The most reliable cryptocurrency: what is it? Types of commissions for withdrawal and trading operations. The most reliable cryptocurrencies, how to access them

Cryptocurrencies appeared not so long ago, until today many are quite cautious about a new source of income. Moreover, some will not be able to form an idea regarding this electronic currency. Today you can see how the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, and many are trying to start working in this area. Bitcoin as a fundamental basis for the creation of other cryptocurrencies is attracting new, favorable conditions and prospects.

For those who want to start working in this industry, they can special problems start to be interested in the nuances of mining. There are over fifty exchanges for those interested. If we talk about profitability and reliability, then the number of cryptocurrencies is quite wide, and only the person himself, based on his preferences, can choose the most suitable option. Speaking about the largest exchanges, it should be said about BTC China, Bitstamp, BTC and MtGox, these are giants in the crypto-economy.

Undoubtedly, interest in virtual funds is heating up high magnification cost. After all, the cost of Bitcoin has risen from five cents to over one hundred thousand dollars. Of course there were drops, but nevertheless the rate always rose. And other cryptocurrencies are not far behind, since Bitcoin was the first virtual currency, it is quite logical that it is considered to be virtual gold. But now let’s move on to the most interesting question, regarding the reliability of cryptocurrency. Below we will present the most reliable cryptocurrencies in which you can invest.

The first and most reliable cryptocurrency is Bitcoin.

This is not surprising, since it stood at the foundations of the emergence of the crypto market. Bitcoin appeared in 2009, was presented as a complex calculation process with further encryption and the formation of an electronic key.

The maximum number of bitcoins that can appear is 21 million, this number should be reached in 2040. This forecast was compiled using the calculation systems used in the production of cryptocurrency. Today, the profitability of the production of cryptocurrencies is mostly justified by the price per coin, while costs increase significantly. Each operation is represented in a transaction, which is inevitable, while the movement virtual money impossible to trace. Each operation is carried out between participants, moreover, everything is decentralized, in other words, a common service is not included in the work. Thanks to this mechanism of interaction and work, it is extremely difficult and generally unrealistic to control, much less correct, the turnover of virtual Money in the form of cryptocurrency to government agencies, or other organizations that specialize in foreign exchange and financial markets.

Features of working with Litecoin

Further, according to the reliability criterion, it follows. Here is the best copy of cryptocurrency, with minor changes made. The author of the cryptocurrency is Charlie Lee, who set the goal of creating an alternative to silver in the crypto market. It turns out that after that innovation, cryptoeconomics already had analogues of silver and gold.

The emission of Litecoin reaches over eighty million, while the rate of cryptocurrency mining has also been successful, about twenty-five in sixty seconds.

Characteristic nuances of peercoin

This cryptocurrency takes an honorable third place after Bitcoin and Litecoin, both in popularity and reliability. note that distinctive characteristic This currency is that there are no emission restrictions.

Inflation has also been introduced at one percent for one year, this is necessary to adjust the exchange rate and volumes. This is a very unique cryptocurrency, since here is another more profitable method, the essence of which is that profits are distributed not only among those who specialize in providing computing platforms, but also among the owners. This moment will truly attract a new number of users, which has a positive effect on the popularity of cryptocurrency. Imagine that in six months, the capitalization of peercoins was over one hundred and thirty million.

Namecoin: advantages of mining

This currency is significantly different from other cryptocurrencies. Since this is a currency that is used as an alternative to the DNS server system.

Moreover, this is a very popular problem for an impressive number of owners of web portals and other resources on the Internet who are simply not happy with ICANN. After all this organization specializes in the distribution of domain names, due to this, it is possible to fix any provided name.

As a result, it turns out that namecoin is used as an alternative to DNS, and entry is accepted as payment for extending the duration of use of the domain name.

Thanks to modern method cryptographic encryption, users do not have to worry about their data. The owner or the system can remove or use the provided Domain name, if there is no payment for two hundred and fifty days. Interest is increasing due to the fact that the authors of namecon promise to provide the owners of this cryptocurrency with browser support for formed domain names.

Quarkcoin is a reliable and popular option for mining

For many, this currency is the leader among all existing species, for which this is a contradiction. In general, cryptocurrency is popular due to its increased security. Transactions go through nine ciphers, plus six different ciphers are used. The reason for its popularity is that there are those who prefer a certain risk. If you look at the statistics, you will notice that the number of users increased in a matter of hours.

This year is characterized by a surge in the popularity of cryptocurrencies. During the first half of the year, the digital currency demonstrated amazing dynamics, characterized by an increase in value. Such events have aroused great interest, with many members of the public considering cryptocurrency as an effective investment tool.

After the emergence in 2009 of the world's first Bitcoin cryptocurrency, many similar monetary systems began to appear. Today there are about 800 of them.

To get your bearings in such a quantity, it is worth considering the current rating of cryptocurrencies in 2018, which have a higher level of capitalization and high rate at the time of publication.

More on the topic:

Rate: $16.30

Capitalization: $1,593,187,562

The Stratis cryptocurrency ranks 10th, but a significant increase in popularity is predicted for it in the near future.

The development of this currency is based on the blockchain system; its authors set themselves the main goal of creating the simplest and most accessible currency possible.

A characteristic feature of Stratis is its unique platform, convenient for working with enterprise applications. A team of programmers has developed a flexible blockchain system with closed code. They took advantage current updates, which ensured more reliable security.

The platform allows you to develop applications in C# and .NET, which attracts companies interested in using cryptocurrency. Users benefit greatly from transaction secrecy.

The Stratis cryptocurrency is developing rapidly, and there is a tendency for a significant increase in rate and popularity among its analogues.

9. Monero

Rate: $345

Capitalization: $5,383,948,041

Monero appeared 3 years ago, and during this period it was able to get into the top 10 most popular cryptocurrencies of 2018.

Monero is a separate cryptocurrency and is not a fork of Bitcoin. The main goal of its creators is to ensure maximum anonymity of users’ personal data when making transactions, which is guaranteed by the CryptoNote protocol.

CryptoNote's unique code applies ring signatures using one-time keys when making monetary transactions.

A surge of interest in this currency occurred 2 years ago (summer 2016), when unofficial online markets began to use it as a means of payment.

Monero is considered a promising currency that attracts investors with its potential. Developers are improving it and using new cryptocurrency technologies.


Rate: $3.07

Capitalization: $8,540,644,035

IOTA appeared at the beginning of 2014, it is unique look cryptocurrency, which is distinguished by its originality. It has entered the top list of cryptocurrencies and its value has confident prospects, as evidenced by the rather impressive volume of capitalization.

The main task of IOTA developers is to create the Internet of Things, in other words, to ensure communication with gadgets on the Internet. It is a crypto-token optimized for the use of the Internet of Things as a means of payment.

The development of IOTA cryptocoins is based on the Tangle consensus method. The creators made this decision to provide users with free transactions. They also took care of increasing the speed of cash transactions. After all, it is known that with currencies based on the blockchain system, there is a decrease in the speed of transactions, and the commission for making them increases.

7. Dash

Rate: $900

Capitalization: $6,980,825,563

The founder of the Dash cryptocurrency, which he undertook to develop after the advent of Bitcoin, set the goal of making the confidentiality of users’ personal data more secure.

The new cryptocurrency is characterized by the following features:

  • Mining new crypto coins does not require too much energy resources.
  • Each user has equal rights and opportunities to participate in the development of the monetary system.
  • Using not one, but a group of algorithms.

Thanks to the PrivateSend service, transactions are mixed and split into equal parts. After this, the amount of crypto coins is sent to the recipient’s wallet.

If for today cryptocurrency Dash in the list of the most promising cryptocurrencies of 2018, it remains in 7th place, perhaps very soon its rating will jump to higher positions. This conclusion arises from an analysis of the exchange rate dynamics: over the past month it has increased 10 times.

6. NEM

Rate: $1.13

Capitalization: $10,154,281,280

NEM is a Japanese digital currency created in 2015, widely used in Japan and gradually gaining its adherents from other countries. Its development, based on the private Mijin network, was intended for use in banking operations. It attracted the attention of Japan's largest bank (SBI Sumishin Net Bank), which spent three months carefully studying the capabilities of the Mijin system. There is an interesting positive point— high speed of transactions: about 3 thousand per 1 second.

A distinctive feature of this cryptocurrency is the use of the original open source and the use of interesting innovations, in particular the POI algorithm.

Despite the low cost, the potential of this cryptocurrency is quite high. If you expand it to the countries of the Asian continent, you can count on success. Can't miss enough high rating capitalization of cryptocurrencies, which also confirms the trend towards increasing popularity of NEM cryptocoins.

This digital currency is attractive to experienced traders who prefer to save assets until the right moment, focusing on the long term.

5. Ethereum Classic

Rate: $33

Capitalization: $3,254,056,501

Ethereum Classic is a hard fork of the Ethereum cryptocurrency. Cryptographers disconnected part of the blocks from Ethereum after an error was made in the system, which was taken advantage of by computer scammers, who committed hacker attack and stole one third ($50 million) of the crypto treasury.

Ethereum Classic is on the 2018 list of cryptocurrencies to mine: it is much easier to mine than Bitcoin. Miners are not required to build large-scale farms, spend huge amounts of money on energy resources and renting premises for the miner. To receive new crypto coins, an ordinary powerful PC is enough.

Despite the low rate of Ethereum Classic, its prospects cannot be denied. Crypto traders see it as a real option to make money on stock trading, and investors see it as a tool for profitable investments.

4. Litecoin

Rate: $206

Capitalization: $11,292,850,279

Litecoin was created at the end of 2011 as a fork of Bitcoin.

It has some differences from military-technical cooperation:

  • The emission of cryptocoins is significantly higher than Bitcoins (84 million LTC).
  • Transactions are completed four times faster (in just 2.5 minutes).

In the mining community, Litecoin is called “digital silver” (Bitcoin is “digital gold”). Litecoin is stable and does not lose its popularity; it is among the top 10 cryptocurrencies of 2018 by capitalization.

It has a lot in common with military-technical cooperation:

  • Similar mining method.
  • Lack of centralized management.
  • Limited emissions.
  • User anonymity.
  • Inability to cancel a transaction.
  • Storing crypto coins in electronic wallet, which is part of the entire monetary system.

To become the owner of new Litecoins, mining is used, for which you need powerful computers. As a result, for every correct solution the miner receives a reward in the form of digital coins.

You can also earn them using faucets, which are offered by many services. You can purchase or exchange digital coins at and at exchange offices.

3. Ripple

Rate: $1.68

Capitalization: $65,122,408,104

Ripple is a full-fledged digital monetary system, appeared in 2012. Its authors pursued the goal of creating a system with maximum security for transactions on any scale. They managed to achieve an amazing effect. Thanks to the use of distribution registers, it is guaranteed reliable security for users of the Ripple cryptocurrency.

The Ripple protocol is used in the work of banks and payment networks. Ability to make quick Money transfers with low commission, do not lose money when converting currencies, attracts users. All this contributes to positive forecasts regarding the development of this monetary system.

2. Ethereum

Rate: $1,100

Capitalization: $106,349,358,908

Ethereum, a cryptocurrency that appeared just 2 years ago, has gained the trust of users so much that it took second place in the ranking of the best cryptocurrencies of 2018.

When developing Ethereum, blockchain technology was used. The creator of this cryptocurrency took care of improving this system and introduced “smart contracts” into the development, which open up wider opportunities for use in various fields of activity.

An open platform makes blockchain much easier to operate. This fact was noticed and appreciated by such well-known companies as Microsoft, IBM, Acronis, Sberbank.

Ethereum is a more advanced system than Bitcoin. She introduced an alternative legal system that eliminates the intervention of lawyers or judicial authorities. This is a special open platform for guaranteed computing.

Rate: $12,000

Capitalization: $200,402,547,335

Bitcoin is the world's first digital currency, created in early 2009. According to one version, its author is the Japanese programmer Satoshi Nakamoto. There are opinions that a group of developers is hiding behind this name.

The appearance of this currency changed people's consciousness and opened up a new vision of the nature of money. Cryptocurrency is a serious alternative to the traditional financial system. Experts believe that thanks to its unique qualities, it could qualify for the status of a world currency.

Bitcoins (BTC) are capable of performing all the functions of regular paper money in terms of transactions. More and more trade and service industries are introducing it into the list of currencies suitable for payments for purchases or services. Along with its striking similarity to fiduciary money, Bitcoin has a number of distinctive features:

  • Decentralization - the absence of a control center.
  • Openness of transactions.
  • There is no government control.
  • User anonymity.
  • Inflation is excluded due to the limitation of emissions to 21 million BTC.

Thanks to the availability of open source, programmers are using it to create many new cryptocurrencies. But Bitcoin firmly holds the leading position and is considered the most successful digital currency in the world.

Cryptocurrency is gradually conquering the minds of people who are interested in everything new that can positively affect the quality of life. Cryptocurrency is attractive due to its ease of use, confidentiality and security. Owners of large capital consider it as the most promising area for investment.

A crypto exchange is a trading platform that allows users to buy and sell, store and exchange cryptocurrencies. The principle of operation of such platforms is similar to currency, commodity and stock exchanges - prices are determined by the market, according to the “supply/demand” principle for each token.

In addition to cryptocurrency trading, crypto exchanges also provide the opportunity to store coins. However, we do not recommend storing your assets on exchange platforms, as this is very unsafe when you are not actively trading - you should store crypto assets in (preferably hardware Trezor or Ledger).

We have prepared a selection of the most reliable and convenient crypto exchanges as of 2019. Cryptocurrency trading platforms great amount, but we advise using only the largest and most time-tested ones, since they are the most secure, and security is a very pressing issue for the young cryptocurrency market.

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Criteria for choosing a reliable cryptocurrency exchange

If you are mining digital coins using or on , you cannot avoid using cryptocurrency exchanges to convert cryptocurrency into fiat (rubles, dollars or euros) or diversify your investments by exchanging one cryptocurrency for another.

Let’s clarify right away that if your ultimate goal is a one-way exchange (one-time purchase or sale) without subsequent trading, then it is easier to use because They are much more convenient and faster to use, and the commission, including withdrawals, is approximately the same as on crypto exchanges. But if you plan to make transactions on a regular basis or purchase coins that are beyond the TOP 10 by capitalization, then you cannot do without the help of a cryptocurrency exchange.

For what you reveal the best exchange cryptocurrencies, you should pay attention to the following important points:

  • Reliability rating and reputation. How best reviews about the exchange on popular crypto forums such as bitcointalk or Reddit, the better you sleep at night. You should not deposit funds on an exchange with a controversial reputation. We advise you to listen to the advice and experience of other users and choose proven sites.
  • Commission size. All cryptocurrency exchanges, like any other exchangers, charge some percentage of commission for their services. It varies depending on the exchange, with an average of 0.2%. IN Lately exchanges do not set a constant commission amount, but make it dynamic: the commission percentage decreases with increasing trading volume.
  • Number of trading pairs. The greater the selection of currency pairs offered on the exchange, the more tools you have for making money. These can be either the most popular highly liquid cryptocurrencies (TOP 10 at your disposal) or less liquid altcoins. However, you need to remember that quantity is not always the key to success. It is much more important to have an optimal set of trading pairs that can provide an efficient and effective trading process.
  • Daily cash flow. The higher the trading volume of the exchange, the greater the prospects for earning money you get. An exchange where the trading volume is $50 per day is unlikely to provide you with high earnings. The exchange’s high daily turnover indicates its success, popularity and influence throughout the cryptocurrency market.
  • Payment options. A wide range of payment methods gives you more options for transactions with digital assets. Thus, some exchanges work exclusively with cryptocurrencies and do not support fiat money, while others allow the use of any monetary assets.
  • Requirements for user verification. On different exchanges, the requirements for new users may differ: some set strict limits and severely limit trading opportunities, others are more loyal to unverified users, but set a limit for daily trading turnover. There are also exchanges that do not require identity verification, allowing users to remain completely anonymous.
  • Convenient user interface. The more tools for analysis and statistics on the exchange and the more comfortable it is to use them, the faster and more efficient the trading process will be. It is also important to have statistics on ongoing operations and tools for technical and graphical analysis, which allow you to correctly assess the market situation.
  • Location of the trading exchange. Some sites operating in one state may be closed to users from other countries. Most often, these are Japanese and South Korean exchanges, which are very attractive for cryptocurrency transactions, but are available only to residents of these countries. Keeping your shirt closer to your body also works in the case of cryptocurrency exchanges and other trading platforms. After all, the better you understand all the processes carried out on the stock exchange, the more effective your trading will be.
  • Responsiveness of the support service. The faster and more productive it works, the more transactions with cryptocurrencies you can carry out, and also receive professional help if a problem occurs.

Next, based on all these parameters, we will consider the most popular, proven and reliable resources where you can buy, sell and exchange your cryptocurrencies for fiat money or other cryptocoins.

Today we will look at TOP 15 cryptocurrency exchanges known today. They are based in different countries, but provide access to the system for residents around the world. Including Russia and CIS countries.

Some exchanges are blocked for users from Russia. To access their sites, use a proxy to spoof your IP. For example for Chrome browsers and Firefox is very convenient free plugin ZenMate.

How can a beginner choose a cryptocurrency exchange?

Often, beginners or traders uninitiated in the secrets of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies encounter many difficulties when starting to work with cryptocurrency exchanges. Of course, the mechanisms, functionality and assets are quite unusual, however, you can figure it out.

  • trade turnover (volume)– the most objective indicator demonstrating the current popularity of the site. If there are a lot of traders, it means large volumes trading, therefore, the quality of the exchange is good;
  • reputation backgroundnecessary companion any exchange project. This requires competent interpretation of reviews, comments and other user impressions;
  • commission fees. This parameter is seriously taken into account by all crypto exchanges, since it is very easy to attract new clients with such numbers. You need to compare and calculate options. Anyone, even 0.005%, matters;
  • geographical limits– there are cryptocurrency exchanges that set access restrictions for residents of specific countries. Residents of other countries may be denied service. As an example, we can cite traders from the United States who are prohibited from accessing many cryptocurrency exchanges and more;
  • conversion rates. All cryptocurrency exchanges try to offer their own rates. Sometimes the difference reaches more than 11%.

Rating of cryptocurrency exchanges by trading volume

The most reliable exchanges are those with the highest cash turnover. Each exchange has its own advantages or disadvantages. One may have many trading pairs, while another may have convenient ways deposit and withdrawal of money, low commissions, the third - user-friendly interface. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to one exchange, but register and work on several.

# Cryptocurrency exchange Site address 24 hour trading volume (BTC)
1 Binance 275’365 ,9034
2 Huobi 256’680 ,8935
3 OKEx 157’316 ,7545
4 Bitfinex 95’034 ,6567
5 Bittrex 66’830 ,7056
6 Hitbtc 50’349 ,2127
7 Poloniex 48’402 ,6644
8 Exmo 10’722 ,6003
9 Yobit 6’840 ,1285
10 Livecoin 4’644 ,3276

The financial turnover shown by a trading exchange indicates its scale, success and influence in the cryptocurrency market. Daily trading volume is the most important indicator, which clearly reflects the degree of popularity and demand of the exchange among traders.

To be at the top in terms of trading volumes means to have larger number active users who daily carry out large transactions with various crypto coins (both top ones in terms of capitalization and new young currencies). The rating is based on data on current trading volumes on each of the presented platforms. We propose to consider these exchanges for trading in 2019.

Top cryptocurrency exchanges are distinguished not only by a wide range of pairs, but also high degree reliability and the best quotes.

This list of cryptocurrency exchanges includes better site for trading for 2019. As Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other coins constantly grow and attract the attention of new traders and miners, new services for currency conversion are appearing on the network. However, they do not have a high level of trust and reliability, so their trading volumes are low and we did not include them in our rating.

Five best crypto exchanges with Russian language support

Agree, it is always more convenient and clearer to use services that support the language through which you build daily communication.

The likelihood of success on the cryptocurrency exchange will be much higher with a maximum understanding of all the mechanisms taking place.

Therefore, the presence of a Russian-language website and a convenient trading interface are undoubted advantages of the exchange when it comes to Russian-speaking users. Russian exchanges are developed for Russia and the CIS countries, which means that local realities and market characteristics, as well as the wishes and capabilities of the local audience are taken into account. They are better suited than other trading platforms for trading in Russian and for buying cryptocurrency for rubles.

# Exchange Address Language support
1 Binance
2 KuCoin

Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German

3 Yobit

Russian, English, Chinese

4 Exmo

Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian

5 Livecoin

Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian

TOP 15 best crypto exchanges for 2019

Cryptocurrency exchanges are constantly working to give users the opportunity to deposit funds conveniently and profitably, but not all platforms work with fiat yet. We present brief reviews of the largest and most reputable cryptocurrency exchanges. This list, will help you choose the most suitable site.


It's relative new exchange, which started operating in 2017, and during this time it has gained popularity among users. Currently, the Binance exchange is one of the TOP 5 exchanges in terms of daily trading volume. The headquarters of the Binance exchange is located in Hong Kong, which gives greater reliability than the jurisdictions of other exchanges.

Binance stands out from its competitors with low fees for trading on the platform (0.1%) and fast processing transactions. Binance technology allows the exchange to process up to 1.4 million orders per second.

The Binance cryptocurrency exchange website has a Russian-language version of the interface. Users also have access to versions in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and French. The interface is quite convenient and multifunctional.

The exchange has received support from such large companies as Nomura, Accenture, Morgan Stanley and SBI Group. As part of the ICO, several large investors from China and other countries also joined in financing the project. The company's general director announced his intention to strictly comply with the requirements of legislative regulation.

Advantages and Pros of the Binance Exchange:

  • #1 exchange in the world in terms of trading volume;
  • founded in 2017, but has already managed to overtake the world's leading exchanges in terms of average daily trading volume;
  • the fastest growing Chinese exchange with its own BNB cryptocurrency, which was created with the aim of raising initial funding with the help of;
  • traders are attracted by low commissions - 0.1%;
  • It is important to note the high performance: the exchange processes up to 1.4 million orders per second;
  • the site supports the most popular cryptocurrencies and makes it possible to create a wallet for each of them;
  • provides a wide range of professional tools for trading and analytics.
  • Transaction commission is only 0.1%;
  • There is no commission for entering any cryptocurrency;
  • Verification is not required;
  • Availability of a trading application on a mobile device;
  • Convenient and fast interface.









HitBTC has been operating since 2013 and is a trading platform with beautiful design, a fast engine, multi-currency support and the ability to trade both various cryptocurrencies and tokens.

  • British cryptocurrency exchange, operating since 2015, which is very popular among bot traders;
  • especially attractive low commissions (0.1%) And optimal number of currency pairs(focus on core markets);
  • quick registration And easy navigation Online;
  • advanced interface with effective tools for analytics and analysis;
  • availability of demo mode: the exchange allows you to try trading in real market conditions without investing money;
  • high security user accounts.

To deposit and withdraw funds in foreign currency, the user needs to undergo verification. But even without this procedure, you can use the HitBTC service. True, then only cryptocurrencies will be available for input and output.

To pass verification you need to provide the following information:

  • country of residence;
  • date of birth;
  • address;
  • scans of documents and so on.


Decentralized exchanges

Types of withdrawal and trading fees

Users of cryptocurrency exchanges must pay certain types fees to use the site's services. The most common types of fees:

  • commissions on deposits and withdrawals from the exchange account,
  • charging commissions for trading activities (per transaction).

Deposit and withdrawal fees usually depend on the type of transfer. Bank transfers, replenishment from bank cards and the use of alternative payment systems differ in terms of commission. Cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals are usually free, you only need to pay a transaction fee, which is paid to the miners. Now it is even lower if the exchange uses SegWit transactions.

Another common type of payment is a trading fee, which is paid as a percentage of each transaction made on the platform. Trading fees typically range from 0.1% to 0.25%, but can be up to 1% of the trading amount charged for placing orders on the exchange.

Some sites are offered various conditions for market makers and takers. A market maker is a trader who places an order in the order book (sells), that is, he makes the market, and a taker is a trader who buys, that is, reduces liquidity, removes assets from the exchange. Maker fees are therefore always lower compared to takers, as in this case users provide liquidity to the market, which benefits the trading platform.

Some cryptocurrency exchanges do not require you to pay any trading fees. Such exchanges are increasingly popular, but still do not offer high liquidity. In addition, the lack of transaction fees may be compensated by high fees for withdrawing funds from the exchange.

Rating of exchanges based on the amount of commission charged when trading

Information on commissions charged by exchanges for transactions carried out is in free access and is usually published on the official website of the exchange. Therefore one of important criteria choosing a trading platform is, of course, the size of the transaction fee, because on different platforms you will find different numbers. Obviously, the lower the commission, the higher your earnings will be.

TOP 6 exchanges with minimal fees

  • Trading fees are the lowest among trusted and popular exchanges, with a 0.1% fee on transactions and an even lower fee if you use Binance tokens.
  • is a Bitcoin and altcoin exchange with many currency pairs, including fiat. Replenishment different ways, there are commission-free options (through Capitalist and cryptocurrency). Per transaction with small trading volumes - 0.18%. It is aimed at the Russian market, but has little liquidity.
  • HitBTC takes a 0.1% commission from both the maker and the taker.
  • Bitfinex allows you to trade for 0.1% if you sell and 0.2% if you buy.
  • At, the commission for the maker is set from 0.16% to 0% depending on the volume, for the taker - 0.1–0.2%.
  • GDAX (only from Coinbase) is free for makers and 0.25% for takers. Also from itBit.

As you know, all cryptocurrencies showed a tremendous increase in price in 2017. Most of them grew tenfold. The difficulty of cryptocurrency mining reaches a new peak every week. The growth rate reaches an exponential curve:

And apparently this is just the beginning.

There are a large variety of cryptocurrencies (more than 1000). Some of them are appearing and emerging right now. The choice is very large. Let's look at the top 10 most promising cryptocurrencies in which you should invest money now. They have every chance of becoming widely used in the future, which means they will increase in price.

  • Technology Outlook
  • Current capitalization
  • Number of transactions
  • General user interest
  • Recent growth

So, the latest and most relevant top promising cryptocurrencies for investing in 2018.

1. Ethereum (Ethereum, Ether)

Ethereum cryptocurrency is revolutionary for recent years. It appeared only in 2016 (creator Vitaly Buterin). During this time, she managed to grow 1500 times. In 2017, it grew 120 times.

It was only in 2017 that Ethereum began to take first place in the list of the most promising currencies of the future. According to rumors, this coin was purchased largest corporations world: Microsoft, Google, Apple.

Ethereum price rate in dollars ():

In September and October 2017, Ethereum was updated to further improve it. Mining will become extremely difficult for small holders. It is planned to give preference to those who already hold cryptocurrency. This will ensure network security. The idea is that those who have the means have no desire to hack the network.

2. Bitcoin (Bitcoin, Bitcoin)

Bitcoin lost its first place to Ether in 2017 for the first time in the known history of cryptocurrency. Despite everything, Bitcoin remains the most expensive digital currency. Its capitalization is more than $300 billion. Ethereum is still lagging behind in capitalization.

Bitcoin is the oldest of all known cryptocurrencies. It has existed since 2009. It all started with her. Many traders use it as an index.

The future of Bitcoin is almost guaranteed to be positive. Many online stores abroad are starting to accept it for payment. Many countries are starting to legalize it.

You can buy Bitcoin at every cryptocurrency exchanger.

Bitcoin price exchange rate in dollars (online Bitcoin exchange rate):

3. Litecoin (Litecoin, Light)

Litecoin is a fork of Bitcoin. Introduced in 2017 new network LiteNet, which is much faster and more productive.

Litecoin has always kept pace with Bitcoin (I mean growth/decline). But then all the money began to go to BTC, and LTC for a long time cost around $4.

Litecoin cost rate in dollars (online Litecoin rate):

4. DigitalCash (Dash, Dash, “Dasha”)

The Dash cryptocurrency is famous for its revolutionary idea and special x11 creation algorithm. She has an official website, an official company. It is actively developing and conquering new markets. Her growth was almost as phenomenal as Eth's.

Dash has risen in price since the beginning of 2017 from $9 to $200.

Until 2015 it had a different name - Darkcoin

Dash is characterized by high anonymity. Transactions on the network are almost impossible to track.

Dash value rate in dollars (Dash online rate):

5. ZeroCash (ZCASH, ZEC, Zcash)

ZCash is developed by Zerocoin Electric Coin Company (Zooko Wilcox - founder and CEO). The first launch took place on January 20, 2016. ZEC mining began at 17:10 London time with the release of the 1.0.0 "Sprout" release on October 28, 2016.

At the start of trading, ZEC was worth $2 million. On the same day, the price fell to 30,000 thousand dollars, which still seems like a cosmic price.

Transactions in ZCash cannot be tracked, so there will always be high interest in this currency. It has the important property of absolute anonymity.

A distinctive feature of ZCash is also the complete lack of correlation with other cryptocurrencies. It feels like the coin completely lives its own life.

ZCash value rate in dollars (ZCash online rate):

We will consider the remaining cryptocurrencies in less detail.

6. Bitcoin Cash

On August 1, 2017, a fork of Bitcoin appeared - Bitcoin Cash. The entire history of this cryptocurrency until August 1 is the same as that of the main parent.

On crypto exchanges its ticker is BCH. Do not confuse with BCC (BitConnect)!.

Creators Bitcoin Cash We improved the code a little and now transactions are faster. Mining power also began to be updated more often.

After the appearance of Bitcoin Cash, it immediately took third place in the world in terms of currency capitalization. Its prospects have not yet been precisely determined, but judging by the active interest and proven technology, we can safely assume that in the future this cryptocurrency will be among the top ones.

7. DogeCoin (DOGE, Dogecoin)

Dogecoin was created in 2014. The encryption algorithm is the same as Litecoin - Scrypt. In fact, this is the same Litecoin. However, there can be an infinite number of coins here. They are extremely cheap. Their popularity is due to their logo.

Bitcoin for last day increased by 2.31%, reaching $8,935, traders expect to overcome the $9,000 threshold in the near future and are analyzing other reliable cryptocurrencies for investment. remains the most stable asset, but the rise in altcoins last week was a good sign for day traders.

The success of EOS and other cryptocurrencies has attracted both disillusioned investors to the market who are now hoping to recoup their losses, as well as newcomers intending to take advantage of the winning moment.

Analysts note an unprecedented increase in purchasing activity on stock exchanges. After the total market capitalization increases by 120 billion, a sharp increase in the value of cryptocurrencies is expected. Are there reliable methods to form your portfolio correctly?

General situation on the cryptocurrency market

In December 2017, the percentage of buy orders was 88%; today, according to TurtleBC, it reaches 92%. This does not mean that major cryptocurrencies are in for a multi-fold increase, but it could be a reliable sign of a reversal.

After every significant increase in value, investors rush to take profits. Just yesterday, the price of BCH instantly fell from $1,172 to $1,017, after which it gradually returned to its previous values.

Considering the jumps in the price of altcoins, analyst Thomas Lee is convinced that Bitcoin remains the most reliable investment, and by the end of the year its value will increase by 225%:

We are confident that BTC will remain attractive to investors who value an adequate risk-reward ratio; by the end of the year, the rate could reach 25 thousand.

Expert opinion is confirmed by a number of reliable factors:

  1. large businesses are beginning to become interested in cryptocurrencies - leading players from Wall Street are entering the market;
  2. the influx of capital contributes to the development of technology and the popularization of use;
  3. The number of jobs in the blockchain sector doubled in the first quarter, the most famous exchangers expanded their staff - companies are preparing for an influx of investors.

Will EOS be a safer investment than Litecoin?

This cryptocurrency managed to overtake LTC in capitalization by 1 billion USD; today EOS tokens are bought for $11.71, only for last 24 hours the cost increased by 10%. The goal of the developers is to create new architecture blockchain.

Thanks to original solution scaling problems, the project is considered reliable and is a huge success. Rising demand on Asian exchanges and sharp price hikes may be symptoms of manipulation.

Despite this, EOS is considered one of the most reliable and promising projects created on the Ethereum platform. In the second quarter, it will become clear whether it can compete with cryptocurrencies that have managed to gain the trust of users.

What to expect from LTC

The price dynamics on the Litecoin charts over the past few days have been rather disappointing, but the cryptocurrency continues to be considered reliable. Instead of the expected rise to $155, the price fluctuates around $150 while BTC, Monero and Bitcoin Cash show consistent growth.

In the medium term, experts expect to overcome the $200 mark. Initially, these forecasts were associated only with the end of the tax season, but recent news about the listing on TenX made traders believe in the reliable prospects of the cryptocurrency. The South Korean exchange intends to create a fulfillment of the promises of the failed LitePay:

We are happy to announce a new joint project. Working with the Litecoin Foundation, we plan to issue a credit card for payments and hope to become the most popular and reliable platform among LTC holders.

The success of the project will increase the attractiveness of the cryptocurrency in the eyes of investors and will allow Litecoin to update the record values ​​recorded at the peak of interest.

What are the criteria for reliable cryptocurrencies? Tell us about it in the comments to the article.