How to open the text editors Notepad and Word: several simple ways. Alternatives to the standard Windows Notepad

Practice shows that most users use Notepad only to view existing text documents, but they edit the text, even when the ASCII format is required, in others, more convenient programs. However, Notepad, due to its brevity, is perfect for learning this entire class of programs: what is in Notepad is also in any other text editor.


So, the text editor Notepad is standard Windows application, which has a main menu and a text editing field. Let's start with the menu: in File there are items New, Open, Save and Save As. The first removes text (if any) from the editor, preparing the field for creating a new document. Using the Open and Save items, you can respectively load files for reading and editing and save them. If after editing you want to save the file under a different name, select Save As. The Page Layout and Print items available there will come in handy if you have a printer and want to print something from this program.

Next comes the most useful menu for a text editor - Edit. The first point is the most important achievement of the information industry - Cancel. That is, if you accidentally erase all the content or do something else unnecessary, use undo immediately last action(Ctrl+Z). Following Cancel there are menu items for working with the clipboard: Cut (Ctrl+X), Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V). They may not be available if there is no selected text in the editor (for Copy and Cut) or if there is no text on the clipboard (for Paste). The Delete item allows you to delete the selected text.

Using the Select All item, you select all the text in the editor, and Date/Time (F5) inserts current date and time in the format established in the system. Next, in the View menu there is a very important Wrap by Word item. When it is checked, lines that do not fit entirely in the editor window are automatically wrapped. Otherwise, they will go to the right, out of sight, and you will have to use the strip horizontal scroll to correct it or just read it. And finally, the Font item opens a standard font selection dialog, with which you can change the font in which text will be displayed in Notepad. In this window you select the font typeface, its style and size. All changes are promptly displayed in the Sample window. It is also useful to indicate the set of characters used - Cyrillic, otherwise you risk seeing abracadabra instead of Russian letters.

Then there are the search items - Find, Find Next (F3), Replace and Go. If you have not performed a search since opening the program, selecting Find or Find Next will open a search window. In it, in the Sample line, enter what you are looking for, and then click on the Find Next button. If the Case sensitive option is enabled, then when searching, lowercase and capital letters will vary. For example, if you write “Moscow” and search with case recognition enabled, the program will be able to find the word “Moscow” in the text, but not “MOSCOW”. If the option is disabled, both options will be found. Finally, Direction determines whether text should be searched up or down from the current cursor (carriage) position.

Another great feature of Notepad is the ability to not only search for text, but also replace it. To do this, from the Edit menu, select Replace (Ctrl+H). Moreover, if you had a selected piece of text at the time you called the replacement window, it will immediately be entered into the search bar (What). After determining what to look for, all that remains is to enter in the replacement line (With) what you want to replace what you are looking for, and click one of the buttons Find next, Replace or Replace all. The first finds the closest match (the search goes from left to right, from top to bottom), the second allows you to replace what was found, and the third replaces text in the entire document at once.

Entering and editing text

Text is entered from the keyboard, and the character is entered from the place where the cursor is located. To enter a capital character, use Shift, switching between Russian and English is carried out in accordance with Windows settings(usually by Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift). To start a paragraph or a new line, press Enter; to align text across columns (for example, if you are entering tabular data), it is preferable to use tabs rather than spaces. If you made a mistake when entering, then last character is deleted by clicking on Backspace (the button is located on the right in the main block of keys, with a left arrow drawn on it), and to delete the character following the cursor, use Delete. You can also edit text using the mouse. Double click selects a word; pressing the left mouse button and moving the pointer also selects the text. You can then perform manipulations on the selected text (it is highlighted by inverting, as shown in Error: Cross-reference source not found), such as copying or cutting to the clipboard, deleting or replacing with text from the clipboard. If at the time of pasting from the clipboard there is selected text in the program, it will be deleted and the contents of the clipboard will take its place.

Rice. 11.2.

Moving through the text in almost all editors is carried out using the same keys or their combinations - they are listed in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1. Standard keyboard shortcuts for moving through text
Key or combinationAction to be performed
Left arrowMoves the cursor one character
Right arrowMoves the cursor one character to the right
Up arrowMoves the cursor up one line
Arrow to downMoves the cursor down one line
Ctrl+Left ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl+Right ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the right
HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the line
EndMoves the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+EndMoves the cursor to the end of the document
Page UpMoves the cursor up one screen
Page DownMoves the cursor down one screen

To start highlighting from the keyboard, press Shift key and, while holding it down, highlight required text using the same keys that are used to move the cursor.

If the document is large enough, then in the best possible way moving will be a search: call the search dialog through the menu, enter the search word, symbol or phrase and click Find next. The match found will be highlighted and the document will scroll accordingly to the right place. If the found fragment is repeated, then to find the next one, just press F3.

Printing documents

To print a document from Notepad, just use the Print item from the File menu. By default (with standard settings in Russian Windows versions XP) when printing, the header is not displayed, and the word “Page” is printed as the footer. If this does not suit you or you want to change the page orientation from portrait to landscape or change the width of the margins, then use the Page Settings item, which displays the window of the same name (Fig. 11.3).

In fact, a header with the file name should be displayed at the top, and its number should be printed at the bottom after the “Page” owl. This does not happen for the reason that the characters used to define the parameters have been translated into Russian, while the program itself does not accept commands from Cyrillic characters.

Rice. 11.3.

In it you can specify the dimensions of the sheet, its location, and the width of the margins. All this will be schematically displayed in the sample field. Additionally, if your printer has multiple paper feed trays, you can select the one you need from the Feed list.

As for headers and footers, you can either disable them altogether by removing everything from the header and footer fields, or you can replace their contents. So, you can write your own text and enter characters for automatic substitution, which will be replaced when printed the required values. All of them are shown in table 11.2.

If you want to display the “&” character itself, then you should repeat it: “&&”.

2011-07-04 // Any questions, suggestions, comments? You can

In order to create simple files and make corrections to them, you can use the simplest text editor Notepad or Notepad, which is available in any version operating system Windows. This editor allows you not only to create files and change their contents, but also contains a text search function. It also allows you to do the simplest replacement the selected piece of text to another piece.

There are several ways to open Notepad in Windows. Let's look at how you can open Notepad through the Start button.

To use the Start button you do not need any special knowledge or skills. It is enough to know what is written In this article .

Search for the text editor Notepad in the Start menu using a keyword

So, open the Windows search in the Start menu and enter our keyword Notebook. Once the matching program is found, it will appear in the list of found programs in the Start menu. In order to launch Notepad, all you have to do is click on the link in the list of found programs:

For those who, for some reason, are accustomed to naming programs in the language of their developers, in search bar you can enter a keyword Notepad. The result will be the same exactly as described above with keyword Notebook:

Selecting the text editor Notepad from the Start menu from the list of programs

For those who are used to working with a structured view in Windows, Notepad can be selected from the list of programs. To do this, in the “Start” menu you need to use the link “ All programs", located at the bottom left of the menu:

Opening the Notepad text editor

Whichever option is chosen, they will all lead to the fact that a window will open text editor Notepad (Notepad) which we initially intended to work with:

The Notepad program is a simple text editor that is designed for creating and editing text files (Text Files). There are many text editors. Notepad differs from them in that it does not have a toolbar, a formatting bar, or a full-fledged status bar.

There is virtually no text formatting in Notepad, and there is also no way to insert pictures and tables. But the Notepad program is quickly mastered. Let's start by asking where the notepad is.

Notepad can be found

  • 1st method: in the Programs (Applications) section – Standard – Notepad,
  • 2nd method: through Search.

Let's see where Notepad is located, specifically for the Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP operating systems.

Where is Notepad in Windows 10

As noted above, Notepad can be searched:

  1. using Search,
  2. in Standard programs.

Search is in the Panel Windows tasks 10, it is hidden under the magnifying glass icon.

Rice. 1. Find Notepad through Search in Windows 10

1 in Fig. 1 – open Search,
2 – in the search bar, type on the keyboard: notepad, press Enter,
3 in Fig. 1 – click on the found Notepad.

The second option to find Notepad is to open Accessories.

Rice. 2. Find Notepad in Standard Windows programs 10

1 in Fig. 2 – click Start,
2 – scroll to the end of the opened programs, click “Standard – WIndows”,
3 in Fig. 2 – in Standard we look for Notepad.

In the video you can see where to find Notepad in Windows 10:

Notepad in Windows 8

1st method through Programs

Open to display all applications. Among them we find the section “Standard - Windows” (number 2 in Fig. 3), in which we select Notepad (number 3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Find Notepad for Windows 8 in Applications – Windows Standard

2nd method via Search

To open the panel containing Search in Windows 8:

  • at touch control– quickly swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen,
  • and when controlling the mouse, in the top right corner we move the mouse from right to left. After this, a small panel will appear, on which the “Search” button will be the very first one at the top.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 4) we type the word Notepad, after which the Notepad program icon will appear on the left (number 3 in Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Find the Notepad application in Windows 8 via Search

To open it, click on the Notepad icon (number 3 in Fig. 4) and work in Notepad.

Notepad for Windows 7

1st method through Programs

Click on the button. At the end of the list that opens, find the “All programs” link (number 1 in Fig. 5) and click on it.

Rice. 5. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – All Programs

A large list of programs appears. Using the scroll bar on the right (number 1 in Fig. 5), scroll through this list until the “Standard” folder appears (number 2 in Fig. 6). Click to open this folder.

Rice. 6. Find Standard Programs for Windows 7

The folder will open, after which all that remains is to click on the Notepad link (Fig. 7) and start working with a text editor.

Rice. 7. Looking for Notepad in Standard Programs of Windows 7

2nd method via Search

For Windows 7, the Search option is the simplest, from my point of view.

Click the Start button.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 5) enter the word Notepad, as shown in Fig. 8, number 1. The Notepad program instantly appears at the top (number 2 in Fig. 8), all you have to do is click on it and you can work with the text.

Rice. 8. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – Search

Notepad in Windows XP

1st method through Programs

I think this method is the most convenient for. Click the Start button. In the menu that opens, click on the Programs option, then click on Standard, last click– using the Notepad option (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Where is Notepad in Windows XP

2nd method via Search

By clicking on the Start button, a menu will appear as in Fig. 7.

Click on the magnifying glass icon that says “Find”, then on “Files and Folders”.

In the “Search Results” window, click on the “Files and Folders” option again.

The field “Part of the file name or the entire file name” will appear, in which we enter the word Notepad and click on the “Find” button.

A search will start, as a result of which a shortcut to the Notepad program should appear, after which you can click on the “Stop” search button. And then click on the found shortcut to the Notepad program.

Two reasons power users love Notepad

Despite the simplicity of Notepad, this editor is often used experienced users, for example, when working with a modem. This is due to the fact that in Notepad you can create, or open and edit files with the following (extensions, formats):

  • .txt
  • .bat,
  • .ini
  • .sys,
  • .wri,
  • .dat.

Another reason why people love using Notepad confident users, is that the file created and saved in this program will be “clean”. In other words, such a file will not be loaded with additional code, unlike a file passed through the MS Word text editor.

Many beginners face this problem when creating their first website. They prepare articles for the site in the Word editor, and then copy them directly to their site, along with a bunch of unnecessary things, additional code from Word. Therefore, it is better to insert articles onto the site from Notepad, then there will be no unnecessary code.

How to open Windows Accessories

In the operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8 there are standard programs; in Windows 8 they are called “ standard applications" They are built into the Windows operating system just like pockets are sewn into a dress, that is, they are always there, you just need to find them, open them and use them!

How to find standard programs for Windows is described in detail in this article using Notepad as an example.

In Windows 7, the standard programs are:

  • graphic paint editor for creating and editing drawings,
  • text editor Word Pad for text files with complex formatting,
  • Notepad for text files with simple formatting,
  • Run to open a program, folder, document, or website
  • Notes for creating short notes,
  • Sound Recorder to record sound on your PC,
  • for calculations as on a hand calculator,
  • to take screenshots,
  • Command line for executing keyboard commands
  • Math Input Panel,
  • Explorer – displays files and folders on the PC,
  • Utilities folder
  • and etc.

Note 1

From $1985$ to a set of standard programs Windows operating system includes a simple text editor Notebook(NotePad), which has minimal tools for entering and editing texts, but sometimes the minimality of these tools is its advantage.

To run the program you need to run the commands Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad. The composition of the program window is minimal: Workspace and a small menu bar.

Figure 1. Notepad window

The program's capabilities are quite limited. You can enter text in upper and lower case letters, set automatic transition on new line when the right border of the window is reached ( Edit - Word Wrap), set the indent from the left edge (key Tab), also using tabulation to format the text in the form of a table, search the text (Search - Find). Notepad only supports insert mode (the character that is entered expands the previously entered symbols). File s created in Notepad have the extension .txt.

Menu item File

Menu item File contains several subparagraphs:

  • Create- with the help of this functions is created new file program, and, basically, the last created file remains open.
  • Open– allows you to open files with the extension .txt, others text files opens with a changed encoding (various characters are displayed instead of the content).
  • Save– used to save a file for the first time or changes made into the already created one.
  • Save as…– used to change the document saving folder.
  • Page settings…– Allows you to customize paper size, orientation, page margins, and header and footer. Contains a document page view window.
  • Seal…– contains standard settings printing the document.
  • Exit– closing the program.

Figure 2.

Menu item Edit

Figure 4.

Menu item Format

  • Word wrapping– turns on the mode of placing text within the program window frames that goes beyond these frames.
  • Font…– allows you to select the font type from the proposed ones, its style and size. It is also possible to use additional fonts, which are downloaded to the computer. It is necessary to take into account that when changing the font, all the text in the document will change, because Certain parts of text in Notepad are not formatted.

Figure 5.

Menu item View

Contains only one sub-item that allows you to enable or disable the status bar in the document.

Figure 6.

Program Notebook supports the possibility different ways(via a menu or a key combination, i.e. “hot keys”) to execute the same command is an element of a flexible interface, and the ability to receive a tooltip is an element of a user-friendly interface.

Other program features

By using Notepad You can also create and edit web pages using HTML.

By default, Notepad creates, opens, and saves documents with the extension .txt, but you can use it to open files with the extensions .ini, .inf, .log. To open files of other types, use the command File – Open – File type field – All files – desired file.

Notepad allows you to work with texts in ANSI and Unicode encodings, as well as convert from one format to another. To do this, when saving the document, you need to select the required encoding in the appropriate field.

Note 2

A special feature of the program is also that if you change the font of one document before closing, then the next time the Notepad program will use the last font that was used in it.

Alternatives to Notepad

An alternative to Notepad is the MS-DOS text editor (, which can be called from command line with the "edit" command. Among the many free more functional programs, which can replace standard program Notebook, text editors Bred, AkelPad, PSPad, Notepad++.

The new document in Notepad is called Nameless.