Chrome how to exit full screen mode. Google Chrome Full Screen Mode

A couple of problems with newer versions of chrome:

  • built-in for magnification
  • Chrome recovery error always shows after force shutdown
  • auto update popup

Due to a recovery bug disabled in incognito mode as this runs the clear version all the time and doesn't save what the user was viewing and so if it crashes there is nothing to recover. Also, automatic updating in newer versions of chrome is a pain to try and disable, I disabled using chrome as it doesn't auto update and still give all the modern chrome features. Note. Make sure you download the top version of chrome which comes with all audio and video codecs as the base version of chrome does not support all codecs.

@echo off echo Step 1 of 2: Waiting a few seconds before starting the Kiosk... "C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 5 -w 1000 >NUL echo Step 2 of 5: Waiting a few more seconds before starting the browser... "C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 5 -w 1000 >NUL echo Final "invisible" step: Starting the browser, Finally... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chromium\chrome.exe" --chrome --kiosk --incognito --disable-pinch --overscroll-history-navigation=0 exit


I use this for exhibitions to lock screens. I think this is what you are looking for.

  • Launch chrome and go to and drag the URL onto your desktop.
  • rename it to something suitable for this example google_homepage
  • Drop this now into your c directory, click on my computer c: and drop this file there
  • start chrome again go to settings and under at startup select open page and set home page here.

The next part is the script I use to start closing and restarting chrome in kiosk mode again. Where I have chrome installed, it may be different for you depending on your setup.

Open your text editor of choice or just notepad and run through the code below, make sure it is in the same format/order as shown below. Save it to your desktop as you like in this example chrome_startup_script.txt, then right click it and rename it, delete txt from the end and enter bat. double click it to run the script to make sure it works correctly.

A command prompt window should appear and run through the script, chrome will start and then close the reason to do this is to remove any error messages, for example if the computer crashed, when chrome starts again without it showing a yellow error bar at the top saying that chrome did not close correctly, you would like to restore it. After a few seconds, Chrome should start again and in kiosk mode and indicate which home page you have set.

@echo off echo Step 1 of 5: Waiting a few seconds before starting the Kiosk... "C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 31 -w 1000 >NUL echo Step 2 of 5: Starting browser as a pre-start to delete error messages... "C:\google_homepage.url" echo Step 3 of 5: Waiting a few seconds before killing the browser task... "C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 11 -w 1000 >NUL echo Step 4 of 5: Killing the browser task gracefully to avoid session restore... Taskkill /IM chrome.exe echo Step 5 of 5: Waiting a few seconds before restarting the browser... " C:\windows\system32\ping" -n 11 -w 1000 >NUL echo Final "invisible" step: Starting the browser, Finally... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application \chrome.exe" --kiosk --overscroll-history-navigation=0" exit

Note: The number after the -n ping is the number of seconds (minus one second) to wait before running the link (or the application on the next line)

Finally, if this all works, you can drag the .bat file into your Windows startup folder and this script will run every time Windows starts.


In the newest versions of Chrome they have actually made it into touch gestures, meaning that swiping left or right on the touch screen will cause the browser to move forward or backward in history. To avoid this, we need to disable history navigation on the back and forward buttons to add the following --overscroll-history-navigation=0 to the end of the script.

If you have come to this page, then the question is probably spinning in your head - “How to enter full-screen mode in Chrome?” Actually, we will consider it. And besides, we’ll figure out how to get out of it, and also tell you a little about changing the page scale.

You can open full-screen mode in two ways - through the menu, and also by pressing a special key responsible for this action. Let's look at a more complex method first:

You can also take an even easier route. Click F11 and this mode will be turned on immediately. To disable it, click on the button again F11 on keyboard.

Changing the scale in Chrome

Google's browser allows you to zoom in on the page. Initially it is equal to 100%, but if you are not satisfied with this and you want to increase or, on the contrary, decrease it, then this can be done in a few clicks.

If you don't like this way of controlling page zoom, there is another one. Hold down the “Ctrl” key and, without releasing it, roll the mouse wheel up/down.

Most of the positive aspects of the Google Chrome browser are sometimes overshadowed by some of its shortcomings: such “tricks” of developers are found everywhere and will always be! We just have to maneuver somehow and manage to create a favorable working environment for ourselves.

Today we’ll look at a solution to a problem that makes it difficult to use the browser on the entire monitor screen: the saddest thing is that you lose quick (quick) access to open browser tabs.

Switching to/exiting full-screen mode on a computer is the F11 key, and on laptops the Fn+F11 key combination is often used.

The solution to the problem shown is the Tab Revolution utility: let’s get to know each other in more detail, because there are some nuances:

how to enable full screen mode in Google Chrome browser using Tab Revolution

As far as I remember, this browser problem has been haunting inquisitive users for quite a long time... probably the creators have some goals regarding this full-screen mode, and therefore are somehow plastic for the user and are in no hurry to solve it.

Fic with them: we’ll decide for ourselves!

First of all, let's download the utility itself... Tab Revolution - go to the page using the Chrome browser - the page also has some details...

Click the “Install” button and — seconds of Internet collapse — you’re done! The utility is installed. Now you need to restart your browser...

Let's take a close look at the dashboard (toolbar) - the following hot Tab Revolution application icon will appear:

how to manage the Tab Revolution extension

Everything is the same as before (when this extension was not installed): to enter full-screen mode, you just need to press the F11 key (or on a laptop keyboard Fn + F11)

However, here lies the miraculous power of the utility itself...

Working in full-screen mode of the Chrome browser, you no longer have to fiddle with the keyboard:

All you have to do is move your cursor to the upper left edge of the browser window... all our open page tabs will appear in a magnificent pop-up effect)) - just choose!

! Study the “Settings in the icon itself” of the application yourself: it is very interesting and informative in terms of moving towards confident use of the Chrome browser.

...And all I can do is say goodbye... and wish you useful work on the network

MIG subscription - ERA of useful knowledge!!

If anything is not clear and you still have questions, share them in the comments...

Because each program has its own interface differences, it may not be obvious to users what to do to perform a particular function. Below we will talk about the most popular problems with exiting full screen mode.

How to exit full screen mode in Firefox

Most often, people end up in full-screen browser mode by accident. Having encountered an unusual display, users rush to return to the usual, without having tried all the advantages of an undeservedly ignored function. It is noteworthy that Firefox supports full-screen mode on any device, from miniature netbooks to huge HD displays, allowing you to use all the functionality of the device to the maximum. If you don’t have enough of the usual toolbar, just move the cursor to the edge of the window and the menu items will appear.

  • to return to the usual view, go to “Settings” in the upper right corner of the browser and click on the “Full screen” button inside (clicking again will return full-screen mode);
  • An alternative way to exit is to press the F11 button on the keyboard (for laptops it can be Fn+F11, if there is a compact type of button arrangement).

How to exit full screen mode in Google Chrome

The popular browser from Google, which has proven itself well among Windows users, can spontaneously switch to full-screen mode on OS Ubuntu. This causes a lot of inconvenience to PC owners and requires additional clarification. So, in order to “wean” Chrome from opening in full screen mode (it will also work on Windows), we will perform the following sequence of actions:

  • launch the Chrome browser;
  • if the window expands to full screen, switch to another monitor;
  • on the latter we launch another copy of the browser;
  • we return to the first monitor and close the first copy by right-clicking on the bottom panel with the list of open windows;
  • go to the next monitor, with a “double” of Chrome, which should launch in a regular window (or switch it to windowed mode through the settings\buttons in the upper right corner);
  • close the windowed copy, launch Chrome again - the problem should disappear, the browser remembers the last windowed launch and restores it in each new session.

How to exit full screen mode in games?

Switching to windowed mode can make a gamer's life easier in many ways. This makes it more convenient to interact with other simultaneously running programs. In windowed mode, games require less PC resources, some stop displaying a “dark screen”, “slow down” or create other problems. Switching the game to windowed mode is as easy as shelling pears - usually this feature is turned on and off in the options by simply checking the checkbox. If the developers, for various reasons, did not provide this feature, for Windows there are universal key combinations that switch any program to windowed mode. Try pressing Esc, F11, or Alt+Enter one at a time to determine which buttons work with specific software.

Despite the fact that only two browsers were discussed in the article, all other programs function in a completely similar way. To switch to windowed mode and back from any program, use the specified hotkey combinations or carefully examine the program settings to find the desired option.

If you find yourself in full-screen mode and don’t know how to get out of it, it most likely happened by accident. Typically, developers try to follow generally accepted norms and place controls in the familiar way that is most common at the moment.

But this does not always happen, because sometimes the same problem is solved in completely different ways in different programs. Let's look at how this is done in different browsers, Photoshop, when watching videos and in games.

If all menus and function buttons disappear from the screen, leaving only the web page itself, then you are in full-screen mode. Full screen mode is needed to display the content of programs without unnecessary distracting functionality, when there is no need to perform any manipulations with the content. Menu items and currently unnecessary buttons do not distract and you can focus on the content.

Sometimes you can enter full-screen mode by accident by pressing some buttons on the keyboard. In this case, the person does not understand at all what is happening and how to return everything back. Fortunately, for most modern browsers there is a general solution to exit this mode. Entering and exiting full-screen mode is done by pressing the F11 button at the top of the keyboard. This works in Chrome, Firefox, and Yandex browser. You can also switch to full-screen mode through the menu in each of these browsers. But the location of the button is usually different, and the F11 function key is common to all browsers.

It should be remembered that when you are working from a laptop, the function keys F1-F12 may be occupied by commands to control the functions of the laptop. This could be changing the volume, turning on/off the touchpad, playback buttons and switching tracks. In this case, you may need to first press the Fn button at the bottom of the keyboard, and then, without releasing it, press F11. Fn changes the command input mode from the function button, so if exiting full-screen mode does not work using F11, you should try it in conjunction with Fn.

In Mozilla Firefox, you can also exit full-screen mode through the menu buttons. If you move the cursor to the edge of the screen, all functionality returns. In other browsers, nothing like this happens and you can only work from the keyboard.

How to exit full screen mode when watching a video

Of course, it’s better to watch the video on full screen, so you can better immerse yourself in what’s happening. Entering and exiting full screen mode using the keyboard buttons will vary depending on the program you'll be using to watch the video.

However, all programs support enabling and disabling full-screen mode via the context menu. Just right-click and select Full Screen or Full Screen. Exiting the mode will occur in the same way: right-click and then select the same item.

Switching mode using buttons is usually done in one of the following ways:
1. Button F. This is short for Fullscreen and works in many software players, as well as in some browser ones. Pressing once takes the screen to full screen mode, pressing again returns the screen to its original state.
2. Press the Enter button. It works as in the previous paragraph, it is a switch to and from full screen mode.
3. Double click the mouse in the video field. Switches the screen to fullscreen mode, you need to click in the area where the video is playing. In this case, exiting the mode can be done by pressing the Esc key.

How to exit full screen mode in a game

Typically, games are automatically set to full screen mode. This is done so that all these unnecessary and currently unnecessary elements do not distract from the game. The quick launch bar, the tray clock, open programs in the background of the game - all this is just distracting.

Sometimes, however, it is useful to have the game in a separate window. This can be convenient when during the game, during pauses, you need to switch to another program. Chat, browser, messenger, whatever.

To put the game into windowed mode temporarily, you usually just need to press the Alt+Enter key combination. This doesn't always work, depending on the functionality of the game. If the combination does not work, or you need to use windowed mode often, you can change the settings item in the game itself. It is located in the graphics settings section, sometimes in the detailed graphics settings. Output mode is usually sorted next to the game resolution.

If you just need to minimize the game for a couple of minutes, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win+D or Alt+tab.

How to exit full screen mode in Photoshop

Photoshop offers excellent tools for both photo editing and drawing. At the end of the work, or sometimes during the process, you want to remove unnecessary tools, palettes, windows and look only at the work. This can be done by pressing the F key. The command will switch viewing modes up to full screen.

You can exit the mode by pressing F again, or by pressing Esc. You can move in the reverse direction in viewing modes using the Shift + F key combination.

The methods given are of a general nature, although most program developers adhere to this system. However, all functionality always lies on the shoulders of the developers and the teams that will be written are chosen by them.

Therefore, there may be all sorts of surprises. If you can’t exit full-screen mode, read the instructions for using the specific program. After all, there is no single right solution.