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Why start building a computer with your own hands? Of course, for self-assembly PC system unit you will need to select everything necessary components for computer and tools.

Computer assembly kit

What do we need when assembling a computer ourselves?

Computer assembly kit includes:

  • Motherboard (MB)
  • Processor (CPU)
  • Random access memory (RAM)
  • Hard drive (HDD/SSD)
  • Power supply (PSU)
  • Video card (GPU)
  • PC system case (CASE)
  • Optical drive ( DVD drive, optional)
  • CPU cooling system (cooler)

Tools that will be useful when assembling a computer:

  • Screwdriver (phillips and flathead)
  • Plastic clamps (cable ties)

It is best to place the prepared parts and tools in an easily accessible place, so that everything is at hand. In the photo below you can see our set.

Assembling a computer at home from customer components

IN in this case was carried out assembling a computer at home from customer components, the work was done at home. The advantage of this is that the user can see the entire assembly process, ask questions and receive detailed answers to them. And in the future already carry out the modernization yourself own PC or build a new, more powerful computer.

Greetings, dear readers. Surely there are people among you who are planning to buy a computer in the near future. So, in fact, I decided to write a short series of articles about how to build a computer yourself and how to choose optimal components, based on your needs. We will not talk about the process of physical assembly itself, but about how assemble the optimal configuration.

To prevent the article from becoming huge and difficult to read, I divided it into separate articles:

  1. How to assemble a computer yourself(are you here)

Desktop or alternative

Why do we need desktop computers these days? After all, progress does not stand still and there are plenty of more on the market modern devices, such as tablets, smartphones, all-in-one PCs, ultrabooks and so on. And the point is this. Modern gadgets may satisfy most of humanity's modern needs, but there are always tasks that require more productivity than they can provide mobile gadgets. That's when desktops come to the rescue.

Before you wonder " how to build a computer yourself“First of all, you need to decide what you need a PC for. Even when you go to a store to buy a computer, the first thing they ask you is how you are going to use it. Maybe you need it for office work, or maybe on the contrary - it is needed. But these are two completely different computers.

I'm sure you already have a rough idea in your head of what kind of computer you want to build. I'll just describe possible options what might be in your head right now.

Do you want to build a gaming computer?

If you like to game, then you most likely want to build the most powerful gaming computer (or something close to it). By the way, it will be said that a gaming computer is suitable not only for games. It is also great for video and graphics processing, 3D modeling, and audio processing (if you add a professional sound card to it). In general, this PC is suitable for everything. But his appetites are not childish either (in terms of electricity consumption).

Every gamer's dream

To build a gaming computer, Intel Core i5 / Intel Core i7 / and preferably at least 6th generation. Its analogue could be AMD FX / AMD RYZEN 5 / AMD RYZEN 7, if you are a fan AMD processors. there should be, at a minimum, NVidia GeForce 780Ti or higher. I don’t see any point in taking it, since its price is inflated out of proportion to its power. you'll need 16GB, but it's not difficult if the motherboard has enough free slots for it. And it’s definitely needed for the system, or better yet, for all software, including games. Fortunately the volume solid state drives Now it is growing in leaps and bounds. Soon we will completely forget what it is.

Want to build an office PC?

Essentially these are the most weak computers, sometimes it’s really better to prefer such a PC. So, if you decide to build an office computer, then you will need an inexpensive Pentium processor or Celeron (but Pentium is better), or a similarly powerful dual- or quad-core AMD. The video card will have a fairly built-in head. However, you should not install less than 4 GB of RAM.

Do you want to build a PC for video processing, graphics, design work, layout

This is, in fact, a medium-power computer. About 8-16 GB random access memory. The main burden will fall on CPU and a video card. Therefore, at a minimum, you need an Intel Core i5 processor (preferably the latest or penultimate generation). And consider video cards from .

If we are talking about layout or programming, then you can assemble a system that is a little weaker. For example, enough is enough Intel processor Core i3 (also the latest or penultimate generation). And since you don’t have to work with graphics, an integrated video card may well be enough.

How to assemble a computer yourself: summary

Now you're in general outline know how to assemble a computer yourself. We will look at each point in more detail very soon. In the meantime, a checklist on the topic “Build a computer yourself”:

  1. Any case will fit. Take a beautiful one.
  2. The more powerful the computer, the more powerful block nutrition.
  3. The motherboard must support the connection interface for each component you choose. For example, processor chipset or .
  4. There is no need to skimp on the processor.
  5. If you plan to overclock the processor (), then take care of good cooling.
  6. System performance depends not only on the amount of RAM, but also on the frequency of the RAM bus.
  7. Often, a video card of the penultimate generation will be enough for any modern game. Don't waste your money on the latest generation video cards.
  8. The hard drive can also affect the speed of the system. If it's important, you better look away SSD drives. They are much faster and quieter.
  9. An optical drive is a completely optional attribute. You can save money on it.

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Any technology becomes obsolete over time and has to be replaced. Personal computers are no exception. Everything would be fine, but rising prices hit the pocket very hard. Ready powerful desktop computer will cost about $1,500. The cost looks astronomical and discourages all desire to look for new gadget, but there is a way out of this situation - to assemble the device yourself. You will learn in this article how to assemble a computer yourself from components, and how to choose them correctly.

We remember about imposing services

Selecting parts separately will not only satisfy all needs, but will also significantly reduce the final cost for the entire system unit. Plus, if you assemble the computer yourself from components, all the characteristics will exactly meet your expectations.

Important! Sales consultants deliberately intimidate inexperienced users with the fact that self-assembly makes replacement under warranty impossible. There is not an iota of truth in this, since each part will have a warranty card, and if it suddenly fails, you can always replace it or take it in for repair under warranty.

Let's take a detailed look at all the information about the components and the main nuances of their selection.

CPU, motherboard and RAM

How to assemble a computer yourself? First, you should start filling out your system unit. Let's start choosing a processor, which is the “heart” of the computer.


First you need to determine the purpose of using a stationary personal computer. If you are used to working in demanding software or playing computer games, then you should pay attention to powerful processors. The higher the speed of its operation, the faster the device works.

There are two main indicators that you need to know about in order to assemble a computer yourself from components:

  • Clock frequency. You should not choose components with values ​​below 2 GHz.
  • RAM. Don't even look at sticks with values ​​below 2 GB.

Most the best option, when these indicators are 2 times greater than the specified minimum. In a separate article, which you can follow the link, we have prepared a lot for you useful information And .

Important! If you're choosing a processor, take the time to become familiar with its cache memory. Models with a capacity of at least 3 MB are relevant.


Let's move on to the motherboard, on which the entire device is literally based:

  • We recommend that you familiarize yourself with such famous manufacturers as: ASUS, Gigabyte, Foxconn, Msi.
  • To make your machine powerful, you need to give preference to ATX boards because it has greatest number findings that support future upgrades. And such a motherboard is very easy to install in a system unit.

Important! First of all, you need to make sure that the selected processor is compatible with motherboard. If the devices are not compatible, then you will face huge problems during installation.


Well, RAM (random access memory). Now the most current models operate on the DDR3 or DDR4 principle. These are the options we will consider. But choosing the type of RAM is not the most important thing. The most important parameter is the amount of memory. It is advisable to equip your computer with two 8 GB sticks, then you will have more opportunities to assemble a powerful computer yourself from components.

Video card

Hello gamers! The quality of everything you can see on your monitor directly depends on this component. The importance of choosing this part is no less important than the previous ones, especially if you plan to assemble a computer yourself from components and want it to fully meet your requirements.

The criteria here are similar to RAM:

  • A larger amount of volume characterizes the quality of the models.
  • If we are talking about manufacturers, then we need to keep an eye on Nvidia and AMD, which have long felt comfortable in the technology market.

Important! If you purchase a video camera from one of the above-mentioned manufacturers, then the chances of stumbling upon “scorched” equipment are reduced to zero.

How to build a gaming computer? We have already talked about the most important details for the players, now we need to find them the right nutrition.

A little about the power supply

If you are aiming to build a powerful PC, then the power supply must be at least 700 watts. If you give preference to models with less power, you run a very high risk of burning out this device in less than a month. You can insure yourself and purchase a UPS (uninterruptible power supply). Uninterruptible power supply saves from sudden outages and turning on electricity.

Data store

Well, our computer is almost finished, all that remains is to select a few more parts and everything will be ready. Now we'll talk about the hard drive (hard drive):

  • Most best option- This means installing two parts at once.
  • It is advisable to give preference to those models whose rotation speed is from 7200 rpm, and the capacity of such a device should be at least 1 TB.

Important! If you have good budget, then instead of HDD. SSDs are many times faster, but they also cost many times more than hard drives with previous technology.


Well, everything here depends on taste and color. Some users don’t bother buying them, since no one buys discs these days. But if you are the owner of collections of games, films and software, then check out manufacturers such as Sony and Pioneer.

Important! It's better not to take old models like CD-ROM. Most likely, you will not have the opportunity to even stumble upon such devices on modern market technologies.

Assembling a computer device with your own hands

Where to start assembling a computer? If you have brought all your purchases home, you can begin installation.

Important! Each part is protected against incorrect assembly. If a component does not want to be installed, then simply try installing it differently.

Let's move on to step-by-step instructions for assembling a stationary personal computer:

  • You need to open the system unit. Remove the side cover using a screwdriver and install the PSU (power supply) in its rightful place. The mounting holes will tell you exactly how to install it.
  • Now it’s time to tackle the cooling system. The minimum number of coolers in the system should not be less than two. One of the fans provides air flow and is located in the front part of the system unit. The second one “pumps out” hot air and is located in the rear part of the system unit. Self-tapping screws or special rubber clamps are usually used for fastening.
  • We install all purchased components on the motherboard with special care. The CPU (central processing unit) must be fixed in such a way that the connector motherboard coincided with the contacts of the processor. The fan is mounted above the processor using the fasteners that come with it.

Important! Be sure to apply a light layer of thermal paste to the surface area of ​​the CPU to avoid exposure to high temperatures in the future.

  • We connect the cooler to the motherboard using the CPU FAN connector.
  • We install the racks under the motherboard into the “box”. Don’t forget about the plug, which prevents dust and other debris from getting inside.
  • We insert the RAM sticks. To install, you need to pull out the latches and lightly press on the RAM until you hear a characteristic click.
  • We take up the main board again and place it in its ready place in the body of the future device. Carefully check that all connectors on the back of the PC are in place. We fix the main board with screws.
  • We are looking for a drive bay. You need to remove the plug and insert optical drive outside, securing it with screws.
  • It was the turn of the hard drive. Usually there is a space allocated for it at the very bottom. It is best to install from the inside. Don't forget about connecting the power and signal cables. Tighten the screws to secure it.
  • We open the plug in the place where the video card will be installed. Usually it is fixed on the back wall of the block. Insert the card into the board slot and screw it on.
  • Now you need to start connecting the wires. Connect all components to power and secure with latches, if any.
  • Now you need to connect the “mother” and the body panel. It is necessary that all indicators of the system unit are connected to the appropriate connectors.
  • We connect the remaining connectors: USB and audio.
  • Well, at the end of the procedure, you need to restore order inside the iron box, since there should be a chaotic web of wires.

We put the cover in place. We attach all the accessories to the computer and check the functionality of the newly-made device.

Many people ask: how to build your own computer? Most don't want assemble the system unit yourself. It is considered that this is quite simple procedure and it’s not so easy to handle the assembly yourself. Without assembly experience this is of course not easy, but still possible.

What is the advantage DIY computer assembly? Firstly, such a computer will cost less than one bought in a store. Secondly, the system unit will be assembled taking into account your requirements, and during assembly you will find out what the computer consists of, etc.

The first step is to determine the configuration of the future system unit - home or office, gaming or just a multimedia center, or even some kind of highly specialized computer. The choice of components for assembling the computer will depend on the class of the computer.

Worker computer for office does not require a gaming video card and huge amounts of RAM, but for gaming computer without a powerful video card and large quantity There is no way to get by with RAM. Multimedia center needs a good large-capacity hard drive, or even better if there are several of them, as well as a high-quality sound card and an average video card with connectivity HDMI TV cable.

In any case, it begins with defining the tasks and purposes that this computer will perform. Once you have decided on the type of system unit, it’s time to make a list of components for the system unit:

  • Processor and cooler with radiator
  • Motherboard
  • RAM
  • Video card
  • HDD hard drive
  • Frame
  • power unit
  • DVD drive

You probably already noticed that there is no sound card, the fact is that modern motherboards are equipped with built-in sound, network card and other modules. Which 10-15 years ago were separate devices. In case you need sound High Quality, then you can’t do without a high-quality sound card. Especially if you need support for multi-channel audio.

We recommend choosing components with processor, since for different types processors are only suitable for certain motherboards. The socket in the motherboard where the processor is installed is called a socket, so the choice of processor affects the choice of motherboard. In addition, be sure to check whether the selected motherboard supports this processor core.

Cooler with radiator is also selected according to the type of processor socket, taking into account power consumption and the need for subsequent overclocking. If you do not plan to overclock, then the box version will suffice. Otherwise, we recommend not skimping on a cooler and choosing one with a copper core in the radiator and a fan with speed control.

Planks random access memory You need to buy those that are supported by the motherboard and its maximum frequency. Those. If motherboard supports DDR3 memory with maximum frequency 2000 MHz, then there is no point in buying DDR3 memory sticks with a frequency of 2400 MHz, since they will still operate at a maximum frequency of 2000 MHz.

Choosing video card, Pay attention to the video memory bus width, the amount of built-in memory, and then the frequencies of the video core and video memory. IN modern computers. The video card is installed in the PCI-Express (PCIe) slot. On this moment The bus width is as follows:

  • 32 and 64 bit - video card for office computer, similar to the built-in video card.
  • 128 bit is a video card for a home system unit, but is rather weak for modern games.
  • 192 and 256 bit - video card for a gaming computer.
  • 384 and 512 bits - gaming video cards GeForce level GTX760 and ATI Radeon R9 290X, will allow you to play modern games no brakes.

Choose frame The computer needs to take into account the form factor of the motherboard and the size of its other components, such as the video card. A situation may well arise that the video card simply won’t fit inside, since modern gaming video cards are quite large. In addition, it is worth considering the number of installed in the future hard drives and DVD drives.

HDD or a hard drive should be chosen first for reliability, durable operation and speed. If finances allow, buy SSD drive small volume for installation operating system and regular magnetic storage HDD for storing personal data: photos, videos, music, etc. Thanks to the use SSD drives, You will not only increase the speed of your computer several times and reduce the noise produced during operation.

Choose DVD drive It’s better to rely on reliability and purchase trusted manufacturers: LG, NEC, Samsung, etc.

Before the purchase power supply it is necessary to determine which maximum power will consume the system unit. The main consumers are the computer's processor and video card. After approximately calculating the power, we recommend increasing the obtained value by 20-30% so that the power supply does not operate at peak loads. This way you will significantly increase its service life.

That's probably all you need to buy to assemble a computer yourself.

For the right computer assembly You can use our service center ITcom in Kharkov. Our specialists will not only help you choose compatible and reliable components, but will also tell you where it’s best to buy them.