The best OS for the asus eee pc netbook. Installing Windows XP SP3 on the ASUS Eee PC X101H netbook

A week ago, a stylish, compact netbook landed on my desk. ASUSEeePC 1005P having in its arsenal all the necessary physical equipment and software to work with it. Used as an operating system on a netbook windows 7starter, she's the same Windows 7 starter.

Windows 7 starter- this is the most stripped-down version of the seventh version of the operating system from Microsoft. A exactly:

  • The volume of addressable address space (volume) of memory is no more than 2GB
  • There are no functions for working in a home group, joining a domain, and working in it
  • DVD reading and writing functions do not work
  • There is no option to choose themes and pictures for the desktop
  • No advanced backup and recovery features
  • Windows logs

And these are not all the points that are not in the full version of the new operating system from Microsoft.

Initially it is clear that starter not suitable for the domain.

My Windows Starter was not correct 1/3 services do not start. The other part hangs - it may work, but it doesn’t actually work. The operating system was checked for viral activity of your favorite avz, which actually found nothing. It was decided to restore the operation of the netbook, and knowing that the manufacturer is prudent and creates a partition recovery for recovery, which contains an image of a “clean” system. The installation of the image can be started when the netbook is booted with the key f2. The happiness of the thought did not last long, I realized that recovery in my case there is no section, so f2 does not work. If in your case the partition recovery is, then you should try to restore the netbook from it. Remote usb I didn’t have a disk drive, and buying one would cost more than repairing a netbook at service centers. I urgently needed a netbook for work. There was a question with the installation Windows XP from a flash drive, in my case it’s Kingston 4Gb and installations Windows from scratch. For installation Windows XP I chose a set of programs, not counting the distribution kit of course Windows: 7- zip(the archiver can be different, it doesn’t matter), bootset nlite, usb_MultiBoot_10. And so the process installationsWindows XP on ASUS Eee PC 1005P:

Preparing a bootable flash drive

Extract the set to a folder on your hard drive - for example E:\flash, your path and folder name may be different.

Insert the distribution kit Windows into the computer drive and copy all the files from the CD (DVD) disk to a folder E:\WINXP.

Important: in the article, for installation I took the image licensed Windows XP with service pack 2 (SP2), if you have a different build, then installation problems are quite possible

Loading sata driver for a netbook, and unpack it into a folder E:\flash\AHCI.

It is possible, of course, in BIOS switch the operation of the hard drive from SATA on IDE, and then Windows will work with hard drive and without driver SATA.

Launch the program nlite, which we will use for integration sata drivers in the distribution Windows, click next. In the installation file selection window Windows, select the folder with the distribution Windows - E:\WINXP, the program itself will determine the parameters: product name, program language, service pack, distribution version, file folder size.

Select the folder with the driver and press the button add, start the driver integration process, press the button OK.

It should work out that's what:

Next, we prepare a flash drive, I copied all the data from the flash drive, since when creating a bootable flash drive it will need to be formatted, go to the folder E:\Flash\USB_MultiBoot_10 and run the file USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd. To continue click Enter, which will launch the format program PeTOUsb, after this window USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd You need to leave it open, you can roll it up.

PeTOUsb a program for formatting a flash drive if the capacity of the flash drive does not exceed 4 Gb. To format flash drives larger than 4 Gb use the program HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool, which is located in the folder flash. In the utility window that opens PeTOUsb select the device to format and press the button start. We agree with formatting and wait for the flash drive to be formatted.

Launch a command line window. To do this, press the buttonstart, execute and enter cmd and press Enter on keyboard. Or start - all programs - standard - command line.

Enter the following commands into the command line window:

  • Cd /d E:\
  • Cd Flash\bootsect
  • BootSect.exe /nt52j:

Go to disk E:(your disk and folder may be named differently), to the folder with the program bootset, run the file bootst.exe /nt52j: wherej: letter of flash drive, you may have another one, click the button enter and wait for the execution to complete. The window can be closed.

Go to the previously opened window USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd preparing a flash drive.

In the window that appears, select the file system type NTFS, that is, we dial N and press Enter.

In the next drive preparation window, enter 1 and select the folder E:\WINXP with distribution Windows, in the proposed window for entering data to automate the installation, I refused to enter data to automate the installation process.

Enter the number 2 and select our formatted flash drive.
As a result, two parameters must be selected - the path to the files with WindowsXP, And drive letter. Enter 3 and press enter to begin the preparation and recording process WindowsXP to a flash drive.

We confirm the process of copying files to the flash drive.

We are waiting for the files to be copied.

After the copying process is completed, in the window Change Migrate.inf for USB-stick click on the button Yes. Evidence of completion of creation bootable flash drive.

In this article we will look at the possibility and solution to problems with installing Windows XP from a flash drive on an Asus Eee PC 4G netbook

To install Windows XP we need:

  1. A ready-made image of a self-booting flash drive with an already installed recovery image from Asus
  2. Flash drive at least 4Gb in size

And so, first we need an image to write to our flash drive, download it from the link below and we also need a computer to write this downloaded image to the flash drive.

To write an iso image to a flash drive, use the "Ultra ISO" program

  1. Having opened “Ultra ISO”, click “File” -> “Open” and select the iso image we downloaded.
  2. Click "Boot" -> "Burn Hard Disk Image..."
  3. In the window that opens, in the “Disc Drive” field, select the flash drive on which we will write the recovery image. ( ALL DATA FROM THE FLASH DRIVE WILL BE DELETED!).
  4. Click the "Record" button and wait for completion.

We insert the recorded flash drive into any USB connector on the Asus Eee PC and turn it on. When you turn it on, by pressing the "F2" button, go to the "BIOS" settings and configure booting from a flash drive:

In the "Hard Disk Drives" menu, select our flash drive first. Press "F10" and save the BIOS settings. Our Asus Eee PC netbook should boot from the flash drive and after loading the “Symantec Ghost” program should start, now point by point:

  1. In the window that opens, click "Ok"
  2. Click Local -> Disk -> From Image
  3. Select the file EeePC.gho
  4. Next is the most important point: the program does not designate disks with letters, so we focus on the size of the disk. The list should display the disk of the Asus Eee PC itself and the flash drive we are using. We need to select the netbook drive.
  5. After selecting the disk, agree with all the questions asked and at the end of installing the image, click “Reset Computer”

At this stage, Windows XP is already installed on the internal disk of your Asus Eee PC 4G netbook from the original recovery disk from Asus.

Now you just need to disconnect our flash drive with the recovery program in order to boot from the Asus Eee PC disk.

Next, we need to answer standard questions as when installing Windows XP from scratch.

I hope this article was useful to you, write your comments below

This section will collect information about programs designed for use specifically for the Eee PC.

Software for Windows

    eeectl - on-the-fly overclocking of Eee PC: changing bus frequency, PCIE, cooler speed; CPU voltage and temperature control; changing the brightness of the screen backlight.

    Memset 4.1 is a utility for managing memory timings. Allows you to control almost all memory timings, which is important for fine-tuning the system.

    AsTray Plus is a program that allows you to set a non-standard screen resolution on your Eee PC, which can be useful when using games and programs that require a screen resolution greater than 800x480.

    Easy Mode XP is a program that adds a menu to Windows XP similar to the “Easy Mode” in the Eee PC version of Xandros.

    EEEPC Tool is a utility for setting a non-standard resolution, displaying the “Caps Lock”, “Scroll Lock” and “Num Lock” buttons in the tray and displaying information about the load on the processor and RAM.

    throttle is a program that allows you to manage processor power consumption using throttling. unlike eeectl, it does not accelerate anything, it can only slow it down.

    MouseImp Pro Live! - a utility for scrolling any windows by dragging the mouse (as in the “handle” in Adobe Acrobat) - indispensable for the TouchScreen mod. In the settings, assign Left mouse button.

    FSPlayer is a video file player, according to a number of tests, which requires the least system resources; accordingly, with this program the battery will last MORE when playing videos.

    EEERotate is a program that allows you to flip not only the screen, but also the touchpad, when you press Ctrl+Alt+arrows.

    KeyRemapper 1.2 rus - A program for those who really miss the right Ctrl. The program allows you to swap, duplicate or completely disable any key. Including Win keys, Power, etc. In fact, the program provides a visual interface to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout\Scancode Map key. Now Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Ins with one hand :)

    FlashFire is a program created specifically for owners of netbooks with an SSD drive. Speeds up their work by creating a buffer in RAM, which reduces the load on the drive and significantly speeds up the operation of the netbook. There are versions for Win. XP, Vista and Seven. It is especially recommended for owners of EEE PC 900 16gb, they will be pleasantly surprised. Attention! All versions of the program are beta versions, so problems are possible!!!

Today we will talk about how to install the Windows XP operating system, which is familiar to most users, on the ASUS Eee PC X101H netbook.
Due to the widespread use of compact computers (netbooks), the task of installing an OS is now very relevant. There are many netbook models sold with Windows OS already installed, usually Windows 7 Starter, the capabilities of which are significantly limited compared to other versions. Comparison of Windows 7 versions. and the resource needs of the Seven significantly exceed HR.
Also, having bought a netbook, you may be faced with Linux installed, with which you will have to spend time learning how to use it...

When purchasing the ASUS Eee PC X101H netbook, the MeeGo system was installed, containing several thematic tabs: “Myzone”, “Zones”, “Applications”, “Status”, “People”, “Internet”, “Data”, “Devices”. In fact, the MeeGo system contains all the necessary applications for an Internet user and is quite suitable for those who buy a netbook only for communicating on social networks and browsing websites, but for performing other tasks, such as working with Office documents, reading pdf and opening djvu, MeeGo is no good, and the usual management of windows and running applications is not here either. This is what MeeGo looks like:

In general, it was decided to install the usual Windows XP. The process is familiar and familiar to many who have had to do this a couple of times. But here we are faced with the fact that the ASUS Eee PC X101H netbook does not have a CD/DVD drive, as does other models. And the version of our XP system is recorded on DVD. After reading several forums, it turned out that there are two ways to install Windows XP on ASUS Eee: the first is to buy an external CD/DVD drive (costs around 2000 rubles), the second is to install the system from a flash drive. The first method is undoubtedly simple and familiar, but I didn’t want to buy a drive for this, so I switched to method number 2.
Having again visited a couple of dozen forums and familiarized myself with the procedure for installing XP from a flash drive, I proceeded directly to the process.
I would not describe the entire process of installing XP on ASUS Eee in such detail if the process itself did not take me 3 days. According to some, installing XP from a flash drive to a netbook is a fairly simple process, others said the opposite and called for abandoning this activity and going to the store to buy a drive. Nevertheless, having selected the necessary information, I began.

So what we have:
DELL laptop(the model does not matter, it can be any third-party computer, it is necessary to prepare the installation flash drive.)
netbook ASUS Eee PC X101H (white),
DVD with Windows version - Windows XP Service Pack 3 Zver Edition 10.8,
Kingston 4 Giga flash drive.

  • The first thing you need to do is create an image of the Windows XP SP3 installation disk. I made it using the UltraISO program. We launch the program, insert the Windows DVD into the laptop drive, select the DVD disc in the left section of the program and click the “Create image” button:

After some time, the image will be created and the image file itself will be generated in iso format.

  • Next we need to unpack the image file. The Windows XP image file itself is necessary to create an exact copy of the installation disk with the system, and in order to copy all the files of the installation disk to a flash drive, you need to unpack the image, that is, the created iso file. We also unpack it using UltraISO. To do this, open the created file in the program; all folders and files included in this image will appear in the right window of the program. Select everything and right-click, selecting “Extract to”, then specify the folder where the unpacking will take place, for example, let it be the “WIN” folder in the root of drive C. After unpacking the image, you can close the program.
  • Next, we will need specific software containing a set of necessary utilities for creating a bootable flash drive. I found it on the forum: To download a set of utilities you need to register. There are also detailed instructions on how to install everything you need on a flash drive. I will continue further describing my process....
  • After downloading MultiBoot USD install on your computer (laptop). The installation is very fast, launch the shortcut on the desktop, the program window opens:

  • Formatting a flash drive. Insert the flash drive into the laptop (computer) and select the utility "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool". Here we choose:

File system - select NTFS

Volume label - drive name (any)

Check "Quick Format" below and click "Start". Next there will be a message that all data on the flash drive will be destroyed. We agree and wait for formatting to complete. At the end we see a window with information about the size of the flash drive and that formatting is complete.

  • Installing the grub4dos bootloader. In the main window, select the utility "Grub4Dos Installer".

Select Disk in the field next to it and select the flash drive. Then click - Install.
The installation takes less than a minute and if successful, we see the following window:

  • Installing the Windows XP SP3 distribution on a flash drive. Launch the utility in the main window WinSetup From USB.

USB disk selection and format - Select our flash drive
Check the "Windows 2000/XP/2003 Setup" field, click the button opposite "..." and specify the path to the unpacked iso image. Conventionally, it is located in the root of drive C in the “WIN” folder.
After that, click "Go".
Installing Windows XP on a USB flash drive will take a sufficient amount of time (about an hour).
At the end, you will be notified that the files were successfully copied to the drive.

  • Checking the operation of the bootable flash drive. You can test the functionality of the created bootable flash card. To do this, in the main menu, select item 4 - WinSetup From USB, install "Test in QEMU" and click "Go".

A download window should appear on the screen:

    This completes the creation of a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows XP SP 3 distribution kit.
    Next is the actual installation of Windows XP on the ASUS Eee PC X101H netbook.
    We install the flash drive into the ASUS Eee PC X101H netbook, turn on the netbook, and while checking BIOS devices, press the "Escape" - Esc key twice in a row:

Not F2, but Esc. There is no need to go into the BIOS and change boot priorities from devices!!! After pressing Esc, a window for selecting boot from devices should appear.