is growing, but at one point the PS algorithms determine that the number of SEO links to your site has reached a critical value, and all your efforts have been reduced to zero. It is no longer possible to purchase temporary or permanent links as before. No, I'm not saying they don't work, that's not true. But in order for your site to be in the TOP for the queries you need, you need to carry out a number of comprehensive activities on the site. In terms of external promotion, the dominant component is given to natural external links. What is natural external link, and what they are, you can find out in this article.

Well, today I want to show you, using the example of one of my client’s sites, the result of successful promotion using purely natural links using the service -

This service positions itself as automated service website promotion using only natural links. As a result, you will receive natural links from purely thematic discussion threads on forums and blogs, to articles on specialized sites, question-and-answer services, etc., where your target audience. As a result, in addition to growth in site positions, you also receive clicks on the links posted, which, of course, has a positive effect on the site as a whole.

Here are some examples of links posted.

As you can see from the screenshots, everything is as natural as possible and was done for a reason, but a thematic thread for discussion was selected and a link to your site was carefully and most importantly unobtrusively inserted.

Well, now friends, let me share with you the results of promoting a client site using of this service.

Case of natural promotion of a client site

I won't tell you about adding a new project to the system, about this and everything else, the most in detail can be read on this page. Let's get straight to the specifics.

Initial data:

The client’s website is being promoted in the Moscow region and the Moscow region in the provision of services for the extermination of various pests - bedbugs, cockroaches, rodents. The budget at the request of the client should not exceed 10,000 rubles per month. The goal is TOP-10 for 41 requests.

To begin with, I created new project in the system, selected the category corresponding to the site and indicated the region of service provision.

After adding a project to the system, to the right of it there is a gear-shaped button, clicking which takes you to additional settings project.

After this, at the very bottom of the page in the block – Linking, I recommend leaving a checker next to the Automatic budget distribution item, for maximum coverage of different types of sites (forums, site comments, question and answer services), as well as a checker opposite – Stop promotion when the required TOP is reached, to save your budget.

You can also, if you wish, put a checker opposite – Allow mention of competitors, and add several competitor sites, so that when posting your link, your advantages over them are indicated.

You can choose the limit of links from one donor per project yourself. I set this value by filter - no more than 3 links from one donor.

After that, we again pay attention to the 3 buttons to the right of the project and select the one in the middle in the form of a light bulb.

This setting adds additional information about your product or service, as well as the activities of the company, which performers can use when performing tasks.

This is what it looks like in my case.

The service will select it itself keywords, for the created project, but I rarely use this function, because no one knows better than me what requests I need to get clients to order services. Therefore, here, see for yourself, if the selected queries suit you, leave them, if not, delete them and add your own.

After adding queries, the system will automatically select the most relevant page for promotion (it can be changed by simply clicking on the link and selecting Edit), will show the current position on this request in PS - Yandex and Google, the frequency of the request, the required TOP and the monthly budget for its promotion. All that remains is to click the Start button to the right of the request.

But don’t rush to put requests into action, first select the TOP you require

and set the request budget that suits you.

Important! You can set either a monthly budget per request or maximum quantity links that will be purchased based on this request.

I usually, depending on the frequency of the request and its competitiveness, buy from 5 to 20 links and monitor changes in positions for this request. If the movement is weak, I buy more.
We all press the Save button and run the request.

I would like to mention one more important detail. If, for example, for some reason you are not satisfied with the donor site, and you do not want links to link to you from it, then immediately above your projects there is a button with a stop sign.

Click it and add it to your sites, indicating a brief reason for adding it.

That's it, from now on, links will not be placed on these sites within the framework of your projects.

Results of my work

Before collaborating with, the client’s site was not promoted at all; the positions were ranked far beyond the TOP-50. After 4 months of working with the service, we managed to push most of the requests to page 2 of the search results and achieve the TOP for such requests as: extermination of bedbugs, extermination of cockroaches, extermination of bedbugs in Moscow, extermination of cockroaches in an apartment, etc., respectively, receiving orders for certain types works, which increased by 2.5 times. The client was very pleased, because his investment in website promotion paid off many times over.

Below is the result of my promotion of a client site.

The result of successful promotion was obtained within 4 months of cooperation with the service - We managed to gain a sufficient foothold competitive requests in the TOP-10 with very strong intentions to compete for the TOP-3. I’m almost sure that another 1-2 months of work in the service, and we will be there (from time to time, depending on the Yandex search results, the site’s positions were in the 3rd and 2nd places in the search results).

By the way, we have expanded the pool of requests, increasing it by 2 times. About 20 more different requests for promotion were added, on which work is already underway and these requests are slowly starting to grow.

In addition to good positions during the active promotion of the site, it received the following number of clicks on the posted links.

That is, it is clear that people willingly follow the links posted on these sites, which once again confirms their naturalness.

If you look at the characteristics of the sites on which the links were posted, they are as follows:

Total links: 380;

Number of donors: 180;

On average, links per donor: 2.

Site parameters:


Attendance (months):

from 10k to 50k – 93;

from 50k to 100k – 42;

from 100k to 500k – 45.

Donor spam on the Xtool service:

from 0 to 5 - 167;

from 5 to 10 - 12;

from 10 and above - 1.

Well, all friends, I hope my example of website promotion will help you, and you can easily reach the TOP heights in a relatively short time. Believe me, exactly natural promotion, is the foundation from which a good house will grow, in our case, top places in the issuance of PS.

Register now, add your sites and believe me, success will come very quickly. Well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone.

That's all for me, see you soon. Bye everyone!

Hello guys! Most likely, you, like me, have often had such cases when you cannot decide which advertising network to choose, which will be more clickable and, of course, the most profitable? For example, we have Google Adsense, Yandex Direct or some kind of teaser. How can we find out what is most beneficial for us, webmasters?

What I did before: I hung up Adsense for a week or two, then removed this block and hung up Yandex Direct, again waited the same period of time, and only then I hung up the teaser I was interested in again in the same place for the same period.

What problems did I encounter that did not guarantee the complete purity of the experiment:

  • Traffic was constantly changing, it was very difficult to determine the exact figure.
  • Prices were constantly changing.
  • It was necessary to wait quite a long time (a month or two) to test everything one by one.

Working principle:

  1. Create an Advertone block container.
  2. We upload codes for various advertising services there.
  3. All traffic is divided into equal parts.
  4. Let's analyze the statistics.
  5. We leave the most profitable option.

Working with Advertone

  1. Register with Advertone:
  2. Click on the "Add site" button:
  3. Enter the site URL and its name:
  4. Click on the huge “Add block” button:
  5. Set the block title, width and height:
  6. Just below we insert the code (the system itself will determine which service the code belongs to), give it a name:
  7. Click on the “Add block” button in the lower right corner and then “Apply settings” (also there). Next, to add other advertising blocks, go to “Platforms” -> Site name:
  8. Click on "Plus" (add split block):
  9. Similarly, add the code for another advertising service. And one more if required. I inserted blocks from (Yandex-Direct) and LadyCash.
  10. I got 3 split blocks:
  11. Here we click on the “Code” button and the code will be copied to the clipboard:
  12. We paste this code into the place where the advertising blocks should be displayed. I have this on the main page (index.php) and on internal pages(single.php and page.php). Here are the output blocks:
  13. As you understand, the traffic is evenly distributed, next time I will see an advertisement for another “split block”. All. Now we leave it like this for 1 week. After a week, we analyze and leave only the most effective advertising unit.

Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising units and further actions

The task was the following: to determine the most profitable type of advertising and leave it for big earnings.

It is important to understand here that each site has its own characteristics, so there is no need to draw general conclusions from the material I have made. That is, for example, Adsense will probably work better for you. For the purity of the experiment, I recommend waiting a week in this mode.

Advertone Features

Like everything normal in this world, everything has its pros and cons. This service is no exception.




In general, this service is quite relevant in our time, when there is a huge choice between advertising networks and it’s just hard to decide what is more profitable to work with, both for ordinary webmasters, like you and me, and for large portals. Indeed, you leave only the most effective. The Advertone service is somewhat friendly, constantly developing, trying to improve for webmasters.

10/15/15 9.4K

The affiliate program is one of the most effective ways monetization of the resource and attracting targeted visitors to the site without advertising costs. Thanks to your own affiliate program, you can earn up to 10-20% of your total turnover. It all depends on how well you handle the data marketing tool. If you organize and manage your affiliate program correctly, the results will not take long to arrive.

Who needs their own affiliate program and why?

How to make money on affiliate programs? First of all, such programs attract hundreds and thousands of new visitors to your resource. At the same time, while partners are trying to attract traffic to your resource and increase product sales, you do not pay anything. Payment is made only for results ( action, payment, click). By understanding how to work with affiliate programs, you can significantly increase the profitability of the resource. Everyone needs affiliate programs: bloggers, online stores, hosting, SEO services, etc.:

There is also such an option as cooperation with CPA networks. In short, these are networks whose owners post a lot of offers to join affiliate programs, and webmasters themselves choose where to participate. Often, a CPA affiliate already has personal panels for the webmaster and resource owner, statistics, etc.

However, this option may not be suitable for a mere mortal. As a rule, CPA affiliates work with large advertisers who are ready to guarantee significant payment budgets. At the same time, the percentage of markups is quite high ( since the work is based on the payment of commissions, it is profitable for the affiliate program to “unscrew” as much as possible more money client). In some cases, such cooperation ends in scandals and litigation.

For a small company, its own affiliate program is more acceptable compared to CPA, because it allows the site owner to fully control the process. However, you have to look for partners on your own.

How to organize your own affiliate program?

If you are faced with the question of how to create your own affiliate program from scratch, adhere to the following aspects:

  • Good product. Having a product/product in your arsenal that provides real value to users, you can attract the best partners;
  • Resource with high level sales The presence of a resource with high sales efficiency is the main condition that allows you to develop an affiliate program and get the desired result from it;
  • Amount of commission for partners. First of all, you need to decide what payment scheme will be used - per click, action, sales. On initial stage try to offer the highest commission percentage you can afford. This will interest your partners and help promote the resource. Please note, however, that high percentage It is better to set affiliate remuneration for digital and information products (books, programs, audio and video content) rather than for physical ones. It is possible to use a multi-level affiliate program, in which commissions are paid through a hierarchical network of partners of the first and subsequent levels;
  • Effective tools. Your partners should get everything from you necessary tools and promotional materials. Most affiliate programs offer only a few banners, which is clearly not enough for good work:

How to connect an affiliate?

First, let's go through the creation methods:

  • You can write your own affiliate program yourself or hire the services of a programmer. The functionality of the affiliate program may include the ability to work through a Web interface and applications for iOS and Android; aggregating information about orders, questions, reviews, informing customers about the status of order execution via SMS or e-mail. As well as intelligent data analysis for further analysis of the affiliate program, multilingual interface, export of data to accounting, etc.;
  • Implement an affiliate program using aggregators. Draw beautiful promotional materials and register with CPA partners as an advertiser;
  • You can use services that will help you create your own affiliate program.

Here are several options on how to connect an affiliate program:

  • LastoShopGold – most suitable for selling digital goods (information products, pin codes, e-books etc.). The script is installed on the site, and you have full control over its operation;
  • EcommTools is a service that allows you to sell both digital and physical products. For electronic goods, sales are fully automated; for physical goods, there are several options for calculating delivery costs, integration with the logistics center, sending a tracking number, etc.;
  • UMCart is a service that can turn your WordPress blog into an online store with unlimited possibilities. Being a development of EcommTools, UMCart allows you to sell goods different types, including access to closed sections of the resource. When deciding which affiliate program to choose, keep in mind that using this service you can create a resource with paid membership and an affiliate program consisting of 7 levels;
  • E-autopay is a service that will help you organize your own affiliate program and provide convenient acceptance and payment for orders. This resource convenient for both the site administrator and partners. Suitable for selling digital and physical goods;
  • - by registering in this service, you become the owner of a full-fledged online store for running an information business, a two-level affiliate program, a “smart” email newsletter service and access to a network of affiliates who are ready to advertise your product. The service allows you to create automatic sales for target groups and track effectiveness advertisements, test and measure the conversion of sales and subscription pages, set up a series of additional sales, in a word, sell in “autopilot” mode.

Where and how can you get traffic for your own affiliate program?

After setting up the affiliate program is completed, it’s time to put it into production.

How to drive traffic to an affiliate program?

  • From thematic informants;
  • Newsletter by e-mail;
  • Traffic from public pages on social networks;
  • Traffic arbitrage through teaser networks;
  • Through targeted advertising from social networks;
  • Direct clients on the recommendation of a partner;
  • Traffic from mobile applications.

After you have figured out how to create an affiliate program, start working with client base. By using email inform your clients about the launch of your own affiliate program and your desire to see them as partners. Information about your affiliate program can also be distributed in various affiliate directories. At the same time, it is important to emphasize its advantages ( high commissions, etc..).

The most difficult thing will be to attract professional partners. There may be only 1% of them, but even in this quantity they can increase the sales of your product or services significantly. Professional partners have their own e-mail newsletters with thousands of subscribers, resources with high traffic, and advertising specialists with customer databases.

It’s not difficult to find such partners; just enter the topic of your product into a search engine and key queries related to it and contact the resource owners who appear on the first page of the search results. You can also use hidden affiliate links. But to do this, you will need to create special domains for key partners and a placeholder page that will be shown if the client types the direct address. In that case affiliate link It will be difficult to get around:

How can you connect an affiliate program to your website and why is it necessary?

Partner Panel

You can create an affiliate program yourself or use ready-made solutions, “finishing” them a little. As a result, you will have a convenient panel in which traffic statistics will be visible (number of conversions and number of rejected leads). Moreover, the information can be filtered by date. In addition, it will be convenient to withdraw your earned money through the panel. At the same time, the site owner will have the opportunity to control clients through the admin panel, which is quite convenient.

Before you make an affiliate program, take care of its design. You can turn to a real treasure trove of ready-made scripts - Of course you will have to spend time setting it up. If it’s difficult to understand, contact the services of a programmer. Professionals will set up an affiliate program to suit your every whim.

Promotional materials

The affiliate program requires the presence of banners different formats. At a minimum, this should be a couple of beautiful landing pages where partners can redirect potential clients. Landing pages are best placed on separate domain so that your site is not banned by search engines. Banning landing pages is not scary, because they already rank poorly in search results.

Attracting clients

Advertise on specialized forums and publics, purchase targeted advertising in social networks based on subscribers of specialized publics. You can make an offer directly to the owners of websites with similar themes to take part in the affiliate program. If you don’t have enough free time, it’s better to find a person who will communicate with partners, update promotional materials, withdraw funds, etc.

What are the benefits of having your own affiliate program?

  • Firstly, the affiliate program will provide you with multiple targeted traffic. And the more targeted visitors, the higher the sales;
  • Secondly, sales will increase your profits;
  • Thirdly, the time for promoting the project will be reduced. Partners will help you promote the project;
  • Fourthly, you will only pay for the results. Commissions are paid upon completion of the action;
  • Fifthly, the costs of promoting the project are significantly reduced. Your products/services are advertised by partners:

Get it major partner difficult, but possible. To interest him, you need to provide a number of convincing evidence of the quality of the product, provide samples for testing, and familiarize yourself with conversion and sales statistics. It’s also not easy to interest mid-income partners. As a rule, such specialists make a test purchase of goods to make sure that your service works at a high level.

Don't try to manage your partner; leave your management skills to solve other problems. You only have to manage affiliate program. Provide advertising materials, texts of letters for mailings, banners, articles, carry out promotions for partners and constantly monitor the results.

Analyze how much income each partner brings and reward best discounts or offer individual terms of cooperation:

How to get an affiliate program on twitch and why might it be necessary?

To become a member of Twitch.TV, you must have an average number of simultaneous views of more than 500, broadcast at least 3 times a week and conduct content that meets the requirements of the service. Before you receive an affiliate program on twitch, your application will be processed in manual mode, and if you fall a little short of the stated requirements, but at the same time have special content, maybe they will make an exception for you.

If you manage to get a Twitch affiliate, a start button will appear in your admin area advertising block. On huge number clients who pay for the display of their advertising videos during streams. Therefore, you can make very good money from streaming.

In addition, after the Twitch affiliate program is connected, viewers will begin to subscribe to your channel, and they will do this for a fee. In return, each viewer can receive a couple of new emoticons or a unique avatar created by you, as well as no advertising.

Another way to monetize a stream is built-in advertising - making money from clients who are willing to pay for inserting banners on their resource on top of all the windows in the image on the stream:

An affiliate business is based on paying commissions for sales and other activities, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't invest in your own affiliate program.

To develop an affiliate program, you need to spend time, money and effort - communicate with partners, regularly update promotional materials, analyze the profitability and profitability of services, the relevance of the affiliate program, and analyze competitors. And then the result will not take long to arrive.

Good Bad

Internet service TOOLS.HRM – Your Virtual Training Center
The new Internet service TOOLS.HRM is now available to all registered users of the site. Using this service, any company or individual can gain access to a “personal” distance learning system for training and testing their employees, clients or partners, to Virtual Classroom 2.0 for conducting on-line seminars, to the CourseLab Teamwork electronic course editor for creating their own distance learning courses, to a library of ready-made WebSoft electronic courses, which will soon be replenished with courses from several partners, as well as to a new resource “Career Portal” for posting vacancies and searching for candidates through a specially created Internet portal of the company.

One of the main trends in the field of both corporate and individual training is the increasingly widespread and active use of remote methods and technologies that make it possible to organize many curricula and trainings in a user-friendly mode without leaving own office or apartments.

WebSoft Company, leader Russian market distance learning systems, and the leading personnel portal website present an Internet service , providing tools for e-learning, testing, conducting webinars and creating electronic training courses for a wide range of users. This service began its work as part of the MyLMS project, but in order to popularize e-learning technologies, since May 2011, services for organizing an educational portal began to be provided to all registered users of the portal site within the TOOLS.HRM project.

TOOLS.HRM service aimed at representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, training and consulting companies, training centers and other organizations that are interested in e-Learning technologies, but are not yet ready to implement a distance learning system on their intranet or Internet resources. Using the service, any company or individual can gain access to a “personal” distance learning system (LMS) for training and testing their employees, clients or partners.

The modern technologies underlying this service are not just tools for solving basic problems, but allow you to fully automate key processes in the field of personnel search, training and development, which in turnmakes it possible :

  • Reduce training costs
  • Provide wider employee training coverage
  • React faster to changes using distance learning tools
  • Standardize training
  • Provide comprehensive pre- and post-training support
  • Reduce the load on teachers and classrooms
  • Increase control over learning outcomes
  • Individualize and personalize the learning process
  • Create personal or corporate portal on the Internet under your own domain name, thereby ensuring the development of your own brand both among your clients (real and potential), and among employees and partners, organizing a single information space, allowing you to consolidate and more effectively use accumulated knowledge and experience.

    As part of the TOOLS.HRM project, users, in addition to access to the LMS, also receive additional opportunities to use:

    - Career portal , a new service for posting vacancies and searching for candidates through a specially created Internet portal of the client’s company with the ability for candidates to search for open vacancies according to parameters of interest and send their resume directly from this Career Portal, as well as with the ability to assign tests to candidates and conduct video interviews;

    - Virtual classroom 2.0 for conducting webinars and video conferences with the simultaneous participation of a large number (up to several hundred) of employees, clients or partners of the company, with the ability to organize multilateral video and audio broadcasts;

    - Electronic course editor CourseLab Teamwork for the collective development of our own distance learning courses. The editor allows several authors to work on the same course simultaneously, and the created course at the review stage can be viewed by other users, leaving their comments to the developers of this educational material directly on the course slides;

    - WebSoft electronic course libraries with more than 60 ready-made courses. In the near future, the TOOLS.HRM course library will be replenished with several hundred more electronic courses developed by WebSoft partner companies.

    Rice. An example of the design of a Career Portal created as part of the TOOLS.HRM project

    To access the service TOOLS.HRM is necessary register on the website website and on your personal page create an account in the service . After this, the user becomes the administrator of his “personal” instance of the LMS, hosted on

    Having gained access to the TOOLS.HRM service, the user can:

  • tune appearance and the structure of your training portal (on which users will be trained and tested) and register the training portal under your unique domain name
  • register students, assign them logins and passwords to access your training portal
  • import yours into the database educational materials compliant with SCORM (version 1.2, 2004) or AICC standards
  • use electronic courses and tests included in the WebSoft library
  • create professional interactive electronic courses without having qualifications as a programmer or designer
  • assign courses and tests to students
  • monitor the learning process, build analytical reports based on learning results
  • inform employees about the news of the training center or your company (by posting news, regulatory documents, etc.)
  • organize collection and analysis feedback from users
  • communicate with colleagues on forums and blogs
  • conduct webinars and video conferences for colleagues, clients or partners
  • post open vacancies on the Internet on a special Career Portal and organize the collection of resumes from candidates

    Service capabilities by distance learning and testing are providedcompletely free for companies with up to 100 users. Also, all users of the service are provided free access to 5 electronic training courses from the WebSoft library. For companies with more than 100 users, variousavailable tariff plans .

    According to WebSoft CEO Alexey Korolkov : « The provision of Internet services within the framework of the new TOOLS.HRM project makes e-learning technologies even more accessible to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia and the CIS countries. For HR managers of various companies, the appearance of this project means receiving additional tools for selection, training, testing and development of personnel. Small companies who previously did not have the opportunity to purchase expensive complex systems, now they can affordable price, or even completely free of charge, get the opportunity to use a modern, multifunctional, reliable service created on the basis of the system WebTutor systems , successfully used in the largest banks, insurance, manufacturing and telecommunications companies. »

    So, personal computer, access to the Internet and your desire to try new technologies, apply new tools and develop your company’s business - that’s all you need to create your own virtual training center within the TOOLS.HRM project and start using it.

  • From time to time, every web specialist has a desire or need to see what hosting a particular site is hosted on. Regardless of the reason, in this article we will consider popular methods find out which hosting provider has chosen the online project you are interested in. There are quite a few such determination methods, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Learn how to choose a hosting provider.

    1) We determine the NS server of the hosting provider.Quite often, especially on classical virtual hosting, users use the hoster's ns. Using the Whois tool, it will be easy to determine the hoster; however, VPS and dedicated server clients often use their own NS servers, so in this case this method won't do.

    2) We find the 403/404 error.Serious hosting providers fill web server error pages with information about the company. IN in this case you should try to call such an error page and look at the information provided. As an advantage, this method has high accuracy. But small hosters do not put up stub pages that can be used to identify the hoster. In addition, website CMSs are often replaced this information own, etc.

    3) Let's look at the default virtualhost.A similar situation to the previous one. Only large and serious hosting companies install stubs, which can be used to determine whether the site belongs to the hoster. Hosters that have few clients will most likely have a stub from the control panel or the site of the first client. There are cases that this first site is the site of the hosting provider, then identifying the hoster is not difficult. Do you want to get to the default virtualhost? Then it is best to contact the web server by IP address. As an advantage, this method works for all large hosting providers, but, unfortunately, it hides small and insufficiently experienced ones. In addition, on servers with CPanel, a standard panel stub is issued.

    4) Using Reverse DNS Lookup.You can assign a “domain” to any IP address using a PTR record in the DNS zone. Thus, many hosting providers give their servers default names that are unique domain names. These names contain the name of the hoster, for example, Using the well-known ping you can given name to know. Besides this, there are many free service to determine Reverse DNS Lookup.

    5) Using Traceroute. This method uses the previous method and is closely related to it. Essentially, you need to determine by the domains of the last nodes in the trace the name of the hoster/data center where the site is hosted. This method will give results even if the site is hosted on a virtual dedicated server or dedicated server. This method can with 100% result determine the data center, less likely the hosting provider, which provides its services. This procedure can be done using many Internet services. But in terms of time, this method is considered the longest.

    6) We use Whois.Huge database contains large number information about the owners of domains, IP addresses and their ranges. Using this service, you can try to install a hosting company. But this method cannot be called quite accurate. He doesn't carry much necessary information, but it works in any case, as it will make it possible to determine the DC.

    There are a lot of similar services, as well as ways to implement them. Most users choose automatic services checks that in many cases show the correct result - hoster or data center (for example, the service and others). Therefore, if you want to identify a site, use one of the ones described above or check with several at once to get a more accurate result. Good luck!

    How to transfer a website to hosting? more details.

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