Put VK marital status have a friend. What does this or that marital status mean on VKontakte

First, let's answer the question: what is a joint venture VK? Dada, this is exactly how the young audience likes to abbreviate this concept. WITH family P position VC Ontakte is, just like in our everyday lives, the status of relationships with the opposite sex, or the lack thereof.

For men the following provisions:

  • Not married;
  • I am dating\I have a girlfriend;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • IN active search.

All statuses except the first and last require the presence of a partner, that is, if the account owner chooses one of the remaining statuses, he will be given a choice from all his friends of the opposite sex. If the partner confirms Family status, then it will appear on both pages. I’ll talk about how to confirm your marital status a little later.

If the user does not select anything, or to be precise, he selects the “Not selected” item, then the marital status will not be shown on the page.

For the female audience, the choice is limited to the following statuses:

  • Single;
  • I'm dating/I have a friend;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • Actively looking.

To set or change your marital status, you need to click on the menu on our account page "ed."(editing). After that on new page All our data will appear: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, etc.

To select the desired status, simply click opposite the “Marital status” cell and select the required parameter. After that, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. To check, go to “My Page” and check, if everything is correct, then leave it. If we want to change, we start the procedure again.

How to confirm marital status in VK

After you choose the status that requires the presence of a partner. On the editing page, under the list of all family provisions, the inscription “awaiting confirmation from ...” will appear.

Partner confirmation is required for all couple statuses except the In Love\In Love status

In turn, our partner will have on the page for editing basic information additional inscription“Ivan Ivanov is in love with you.” To confirm this status, you must select the same position as your partner and it will appear on your page.

Marital statuses may not match, if one selects “Engaged to ....”, and the other “Married\Married to..”, then this will be displayed on the page of each of them.

How to remove or hide VK marital status

If for some reason you are tired of this whole “Santa Barbara” with all the relationships, then it is possible to remove the joint venture. To do this, you need to stop at the first status among the statuses - “Not selected” and save it. After this, the corresponding line will not appear on your page.

To hide your marital status from prying eyes, you need to set up privacy. To do this, go to the “My Settings” menu - the “Privacy” tab. The first point, “Who can see the basic information of my page,” is exactly what we need. Let's take a quick look at each option:

  1. All users - SP is visible to absolutely all registered users;
  2. Friends only - the SP is shown only to our friends;
  3. Friends and friends and friends - I don’t think it’s worth explaining;
  4. Only I can admire this. the position will be only you;
  5. Everything except - here you can add any of your friends;
  6. Some friends is, in my opinion, the best option if you want to narrow down the list of those who will be able to see your relationship. You just need to select friends from the general list.

Find out marital status on VKontakte

Even if marital status is hidden, it can be found out. Now I'll tell you how. For this we need
full name and Last name of our object and nothing else.

  1. Enter your First and Last Name in the search, in the people section;
  2. If the person we need does not appear on the list, then we enter clarifying information (City, University, Age, etc.) until we find the “object” we need;
  3. Now we are looking for right side in the advanced search settings, select by marital status;
  4. We begin to sort through the joint ventures in order;
  5. If a person disappears from the list, it means he has a different status, we carry out this procedure until we find out his family status;
  6. Profit.

Change marital status to your own

A few years ago, with the help of some manipulations with the page code, you could create your own family. situation, but this method no longer works. But you can use another trick - to be in love with “Administration”, “Pavel Durov” or “Deleted”.

How to hide marital status on VKontakte? Most users of the social network do not know how to hide their marital status on VKontakte. On this moment there is only one way to decide similar problem. However, there are small nuances that can reveal the secret of your relationship to other people. Now let's move on to the main method.

How to hide marital status on VK

Change marital status privacy for unfamiliar profiles.

It is worth understanding a small, but very important detail– marital status cannot be hidden separately from other information. If there is a special need to keep this profile element secret, you will have to hide other user information. To hide viewing from people who are not your friends, just do the following:

Changing marital status privacy for friends.

To hide such information from friends, it is enough to repeat the above instructions, with the exception of the last point. Instead of the line “Only friends,” choose “Only me.” Although you managed to hide the SP for friends or other users, there is simple ways find out this information.

How is it possible to find out your marital status if it is hidden?

There are 2 options through which any user can find out about profile relationships: by searching and adding as a friend. In the case of the first option, it is enough to use a regular search inside VKontakte. However, with its help it is impossible to find out who exactly a person is dating. Follow these instructions:

  • Use the advanced search;
  • Enter the user's first and last name. If there are many matches in the list, enter the date of birth and city to eliminate extra pages;
  • After that, in the “Marital status” parameter, alternate item by item until the page you need is highlighted. For example, if you chose the SP “Everything is complicated”, and the user has exactly this name, then he will appear in the search engine.

You can also try adding a person as a friend or try adding a person with, because in most cases users limit information about their page only to strangers. This option does not work only if a person hides his SP for all pages.

Bottom line.

Now you know how to hide your VK marital status from friends or all users, and how to identify it. You don't have to have deep programming knowledge to find out necessary information. It is enough to have a few straight hands and resourcefulness.

Each user's information has a "marital status" section. There are several options for marital status. Since changes may occur in life, including in this area, from time to time there may be a need to change these VKontakte settings.

In order to set or change your marital status, you need to go to the “edit” section by clicking on your avatar in the right top corner. Further in the main subsection you will find the item “marital status”. Next, you can choose one of the options that suits your relationship status. There are several options:

  • Not married;
  • Dating;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In a civil marriage;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated.

Most likely, there is no need to talk about in which case it is necessary to choose one of these options.

Moreover, if this person is also registered on VKontakte, then you can not only indicate that, for example, you are dating, but also indicate with whom exactly. To do this, indicate your marital status (married, married, dating). After this, a line called “with whom” will appear below. In it you can select from the list of friends the person you are dating. If he is not registered on VKontakte, you can simply write his First and Last name. In addition, when specifying the person with whom you are in a relationship, it is important to confirm it. The tab with his first and last name will only be listed if he confirms that you are actually dating him.

If you want to hide information about who you are in a relationship with from other users, you need to go to the “settings” of the page by clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner. In the privacy section, the first item is “who can see the basic information of my page.” Here you can choose one of the options. To limit completely, click on the “only me” tab. If you want to make this information available to friends, then click on the “friends only” tab.

Although, as stated above, this function in VK is quite common; not everyone knows how VKontakte marital status works. This is where the question arises: - how to change marital status in VK, and is there any further opportunity to change it to any other...

What to do if there is no line, marital status?

First, let's look at one small problem that appears mainly among new, newly registered users. This trouble manifests itself in the form of the absence of the joint venture on its page. To solve this, you need to go to the page settings, or rather, to the page editing section.

Then, staying in the “Basic” section, select your gender: the guy is male, and the girl is female, respectively.

After this, the SP will appear in your settings.

How to set or change marital status on VKontakte

Since the VKontakte platform for many users is not only a messenger or a news site, but also a dating site, putting a joint venture on your page can be the only right decision if, for example, a young and pretty girl is constantly tormented by so-called suitors. Another example would be a couple of lovers who do not need the extra attention of the opposite sex.

And so, in order to put a joint venture in VK, you must be on the main page of the site (home) and through the main menu of the site go to the “Editing” section.

Now, remaining in the “Basic” section, find the line “Marital status”. LMB click on this line (by default it is “Not selected”) and select the type of relationship you need.

Important! VKontakte, although loyal social network, but still there are some restrictions on gender. That is, the options “Dating”, “Engaged”, “Married” or “In a civil marriage” can only be set to the opposite sex.

Na have a boyfriend/girlfriend

If the joint venture says “There is a friend” or “There is a girlfriend,” then this mainly indicates a relationship initial stage development. Or, as an option, this choice marital status implies a free relationship between partners. That is, nothing serious.

Important! Such a joint venture does not require confirmation from the other half of VKontakte.


I think everything is clear here. Two loving halves decided to start a family and seal their relationship by marriage, which is good not only for those getting married, but also for the country as a whole. That is why their status is now marked married.

Important! If you choose this joint venture option, then you must choose who exactly you are married to. To further display the joint venture on the page, confirmation by the second party is required.

To other

The remaining marital statuses are much more common than those listed above:

Meeting is essentially the same as “Have a boyfriend/girlfriend”, only confirmation by the other party is required and this status implies that the couple is in a serious love relationship.

Engaged / betrothed - this is a joint venture between couples who truly love each other and who have been in a relationship for quite a long period of time. Perhaps such couples even live together, but the possibility of marriage in such relationships is not even considered.

Everything is complicated - with such a joint venture, everything is not always clear, perhaps the couple is in a disagreement, or one of the partners decided in this way (changing “Dating” to “Everything is complicated”) to hint to the other half about his resentment.

In active search - this option of marital status is suitable for those VK users who are currently not in a relationship at all and thus show that they are ready for new acquaintances.

How to confirm marital status in VK

As soon as you have chosen the marital status “Dating”, “Married”, “Engaged” (in general, any couple joint venture), then you need to inform your significant other about this.

Next, your significant other needs to go to the “Editing” section of your page and, remaining on the “Basic” tab, find the line “Marital status”.

Now she (the other half) just has to choose the same status and indicate you as her partner. Then click “Save”.

Done, now you are the owner of a paired joint venture with your lover/lover.

How to remove or hide VK marital status

But it also happens that you want to hide your marital status in VK, but let’s say not from everyone, but only from unknown users. This is where the question arises: how to remove SP in VK?

To do this, go to the page settings and go to the “Privacy” section. Next, in the very first settings menu, click on “Who sees the basic information of my page” and from the proposed list select “Only Me”.

Done, in this case the save will be completed automatically.

Important! This will hide information about your joint venture on your page, but when you go to your partner’s website (if she has not gone through the same procedure), all users will see information about her joint venture.

Here the process is almost the same, the only difference is that all actions have to be performed not by pressing the keys of your mouse, but by using your fingers on the touchscreen.

IN general process next: go to “Settings”, then “Edit Page” and change your marital status to the desired one. Confirmation of a paired joint venture is carried out using a similar method.


Well, after studying this article, you can easily choose not only the marital status that is suitable for you, but also, if you want, hide it from prying eyes.

And finally, a little life hack. If you wanted to write your marital status, then you need to go to edit your profile and select the joint venture “In love/in love”, and in the partner selection cell write the following values:

1 - in Pavel Durov; 13, 66 or 999999999 - in Deleted; 100 - to the Administration; 154170472 - in Football; 142868775 - in Volleyball; 209071016 - My beloved self.

VKontakte has a column "Family status", where you can indicate the status of your relationship with the person and generally reflect « degree of freedom» . Let's take a closer look at this opportunity.

How to choose marital status

On home page look for a button under the avatar "Edit" and go to the settings mode for the most basic data of your account. Under the gender selection field, there is an opportunity to change your marital status by choosing one of the options:

  • not selected - leave it as is and this item will not be displayed
  • not married (not married)
  • dating
  • engaged
  • married)
  • in love
  • it's Complicated
  • Actively looking
  • in a civil marriage

For the dating options, you can choose with whom, engaged - the groom or the bride, married - respectively the wife or husband, in love - with whom, everything is complicated - the partner with whom you have a strained and unclear relationship. As we can see, the choice is not small, there are many opportunities to express your range of feelings and life status. There is also interesting features, when choosing a partner with whom you want to associate the status, for being in love, you can choose any person, just indicate a link to him and that’s it.

For other points where the choice of a partner is implied, the user you indicated must confirm on his page the fact of your relationship. And you can only choose from friends, so make sure you have a future partner in your friends list and if not, then add him.

How to hide marital status on VKontakte

There are two ways. You don’t have to select your marital status, that is, we go back to the main page settings mode and select in the column "Family status" paragraph « Not chosen » . Don't forget to press the button "Save". After refreshing the page, you will see that all relationship statuses are missing.

The second method involves working with privacy settings. Please note that there is no option in the main menu "Settings". Standard display all the main points looks like this:

Therefore, to go to the data settings, you need to click on your name in the upper right corner and a drop-down list will appear - it contains exactly what we are looking for:

Click "Settings", select the tab on the right "Privacy" and adjust the display parameters of your page.

In order to hide marital status, use any of the above methods, there are no other options.