Promotion based on low-end queries. How to Promote High Frequency Searches with Just Content

Promotion based on low frequency queries. Or less is more (Part 1)

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In modern PS, it is becoming more and more difficult to promote competitive queries to the TOP. And even if you have sufficient experience in bringing competitive queries to the TOP, this is not always possible for a young site. For young sites in general, many begin to think that it is generally impossible for a beginner to get a lot of traffic. It's really impossible…. if you go the old fashioned way.

Just like in the good old days, many website owners are still trying to get to the TOP for leading queries in their industry. If you, for example, are the owner of a brand new online store selling women's clothing, then it is quite natural for you to want to rank TOP for queries like “women’s clothing,” isn’t it? And everyone thinks so, everyone... This is where the whole problem lies - competition for top phrases is growing by leaps and bounds precisely because all the resources on the same topic are promoted on them. Do you want me to tell you how it all ends? You select the TOP request, decide on budgets and go... Half a year passes - God willing, the request got to 30th place, several tens of thousands of hard-earned money have already been spent on promotion, and NO effect! Well, of course, what could be the effect of the TOP 30. And what is the end result? But in the end, most people who have gone through this vicious circle believe that it is simply impossible to bring a young site to a decent level of traffic (well, at least 200 visitors a day). And you know what’s most interesting - I completely agree with you But this is only if you are like everyone else and move what everyone else is moving...

Let’s even assume that you were able to bring a number of cool queries to the TOP 10. Great, but what next? It is possible that the next update will take away from you everything that you have been striving for for so long, because the competition never gets smaller. Have you ever thought that there are requests for which NOBODY advances at all? I hasten to please you - there are such queries in every topic - all you have to do is find them. In this article I will describe in detail the process of collecting such keys and displaying them in the TOP. I consider this method the most promising in modern realities, since it allows you to increase large volumes of thematic traffic in short time periods and with minimal budgets. The result of such promotion will be visible immediately - already in the first weeks, and with the successful output of large arrays of keys (200 or more), it is not at all difficult to increase the traffic of a completely zero site to 1,000 target clients per day in 4-6 months.

When creating a useful, high-quality and at the same time informative resource, you need to know. If you are creating an online store, I recommend studying the material, because promoting a selling website is not at all like working with an information project.

In 2017, the technology has changed a little and, along with elaborating the core in depth (receiving low-frequency queries), it is also necessary to study neighboring topics that may not have semantic relatedness. I recommend studying the preparation of the most effective texts in 2017.

Preface or a few words in favor of LF

You can order a deep collection of semantics with competition analysis and clustering from me!

It’s quite possible that you don’t yet fully understand all the benefits of promoting through a large group of low-frequency drivers, well, let’s break it down. First, you need to understand one very important thing - subwoofer subwoofer discord. Competition on demand plays a major role here. In many topics, it is not difficult to come across low-frequency VK queries - that is, those low-frequency queries for which many sites are simultaneously promoting and there is serious competition. Also, in many areas there are HF requests for which there is practically no competition, that is, this already turns out to be HF NC - a high-frequency request with a low level of competition. This article will focus specifically on those queries the level of competition for which is incredibly low and nothing makes it difficult to reach the TOP 3.

In this article, together with you, I will collect in detail and step by step a low-frequency semantic field for one project. Together we will check the competition in detail for each phrase and as a result we will obtain a semantic core of phrases with the least competition. I think that the article will be practically useful...

PS: don't confuse the concepts semantic field And semantic core . Sem. field is a general group of phrases for a site on a certain topic, and this. core - a group of phrases selected for promotion.

So... let's go!

Stage 1: Brainstorming

At this stage, we need to work out all possible semantic groups for the project being promoted. Today we will create a field for the site

First of all, I suggest going through the sections of the site with your hands and selecting the main groups of products that this site offers. I got the following picture:

The image is naturally clickable, so I advise click on it.

Naturally, these words are not enough for further analysis, so we move on to collecting keywords for which direct competitors of this project are promoting. To do this, just take the basic phrases and enter them into the search. We will use the following phrases:

  • cabinets
  • sliding wardrobes
  • built-in wardrobes
  • wardrobes
  • wardrobe cabinets

To achieve the necessary results, you just need to enter each of the phrases into the search and analyze the Title of the sites that are in the TOP. This way we can find keywords that were not taken into account during the initial analysis of the site’s keywords.

At this stage, it is necessary to analyze in detail the headings of competing sites and find phrases that we have not yet used. I think that none of you should have any difficulties at this stage. Here's what we got:

Actually, we managed to collect such keys from the issue. I would also like to make one comment on current and future work. Do not pay attention to possible duplicate words, typos in phrases, etc. At the next stage all errors and duplicates will be corrected automatically.

To further complement the words collected at this stage, we already need a more detailed analysis of major competitors. In our case, this may well be the site

We are trying to find the results of this site using the RDS database. To do this, you must be registered in this service. We enter the link into the address bar - and see the following picture:

Next, we export the list to Excel, and there we delete unnecessary phrases, that is, those phrases that do not at all correspond to the theme of our own project, because this can STRONGLY slow down further analysis and complicate the subsequent elimination of keys. In my case, these are phrases containing constructions like:

  • shelf
  • egger
  • photo print
  • rack
  • sandblasting
  • etc.

As a result, our field is greatly expanded:

So, at this stage I managed to find 210 phrases, from which we can later obtain several thousand .

Let's move on to the next point, where we will enter all the found phrases into the key collector for further search and subsequent analysis.

Stage 2: main. Collecting a detailed semantic field

At this stage, we need to multiply the brainstormed keys in order to collect a deep semantic field. For these purposes we will use the key collector program. In one of the previous articles, I already talked about how to collect using key collector - if you are interested, you can read it.

Before starting work, it is necessary to set the Yandex.Wordstat parsing depth to a higher level, because the more keys we can find, the more effective the further promotion of the project will be:

Next, we add keywords to the program for analysis. We will parse from many places at the same time, because... We need to study the topic in as much detail as possible in order to find all possible keywords. After all, the more keywords we can find, the more low-competition words we will have for further website promotion. We will collect data from the services presented in the image:

I must say in advance that the collection process can take many hours and can even lead to a temporary ban from wordstat (the ban is imposed for a day). If you are really banned for a day, the best way out of this situation is to connect proxy servers and continue collecting statistics, although you can wait a day until your own IP is activated... Prepare for the fact that there will be a lot of words, for example , in the first minute of operation the program has already found 2,000 phrases But the more, the better, and we will use extra and unnecessary keywords later easy to find and turn off, although you will also have to work with your hands!

So, the keyword checks were successful. Total found 13 830 keywords, which is not a bad result at all. Of course, many phrases will be removed in the process of further screening, but now I can say with confidence that it will be possible to find quite a lot of words with a very low level of competition. In the future, it is necessary to weed out keywords that are inappropriate in meaning. For this we will use STOP words. To compile a list of necessary STOP words, I suggest sorting all selected keys in the program by name and gradually scrolling through the general list of words to write down those constructions that are not suitable for our project. In my case, these are the phrases:

  • wind
  • hotpoint
  • 1001
  • base
  • libraries
  • block
  • more
  • more
  • will
  • papers
  • vacuum
  • etc.

Next, we select from the general array those constructions that contain the selected STOP words and their word forms, and remove them from the list. After screening we succeeded 6 150 words, but you should understand that this is not the final screening of words and you still have to work Now it’s much easier to estimate their frequency «!_» . We start collecting exact frequencies and can forget about it for ten hours, because... the verification will take a very long period of time.

Ok, another check is completed. Now let’s delete those phrases that have a frequency of less than 3 . Great, now we have only 3 347 various phrases. The time has come to analyze the competitiveness of requests on many points at once. To do this, you will need accounts in the main link aggregators, as well as contextual advertising services. In the key collector program, click on the following buttons, as shown in the image:

Using the necessary tools, we can obtain detailed information about the keywords that make up our field. But first, you need to average the indicators of link aggregators:

After completing all checks, I suggest you filter out phrases using the following parameters:

  • Average number of transitions > 0
  • Number of occurrences in the Yandex title (Google, Mail)<=1
  • Competition in PS Yandex (Google, Mail)< 100 000
  • Number of main pages in Yandex results (Google, Mail)<= 2
  • Average cost of promotion in aggregators (since they also analyze the competitiveness of phrases in a certain way)<= 300
  • Cost per click by context< 5 рублей
  • etc.

So, we have more than 1,000 phrases, each of which has the minimum possible level of competition. Now comes the most tedious stage - manual screening of keys that do not fit the meaning, for example:

  • built-in niche wardrobes
  • wardrobe world of furniture
  • Avito cabinets in the hallway
  • with wardrobe
  • making a closet
  • etc.

All checks took exactly 3 days, but it was worth it. Now we have many phrases with the lowest possible level of competition and with proper promotion nothing will stop us from bringing them to the TOP and receiving a lot, a lot of traffic, and therefore clients

In conclusion

The keys that we were able to collect in this article are very easy to promote to the TOP, and even a very young site can be brought to a more than decent level of traffic in the shortest possible time. And here's a small example:

The example clearly shows that with the help of an extensive field of low-frequency queries with ultra-low competition, the site gained more than 120 visitors per day with Yandex PS . It is worth noting that the site only 2 months old and before the start of promotion, search traffic was completely absent!

The picture wouldn't be complete if I didn't show you an example of the so-called "classic promotion"- that is, the client chose, as always, the leading words in his topic, I naturally pulled them out, but look at the graph - whole 3 months (!!!) The site was not getting any traffic at all! This graph shows only Yandex, because it clearly shows the effect of words suddenly appearing in the TOP (in Google the picture is more blurred). And then you can clearly see those very moments when phrases fall out and again get into the TOP 10, as I already wrote at the very beginning of the article. As a result, this site receives much more than 100 visitors per day, but it is also important that by the time promotion begins the site was already 1 year old, but if he were very young, the picture would be completely different... So, my dear friends, optimizers and website owners, draw your conclusions.

I hope you liked the article - see you next time. By the way, I have prepared a very interesting topic for the next article - it will be interesting. In order not to miss a single new article -.

In addition: you might be interested.

The article will be continued soon In the meantime, I suggest you read.

To understand the essence of low-frequency promotion, you need to understand what a low-frequency request is. There are three types of requests: high-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency. It is generally accepted that people administer NPs no more than 1000 times a month. This figure may vary depending on the niche. Services such as Yandex.Wordstat or Google AdWords help determine frequency. They give exact numbers for each phrase.

The essence of low-frequency website promotion is to find targeted queries for which there is practically no competition. Therefore, there is no need to allocate a large budget for advertising, SEO optimization, etc. It is enough to collect a large pool of low-frequency search engines and optimize the site for them.

As practice shows, sites that promote low-frequency queries quickly get into the top 10 of search results.

By promoting low-frequency queries, you do not risk anything. You don't have to invest huge amounts of money to maintain a top position, displacing competitors, and you don't have to worry about whether the investment will pay off. After some time, even the most infrequent requests will begin to bring visitors to your site. Imagine if there are hundreds and thousands of such requests?

Why is it worth doing low-frequency promotion?

Let's highlight the main advantages of promoting low-frequency queries:

  • low competition;
  • high conversion rate;
  • shorter time to achieve results.
In addition, low-frequency queries will become the basis for further promotion of the site in the midrange and high frequencies.

Who can benefit from LF promotion?

Website promotion for low-frequency queries is suitable for almost everyone. You can have either an old site or a new one. For some, this will become the main source of traffic, for others – an additional one.

If you are a beginner, then low-frequency promotion will allow you to take your first steps, get results much faster with minimal investment, and also create a base for high-frequency and midrange promotion.

If you are a large company, then promotion through low frequency is an additional source of traffic for a minimal fee. You will be able to allocate enough budget to collect the maximum of such requests. Don’t forget that these are targeted visits, the conversion rate for them is higher. Perhaps promotion through low frequency will become the main way to attract potential clients.

Plus, you'll be able to reach a larger pool of potential customer questions and answer them more accurately, making your site as relevant as possible.

How to advance in low frequency

You can promote your website using LF using:

  • contextual advertising.
The first method will not provide traffic immediately, but after some time, but still faster than when moving via HF. But even if you stop investing in SEO optimization, the leads will still come.

The second method allows you to get traffic today. Low frequency queries are inexpensive and converting. In order to collect a list of low frequency queries, you can use the following services.

So, the site– online jewelry store.

Target: improving ranking for high frequency queries in Google and Yandex search engines.

Work process
We conducted an audit with a focus on external optimization and cleaning the link mass from low-quality donor sites. Despite the fact that most of the time was spent on a detailed analysis of external links (the site is old, so we had to analyze a large volume of link mass), we, of course, did not ignore internal optimization.

In the process of analyzing internal optimization, we paid special attention to the texts of landing pages.

It was concluded that the texts:

  • too big. It has long been known that users do not like to read a lot;
  • contain a large number of occurrences of the key query;
  • contain excessive highlighting of keywords with the strong tag.

For example, in the 5,000-character text on the page for a catalog of gold rings, there were more than 45 occurrences of the word “ring” and about 40 occurrences of the word “gold.”

The presence of such texts was explained quite simply - the site was old, and optimization was carried out at a time when the main thing was to spam keywords. In the conditions of modern search engine algorithms, these texts, in our opinion, not only do not help, but also interfere with normal ranking. Thus, in the Yandex search system, almost all high-frequency queries were within the TOP 11-30; in the top ten there were only medium- and low-frequency queries.

  • shorten landing page texts;
  • make them more meaningful;
  • reduce the number of occurrences of keywords.

For clarity, we optimized one page.

Since the site is old and already occupied certain positions for mid and low frequency queries, which brought some traffic, we decided to start with small changes in the volume and number of keywords, without risking those queries that are already in the TOP10.

If the content of a page changes very suddenly (even if the changes are correct and aimed at improving the user experience), the search engine may “throw back” queries in order to analyze the new content. This often results in reduced traffic for up to a couple of months before the situation recovers and improves.

The example engagement ring catalog page we optimized had:

— 7000 characters with spaces;
— about thirty-five occurrences of the key query “engagement rings” in direct and diluted form;
— five highlights with the strong tag for the keyword “engagement rings.”

Changes made:

  1. we have reduced the amount of text, leaving 5500 characters with spaces instead of 7000 (in the future the text can be shortened further);
  2. Highlights with the strong tag have been removed;
  3. the number of occurrences of keywords has been reduced.

After this work, we began to track changes in the positions of keywords promoted on this page.
The start date for tracking changes was February 18, 2013. At this point, of the 28 requests tracked, there were:
— 17 queries in the TOP10 of Yandex (Moscow region),
— 11 requests in TOP11-50 Yandex (Moscow region).

The first results of the changes became visible on February 27, immediately after the text was indexed.

The high-frequency query (with a frequency of 12,497 queries per month) “engagement rings” moved from 13th place to 9th position.

Then, throughout March, the search engine continued to “shop around” for changes.
During this period, there were 19-20 queries in the TOP10, including the query “engagement rings”. On March 23, the positions “sank”, falling back almost to the initial indicators (18 queries in the TOP10, and the query “engagement rings” in 14 positions).

However, already on the next update (April 3), the positions recovered and became even better:
— out of 28 requests, 22 requests are in the TOP10;
— the query “wedding rings” is in position 8.

At the moment (June 10), the positions are still at the same level: 21-22 queries in the TOP10, the main high-frequency query “engagement rings” is in 8th position.


  1. On-page optimization plays a key role. The times when poor website optimization could be “pushed through” with a large link mass are gone.
  2. If you cannot reach the TOP10 for the required query and link building for several months does not produce results, analyze internal optimization.
  3. Try to minimize spammy constructions, unnatural occurrences of keywords, and meaningless highlighting with the strong tag.
  4. Do not expect that text changes in the first AP will bring the desired changes and everything will be the way you want. An optimizer must have patience.
  5. Don't take too drastic actions. If nothing has changed after the first AP, do not panic and do not start changing the text again. According to our observations, if the text changes very frequently, Yandex may stop perceiving any changes on the page.
  6. Create landing page texts not with the goal of promoting a request, but with the goal of providing all the necessary information to the user. If you meet the user's request as fully as possible, you will reach the TOP.
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It is possible to promote a website not only through the use of high-frequency queries. This can also be done using low-frequency requests; often the effectiveness of such promotion is even higher, and the methods of work are simpler.

The method of SEO promotion by including low-frequency queries in the text is called long tail.

What is the long tail strategy

The phrase long tail translated into Russian means long tail. The long tail strategy is to use as many low-volume keywords as possible in your text.

The high efficiency of this method is as follows:

  1. Such promotion requires much less effort than promotion with a selection of high-frequency words.
  2. High-frequency queries do not always guarantee results, because, despite the frequency with which users enter them into the search bar, they are of a general nature. Long-tail queries are much more efficient in this sense.
  3. Low-frequency queries are much more specific and allow you to uncover interesting, more specific topics. They provide high relevance to user requests.

Requests with low frequency are conventionally divided into 2 types:

  • queries consisting of 3 or more words, which determines the specificity of such a phrase;
  • queries of one or 2 words with a low frequency of requests for them.

How to find the right low-frequency queries

There are 2 strategies for working with low-frequency words.

  1. This strategy does not involve searching for these words. The point here is to create a high-quality text on a fairly narrow topic. When deeply immersed in a topic, the semantic core expands on its own, which provides traffic.
  2. This strategy involves working to find low-frequency words that users enter into the search bar when requesting information on a product or service.

The selection of such words can be done in Yandex.Wordstat or Google planner:

  1. You need to open the service you have chosen to work with, enter a high-frequency query in the search bar and click the “Get options” button.
  2. Go to “Keyword Options.”
  3. Select the most appropriate options for the type of activity and information on the website.
  4. Copy the selected words, click the “Get options” button again.
  5. Select relevant keywords consisting of 3 or more words from those proposed by the system.

Website ranking for low-frequency queries

Since about 93-95% of users start searching for the necessary information from search engines, it is necessary to take into account the criteria that influence the site's ranking position in search.

The key criteria that determine a site’s high position in search are:

  • compliance of the site with the requirements of search engines based on technical characteristics. This includes ease of use of the site and its adaptation to mobile devices;
  • high-quality, that is, relevant informative content;
  • behavioral factor;
  • writing keywords in the title;
  • external links.

It makes sense to consider the main ones in more detail.

Keywords in the title

Keywords included in article titles will help the user determine whether the article matches his search query when choosing a resource to view in the search results. Keys in headers also help search engines see your site.

Creation headlines that attract the user's attention with keywords included will help raise the site in searches and increase traffic.

Internal linking

The relevance of the article to a specific user request significantly improves behavioral factors. The resource is perceived as more convenient, the texts as more readable.

For maximum efficiency, you need to link only to relevant content, think about users, not search robots, combine links - anchor ones should dominate, and ensure easy navigation around the site.

External links

External links are an important factor in website ranking.

Advantages of the long tail strategy over promotion for competitive high-frequency queries

The advantages of the “long-tail” strategy over the strategy of working with “high frequencies” are:

  1. High relevance of texts to user requests. It is difficult to say what information a person who types “recreation” in the search wants to receive; it is much easier to be sure that the text matches the request when the user requests “active recreation river rafting.”
  2. Rapid growth of traffic from search results.
  3. Low-frequency queries are more clickable and attract the attention of users, since they allow the visitor to obtain more accurate information when going to a given resource.
  4. Long-tail queries can be used in parallel with high-frequency queries without interfering with each other at all.
  5. Publishing high-quality content, where a specific article accurately describes the details of an activity or product, will allow you to promote your site without resorting to dangerous strategies of using purchased links and boosting behavioral factors.

The importance of using quality content

The importance of quality content cannot be overstated:

  • when requesting, the user plans to receive information, and the ideal option would be to receive it in a comprehensive form on one site;
  • Improving behavioral indicators will automatically lead to an increase in the site’s position in search results.

The best option would be to use both high-frequency and low-frequency words when promoting a site, since both options are good in their own way, and these methods of work are perfectly adjacent to each other.

It must be remembered that the main thing is not the number of “keywords”, but the unique content useful to the user. And the keywords are only “to help.”

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

Do you want to receive more targeted traffic from , but promotion for high-frequency queries seems problematic? Try differently. Use promotion for low-frequency queries, and low frequency traffic will greatly surprise you: it will come faster, it will be higher, and the competition will be lower. But “how is this so?” and “what’s the catch?” - I’ll tell you more now.

High and low frequency queries

Imagine a huge apple tree, at the top of which there are overgrown apples (high-frequency queries), and at the bottom everything is strewn with fallen smaller apples (low-frequency queries). At the top, the apples are large, beautiful, not always tasty, but they are in great demand. Many people climb to the top of the tree for the biggest apple and fight for it. At the same time, not the largest, but ripe and tasty apples grow at the foot in huge quantities, and no one fights for them. Your task: to get as much apple mass (entire SEO traffic) as possible.

What will you choose?

  1. Collect a full bag of smaller apples.
  2. Fight for the biggest apple.

The most interesting thing is that choosing the first point does not mean that you have given up and are not going to fight for the top of the tree and the biggest apples. You simply take time to prepare for the battle with competitors, and the more low-frequency queries you collect, the easier it will be for you to get a place in the TOP.

What queries are considered low frequency?

Low-frequency queries most often describe a specific need. Here examples of low frequency queries:

  1. buy a toyota rav4 2011 car in moscow
  2. children's center Moscow VDNKh wool felting
  3. kate upton carls junior commercial

Therefore, unlike high-frequency queries, low-frequency ones may convert better, since a page tailored for a low-frequency query is more likely to give the visitor a useful result.

Promotion for low-frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are unpretentious: they do not need to be enriched with external links, you need to simply and informatively give an answer to an accurate low-frequency search query. If the answer is useful, the site page dedicated to this low-frequency query will quickly appear in other search engines, receive it, and it can be transferred to other pages of the site that are more difficult to promote, for example, for mid-frequency queries.

There are practically no problems with how to promote low-frequency queries. Low frequency queries promote themselves and help promote the entire site as a whole, forming a solid foundation and the basis of the site’s semantics. Low-frequency queries allow you to reach widely and thereby attract more traffic to a larger number. Large keyword coverage- important, which can affect the promotion of all pages of the site in search by saturating the topic with keywords.

Selection of low-frequency queries

How to select low-frequency queries? Fully! All low frequency queries you can find, up to 1 impression per month. Why? Because the Internet is actively developing, and if now low-frequency queries are searched 10 times a month, then in six months they may start searching 100 times a month. Although the point is not even in impressions for low-frequency key queries, but in semantics, as I wrote above. And another thing is that every key request is a question, and if YOU don’t answer the question, YOUR COMPETITOR will answer.

How many low-frequency queries are there? The more requests you collect, the better. The more requests are reflected on the site, the more low-frequency traffic there will be and the faster the promotion of mid-range and high-frequency requests will go.

Advantages of website promotion for low frequency queries

Since the coverage of low frequency key queries occurs gradually, costs and results can be clearly assessed and planned. Moreover, the result of promotion for low frequency queries is the most stable among all promotion methods. Such sites are the hardest to compete with.

In order to promote a website for low-frequency queries, it is enough to regularly and methodically describe low-frequency queries on the website. How? Create, answer questions from the audience. In parallel with creating content, plan. Even a beginner can engage in website promotion with low frequency queries; this is the easiest way in “combat conditions” to understand how search engines work, without going broke or losing what has already been accumulated.

Promotion of low-frequency queries is the biggest advantage of such promotion - the absence of regression. YES! Content is not purchased links; it will not disappear after you stop paying. It will stay with you and continue to drive traffic. In fact, low frequency promotion is a win-win option if the specifics of your work and subject matter allow you to work with low frequency requests.

What's the result?

  1. Low competition for targeted queries.
  2. High conversion to .
  3. Ease of advancement even for a beginner.
  4. Wide coverage of key queries and target audience.
  5. Stable growth of positions and traffic.
  6. Accurate planning of promotion expenses.
  7. High frequency of site indexing due to development.

Do you promote your website using low frequency queries?