Filezilla server installation and configuration. Preparing to install your own FTP server

Good day, dear readers! Lately I've been getting a lot of messages asking me how to install my own FTP server in home (or not so) conditions.

Preparing to install your own FTP server

As promised, first, briefly about what it is FTP for those who don't know:

I would like to immediately note that the article will consider the option of home use, without the tricky and subtle settings that are used in the case of full-fledged corporate servers.

To install, you need to download one of the multiple distributions that will help you deploy FTP-server. Personally, I recommend that you use FileZilla Server, because he, like the client I once mentioned, (see article linked above), is extremely easy to install and configure, and is also free.

You can download it, for example, from this link.

Installing FTP FileZilla Server

After downloading the distribution, actually run its installation (meaning that you need to click on the downloaded exe-file) and follow the recommendations below.

On the first window you need to agree to the license agreement, click “ I Agree”.

Standard(Standard) - option for installation from scratch for full server functionality.

Full(Full) - almost the same, but the source code of the program will also be copied to the installation folder, in case you want to change something in it.

FTP service only(Service only) - the FTP service is installed directly, without accessing it through the interface. Useful if you plan to manage your file storage from another computer.

Control Interface(Interface only) - unlike the previous point, only the graphical server management shell is installed, but not the server itself. Use if you want to remotely access your FTP server.

Custom installation(Custom) - You are free to choose what you want to put on your computer.

On the next window you need to select the installation folder, for example, “ C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server" After selection, proceed to the next window (Next).

Now the installer will ask us to choose how to install and run the server.

There are three options:

  • How to start a service at login
  • How to start a service manually
  • Easy installation, run manually

It is recommended to choose the first or second option. The only difference is that in the second case, for the server to work, you will need to go to “ Control Panel - Administration - Service Management“, find the service there in the list and start it yourself by clicking on the start button.

In addition, at this stage you should specify the port through which the server management interface will be connected, that is, your administration console, so to speak, which will allow you to set settings, see who has connected where, etc. To increase security, change it from the standard one (14147) to something else.

Also, by default, the option to start the server after installation is checked. (Start Server after setup completes). You can leave this checkbox or you can remove it. That's your business. Having done this, go to the last window using the button Next.

Here we select options for launching the interface.

There are again three of them:

  • When logging in, for all users
  • On login, for the current user
  • Manually

The first option will work if you are the only user of the computer where the server is installed, and you, in principle, will still launch the interface automatically under all operating system accounts or only under one.
The second one is suitable for those who work on the computer more than once (i.e. there are several accounts on the computer used by different people) and wants no one else to control it FTP server, i.e. the interface was launched only from the account in which the installation is now being carried out.

And the third option sets the launch parameter only manually, i.e. it will not start with the system at all.
Let me remind you that the interface is something like an administrative program that allows you to monitor the state of the server, start, stop and configure it.

Check mark (Start Interface after setup completes) in this window, again, sets the interface to start immediately at the end of the installation.

Well, having dealt with all this, you can finally start installing the server (using, of course, the “ Install“)

Setting up FTP FileZilla Server

So, after installation, when you first launch the interface, a small window will appear where you need to specify the address and port for connection, as well as the administrator password (during the first installation it is not there). You can check the option “Connect to this server all the time” (Always connect to this server). Click “ Ok“.

I would like to emphasize that this is a connection to the server locally, namely, a connection to the administration interface, i.e. issuing an address and port 14147 for a friend who wants to connect, it is useless. External addresses, passwords and logins required to connect to the server will be written about during the course of the article.

Now let's move on to the settings. This is done by going to “ Edit -> Settings” or by clicking on the button on the interface panel:

A settings window will open in front of you. On the first tab (General Settings) you can set the following parameters:

From top to bottom screenshot:

  • The port on which clients will connect to the server
  • Maximum number of clients
  • Number of threads
  • Various timeouts (three pieces)

For the purposes of this article, we are interested in the first two points. The port can be left as is, or you can change it to increase security, but then you will have to inform everyone about it who wants to connect.

The second setting is responsible for the maximum number of connections. By default, the parameter value is “ 0 ”, this means that their number is not limited. It is worth changing this parameter if, for example, your Internet channel cannot cope with the load, because too many people are connecting to you.

The rest can be left unchanged, since the settings are optimal for home use.

In the next sub-item you can configure the welcome message that users will see when connecting. For example: " Notes Server Sys. Admin!" Here you can use the so-called text parameters. For example, you can set the output for version clients ftp-servers. To do this, enter, in addition to the greeting, a combination of characters %v. In the place where you enter them, the above version will be automatically displayed.

Next, go to the sub-item “ IP bindings" Set up here IP-addresses where our FTP server. If you want the server to be accessible only from the local network, then instead of an asterisk, you should indicate your local IP-address, such as . Otherwise, there is nothing worth touching here.

In subparagraph “ IP Filter” can be set IP addresses (or range thereof), which will be prohibited from connecting to your server, as well as set exceptions from the specified range (second field). That is, for example, if you want to ban someone and prevent him from accessing your server, then indicate him in the first window. Also, if you want to give access only to someone specific and deny everyone else, then put an asterisk in the first field and specify a list IP-addresses in the second.

Tab “ Passive mode settings” regulates the parameters for passive connection to the server and its response. It’s worth changing anything here only if you are connected to the Internet not directly, but through a router that has a firewall and NAT. In this case, you may need to specify in the “ Use the following IP” your external IP-address (you can find out from your provider or in the router interface), as well as set a range of ports (Use custom port range), through which the client can connect to your server in passive mode. It is probably worth touching these settings only in case of problems with connecting users. In case of these and it is impossible to figure it out on your own, I will give you advice on the settings exclusively for you (write comments).

Settings section “ Miscellaneous”contain settings that are insignificant for a home FTP server. For example, such as “ Do not show password in log files(Don’t show passwords in message log), “Launch the interface minimized” (Start minimized), as well as the sizes of transmission buffers. In general, there is no need to touch anything here.

On the “ Admin Interface Settings” can be set IP-address and port through which the server management interface will be available (the same one that we initially used as And 14147 , that is, if you wish, you can change them). In addition, you can specify IP-addresses that are allowed to connect to it.

Settings section “ Logging” allows you to enable recording of log files (Enable logging to file), configure their maximum size (Limit log file size to), write everything to one file (Log all to “FileZilla Server.log”) or create a separate one for each day (in this case you can limit their maximum shelf life).

Tab “ GSS Settings” is responsible for using the protocol Kerberos GSS. For normal use, this option does not require configuration.

Next we have “ Speed ​​Limits" It can help limit the speed of incoming and outgoing connections. There are two ways to limit: set a permanent limit for all time or create rules for a specific day and/or hour. Limits are specified in kilobytes.

Tab “ Filetransfer compression” allows you to enable file compression mode during transfer. In this case, you can configure the minimum and maximum compression levels, as well as specify IP addresses for which compression will not be used. There is no need to touch anything.

To set up a secure connection between the client and server, you need to go to the settings item “ SSL/TLS Settings" Here you need to enable support for these protocols and specify the path to the private key, certificate file and password. For the average user this is not necessary, so it will not be discussed in this article.

Finally, you can enable automatic banning of users after n-th attempts of unsuccessful connections, and ban time. To do this, go to the “ tab Autobans” and, if you need it, then check the box “ Enable automatic bans“, indicate in the column “ Ban IP address after” the number of attempts after which the blocking will be carried out, as well as the blocking time in the “ field Ban for“. This is sometimes necessary to prevent unwanted individuals from spamming your server with their connection attempts.

Initial setup of user accounts (users) and shares (shares)

Now let’s configure user access, namely their accounts, passwords, folders, etc.
As an example, let's create the most, so to speak, common user and give him access.

So, to add a new account, in the main interface window follow the path “ Edit-> Users" We will see a window for working with users.

To add a new one, click “ Add" Next you will need to specify its name, for example, anonymous, and group membership (in our case we will not indicate). Set it up, click “ Ok”.

Now we can set a password and a limit on the number of connections for our new user. If necessary, do this by checking the “ Password” and indicating it (password) in the box opposite. It is highly recommended to use passwords for users for security purposes.

Next, go to the tab “ Share Folders" Here, in fact, we specify which folders the user will have access to. This is done simply: click “ Add” and select the desired folder on the disk. On the left you can set access rights to it: read only - “ Read”, entry - “ Write”, deletion - “ Delete” and the ability to change existing files in a directory - “ Append" Below you can allow creating, deleting, getting a list of files and propagating permissions to subdirectories.

We set the parameters and folders you need and... Click OK

This completes the initial setup. For home use you don’t need more

User access to the server.

So that your friends can use your FTP server, you need to provide it to them IP-address, as well as the login(s), password(s) and, if necessary, port (if changed) that you specified, which they must indicate in their preset FTP-client.

Find out external IP-address can be done by contacting your provider, looking in the router settings, or simply by using one of the many services, such as (as you probably guessed, you need what is written under the text “Your IP address:”).


That's how things are.

Despite the fact that the article is maximally oriented for small home use, I tried to explain in as much detail as possible all the necessary settings and nuances.

Good day, dear readers! As you understand from the title, today we’ll talk about FileZilla Server and creating your own FTP the server itself.

Lately I've been getting a lot of messages asking me how to install my own FTP server in home (or not so) conditions.

About what it is FTP, if someone suddenly doesn’t know, you can find out in this article of mine “” or immediately start reading (within this article there are a few words about the protocol itself).

Preparing to install your own FTP server

As promised, first, briefly about what it is FTP for those who don't know:

I would like to immediately note that the article will consider the option of home use, without the tricky and subtle settings that are used in the case of full-fledged corporate servers.

To install, you need to download one of the multiple distributions that will help you deploy FTP-server. Personally, I recommend that you use FileZilla Server, because it, like the client I once mentioned (see the article at the link above), is extremely easy to install and configure, and is also free.

Installing FTP FileZilla Server

After downloading the distribution, actually run its installation (this means that you need to click on the downloaded exe-file) and follow the recommendations below.

On the first window you need to agree to the license agreement, click “ I Agree”.

  • Standard(Standard) - option for installation from scratch for full server functionality.
  • Full(Full) - almost the same, but the source code of the program will also be copied to the installation folder, in case you want to change something in it.
  • FTP service only(Service only) - the FTP service is installed directly, without accessing it through the interface. Useful if you plan to manage your file storage from another computer.
  • Control Interface(Interface only) - unlike the previous point, only the graphical server management shell is installed, but not the server itself. Use if you want to remotely access your FTP server.
  • Custom installation(Custom) - You are free to choose what you want to put on your computer.

On the next window you need to select the installation folder, for example, “ C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server" After selection, go to the next window ( Next).

Now the installer will ask us to choose how to install and run the server.

There are three options:

  • How to start a service at login
  • How to start a service manually
  • Easy installation, run manually

It is recommended to choose the first or second option. The only difference is that in the second case, for the server to work, you will need to go to " Control Panel - Administration - Service Management", find the service there in the list and start it yourself by clicking on the start button.

Port and initial launch of FileZilla Server

In addition, at this stage you should specify the port through which the server management interface will be connected, that is, your administration console, so to speak, which will allow you to set settings, see who has connected where, etc. To improve security, change it from the default ( 14147 ) to some other one.

Also, by default, the option to start the server after setup completes is checked. You can leave this checkbox or you can remove it. That's your business. Having done this, go to the last window using the button Next.

Here we select options for launching the interface.

There are again three of them:

  • When logging in, for all users
  • On login, for the current user
  • Manually

The first option will work if you are the only user of the computer where the server is installed, and you, in principle, will still launch the interface automatically under all operating system accounts or only under one.

The second is suitable for those who work on the computer more than once (that is, there are several accounts on the computer used by different people) and want no one else to manage it FTP server, i.e. the interface was launched only from the account in which the installation is now being carried out.

And the third option sets the launch parameter only manually, i.e. it will not start with the system at all.

Let me remind you that the interface is something like an administrative program that allows you to monitor the state of the server, start, stop and configure it.

Check mark ( Start Interface after setup completes) in this window, again, sets the interface to start immediately at the end of the installation.

Well, having dealt with all this, you can finally start installing the server (using, of course, the button " Install") :)

Initial setup of FTP FileZilla Server

So, after installation, when you first launch the interface, a small window will appear where you need to specify the address and port for connection, as well as the administrator password (it is not there during the first installation). You can check the “Always connect to this server” option. Click " Ok".

I would like to emphasize that this is a connection to the server locally, namely, a connection to the administration interface, i.e. issuing an address and port 14147 for a friend who wants to connect, it is useless. External addresses, passwords and logins required to connect to the server will be written about during the course of the article.

Now let's move on to the settings. This is done by going to " Edit -> Settings"or by clicking on the button on the interface panel:

A settings window will open in front of you. On the first tab (General Settings) you can set the following parameters:

From top to bottom screenshot:

  • The port on which clients will connect to the server
  • Maximum number of clients
  • Number of threads
  • Various timeouts (three pieces)

For the purposes of this article, we are interested in the first two points. The port can be left as is, or you can change it to increase security, but then you will have to inform everyone about it who wants to connect.

The second setting is responsible for the maximum number of connections. By default, the parameter value is “ 0 ”, this means that their number is not limited. It is worth changing this parameter if, for example, your Internet channel cannot cope with the load, because too many people are connecting to you.

The rest can be left unchanged, since the settings are optimal for home use.

In subparagraph “ IP Filter” can be set IP addresses (or their range) that will be prohibited from connecting to your server, as well as set exceptions from the specified range (second field).

That is, for example, if you want to ban someone and prevent him from accessing your server, then indicate him in the first window. Also, if you want to give access only to someone specific and deny everyone else, then put an asterisk in the first field and specify a list IP-addresses in the second.

Tab “ Passive mode settings” regulates the parameters for passive connection to the server and its response.

It’s worth changing anything here only if you are connected to the Internet not directly, but through a router that has a firewall and NAT. In this case, you may need to specify in the " Use the following IP"your external IP-address (you can find out from your provider or in the router interface), as well as set a range of ports (Use custom port range) through which the client can connect to your server in passive mode.

It is probably worth touching these settings only in case of problems with connecting users. In case of these and it is impossible to figure it out on your own, I will give you advice on the settings exclusively for you (write comments).

Settings section “ Miscellaneous”contain settings that are insignificant for a home FTP server. For example, such as “ Do not show password in log files” (Don"t show passwords in message log), “ Launch the interface minimized” (Start minimized), as well as the sizes of transmission buffers. In general, there is no need to touch anything here.

On the “ Admin Interface Settings” can be set IP-address and port through which the server management interface will be available (the same one that we initially used as And 14147 , i.e., if you wish, you can change them). In addition, you can specify IP-addresses that are allowed to connect to it.

Settings section “ Logging” allows you to enable recording of log files (Enable logging to file), configure their maximum size (Limit log file size to), write everything in one file (Log all to "FileZilla Server.log") or create a separate one for each day (in In this case, you can limit their maximum shelf life).

Tab “ GSS Settings” is responsible for using the protocol Kerberos GSS. For normal use, this option does not require configuration.

Remaining FTP server settings - speeds, encryption, etc.

Next we have “ Speed ​​Limits" It can help limit the speed of incoming and outgoing connections. There are two ways to limit: set a permanent limit for all time or create rules for a specific day and/or hour. Limits are specified in kilobytes.

Tab “ Filetransfer compression” allows you to enable file compression mode during transfer. In this case, you can configure the minimum and maximum compression levels, as well as specify IP addresses for which compression will not be used. There is no need to touch anything.

To set up a secure connection between the client and server, you need to go to the settings item “ SSL/TLS Settings" Here you need to enable support for these protocols and specify the path to the private key, certificate file and password. For the average user this is not necessary, so it will not be discussed in this article.

Finally, you can enable automatic banning of users after n-th attempts of unsuccessful connections, and ban time. To do this, go to the “ tab Autobans” and, if you need it, then check the box " Enable automatic bans", indicate in the column " Ban IP address after"the number of attempts after which the blocking will be carried out, as well as the blocking time in the field" Ban for".

This is sometimes necessary to prevent unwanted individuals from spamming your server with their connection attempts.

Initial setup of user accounts (users) and shares (shares) in FileZilla Server

Now let’s configure user access, namely their accounts, passwords, folders, etc.
As an example, let's create the most, so to speak, common user and give him access.

So, to add a new account, in the main interface window follow the path “ Edit-> Users" We will see a window for working with users.

To add a new one, click “ Add" Next you will need to specify its name, for example, anonymous, and group membership (in our case we will not indicate). Set it up, click “ Ok”.

Now we can set a password and a limit on the number of connections for our new user. If necessary, do so by checking the " Password" and indicating it (password) in the box opposite. It is strongly recommended to use passwords for users for security purposes.

Next, go to the tab “ Share Folders" Here, in fact, we specify which folders the user will have access to. This is done simply: click “ Add” and select the desired folder on the disk. On the left you can set access rights to it: read only - “ Read”, entry - “ Write”, deletion - “ Delete” and the ability to change existing files in a directory - “ Append" Below you can allow creating, deleting, getting a list of files and propagating permissions to subdirectories.

We set the parameters and folders you need and... Click OK

This completes the initial setup. For home use you don’t need more ;)

User access to the server FileZilla Server

So that your friends can use your FTP server, you need to provide it to them IP-address, as well as the login(s), password(s) you specified and, if necessary, port (if changed), which they must indicate in their .

Find out external IP-address can be done by contacting your provider, looking in the router settings, or simply by using one of the many services, such as (as you probably guessed, you need what is written under the text “Your IP address:” ;)).


That's how things are.

Despite the fact that the article is maximally oriented for small home use, I tried to explain in as much detail as possible all the necessary settings and nuances FileZilla Server.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, etc., write in the comments - I will be happy to help.

PS: For the existence of this article, special thanks to a friend of the project and a member of our team under the nickname “ Kellis"“.

FTP is an abbreviation of the English expression "File Transfer Protocol", which means "File Transfer Protocol". These files are stored on FTP servers, and actions with files stored on the FTP server are performed using special programs called FTP clients or FTP managers. They allow you to download files from an FTP server, upload them there, create new folders and files on it, edit them, manage access rights to site directories, etc. Thus, in order to work with a website via FTP, we need to connect to the FTP server using an FTP client.

To do this, in turn, you need to find out the FTP server address and select an FTP client. The FTP server address is the IP address or domain name of your site, which can be found in your hosting control panel.
In my opinion, the best FTP manager programs are FileZilla and Total Commander. Today we will analyze the program - FileZilla FTP client.

I recommend downloading FileZilla from the official website of the developer FileZilla is available in three versions. The version with the installer, it comes with the “recommended” note on the developer’s website - the best and most reliable choice for a novice user. All you need is to simply download the file, run it and after that the installation process will take place without your intervention. FileZilla has a convenient and also Russified interface, which makes it an ideal assistant when working with FTP.

Launch the downloaded FTP client installation package.

You will be prompted to accept the license agreement. We accept the agreement by clicking the "I Agree" button.

Click the "Next" button to continue the installation.

Specify the installation path for Filezilla FTP Client and click “Next” again.

We are asked to create a folder name for installation; we save Filezilla FTP Client by default.
Click "Install" and when the installation is complete, "Finish". The program is installed.

Setting up a connection between the FileZilla FTP client and hosting

To connect to your site via FTP, in the FileZilla settings you need to specify the FTP server address, as well as the FTP login and password. After installation, the FTP manager window opens. To configure the connection of the FileZilla FTP client to our hosting, click on the button "Open Site Manager" in the upper left corner of the window.

To add your FTP server credentials, click the "New Site" button and enter the site name here.

If you have many sites on different topics, then for convenience you can organize them into folders. To do this, click on the button "New catalog" and enter a folder name. And only then click the “New Site” button and enter the name of the site.

Once a site is selected in the left column (highlight the desired site in the list), options are displayed on the right:

General Tab

"Host"- name or IP address of the hosting server to connect to. You can find out which host to specify in the hosting control panel (FTP connection parameters) or in hosting technical support.
"Port"- the port number for connecting to the server, usually does not require filling or is indicated in the hosting control panel.
"Protocol"- type of connection protocol used: FTP - regular or SFTP - encrypted. Usually just FTP will do.
"Encryption"- the ability to provide encryption via TLS (a cryptographic protocol that provides secure data transfer between a client and a server on the Internet, an analogue of SSL). It is better not to enable it since TLS does not work on many servers.
"Login type"- there are several options: anonymous (no login data is provided), normal (indicate your FTP login and password, the most commonly used login type), request password (enter your login and then ask for a password), interactive (used extremely rarely ), account (the account is entered along with the login and password; it is used extremely rarely).
"User"- username (login for connecting via FTP).
"Password"- password for connecting via FTP.
"Account"- usually not required for input.
"Comments"- field for entering comments to the added site.

Click "OK" to apply the settings.
So, all the settings are set and now you can connect to the FTP server. To do this, in the FileZilla window, just click on the arrow next to the “Open Site Manager” button and select the host we need (if you have several sites).

The program will open a list of drives and directories on your computer on the left side (“Local Host”), and the contents of the FTP server on the right (“Remote Host”). Expand the list of disks by clicking on the “plus” icon and select any folder; its contents are displayed below. There are no disks on the FTP server, but there are root directories. If you select one of the directories, you will see its contents below. At the bottom of the page there is a panel of current tasks - it displays the progress of transferring files and folders, as well as successful and unsuccessful transfers. This is convenient when transferring a large number of files.

Now let's look at simple actions with folders and files on FTP that every site owner has to perform.

Copying files and folders via FTP using the FileZilla FTP client

You can move files and folders between your computer and the server via FTP by simply dragging the mouse, i.e. hold down the required file or folder with the left mouse button, drag it where you need it, either to an FTP server or to a computer, and release the left mouse button. To move a group of files and folders, you need to select several files by holding down the "ctrl" or "Shift" key and left-clicking on the desired files/folders.
It doesn’t matter whether you copy a file from an FTP server or to a server - this method works everywhere and is called drag-and-drop, which means “drag and drop” in Latin.
You can also use the context menu: open the required folders on your computer and FTP server, select, while holding “Shift” or “Ctrl”, the required files/folders, and then right-click on them and select “Download” from the drop-down list ( in case we download from the host to the computer) or “Upload to server” (in case the files are uploaded to the host from the computer).

Operations with files and folders on an FTP server via FileZilla

All basic actions with files and folders on a remote host are available using the context menu; you need to select the desired object, right-click and select the desired item:

  • renaming (item "Rename");
  • editing (item "View/Edit");
  • delete (item "Delete");
  • creating new directories on the FTP server (item "Create directory").

When deleting files and folders on an FTP server, be careful, because... there is no familiar Windows Recycle Bin, and the information cannot be restored.

Managing access rights to site files and folders using the FileZilla FTP client

You can allow visitors to your site to perform certain actions. However, setting access rights to site files and folders is no longer a matter of users, but of scripts and content management systems that ensure that user data, such as images, is loaded onto your site. But if you do not allow the script to access a specific directory, then it simply will not be able to save user material there and, instead of its image on your site, the visitor will see an error message. You need to know and use this in order to ensure the security of the site, protecting those files that should not be changed.
It is very important to correctly configure access rights to files/directories on your site. For each file/directory you can allow or disable reading, writing and execution:

  • "read" - view the contents of the directory, this right is assigned to all directories by default;
  • "write" - saving data to a directory;
  • "execute" - launching scripts from the directory.

To make changes to the permissions of a file/directory using Filezilla, find it on the FTP server and right-click on it. In the context menu, select "File permissions".

Now you can change the file/directory attributes. Full access is granted by rights with the number "777" - you can either specify the number or check the boxes. In order to ban them, just uncheck the boxes. To apply the settings, click "OK".
Separately, it is necessary to say about granting access rights to folders. You can assign new access rights only to the selected folder or also to files with folders that are located inside this selected folder.
If the folder for which you decided to change the access rights contains files or subfolders, then you should decide here whether you need to redirect the access rights you set to them.
If you check the “Redirect to subdirectories” checkbox in the manager, then the access rights that you set will be applied to all files and subdirectories that will be located in this directory, including the directory itself.

Linking FileZilla FTP client with Notepad++

Open files with the extension for editing php, css, html and js best in Notepad++ editor
To open a file for editing in the FileZilla FTP client, you need to select it and right-click and select “View/Edit” from the drop-down list.
After selecting "View/Edit", the selected file will be opened by the program that is responsible for this extension on your computer by default. In order for files with the above extensions to be opened in the Notepad++ editor, it is necessary to make certain settings, that is, link the FileZilla program with the Notepad++ editor. To do this, in the FileZilla program, in the top menu, select "Editing"→ "Settings"

In the right column "Default editor" turn on "Use the following editor", then click browse and select the Notepad++ program (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe). Click the "OK" button. Now, when editing files in FileZilla, the Notepad++ editor will open by default.
After all necessary actions via FTP with the site files have been completed, disconnect from it by clicking the button "Disconnect from the server you are viewing" in the FileZilla FTP client window.

As you can see, working with a site via FTP when such a fast and convenient FTP client as FileZilla is installed on your computer is a pleasure.

There are often times when we need to exchange files with someone on the network. For small files, you can use mail or transfer the file, for example, through an Internet pager. This is acceptable when its size does not exceed several megabytes. What if it’s a movie or a game, or an archive with several gigabytes of photos?! You can, of course, use a public file hosting service, split the file into parts and make it available for downloading, but here, too, not everything is smooth, most users are used to downloading for free, and this usually means limiting the speed and waiting for a timer. This is where our own FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server comes to our aid.
What are the advantages of your own FTP server:

  • server management;
  • managing server users and resources;
  • there are no speed restrictions if you don’t want it yourself;
  • no need to pay the hoster for server hosting;
  • there is no need for a static (permanent) IP address for the server.

First things first

In this article, I suggest readers of MirSovetov consider how, having a dynamic address and a connection using ADSL technology, you can make sure that any network user, no matter where in the world he is located, can access your FTP server, of course, from your permissions. In order for your FTP server to be accessible, you need a service that will map the domain name to your IP address. The DNS server handles domain name matching.
What is a DNS server?! This is a domain name system (DNS) that allows you to map a domain name to an IP address. Thanks to DNS, we type in the address bar of the browser not IP addresses, but website names that are understandable and familiar to us. But a regular DNS server only works with static IP addresses, and we cannot bind our dynamic IP address to a domain name. So what do we need to have a domain name for our FTP server?! We will need to register in a system that can provide us with such a service that will track changes in our IP address and match it to our domain name and, preferably, completely free of charge.
Today, the most popular services are DynDns ( and No-IP ( Since there are no particular differences between them, let’s look at one of them in a little more detail.


We will register with Go to the page and click on the “Sing up Free” button, then on the “Sing Up” button.
In the “Hostname” field, write the name you like, the main thing is that it is not occupied by anyone. Next, select the domain you like from the list. The list of domains is quite large, so there is plenty to choose from.
In the “IP Address” field you can enter your current IP address. That’s it, you don’t need to change or mark anything else. You should get something like this:

Next, click on the button at the bottom of the “Add To Cart” page, and if everything is in order and the domain name is not taken by anyone, then the registration process will continue, otherwise the system will prompt you to change the name or domain. In our case, everything went well, and a Dynamic DNS Hosts was created with the name Now we need to create our account. It’s worth mentioning right away that email addresses from the server are not allowed.

Well, that’s all, all that’s left is to go to your email and confirm your registration. Follow the link provided in the letter and activate the service by clicking on the “Activate Services” button. I don’t recommend that MirSovetov readers get carried away with creating a large number of names, since the service will provide no more than five names for free, and even if you delete the ones you don’t need, the counter will still not be reset. So pay enough attention to the name.
Now we need a small program that will monitor your IP address for changes and send it to match it with a domain name. It is located on the “Support” page ( Download DynDNS® Updater, install, log in. There are no difficulties with this. The program will start automatically when the system starts.
So, we have sorted out our dynamic address, now the DynDNS service will provide us with a permanent domain name for our FTP server. It's time to move on to installing and configuring our FTP server on your home computer. We will use Pablo’s FTP server program due to its availability, freeness, simplicity and intuitive interface (you can download it from the link:

Installing and configuring an FTP server

First, download Rablo’s FTP server program and unzip it to any location convenient for you. The program works without installation and requires minimal settings. Let's create a folder "FTP_SERVER" to which we will provide access.
Let’s launch the program and go to the “Configuration” tab:

In the “IP address” field you need to enter the IP address of the computer on which the FTP server is running. If you have one computer at home and your ADSL modem has the address, and nothing has been changed in the modem settings, then the computer address will be This can be found out by right-clicking on the network connection icon and selecting “Status” from the menu, then going to the “Support” tab, or by running the “ipconfig” command in the command line (press “Win ​​+ R”, enter “cmd” without quotes, and in the window that opens type “ipconfig” also without quotes). I think all other parameters do not need explanation (“Autostart”, “Run minimized to tray”, “Automatically activate the server at startup”).
Now let's start creating users, assigning root directories and rights to them. Click the “Add” button and create a user “guest”. After clicking “Ok”, the program will ask the user to indicate the root directory, above which he will not be able to go, no matter where it is located. You can set a password and assign rights for the user. The number of users is limited by your imagination, but you shouldn’t get carried away, otherwise you will get confused. As you can see in the image below, we created a user “guest”, gave him a password and a root directory “FTP_SERVER”, gave him rights to upload, download and create directories. If you wish, you can connect a virtual directory, which can be located anywhere, but will be visible in the user's root directory. This feature is available in the “Directories” tab.

Click the “Start” button and your server will start working. It remains to check its work. Click “Start – Run” (or the key combination “Win ​​+ R”) and write this address:
If everything is in order, you will see a user authentication window in which we enter the name “guest” and the password that was set for this user. As a result of the work, you will see an explorer window - this means that your FTP server is working. But for now, your server is only available locally.
In order for your server to be accessible from, you need to do one more thing, namely, configure your ADSL modem in such a way that it sends requests to your FTP server. This is called port forwarding.

Setting up the modem

To do this, you need to log into the modem interface. Most likely, his address is Check this in the documentation for your modem. You need to enter it in the address bar of your browser. Next, the settings will be based on the example of a D-Link ADSL modem; in other modem models, the settings are not much different.
So, you have entered the modem interface, go to the “Advanced Setup – NAT – Virtual Server” section and click the “Add” button. In the window that opens, select “FTP Server” from the list, then in the “Server IP Address” line write the address of the computer on which you are running FTP-Server (in our case –, click “Add/Apply” and restart modem. After downloading the modem, you can send emails to your friends and let them know that you are happy to give them access to your own FTP server for file sharing. Don't forget to tell them the address that you registered in the service. For greater convenience, so that you don’t have to explain to your friends how, where and what they need to enter, you can create a connection shortcut yourself and send it by mail.

Create a connection shortcut

To do this, you need to open the control panel and click the “Network Neighborhood” icon, then in network tasks select “Add a new item to the network environment.” The Add to Network Neighborhood Wizard will launch. Click “Next” and in the line “Network address or Internet address” enter the address that you registered in the system. In the next window, uncheck “Anonymous login” and enter the username “guest”. Next, give the shortcut a name, for example, “MyFTP_Server,” and complete the wizard. You can uncheck the “Open this location in a networked environment after completing the wizard” checkbox, because when you open this address, you will be taken to the modem setup interface; for you, your server is available locally at the address of the computer on which the FTP server is running. Now you can send this label by mail with the words “Friends, rate how cool I am, I have my own FTP server.”
It is worth drawing the attention of MirSovetov readers that the FTP server works perfectly with the Download Master download manager and supports multithreading, resuming files, and also works perfectly with any FTP client.
Now we have finished creating and launching our own FTP server on our home computer, it’s not that difficult, is it, and without any costs. But how can you facilitate the exchange of files between users and at good speed, without any restrictions.
I wish you all success in your endeavors.

If you need to create an external ftp server, you can use the Filezilla program. If an ftp server is needed within a network, it is easier to share access to a folder using standard services.

If you haven't downloaded the program yet, do it right now. After installing and launching it, a small window will appear on your screen to log in.

The host to connect must be, port 14147, password - empty.

Now we need to move on to the settings of our future ftp server.

1. You need to create a user to connect to the server from outside. Go to the "Edit" menu and then select "Users"

2.Click the “ADD” button and indicate the user name (account) in the very first field

3. Now you need to add the folder to which the user will connect. Click the "add" button in "shared folders". I added a desktop wallpaper folder.


If you need to specify a password for a user, simply check the box next to "password" and enter it.

Data transfer rate

If a certain user needs to limit the data transfer speed, go to the "Speed ​​Limits" section.

IP filters

To prevent other users from connecting to your server, create your own blacklist on the "Ip filter" tab.

Now click the OK button and try to connect to the server using any FTP client. My connection went without problems, and I ended up in the Wallpaper folder.

But what if your friend or someone you know wants to connect? Only you can connect to the IP address, which means you must specify your current IP address. If no one, and even you, cannot connect to the real IP address, there are two options for which the error occurs.

Connection problems

1. Windows Firewall is enabled. By the way, it was precisely because of this that the connection from outside did not work

2. The Internet works through a router. To do this, you will need to register a route to your local IP indicating 21 ports.

Turn off firewall

In Windows XP you need to log in.

Register the route in the router

Unfortunately, I don’t know all the settings of various routers, but I can show with an example how this is done on Zyxel. We go into the shell at and then find the NAt partition. In this section you need to indicate the "Ftp" service, as well as the local IP address of your computer with the Filezilla program (For example,, you may have a different one), do not confuse it with the real one.

What happens after adding a rule? When a user accesses your real IP on port 21, the router will connect the user to the FileZilla Server program.

If the connection was successful, you can see the connected user in the log, and also see why this or that user was unable to connect.