Set up a netgear modem. A short video review of the wndr4000 router

Netgear N150 is one of the popular router models, well suited for home use. Its throughput is small - 150 Mbps, but this is quite enough for the average user.

The price of this router is also low, which makes it even more attractive. So, are you wondering how to start using Netgear N150? About all the intricacies of its connection and configuration below.

Router equipment

Netgear N150 comes in a lime-white box containing:

  • the router itself;
  • network cable;
  • power unit;
  • warranty card;
  • installation and use instructions;
  • disk with software for setting up the device.

Note! You will not find an antenna in the kit, since this model has a built-in one.

On the front panel of the router there are LED indicators that reflect:

  • connecting the device to power;
  • Wi-Fi module activity;
  • Internet connection;
  • connection to a WPS network;
  • active LAN ports.

Important! Cooling down this model thanks to the grilles located on the body, therefore, when installing it, it is necessary to choose such an arrangement so that they are not covered by other equipment and household items.

The rear panel of the router is equipped with:

  • interfaces for connecting to the network;
  • power on/off switch;
  • four LAN ports for connection additional devices to the local network;
  • WAN port to connect the device to an Internet service provider.

Video: Wi-Fi router NETGEAR N150


After unpacking and familiarizing yourself with the components of the device, you can begin connecting it:

  • connect the power supply to the corresponding connector of the router and plug it into the network;
  • turn on the router by pressing the power button located on the rear panel;
  • find the WAN port and insert the Internet cable into it;
  • connect network adapter PC and any of the LAN ports using a special short cable provided in the kit.

Having completed physical part connection, let's move on to its software part. It is necessary to configure the network card so that it allows you to obtain IP addresses automatically.

Let's look at this process using the Windows 7 operating system as an example:

This is the connection and pre-setting finished.

Login to settings

From now on we will talk about how to set up wifi router Netgear N150.

First, let's go to its interface:


Let's start setting up the Internet:

Important! This method Suitable for providers with a static IP address.

Connections via Dynamic IP

If a dynamic IP is used for the connection (changing with each new session), then the process will be different:

After these settings, access to the network will be open.

PPPoE for Rostelecom, TTK and

These providers are those who use a PPPoE connection - one of the most common types of network connections.

Its setup is quite simple:

Attention! The home ru provider uses MAC address binding, which means that it needs to make one additional amendment by indicating in the settings to use the address of the current PC.

L2TP for Beeline

L2TP is a fairly new connection type. It is used by such a popular provider as Beeline.

For such a connection, do the following:

WIFI Settings

For settings wireless connection follow the following instructions:

Note! Setting a name for new network, it is necessary to take into account one important point - it is better to start it with a small letter in order to simplify the connection for some devices.


Connect function IPTV viewing via STB set-top box in a few simple steps.

To do this you need:

  • go to the “Advanced” tab and select “Internet port settings”;
  • indicate local port, to which the set-top box will be connected;
  • save the settings by clicking “Apply”.

Video: NETGEAR N150 Wireless Router Unboxing

Firmware update

Loading new version Firmware and its installation can be done as follows:

  • remove the WAN cable from the router connector;
  • connect the PC to the LAN port of the device;
  • open the browser and enter “”, press “Enter”;
  • in the interface that appears, enter the login information: login – “admin”, password – “password” (they can be found on the device itself or in the instructions);
  • click on the number current version firmware, located at the top of the page;
  • A file download window will appear, indicate the directory on the computer where it will be saved;
  • click “Submit” and start the installation process;
  • We wait for it to complete, after which the router will automatically reboot.

Attention! During installation, do not turn off the power or disconnect cables.

In some cases, when it is not possible to go to the web interface (for example, when the router has already been in use), it is necessary to reset the router settings to factory settings.

This is done like this:

  • There is a reset button on the back panel, find it;
  • using a pen or paperclip, hold it for 10 seconds;
  • the indicators on the device will blink and the router will reboot, restoring the default settings;
  • go to the menu using standard data.

Important! Please note that when returning to standard settings everyone can connect to the network external devices, not even yours. You can correct this situation in the settings menu by setting a password for the entrance.

It can be noticed that netgear setup The N150 is practically no different from similar models. The whole process is completely doable at home and does not require the skills of an “advanced” user.


This article will focus on setting up the N150, N300 and WNR1000 models. Each device has a similar system of settings, and having figured out one of the routers, the user can easily understand the menu of other models. The presented routers are some of the most common routers in the line from the manufacturer on this moment.

Like any other routers, they have factory settings, which can be changed when installed by specialists from the provider. The article also provides instructions for those who have just purchased a router and plan to install them themselves. Setting up these models involves working with any provider. It's about about the configuration under operating system Windows. We will tell you how to set up a Netgear router below.

SettingsNetgear N 150

This little router has one WAN and two LAN port. This device is designed for home use and for so-called SOHO solutions. Can be used as an Access Point. Like any device, you need to remove it from the box, connect it to the network, insert the cable into the WAN port, connect the router to the computer via a LAN cable (or WiFi) and get to work.

How to connect a Netgear router

Netgear 150 can be logged in using LAN cable or through Wi-Fi protocol. Connecting via the LAN port does not require additional settings or data. To connect via Wi-Fi, the default address is This value is relevant for new devices and all routers that were not reconfigured while connecting to the network by other specialists. Typically, most workers various internet Providers change these values ​​in order to increase modem security.

How to configure the Netgear N150 router if you don’t have a cable at hand and the address has been changed? To solve this problem, you need to reset the router settings by pressing special button Reset. It is located on the back side near the power button. Upon successful connection to the router, an authorization window should appear. By default, the username is “admin” and the password is “password”. If it turns out that this data is incorrect and the username data is unknown, you should use the reset button.

Next, setting up the Netgear N150 router involves setting up the acquisition of IP addresses. IN Windows system you need to open the “Network and Sharing Center” tab shared access" and go to the "Change adapter settings" section. Choose suitable connection, click on it right click and go to “Properties”. In the window that opens, you need to find the item “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and double-click on it. Now in the tab that opens, you need to select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” or manually enter the static IP values ​​​​that the provider will issue. This criterion directly depends on the method of connecting to the provider.

Tip: if you got a new device and the menu prompts you to automatic settings Netgear router, then you should refuse and proceed to the independent modem configuration.

How to set up wi-fiNetgear routerN150

An Internet provider can operate using various protocols. If it provides PPTP connection, then you will have to do following instructions. In the “Basic Settings” column, you must select an Internet service provider. In the drop-down menu, select PPTP. The agreement with the provider must specify the username and password for it. If such data is not available, you will have to contact technical support provider and get information. If during setup you follow all the instructions, but the network still does not work, this may be a reason to ask your provider for the missing configuration parameters, such as IP addresses or DNS servers.

Setting up an L2TP connection may be required for Beeline subscribers. The principle of setting up this type of connection is very similar to PPTP, with the exception of selecting the “always on” menu in the “connection mode” field.

Netgear N150 router main settings menu

The PPPoE protocol is configured for providers such as Rostelecom. At the moment this is one of the most common connection protocols. Along with this, it is also one of the most simple modes work where you only need to specify a username and password. Additional settings not required for this mode. This type connection is implemented as follows:

  • In the “new settings” tab, you need to find the field “Do you need to enter connection information when connecting to the Internet” and select “yes”;
  • The username and password must also be specified in the agreement. Otherwise, this data can be obtained from technical support;
  • Static and dynamic IP address settings proceed in standard mode.

After setting these parameters, the router is ready for use.

Setting up a Netgear router bound to MAC address

MAC address is serial number a device that allows you to recognize a user on the network by the physical address of the router. Every device has such an identifier, and some providers configure it to work with MAC address binding. In such cases, you need to go to the router settings, and in the “general” section, select the field with the MAC configuration. There you need to enter the number that the provider will provide; as a rule, this data is indicated in the contract. If this data is not available, you should contact technical support and request this information.

After successfully connecting to the network, you need to configure Wi-Fi on the router. Netgear routers, which are configured in the “wireless connection settings” section, require filling out the “name (SSID)” fields (name of the point wi-fi connections), selecting the WPA2 PSK AES security protocol. After activating the last item, an additional password field will appear. You must enter a password in this field. The password must be at least 8 characters long. Capitalization and lower case, as well as numbers and permitted characters.

How to set up a Netgear routerN300

This is a router with throughput at 1 gigabit. Its main advantage is its support for 3G/4G and LTE modem. Installed here USB port, wi-fi up to 300 megabits, file and print server. Quite a strong chip and 128 MB RAM.

The configuration of this router proceeds in standard mode, and differs little from the configuration of the Netgear N150 WRN612v2 router. Same IP address –, same reset. The only difference between the Netgear N300 router is the choice of security protocol. Here you need to select WPA2 PSK encryption options.

As additional function, this router provides settings. So far, this router can only send a multicast stream to a single port. If you need to use VLAN ID for IPTV, then the router will not be able to do this. This router will only be able to work with the port to which the set-top box is connected. In the configuration parameters, you need to make sure that the “disable IGMP Proxy” function is not enabled.

How to set up a Netgear WNR1000 router

This device is configured in standard mode. The interface of this model is in many ways similar to the N300 model, the entire configuration proceeds in the same mode. Here you can find the function to change the factory password, which is used to increase the security of the device. Setting up the Netgear WNR1000 router requires following parameters for security: WPA2 PSK AES. Then you need to enable SSID broadcast, enter a name, select a channel from the drop-down menu (44) and a mode up to 866 megabits. All other configuration parameters apply standard values, described above.

A few words in conclusion

So we figured out how the Netgear router is configured. In general, all configuration systems for Netgear devices have general structure. Having dealt with one, the logic of the work of all the others becomes clear. Setting up the Netgear JWNR2000 or Netgear R6200 works on the same principle. You just need to be patient, and you will certainly learn how to configure home network on one's own!

Happy Internet to you!

It is worth admitting that NETGEAR routers are not as popular as D-Link routers, but questions about them arise quite often. In this article, we will look in more detail at connecting the NETGEAR JWNR2000 router to a computer and setting it up for Internet access.

So, let's begin…

Connecting to a computer and entering settings

It is logical that before setting up the device, you need to connect it correctly and enter the settings. First, you need to connect at least one computer to the LAN ports of the router via the cable that came with the router. LAN ports on such a router the colors are yellow (see screenshot below).

The provider's Internet cable is connected to the blue port of the router (WAN/Internet). After that, turn on the router.

If everything went well, you should notice on the computer that is connected via cable to the router that the tray icon will signal to you that it is installed the local network without internet access.

If it says that there is no connection, although the router is turned on, the LEDs are flashing on it, the computer is connected to it - then, more precisely, the network adapter (it is possible that the old settings of your network are still in effect).

Now you can launch any of the browsers that are installed on your computer: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.

Enter in the address bar:

For password and login, enter the word: admin

If you can't log in, perhaps the default settings from the manufacturer were reset by someone (for example, in a store they could “poke” the settings when checking). To reset the settings, there is a RESET button on the back of the router - press it and hold it for 150-20 seconds. This will reset the settings and you will be able to log in.

By the way, when you first connect you will be asked if you want to run the wizard quick settings. I suggest choosing “no” and clicking on “next” and setting everything up yourself.

Internet and Wi-Fi setup

On the left in the column in the “installation” section, select the tab “ basic settings«.

Further, setting up the router will depend on the network structure of your Internet provider. You will need the parameters for accessing the network, which should have been communicated to you when connecting (for example, a piece of paper in the contract with all the parameters). Among the main parameters, I would highlight: connection type (PPTP, PPPoE, L2TP), login and password for access, DNS and IP addresses (if required).

Therefore, depending on your connection type, in the “ internet service provider"- choose your option. Next, enter your password and login.

Often you need to specify the server address. For example, in Billine it represents

Important ! Some providers bind your MAC address when connecting you to the Internet. Therefore, be sure to enable the “use computer MAC address” option. The main thing here is that the MAC address of your network card, through which you were previously connected to the Internet. More details about MAC cloning addresses - .

In the same “installation” section there is a tab “ wireless connection settings", let's go into it. Let's take a closer look at what you need to enter here.

Name (SSID): important parameter. The name is required so that you can quickly recognize your network when searching and connecting via Wi-Fi. This is especially true in cities, when when searching you see a dozen Wi-Fi networks- which one is yours? You can only navigate by name...

Region: choose the one you are in. They say that it helps the router work better. Personally, I don’t know, it’s somehow doubtful...

Channel: I always choose automatic or auto. IN different versions Firmware is written differently.

Mode: despite the ability to set the speed to 300 Mbit/s, choose the one that is supported by your devices that will connect to the network. If you don’t know, I recommend experimenting by starting with a minimum of 54 Mbit/s.

Security Settings: This is an important point because... If you do not encrypt the connection, then all your neighbors will be able to connect to it. Do you need it? Moreover, it’s good if the traffic is unlimited, but what if not? Yes extra load no one needs it on the network. I recommend choosing WPA2-PSK mode, which is one of the most secure today.

Password: enter any password, of course, “12345678” is not necessary, it’s too simple. By the way, please note that the minimum password length is 8 characters, for your own security. By the way, in some routers you can specify a shorter length, NETGEAR is incorruptible in this...

That's all, good luck everyone...

The modern world offers the user great amount gadgets designed for both work and entertainment. Almost every such device has the ability to connect to the Internet. Typically this is a module wireless communication wifi, which connects to a device called a router. A lot depends on such a device. This includes connection quality, performance, speed and much more.

When you hear the word router, many people remember the most famous brands such as D-Link, TP-Link, Asus. Due to their popularity, these manufacturers sometimes, for unknown reasons, raise prices for their goods very high. But what about less popular and cheaper analogues?

IN currently market digital equipment offers users a huge selection of routers for working on the Internet. Some models have a lower cost compared to famous brands, have richer functionality.

No exception is the line of routers from Netgear, which always offers its customers high-quality and productive network hardware. Most popular model This manufacturer is netgear n300. This is due to the pricing of this model and stable operation.

This article will show, using the n300 model as an example, that setting up a netgear router is not difficult and is no different from other more well-known router models.

The Netgear n300 router (JNR3210-100RUS) is modern device, running at 1GB speed. The main advantages of such a device include the ability to connect various USB modems (4G,3G), support wifi technology 802.11n, which provides operating speeds of up to 300 Mb/s, the ability to connect a printer via USB or a flash drive to organize a home file server.

Looking at the devices from the hardware side, we can say that the router is equipped with very impressive parts. The device has a Realtek 8198 microprocessor on board, which operates at a frequency of 620 MHz. Volume random access memory is 128 MB.

The advantages also include support for digital television IPTV. The only thing that won’t work is registering a separate Vlan for streaming, but this can be compensated for by allocating a separate device port for these purposes.

The n300 router can work as a wireless repeater wifi networks. But this is far from the main advantage of this device. The device has RP-SMA antennas. This means that, if desired, you can replace standard 2dBi antennas with more powerful ones. Thus increasing the coverage area wireless network in an apartment or house.

Device supports WPS technology connection to wifi.

For owners modern TVs There will be an undoubted advantage of purchasing this device by setting up a DLNA server on it.

The only downside is that the router has a meager list of supported USB modems. More details about it can be found in the device manual or on the manufacturer’s website.

Some users report that the router sometimes refuses to work with external drives a certain brand. There were also complaints about the very bright power indicator.

Briefly speaking about the Netgear JNR3210 router, it is stable work networks, confident level wifi signal and low temperature at maximum load of the device.

Features of the Netgear N300 router

To configure the router, you need to go to its web interface. To do this, open any browser and address bar write its IP or web script name (default IP In the first step, the user will be asked to enter a login and password. If the device has not been used before, then the login will be Admin, and password. If the data is entered correctly, the user will be able to open start page as shown in the picture below:

Setting up Dynamic IP

This add-on is relevant when you need to connect to an Internet provider, which is distributed via DHCP.

After you have managed to log into the web interface, you need to select the “Internet” tab. In the window that appears, the user needs to check the box next to the item “Are I required to enter a username and password when connecting?” If the provider provides for binding the device’s MAC address and the Internet previously worked on the computer, then you need to check the box next to the item that activates the use of the computer’s MAC address. Next, click the “Apply” button and reboot the device.


Many providers work with this type of connection. To set up a Netgear router, you need to go to the “Internet” section in the setup interface and in the “Do I need to enter a username and password when connecting” field, indicate what is required.

Next you need to select the type PPPoE connections, then enter the login and password provided by the provider in the highlighted lines. Select “Always on” in the connection mode section. Be sure to put a checkmark next to the line “Obtain an IP address automatically.”

Some providers require binding by MAC address. In this case, you need to check the box next to “Use computer MAC” in the “MAC address of the router” field.

After saving all the settings and rebooting the router, you can connect Wi-fi connection on any device.


If the provider uses the L2TP connection type, then in the Netgear router interface you need to go to the “Internet” item, and in front of the request for the need to specify a login and password, put a “Yes” marker. Select the L2TP connection type and enter your individual login and password in the lines below.

For users whose provider requires binding by MAC address, place a checkbox next to the “Use computer address” line.

After all the settings have been made, click apply.

To set up a Wi-Fi network, you need to go to the “Wi-Fi network” menu

Come up with a name for the network and write it in the “Name (SSID)” line. Then fill out following lines: channel – auto, mode – up to 300 Mbit/s.

Specify the security parameters “WPA2-PSK”, write down your personal security key below. You need to come up with it yourself, it can consist of letters and numbers and must be at least 8 characters long.

Next, click save/apply and restart your device. A Wi-Fi network with your name will appear in the list of available ones to connect to.

If the provider does not have a VlanID, in the router it will be enough to indicate the port in which the set-top box is installed

To make this setting, you need to go to the Advanced mode section, select “Settings”, “Internet port parameters” one by one. Make sure that there is no checkbox next to the “Disable IGMP proxy” item.

Next, in the “Redirect IPTV stream for set-top box” item, put a checkmark on the port to which the equipment is connected. Then save and reboot your router.

In contact with