Difference between smartphone and telephone. Difference between a mobile phone and a smartphone

09. 06.2017

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

Smartphone, communicator and telephone, what's the difference?

Hi all.

Just 10 years ago, the process of buying a mobile phone was much simpler, because modern market Many new types of gadgets have appeared and each can have several names. How to understand them? It's easy if you read this article.

From it you will learn what a smartphone is and how it differs from mobile phone, communicator and PDA.

Mobile phone VS smartphone

For everything to fall into place, you need to start with what a mobile phone is. This is a radio-based device that allows access to subscriber lines without the use of a cable, as required by a regular landline telephone.

Mobile phones are primarily intended for making calls and sending/receiving SMS. Their functionality can be expanded simple options: calendar, alarm clock, calculator, etc.

The term “smartphone” is literally translated from in English like a smart phone. This definition and explains its difference from a mobile phone. How is he smarter?

  • Has a developed operating system, like a computer, which allows you to install applications third party developers. This option is not available on mobile phones.
    The most popular operating systems for smartphones now are iOS (only for Apple products), Android (used by many modern brands) and Windows Phone(mostly found on gadgets from Microsoft, Nokia, rarely on others).

  • By the way, about applications. Only those developed according to mobile phones work. Java technologies, and programs are released for smartphones in binary code, as for computers. As you can imagine, they can do more and look better. Many people use smart phones for games, because the graphics of these devices are much more realistic.
  • Equipped with an expanded set of functions: quality camera, various options for playing clips, can show the weather, operate as a GPS navigator, etc.

  • Allows you to fully enjoy high-speed Internet access. If in mobile phones it was used for this purpose only mobile network, then the smartphone, in addition to it, makes it possible to connect to world wide web via Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G. It can also be used as a modem to surf the Internet
  • Has increased RAM. For clarity: the RAM of the first mobile phones was calculated in kilobytes, now smartphones have an average of 2 gigabytes of RAM.
  • On your smartphone, you can synchronize your data using account with other devices.

A little history

The term "smartphone" was first used Ericsson company in 2000 to refer to one of its products, the R380s. By the standards of that time, it had surprisingly small dimensions (130x51x26 mm) and weight (164 g), a touchscreen and a hinged cover (flip).

By calling it a “smartphone,” the manufacturer wanted to emphasize the increased intelligence of its development. However, it is incorrect to classify it as this type of device, since it was closed to third-party applications.

The concept of "iPhone"

There are people, and not only from the older generation, who confuse the concepts of smartphone and iPhone. Let's look at this simple question together.

iPhone is the proper name for smartphones released by Apple. If you see a smartphone with a “bitten apple” logo, you have an iPhone in front of you.

In addition to this symbol, it has the following characteristic features:

  • has reliable and high-quality iron;
  • equipped with a non-removable battery;
  • does not have a slot for a memory card;
  • works exclusively in the operating room iOS system, developed by the same brand;
  • The system is protected from viruses, unlike android.

However, all these benefits come at a price.

Differences between a smartphone and a communicator and PDA

A pocket personal computer (PDA) is the same computer, only in a smaller form. In the era of popularity of these devices, it was important to supplement them with a function mobile communications. This is how the communicator appeared. As you understand, a communicator is the same as the current smartphone, it’s just that the first of these terms appeared earlier to designate a gadget that was new at that time.

Now the two devices are no different, but in the early 2000s the difference was felt more. The communicator and PDA were identical in size, weight and functionality, only the first was supplemented with a GSM module. Smartphones at that time had smaller screens and functionality.

Now, to distinguish between two devices, some experts take into account their “roots”: if the device evolved from a mobile phone, it is a smartphone, if from a PDA, it is a communicator.

For ease of typing on all triche devices, you can use a stylus - a special “stick” for the touch screen.

A little bit of history again

The first attempt to release a smartphone/communicator was made on November 23, 1992 by IBM, which introduced the Simon phone. But only 2 years later the American began selling it mobile operator BellSouth for $1000.

The gadget worked like a telephone, had an organizer and several games, sent and received faxes, provided access to e-mail etc. It is noteworthy that it could be controlled not by buttons, but by a touch screen.

Why didn't it take root in the market? It was inconvenient to carry around. The weight was more than 1 kg.

The first communicator that enjoyed success was the Nokia 9000 Communicator on the GEOS OS platform, released in 1996. His weight was 397 g.

That's all, the end :).

I hope my article was useful to you.

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In our life, the telephone plays an important role, so from time to time we change it to a more modern one, which better meets existing standards and our requirements. IN Lately Everyone has heard such a concept as a “smartphone”; we seem to understand what it is, but we cannot point out obvious distinctive aspects. Therefore, today the team of the online magazine site decided to answer this question and tell you what their differences are.

16 facts and differences between a smartphone and a telephone

  1. Smartphone is a narrower definition that includes the concept of telephone. That is, a smartphone refers to one of the types of phones.

  2. Figuratively speaking, a smartphone is a phone with a built-in computer.

  3. Smartphone does not have external features. There is a popular myth that all touchscreen phones are smartphones. No, that's not true! Touchscreen phone may not belong to the smartphone group. Externally, it is completely impossible to determine whether it is a smartphone or not, unless you know the brand and model of the phone.

  4. Any smartphone has a mobile operating system installed: Symbian, Android, iOS, Windows Phone and others.

  5. All major applications are released for smartphones on popular platforms (Android and iOS). You yourself have probably come across advertisements on websites or in TV shows that this or that project has created its own application, which is available for Android OS and/or iOS.

  6. All on the same smartphones with operating Android system or iOS yes mobile markets (Google Play or App Store). They are a website or application where you can download thousands of games or applications to your smartphone for free, without registration, etc. These are official sources, so all applications are moderated, which means they do not have viruses or other problems.

  7. Games on smartphones are always of higher quality - more detailed, more interesting and more similar to their computer counterparts. The fact is that a regular phone only supports java applications, and they have a lot of limitations. For example, a mobile java game weighs no more than a few megabytes (from 1 to 5), and a game for a smartphone can reach 2,000 megabytes. We think the answer is clear, how much better the smartphone application will be.

  8. Applications (programs) in operating systems have more capabilities (access the Internet, access a GPS navigator, other programs, etc.), which is naturally an advantage for developers. That's why telephone programs will be extremely simple, and most programs for smartphones will not even have analogues for mobile phones. For example, on a smartphone, there are translators, notepads, diaries, office and graphic editor, clients for communication (icq, qip, skyp, etc.) with full capabilities for video communication, file transfer, etc.

  9. You can run multiple applications on your smartphone at the same time. For example: play a game, then minimize it and search for something on the Internet, after which you minimize the browser and start reading an interesting book. At this moment they will call you, you will answer, talk, and that’s all open source software, they will remain “hanging” on the phone. You can continue playing from the point where you paused, everything in the browser open tabs will remain in their places, and the book will not cover the page on which they were reading.

  10. 99% expensive phones These are smartphones. The 1% includes models that explain their cost precious stones, which are sprinkled throughout the body and the body material itself is made of expensive material.

  11. In addition to the previous point, let’s say that a smartphone can be bought at a very affordable and inexpensive price (from $100).

  12. There are companies that only produce smartphones (regular phones are not produced under their brand). A striking example: Apple and its line of iPhone smartphones.

  13. Smartphones allow you to transfer files via Bluetooth technology, and Android and Symbian make it possible to transfer absolutely any file format, regardless of whether it can read/understand them or not.

  14. Since a smartphone is, essentially, mobile computer, then all applications and games require installation, but it does not take much time, and there are not many questions that arise during the first installation.

  15. Smartphones in low price categories can slow down due to a lack of random access memory or processor power.

  16. The smartphone control system is slightly different from regular phone, so it may be more difficult to use for many users. In addition, difficulties may arise when moving from a smartphone of one platform to another. For example, if you are moving from Android OS to Windows Phone.

In this article we will tell you about five basic facts and how a smartphone differs from a telephone.

Almost everyone knows what a cell phone is. This small device, which you can hold in your hands and which allows you to make calls from anywhere in the world. However, adding the word “smartphone” can lead to confusion for an inexperienced user. In fact, separating the two terms has no of great importance, if we call the Galaxy S9 a mobile phone and the iPhone X a smartphone.

However, below are tips to help you understand why some people use the word "cell phones" while others use "smartphones," and why a smartphone is sometimes called a cell phone, but not vice versa.

What to choose: phone or smartphone?

Technology for mobile devices- one of the fastest growing areas in consumer electronics, making terms like cell phone and smartphone difficult to define. However, most people use mobile phones primarily for phone calls, while smartphones are considered internet devices and are used less for voice calls.

Choosing between a standard cell phone or a smartphone comes down to whether calls are important to you. easy access Internet and access to multimedia files.

The functions of a smartphone are part of the capabilities of a computer.

You can think of a smartphone as a miniature computer that can also make and receive calls. Most smartphones have a virtual store of thousands of applications that turn your phone into something much smarter than a regular cell phone.

Smartphone applications include graphics editors, navigation maps and many others useful options. Some smartphones take this one step further and give you built-in virtual assistant, such as Siri from Apple iPhone, with which everyone can agree, this function makes the phone much smarter and more technologically advanced.

A smartphone is capable of functioning like a cell phone, but not all cell phones can replicate this. In other words, a smartphone can make calls like a mobile phone, which in turn does not have the same add-ons and applications, such as, for example, Siri assistant from Apple or voice assistant Google.

5 basic facts: What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone?

operating system

The operating system on smartphones is in many ways similar to what is installed on yours. personal computer at home or at work. For example, your computer is most likely running Windows or MacOS, or perhaps Linux or some other desktop OS. However, the mobile operating system can be, for example, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS or WebOS.

Operating system difference cell phone compared to the smartphone operating system, again determined by ease of use software. iPhone phones and Android are generally perceived by the masses as being relatively easy to use by most users.

When it comes to a mobile phone (which is not a smart phone), the operating system is usually very light and simple, with minimal menus and virtually no additional options and applications.

Microprocessor and memory

Mobile phones, compared to smartphones, have incredible computing power, usually faster, more efficient microprocessors and more memory. Demanding applications such as photography, video and games require more powerful and faster processors.

Some models have tens of gigabytes of memory for storing large music and video libraries, as well as databases and applications. On the other hand, mobile phone processors are simpler and suitable for smaller requirements such as phone calls and basic applications.


Cell phones and smartphones have apps—programs that make the phone more useful. Cell phone applications include games, contact managers, and text messaging programs. Apps on smartphones are much more sophisticated as they take advantage of the phone's faster processor, larger memory, and Internet connection.

There are over a million smartphone apps ranging from basic to advanced. In addition to more complex versions of applications, a number of smartphones are already installed along with the operating system useful applications, music player, photo editor, advanced calculator, social networks and other programs, too many to mention.

Dimensions and screen size

Smartphones usually have large displays than their older brothers. Big screen Gives apps more graphics space and lets you enjoy movies, videos, and other media. The smartphone is controlled via a touch screen.

The screen on a mobile phone is mainly used for viewing telephone numbers And text messages although many can play simple games, open meeting calendars and contact lists.

Internet and network connections

Basics network connection cell phone is intended for voice calls, although many have Bluetooth short-range data and hands-free calling support.

The smartphone has these network connections, plus 3G/4G data and Wi-Fi. Some have a technology called Near-Field Communications that allows you to use your phone as a smart phone. credit card. Internet access is carried out using data cellular communications, where the cell tower is located. Internet access via Wi-Fi is usually free, although the range of services is limited to the homes and businesses that provide it.

Quick facts about the history of mobile phones

IBM developed the first smartphone in 1992 called Simon. The smartphone was unveiled as a concept device in Las Vegas at the computer industry trade show known as COMDEX.

What are the most significant differences for you, do you use older phone models in your daily activities and why? Write your answers in the comments and share this article on social networks.

Video: Five advantages of a push-button telephone from a smartphone

Life modern man, probably, is no longer possible without a mobile phone. Every day our requirements for phone functions are growing, but manufacturers are not lagging behind and offer widest choice devices of different design and functionality. Recently, smartphones have become widespread. However, many consumers, and even employees of cellular communication stores, cannot explain the difference between classic phone and newfangled smartphones. Often we, without realizing it, give preference to a smartphone, although modern phones their functions match those of these “intelligent” devices. Perhaps in the near future, all phones will be smartphones.

Mobile phone is a portable means of communication. Allows you to make and receive calls and SMS, MMS messages, has Internet access, provides the opportunity to play games.

« Smartphone"translated from English as "smart phone". And he really is. A smartphone can be called a transitional stage between a phone and a computer. An operating system is installed on a smartphone, just like on a computer, which makes it possible to use a large number of programs.

Often, in appearance, a smartphone is not at all different from an ordinary phone: the same keyboard, the same screen, the same dimensions. However, there are a number of smartphones that are a kind of hybrid of a phone and a PDA, and are more similar to the latter. They do not have a keyboard, and are controlled using a stylus or finger through touchscreen, the size of which is significantly larger than the screen of a regular mobile phone.

File format support

On a regular mobile phone, as a rule, there are no additional functions other than viewing pictures and Java games. In addition to the same Java games, you can install Sis games on your smartphone, various programs(Word, Excel, Adobe Reader and others), all kinds of applications. You can also view pictures and videos in 3GP, MP4, AVI formats without loss of quality.

The only inconvenience when watching movies is the small screen. Therefore, if you plan to watch videos on your device in the future, it is better to immediately take care of the screen size when choosing a smartphone in the store.

Installable programs

You can download games, ringtones, music, and pictures to a regular phone. That's probably all.

The capabilities of a smartphone are much greater:

  • for easy file management - file manager
  • for reading and editing text documents and PRC, PDB formats – iSilo
  • GPS module for using satellite navigation
  • organizer
  • archiver
  • On-line translator with a dictionary for eight languages ​​and much more.

The usual photo or video shooting on a mobile phone is also a function of a smartphone.

Simultaneous use of programs

All functions available on the phone are performed sequentially, one after another.

An undeniable advantage of a smartphone is the ability to use several programs at the same time: for example, listen to music and perform some calculations on a calculator.

Transferring files

It happens that you urgently need to transfer a certain file to someone, but there is no access to the computer. In this case, you can use your smartphone. Using this device you can send text documents, programs, games.

An ordinary mobile phone can only send SMS and MMS.


Regular mobile phones are quite reliable and durable. They are dropped on the floor, thrown into water, but after they are dried and sorted, they still continue to work. And in case serious damage screen or case, they are simply replaced.

Smartphones are not like that. They are afraid of the slightest blow. If it gets into water, the chip components oxidize and the phone stops working. Repairing such devices is very difficult and expensive.

Conclusions website:

  1. A cell phone performs only one function - providing cellular communications. The smartphone is multifunctional.
  2. The smartphone has a processor that allows you to install the operating system.
  3. A smartphone, unlike a regular phone, allows you to multitask.
  4. The smartphone can be used as a video player to watch videos AVI format and MP4.
  5. The phone is more reliable and is not afraid mechanical damage. The smartphone is more fragile and can be damaged even from a slight fall.

Nowadays, almost every person has a mobile phone. Time does not stand still, and this means of communication is constantly being improved and modified, acquiring all large quantity various functions. It has gotten to the point where the regular mobile phone has a “brother” - the smartphone, which is gaining more and more popularity among cellular users. And if you want to update your “handset” and are wondering what to buy - a smartphone or a telephone, the store will probably offer you a huge assortment, including both types. True, unfortunately, not every seller can clearly explain the difference between a smartphone and a telephone. Our article is to help.

Telephone and smartphone: who is who?

Despite the superficial similarities between these two devices, they actually have many differences. A telephone can be defined as a portable communication device for voice communication, which allows you to make and receive calls, send and receive SMS and MMS. In addition, the mobile phone has additional functions, for example, access to the Internet, the ability to take photos and videos, play games (though primitive), and also use as an alarm clock, notebook etc.

The difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone lies primarily in the name itself. It comes from the English smartphone, which translates as “smart phone”. And this is actually true. The fact is that a smartphone is a kind of hybrid of a telephone and laptop computer, since it also installs the operating system (OS). Here lies the difference between a smartphone and a telephone: thanks to the OS, the owner of a smartphone has significantly increased capabilities compared to a mobile phone user. Most Popular OS is Windows Phone from Microsoft, iOS from Apple and Android OS from Google.

What other difference is there between a smartphone and a telephone?

As mentioned above, the phone does not boast a variety of features. The same cannot be said about a smartphone, because it is a two-in-one device: a phone and a minicomputer. This means that your smartphone can install various programs and applications that you usually use on your PC. This is, first of all, standard Word, Adobe Reader, Excel, reading programs e-books, online translators, archivers. You can watch videos in high quality. And the phone only has primitive functions of Java games and viewing pictures, photos and videos in low quality.

The difference between a smartphone and a regular phone is that high-speed Internet. In addition to the usual access to the browser, the owner of a smartphone can use programs for free communication, providing voice and video communication (Skype), correspond by e-mail and even send various files(text documents, programs). The phone can only send SMS and MMS, as well as download music, ringtones and games.

The difference between a smartphone and a telephone can be called simultaneous use several programs on the first device. That is, on your smartphone you can listen to music and send an email. Most phones typically perform only one function at a time.

If we talk about how to distinguish a smartphone from a telephone, then sometimes it is enough to compare them by appearance. A smartphone usually exceeds telephones in size, which is explained by the need many microprocessors. In addition, " smart phone"and the screen is larger.

Thinking about what better phone or a smartphone, keep in mind some of the latter's disadvantages. Besides high price They are very fragile: if they hit the floor or fall into water, they can quickly fail. Moreover, repairing a smartphone can cost a pretty penny. The phone, on the contrary, is a more reliable and durable device: after repeated falls and even moisture, it can continue to work. In addition, the smartphone is vulnerable to viruses and malware, which cannot be said about the phone.

Knowing the main differences between these two devices will make it easier for you to navigate when deciding whether to choose a phone or a smartphone.