How to create a new email. How to create your own mailbox and email address

Email Nowadays, it has become the main and most common means of communication between people, regardless of whether it is personal correspondence or communication between business partners.

Many people do not accept social networks, Skype or chat, because they have been using email for many years and are accustomed to its functionality, besides register by email faster and easier. There is also another reason. For example, on social networks you often need to respond to a message immediately, while an email message can wait. Most often, the person who sent you the message by mail does not expect an immediate response.

You can create one account just for communication, but you can also create several accounts - for payment systems, social networks, etc. However, it often happens that a person forgets the password to one of his accounts, and this can seriously fray his nerves, especially if the matter is important. . That is why we have written an article for you on how to register Mailbox, how to use it, how to change the password on it, etc. After all, creating a mailbox is very simple, but different browsers The functionality is different and sometimes it can be easy to get confused.

Finally, an important factor is the security of the information stored in your mail. Attackers sometimes hack your email and steal all the passwords associated with that email or something that can compromise you. At the same time, we note that hacking occurs automatically, so absolutely everyone is at risk.

Also very annoying is the various spam that pours into the mail in a continuous stream, as well as advertising in different browsers. You can see how to remove it using a browser example. Google Chrome in the article:

If your service does not have good spam cutting, then working with correspondence will resemble the seven circles of hell. That is why here we will not only tell you how to create an email, but also analyze the most commonly used systems Email. All of them, of course, are free. In the end, you decide for yourself which site to open your mailbox on. We hope that this information will be extremely useful and informative for you.

How to register (create) an email and what you need to remember when registering

Registering a mailbox is not a complicated procedure, we will first look at general outline, without being tied to any specific mail aggregator.

Here are the following points:

  1. First of all, in Lately it's getting harder come up with original name for your account, because tens and even hundreds of millions of people have already chosen names that are the most popular. And “exotic” has long since sold out with a bang, so you’ll have to strain your imagination to come up with something truly original, but at the same time quite simply memorable.
  2. In addition, you need to provide a password. Many people are averse to complex passwords because they are easy to forget. Therefore, when registering mail, they use very simple passwords, like date of birth or generally “1234567”. Often, users use the same password for all services, as well as for all their accounts on social networks, on all forums, blogs, but this only simplifies the task for attackers.
  3. Almost all email sites use the number mobile phone user in order to send a code there in case you need to restore access to your account. As we have already said, this number is indicated by you during registration, and if your mobile number has changed, you can add new number V special settings profile. More old system – application security question and the answer to it, for example, mother’s maiden name, favorite car brand, etc. But most users believe that the option with a password in SMS is simpler. Therefore, we advise you to provide your mobile phone number once you have decided to open your mailbox (although this to some extent contributes to the disclosure of your privacy). Using this number, for example, they can find out your installation data (but only if the request comes from the competent authorities). However, if you do not have tax arrears, you have nothing to fear, and the convenience of recovering your account password via a message on your mobile will be your priority. But be careful. This applies only to professional companies in the Internet business, because only they do not see the point in selling your money to spammers and other “bad people”.

Remember that a simple password exposes you to unnecessary risk because:

  • Any email is valuable to a hacker, because he can sell it to spammers at a good price. In the end, it will all end with your account being blocked. How is a password cracked? By using automatic system selection using a database of the most popular combinations or special dictionaries.
  • If a hacker scans the contents of your soap, he will be able to find your pages in in social networks, as well as payment systems, will be able to find your money on forums and much more. He can sell all this to the same spammers.
  • If an attacker is unable to hack the password to pages on social networks or payment systems, he can request its recovery, but the account is most often tied to the hacked account.
  • Remember that the login and password are the entrance to your email, so the attacker automatically gains access to the services of systems such as Yandex, Google, etc. And there are a lot of services in these search engines, it’s like personal services, and for business (, business, disk), there are similar ones in search engine Yandex.
  • Finally, it may even come to blackmail; they may demand a ransom in exchange for data stored on your email. There can be only one payment method - through a paid SMS message.
  • Very rarely, mail can be hacked on request from enemies and ill-wishers. These could be business competitors or personal enemies, so the only way out is to come up with the most complex and long password possible. In this case, it is better to indicate in the menu that its restoration occurs only via SMS sent to your mobile number. You must indicate this phone number when registering your mailbox. In order not to forget complex password, we recommend that you use a password keeper KeepPass. You can also set a password on your computer or mail folder. For this there is special program TrueCrypt.

Which Email service to choose to create a mailbox and how to do it

Here we will list only the most basic sites that are massive, have a good reputation and reliable system protection. After that, you yourself will decide on which site to create an email.

Naturally, each of these services is free, but there are differences in some indicators. The main ones are:

  1. Low barrier to entry(in other words, different ease of use of the account);
  2. Service functionality;
  3. Size(or storage space provided by the service);
  4. Anti-burglary system or a system for restoring access to your account. This also implies the presence of an antivirus and protection against scammers (you can use browser extensions such as or). It is also very important that working with e-mail is strictly confidential, because otherwise letters addressed to you may be intercepted on the way to your mail server. Therefore, make sure that the online email service operates using the HTTPS protocol (i.e., a site that encrypts transmitted information).
  5. Availability of effective spam cutter.

These are the criteria for choosing a service on which to register a mailbox. Now let's move on to brief description free email sites that are taking part in the tender today. At the same time, we immediately note that the order of sites in the list is completely arbitrary and has nothing to do with the rating.

Gmail email

Gmail (also known as Google mail or Gmail). This site has seriously established itself in the global free email market, not to mention the RuNet market. And although it began its work only in 2005 (the full-functional version was released already in 2009), but even for this short term this monster has won the hearts of tens of millions of users.

Moreover, some users of other systems, such as Rambler, Yandex or, also switch to Google mail. Now let's look at everything in order.

  • Gmail registration. To sign up for Gmail email, visit the official website this will open the Gmail website in a nearby browser window. On the right top corner You need to press the blue button " Create an account" Well, then just fill out your personal information.
  • How to use. After you have been able to create Google mail, you are provided with 15 gigabytes free space, where your correspondence will be stored. In fact, this is more than enough for letters for many years, but remember that this amount of memory must be shared with the service Google Drive.
  • In addition, the Google Mail interface is very convenient, one might say, ahead of its competitors, and programmers update it from time to time Google. You can easily group letters into folders, create special shortcuts, and organize them in order to easily track your correspondence history.
  • Once again about safety. When you decide to create Google mail, remember that access to online service must necessarily be carried out using the HTTPS protocol. This is very easy to determine. IN address bar"https://" should be specified instead of "http://". If the security of your correspondence and information stored in your email is very important to you, we recommend switching to two-step authorization. Now no one will be able to log into your account without the password in the SMS that will be sent to your mobile phone. The only way to hack such a system is to log into your computer or browser, which has already auto-saved your password.
  • Google spam cutter. This program works just fine, only in rare cases, when sending a message to a mailbox from the hosting (that is, domain mail), it may end up in the “ Spam" However, Google filters will help you set up rules according to which the message will be automatically retrieved from the " Spam" and redirect to the folder " Inbox" These filters can serve other purposes as well, so do your research on them.

Yandex Mail

This service arose somewhat later than, but it is more popular among users because its interface is easy to use. Also, this interface is well thought out and quickly responds to your commands. Finally, having decided to create Yandex mail, you can customize the account for yourself. It will also be easy to work with letters and filter them. A particularly good idea from the Yandex interface developers was timeline, where you can study your mail only for certain time(for example, only for one month in a certain year, etc.).

In addition, there is a built-in translator, as well as a program for sending free SMS notifications (you just need to indicate the phone number of the person to whom the notification is addressed). In conclusion– You will be able to create a free email for a domain (for example, [email protected] ).

Finally, Yandex mail shares space for correspondence with a cloud storage site called Yandex Disk. The box has a size limit of up to 20 gigabytes of memory (sometimes half as much, it all depends on the conditions you fulfill for registering with Ya.Disk).

Security on Yandex mail is also excellent— again, HTTPS is used, and there is also an option to activate the E-mail login mode only after you enter the confirmation code from SMS.

The anti-spam system, called on Yandex " SpamDefense", showed one of best results among all the services that we analyze in this article. However, we recommend that you check the folder “ Spam» before clearing it, as legitimate information can sometimes end up here. However, this rule is valid for other mailers as well. mail

This is one of the very first services in the Russian-speaking space. A few years ago it was seriously modernized, so it has become a serious competitor to younger services. If you decide to open a mailbox at, you will not go wrong . Work with by email and account management is very efficient and simple. In one interface window you can read letters received in all your mailboxes. Agree, this is very convenient! - Post service

After was updated, the security system became much more reliable. Of course, the good old one is used here too HTTPS protocol. Emails are scanned by Kaspersky antivirus. It is best to also indicate this when registering, although it is only used to recover your password. However, security can be enhanced by going to the “Password and Security” tab.

The mailbox volume on this service is dimensionless, but initially only 10 gigabytes of memory for letters will be available to you. As the mail fills up, the size will automatically increase by 1-2 gigabytes. Remember that this system also has a service Cloud It has its own free disk space 25 gigabytes, although tightly connected to email.

Spam cutting is not very effective here, so we recommend sending it to a Google or Yandex mailbox, where spam protection is more effective. However, developers plan to improve spam cutting.

Email from

This service has not been very popular lately and not everyone can know how to create an email in But this is almost the very first email site on the RuNet, which also recently underwent a major modernization. However, as a result, the functionality of such a site turned out to be as meager as it was, and the main improvement concerned mainly the interface, which became easier to use. There were also many complaints regarding the stability of the system, as well as the ineffective operation of the spam cutter.

Security, unfortunately, on Rambler is not reliable. And although the HTTPS protocol is used here, the browser constantly indicates that working with this node is unsafe. The size of the box is only 2 gigabytes, and all other nuances remained at the level of the end of the twentieth century.

Now Rambler developers are only retaining old users instead of finding new ones. After all, it’s easier, because many old clients are already accustomed to this interface and functionality, but they may not know about the new options. Opening a mailbox in Rambler would not be the best idea. mail

Previously called Hotmail. Nobody knows why this rebranding happened, except that many began to associate Hotmail with a hot dog! The interface is extremely easy to use, but the settings system is made in an unusual way, although you can figure it out over time.

Outlook mailbox It has good system security, which is not surprising given the company's budget. At first, the box size is limited to five gigabytes, but they can be increased as needed. Cloud storage on Outlook is called OneDrive, its size is 15 gigabytes. You can purchase Windows license, and then you will be provided cloud storage for 25 gigabytes.

Self-tapping and virus checking on Outlook are also at the same level, in no way inferior to the same Google or Yandex.

Yahoo mail

Yahoo mail is a foreign service created one of the first. Yahoo mail email address is distinguished by its extraordinary generosity, because you are immediately provided with a whole terabyte (!!!) of memory in the mail. The security system is good, HTTPS protocol is observed. You will also like the interface, because there are several design options.

However, Yahoo also has its own nuances. For example, if you do not use your account for six months, the system automatically deletes your account. So, it’s up to you to decide, it will not be possible to recover the data.

Free services and temporary emails

There are also so-called temporary accounts. like this Email It’s very simple to create, but it’s time-consuming “ life» ranges from a few minutes to a month. As a rule, such boxes are used to prevent “ shine» and maintain the confidentiality of correspondence. One of the advantages of temporary accounts is the ability to avoid hacking and spammers, since in such a short period of time no one will simply have time to harm you.

There are dozens abroad special services on creating temporary websites (You can read how to create a website yourself in the article:) and emails.

In such systems there is no need to indicate your real data; you can register under a fictitious name, with a fictitious address, etc. However, there are many scam servers out there, so to avoid getting into trouble, we recommend looking at a few examples of proven and reliable temporary email systems.

On the RuNet market in great demand uses Mail for such a service " lives» only 120 minutes. And in order to save your time, this system automatically generates addresses. The site is interesting because it does not require a password at all, but you can only receive and read letters, but without the ability to write a response.

Finally, the project is also of interest. You can set how long this address will be valid for (there are options from an hour to a month). The only caveat is that you must indicate your real address.

And now a few words about safety. Although free services meet all standards network security, but in order to keep them safe, you must follow some rules. For example, use a long password, do not save suspicious files on your computer, and never click on unknown links. If the account access recovery system requires a response to Secret Question, You should definitely remember it.

Today on the Internet you can encounter big amount advertisements where hackers offer to hack someone else's email for a certain reward. In fact, these are simple scammers who use Trojans and phishing links to hack. Any site has weak spots, but it is they who are monitored by administrators and developers. Therefore, the myth that any email is vulnerable to hacking remains a myth.

How to make your email easier?

So, you were able to create an email. How to log into mail? It would seem that everything is very simple, but you need to pay attention to a few important nuances. After all, sometimes it’s at the most simple questions It's very difficult to find answers. After all, the majority takes this for granted, and there are no discussions on such topics on forums for the reason that it is simply indecent to discuss such basic things. Therefore, “just in case,” we will consider this issue in more detail.

It is very important that you do not fall for the bait of so-called phishers (or fishermen), who replace the sites you need with fake ones. Having accepted them as the original, you can tell these scammers your username and password via special form entrance. Moreover, this rule applies not only to logging into email, but also to logging onto any sites on the Internet where you are asked to log in, that is, enter your username and password (for example, the same forums). When working with letters via the web interface, remember the following nuances:

  1. To log in to your email account, create a bookmark in your browser and log in only through it each time. It is better to do this even if you have been sent a letter from the mail service with a link to follow. After all, such a link may also turn out to be a fake, and you simply “ you'll grab it» viruses.
  2. You can also apply tab pinned to the browser panel. Make sure that the tab has an open web interface for your email. In Google this is easy to do: move your mouse cursor to the tab and click on it right click. In the menu that appears, you need to select “ Pin a tab", after which the tab will be reduced in width and will be moved to the far left position. After you close and reopen your browser, the tab will automatically open and you will receive a permanent fast access to your email.
  3. If you do not have a bookmark for a particular service in your browser (for example, the cache was unsuccessfully cleared (how to clear the cache in a browser, read the article: " ", the OS was restored from an image, etc.), open the browser and find the official website of this service . All you need to do is write “login to Google mail” in the search engine, and the first link will take you to the required site. Then all that remains is to create a bookmark in the browser or install a shortcut on the desktop. This can be done by left-clicking on the icon located on the left in the address bar, and then pressing Win + D on the keyboard. Now release the mouse button.
  4. To make working with your account even easier, use (however, in this case you will need to specify the login and password for the “email”). These extensions will monitor all messages arriving in your inbox and notify you about it different ways(for example, via SMS).
  5. When working with large volumes of letters or with a large number of accounts, we advise you to use an email client program. For example, you can select " Client M2", which is built into the Opera browser. True, there are other options, like “ The bat » or Outlook. Both of these options require additional payment. Free extension, which is very popular, is a program developed by the Firefox browser. It's called Mozilla Thunderbird.

Disadvantages and advantages of using email

To register a mailbox, it is not enough to know only yourself technical process. You need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of email.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, among the main advantages of using mail are:

  1. The ability not to respond to a letter immediately, like on social networks.
  2. Ability to distribute correspondence into groups, separate folders, topics.
  3. An extremely convenient and intuitive interface (this applies to all the services we analyzed);
  4. Availability large quantities memory, sorting letters by period.
  5. Does not require payment.
  6. Your data is protected and remains confidential. Naturally, this is only possible if certain rules are observed.
  7. The presence of an effective spam cutter (but its effectiveness is relative; above we described which services it is good for and which it is not so good).
  8. The ability to receive an SMS message when a new message appears in your inbox.
  9. Availability of antivirus.
  10. The ability to use mail both from a computer or laptop, and from a mobile phone.

Email also has its disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to come up with a complex, and most importantly, original password, which guarantees the security of the mailbox. This password is difficult to remember. And sometimes it's just hard to come up with.
  2. There is always a chance that your mailbox will be hacked (when you click on “phishing” links, download files with viruses, etc.).
  3. As a rule, spam cutting does not work effectively on all services. Therefore, you risk receiving spam in your inbox. Who knows what the threat is, because such letters often contain suspicious links and viruses, as well as a lot of “nasty” advertising.


It's time to take stock. So, where to open a mailbox, what are the advantages of this or that service, for what purposes are they suitable?

  1. We recommend using Google mail (Gmail), Yandex or These services are the most best offer by a combination of factors, namely: convenient and simple interface, big size mailbox (10-20 gigabytes plus “cloud”), great system security, reliable antiviruses, effective spam cutting, sorting emails by period (on Yandex) or by topic (Google).
  2. Such services can be used for any purpose: to communicate with relatives and friends who are far away (for example, abroad); for communication with business partners, exchange of documentation in in electronic format, to send business offers, advertise your goods or services, to resolve other business issues with people remote from you (with foreign corporations).
  3. Another option for using email is SEO, etc. For example, if your customer is in another country, he can send you a task by email, and you will complete it remotely, then sending the finished text.
  4. Each of the recommended sites suggests creating email on multiple accounts. So, through one of them you can communicate on business issues, and through the other you can only conduct personal correspondence and etc. is one of the largest and most popular sites on the Russian Internet. Anyone can get a mailbox here completely free of charge and use it as much as they want.

In order for you to receive your email, you need to go through a simple procedure called registration. To do this, you first need to open the website.

You can simply click and Mail will open in a new window.

In the upper left corner of the site you will see a white rectangle with the name “Mail”.

Using it we will register on To complete this procedure, click on the inscription “Registration in mail”.

After this, another page will load - something like a questionnaire. If you fill it out correctly, you will be given an email address.

First you need to enter your first and last name. You can print them in both Russian and English.

Then you need to indicate your birthday. Click on the "Day" field and select a date from the list. Do the same with the month and year.

Just below is the “City” field. You can also select it from the list. Or you can leave it blank - this field is optional.

But you must indicate your gender. To do this, simply click on it so that a dot is placed next to it.

The next field, “Mailbox,” is the most important. This is an email address, that is, the name of the future mailbox (e-mail).

You need to come up with it yourself. It's not very difficult task, since the system will actively help - offer free names.

The main thing to remember is that the address must consist of English letters(no Russian letters!). You can also add numbers, an underscore (“_”), a period (“.””), and a minus sign (“-”). There should be no spaces in the address.

Each user is given his own unique name. You cannot choose a name for a mailbox that is already taken by someone. If you created and typed an existing e-mail, the message “A mailbox with the same name already exists” will appear. And the system will suggest others, free options. If you like one, you can choose it.

All mail addresses consist of a name, a sign @ and some kind of ending. Originally it was

For example, in the e-mail field I typed the name ivan. If this address is not occupied by anyone, then my mailbox will be called [email protected]. And if I entered the name ivan2015, and it turned out to be free, then my mailbox would be called [email protected]

But this “tail” can also be changed through a small additional field.

By clicking on it, a list will appear from which you can select a different ending. For example, if I select from this list, then my mailbox will be called [email protected]

The next field that needs to be filled in is “Password”.

The password is a few English letters and numbers that you will use to open your mailbox. Without a password, it is impossible to open email and read letters.

Its length must be at least six characters. It is imperative that the password contains both letters (English only) and numbers.

When printing it, letters and numbers will be typed in dots. This is done on purpose so that no one can snoop on the password. After all, if another person recognizes him, he will be able to open your mail and read the letters.

And immediately after filling out the “Password” field, write it down in a safe place so you don’t accidentally forget it!

After this, the system asks you to provide a mobile phone number. This was done so that if you lose your email password, you can recover it.

The mobile number must be entered with the operator code. For example:

Don't worry, no one will gain access to it and not a single ruble will be debited from your account. You will simply receive a confirmation code to this number, which you will need to type in a special field.

If for some reason you do not want to indicate your number (or it simply does not exist), then you can leave this field empty.

Well, finally, the last step left is to register. To do this, click on the appropriate button:

If when filling out registration form According to the system, you have made a mistake somewhere; a message will appear in the problem area

This means that you need to retype this part, otherwise Mail will not register your mail.

After clicking on green button“Register” a small window should appear on the screen in which you must enter the code. If you indicated your mobile phone number when filling out the form, the code will be sent to this number via SMS. And if you did NOT specify a phone number, then the code will be written in the window itself - you just need to print it and click on the “Done” button.

After this, your new email will open. But first, most likely, this window will appear:

These are the email settings. You can select them, or you can not select them - just close this window.

And here’s what the newly created mailbox looks like:

Now you can fully use it. You don't have to do anything else - this mail already belongs to you, and it is already configured to send and receive letters.

Important: The full email address is written in the upper right corner. Be sure to rewrite it. After all, it is this address that the person will need to provide so that he can write you a letter.

Hello my readers!

Users who are just learning the basics of using the Internet are faced with the fact that when registering on most World Wide Web sites, they need an email, but they don’t know what it is and how to create an email.

My article today is intended for such people.

Email: what is it?

Electronic mail is the full name of the virtual mailbox.

I want to say that using an electronic mailer is an integral part of using Global network. Using this type of service, the user has the opportunity to receive and send letters, photographs or other files to anyone anywhere in the world via the Internet.

It is worth noting that it will not be possible to send very large files via email, but several photos or any document is easy; when creating a letter, just use the paperclip icon and upload the necessary files.

To send large files they must first be uploaded to, and in the letter simply provide a link to this file in the cloud.

When writing a letter, you can correct and format the text, create a signature that will automatically complete each of your letters, and find many more useful options.

Why do you need email?

In the modern Internet space, email is necessary to be an active participant. Any action related to registration on forums, participation in promotions and the appearance of a page on social networks requires a personal mailbox.

The “soap” (the name of the email among advanced users) specified when registering on any third-party site receives a confirmation letter, which establishes that New user not a robot, and there is a place where notifications will be sent (for example, about new messages or events).

Note! Without email, a user's life on the Internet is reduced to boring scrolling. news feed and collecting weather information. Any more complex action in World Wide Web requires registration, which can only be completed if you have an email (or mobile phone number).

How to create a mailbox?

There are quite a lot of resources on the Internet that, after simple registration, allow you to become the owner of a unique postal address. And this service is provided absolutely free. Popular mail server sites include:

  • Yandex Mail
  • Rambler

Which mail server you choose depends on you individually. You can create accounts in all of them and use each for specific purposes (one for work, the second for family, friends, etc.). And you can only use the one that is most convenient.

Today, mail services allow you to collect mailings from all mailboxes into one (to do this, you just need to slightly adjust the settings).

To create new box on the mail server, you need to go to the resource of your choice (,, and others) and go through the registration procedure. The mail address will consist of two parts.

The first one will correspond to the name that was specified in the “login” field (it can be fictitious or reflect the real name of the owner).

Note! If the system displays that such a name has already been created, it means that someone has already registered an address with the same name before you, and you will need to come up with something new. It is better if the name is meaningful and not complicated, so that you can easily share it with people and on various sites when registering.

The second part of the address is the name of the mail resource, indicated through the so-called dog (, When naming or entering your email somewhere, you must say its full name.

Each mailbox is protected by a password, and it is advisable to come up with a more complex one, because this is the only way to protect the data stored on personal mail. If there is no hope of memory, then it is better to write down the password somewhere, since restoring it, although not difficult, is time-consuming.

The registration form requires filling out personal information such as the owner’s first name, last name and age. Often, in order to be able to restore access to your email account in the future, you need to enter a secret question and answer that is known only to the owner. There’s no need to be too clever; you should come up with a question that you won’t forget the answer to (for example, a nickname at school).

I hope now the word “email” does not cause you any misunderstanding. Register and share information on social media. networks, subscribe to blog updates and become advanced Internet users, see you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

E-mail is used for correspondence between recipients, and various types of files can be attached to the letter, be it photographs, archives, audio or video clips, documents, etc.

The email address looks like this: [email protected] where: name is a unique name (login) in the mail service, is the site (domain) on which your mail is located and @ is the email identifier. In Russia, this icon is called a Dog, a purely descriptive name, but it suits everyone, you can, of course, say that it is the letter “a” with a tail, and everyone will understand you too.

First, let's talk about where you can register your email:

Well-known and free email services are represented by companies such as,,,

Let's look at the capabilities of the listed email services.

Yandex Mail - box volume is 10 GB, 1 GB are added as it is filled,

Creating message templates, okay

They are protected from spam (junk mail) and, importantly, all letters are scanned by Dr.Web anti-virus. Decent and reliable postal service. Ability to attach files up to 30MB; if the volume is larger, then the file is automatically uploaded to your Yandex Disk. In this case, a link to this file will appear in the letter.

(see photo)

Mail mail - the mailbox volume is unlimited, i.e. At first they give 10GB and add more as needed. Also good protection from spam and also
antivirus is working. Here you can attach files up to 25MB, and if the file is larger, then it is uploaded to [email protected]; the storage period for such files is 30 days. When registering, you can select one mail server from the proposed options, i.e. Your address might look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Unlike Yandex, all addresses are independent units, i.e. these are different email addresses. - email service from Google, themes for every taste, autoresponder, email attachment, can send up to 25MB, if more? Offer to use Google Drive, where 15GB will be available for you free space. I would like to note that 15GB is the total volume of mail: Messages, files, photos, etc. on Gmail, your email address might look like this: [email protected];

Rambler mail - mailbox capacity is 2GB, you can attach a file up to 20MB to a letter. When registering, you can choose one email server from those offered. As a result, your address may look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].

Every network user should have at least one email account. Let's consider step by step instructions, how to create a mailbox on

Register on this mail client carried out in approximately the same way as on other popular services.

Creating a mailbox

To create Mailbox to mail ru, type in the address bar of any browser and press “Enter”.

In the browser you will see home page service. Next, click the “Registration by mail” link.

Carefully fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk. During creating a mailbox on and registering your personal data (last name, first name, date of birth, city, gender), it is advisable to write your real data.

Of course, no one will check, but if you lose access to your mail (your mailbox gets hacked or you simply forget your password), this will simplify it recovery .

Users usually use their personal data to name their email. Ideally, the name matches your first and last name and is not yet used by anyone.

The uniqueness of the name will be confirmed by the green check mark that appears on the right.

If the address is already taken, the system will offer you several available alternative options.

Important! It is necessary to decide on the domain part of the mail; it is written after the @ symbol (dog). You can choose,, Choose any one.

As a rule, this information is open, it is easy to install it on your personal pages on social networks. This can be used by attackers to hack your mailbox.

Enter your login password and repeat it a little lower, demonstrating to the system that you remember it. WITH right side A hint will appear indicating the complexity of the password you are entering.

Try to remember it, or even better, write it down somewhere.

IN last block You must select your country of residence from the drop-down list and also enter your phone number (home numbers are not supported).

For Russia it will start at +7. Now all you have to do is click the “Register” button.

In a few seconds you will receive a message with a verification code, enter it in the field provided and complete registration.

If you need to create a mailbox on without a phone number, then select the “I don’t have a mobile phone” method.

After this, select or come up with your own secret question from the drop-down list, but try to remember the answer you entered (you can also write this down).

Also, don’t be lazy to enter and additional email(if you have it).

If you check the box next to “Create personal page"You will automatically have a profile on the social network.

In the “Code in the picture” column, enter the letters and numbers shown as in the picture. If the characters are illegible, click “update code”.

When green checkmarks appear next to each line, click “Register”.

Setting up Mail.Ru mail

If you have personal email addresses located on various servers, before redirecting you to your email inbox, the system will offer to collect all letters into the Mail.Ru inbox.

This will help you save a little time, because you will only need to check one mailbox for new emails.

The next step is to upload a photo and create a caption.

Last step– choice of topic. Choose the one you like best. If you don’t know what to choose, don’t worry.

You can easily change your selection later using the Settings section.

That's all. Creation of a mailbox on is completed! The next window is your mailbox, in which three letters are waiting for you.

They are from The service welcomes you, thanks you for registering, and also tells you about the capabilities of the service. These letters can be deleted.

To set up your security account In the upper right corner of the service, select settings. Then password and security. Check all the boxes.

  • Prohibit parallel sessions - if you log into your mailbox while the option is enabled, then all other users in your account will be logged out.
  • Show information about last login – when working with a mailbox, the login method, date and time will be displayed above the list of letters last visit, IP address.
  • Session from one IP address – the system will check where the requests are coming from. If they come from a different IP, then the session is considered incorrect, and the user will be redirected to authorization.
  • Save and display the last completed actions in the box – good tool constant control of your mailbox. The data will be displayed in the “Settings” → “Password and Security” section.

Note! When you create a mailbox on, you are given the right to set additional password for each folder in the box. This will improve email security overall.

In the menu on the left, click “Customize Folders.”