Blocking SMS messages on Beeline - how to disable information and advertising alerts on your phone? How to get rid of spam on Megafon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2.

  • In electronic form through the official website of Roskomndzor
  • Spam complaint Megafon's system analyzes all messages about spam and reviews these cases for legality. If the law is violated, the number from which the mailing is sent is blocked; It is worth noting: this method does not work instantly, and does not work at all against legitimate mailings.
  • You can use the SMS control service. By dialing *903# and making a call, you will see a list of 10 numbers from which you received the latest SMS. Any selected number is immediately added to the “black list” and blocked for you. Works with alphabetic, numeric and symbolic numbers; Please note: blocking occurs instantly, but does not help other subscribers. Numbers can be unblocked at any time.
  • There is a paid (1 ruble/day) service “SMS filter”.

Spam under control: antispam protection platform

In response, the subscriber will receive an SMS notification with the text: “Thank you, your message has been registered,” and a specialist from the claims processing group will analyze the situation and check the information and, if necessary, call back for additional information. In addition, subscribers can report illegal actions of providers involving services on short numbers by calling 0611 and through the online form of the portal

Messages from social networks are also accepted.

Beeline launches an SMS hotline for complaints about spam and scammers

Where to file a complaint about spam If you are tired of unnecessary mailings, you can contact the competent organizations. Company providing mobile communication services Corporations are interested parties in eliminating subscriber dissatisfaction, since they understand what the brewing of a conflict is fraught with: the imposition of fines, suspension or termination of activities as a result of inspections by the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Contacts for filing a complaint:

  • Users of the MTS network can call the support service number 0890 or send a letter with a complaint to the following address. The electronic version of the form for filing a complaint against scammers is located on the website page at

How to get rid of spam on megaphone, mts, beeline and tele2

You can refuse unnecessary SMS, to do this, dial *110*20#. In addition, you can find the “Chameleon” option in the phone menu in the beeinfo section and disable it manually.

If all these operations have been carried out, but messages still arrive on your mobile device, then call a consultant at 0611. Subscribers who are in roaming can also disable the service by dialing the short number *111# Money for unnecessary SMS If in all of the above While SMS messages were free, and they caused only slight discomfort to the client, sometimes subscribers complain about the causeless “leakage” of money from their mobile phone.
True, there is a reason for withdrawing money from the account, these are paid SMS mailings, which are often automatically connected when the subscriber goes online.

Where to complain about the Beeline company. (beeline)

Nikita Svetlykh / Mobile communications To receive messages from subscribers, the short number 007 works. You can redirect received SMS from both short and federal numbers to it, if there is confirmation or suspicion that they may be attempts at illegal actions by providers or individuals.

Sending information to number 007 is free. The SMS hotline works as follows: the subscriber forwards suspicious SMS received to his phone to the short number 007 (for example, messages containing viruses or malicious links, SMS with misleading information, messages containing a short number or received from a short number; spam mailings indicating a short or “long” number, etc.).

Where to complain about Beeline advertising SMS mailings

Complaint about Beeline On Tuesday, a law prohibiting mass unauthorized distribution of messages came into force in Russia. SMS messages sent from federal numbers are prohibited; from now on, the user must see the name of the company.
In addition, in order to carry out such mailings, organizations must have an agreement with a mobile operator. If these conditions are not met, the antimonopoly service will investigate the companies and a fine may be imposed. The subscriber must give consent to receive SMS messages, in writing and through a code received via SMS.


If necessary, a person can contact the operator with a request to stop the delivery of SMS messages from a specific sending company. The publication Sobaka found out how the initiative works: what is needed to punish those who promise profitable loans and not send really useful notifications to the trash.

OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) announces the commissioning of a single number for unsubscribing from SPAM and unwanted messages coming from short alphanumeric numbers.
This initiative is being implemented jointly with the operator’s partners - SMS aggregators: A1 SMS Market (A1 Systems LLC), DEVINO TELECOM LLC, InfoBip LLC, Logic Telecom LLC, OSK LLC, SMS Traffic LLC , SMS-Services LLC, SmartCardLink CJSC as part of joining efforts to combat SPAM /

Service "Planet Internet"

To unsubscribe from unwanted SMS coming from alphanumeric numbers, you must send a free SMS indicating the sender of the SPAM to number 1888. Unsubscribing from receiving messages from this sender will be done within 48 hours, both by the Beeline operator and all SMS aggregators, who supported the operator's initiative to combat SPAM.

The introduction of a SPAM unsubscribe number is the third phase of the anti-SPAM project, which has been carried out by VimpelCom OJSC since the fall of 2013. It is planned that already at this stage the number of SMS regarded by the subscriber as SPAM will be reduced by 3 times. Let us recall that the peak of SPAM load on cellular subscribers occurred in October 2013, when all operators recorded a significant increase in the number of complaints from subscribers.

“We are extremely concerned about improving the quality of services provided to our subscribers and minimizing the annoying factors that exist today. The fight against SPAM is perhaps one of the most pressing and at the same time difficult tasks facing all operators. We expect that a single entry point for messages about their desire to unsubscribe from currently received SMS, including those to which the subscriber subscribed independently earlier, will be able to significantly increase customer satisfaction from using our services and the services of our partners,” noted Alexey Nazarov, director of marketing for the business segment of OJSC VimpelCom.

“As one of the largest aggregators, SMS Traffic is certainly interested in ensuring that the fight against SPAM is systematic and balanced. Combining the efforts of all market players and creating a unified system for responding to illegal mailings, in our opinion, will effectively solve this problem. For our part, we not only quickly got involved in the process, but also took an active part in creating regulations for responding to information about SPAMers, common to all partners who joined the initiative,” commented Vyacheslav Safronov, General Director of SMS Traffic LLC.

The same applies to cellular communications - if Beeline does not work as it should, we immediately try to leave a lot of negative reviews about it. Moreover, it would be too lazy to give a positive assessment - there are many times fewer good responses online than negative ones.

Reviews about Beeline are often unfounded.

Subscribers themselves make mistakes, diligently shifting their blame onto the operator himself and his employees. It should be noted that the likelihood of any error resulting in unnecessary write-offs is extremely small - it amounts to thousandths of a percent.

Beeline launches an SMS hotline for complaints about spam and scammers


The operator VimpelCom (Beeline brand) announced the launch of an SMS hotline for receiving complaints and collecting information from subscribers on facts or suspicions of illegal actions using mobile communications.

The short number 007 is used to receive messages from subscribers. You can redirect received SMS from both short and federal numbers to it, if there is confirmation or suspicion that they may be attempts at illegal actions by providers or individuals. Sending information to number 007 is free.

In response, the subscriber will receive an SMS notification with the text: “Thank you, your message has been registered,” and a specialist from the claims processing group will analyze the situation and check the information and, if necessary, call back for additional information.

Spam under control: Antispam protection platform

After all, if every mobile phone user in Russia receives just one such SMS in their entire life: 10 seconds per 150 million people, that will be 47 years!

How Beeline protects its customers from spam To improve the quality of communication services, Beeline is doing serious work to protect its customers from receiving spam messages: 1.

We have launched the Antispam Protection intelligent platform, which effectively monitors the Beeline network and allows us to significantly reduce the amount of spam received. This protection is provided to Beeline customers free of charge.

How to complain about Beeline

The first thing you should do is contact them. To write a complaint against Beeline in this way, you need to perform a number of actions: After writing, the complaint is sent to Beeline by email to the company. Company employees will consider it and try to help the subscriber who contacted them with a solution to the problem. You can also contact them via the hotline (mobile phone number: 0611).

A sample complaint can be found on the Internet. But there is nothing difficult about writing a complaint.

It is drawn up on the basis of a standard form, and can also be used when contacting other authorities that deal with the protection of consumer rights.

Complaint about Beeline

The activities of Beeline, like other providers in the Russian Federation, are regulated by the Federal Law “On Communications” and the Rules governing telephone services No. 1342.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Rule No. 1342, the company can transfer subscriber data to other persons only with the written consent of the subscriber.

Communication must be carried out around the clock, the provider must promptly eliminate faults that impede the use of the Internet and telephone. Violation of these requirements (the full list of responsibilities is enshrined in paragraph 24 of the Rules) gives citizens the right to write a complaint to Beeline. Reasons for a complaint about Beeline services Each subscriber has the right to demand clarification from the company if:

where and to whom to complain about SMS from Beeline


Let us know about illegal actions that happened to you via mobile communications - we will definitely look into it and help you!

did you find the answer to your question on this page?

Thank you for your feedback, it will help us improve the quality of information!

you can continue searching for the answer to your question:

— find out from the electronic assistant;

— by writing us a message with a question;

— ask a support specialist in chat;

how and where to complain about Beeline?

and so, there are several ways: 1.

You can express your dissatisfaction in your personal account on the operator’s website.

To do this, log into your personal account and find the section with contact information there. There you can leave your wish or complaint about Beeline. 2. On the operator’s website there is a special feedback form in which you can write the essence of your appeal or dissatisfaction.

Your message will definitely be read and a detailed answer will be given. 3. There is an online chat with a specialist on the official website.

immediately write a question or describe a problem and immediately receive an answer to your complaint.

Many users of the popular mobile operator noted that Beeline constantly sends SMS to their mobile phone and this is annoying and distracts them from work and household chores.

How to disable all unwanted messages on Beeline? In addition to numerous mailings and offers from the operator, random subscriptions, spam, SMS mailings, and messages from the “ ” service bring discomfort. There are several ways to get rid of annoying advertising.

If you receive free information messages from the operator and the subscriber does not need them, you can disable the function using the number. This option is suitable for disabling advertising SMS mailings of the Beeline network. If there is no need to receive messages about news and promotions, a call to the number will help.

Disabling advertising in service SMS messages

Often when typing the USSD command * 120 # In order to check the balance, the owner of the number, in addition to the current message regarding the account balance, receives an advertisement. Advertising in SMS from Beeline short numbers contains notifications about new services, connected options, and feature updates.

To refuse this type of USSD information and permanently remove advertising in short messages, you should contact the operator at .

Is it possible to disable additional SMS about events?

If you are tired of receiving messages about the remaining traffic or account replenishment, you should turn off notifications about various events in order to save money. To reduce your information load, you can dial the operator's number: such notifications will no longer bother you.

And it is also possible to disable receiving notifications “the subscriber is in touch again”. You need to go to and in the appropriate section refuse the services of the operator and its partners using the same number base.

Disabling unnecessary MMS messages

In order not to receive informational MMS from the operator, you should unsubscribe from advertising in MMS messages from Beeline using a simple service number.

How to cancel calls from Beeline callers?

It happens that the operator calls at an inconvenient moment. You can refuse calls from Beeline auto-informers by calling . You can activate this service again using the number.

How to block spam from various companies?

When various types of spam begin to arrive in abundance at a number in the form of SMS, you can easily remove SMS messaging of mobile advertising through the company’s website or by calling customer support at 0611 . And also, in order to block spam mailings from retail chains, it is worth tracking which numbers the messages are coming from. It is better to blacklist these numbers; you can read more about this service in the corresponding article.

Do you want to complain about spam to Megafon or another operator? You can be understood.

Credits, loans, taxis, insurance, and hundreds of other currently unnecessary services are tried to be imposed on us every day. This is not only time-consuming, but also very annoying.

This is actually important. Nobody likes to receive unnecessary information, and even against their will. This article discusses the causes of spam and how to combat it.

Why and from whom does SMS spam come?

Please note that even large companies do not disdain this method of advertising, not to mention small, and often illegal, companies.

This method is simple, cheap and allows you to reach a large part of the population. For illegal companies that provide, for example, escort services, this is one of the few possible ways to make themselves known.

How does this happen? A person leaves his phone number somewhere, for example, when registering. After unfair data processing, the number ends up in a database, which is later purchased by a spammer company. This is how a person begins to receive messages without his consent.

It should be understood: Do not confuse SMS spam with mailings to which a person has agreed. Even if you inadvertently put an extra signature, such mailing will be considered legal.

What is the Spam Law

In October 2014, a law began to work in the Russian Federation limiting spam carried out through .

This law prohibits sending subscribers advertising messages from federal (ten-digit) numbers.

Companies need to sign a special agreement with a mobile operator in order to engage in this kind of advertising. In addition, the user must clearly see the name of the company that sent the message.

Good to know: If this law is violated, the federal antimonopoly service will deal with the unlucky mailers. Legal entities may be subject to an administrative fine of several hundred thousand rubles.

How can subscribers block SMS spam?

On Megafon

Let's describe several options for fighting:

    1. Let's start with the free methods. Within 4 days from the moment you receive the message, forward it, without changing the text, to number 1911. The Megafon system analyzes all messages about spam and reviews these cases for legality. If the law is violated, the number from which the mailing is sent is blocked;

Worth noting: This method does not work instantly, and does not work at all against legitimate mailings.

    1. You can use the service « SMS control » . By dialing *903# and making a call, you will see a list of 10 numbers from which you received the latest SMS. Any selected number is immediately added to the “black list” and blocked for you. Works with alphabetic, numeric and symbolic numbers;

Please note: blocking occurs instantly, but does not help other subscribers. Numbers can be unblocked at any time.

  1. There is a paid (1 ruble/day) service « SMS filter ». By sending a message with an alphabetic or symbolic number to 5320, you will block it. Also, if the service is activated, this can be done through the service. Information on blocking is available on the same website.

On Beeline

Beeline has an Antispam protection system ». This free, intelligent platform constantly monitors the network, thereby reducing the amount of spam received by subscribers.

If messages come from a Beeline partner, the subscriber will no longer receive them. If it is SMS spam from another operator, the antispam system will deal with it, improving the quality of services for all Beeline subscribers.

Please note: To file a complaint, you must send a message to the short address 007 containing the number (alphabetic, numeric or symbolic) from which you received the unwanted SMS, the text of the message, and the time parameters for its receipt.

Remember, if you agreed to receive the newsletter, the messages received will not be considered spam.


MTS does not lag behind other operators and is developing its free Antispam service » .

By analogy with other systems, Antispam collects statistics on complaints, analyzes them, protects users from intrusive information and blocks spammers.

To use this service, you need to send the spam message unchanged to number 6333. The response message will ask for the sender's phone number or name. Within 10 minutes, reply with a numeric, alphabetic, or symbolic sender ID.

As soon as you do everything, you will receive confirmation of acceptance of the complaint. Antispam will not only take all necessary measures, but also within 24 hours will give you instructions on possible ways to solve the problem.

On Tele2

Since 2014, Tele2 has been operating a service « Antispam SMS ». The principle of operation of the program is similar to “black lists”.

To add a sender to the service register, you need to send a message with his digital, symbolic or alphabetic identifier to number 345. After this, the subscriber will stop receiving information from this number.

In order to remove the sender from the list, you need to send an SMS of the form “0*unblocking number” to number 345. To view a list of all numbers and names, you need to send 1. To disable the service, you need to send 00. The service itself and all SMS sent are completely free.

Where to complain about SMS spam

You need to complain to the FAS and only to the FAS, because SMS mailings are advertising and fall under the federal law “On Advertising.”

The complaint can be submitted to the regional office of the FAS in paper or electronic form.

The application must indicate:

  1. Where are you sending your complaint? Government agency or full name, position of the official.
  2. Your passport details, full name, contact phone number, postal address.
  3. Who sent the SMS.
  4. The essence of the complaint and the facts confirming the violation.
  5. Requirements. They usually require an unsubscribe, but you can also demand a fine.
  6. Personal, full name, date.
  7. Evidence of violation. The best solution would be to save all unwanted messages and then print them.

Please note: The application review period takes 60 days.

Once an application is accepted, it is assigned an entry number which allows the applicant to track and inquire about its status. If the application is completed correctly, the FAS will respond within 30 days. And most importantly, do not be afraid of the court - your mobile operator will be the plaintiff in it.

If you are afraid of difficulties, then use the RoSpam program. The program is installed on Android and runs in the background. The user enters his personal data into it and, if he receives spam, can immediately send a completed complaint to the FAS. Everything happens online. The application itself is free, does not contain advertising and is entirely designed in Russian.

Responsibility for SMS spam

According to Part 7 of Article 38 of the Federal Law “On Advertising”, the advertising distributor is responsible for violating the requirements of Part 1 of Article 18 of the same Federal Law.

It is interesting that, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 14.3 of the Administrative Code of Russia, such an offense committed by an advertiser, manufacturer or distributor of advertising is punishable. Legal entities are subject to a fine, the amount of which ranges from 100-500 thousand rubles. In addition, litigation will tarnish the company's reputation.


Now you know what to do if you receive an unwanted SMS message. Blocking, using special programs and mobile applications, filing a complaint with the FAS - it's up to you.

It is important to defend your interests. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. It would seem that an extra SMS is a trifle, but most of our life is built from such trifles.

Watch the video, which gives practical advice on how to block SMS spam: