Yandex updates - what they are, how to track up Tits, changes in search results and all other updates. What is an update? Types of updates and ways to check them Next Yandex update

So, let's figure out what a search engine update is. In this post I will tell you what the differences are between PS updates, where to watch them, how to analyze updates and use them for the benefit of your site.

Update - what is it?

An update (popularly “up”) is an update or adjustment of website ranking algorithms by search engines. What does a search engine update mean for each site? This is either a drop in the site’s position in the search results, or an increase.

Under no circumstances should you be afraid of him.

Depending on how a particular website ranking algorithm changes, sites jump higher or lower in search results. If new material is added to a resource, it appears in the search only after updating the search database. This applies to any subject - construction, SEO, online stores, .

In the process of updating the search engine database, more relevant ones get into the TOP

sites that are less relevant to the request lose their positions. There are several factors for determining the most suitable site for a request, which are taken into account when updating.

Yandex update

What is a Yandex update? This is something that all webmasters are really looking forward to, because without it, new posted pages will not appear in the search, new links will not be indexed and new links, behavioral factors will not be taken into account, and TICs will not be calculated.

The positive fact of frequent updates is not only that new posted materials are added, but also that when removed from the filter, for example, when texts are updated, etc., the site will also return to normal results faster.

With all this positive stuff said, there is also a dark side - such a thing as a Yandex update storm. It indicates the degree of change in search results and is measured in percentages or points (derived from the maritime theme). The higher the storm indicator, the more the search results changed - some sites left the TOP, others entered the TOP. With the next update, sites may return to their original positions.

In different analyzers, the storm designation can be observed in the following formats:

7:45 Output change rate: 86.2%

How often does Yandex update? Nobody knows the exact forecast of ups. Lately there have been 2-4 of them per month. Sometimes webmasters wonder why there are no updates for a long time. Their number depends on the number of updated algorithms, on the introduction by Yandex employees of new rules or variables into the ranking formula. For example, if you change one variable in the search engine ranking formula, the results can change dramatically (storm). Therefore, when updating Yandex, the site may lose its position very significantly.

Google update

Google update - what is it? Yandex and Google updates are, by definition, very different. For the Google search engine, this is much simpler.

There are two types of Google ups:

  • search
  • PageRank (PR) update.

During search results, new pages and updates appear in search results, and sites are re-ranked - sites that better satisfy user demand end up in higher positions.

Also, the Google search engine updates its Panda and Penguin algorithms from time to time.

What kind of updates are there? Below we will take a closer look at each type of apa. One update of the search database can occur simultaneously taking into account several factors (for example, both text and behavioral).

Search update update

When updating the search results of Yandex and Google, the ranking of sites is adjusted depending on many different factors - text, links, behavioral and others. The results of Yandex or Google are rather the result of different subtypes of updates.

Text update

Text updates of the PS are based solely on the text information of sites and are the most anticipated, since they are of greatest importance when adding new pages and materials to the site. When you update the content on the site, the site's positions are also updated. The more relevant ones are ranked higher. Those sites whose information is less informative in response to the request are positioned lower.

Different topics have different requirements for the format of text content. For example, if a user searches for “Dell laptop specs,” then it is logical to have a specs table. If the query is “what is a search engine up”, the logical correct article will look like one that fully describes this term, contains as much information as possible, and is correctly structured.

All this is taken into account by search engines and based on this, the results are updated.

Link update

Yandex and Google link updates are an update of the site’s link mass in the eyes of the search engine.

For example, an external link to the site was posted on January 2. This will not affect the ranking result in any way until the search robot indexes it and goes through a link update, after which the weight of the link will be taken into account and directly affect the site’s position. If the link is indexed by a search robot on April 20, and the update takes place on May 3, then the weight of the link will not affect the site’s position either until April 20 or May 2.

The frequency may be 1 time/3 months, usually 1-2 times/1 month.

Update PageRank

It is logical that this type of update takes place only in Google PS. When updating PageRank, the PR indicator of each page on the site is updated. Happens extremely rarely.

TIC update

Yandex TIC updates update the site's thematic citation index. Since in order to improve the site's TIC, it is necessary to carry out a number of works, which takes quite a lot of time (for example, more than adding a dozen pages to the site), they also rarely take place. Ap TIC can be viewed in most analyzers. If you see in the Yandex webmaster panel that the TIC has increased, this was certainly preceded by an update.

Update Minusinsk

Minusinsk Yandex updates appeared after the appearance of the corresponding algorithm; they are “impatiently” awaited by those who use promotion with purchased links, whether eternal or not. An update for Minusinsk means updating this algorithm, as well as the database of sites that fell under this filter.

Behavioral factors update

An update of the behavioral factors of Yandex and Google is an update of the search results, which occurs based on an analysis of user behavior on the site (bounce rate, time on the site, conversion, number of pages/session, etc.).

Most webmasters prefer to look at updating behavioral factors on the Movebo service, which also offers promotion with social signals. Data from Yandex and Google updates for this service are also shown by most analyzers.

Favicons update

The update of favicons in Yandex (Update favicon) takes into account the update of the site icon, which is visible in the browser next to the site name on the tab. If you add a favicon to the site, it will not be immediately noticeable, but only after this type of app.

Where to see the update

There is no such thing as a Yandex or Google update schedule. You can see the diary of past updates, but the exact date of the next update is currently impossible to find out.

Usually ups take place early in the morning (starting from 3-5 am). Most analyzers are configured in such a way that after the latest update appears, ten minutes later we can already see the results.

There are a huge number of search update analyzers. I prefer to watch the correct Yandex updates on the service. There you can see the results for all of the above types of ups, exact TIC updates

The update table is also available in other analyzers:

  • (there is a convenient update calendar here)
  • and etc.

It is undoubtedly better to check updates in several analyzers. You shouldn't trust just one. Why we check ups and how to benefit from them will be discussed below.

How and why to analyze updates

An analysis can and should be carried out according to the Yandex update schedule. Why is this necessary? If you have your own website, or you are promoting or supporting someone else’s, you need to see the results of your work, and if after making some changes negative consequences are visible, change the format of the work.

For example, at the moment texts are being written according to one template. After the text update (we look at the date of the Yandex or Google update), the positions of the new updated pages fell, and the positions of the pages that were written or designed using the old template do not change or have improved. Then the problem is in the texts. The format changes, new texts are written, and as soon as there is an update on the texts, we look at the positions.

The same applies to links. If they were purchased using the same strategy and position, or the traffic dropped, we change the link tactics.

After receiving the results of the latest update, you need to take the maximum range of available factors. At a minimum, these are the results of Google Analytics, any position analyzer in Yandex and Google, and Yandex Webmaster data. Consider all the data, but do not forget that not everything is 100% reliable.

Of course, this all concerns updates, thanks to which the webmaster can clearly influence positions and, accordingly, traffic. We do not consider analysis of TIC or PR updates in this context.

It is easier to analyze Yandex updates, since they happen quite often, much more often than Google ones. Thanks to monitoring, you can identify promotion errors, select the optimal strategy, and subsequently attract a truly interested public to your website.

I wish you only favorable updates!

The term “update” comes from the English word “update”, which means “update”. When this word is applied to a search engine, it means updating the content of the results.

In this article we will talk about the types of Yandex updates. You will learn what updates occur periodically in this search engine and will be able to better understand how Yandex indexes the site. In addition, we will tell you how often this happens, which will allow us to predict changes in search results.

This is the most frequent update of Yandex, which is performed on average once a week. It updates the text content of search results.

Thus, if any changes were made to the text of the page, for example, meta tags were added to the snippet, then it is the text update of the search engine that will enter these innovations into the Yandex database. Also, after a text update, you can wait for the appearance of new pages in search results that were published recently.

Beginners are often disappointed when making changes to the text of pages and not seeing these innovations in search results. However, as has already become clear, you just need to wait for the text update.

Link update

Link updates occur less frequently than text updates. On average, practice shows that this happens 1-2 times a month.

With this recalculation, Yandex updates the anchor lists. Thus, if an external link was placed on the site, then you can see it in the webmaster’s account only after the link update. Of course, the link update may also change.

Practice also shows that updates for external and internal links can occur at different times. But their frequency is approximately the same.

Behavioral factors update

The types of Yandex updates continue to be those that recalculate . In total, the search engine has two PF updates – micro and macro:

  • Micro – Occurs frequently and recalculates small statistics.
  • Macro - occurs approximately once every six months, and recalculates all static data that relates to behavioral factors. After this recalculation, the ranking may change significantly.

Recalculation of behavioral factors will allow you to understand how much it was improved if it was optimized. It is the macro update that will give the maximum understanding of this.

Statistical data update

First of all, this is a change in the TIC, which everyone is waiting for (or rather, waiting for). Yandex has not changed the TIC for a long time, and, probably, this indicator will soon be removed from the search engine and will no longer be taken into account.

In addition to the TIC, other data is updated with this recalculation, such as HostRank, BrowseRank and TIC. To recalculate all this data, Yandex requires significant resources and time, since it takes into account a large number of statistics. Therefore, statistical updates occur rarely - on average, once every six months.

Classification update

Yandex classifies sites according to various parameters. And this data is updated during the classification update.

So, the search engine takes into account the following classification parameters:

  • Geography.
  • Language affiliation.
  • Topics – news, information, commercial, adult, etc.
  • And much more.

Updates occur on average once every 1-2 months.

Thus, if the site’s region has changed (or another indicator that is classified by Yandex), then it will take 1-2 months to wait for changes in the search.

Filter updates

They are waiting for millions of webmasters who, with their sites, fell under certain filters. The frequency is different for each filter and can vary significantly, up to six months.

Thus, if Yandex imposed automatic sanctions for something, then updating the filters will remove them (if, of course, the reasons for imposing the filter are eliminated). However, sometimes you may not expect this, and it makes sense to write to Yandex Webmaster support with a request to manually remove the sanctions. In some situations this helps.

Other updates

Yandex is a huge machine, and its updates are not limited to those described above. However, they are the most important for traffic and long-awaited by webmasters.

There are other updates that are one way or another expected:

  • Search by images.
  • Icon (favicon).
  • Unsticking and gluing mirrors.
  • Indexing video content.
  • Indexing of comments to articles.
  • Validity of page code.
  • Mobile services.
  • Yandex Direct, if advertising is used.
  • And many others.

So, now you know what types of Yandex updates there are. It should be noted that all changes on the site are taken into account by the search engine, but this takes some time.

New information does not appear in search engines immediately after it is posted on the Internet. Before users begin to find your site through search, information is collected by search robots and stored for some time in the search engine database. The transfer of information from the database to the main search occurs periodically and simultaneously for many sites and is called an update.

Update(abbr. AP, from the English update - update, actualization) - the appearance of new information (sites, pages, texts, etc.) in search engine results. Updating information is usually accompanied by a recalculation of the ranking formula taking into account changes on sites, the emergence of new pages and resources, as well as a change in the link mass. It is after updates that changes in positions are monitored and results are tracked, so knowledge of the types of updates and their frequency is necessary. Each search engine updates its results at different times and according to its own algorithms. Let's look at what types of updates exist for the most popular search engines - Yandex and Google.

Yandex updates

Text update– occur 1-2 times a week. During a text update, new text documents indexed several days ago appear in Yandex search results. During a text update, changes in positions occur due to the addition of new documents, as well as technical changes (closing duplicates, optimizing pages, assigning a region, etc.).

Correct Yandex updates– a service that specializes in Yandex updates. It has gained particular popularity among optimizers and people who independently promote their sites. The analyzer shows not only the percentage of changes in positions, but also separate information on text and link updates, as well as the last date of indexation of the taken into account texts and links.

The analyzer's operating algorithm is based on an hourly measurement of the number of documents in the Yandex index. As soon as a large number of new sites and pages appear in the index, a text update is recorded.

In addition, the site has a TIC update analyzer, which monitors changes in the citation index on many sites and, based on this, makes a conclusion about the update:

You can get acquainted with the correct Yandex updates

Hello, dear site visitors. Probably, everyone who takes their first steps as a webmaster will recognize in their native RuNet the mysterious words update Yandex search results. You may ask, does this only apply to RuNet?

I answer, yes, only his, my dear. The fact is that the global search giant Google does not have this at all. No, he, of course, also carries out updates, but his algorithms carry out this constantly, so to speak, almost online.

Yandex, for some reason, carries out updates periodically, and not only issues, but also TIC updates (an abbreviation that stands for thematic citation index). This indicator determines the degree of trust (trust) a search engine has in a particular Internet resource (at least, I would like to believe so).

In addition to search engines, the owners of sites that offer links for sale pay attention to the TIC, since the higher this index is for a site, the higher the price you can get for a link.

What is updating the Yandex search database

Yandex generally likes to make itself wait. In addition to the search app in RuNet there is also an app for images, a catalog and even favicons. It’s clear that not everyone follows updates of this kind all the time, although sometimes they are useful. Let's say, then, when you changed the favicon image or your main traffic comes from image search.

So, let's talk about updating the Yandex search database. How often does this happen? How can you determine that an update has already occurred? And, after all, why do we need to know this? These or similar questions are asked by all young webmasters who have embarked on the thorny path of website optimization for promotion in Yandex. And this is in the order of things, everyone goes through this stage.

The reason for the need for Yandex updates is quite prosaic. Compared to its overseas counterpart, our Runet search engine does not have a hardware base of sufficient power that would allow us to update the search database at least a couple of times a day, taking into account all re-indexed pages and detected incoming links. It is precisely because of this that he is forced to cheat, thereby reducing the load on the server part.

So what does the Yandex search robot do on the site every day? What it should do is collect data for the index, that is, search for new pages and incoming links, update information about existing ones. But he doesn’t put it all into action at once, but simply carefully writes it down in a secluded place.

And at certain intervals (several days, sometimes several dozen), they provide the accumulated information for search results. That's when the Yandex search database is updated. By the way, you can see for yourself the frequency of this sacred action by looking at the dates of official updates:

A reasonable question arises: what do they give us between these updates? It's very simple - it's a cache.

To explain this in a very simplified way, the search engine results algorithm determines the list of the most relevant pages for a query only once between ups, after the query was entered after the next database update.

And this result (list) is immediately cached so that later, when this request is entered, it can be retrieved and shown to users. Such operations significantly facilitate the work of Yandex servers and make it possible to maintain their reputation in front of the world search tycoon, Google, even without having such powerful hardware.

During the next update, taking into account all the data about the pages and links pointing to them, collected by robots after the previous update, a new list of page rankings for each request will be compiled, and again it will go into the cache so that everyone has the opportunity to get a quick response.

Naturally, the process described above is very simplified. About a dozen years ago, I think it was more similar to reality. Yandex has been using personalized search results for about two years now.

Thanks to it, users who have a large, but different search history from each other, receive a different list of results in response to the same queries. And by now, this approach is increasingly beginning to prevail and be used.

However, if more than ten percent of search queries have a changed search result, it is safe to say that an update has occurred. How can we determine when this happened? Let's talk about this a little later, but now a few words about what is a TIC update?

Well, we don't have to worry about this. There is an opinion that the sum of the citation indices of all sites in the Yandex index is a constant value, and changes in site indices occur by subtracting from some and adding this indicator to others. This update occurs even less often than the search database (period from 20 to 50 days).

Below you can evaluate the frequency (or rather, lack thereof) of the latest TIC updates:

What affects the Yandex TIC? This is the quantity, and most importantly the qualitative indicator, of links entering your site from other resources that are related (to the taste of the search engine) to yours in terms of thematic content.

As in the case of indexing, the analysis of such links occurs permanently, but the TIC itself basically remains unchanged between updates of its values. In exceptional cases, however, it can be changed in a negative direction in the form of punishment.

And then, after updating, the index sharply changes its value (or not, depending on who the algorithm smiles on), and freezes again until the next update.

More about the types of Yandex updates

Yandex has another index, which, by the way, it recalculates instantly, online. This is the WCI (weighted citation index). But, unfortunately, the data of this index is not available to the uninitiated, or rather, to ordinary users. Similarly, the constantly changing value of toolbar PageRank from Google, which can also be seen after updates, is also inaccessible to the uninitiated.

However, there is an opinion that this indicator of the Google search engine is no longer as strong as it used to be. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that the last update of Page Rank took place about a year ago. You can see for yourself the negative dynamics of the frequency of these ups:

Let's return again to Yandex, or rather, to those Yandex updates that webmasters periodically monitor, as needed:

1. Update Yandex.Catalog. This most significant catalog of the Russian segment of the Internet, when updated, adds data on new resources or deletes those that have fallen in its eyes. Therefore, it is important for webmasters expecting one of these events to monitor and check these updates.

2. Update favicons. Unlike Google search results, Yandex also shows a favicon, an image-emblem of the site, to the left of the snippet. However, it does not show this image immediately after the site is indexed and the search results are updated or you replace the favicon, but only after the favicon is updated on Yandex.

3. Update of the image search database. Pictures located on the pages of Internet resources are monitored by a special Yandex robot. And the image database in Yandex is also updated periodically, so if you receive or plan to receive a significant share of traffic using images, you should monitor these updates in order to be able to control your own actions.

4. Updating mirrors. A separate Yandex robot is working on controlling the mergers (gluing) of site mirrors. For example, two URL addresses - and site.rf - are mirrors that need to be merged, and always using a 301 redirect, in the robots.txt file or in the Yandex Webmasters panel.

There are situations when it is necessary to change the domain, for example, after falling under a search filter. Then you should register a new main mirror on both the new and the old domain and duplicate this in the Yandex webmaster. But even after this, the mirrors will become one for the search engine only after the mirrorer updates.

I would also like to tell you that updating the Yandex search database is not one-time in all areas, but is of a thematic nature:

  1. Link update – data on the indexing of incoming links to sites comes into force.
  2. Text update – similar actions, only related to indexing the text content of pages.
  3. Behavioral data update. Data on user behavior on indexed sites is also updated at some intervals.
  4. Search algorithm update. If they are not afraid of this update, then all webmasters and website promotion specialists are afraid of it. This is an update of the ranking approach itself, that is, in determining the level of relevance. This is a change in the algorithm for analyzing data received by other Yandex robots and in the principle of generating the final search list.

As a rule, the Yandex search database is updated in this order: first there is a text update, followed by a link update. Behavioral data is updated without any consistency. You can see this for yourself by looking at the latest update data in the figure below:

I would like to note that you shouldn’t get hung up on updates and frantically wait for the next update; the main thing in a webmaster’s work is to check the site’s position (there are enough similar resources for checking on the network) and analyze the changes.

And it should also be taken into account that Yandex search is inert by nature, and the result of one update is not a death sentence; it’s better to wait for one or two more to draw any global conclusions.

How to track Yandex updates

After reading what I wrote above, you probably want to ask the question, how can you track Yandex updates? As you may have guessed, there are such methods; I’ll even say more – there are several of them.

Firstly, you can subscribe to the newsletter from Yandex itself. This becomes available after you have added your project to the Yandex.Webmaster tool. To do this, in the “Message types” settings item, check the box for forwarding to email next to the “Global” and “Search database update” types.

In general, I recommend sending all messages on the list to email. They do not appear too often to litter your drawer, and you will always be aware of all events.

I would like to note that messages from Yandex about updating the search results occur after the search results calm down after the update, and you will have the opportunity to calmly determine your current positions and analyze whether it turned out to be good or bad for your resource.

There are other ways to obtain information about Yandex updates. For example, the popular website Seobuget places on its pages a tool called “Accurate Yandex and Google Updates,” which not only shows existing TIC updates and search results, but also makes forecasts about the release dates of new ones:

Here you can also subscribe to the newsletter to receive timely information about updates (to choose from) of various databases. In addition to email subscription, you can choose SMS newsletter. Its current cost is 5 rubles. To be able to send out messages on this resource, registration is required.

To always keep your finger on the pulse of new updates and tell your site visitors about them, you can add an informer from the above-mentioned resource, the code of which can be found under the mailing form, looking like this:

If you do not want to place foreign code on your website, you can use the Yandex service itself and place a thematic widget on its main page.

There are other resources on the Internet that monitor Yandex and Google updates. For example, a site like Pr-Cy contains an "Updates" tool, informing in the form of a calendar the latest changes in indexes, issuance, etc.

This resource, in addition to the calendar, also offers to add your widget to the main page of the same Yandex or an informer for visitors to the pages of your site.

You can easily obtain an informer containing such interesting information as data on behavioral factors by visiting the Movebo website.

To independently monitor changes in the Yandex Thematic Citation Index (TCI) and report this indicator to visitors to your resource, you can put a button on your website stylized as a banknote.

You can get the installation code on the Yandex website.

I think it will be very convenient, useful and informative to visit and discuss Yandex updates on thematic SEO forums. I think most will agree with me that one of the most convenient and popular platforms is the forum.

It has a separate section for Yandex updates, and a subscription to new materials that will be published there is available.

Like any other forum, its participants collect information about promotion from all over the Internet and actively discuss it. And in the above section you will also find a lot of interesting things about past and upcoming updates of search results, TICs, images, find out different opinions, stories, and also talk about your sorrows and joys.