Schema org plugin. Micro markup plugin for better recognition by robots

Hello! We continue to analyze the most interesting and most useful plugins for a WordPress site! Today you will learn how to add markup to your site to display Rich Snippets. This plugin is very useful for SEO search engine optimization site. It also helps increase CTR and site ranking. What is good and useful about this plugin:

– Works great with Google, Bing, Yahoo and Facebook.

– Supports most content types.

– Displays in search results:

  • Photo.
  • Video.
  • Author.
  • Price.
  • Star rating.
  • Recipes.

You can install the plugin directly from WordPress admin panels. Go to page: Plugins – Add new , enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.

Configuration. Here you can fill in the default snippet data. If you do not provide information for separate page, then the data specified here will be displayed for it.

– Item review, review, review, review.

– Events, events.

– Product, product.

- Recipe, recipe.

– Software Application, program, application.

– Video, video.

– Article, article, record.

– Service, service, services, maintenance.

Click on the tab to open and fill it out. Fill out the snippet fields and click on the button – Update.

– Box Background, box background color.

– Title Background, title background color.

Border Color, border or border color.

– Title Color, title color.

– Snippet Text Color, text color in the snippet.

– Update colors, save changes.

Note! if you are using Woocommerce plugin, you can integrate this plugin with Woocommerce products.

Next, go to the page for creating or editing a post or page. At the bottom of the page you will have a special box “Configure Rich Snippet”. Here you can add snippet data for an individual page.

Example, if you have a page with a recipe, then select the option "Recipe" and fill in all required fields. Refresh the page.

Greetings, dear blog readers. website !

Today I will share with you the skills of correct site micro markup. You will learn why it is needed, what elements need to be marked and how to do it quickly and efficiently.

Did you know that 90% of sites today do not use micro markup?! Before they have time to understand their mistakes, you can overtake them by a step or even more than one and go ahead. Believe me, micro markup will highlight your resource among search engines as the highest quality!

By the way, I recently wrote about. If you have not yet created a map on your website, be sure to read this article.

So let's get down to business. First, check out the main points of our topic.

What is microsite layout and why is it needed?

I'll try to explain it simpler. Micro markup on a website is special attributes that show search engines what is on your website. That is, it sets, one might say, signal flags to which the robot pays special attention and structures the data.

If you want to see approximately how a search engine sees your site, then press and hold simultaneously ctrl+u and you'll see source pages. Everything is there: scripts, styles, pictures, comments, headings, blocks, etc.

And if you think that the search engine itself will guess which of these is which, then you are mistaken. This is approximately how a search robot sees a site if there is no markup.

For them he is like a driver on this drunken road.

No, of course, search engine algorithms are being improved and automated every day. But if you want to create a high-quality resource that will be quickly indexed and displayed in the TOP, then adding micro markup to the site is simply necessary. There shouldn’t even be a question about whether to make markings or not. If you do markup, your project is already one step ahead of those sites that do not have it. And as a result, for a search engine, your blog will be like a neat board with stickers, each of which carries its own meaning.

Everything is clear and structured

If you still don’t understand what website micro markup is, then take a look this video is from Yandex:

How to check a website's micro-markup

To check whether your resource has micro markup and what its condition is, just follow this link and enter in top line address of your resource. It is possible that in response it will be written that the micro markup was not detected, or a Warning will appear - this means that something needs to be corrected. That's all, let's look at it as it is, let's move on.

Micro markup header on a website for WordPress

I will say right away that in different topics WordPress may look different, so the micro-markup of the site may differ slightly. But the principle is the same everywhere.

First of all, let's add micro-markup for the blog title and description. In the panel wordpress management In chapter Appearance– Editor find the file header.php, You can also find this and subsequent files in file manager hosting in the folder with your theme.

Finding the tag header and inside the tag we write

itemscope itemtype=""

itemscope tells the robot that something will be described inside this tag.

itemtype tells what exactly will be described. - we inform you that we'll talk about WordPress blog header.

We are looking for a place where the blog name is displayed, it usually looks like this - and is in the tag

. Inside the h1 tag we write itemprop=”headline”. It should look something like this


add itemprop="description". Like this:


I repeat again, in every WordPress theme different styles And different structure, so I’m only writing about the principle of adding micro-markup to a site.

Thus, in the header.php file we showed the robot the name and description of our blog.

Next time I will write how to make micro markup, posts, comments, etc. I recommend subscribing to my newsletter so as not to miss updates from my blog.

How do you like the article? Did you manage to start implementing micro markup? Subscribe in the comments.


Hi all. Have you decided to add micro markup to your website? But this is too complicated and troublesome, you need to know a programming language, you think. To owners of sites on a wonderful CMS WordPress there's nothing to worry about. There are a bunch of different plugins that expand the capabilities of WordPress. One of these is micro markup plugin for wordpress.

Micromarking, or semantic markup, is special tags built into a website template that structure data on a website page and allow search engine robots to better distinguish the type of content. Micro-markup makes pages more understandable for search engine robots, and they, in turn, make expanded descriptions of the content of the web page in search results. Extended descriptions make the site more noticeable and more attractive than competitors in searches. More noticeable means it will lead to an increase in visitors from search.

It is worth considering that rich snippets are not the main ranking factor for a website. First of all, it is useful and unique, meeting the user’s request.

The main type of microdata announced by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex is Here is a video in which Yandex explains why micro markup is needed.

Using markup, we inform the robots about the following: this is the title of the post, this is the author, date of publication, address, contacts, image, comments...

All in One Rich Snippets

To avoid tinkering with the code yourself, we’ll use the micro markup plugin for WordPress sites All In One Rich Snippets. One of the most popular plugins for micro markup. Necessary .

A Rich Snippets button will appear on the left side of the menu; after clicking, you can configure the plugin. Plugin on English language, no translation. But it’s clear. Log in from the Chrome browser and enable page translation. Let's look at the plugin settings.

Setting up the All In One Rich Snippets plugin

Configuration section - Configuration. Fill in the data. If you do not fill in the fields for each individual article, the data you provide here will be displayed.

  • Item Review - review, review.
  • Events - event.
  • Person - author, person.
  • Product - product, product.
  • Recipe - recipe.
  • Software Application - software.
  • Video - video.
  • Article - article.
  • Service - service, services.

After clicking on any tab, fields will appear that must be filled in when writing an article.

Section Customization - Settings. Here you design the appearance of the snippet.

  • Box Background—background color.
  • Title Background - title background color.
  • Border Color—border color.
  • Title Color - title color
  • Snippet Text Color — color of the snippet text.

If the site has the WooCommerce plugin installed, which by default comes with the code, the developers do not recommend connecting the All In One Rich Snippets plugin to it. as it will create a duplicate circuit, which is not recommended.

FAQ section - Questions. Answers to popular questions.

On the post creation page (page) below text editor The Configuration Rich Snippet box will appear.

Here you fill out the data for each blog entry.

This is how, using the micro-markup plugin for Wordpress, you can add extended snippets and help bots in their work. The results of implementing micro markup can only be observed after the next update.

Some WordPress templates, mostly paid premium ones, have micro markup. There are also free ones, like the theme of this site, which has automatic micro-partitioning of articles.

Good luck to you!

Let's continue to deal with micro markup. If you haven’t read mine yet, I highly recommend doing so.

It is not big, but it gives the necessary understanding of what we will talk about.

First of all, let's determine what markup is applied on the blog by default, and what errors Google and Yandex validators produce.

Let's go to Google Tool Tips for web masters - Your website - Search view - Structured data.

As you can see, my blog uses markup, that is, it has already been embedded in the template files, and in 151 elements an error is thrown.

My hosting provides daily backup, and during this experiment, I restored the blog twice.

First of all, we will delete the entire cache of the site; if you have a plugin installed, we will disable it, and we will also clear the browser cache.

This is necessary so that when checking completed actions in Web Master Tools, the service does not cling to saved copies. uses a lot of markup formats. This:

hcard - organizations and people

hatom - news feeds

hCalendar - events

hProduct - products

hReview - product reviews

hRecipe - culinary recipes

And that's not yet full list. As Wikipedia very accurately puts it: “Here are the most famous of them.” And all of them, or only some, may be present in the blog code.

But the most interesting thing is that in the form in which they are presented in this list, it is impossible to find them in the code.

These markup formats are introduced into the code as classes with properties assigned to each format. And there are quite a lot of these properties too.

For example, the hcard format is displayed in the code as an attribute, or class, of the vcard container, and its properties, as class="fn" or class="n", which in turn is also a container, and so on.

And if the first class is applied to the name, then the second, with some additions, is applied to the surname-first name-patronymic.

There are also classes for the organization, its name, address, profile, and so on.

Of course, it is far from a fact that all this is included in your template, but in order to identify what is there, it is advisable to know everything. Or, as in Wikipedia, the most famous.

It feels like no one knows them all. And I have collected the most famous ones in

Okay, in Google Web Master Tools, we determined that markup was embedded in the blog.

Now let's define the formats of this markup that we have.

To do this, we will use the Google tools Structured data verification tool, and Yandex webmaster Check micro markup.

Let's start with Home page, so in order. Enter the address of the Home page in the address field and click Check in both tools.

In the vast majority of cases, Yandex will display a warning, and it will begin with the word “seems.” That is, he doesn’t know for sure, but he feels that something is wrong.

We do the same at Google. More detailed information will be provided here. Google will show you what formats it sees on your site and what errors there are in them.

This is exactly what we need.

First comes the Publisher. And most likely, you will receive a message: The page does not contain a publisher tag.

If this is the case, then for the publisher tag to appear, you need to create an account on Google+, log into your Profile, go to Posts, and copy the address indicated in address bar browser.

This address will then need to be linked to the pages of our site, and there are two options for this.

1. If you have the All In plugin installed One SEO Pack, go to the Console - SEO Tools— Basic, scroll down to the Settings section Google services, and paste the copied address into the Profile line on the Google+ network.

We update the settings and check the page in the tools. You should see a green message indicating that the publisher tag has been verified.

2. If you do not have the All In One SEO Pack plugin, then the address must be inserted into the Text widget, in your widget panel, as a link.

This widget can be placed in any area and checked in the same way as in point 1.

The next format usually present in a blog by default is hatom.

Since it works in RSS feeds, and other update tracking services, it is better not to delete it, but to correct the errors in it.

As you can see from the picture, I get the error Missing required field “updated” in this format.

The fact that this error belongs to this particular format can be determined using Cheat Sheets. You can immediately see from them that the updated property is used in the hatom format.

We will fix it.

This is a creative matter, and for each topic it may turn out to be purely individual.

Firstly, in my TwentiTen theme, on static pages, the publication date is not displayed, and the error is precisely that I do not have data on updating the date and time of publication of articles.

Means static pages, for now, leave it alone and move on to recording. The time and date of publication are there, and you need to set the update property to them.

You may also have to look for your own solution to eliminate the error, so let’s see how you can be guaranteed to find its cause.

To do this, we will use the good old tool.

Open the page in Chrome browser, press the F12 key, or click right key mouse and select View element code.

In the web inspector window that opens, we find a line with code that will highlight the date on our page.

This line will be the code element in which you need to look for an error.

Let’s quickly go to Google, that is, insert rel=”bookmark” into search bar browser, let's dive into search results, and we find out that bookmark is a bookmark, and in the hatom format, this property is used as a definition of something permanent, and we are required to update it.

This means you need to remove rel="bookmark" and insert class="updated" in its place. How to do it?

Go to Appearance - Editor, and start looking for the word bookmark in the theme files. For those who don’t yet know how to quickly do this, read.

I found this element in the functions.php file.

We delete it, insert class="updated", update the file, and go check it out in Google Micromarkup Checker Tool.

As you can see, there is one less mistake. That's what they fought for.

Here you need to pay attention to one more point. Perhaps your date output will be implemented completely differently, and you will find the error in another line of code.

You may not need to delete anything, just insert class="updated", but if you really need to remove an element, be sure to check if it is in the style.css file.

After all, any element displayed on the page can be given design styles, and after its removal, the page design can float.

To prevent this from happening, it is not necessary to delete the required element. It is enough to simply rename it. You can remove or add one letter, and the name will become different.

Renaming it to php file, and in the style sheet, you will get rid of the unnecessary element and save the design.

Now let's look at the second error. As the title suggests: Error. Missing required hCard “author”, it refers to the hCard format.

This format contains properties (see Cheat Sheets) that we can replace with properties, so this format It's better to remove it completely.

In the code it is represented by the root class vcard, that is, if there is an hCard in the blog, then in the code it will be vcard.

Let's go to the theme files and look through them for the presence of vcard, not forgetting about style. css.

If it is not in the styles, then simply delete it where it is found. If there is, then rename it.

Then we check the properties of this format in the same way. Moreover, here you need to look at the meaning. For example, the fn property consists of two letters, and these two letters can be part of a word, or the url property can be a real address.

Naturally, there is no need to delete them. Typically, a property in code is the value of a class: class="fn", class="url". These structures can be safely removed. Again, if they are not in the styles. And so on.

After all the steps have been completed and the files have been updated, let’s see what the markup checking tools will show us (the site’s cache is disabled or cleared).

Yandex should report that micro markup was not detected.

And Google should not have red lines in its results.

If so, then your torment is over. If not, then the web inspector is always at your service.

Actually, not satisfied with what had been achieved, and since there were still some things that were not completely clear, I spent some more time searching for information on

It turns out that this issue worries not only the Russian-speaking audience, but also users around the world.

And on all the forums and blogs, there are many more questions than clear answers.

Apparently the confusion and uncoordinated actions of the creators of this technology, and now the dictionary, must correct this situation.

So if someone can't fix errors in structured data, don't be discouraged. Just implement on your blog and everything will be fine.

Hi all! Today I decided to write a powerful article about how to make micro markup on a website. Do you even know what it is? Why is this needed? What effect does micro-marking give in the plan? You will learn all this and something else from this article.

Once upon a time there lived a search engine, it read sites, studied the information on them, indexed some, superimposed on some... He got tired, began to miss some information in the index, so many sites are being created and updated that there is no time for rest. Then he decided to simplify this process and created special attributes and said that if you place them on the site, then it certainly won’t lose anything and all the information contained in these attributes will definitely end up in the index, and the key information in . And since then, those who listened to the words of the search engine began to live happily and were cherished TOP .

Well, but seriously, micro markup is a set of special attributes with which search system Yandex sees the site better; provides a guarantee that all important information will be extracted correctly.

Micro markup helps to collect all the data into a specific, search engine-friendly data sequence (structures the data), which makes it easier last job, for extracting and processing information.

In 2011, all major search engines, such as Google and Yandex (we are most interested in them) announced the introduction of semantic micro-markup.

By the way, here is a good video on micro markup:

How to check micro markup?

Well, if we have figured out what micro-markup is on a Wordpress website and why it is needed, then the question immediately arises: how can you find out if there is semantic micro-markup on a site or in an article?

To do this you need to log in Yandex Webmaster, enter the URL of the site page you are checking and click « Check micro markup".

You can check micro markup on Google Here Similarly.

Micro markup on the WordPress engine

Before you start implementing micro markup, you must first make sure that you do not have it. To check, use a post in which readers left several comments. The fact is that in some free templates has its own format micro-markup "hCard", which contains attributes specifically to describe the person who wrote the content. Those. The surname, nickname, and avatar of the author are indicated. This and any other micro markup must be deleted and only then proceed with configuration microdata .

I can’t tell you how to remove the markup, since the templates are different and each of them requires individual approach. Therefore, if you don’t know how to do it yourself, use the service workzilla. There are a lot of performers and they will set everything up for you for a low price.

After the “left” micro-markup has been removed, let’s proceed to installing the micro-markup First, let's mark the name of the site and its description.

Then insert this code in its brackets:


If there is any code in brackets then "callback=mayak_comment" add an & at the very end of the expression, for example like this:

Now, in order to show search robot on total number comments for a specific article, must be in the file comments.php find next line:

Comments to the entry:

This is again standard templates, yours may differ.

And in this function container add the following attribute:


As a result we get the following:

Comments to the entry:

Semantic markup of contact information

Everything is simple here, insert your contact information into the code template:

Enter the name of the blog

Your index

City where you live

I must say that for such work they charge from 500 rubles and then rarely, mostly from 1000 rubles. After reading this article, you will be able to make micro markup yourself and save money. By at least, even if you order from freelancers, you will be able to adequately check the order.

Do you use semantic markup on your website?

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko