The procedure for disabling Wi-Fi on a computer and laptop. How to disconnect an unauthorized user from a Wi-Fi router

Home Wi-Fi networks have become commonplace throughout the civilized world. Almost every home has a small box with wires and blinking lights, thanks to which network coverage is created over a small area. So the user can connect to the Internet while in any room or even on the street. However, some unscrupulous neighbors prefer not to pay for Internet services, but to use someone else’s network without the knowledge of its owner. In this article we will show you how to disable unwanted user from WiFi router.

Sharing something with people around you is good, but only if it does not come to your own detriment. Each user connected to the wireless network takes on part of the traffic, thereby reducing overall speed data exchange. In other words: than more people connects to the router - the more the Internet slows down. Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of infiltration into the network of attackers conducting illegal financial or other types of transactions using your network address. This way they remain in the shadows, and all the troubles with the law will be transferred to you.

Once you have decided that, in addition to your family and guests, home Internet are used by strangers - you can safely start blocking access for illegal devices. Below we have given several ways to disconnect other users from Wi-Fi.

Disabling extraneous MAC addresses from WiFi

The most common protection option own network- blocking Wi-Fi via MAC address. The method does not require the use of a third party software. All we need is a browser and a login with a password for the router.

We start in this order:

  1. IN search bar browser, enter the IP address of the router 168.0.1 or and click « Enter".
  1. In the authorization fields, enter the router's login and password. By default they look like this: « admin", "1234", "0000"(provided that you have not changed your authorization data in advance).
  1. Go to the router statistics item called "DHCP Clients List" or « StatusLAN". Pay attention to the number of connected devices and their MAC address - these are unauthorized users (provided that all your devices are disconnected from the WiFi network).

In the router settings from TP-Link it looks like this:

IN TP-Link interface this is presented a little differently:

After pressing the button "Turn on" filtering will become active for blacklisted addresses and will block Wi-Fi from other users.

If desired, you can use a white list. The white list is created to store a limited number of addresses with access to the connection. This way you can block Wi-Fi from anyone with a new MAC. To do this, move the checkbox to "Whitelist" and add your MAC and your loved ones to the list.

Scanning with Wireless Network Watcher

To view devices connected to the router, you can use special scanner programs like Wireless Network Watcher from the NirSofer programmer. It is capable of displaying the IP and MAC addresses of users on the network. You will also be able to save this information as a report file until you decide to disconnect the person from your Wi-Fi. The software interface initially goes to English language, but can be easily changed by a separately downloaded localization tool.

To get started with Wireless Network Watcher, follow our tips.

  1. Download and install free program from the official developer website

  1. Download, unpack and copy the crack file "WNetWatcher_lng.ini" to the folder with the installed program.

  1. It opens before us working window programs.

In the screenshot below we see the active router, as well as the computer and mobile device connected to it.

The utility provides information about the device manufacturer, its status, the date of the first and last discovery, and the number of recorded connections. What we are most interested in is the MAC address, which will be required to subsequently disconnect users from Wi-Fi via a computer in the manner described above.


  • Interface in Russian.
  • Absolutely free software.
  • Can scan wired and wireless network connections.
  • It is minimized to a tray and used as a signal when new users enter/exit.
  • Displays IP and MAC.
  • Saves the scan result.


  • The crack needs to be downloaded and copied separately.

Blocking with SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

The Australian program for analyzing and managing connections, SoftPerfect WiFi Guard, was developed by the SoftPerfect Research team, and performs the same tasks, but is capable of notifying about the activity of “uninvited guests” with an indicator in the form of a red traffic light. It also does not need Russification, since it is immediately in Russian.

To check your network, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download and install the utility from the developer’s website

  1. Launch SoftPerfect WiFi Guard and start scanning by clicking on the corresponding button.

  1. The utility will present a list of connections and notify about suspicious devices.

Cases of illegal use of someone else's Internet are so widespread that many people do not even know that they are sharing their router network with other people. It’s even worse if these users conduct prohibited activities on the Internet, because they can easily avoid responsibility, unlike you. If you did not consent to this, then apply the above knowledge to block Wi-Fi from random parasites and unscrupulous neighbors.

In our article we gave comprehensive information about “how to block people connecting to my Wi-Fi.” Use screens and scans to check the network. You can configure the router only through a browser and the interface of its own OS (described at the beginning of the article).

At the same time, we advise you to regularly change your Wi-Fi password to a more complex one. In order not to accidentally forget it, write down the combination on a piece of paper and store it in a secluded place - it’s banal, but simple and reliable. We do not recommend giving out your password. wireless connection to strangers. Sooner or later more people may find out about it and then you will have to change it again.

Article. In it I talked about how to turn on Wi-Fi different ways, considered different problems that may arise. But I have not yet written about how to disable Wi-Fi on a laptop. Therefore, I’ll write now :)

Why actually turn off Wi-Fi? Various cases there are. For example, you want to work on the Internet by connecting your laptop via a network cable. And here he is wireless networks connects, and if it doesn’t connect, it simply searches for available ones.

And if you are running on battery power, then constant search available networks discharges it faster. Therefore, it is best to simply turn off the wireless module.

I'll tell you how to do this in operating system Windows 7 and Windows 8. I will write on Windows example 7, but in the eight everything is exactly the same. You will probably say, what is there to disable, there are special buttons that, by clicking on them, turn off all wireless networks on the laptop. Yes, there are such buttons. But they don’t always work, and if they do work, they don’t work as they should.

Here I have, for example, on Asus laptop. I press the key combination Fn+F2 (these keys are used on all laptops Asus) . An icon appears indicating that all wireless networks are disabled. Like this:

And Wi-Fi worked and continues to work. If you, for example, Lenovo laptop, or Acer, then the key combination is different. If I'm not mistaken, then Fn+F3. The Fn key, and one of the F1, F2 keys... Usually there is a network icon on it.

I don’t know, maybe you need to update the drivers or something. I don’t even want to get into this jungle. There is a simpler and more reliable way.

Attention! I discovered this thing: if you press a key combination that turns off wireless networks (on my Asus laptop, it's Fn+F2), then, as I wrote above, nothing happens.

But, if you leave them in the “off” mode, then after a reboot Wi-Fi does not work. Just a red cross next to the network. Status: “No available connections" Turning off and on wireless adapter Does not help. You need to run troubleshooting. Perhaps many people encounter this problem. Tomorrow I will write an article on this problem.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. It may be that there is a button on the laptop case that is specifically designed for turn on Wi-Fi, well, to turn it off. But on new models, they don’t seem to make such buttons anymore.

Now let's look at a simple reliable way, I would even say universal, which can be used to disable wireless network connection.

Disabling the wireless network connection

Click right click mouse on the network icon in the notification panel. Choose Network Sharing Center, and shared access (it's the same in Windows 8).

A window will open in which click on the item on the right Change adapter settings.

That's it, Wi-Fi is turned off! And the connection status in the notification panel will be something like this (however, if you have connected network cable, then the status will be different):

To turn the wireless network connection back on, just do everything the same, but select Turn on, and Wi-Fi will work again.

By the way, if you do everything this way, then even after rebooting the laptop, it will not search for available networks to connect to.

This method is suitable for any laptop, netbook, or that runs on an operating system Windows system 7, or Windows 8. On Windows XP this is done in much the same way. But, unfortunately, there is no way to show it in screenshots.

Also on the site:

How to completely turn off Wi-Fi on a laptop (Windows 7, Windows 8)? updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Not everyone can turn off Wi-Fi completely, and some don’t even think about it. However, it may be useful. For example, you are not connected via a wired connection, and you don’t need Wi-Fi at all. Or if it is powered by a battery, then the included adapter will constantly search for and connect to wireless networks, and therefore will drain the battery additionally.

You can try to turn it off using , but it’s not that it’s wrong, it’s just superficial or something...

We follow the following path: Control Panel -> All Control Panel Elements -> Network and Sharing Center

Or right-click on the network icon and select Network and Sharing Center

On the left side select Change adapter settings

We find Wireless network connection , right-click on it and select Disable

All. Now Wi-Fi is turned off correctly and completely. It will also be disabled upon reboot.

If you need to enable it, do the same, but select Turn on

For Windows 8, click LMB on the “Network” icon and in the side window that appears, simply click to disable/enable “Wireless Network”.

In order to disable Wi-Fi on the router, you need to enter the web interface, find there the function responsible for wireless communication, and turn it off. First, let's talk about how to log into the web interface.

Login to the router's web interface is done using a browser. To do this, you can use any browser convenient for you. Open your browser and enter address bar browser.

If you don’t know what IP address your router is accessible at, then just try entering first, and then In most cases, the router will be accessible at one of these addresses.

After entering the correct IP address, a form for entering your login and password will appear on the screen. Depending on your router model this form may look different. For example, this is how it looks on D-Link routers.

In this form you need to enter the login and password for the router and press the enter key. If the login and password are correct, then the web interface will open in front of you. If you have any difficulties logging into the web interface, you can familiarize yourself with this.

How to disable Wi-Fi on a D-Link router

After logging into the web interface D-link router you need to go to the section with WiFi settings. To do this, open the “SETUP” tab and go to the “Wireless Settings” section. Next you need to go to manual control Wi-Fi network settings. To do this, click on the “Manual Wireless Connection Setup” button.

After this, you should see a page with Wi-Fi settings. Here you just need to uncheck the boxes next to the “Enable Wireless” items and save the settings by clicking on the “Save Settings” button.

Please note if your D-Link router supports the 5 GHz band, then for complete shutdown Wi-Fi you need to uncheck two boxes. One in the block with settings for the 2.4 GHz band, and one in the block with settings for the 5 GHz band. If the router does not support the 5 GHz band, then for Wi-Fi shutdown It will be enough to uncheck one box.

How to disable Wi-Fi on a TP-LINK router

After logging into the web interface of the TP-LINK router, you need to go to the section with Wi-Fi settings. In the web interface of the TP-LINK router, this section is called “Wireless Settings”.

In the “Wireless Settings” section, you need to uncheck the “Enable” function Wireless Router Radio" and save the settings by clicking on the "Save" button.

Some models TP-LINK routers for turning Wi-Fi on and off is provided special button on the body. In this case, it will not be possible to disable Wi-Fi via the web interface.

How to disable Wi-Fi on an ASUS router

To disable Wi-Fi on an ASUS router, you need to open the web interface and go to the “Wireless – Professional” section. IN this section you need to disable the router radio module. To do this, you need to switch the “Enable Radio” parameter to the “No” position, and then apply the settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.

Please note that radio modules for the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands are disabled separately. Therefore if your ASUS router supports 5 GHz, then you need to first disable the 2.4 GHz radio module, then go to the 5 GHz settings and disable the radio module again.