How to replace the battery in a wristwatch yourself. Replacing the battery on the motherboard

Battery for motherboard computer is used to save BIOS settings in semi-permanent CMOS memory, timing function when the system is turned off. A CMOS battery is not a battery, as many people believe, and if the message “CMOS Battery Failure” appears when you start your computer, then this means that the battery on the motherboard needs to be replaced.

Replacing the battery on the motherboard yourself

An operation such as replacing a battery on a computer motherboard is not technically difficult and can be done independently. This article describes step by step instructions such a replacement. You can change the battery yourself both in a stationary PC and in laptop computer, the principle is the same. The only differences are in access to the internals desktop computer and laptop. The photo below is specific case: This is how the CMOS battery is installed in my laptop.

What kind of battery is needed for the motherboard?

In the vast majority of cases, computers are equipped with a lithium battery. It provides 3V voltage to maintain internal clock and CMOS memory, differing low power consumption. As a rule, lithium batteries cannot be recharged and have a service life of 3 years and up to 6 years. A standard lithium computer battery is labeled "CR2032". The price of a new battery is from 30 to 100 rubles.

The computer will need to replace the battery on the motherboard if one of the messages appears:

"Error control memory CMOS";

"CMOS read error";

"CMOS setting error";

Incorrect date and time.

Replacement operation CMOS batteries on the motherboard is one of the most simple operations, which you can do with your own hands with the system unit of your PC. You just need to do the following:

1. Rewrite the specifications and buy a battery for the motherboard

When replacing, the new battery must be identical to the old one. To do this, you need to determine and rewrite the modification of the previous battery.

First you need to turn off the PC and disconnect the power cable from the network. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the mounting screws and remove the side cover system unit.

Take precautions: There should be no metal objects on your hands.

Use an insulating rubber mat to prevent electrostatic discharge.

Look for a battery on the motherboard that looks like a coin.

Write down the stamp and number engraved on it. The new battery purchased must have the same specifications.

2. Rewrite BIOS and CMOS settings

When removing the old battery CMOS settings and BIOS are automatically removed. Therefore, before removing a dead battery, it is important to write down the existing settings. This entry will allow you to correctly configure CMOS and BIOS again after replacement.

3. Remove the old battery from the computer motherboard

After recording the settings, turn off the computer and unplug the power cord. Open the system unit panel again, find old battery. Use your finger or a screwdriver to press down on the edge of where the battery is attached to remove it.

4. Replacing the CMOS battery

Swap the old and new batteries. Reinstall sidebar. Connect power, turn on and restart your computer.

In the system settings, change the BIOS and CMOS settings to the old ones - the ones you wrote down.

Set the current date, time. All.

You see: replacing the battery on a computer motherboard is very simple!

Many novice computer users do not know how to change the battery on the motherboard, and many do not know that it is there at all. Therefore, today we will look at the process of replacing the battery on the motherboard, using my computer as an example.

And let's start with why a battery is needed on the motherboard at all.

Why do you need a battery on the motherboard?

The main and probably the only reason is storage BIOS settings in CMOS memory, and since this requires energy resources, albeit very insignificant, there is additional source power supply, simple lithium battery. And this power source is enough for these needs for about 3-5 years, after which they will begin to appear. small problems in computer operation.

The most common problem, and I’ll say right away that this is the most common symptom that will indicate that your motherboard battery is dead, is a constant reset current date and time after each computer shutdown. And if you notice this, then know that you definitely need to change the battery on the motherboard. Looking ahead, I will say that this is not at all difficult and almost anyone can cope with it, since it is no more difficult than easy replacement SIM cards in your phone.

Replacing the battery on the motherboard

And first, let's figure out which battery to buy so that it fits your motherboard. And strangely enough, everything is just as simple here, since almost all motherboards are equipped with, so to speak, standard batteries, and they are marked like this - lithium battery cr2032 3V. Their price is usually 10 - 100 rubles, I think that this is, of course, mere pennies, considering that it will serve you, as I already said, for 5 years.

Externally it looks like this:

And so let's get started, let's say you bought a battery and want to change it on the motherboard, we'll proceed step by step.

Step 1

Turn off the computer, open the cover of the system unit, it is usually attached to special fasteners that open easily, but is also quite common, especially in "old" system units, fasteners based on bolts that will have to be unscrewed with a screwdriver. And in the end, in the worst case, you will need a battery and a screwdriver, and in the best, just a battery. I advise you to immediately prepare a small screwdriver, even if you do not need to unscrew the bolts on the system unit, you may need it to remove the battery itself from the motherboard, since the fastenings of the batteries themselves on the motherboard vary and there are some that are not so and easily pull out the battery with your finger. Therefore, you have to resort to using a small screwdriver.

Step 2

Finding the place where the battery is mounted on the motherboard is quite simple, since you already know what the battery itself looks like, and you cannot make a mistake, since there is only one there. For example, on my motherboard (Asus p5q) the battery is located in the following location ( indicated by red arrow):

On my system unit it looks like this:

Step 3

You remove it from the fasteners, then insert a new battery, and that’s it! After this, close the cover of the system unit and turn on the computer. The time on the computer, of course, will be incorrect; you set it manually.

Note! If you changed any bios settings, they will be reset and you should set them again. If you initially remember that the configuration of the bios settings has been changed, then I advise you to look at them and write them down before replacing the battery, in order to restore them later. For example, my fan speed control settings were lost and I had to set them again. And if you don’t even know what bios is, then just don’t think about it!

That's it! Hope, this material will help you change the battery on the motherboard, bye!

The battery on the motherboard appeared back in the 90s with the sole purpose of powering low-profile system functions. And we are talking, first of all, about time tracking (Real Time Clock technology is needed for correct display time even in cases where the PC is disconnected from the network and has long been covered with dust), and in the second - about saving BIOS settings or parameters GUI UEFI. And, if with the settings after the appearance of the first batteries, everything is no longer so clear (non-volatile memory arrived to replace the classic version), then no one still forgets about time...

Batteries often used in motherboards are usually divided into three types:

  • Cr2032 – capacity up to 230 mA. Height 3.2 mm. The “traditional” option is found in most equipment.
  • Cr2025 – capacity up to 160 mA. Height – 2.5 mm. During installation, problems will arise with non-standard heights, and therefore you will have to think about the option of durable fasteners.
  • Cr2016 – capacity up to 90 mA. Height – up to 2 mm. Such a battery is rare, and there will definitely be problems with installation.

Would you like to know which battery is installed on the motherboard hidden in the computer case? There are two options: either you will have to go to the manufacturer’s website for answers (you should use the search, and then open additional documentation that describes in detail important characteristics) or - open the case cover and look at the motherboard.

You won’t have to search for long - the battery resembles a small, usually gray or black, “tablet” with text numbering. There is no need to remove the battery from the prepared socket (information about the current time will be reset), the main thing is to find a combination of symbols and letters close to CR2032-CR2035.

Battery functions

Until recently, batteries performed two tasks - they controlled the date and time, and at the same time helped to save BIOS settings in memory. With the advent of non-volatile memory sources that do not reload content even after a reboot personal computer, the need for CMOS RAM (Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor) is no longer necessary. This means that a modern motherboard only needs time and date control. The remaining functions are no longer needed.

It is impossible to answer the question posed unambiguously. AND the main thing The reason is the difference in equipment manufacturers. On some motherboards that do not have a battery, a corresponding notification will appear when the personal computer boots up - they say, the battery was not found, startup is not possible (an error is displayed using the code CMOS Battery Failed).

If the manufacturer has not set restrictions, then starting the computer will be possible, but with a slight limitation - time tracking will be incorrect, and you will have to look into the system settings. And if the BIOS still cannot load the configured settings, then problems of a different nature may arise. So, for example, you can choose wrong disk to load the operating system, or set parameters overclocking the CPU will be reset to factory settings.

How many volts does the battery have?

Voltage standard elements power supply ranges from 3.3 V to 2.75 V. The indicator directly depends on the type and capacity. If the motherboard has a CR2032 battery with 230 mA, then the voltage can change upward.


The diameter is standard and does not depend on the type of battery - 20 millimeters. But the height varies depending on the manufacturer and capacity. Non-traditional, “flat” options start from 2.3 millimeters and end at 3.2. There is no need to immediately grab the ruler - even the “flat” version is easy to fit, the main thing is to think about fastening and using available elements.

Service life

Regardless of quality, type, capacity or height, on average batteries can maintain date and time knowledge for 5-7 years. Should you stock up on extra batteries just in case? Hardly. Even if the expiration date expires earlier than expected, this is the last element to worry about on the motherboard. Yes, and you can find a replacement at any time.

Regardless of the type of equipment, batteries are checked using a multimeter - a device that measures current, voltage, capacity and other important indicators. It’s easy to find a suitable multimeter in an online store. The price of the device varies from 250 to 100 rubles and depends on the assembly, manufacturer and type (for example, digital ones are easier to use and will also cost less). If you already have a multimeter in your hands, then it’s time to move directly to testing, which consists of two steps.

First of all, it is worth switching the measuring equipment into the mode for collecting information about voltage (the appropriate format of operation is necessarily indicated on the case, but if for some reason it is more difficult to make out the markings than it seems at first glance, then you should look into the settings - the manufacturer will definitely tell you there , how to act and in what situation). The second is to bring the measuring probes to the poles of the battery (that is, you need to get to the “plus” and “minus”, and it is better to keep the red one on the positive side, and the black one on the negative one: for unknown reasons, such testing is closer to the truth).

Then all that remains is to wait for the final “result”, which will appear on the screen in three-digit format digital value. And here it is important to understand - if the indicator is in the range from 2.75 to 3.3 V, then you don’t have to worry - the equipment functions as intended. But, if for some reason the indicator goes off scale or, on the contrary, approaches zero, then it’s time to think about a replacement. Perhaps the last days of the battery are already numbered. Attention! You should not immediately draw conclusions about a non-working battery. It’s better to test it 2-3 more times; perhaps the measurements were taken incorrectly.

Where is

It won’t take too long to figure out the location of the battery on the motherboard. Even a quick glance is enough to reveal a special silver tablet bordered by plastic holders. But, if for some reason problems arise with the search, you should look in the area where the planks are located RAM or video cards. Batteries are rarely located near the central processor.

When to change

There are many reasons why problems may arise with the battery (or have already arisen):

  1. Visually, the silver tablet no longer looks the same as before. It was swollen, covered with cracks, strange scratches or strange stains. And the more visual changes have occurred, the faster it is time to move on to replacement.
  2. The voltage has dropped below the required range. Instead of 2.75 - 3.3 V, the numbers barely reach 2 V.
  3. The date and time are reset each time the personal computer is started. Built in operating system The time counter began to constantly warn about the importance of connecting to the Internet to keep correct records.
  4. When the system boots, the CMOS Battery Failed error appears. Or, for example, the download is reset somewhere in the middle, before the desktop starts. Alternative danger signal - short beep, accompanied by a reboot of the computer.
  5. Instead of the configured BIOS settings, the factory settings appear every time. For example, installed startup options and right choice hardware to boot the operating system.
  6. In rare cases, additional events are added to the events listed above - the appearance of " blue window death", warnings about non-functioning services, undecipherable technical errors.


The battery replacement process should be divided into step-by-step instructions:

  • The first step is to find and buy a suitable battery. This means you will have to look at the motherboard in advance and find a silver tablet with symbols and numbers. If there is no opportunity to look under the “hood” of the personal computer case, then most likely you need to buy the CR2032 version with a capacity of up to 230 mA and a height of 3.2 millimeters. Find the right battery is possible not only in computer stores, but in standard supermarkets in the section with batteries. The purchase will cost approximately 30-50 rubles. Is it worth taking a whole set of 4-5 pieces? Hardly. The chance of losing extra batteries is much higher than having to start replacing them again, because a service life of 5-7 years often leads to excessive forgetfulness.
  • Then it’s time to move on to working with the system unit. The main thing here is to immediately free yourself from unnecessary wires, which will not become an obstacle when disassembling and transferring the body to a lying position. If the wires do not get in the way, then you can just turn off the Pilot and you can proceed to analysis. All you have to do is unscrew the screws, remove the side cover, turn the system unit on its side, and start inspecting the motherboard. If a silver “tablet” is found, then all that remains is to pry off the battery with a screwdriver (or plastic card) and remove it from the plastic holder (the main thing is not to overdo it, you should act carefully: if you damage the socket, then you can safely forget about further replacement, you will have to look for the nearest service center).
  • The last step is to remove the new battery from the packaging and push it with the printed side up into the accessible slot until it clicks. Again, you should act as carefully as possible - any wrong movement can lead to damage. Before returning the system unit to starting position, it’s worth checking whether the new thing stays in the designated place and is not loose. Further you can carry out trial run, see if the settings and time are saved, and then attach the cover with screws, connect the wires and return to work.

As practice suggests, replacing batteries on a computer motherboard takes from 5 to 10 minutes. Problems can only arise when installing a new tablet into the designated slot. If the level of dexterity is insufficient, there is a small chance of damaging the nest. But the main thing here is not to worry and not to rush, but to act clearly and in one movement.

Is there a battery on the motherboard in the laptop?

Yes, laptops and netbooks also have a place for batteries. Moreover, the battery serves the same purposes - it saves settings, synchronizes and remembers the time and date. With visual and technical point The battery is also standard - 20 millimeters in diameter, height up to 3.2 millimeters, familiar voltage from 2.75 to 3.3. The only difference is the method of changing the battery. Here you can no longer get by with a convenient “opening” of the system unit. You will have to carefully open the lid of the laptop or netbook (not forgetting about the cables leading to the keyboard or monitor, which can easily be damaged), and then methodically inspect the parts found - hard drives, CPU, motherboard. The battery slot may be located with reverse side laptop, and therefore it will take a long time to understand the details...

Yana Volkova July 29, 2018

A modern person rarely has to worry about the problem of replacing a battery in a wristwatch. Usually they are changed at points of sale quickly and free of charge. But sellers are different. It happens that behind the counter you are greeted by a charming young lady who may understand the sizes and manufacturers of batteries, but has no idea how to design a wrist accessory. This problem is also familiar to those who go on long hikes or whose work involves constant exposure to nature. A watch is irreplaceable, and a spare battery should always be in your pocket.

Variety of batteries for watches

Pocket and wrist watches – the time of quartz devices

Mechanical watch– prestige and status. And often also the memory of those beloved relatives to whom they belonged. Modern quartz watch- this is certainly an elegant accessory, but also the need to constantly be in the flow of time and monitor it. Winding a mechanical watch is a beautiful procedure, a kind of ritual. Replacing the battery in a wristwatch is an important routine. Let's find out what is needed for this.

What will you need to open and remove the cover? Determining the type of protection

So, let’s say that you have a bloody nose and need to insert the battery into your watch yourself - the mechanism is standing, the time-measuring device will soon come in handy, there is a spare battery. IN good hours The battery and mechanism are reliably protected by a cover that can be attached in at least three ways:

  • screwed on with screws;
  • closed with a screw mechanism;
  • closed with a slamming mechanism.

How to correctly and accurately remove the cover of a wrist or pocket watch without damaging it depends on these methods. valuable device and precious nerves.

Pocket and wristwatch cover – reliable protection

Method No. 1. How to open a watch with a snap cover using your fingernail?

Changing the battery in a quartz wristwatch with this type of cover is not difficult. Inspect carefully back of your accessory and feel for something like a notch or depression. Then pick up this place with your fingernail and pull the watch cover towards you. The threat of ruining your manicure undoubtedly exists.

If you have small scissors, a knife or something similar that is flat and hard on hand, use it

And leave damage to your nails to a completely hopeless situation. Be careful if the back of your watch just won't open, no matter how hard you try. Stop damaging property. You may be dealing with a screw cap.

Method No. 2. How to unscrew a screw-down back cover with a rubber ball?

Ideally, you should have a caliper handy for this type of cap. It's better to use it like this:

  1. Spread the tool along the width of the marks and tighten the bolt firmly.
  2. Insert the caliper into the two recesses and smoothly begin to unscrew the cover to the left.

But calipers are not always accessible tool. It’s still somehow easier to find a rubber ball. To do this, firmly press the watch cover without a recess with a rubber ball (little by little!) to ensure its reliable adhesion to the surface.

Keep the watch in one place and rotate the ball counterclockwise without lifting it from the lid. As the ball turns, the defense must also move. If everything works out, then carefully unscrew the cap all the way with your fingertips.

  1. Open the scissors.
  2. Install their tips into two opposite grooves in the cover.
  3. Secure with a little force and begin turning the scissors counterclockwise.
  4. Has the lid given way? Unscrew it all the way with your fingers.

And please be very, very careful with scissors! Do not accidentally injure yourself or others.

Vernier calipers are a safe tool for opening the watch cover.

Method No. 3. How to unscrew a tight back cover or a cover with screws?

You can open the watch to change the battery with your fingernail only if a couple of conditions are met:

  1. The nail is quite strong and long.
  2. The screws are not tightened too tightly.

But for a more successful result, it is more convenient to use scissors, a knife or a screwdriver of the appropriate size. Simply place one tip of the tool into the groove on the head of one of the screws. Be sure to press the end of the tool firmly into the grooves and do not lose your grip as you turn them. Unscrew all the screws one by one and carefully place them in one place. They are small and instantly lost.

Changing the battery

Hooray! The cover is off! The battery is in front of us. What's next? And then, to successfully change the battery in a quartz wristwatch without damaging it, use tweezers or small tweezers. Use them to remove the old battery, but first remember its correct location in the watch. Confusing a plus with a minus is a questionable procedure for a fragile device.

If the size and shape of the new battery completely matches the old one, also carefully insert it into place in the watch using pliers or tweezers, observing the polarity

Check the clock operation. Are they coming? Wonderful! No? Check again the contact of the battery in the mechanism and, if possible, its expiration date. If everything is ok, but the clock still does not work, then contact a specialist. The risk of the watch breaking is high.

Carefully replacing the battery with tweezers

Put the cover in place

In any case, you should still close the back cover of the watch after replacing or removing the battery. If you find something to unscrew the protection with, use the same thing to screw it back. Only with a rubber ball, do everything in the reverse order - first, carefully screw it in with your fingers, and then press the ball and screw it all the way. Don't overdo it! Simply press the slamming lid firmly with the right side, most often until it clicks lightly.

These are the simple tricks for replacing batteries. Don't forget to set the hands on the dial to right time and get ready for another couple of years to answer the simple question “What time is it?” Can you tell me?" And this watch will help you with this:

Women's watch with crystals on a ceramic bracelet, OKAMI(price on the link)

Classic mechanics for lazy amateur watchmakers

Despite our desire for the best, perfect and progressive, we still sometimes stop at classic solutions. When it seems like anachronism becomes some kind of our symbol of conservatism, and sometimes an indicator of our character, and sometimes also of prosperity. If you still haven’t guessed what we’re talking about, then we’re talking about wristwatches. Indeed, since Breguet invented the wristwatch back in 1775, more time and events have passed than have ever happened to anyone living today. Cities and entire countries appeared and disappeared back to where they came from. It was a kind of smile of fate and history, which was sometimes unfavorable to the interests of thousands and millions. But look at the wristwatch. Despite all the vicissitudes, the appearance modern gadgets, phones and tablets, in our society, watches can still often be found on the wrists of our contemporaries.

Let's say more, the same brand of Breguet wristwatch can cost tens and hundreds of dollars and no less. And that is why we mentioned wealth here when we began our story. But here we will tell you about something simpler and more ordinary, and not about the history of watches and watch secrets, or rather about how to replace the battery in a watch. But first, about what watches this can be done with...

Fundamental differences in the design of wristwatches or the fact that batteries are not available everywhere...

According to their design features, wristwatches are divided into mechanical, mechanoelectronic and electronic.
A mechanical watch is exactly the design with which the formation of all watches in the world began, that is, a mechanism that ensures the movement of the watch hands through a compressed spring. Gradually and slowly, the spring straightens out and gives this energy to a mechanism consisting of gears, which rotate all our 3 hands on the dial. This continues until the spring straightens and reaches a balanced state. Eventually, there is nothing left to give, and the clock stops. Until the spring is charged again by rotating the automatic winding pendulum or the watch crown to wind the watch.
About the same can be said about mechanoelectronic watches, watches with hands, where the energy source is a battery. By the way, the first quartz electronic clocks were created much later than mechanical ones, in 1937, and even then they were wall clocks. But the wristwatch was released by Hamilton another 20 years later, that is, in 1957. So, the current in such a watch passes through quartz, which sets the frequency. Typically the frequency is 32768 Hz, but other quartz crystals can be used. The higher the frequency, the more accurate the clock is. Although this depends, among other things, on the quality of the radio component. Next, the pulses fall on the counter chip, which just reports this number of oscillations 32768 per second, and gives the output only from one to 5 pulses for the stepper motor. If there are 5 pulses, then they are supplied with a frequency of 1/5 of a second, if there is one, then with a frequency of 1 pulse per second. So, the pulses hit the coil and magnet. In this case, the hand shifts by 1/5 of a second or by a whole second at once. Because of this, the second hand shifts. All other hands in the watch are tied through the second hand, that is, through the use of the same mechanical gearbox. That is why quartz watches can only be partially called electronic, but in fact they are combined – electronic and mechanical.
Well, the last truly electronic watches appeared along with LEDs, and then the LEDs were replaced by liquid crystal displays. All the same processes occur in them as in mechanoelectronic watches, but there is no stepper motor. In this case, the counter chip gives impulses to the controller, which works with the screen. The controller reacts every time an impulse comes from the counter, so the time on the screen changes every second, minute, and, accordingly, hour.
Well, this entire paragraph was intended not only to convey to the reader the fundamental differences in the designs of wristwatches, but also to emphasize the fact that they require energy to run. Be it the potential energy of a spring or the electrical potential that appears at the various poles of a battery as a result of a chemical reaction in it.

Average battery life in electronic and electromechanical wristwatches

The battery life of a wristwatch will depend on a whole range of factors. This is the quality of the battery, it’s better to put it here famous brands. Secondly, the current consumption of the clock itself depends on the circuit design of the clock. Operating conditions: use of backlight, alarm clock, others additional functions, operation of watches in cold climates.
So, despite all of the above, we can still say that the average service life for a high-quality battery will be from 3 to 5 years. If they tell you that 1 year is the normal service life of a wristwatch battery, don’t believe it! This is very little!
If you have a battery, such options are also possible when the watch is used in conjunction with solar panels(Solar from Seiko, Eco-Drive from Citizen, Light powered from Orient) or generators, these are technologies (kinetic from Seiko, Powermatic from Tissot). In this case, the battery lasts 7-9 years.
Continuing our thought, we must say that despite the fact that the service life of batteries and accumulators is very long. So in some cases this period is commensurate with life cycles hours. After all, some people simply get bored with them, while others manage to break them during this time. Nevertheless, in some cases the time comes to replace the battery or accumulator in the watch.
So, here the question arises: how to replace the battery and what kind of battery to use? And also, what are the analogues if you have not found the original - a substitute? We will talk about this in our next paragraphs.

An example of replacing a battery on a wristwatch from “A” to “Z”

Despite the fact that the goal of each of the options for replacing a watch battery is to remove the battery itself and then replace it with a new one. This is often done in different ways. It's all about design features back cover, which protects the watch mechanism. Exactly for various options fastening the back cover of the watch, we will give our examples of replacing the battery in them.

An example of replacing a battery on a wristwatch for a screw-on cover

Let's start not with the most common, but quite possible option. This is how covers with screws are used on inexpensive electronic watches. Such covers are usually not rigid, and are attached at 4 points. This means that they are used on water resist watches and nothing more. That is, when wearing a watch you can only wash your hands, but not swim. An example will be given for the Aqua watch. QQ watches are also found in the same case, this is a division of Citizen. So, the first thing you need to do is “open the bracelet”, that is, make sure that it is divided into two halves. This will help you work smoothly on the back of the watch, that is, remove the cover from it and replace the battery. You can see how to “open” the bracelet in the article “How to adjust and shorten a watch strap.”
Next, take a small watch screwdriver and unscrew the fasteners.

We carefully tidy up the screws so as not to lose them. If they disappear, then you probably won’t buy them in the store.

Open the cover and unscrew the contact that holds the battery. IN in this case This is a mount located diagonally. We also remove the screw and move the contact plate to the side.

Now remove the battery and insert a new one.

We assemble everything in reverse order. As a result, we set the time and take advantage of our performance for several more years. electronic watch.

An example of replacing the battery on a wristwatch for a slam lid

Also, the first thing we do is “uncover” the watch bracelet; we have already described this operation in the example above. And then we proceed to opening the watch.
The only significant difference from the previous version will be that the cover is removed differently. It’s like a lid on a jar of pickles, held in place by tension between the body and the lid itself, while between them there is a seal that creates tension. This is usually a plastic O-ring. So, we pry up the edge of the lid with a knife or something similar to a knife blade and try to move it to the side.

Some lids have a special shimmer that will help them grip the lid better, but this design feature not found everywhere.

Then you can pry and remove the battery.

If elements interfere with you, such as a plastic insert, which is also a buffer against the shock of the mechanism. Then it can be removed, but do not forget to put it in place when assembling the watch.

At reassembly hours may be the only problem.

Since the cover is installed with interference, in order to put it in place, it will be necessary to ensure it. In this case, the lid will seem to slam shut due to the applied force. Sometimes your fingers are enough for this and nothing more. But if you come across a “harmful” watch, then you will have to press the lid until the last minute, and it is important not to damage the glass, especially if it is spherical, and even more so if it is also plexiglass.
In this case, you can come up with a simple device for the watch, made from two plugs. Let's say soda caps. We place the watch in such a way that it is self-centered, while the force is distributed evenly. After these conditions are met, you can press on the watch until the lid closes completely.

Now all that remains is to set the time and use the watch for several more years.

An example of replacing a battery on a wristwatch for a screw-on cover

Do not forget, as in the previous two cases, to “open” the bracelet so that it does not interfere with removing the cover and changing the battery. Since the lid is screw-on, then, logically, it will need to be unscrewed. The cap always unscrews counterclockwise. We did not encounter any exceptions. It's best to use a specialized tool, such as an adjustable adjustable wrench.

But not everyone may have such a key. Therefore, we suggest using handy methods. Let's say a caliper may be great, this is the most best option from handy means.

If it is not there, then try it with tweezers or pliers with long jaws. Let us immediately note that in this case the likelihood of scratching the watch cover increases many times over.

The fact is that the absence of rigid fixation between the support points through which force is applied to the lid for unscrewing provokes rolling, and therefore implies an unpleasant outcome with the appearance of scratches. So, the best option is either a specialized wrench or a caliper.
Hold the watch case in your palm and unscrew the cover.
Further everything is as usual. If necessary, unscrew the internal battery fastener and remove it. When reassembling the cover, we install it and first tighten it by hand, and then create tension in the thread using the tool that was used to unscrew it. Do not overtighten the lid. It will not take any effort, the only task is to create a tightness, which is again ensured in most cases due to a soft standard seal.

Battery voltage for wristwatches (1.5 - 3 volts) and possible analogues

When considering all of the above cases, we quickly skipped the moment of replacing the battery, assuming by default that we had it in stock. In fact, sometimes you only find out what kind of battery is in a watch when you open it. It’s good if you also have instructions from the watch, where you can look at the type of battery as if in a hint. If there is no such instruction, then the search for the battery begins after opening the cover.
Wristwatch batteries are divided according to the following criteria: voltage and size. You cannot use a battery that looks similar in appearance, but with a different operating voltage. You can simply burn the chip. So in nature there are batteries with a voltage of 1.5 and 3 volts, pay attention to this.
In fact, despite all the obstacles, there are analogs that will be no worse than the same battery that you had in your watch before. In order to find out the applicability, just look at the reference table - “Table of interchangeability of batteries for wristwatches”.
If you have a choice, we would recommend brands such as: Renata, Seiko. These brands will allow you for a long time not to think about returning to the very operation about which we have already written such significant material in our article and spent a lot of time on it, but your spent time will probably take even more.

Features of electronic clocks indicating the need to replace the battery

When the battery, or for the average person, the battery or accumulator, runs low, this can be observed visually. So on the LCD screen of the watch, the symbols will become less clear, sometimes as if translucent. The backlight will also not work in “full light”. If this pointer clock, then the arrow may jump not by 1 division, but after several. Seiko watches (end of life) have this function. Here is an example of such a watch.

In the end, a sign that the battery is low will be a lag in the clock, but again this is typical only for electromechanical models.
If you have removed the battery from the watch case, you can check it using a multimeter - a universal measuring instrument. So 1.5 volt batteries can work until the voltage drops in some cases to 0.5-0.7 volts. But a voltage drop on the battery even by 30 percent, that is, up to 1 volt, already indicates that it must be replaced.
Here it is necessary to note the other side of the coin. If you install a new battery, then in this case it is possible that the clock will start to rush. This is quite likely for older watches, and the issue here is not even the battery, but the fact that the quartz wears out over time. By quartz we mean a radio component that begins to output a slightly higher number of pulses to the microcircuit. As a result, the clock is fast. Some electronic watches even have a calibration option that allows you to adjust the clock rate. But this is an extremely rare option.

Conditions affecting the quality of watch battery replacement and its subsequent operation

There are several factors to consider when replacing your watch battery. First, use white paper as a backing; it will make it easier to see bolts, small fasteners, and similar items that will be removed from the watch when replacing the battery. This will prevent you from losing them. Accordingly, the lighting must be good in order to see everything.
Second, use grease. Let's say lithol, for applying it to the lid seals. This will ensure higher tightness, water and dust protection. However, under no circumstances apply it to the mechanism.
Third, be careful and careful. After all, one awkward and inept movement can ruin everything, the mechanism or the electrical board. As a result, replacing the battery will damage the watch itself.

Video about replacing the battery in electronic wristwatches (Casio, Citizen, Seiko, Orient)

To summarize about replacing the battery in electronic wristwatches (Casio, Citizen, Seiko, Orient)

Drawing a conclusion from something like this simple process Like replacing a battery in a wristwatch, you need to weigh all the risks, your skills, the availability of tools and the alternative to using the services of a specialist. Yes, if you have a set of screwdrivers, a caliper in the case of a screw-on cap, and also a convenient workplace, where you can sit down and do everything slowly, then your chances of success are quite high. In this case, it is worth trying to change the battery yourself.
If you are not confident in your abilities, or present moment If you have problems with the availability of any tool, then it is better to entrust the replacement of the watch battery to a master watchmaker. In this case, there will be someone to ask in case of failure. But we don’t think it will come to that, since replacing the battery is almost the most common service related to watches. Is it possible that they come more often in order to