Push message - what is it? How to enable and disable Push Notifications? Push notifications - what are they? Everything you need to know.

Hi all. After a long break, I'm returning to writing useful content. I will continue the topic of the relationship between the site administrator and visitors. The following topic is on the agenda: push notifications, what they are, what advantages push notifications have. This is another way.

What are push notifications and what are the benefits?

I can say with a 100% guarantee that you have seen push notifications on the site, even if you don’t know what they are. When visiting websites, more and more often you can see a pop-up window asking you to subscribe to news.

If you give your consent and subscribe, you will receive short messages. Messages are usually displayed in the lower right corner of the monitor. So, these short pop-up notifications on the screen of a computer or mobile phone are push notifications. The window contains brief information in one sentence, an announcement of something, an image and a link to the site.

Push translated from English means “push, pushing”. On the Internet, this is one of the ways to deliver information from the service provider to the user. This is a very effective marketing tool.

How push notifications work in the browser

Not all browsers support push notification technology. At the moment these are: Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox.

To send a push message to users, you must first obtain their consent. There is no other way. The site administrator installs a special program, or uses a special one, which provides all the functionality.

Benefits of browser push messages

Convenience for users. Whether or not to subscribe to push notifications is a personal matter. But …

  • By subscribing, you will quickly learn about new information if it is a news site; about a promotion in the store - this can be a win, in the case of a temporary promotion, or a limit on the quantity of goods.
  • Time. There is no need to check your mailbox waiting for a letter. As soon as the admin deems it necessary, he will send a push message.
  • An important convenience is that the notification will be sent to your desktop even when the browser is turned off. You work in WORD and still won’t miss a message.

Convenience for webmasters. What is the main task and problem of webmasters? Traffic.

  • Through push notifications, you can communicate with your subscribers and thus attract additional traffic to the site.
  • Push notifications are an alternative way to collect a subscription base. Much fewer website visitors subscribe to email newsletters. This is what I judge from my blog. From the moment you installed a subscription form on the site and configured push notifications, the results are as follows. 11 people signed up for the e-mail database (which is very few), and 861 for push notifications! The difference is felt. By the way, I installed a subscription form on the site.

Why is this happening? Subscribing is much easier. The visitor does not need to enter contact information about himself. Some people are probably afraid. Subscription happens in one! cry.

  • The email open rate is also high. I can compare statistics using the e-mail database. There was also a subscriber base on Smartresponder.
  • Easy installation. Activating the push notification function will take you about 15 minutes. You need to install the code in the root of the site.
  • Preparation for sending a message is also minimal. No need to write letters, just one, but attractive offer. After all, after reading it, the user decides to follow the link, or “not notice.”
  • Using specialized services you can. For example, .

Push notifications: to use or not

The benefits of push notifications for website owners are obvious. There should be no doubt about using this type of communication with site visitors. We must take advantage of new opportunities. Currently, push messaging technology has broken through into the field of Internet marketing.

The main thing is not to bore your subscribers. It is clear that push notifications are an effective method to attract visitors, but there is no need to bombard them with messages. It is worth providing information on the topic of the site. Push notifications should ultimately contain relevant content. You can always unsubscribe.

All that remains is to decide on how to implement the function on the site. I prefer to use ready-made solutions. There are many services, both paid and free, that provide this opportunity. My choice is . This is a service for e-mail newsletters, push notifications, sms and viber. Using push notifications and 2500 email newsletter subscribers is free.

The article turned out to be quite big. Therefore, I’ll tell you in the next one.

Subscribe to updates to be the first to receive new information.

I wish you good luck!

In this article we will try to explain what push messages are.

Today, many sites offer you to subscribe to push notifications right from the door. And every day there are more and more such sites. Let's start with the theory.

Push notifications are short messages that come directly to your desktop. Such a message usually contains a site icon and a text field; in rare cases, a large image and buttons are added to it. When you click on this message, you will be taken to the specified page of the site that sent the notification.

What does push mean?

The name of this technology translated means push. When sending a message, the site forwards the installed texts and images to browser companies such as Google. Then, with the help of a push, this message is delivered to your browser, which displays its contents on the screen. It should be noted that you are not required to leave any personal data, which makes this channel extremely safe.

Push is a new channel that allows sites to send you information about news, special offers, or simply inform you about the status of your order.

Here are some examples of notifications that sites send:

Travel agencies can offer you the best deals:

And airlines can notify you about the status of the flight for which you checked in.

Push messaging technology is a new era of communication between sites and you. By subscribing once, you will always be aware of the latest news from the resource.

Push messages have a number of properties:

They arrive regardless of whether you are on the site or not, are delivered instantly, and your subscription cannot be used on other resources, unlike email messages.

It’s as simple as allowing them to be received. We have already talked about this on our blog.

The bottom line is.

Browser messages are a great tool for modern marketing and are extremely safe for the user. The technology prevents spam from entering the message channel. But you need to be selective and allow notifications only for those sites whose content is interesting or useful to you.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few lines for companies that are taking this opportunity into circulation. By doing everything, you will be able to maintain the loyalty of your audience, and your messages will always be welcome on the subscriber’s desktop.

Modern technologies do not stand still, including operating systems. With each new update they get more and more tools and useful features. Therefore, many users often ask various questions about this or that option. For example, a push message. What is this anyway? Why is it needed? We will talk about this below.

What is it

Many personal computer users are familiar with such things as notifications from the system or antivirus program that notify you of a problem. Such alerts usually appear in the lower right corner of the screen. These are the very first push messages. Later, developers of mobile operating systems transferred this idea to mobile devices. This is how the push message was created. a short notification that usually appears at the top of the screen of a tablet or smartphone.

Who sends messages

Naturally, applications. They notify the user about a particular event, fact or problem. For example, games most often report the appearance of new promotions or replenishment of the player’s energy. The user himself decides which applications can send push messages and which cannot. Setting up these notifications is not as difficult as it might seem.

Operating systems

So, push messages (we’ve already figured out a little about what it is) are most often now used on mobile platforms. Which ones exactly? First of all, on Android, which is the most popular mobile operating system today. By the way, it was the Android developer who was the first to introduce push messages. What does this mean? It was the owners of tablets and smartphones running a mobile phone that were the first to experience the beauty of instant notifications from applications.

Apple and iOS

As for the famous American “apple” brand, they are not far behind their competitors. A year after the introduction of instant notifications on Android, Apple also launched this useful option on iOS 3.0. It is noteworthy that a little later, the company’s specialists implemented it on the OS X operating system. That is, all Apple laptops (MacBooks) can also receive instant notifications in the notification area. For example, from social networks. This is convenient because you can reply to messages to friends or track the latest news on your page without going into the application. And this is often used on mobile devices.

Wap push messages

This is also one of the types of notifications. But their main difference from instant messages from applications is that these messages contain links to various Internet resources. Having opened such a notification, the operating system prompts you to select a browser with which you can open the page. Unless, of course, the user has previously defined some browser as the default one. By default, in this case, all links from wap push messages are opened in it. Many companies that send newsletters to their customers have already switched to this notification method. Which is convenient both for users who do not need to read text, and for senders, who thus increase their client base and views on the site.

Apple. How to enable push?

Having appreciated the beauty of instant notifications, many are wondering how exactly to enable them. It's not that difficult. So, how to enable push notifications on iPhone, iPad, iPod? It's quite simple. First you need to enter the settings (gear icon on the device desktop). Then scroll to the area where all installed applications are displayed. After selecting the desired one, the settings of the selected program will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There is always an area where you can choose a notification method. Opposite push, you need to scroll until it changes its color to green. Additionally, you can set the sound settings so that notifications are not only displayed on the screen, but also emit a signal that can be heard if the device, for example, is in your pocket. Notably, all push notifications can be viewed by swiping down from the top of the screen. This is relevant when there are a lot of notifications from various applications, and the user does not have time to read them for some reason. You can disable push notifications in the same way as enable them. All manipulations are performed from the notification center, which is located in the settings.

Android gadgets

Most mobile device users are familiar with them, so for many it is no secret how exactly to enable push notifications. Android allows you to send an instant message from almost every application. There are, of course, exceptions, but this depends not so much on the system itself as on the program developers. Or due to the fact that an old version of the application was installed, which simply did not have this option yet. Having opened the desired program, the user needs to go to the settings (most often they are displayed in the form of three horizontal stripes or a gear), go to the part where notifications are described. This is where push messages are enabled or disabled.

Is this really necessary?

Many users do not want to receive a lot of notifications from minor and not the most popular applications. Therefore, you can simply turn off push messages in the settings so that they do not bother you. But in useful and popular applications, on the contrary, turn it on. Thus, notifications from social networks, email programs, and some games are most often in demand.

Push notifications are pop-up messages that contain short text, an image and a link to the sender's website. Initially they were used only in mobile applications, but in recent years the technology of browser push notifications, or web push, has become popular.

For sites, such notifications are an effective way to form their own subscriber base. In order to become one of them, the user just needs to click on the button in the pop-up browser window. After this, web push messages pop up with sound and on top of all windows on the computer screen, even when the browser is not running.

Who sends them and why do users need it?

Push notifications are actively used by news portals, online stores, travel agencies and even some banks. The media thus announce new articles, online stores - promotions, sales or assortment updates; travel agencies - current offers on hotels and tours, banks - mailings on their products. In addition, you can receive notifications about payment for goods, reminders about renewal of service tariffs, confirmation of departure/departure information (in the case of travel agencies), and other notifications.

The main advantage of push notifications is that, unlike e-mail newsletters, such messages are more targeted. Each registered subscriber is assigned an encrypted string (token). The token is unique for each domain, key and device type. Thanks to this, a user who has subscribed to web push from a work PC will not receive additional notifications on his mobile phone or personal computer. Therefore, it is also impossible to take the token database of other people’s subscribers: each site will have its own token.

Why is everyone complaining about web push?

The disadvantages of push notifications stem from their own advantages: not all companies use this method for its intended purpose, and continuous text messages with the same type of advertising turn into spam. If a user has too many subscriptions to notifications from different sites, at some point it becomes annoying.

How to disable push notifications in your browser if you don't like them:

In Google Chrome:

    Launch the Chrome browser on your computer, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the window and go to “Settings”;

    At the bottom of the page, click “Advanced”;

    In the “Privacy and Security” section, select “Content Settings”;

    Select “Notifications”;

    Select the appropriate option:

1) block all notifications - disable the “Ask permission before sending” option.

2) block notifications from a specific site - next to “Block”, click “Add”, enter the page address and select “Add” again;

In order to re-allow notifications from a specific site, next to the “Block” text you need to click “Add”, enter the page address and select “Add” again.

In Safari:

You can hide site requests to send notifications in Safari by going to Safari > Preferences > Websites > Notifications. In the last section, you need to uncheck the “Allow websites to ask permission to send push notifications” checkbox. From now on, Safari won't ask you when you visit websites that might send notifications. You can also enable notifications again in your browser settings if necessary.

In Yandex browser:

To create this browser, the same engine was used as in Chrome, so the algorithm of actions here will be almost the same. In order to turn off notifications, you need to go to “Settings”, then open “Advanced”, find the “Personal data” section in them and click on the “Content settings” button. In the “Notifications” item, after this you need to select “Do not show notifications from sites” and click “Done”.

In Opera:

Click on the “Menu” icon with the Opera icon, go to “Settings” and select “Sites” in the list of sections. After this, you need to find the “Notifications” item on the left side of the window and check the “Prohibit sites from showing system notifications” option.

In Mozilla Firefox:

Firefox is an exception among all browsers: here you can also turn off notifications by checking the "Do not disturb" checkbox in the content settings, but they will only be blocked until you restart the browser. Users who want to disable push notifications once and for all should open a new tab in the browser and enter the command about:config in the address bar.

After this, the browser will display a warning about the risk of changing settings - you need to confirm that you accept it. Then type dom.push.enabled in the search bar. In the window that appears, switch the parameter value from true to false. This means you can forget about push notifications.

How to disable push notifications - this question worries some users who see notifications in the browser after logging into many sites on the Internet. Push technology is designed to distribute information on the Internet from the provider, in this case, the site, to the user of this site.

Push notifications for a website are needed to inform website visitors about news, mainly about the release of new articles. In this case, the visitor receives timely notifications from the site and can immediately read the news.

Alerts on behalf of the site are sent using a third-party service, which organizes the delivery of notifications to users’ computers.

What is a push notification on a computer? If a site visitor agrees to receive messages from this resource, then from time to time, notifications about news from this website appear on the user's Desktop.

How push notifications work

When visiting a site where the function of sending notifications is enabled, the visitor each time sees a request for permission to display notifications, in which he is asked to click on the “Allow” or “Block” buttons. The names of the buttons may be different, but the meaning is the same everywhere.

A site visitor can ignore this pop-up window, because the request window for receiving push notifications is small and does not interfere with browsing the site pages.

The appearance of such windows is different, depending on the service through which alerts are sent from this site.

By clicking on the “Allow” button, you agree to receive push messages on your computer.

Alerts about news on this website will appear in the notification area on the user's desktop. Usually, this is a message about the release of a new article. Some sites abuse the ability to send alerts, notifying about everything, sometimes sending unnecessary information.

After receiving a push notification, the user can go to the site to read the article, or close the notification by ignoring the message. Such notifications from sites practically do not interfere with work on the computer, since they are displayed in the notification area and close on their own after a short period of time.

To ensure that the request for permission to send alerts from this site no longer appears when you visit this website again, click on the “Block” button.

If you already receive push messages from a specific site, then the user can disable push notifications independently in his browser, in which he has allowed receiving notifications on his computer.

How to remove push notifications after receiving an alert

In many notifications, depending on the settings of the service sending notifications, you can disable push notifications directly in the window of the message that opened.

To do this, click on the settings icon (gear), and then select “Disable notifications from the site.”

After this, notifications from this site will no longer appear on your computer.

How to disable push notifications in Google Chrome

Go to your Google Chrome browser settings, scroll down with your mouse wheel, and click on the “Show advanced settings” link.

In the “Personal Data” section, click on the “Content Settings...” button. In the “Content Settings” window that opens, find the “Alerts” section.

Here you can set up receiving notifications from sites. By default, the option “Ask before showing site alerts (recommended)” is selected.

In order to remove push notifications in the Google Chrome browser, activate the “Do not show notifications on sites” option.

For more flexible settings for receiving push messages, click on the “Configure exceptions...” button.

In the “Alert Exceptions” window, select a site and create a rule for it: “Allow” or “Block”. After selecting the desired setting, click on the “Done” button.

How to disable push messages in Mozilla Firefox (1 method)

Enter the Mozilla Firefox browser settings, open the “Content” section. In the Notifications section, select the Do Not Disturb setting. Don't show notifications until you restart Firefox."

After this, Push notifications will not be shown until the Mozilla Firefox browser is disabled.

To manage alerts, click on the “Select” button. The “Permission to display notifications” window contains a list of sites from which notifications are allowed or blocked.

If the status next to a site is “Block”, then notifications from this site do not appear on your computer because you previously blocked the request to send notifications from this site.

If the status next to the site is “Allow”, then you can remove the site from the list using the “Delete site” button. Then click on the “Save Changes” button.

After this, new notifications from this site will not appear on the Desktop of your computer. When you visit this site again, please decline your notification request.

How to remove push notifications in Mozilla Firefox (method 2)

To completely disable notifications in the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to enter the hidden browser settings.

Enter the following expression into the address bar: “about:config” (without quotes). In the window that opens, click on the “I accept the risk!” button.

In the new window, enter the expression in the “Search” field: “dom.webnotifications.enabled” (without quotes), and then press the “Enter” key.

This setting defaults to “true”. Select the line, right-click, and select “Switch” from the context menu. The parameter value will change to “false”.

How to disable push notifications in Yandex.Browser

Enter the Yandex Browser settings, click on the “Show additional settings” button.

Please note that in the browser settings there is a “Notifications” section, but there you can configure the order of notifications received from Yandex Mail and the VKontakte social network.

In the “Personal Information” section, click on the “Content Settings” button.

In the Content Settings window, select the desired option for receiving push messages. To completely disable all push notifications in Yandex Browser, select “Do not show site notifications”.

If you need to configure the receipt of individual notifications, click on the “Manage exceptions” button. Next, choose which push notifications you want to block and which to allow. The selection of settings is similar to the Google Chrome browser.

How to disable push notifications in Opera

Enter the Opera browser menu, click on the “Settings” context menu item. Next, select the “Sites” section, find the “Notifications” option.

To block the display of push notifications, select the “Block sites from showing system notifications” setting.

If necessary, you can select exceptions (this setting works in the Opera browser, as in the Google Chrome browser).

How to remove push notifications in Microsoft Edge

Go to your Microsoft Edge browser settings. Select “Options.” In the “Options” window, click on “View advanced options.” In the Advanced Settings window, select Notifications, and then click the Manage button.

The "manage notifications" window will show sites that are requesting permission to show notifications. You can change permissions for specific sites.

Conclusions of the article

The user can independently disable push notifications in the browser that he receives on the desktop of his computer by allowing notifications to be sent from a specific website.