The printer prints a blank sheet: we are looking for the causes of the problem. The printer prints blank sheets: diagnosing and fixing the problem at home HP 5525 printer prints a blank sheet

If your printer is printing blank sheets, it may need professional intervention. But often the problem can be fixed on your own. This requires a comprehensive assessment of the possible causes of this problem.

Very often, the culprit of troubles is not the computer or the MFP, but the absent-mindedness of the users. First, check the correct format of the document, when printed, the printer produces blank sheets. There may be empty pages or lines inside the file. The problem can be solved by simple editing.

Similar reasons associated with user absent-mindedness include the following:

  1. The wrong type of paper is being used.
  2. The protective film has not been removed from the cartridge. It is needed in order to protect the cartridge from drying out or from spilling toner, if it is a laser device, before use. This causes the machine to fail to spray ink onto the paper. It is also possible that the protective film prevents the MFP from recognizing the cartridge.
  3. The USB cable is not securely connected to the device. It is worth noting that the issue with the cord can be of fundamental importance. Therefore, do not use additional extension cords; the cable port must have a stable connection.

In these cases, there will be no difficulties in getting the printer to start printing. It is enough to eliminate the cause.

Or maybe it's the cartridge?

The cartridge may also be to blame for why the printer prints blank sheets. What could have happened to him?

Check if the protective film has been removed

  1. The ink simply ran out and the printing device began printing blank sheets of paper. Although on the eve of this event the user should have noticed stripes and poorly readable text. With individual ownership, it would be impossible to miss this. But in a shared environment, a blank sheet of paper coming out of a multifunctional device will force you to spend time looking for the cause of the trouble.
  2. The ink in the cartridge has dried out. This happens if the device has not been used for a long time. (See article:)
  3. In the case of inkjet printers, the cause of blank sheets may be clogged print head nozzles. This prevents paint from being sprayed onto the paper. The solution to the problem is to launch a cleaning system.
  4. The print head is broken.

Fixing the problem with the cartridge is not difficult, except for the last case. In case of such a breakdown, you will have to contact specialists for repairs.

Software problems

If all manipulations are completed, and the MFP continues to produce blank pages, it is worth printing a device report. Following the instructions, press the required key combination for a few seconds. If in this way it was possible to get the printing device to work, then the problem lies in the computer or in its connection to the MFP.

The software needs to be checked. To do this, you should print a test page. Through the computer control panel, go to the “Devices and Printers” section, in the “Printer Properties” tab, select your model. In the “General” section, click “Test Print”.

If the test print was successful, then you should take the following steps:

  • print using another program;
  • convert a document to another format;
  • check the printer for compatibility with the operating system;
  • check your computer for viruses, antiviruses, etc.

If the test print is unsuccessful, then repeating all of the above, you should remove the damaged software and printer drivers from the computer. After this, restart the computer and try to print the document again.

The printer is to blame

If, when sending a report, the sheets refuse to come out, then the source of this problem should be sought not in the computer, but in the multifunctional device itself.

After all, of all office equipment, it is the printer that physically works the most. Many inkjet printers are printed at high temperatures. This causes the heads to heat up. This may result in a malfunction when the printer starts printing blank sheets of paper. And sometimes, for this reason, the printer does not print at all. Unplug the device, let it rest, and try again in a couple of hours. It is better if this happens no earlier than 12 hours later.

If the option of heating the print heads does not produce results, then you need to check the operation of the following mechanisms: photodrum, magnetic shaft and high-voltage unit.

It might be a problem with the cartridge contacts.

A malfunction of the photodrum prevents the image from being transferred from the laser unit to paper. The printer starts printing blank sheets. It is possible that the MFP printing a blank document has a damaged magnetic shaft; most likely, the contact to it has lost. A malfunction of the high-voltage unit will lead to similar consequences, since the charges necessary to transfer the picture will not be created. In all cases, you won’t be able to cope on your own. You need to contact the service center.

In fact, there may be a thousand other reasons why the device produces blank sheets. Each type of device, be it a laser, inkjet or dot matrix printer, has its own characteristics. It is advisable to consider this problem in the context of a specific device. Perhaps this is a standard defect of this particular model. Therefore, if your problem is not resolved after reading this article, we advise you to search our website for information specifically about your device. The name can be read on the body. Use the site search or the device catalog.

Users may sometimes encounter this problem when the printer prints blank sheets (pages). There can be many reasons for this - ranging from a simple software error to a malfunction of the printer itself. In this article we will describe the main reasons and ways to solve this situation.

Standard situations

  • The first thing to do is reboot the device . Turn it off for a minute and then turn it on and check whether the document prints or whether the pages remain blank.
  • If this doesn't help, you need to check print settings - paper type and format, ink, etc. Reset the settings to factory defaults if required by the manufacturer.
  • Check the ink/toner . When the ink/toner runs out, the machine starts printing streaky pages, but sometimes when the ink is completely dry, the sheets may remain blank.
  • There have been cases where the cause of the blank sheet error was poor contact of the USB cable with the device. Check that all cables are securely connected and try printing the page again.
  • Execute test page printing , if the sheet prints successfully, then the problem may lie in the settings of the application or the system itself. Let's move on to the next points.

Application problem

After performing standard tests, users begin to wonder why the printer prints blank sheets, although there is ink, and the test pages are printed successfully. Sometimes, the application itself may be the cause.

I remember a user who complained that after updating the Windows 10 system, the printer started printing blank sheets through Open Office. First of all I checked Test print which was successful. After that, the work was tested in another application (Notepad), where the text was also printed on the pages properly.

It was experimentally determined that the problem was precisely in the operation of the application, which is why printing on the pages was carried out incorrectly. Therefore, you should know a few rules for checking the application:

  • Test printing the document in other applications (if there is an alternative).
  • Use other file formats. For example, you can save a test file in PDF format and try to print it using Google Chrome or another reader of this format.
  • Make sure you are using the correct device when sending the document to print.
  • Sometimes reinstalling the application helps solve the problem of blank pages; if not, the problem may be in the printer driver or the Windows system itself.

Driver problem

Also, this problem arose when, after updates for Windows or the latest driver versions were installed, the printer stopped working correctly. Incorrect software operation is a common problem that occurs after major system updates. Most often, the problem is solved by installing the latest versions of drivers.

Let's look at the most common problems, starting with simple options:

Clearing the print queue

A clogged print queue or its errors can not only prevent the sending of new documents and files, but also lead to situations with empty sheets.

Enter the control panel (Win + R - control) – Devices and Printers – right-click on the desired device and select "View the print queue".

Click Printer and select "Clear Queue". If the queue does not clear, follow these steps:

  • Go to Services (Win+R - services.msc) and stop the service "Print Manager"

  • Next, press the Win+R key combination and write %windir%\System32\spool\PRINTERS
  • Clear the contents of the folder. This folder stores temporary print queue files.

Reinstalling the driver

All steps have been completed, but for some reason the printer prints white sheets, what should you do in this case? If it is determined that the device is working and it works from other devices, then the problem is in the driver. The easiest option is to reinstall it. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to Device Manager and find your printer

  • Remove the device along with the software and restart the computer
  • To install a new driver, you can search for Windows updates and download the driver, use the printer manufacturer's website and install the latest driver, or use a program to automatically install drivers (DSP, Driver Booster, and others).

If the problem is still not resolved...

If the methods described above did not help, and the sheets coming out of the device are empty, a possible reason may lie in a malfunction of the cartridge or the device itself, so you should contact the manufacturer’s support or an authorized service center.

Have a great day!

And suddenly, at one “wonderful” moment, it starts producing empty sheets. Nobody understands what happened, what is the reason and what to do. Failure of a device to perform its functions can be caused by various reasons. So why does the printer print blank sheets?

User absent-mindedness

Often it is your own inattention that causes the printer to print blank sheets.

  • If the white paper slips through 1-2 pages, then you need to double-check that the document is formatted correctly. Maybe there are extra page breaks, blank lines, leaves, etc.
  • When not removed, it prevents ink from being sprayed onto the sheet.
  • Incorrect or loose cable connection. You need to check yourself, tighten the wire in the sockets so that the contact is complete. It is possible that the wrong cable is being used.
  • Often in offices where large amounts of documentation need to be printed, different types of paper are used. Some printers refuse to print if the wrong sheets are used.

Cartridge problems

If the printer prints blank sheets, then in some cases the reason is the complete consumption of ink or toner. True, before this, the print will become more and more pale, appear in stripes, etc. So the user, as a rule, learns about ink consumption in advance. In this case, the problem can be solved simply by replacing the cartridge or refilling it. With a laser device, you can shake the cartridge to distribute the toner evenly.

Another problem is typical: clogged nozzles through which paint sprays. If the device has been idle for a long time, then you need to run the cleaning system before printing.

Also, ink in an inkjet cartridge may simply dry out. In this case, it is enough to replace it.

A very common problem is a breakdown. In this case, you need to take the device to a service center.

Printer problems

The simplest reason is that the printer is “tired”. Print heads operate at high temperatures, so it is possible that the device simply overheated, which was the cause of the failure. If you let the device rest, it will return to normal after a few hours.

The photoconductor may break. Often there is a problem with contacts. If they are damaged, the image will not be transferred from the laser unit.

One of the common reasons why an HP printer prints blank sheets is a broken magnetic roller. It stops rotating and the image is not transferred to the paper.

If the laser unit does not work, then the image does not arrive at the photodrum. If there is no picture on the latter, the printer prints blank sheets.

A malfunction of the high-voltage unit leads to the fact that no charges are created, therefore, there are no “carriers” of the image.

In any of these cases, there is only one way out - contact the service center and replace the relevant parts.

Software failure

First of all, you need to check your printer settings. They can be viewed in the corresponding section of the menu. Or make it even simpler: print a test page. In this case, all settings are reset. If all else fails, then the problem may be with the drivers. They can be reinstalled or updated.

It is possible that the printer is printing blank sheets due to incompatibility with the operating system. This usually happens when using old devices.

Another option is that a virus, antivirus or other software is blocking printing. It happens. A disabled firewall can also cause problems.

The most common problem is a damaged print file. In this case, you just need to resave it and send it to the printer from another document.

Signs: - if the printing process is visible, the end result is a white sheet - the nozzle test after cleaning does not get better, only worse.

Possible reasons:- after the purchase, the CISS was not moved to the working position.

Solution options:- move the CISS to the working position.

Prints a white sheet

Diagnosing this problem includes cleaning the nozzles. If after this operation the situation has not changed for the better, then the reason for this is that the CNC system was not put into working condition. Therefore, to the question of what to do if the printer prints white sheets, you can answer that it is enough to make the CISS operational. Therefore, if the device prints a white sheet from Canon, Epson, HP and other printers from different manufacturers, the CISS must be filled with ink, the large filling holes must be closed with plugs and the air holes must be opened. They must have special air filters installed. If the cartridge continues to print a white sheet, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the system itself and the correct connection to the printing device. After all, the main reason is that the ink does not enter the print head. Therefore, it is necessary to check all the joints between the cable and external tanks and cartridges. If there are any obstacles between them, then even after refilling the cartridge, the printer prints white sheets. This means that it is necessary to remove all excess from the joints. It is also necessary to check whether the cartridges have protective plugs on their lower parts. Why does an inkjet printer print white sheets quite quickly and this can be fixed quite easily and quickly.

If you have this problem, you need to check each version step by step.

The air lock prevents ink from entering the head, but the printer will indicate that everything is in order and it is ready for use. This problem can only be eliminated by removing the air. To do this, you will have to remove the cartridge and use paint to displace all the air.

There are many printers in which the cartridge and print head are one unit. They can be distinguished by the presence of contacts at the end and nozzles on the bottom plane. Although they are tightly installed on the carriage, they still have a slight backlash and may become misaligned and, in extreme cases, wear out. If there is no full contact, the printer cannot give the correct command to the cartridges, so the hp printer prints blank sheets after refilling.

If the device is rarely used, and in the case of color printers, color printing is not done periodically, then the nozzles and nozzles may dry out. When the printer prints blank sheets after refilling the cartridge, you need to clean the print head. To do this, use a special liquid and an ultrasonic bath.

Please note that this work requires accuracy and caution, because the print heads of printers cost almost as much as the entire device itself. When it breaks down, the most common solution is to buy a new printer or MFP.

Do not take Pay for the repairs yourself, and call the Master-Service company. To diagnose the problem, it is not necessary to take the printer to a service center. Our specialists can always come to you and determine the breakdown locally. The company has its own warehouse of branded spare parts for all printers, so repairs will not take much time.