Odnoklassniki does not open, the web page is unavailable. Why can't I log into YouTube - the web page is unavailable

Today, YouTube is the most popular video hosting site in the world. Its attendance is off the charts. Hundreds of thousands of people will post their videos there so millions can watch it! But with the wild growth of popularity, problems on the client side associated with his work are also growing.
Very often, users contact me with various complaints related to access to YouTube and its operation - the site does not open, the web page is inaccessible, videos are not displayed, it says “video is not available,” etc.
By own experience I’ll say - in 99 cases out of 100, the “root of evil” is hidden on the computer itself, from which the resource is not accessible. On the video hosting side, failures occur extremely rarely and are quickly corrected.
In this article I want to talk in detail about the main reasons why the browser does not access YouTube and how this can be fixed.

1. Flash player

Users often confuse the inability to watch a video with logging into YouTube. In fact, they are able to access the site, but they cannot watch the video due to the fact that a special plugin is not installed for the browser - Adobe Flash Player.

No matter how hard Youtube tries to move away from this format towards HTML5, it cannot completely abandon it. For those who have installed Google Chrome or another browser based on the chrome engine, you practically never encounter this, since the necessary module is already integrated into the browser. But if you use Firefox, Chamelion or the old version of Opera, then you will have to install an additional flash player from here.

2. Geographical restrictions

When you try to open a video, the message “video is not available in your country or region” appears.

Users or YouTube administration sometimes specifically close posts for residents of certain countries or regions. A striking example- Crimea. You can bypass this restriction by using a proxy server or special extensions for browsers that redirect all user traffic through servers different countries peace. On my own behalf I can offer perfect solution- Browsec plugin.

By doing this, you will also be able to eliminate the option of blocking the portal by your provider.

3. YouTube site is unavailable

When, when you try to access a video hosting service, you receive the error “Web page is unavailable” and you cannot access YouTube from your browser, but other sites open without problems, first of all try to do this using another Internet browser, for example Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.

If this step did not help and the site is still unavailable, first of all you should check whether anything unnecessary is written in system file hosts. To do this you need to go to the folder:


It will contain a Hosts file, which must be opened using notepad:

If there is a line in it that contains the Youtube.com address, feel free to delete it and check access to the service. Usually this solves everything. After this, it is recommended to check Windows good antivirus with current databases, since such entries in the Hosts file indicate viral activity.

But sometimes the opposite effect happens - the browser does not access YouTube because the site is blocked by the computer’s security system. At some point, suspicious traffic came from the portal, which was blocked for some time. It’s easy to check - temporarily pause your antivirus and firewall and see if the Youtube login is available again.

If the antivirus really blocks the site, try adding its web address to the exceptions.

P.S.: If none of the tips helped and you still can’t access YouTube, check to see if other sites are accessible at all. If problems arise with them too, check whether the use of a Proxy server is enabled. In Windows 10 this can be done in the section Settings >> Network and Internet >> Proxy:

In most cases, the use of an additional server should be disabled, except in cases where Internet access is actually organized through a Proxy (large home networks or networks of companies and enterprises).

Do you want to open a website, but it says “Web page is unavailable”? This problem can happen to every Internet user at least once during their entire use. And it would be good if only once, because with similar problem usually occur much more often.

However, knowing the main causes of the problem when specific page is not available in the browser, you can solve it quickly and easily.

Reasons for not having access to the web page:

1. the site URL is incorrect;

2. damaged cookie;

3. incorrect proxy server settings;

4. There is a problem with the proxy server settings.

Let's consider each of possible reasons in more detail, and also describe the main ways out of the current problem with access to the web page.

Next, you need to check that the specified web address of the site you are trying to open is correct. Make sure the web address is spelled correctly. If you have provided the correct address, then try checking on another computer (smartphone, telephone, tablet or other gadget) whether this site opens through the same network. If you find that the site does not open on another PC and the same message “Web page is unavailable” is present, this means that the site is most likely carrying out engineering works for troubleshooting and it is indeed temporarily unavailable.

Then check your cookies, because they may be the problem. These files exist to store information about the sites you visit, your profile data and website settings. This speeds up the loading time of sites that you have visited at least once. Corrupt cookie settings can cause a similar error to load on the web page you are trying to find. To resolve this error, you will need to delete your cookies.

Step-by-step algorithm for deleting cookies(example for Google Chrome):

1. In your browser, select the icon “ Browser settings" with three small horizontal stripes in the upper right corner.

2. Select the option " Settings».

3. At the very bottom of the window you need to select “ Show additional settings ", a window with a wide range of functionality will open in front of you.

4. In the block " Personal data» select the option «».

5. Then a new window will appear in front of you, where you need to select the option “ Cookies and other site and plugin data" by checking the box next to it.

6. You need to confirm the selected option by clicking on “”.

If the page is still unavailable, try checking your proxy settings, which could also be causing the page to fail to load.

Algorithm for changing settings in the proxy server:

1. In the menu " Start"you need to select the option " Control Panel».

Sometimes, when a user tries to access a required resource, instead of desired page may appear message that the page is not accessible. This error scares many people, but in reality everything is very simple. Exists a few reasons that can cause this error:

  1. Cache errors
  2. Browser problems
  3. Temporary or permanent lack of Internet
  4. The problem is on the site side
  5. Problems with the provider
  6. Site blocked

There may be more reasons, we will look at the most basic ones, as well as their solution.

Error resolution methods

First of all it is necessary check hosts file. Perhaps viruses have changed its contents and some pages have stopped opening. For this let's move on along the path drive C – Windows – sytem32 – etc – drivers. The file itself won't open not a single program.

To open it, double-click on it and select Notebook. If you don't know what the content should be - delete everything.

The next option is to try changeDNS addresses. To do this we go to Network Sharing Center And shared access. Then we look for our connection through which we need click right click mouse and select Property. We are looking for an item Protocol version 4, call its properties. Here you can set DNS addresses. We recommend enter the main and the alternative

Another option is check computer for viruses. Often malware block access to some sites.

If this doesn't help, you can call provider and find out if access to the required site is blocked.

Finally, you can try to access the site via another browser, after which it will be known whether the reviewer is at fault. If the site still does not open, then you can try logging in through anonymizers.

There are quite a lot of such resources on the Internet and finding them using search engines will not be a problem. We launch any ananoimizer and try to log in to the right address. If the page does not open, but it will received an error, then the problem is clearly with the target resource.

There is another checking option - use service 2ip.ru. It allows check resource availability. Just go to the above service and select the item – check accessibility site. Enter the address in the field and get result of checking.

It is worth mentioning that if the check fails, we will get different result.

After all the manipulations we had to localize problem - the provider, computer or target resource is to blame. If the culprit is the computer, then you need to do it again double check hosts and DNS addresses, clear your browser cache and registry. From last resort I can fully recommend reinstall browser, try to roll back with a restore point or completely reinstall system.

Many have encountered such a problem as the lack of Internet on a computer, laptop or other devices. In this case, the browser displays the message: “Web page is unavailable” or a similar message. Frequent culprits for this are: an accident on the provider’s line, a malfunction of home equipment (router, LAN card etc.) or incorrect settings. All this can be described in two words – “no Internet.” What should those who have a connection work, but web pages do not open?

Problem Analysis

The first step is to make sure that Internet access is really present and working correctly. As a rule, other programs that use the network work in this situation (Skype, ICQ, etc. are available).

But there are cases when they are not there, and it is not possible to install these applications. In this case, you can check the network operation using the command line. To do this, press the key combination Window + R and enter cmd in the window that appears. A terminal should appear in front of the user where they enter ping command(then you can try to enter the address of the Yandex website, for example, you will get - ping www.yandex.ru). If the described problem occurs this command will display a message about the impossibility of connecting to the resource. But if you enter ping, a message about the successful status will appear.

ping www.yandex.ru

The reasons for the problem when sites do not open can be different. This may be related:

DNS Service Issues

A common culprit in situations where the browser does not open sites, but access to the Internet is not blocked, is the work DNS server. This problem can be determined in the way described above, when it was necessary to open command line and ping the address of any resource by domain name and IP.

Each site has its own location identification number, called an IP address. There are many different resources on the global web and they all have unique address. In order not to torment a person’s memory, it was invented to create a service that, when entering the name of a site (for example, Yandex), could determine its IP address.

Sometimes situations happen when the provider's DNS server does not work or the network settings in the router or computer are lost. The reason why website pages do not open has been clarified; it remains to explain how to solve this problem.

There are two possible solutions. If the network settings are lost, then here you need to correct them to the correct ones and, if necessary, reboot the equipment. In the event of a DNS failure, you can change the settings on the network adapter. To do this, click “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - “Change settings network adapter" Here on the “Connected to” icon local network"Right-click and select the "Property" option. Then select the TCP version 4 item and in the window that appears, select the “Use the following DNS addresses.” Below in the window enter (public Google DNS server) or (public DNS Yandex). Then click the “Save” or “Apply” button.

To check the operation, you can open the command line (Window + R – cmd), then you need to check the connection (for example, with Yandex). Enter the command ping www.ya.ru. At correct actions Below you can see information about the server response time.

Impact of viruses and malware

Also, the problem when sites do not open in the browser, but there is Internet access and DNS is working, may be associated with the influence of viruses and malware. In this case, it will help to solve the question “Why don’t pages open in the browser?” system check specialized programs: AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, Zemana AntiMalware, etc. These utilities allow you to find malware that is causing problems with opening pages on the Internet.

Incorrect proxy server settings

Another reason why sites are not displayed in the browser may be changes or entering data about incorrect proxy server. At the same time, the computer is connected to the Internet and the connection works in all respects.
To correct this situation you need to go to your browser settings. To do this, go to the control panel, where you select the browser (or browser) properties item.

In the menu that opens, select the “Connections” tab and click on the “Network Settings” button.

Here, in the window that appears, they check all the parameters, and if they are not needed, simply erase all the information and select the automatic detection option.

After this, sites should display their pages in browsers.

Incorrect host file configuration

Also, the reason why pages of Internet resources may not open may be an incorrect configuration of the host file. This situation is unlikely, but still worth checking. host file is intended for recording domain names of sites and their IP addresses, but as a rule it is empty and sends all requests to the DNS server. Sometimes situations arise when a malicious program records some parameters and the browser becomes inoperable.

To check the file configuration you need to go to the system Windows folder on drive C. Next System32\drivers\etc and open host with notepad. As a rule, it has standard content as shown in the figure:

If, after the description of localhost (, there are lines with information about any sites and their domain names, and the slash is not next to this data, then most likely the browser does not work properly because of it. To fix this situation, you just need to remove these lines and save the changes to the file. Then you need to restart your computer and try browsing the web again.

The situation when a computer is connected to a network, but sites are inaccessible to the user, occurs frequently. In the first place, this is a problem caused by failures on the ISP side when the DNS servers do not work. The second most common problem when Internet resource sites are unavailable is the impact of malware. In this case, it is recommended to have a good antivirus software and carry out preventive measures to detect viruses more often.

Let's look at the main reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Internet connection problems. The Internet “fell” at the exact moment when you were opening the Odnoklassniki page, as a result of which the browser could not open it and the message “Web page is temporarily unavailable” or “Service is temporarily unavailable” appeared.
    What to do: refresh the page. Try to go to other pages and make sure that the reason is really related to problems with the Internet connection.
  2. Odnoklassniki website is not working. This happens rarely, but it does happen. Sometimes the Odnoklassniki website may simply not work.
    What to do: you just need to wait until the site resumes operation.
  3. Your provider or network administrator is blocking access to Odnoklassniki. It is not a rare occurrence when system administrators block access to sites social networks so that employees are not distracted and devote more time to work.
    What to do: use proxy servers and anonymizers.

Other reasons one way or another related to Internet failure

  1. Browser error. Sometimes problems opening Odnoklassniki can occur due to a browser error.
    What to do: restart the browser, try opening Odnoklassniki in another browser: Opera, Google Chrome.
  2. Viruses. Viruses can cause the Internet to not work and, in particular, the Odnoklassniki web page to be unavailable.
    What to do: Install Avast antivirus and scan your computer.

I hope today's article "" was useful to you.