How to find out your password from classmates knowing your login. How to recover your password and access to a page in Odnoklassniki

So, let's talk to you about how to find out the password in Odnoklassniki, knowing the login. To be honest, there are several quite interesting approaches that will definitely help us deal with this problem. Among other things, we will learn how dangerous or harmless the methods used today are. After all, it is always important to know what we are doing when trying to understand Odnoklassniki, knowing the login from the profile.


Let's start, perhaps, with the most harmless and safe scenario. The thing is that quite often the owners of the questionnaires themselves think about how they can find out their own password. Especially if you haven’t visited the page for a long time, and then decide to return to this social network again.

If you do not know how to find out the password in Odnoklassniki, knowing the login, and at the same time you are the real owner of the profile, then the process of restoring access can help you. To do this you will have to visit home page social network, and then in the authorization window click on “Forgot your password?”. In the window that appears, enter your login, and then when prompted - email address, to which your data will be sent to you. That's all. You can go to Odnoklassniki. You already have a login and password for authorization. As you can see, nothing complicated. But everything is not always so good. Now we will move on to the issue of hacking.

Friend's account

Well, now let's move on to a more interesting question. For example, let's try to hack some of our friends. To be honest, this is, frankly, not the best idea. Nevertheless, sometimes you really want to get access to a friend’s profile.

If you are thinking about how to find out the password in Odnoklassniki, knowing your friend’s login, you can try to hack his email, and then use it to carry out the process of restoring access. In truth, this can be very difficult to do. So if you are close and relationships of trust with this or that user, you can simply ask him for the necessary data. After this, it is enough to visit Odnoklassniki (login - login and password - this is what we cannot do without during authorization), enter all the information received in the appropriate fields, and then confirm your actions.

That's all the problems. True, asking directly for data from social networks is a risky business. Therefore, you will have to think carefully about what you should do in order to get what you need. There are a number of other interesting and simple techniques. Which ones? Now we will get to know them.


And here is another assistant in our difficult task. If you want to get login information for a particular social network, you can simply install a special keylogger for a friend, and then configure it to send the data to you by email.

This is not the easiest move. After all, we will have to quietly install the software on the computer, and then cover up the traces of its presence. It's not that easy. Especially if you are trying to outsmart someone who is good with computers. In general, once the keylogger is installed, all you have to do is wait.

IN certain moment the user logs in. Find out the password, knowing the login, in this case it is quite simple. You will just have to read the sent report, find the place that means our “authorization name”, and after it you will see a password. That's all. You can try to log in using the information received. As you can see, it's not that difficult.

The main advantage is that it is absolutely invisible to the user and antiviruses. In addition, it will also not be possible to detect it using additional software. This is only possible manually and when displaying hidden files and folders. But there is one more technique that will help realize the idea.


IN modern world you can find a lot of different advertisements. Including those that are offered to us on social networks. So, you can completely turn to such services.

Are you wondering how to find out the password in Odnoklassniki if you know your login? Then contact a specialist who offers such manipulations. For a fee, he will break someone else's account and transfer all the data to you. To be honest, few people use this method. All this is because there are a lot of scammers on the Internet these days. If you are not afraid, you can try it. Basically, that's all. Let us now see with you what consequences can await us.

After the deed

So, we now know how to find out the password in Odnoklassniki, knowing the login. But what could be the consequences of such actions?

For starters, you may find yourself a victim of scammers. To be honest, this is quite obvious. It is better to avoid advertisements about hacking.

An even less pleasant option is the loss of trust and friendship with a loved one. Exactly the one you were trying to deceive. As a rule, it can be very difficult to make peace with people after something like this.

The last thing that can await you is the blocking of your own account on a social network. If the administration suspects you of fraud and “hacking,” then be prepared that your access to Odnoklassniki will be closed.

Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular social networks. Many users from time to time wonder how to determine a login. There may be several reasons for this interest:

  • Sometimes, when entering the website, a situation arises when the entered login turns out to be incorrect. To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly your login.
  • Find out another user's login. Used to hack the page.

Let's take a closer look at ways to find out your login.

What is a login in Odnoklassniki

Login is a short word consisting of various characters. It is used to log into your personal page. When entering the site you are required to enter a login and password. The login is stored in the database along with the user account.

On the website, a login is needed for the following purposes:

  • To enter the page;
  • In payment terminals for replenishing your personal account;
  • When hacking account hackers.

Login format

Before registering, you need to come up with a login that other users do not have. In this case, several rules should be taken into account:

  • The login length must be more than 5 characters;
  • The login may contain numbers and Latin letters;
  • Acceptable use special characters(for example: _-.*!?, etc.);

Letter case does not matter.

Login examples: Antonina657, 89278764501, [email protected]

How to find out your login on Odnoklassniki

It is easy to view your login if you have access to the page. To do this you need to go to “Settings”.

In the “Basic” tab, the “Login” field displays the current user name. Here you can change your login to any other that complies with the rules.

More difficult case is the inability to access the site due to ignorance of the login or password. Then on the main page you need to click on “Forgot your password?”.

After this you should fill out special form and recover your password by phone number or address Email. Then the first method will be available to view the login.

If the steps described do not work, it is recommended to contact support by clicking the “help” button. It is located at the bottom of the main page. In the window that opens, you need to describe your situation in detail. It should be noted that this method of login recovery takes some time.

How to find out a friend's login on Odnoklassniki

There are several ways to find out another user's login. Here are some of them:

  • Ask the man himself. It happens that he may give his login as a joke or through negligence. This option works well with a close friend or relative.
  • Usage keylogger. To do this you need to install it on your friend's computer special program, which will send all characters to the specified mail. This method is complex, since it is extremely difficult to isolate a login in the general stream of characters.
  • Using a cracker. The hacking program will help you obtain the details of the desired account without additional information.

Using the above methods, you can easily find out or restore your Odnoklassniki login. Sometimes you can even find out someone else's login. But in any case, you should remember that hacking personal page should amount to an invasion of privacy. There is a risk of ruining your relationship with a person or getting your account blocked if the administration of the Odnoklassniki website finds out about the incident.

It was not for nothing that the developers of the social network Odnoklassniki created a simplified procedure for recovering a password for logging into an account, because most of its users have used this function at least once. Let's look at what to do when you forgot your Odnoklassniki password.

How to resume access if you forgot your password

After this, we will be taken to the recovery page, which can be visited via the link We select which of the data specified for restoring access to remember.

Enter the email address specified in your account and click “Search”.

At positive result search will display the first name and first letter of the last name of the user to whom it is linked specified mail(login). Click “Send code”.

We find incoming message from Odnoklassniki and open it.

Click “Confirm password change”.

If redirection is not carried out, copy the code specified in the form below, paste it into the text field on the “Password recovery” page and click “Confirm”.

This must be done within 3 minutes, after which you must request new code. Enter complex combination 6 characters long and click “Save”.

How to resume access if you don’t have your login and password

Due to the fact that you haven’t visited the site for a long time or the authorization information was entered automatically, you can forget the details for visiting your profile. If the user has forgotten his login and password, he should also use the recovery form.

The procedure for gaining access to a profile on a computer and on a tablet is similar. Follow the link or click “Forgot your password?” Click on the icon that allows you to specify the information you remember about your account (for example, a link to the page), and click “Search”.

The system will display the user's email address, first name, and first letter of their last name. Click “Send code”. If the data is yours, then go to paragraph 6 of the previous section, so as not to describe all the steps again.

If on the second page you chose “Phone” as the recovery method, select the country from the drop-down list, enter the phone number to which the account is linked, and click “Search”.

In this case, a form will appear with the user's name, the first letter of his last name and part phone number. If everything is correct, click “Send code”.

Many users, when entering the browser, simply click on the desired line in bookmarks and immediately go to their Odnoklassniki page. Accordingly, there is no need to constantly enter your login and password.

But if a friend came to you and went to his page on this social network from your computer, or you registered your husband, wife, mother, girlfriend. In these cases, you needed to exit your profile, and now you need to enter the same login and password to gain access to your page.

In this article we will look at various ways, with which you can restore forgotten password from the social network Odnoklassniki.

Recovering your password using saved browser passwords

Let's start with the simplest. Every browser, unless you disable it this function, can store your filled in logins and passwords for various sites.

At the same time, when you logged into Odnoklassniki for the first time, you should have seen a similar window.

By clicking on the “Remember” button, the data is saved in the browser, and the next time you visit the site, you will only need to enter your login, and next line will be substituted automatically.

If you click “Never remember”, you will need to enter data every time. Select “Not now”, the same window will appear next time.

Now let's see if you have them saved. For example, let's take Mozilla browser Firefox. Click on the “Menu” button on the right top corner and go to Settings.

Now on the left side select the “Protection” section. In the main window, in the “Logins” section, click on the “Saved Logins” button.

A small window will open in which you will see the names of the sites and their corresponding logins. We are interested in Find it in the list. Then click on the “Display passwords” button, and the numbers and letters of interest to us will be displayed in each field. Write down the ones you need and try to log in to Odnoklassniki. Everything should work out.

If you use another browser, you can read the articles:,.

How to restore a page on Odnoklassniki if you forgot your password

If you don’t find anything using the method described above, move on.

Go to the main page to log in to Odnoklassniki. WITH right side V small window Click on the link “Forgot your password?”.

After this, the “Restore Access” page will open. Here we will offer various methods that you can use to restore your Odnoklassniki profile.

If you remember “Login”, click on the corresponding button and enter it in the field provided.

For those users who remember the Personal Data entered on the page, the first option is suitable.

For personal information, you need to enter the first name, last name, age and city indicated on the profile page. If you fill out everything correctly, your page will appear in the results and you need to click “This is me.”

In general, choose the option where you can enter the required data and follow the step-by-step instructions.

We will look at two recovery methods, using “Phone” and “Mail,” in more detail below.

How to recover a password without a phone number

If, when registering with Odnoklassniki, you indicated the number mobile phone, which you are not currently using, and having access to your profile, you have not changed it, then remember what email address you indicated either during registration or when filling out your personal data.

Then click "Mail" on the recovery page.

Now enter your email address and click Continue. In case you have a little mailboxes, try everything.

You will see a new incoming message in your mail. Enter the code that will be indicated there in the “Code” field on the recovery page and click “Confirm”.

Come up with New Password and save it.

How to recover your password without email

Those users who do not remember the email address they indicated in Odnoklassniki can do everything using their phone.

You entered it during registration, and if you did not change any settings, it is this number is the login to enter the page. In this case, it must be indicated with the country code: 79000001111, 380930077666.

Click on the “Phone” button.

Select your country and enter the number. Click Continue.

After this, the already familiar window will appear, in which mark with a marker the option to receive SMS to the specified number.

A code will be sent to your phone. Enter it in the appropriate field, then you can change the password. This is all described in the paragraph above.

If you are still unable to recover your Odnoklassniki password, contact the social network’s Support Service. To do this, click on the “Contact us” link.

Then fill out the form provided and submit it.

A link to change will be sent to the email you provided. Go to it (you can only do this once) and change your password (you will have 20 minutes to do this, then the page will become inactive and you will need to write to support again).

I hope you were able to recover the password for your Odnoklassniki profile.

Now, having access to your page, go to “Settings” and check the relevance of the data specified there: login, password, phone number, email address. Change them if necessary, and be sure to write them down on a piece of paper or in a notepad. With their help, if necessary, restoring access to your Odnoklassniki page will not be at all difficult.

To begin restoring access to your account, you need to log in to official site this social network. On the website you need to click “Forgot your password?”. The system will open a window for restoring access with several possible options:

  • Using personal data. In this case, the system will ask you to enter some personal information in order to detect your page on the network. This is your first name, last name, your age and city. The last two items are entered into the search field only if you specified them when creating your profile. If only your first and last name were indicated there, then you will have to work hard to find yourself in the list of proposed profiles (often there are more than one hundred of them). After you have found yourself in the proposed list, click the “It’s me” button and the system will open a new window with the phone number associated with the selected page. Then she will ask you to confirm that you are the real owner of the account using an SMS code that will be sent to this number (you first need to confirm this action). All you have to do is wait for the code and enter it in a special field. After this, your page will open in the settings section so that you can change the current account password.

  • By phone number. This method is relevant only if you indicated when filling out your profile contact number phone. Then you will have access to your profile without any problems. To do this, you must go to the Odnoklassniki website and click the “Forgot your password” button. Then select the option to restore access via phone. The system will immediately prompt you to indicate your country and contact phone number associated with your account. Enter the data and start the search. If the number is really linked to the page, the system should find it: you will see your first name, last name, closed with asterisks, and a phone number to which the system will offer to send a confirmation code. Then actions similar to those indicated in the first option are carried out.
  • Via email. This method is almost identical to the previous one: the system will also ask for a contact (in in this case– email), where a letter with a confirmation code will be sent. A letter can take a little longer than an SMS - about 15 minutes. After entering the confirmation code in a special column, the system (as in previous cases) will prompt you to change the current password.
  • Via login. Since we are considering the option when there is neither a password nor a login, we simply cannot use this option proposed by the system.
  • Using an account link. This option is quite simple, but only if you remember your id. If this is not the case, then this option of restoring access is immediately eliminated.

In case there is no contact information

Let's consider a case that is an exception to all the above options.

Advice. If you not only do not remember your username and password, but also have not linked any contacts to your account, there is only one option left - contact support.

To contact technical service, again, you need to log into the site and select the same “forgot password” button. In the window that opens, at the bottom you will see the phrase “you can find out more about password recovery here.”

Click on the link “here” and in the information window that opens, scroll to the end of the text. At the very bottom you will see an active link “contact support”. Click it and fill out all the fields in the window that opens. The service usually processes the request within 24 hours. All that remains is to wait for her answer.

We introduced you to detailed instructions, the purpose of which is to help restore access to your Odnoklassniki profile in the absence of a password and login. We hope the tips contained in it will be useful to you. Good luck!

How to restore a page on Odnoklassniki: video