Synchronize data on two computers. Synchronizing data between computers on the local network and the Internet

Synchronizing folders - the File Synchronizer program handles this operation quickly and easily. This is one of the simplest and most understandable means free comparison and duplication of changes in Windows directories.

For successful work The program described below requires the presence of such a device in the operating system important component like Microsoft .NET Framework.

Synchronizing folders with File Synchronizer

There is no need to describe the installation of this program into the system - everything is clear there without unnecessary words. Just a few steps without any " useful additions » — uncheck tricky boxes no reason.

File Synchronizer starts straight to full screen mode . If you don’t like this type of program window, no one forbids you to change it to suit your loved one.

Don't let the English interface scare you - everything is very simple and clear in this folder synchronizer. The algorithm of actions comes down to just a few clicks on the buttons.

So, first you need to select the folders to synchronize in the left section and in the right. I created an empty directory on the disk under the name “Check” and now I am synchronizing it with my favorite album of the magnificent Italian singer Adriano Celentano.


First you need to analyze the contents of the selected folders...

We received a filled catalog in the left section of the window and an empty one in the right. Click on the synchronization icon (in the middle) and receive a notification that the contents of the folders have been successfully synchronized...

Just don’t faint - suddenly empty sections in the program mean that the folders no longer contain different files and are completely the same.

You can make sure that everything is in order and your files are safe and sound by simply opening Windows Explorer. If you have a wonderful system extension installed file manager called Clover, like mine, it will be even more convenient and simpler...

Let's remove the album image from the test folder...

...and let’s analyze again - File Synchronizer will immediately show the file that is missing in the “Check” directory...

Click on the synchronization icon again and restoring justice

By the way, you can choose another option for the contents of folders - for example, clone it in the specified direction...

I almost forgot - the direction of folder synchronization can be changed. Pay attention to the small triangles at the top and bottom of the main button...

They help “compile” our folders to a common denominator in the right direction.

Download File Synchronizer

A small free folder and file synchronizer for everyday needs.

Having two (and sometimes more) computers in home use has long ceased to be perceived as something out of the ordinary. Today at home local network can be found up to ten various devices, both the PCs themselves and all kinds of network drives, DVD and Blue-Ray players, TVs with network access, etc. Even if you don’t have all of the above, you still probably use at least one flash drive to transfer the necessary data. In any case, situations arise when the desired file changes to local computer and you have to manually transfer it to the same flash drive. And if there are several such files, how can you remember to “download” the current copies in time? For all this, there are special programs - synchronizers.

A good synchronizer should be able to work equally with both local folders and removable and remote media information, track changed files in a specified directory and update them in a timely manner in the final folder, work according to a given schedule automatically and/or hidden mode... All these (and some other) capabilities are available in a very small utility DSynchronize. Despite the free status and small size it can easily compete on an equal footing with commercial programs, such as those popular abroad Synchromagic Pro.

Comparison of the DSynchronize program with the paid analogue Synchromagic Pro

DSynchronize has a fairly simple interface and pretty good functionality, so it can be safely offered for both home and corporate use. Another big plus is that the program can work in service mode, which allows to a simple user don’t even think about synchronizing files manually and have only the most current versions at hand, having set up the work schedule once DSynchronize.

The disadvantages of the program (although it depends on who :)) include the inability DSynchronize archive copied files for possible subsequent restoration. The backup function seems to be present in the form of a window "Backup copy", but in fact it was not possible to find any copies either in the folder with the program or in the synchronized directories :(. Still, I am not inclined to attribute this drawback to disadvantages, since we are unlikely to use old versions of files, and even if we do use , then we’ll probably create copies ourselves.

So, now about working with the program. DSynchronize does not require installation, but to save the settings you should still unzip it to any folder on your hard drive. That's it, we can get to work.

DSynchronize interface

Initially, the program interface is English, although it is intuitive. There is no Russian localization on the official website, but I made an attempt to “domesticate” DSynchronize.. To Russify the program, just add the file to the folder in which you unpacked it DSynchronize.lng from the downloaded archive (oh, yes... any modification and optimization of the above-mentioned file to suit your needs is allowed :))). Now let's launch the Russian version DSynchronize.

Conditionally window interface DSynchronize can be divided into three parts. At the top are lists of pairs of directories for synchronization, below is a settings panel for all processes, and even lower are three windows that reflect working with files. At the very beginning in the list of tasks we will see two examples. They should be deleted using the corresponding command in the context menu ( right button mice). When the list standard tasks will be cleared, we will add our own. Call the context menu again and select the item "Add". A couple will appear empty lines. In these lines we will enter the full addresses of the folders in which the files are to be synchronized.

Now there are several nuances. If you plan to synchronize two local folders, then it will be enough to double-click on the line and press the button "Review", select from the list first the source folder (from which the files will be copied), and then the destination. The same should be done if you want to synchronize a folder with removable media information (for example, with a flash drive), having previously connected the device to the PC.

Synchronization via FTP

But to connect to remote computer via local network or FTP, you will have to enter the path manually. To access a folder on a remote PC over a local network, you will need to enter the following: \\Computer name (or its IP)\Folder name (for example, \\\Shared Documents). The only caveat is that the folder we are connecting to must be open for public access. Call the folder's context menu and select "Properties". In the window that opens, go to the tab "Access" and check the box "Share this folder".

To use the FTP synchronization option, specify the full server address (for example, ftp://Server Address/Folder Name). If you receive an error message in response, it means that you need to provide authorization information to access the server. This can be done by adding the login name before the server address, then the password after the colon, and only then after the “@” sign the direct server address (see screenshot above).

Once the pair of folders you're syncing is ready, you can configure some file sharing options. To do this, click on the button "Filter" next to the folder address, or call the appropriate command from context menu.

Here we can specify copying either strictly certain files or their types by mask, specifying the item "Filter activation", or specify which files (or file types) should not be synchronized by selecting "Filter Exceptions". The mask is set in a standard way: we enter part of the file name, and mark everything that is not needed as «*» . You can separate masks with a regular semicolon. Next, there are a couple of options that determine the parameters for working with subfolders, and even lower is the section "Advanced filters". Here you can exclude files that were changed on a specific day from copying.

DSynchronize settings

Let's now consider options panel, which is located below the list of folders.

All possibilities are divided into four groups. First - "Main options"- includes almost everything necessary settings synchronization It is worth paying attention to the first two possibilities. Paragraph "Only the latest" allows you not to rewrite everything existing files, and copy only the most current versions. Thus, the time spent on synchronization is significantly saved. Another possibility is "Double Synchronization". If it is activated, then both folders are checked for new versions of files and, as a result, only the most current copies remain in each of them.

Second group of settings - "Special Options". Here you can enable anti-fragmentation of added files, error skipping, as well as backup (which doesn’t actually work:(). Of all the options available here, only "Anti-fragmentation". If it is activated, then when a new version of the file is found, the old one is deleted, and a new version is added as new file. This allows for less fragmentation than if old file just replaced with a new one.

Fourth group - "Teams"— contains only buttons for controlling the synchronization process, so let’s take a closer look at the third group — "Planning". This is one of the most basic sections, which is responsible for automating all processes in work. DSynchronize. By clicking on the first option - "Timer", we will go to the time synchronization settings window:

Here it is possible to set synchronization after a certain period of time or at a specific moment (at one o'clock in the afternoon, for example). In addition, we can set up the file comparison process not only every day, but also on strictly defined days of the month or week!

There is an opportunity in DSynchronize set constant synchronization in real time using the item "Real-time". True, this feature is still experimental, which we will be warned about when we try to enable it, so before activating it we should make sure that the program works correctly with the selected folders in normal mode.

Next here are two points that are responsible for autorun DSynchronize. First - "Autostart", allows you to download the program along with the system. In this case, the program will be visible in the tray, from which it can always be called. If you are sure that everything is configured correctly and permanent access to DSynchronize If you don't need it, you can set the program to run in service mode. To do this, check the item "Starting the service...".

In the window that opens, you will first need to click the button "Install Service" to install a new service, and then start it, after which all you have to do is click the button "Ready".

Example of working with the program

Now everything is really ready to start working, so press the button "Synchronization" in the "Teams" section.

The synchronization process itself occurs in two stages, which can be seen in the status line. The first stage is comparison and formation of a list of files to be copied, the second is direct copying. In three windows under the main menu we can see lists of all copied, deleted or replaced files. Here we can also establish certain prohibitions or permissions for relevant actions. If you want to keep control over the entire synchronization process, I advise you to enable a request before any action DSynchronize(except, perhaps, adding files). Such requests look like this:

IN in this case we see a confirmation window for replacing files (Confirm Add - confirmation to add, Confirm Remove/Delete - deletion).

We learn about the completion of the synchronization process again from the inscription in the status line:

Congratulations! Now you can finally forget about manually copying the necessary files, as you can shift all the worries associated with file synchronization to DSynchronize.

P.S. This article intended for free distribution. You are welcome to copy it while preserving the authorship. Ruslan Tertyshny and everyone P.S. and P.P.S.

P.P.S. If you like all-in-one solutions, then I advise you to take a closer look at the following file manager, which, among others, has the ability to synchronize specified directories.

In this article we will look at how to create a backup copy of your files and maintain it in current state, as well as how to synchronize files between several computers using one of best programs FreeFileSync.

1. Why do you need backup?

Backing up your files, such as personal documents, photos and videos, will protect them from being lost as a result accidental deletion, failure in the operating system, viruses or damage hard drive.

Remember! If you don't back up your files, sooner or later you will lose them!

Another purpose Reserve copy There may be synchronization of your files between several computers. For example, you may work with the same files at home and at work, and you want files to be updated on both your home and work computers as they are changed, created, or deleted.

Also, regularly backing up your files will make it much easier to restore your computer in the event of a failure. All you need to do is restore the image operating system, and all files are already securely stored in a backup copy and you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort to restore them.

2. Installing the FreeFileSync program

You can download the FreeFileSync program in the “” section.

During installation, you can select the “Local” or “Portable” version, which can be carried on a flash drive if, for example, you cannot install “Local” on your work PC.

After installation, two shortcuts are created: “FreeFileSync” is the main program and “RealTimeSync” is a utility for real-time synchronization.

3. Where is the best place to store backups?

Before we begin describing the FreeFileSync program, I want to say a little about where it is better to store backups.

The most reliable and convenient storage will be backup copies on an external hard drive.

An external drive can also be used for storage. Not only will you save your valuable documents, photos and videos, but you can also quickly restore the system in case of failure.

The disadvantages of storing backups on a flash drive are that its capacity is very limited, the flash drive is easy to lose, and it can often require a lot of space to transfer files. In addition, flash drives are highly susceptible to failures and virus infection.

CD/DVD discs are also unreliable media, as they are susceptible to damage and, even if they just lie in place, become unreadable over time. In addition, it is problematic to regularly update files on disks.

You can store a backup copy of your files on another hard drive on your computer. But if there is a power failure, then everything can fail hard disks. Therefore this is also not recommended.

It is unacceptable to store a backup copy on another partition of the same hard drive, since if the drive fails, the backup copy will also be lost.

In general, don’t skimp and buy external hard a disk connected via USB (preferably USB 3), via a local network (Ethernet) or store a backup copy on another computer or laptop.

If your files are very valuable and their loss would cause unacceptable damage, then store the backup copy in another location or on a server on the Internet (cloud storage). This way, in the event of a fire or other natural disaster, your data will remain intact.

It is better to store important confidential data in encrypted form using a password, so that theft or loss of the media does not lead to disclosure or illegal use of confidential information.

The main condition for the safety of files is the constant availability of their copies. As soon as one of the copies is lost, restore it as quickly as possible.

4. Backup folders

The first backup can be created by simple copying folders with files to an external drive, a network folder or other selected media. But it is better to immediately use the FreeFileSync program, as it creates its own database to track file changes.

4.1. Selecting folders for backup

Open the program, add folders with your files in the left pane, and in the right pane select the folders in which you want to save backups.

To add another pair of folders, use the plus icon “+”, to search for a folder in Explorer, use the “Browse” button. You can also enter folder paths in whole or in part manually, copy and paste paths and folder names into the required fields. If the folder you want to back up to does not already exist, it will be created the first time you create a backup.

For example, I created a “Backup” folder on the disk of my second home computer “HOME-2” and opened access to it over the network for reading and writing. This is where backup copies of my files are stored.

Choose the most suitable for backup important files. It is possible to make backup copies of folders with movies and music that can always be downloaded from the Internet, but if they take up a large amount of space, this is usually not advisable.

4.2. Selecting a backup mode

Select the Mirror backup mode and click OK.

Make sure the Synchronize button is set to Mirror mode.

In this mode, when backing up, folders on the right will be brought into exact correspondence with folders on the left. Changed files will be replaced, new ones will be added, deleted files will be deleted.

4.3. Comparison of reserved folders

Before starting a backup, you must first compare your folders with the backup folders. To do this, click the “Compare” button.

If this is your first backup and you have not created empty folders for backups, a message will appear indicating the folders that were not found.

Please note that these errors may be caused by an error in the path to the main backup folder (in in this example“Backup”) or lack of access to another computer over the network (in this example, “HOME-2”).

After comparing the folders, you will see a list of files being copied, updated and deleted and their total size.

The first time you back up, you will only have files that are being added; the next time you back up, you will see files that are being updated and deleted, depending on the changes you made. Renamed files will be deleted from the backup and files with a new name will be copied in their place.

4.4. Creating a Backup

Make sure that the result of the comparison, the expected actions and the volume of copied files look plausible and click the “Synchronize” button that becomes active.

A message will appear again warning about the actions being performed, in which you need to confirm the start of the backup with the “Start” button.

Depending on the size of the files, the speed of the external drive or the local network, the backup process may take different time. But the program itself does it as quickly as possible.

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First backup when large volume files may take long time. All subsequent backup updates take significantly less time. The backup ends with a success message.

During the backup process, problems may occur. various errors and warnings. Most of them are not essential (for example, some service or temporary file). Make sure that the error is really not significant and click the “Ignore” button.

5. Folder synchronization

Folder synchronization may be necessary if you work with the same files on several computers, for example, at home and at work. In this case, to ensure that the files are the same everywhere, you can use an external drive or flash drive for synchronization.
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5.1. Selecting folders to sync

Open the program on your computer with latest version your files. In the left pane, add folders with your files, and in the right pane, select folders on your external drive or flash drive that will be used for synchronization.

When synchronizing files between multiple computers, it does not matter which folders are on the right and which on the left. But to avoid confusion, I recommend that you always select files that are on your computer on the left, and files that are on an external drive or flash drive on the right.

To add another pair of folders, use the plus icon “+”; to search for a folder in Explorer, use the “Browse” button. You can also enter folder paths in whole or in part manually, copy and paste paths and folder names into the required fields. If the folder you want to use for synchronization does not exist, it will be created during the first synchronization.

Store often mutable files in separate folders (for example, Documents) so that they do not get mixed up with large immutable files (for example, movies). Then synchronization will require significantly less time and space on an external drive or flash drive.

5.2. Selecting the synchronization mode

Now go to the synchronization settings using the gear icon next to the Sync button.

Select the synchronization mode “Both directions” and click “OK”.

Make sure the Synchronize button is set to Both Ways.

In this mode, when synchronizing, folders located on the left and right will be brought into exact correspondence. In this case, all changes on both sides will be taken into account. Changed files will be replaced, new ones will be added, deleted files will be deleted. For this purpose, a database consisting of special service files, which the program creates in each synchronized folder.

Thanks to the database, you can make changes on several computers independently of each other, and even on the external disk or flash drive itself, using some other computer that is not involved in synchronization. During the next synchronization, the program itself will determine which changes are the latest and gracefully bring folders with files to the final version, even if you missed the previous synchronization and have already forgotten on which computer and which files you changed. The program will accurately determine this itself using the database.

5.3. Comparison of synchronized folders

Before you start synchronizing, you must first compare the folders on your computer drive with the folders on your external drive or flash drive. To do this, click the “Compare” button.

If this is your first synchronization and you have not created empty synchronization folders on an external drive or flash drive, a message will appear indicating the folders that were not found.

Click the "Ignore" button.

Please note that these errors may be caused by wrong letter drive (in this example “F”), since the letters can sometimes change, or problems with connecting an external drive or flash drive (for example, a bad cable or lack of power).

After comparing the folders, you will see a list of files being copied, updated and deleted on both sides and their total size.

The first time you synchronize, you will only have files that are being added; the next time you synchronize, you will see those that are updated and deleted, depending on the changes you made. Renamed files will be deleted and files with a new name will be copied in their place.

5.4. Start synchronization

Make sure that the result of the comparison, the expected actions and the volume of synchronized files look plausible and click the “Synchronize” button that becomes active.

A message will appear again warning about the actions being performed, in which you need to confirm the start of synchronization with the “Start” button.

Depending on the size of the files, the speed of the external drive or flash drive, the synchronization process may take different times. But the program itself does it as quickly as possible.

The first synchronization with a large volume of files may take a long time. All subsequent synchronizations take significantly less time. Synchronization ends with a success message.

Various errors and warnings may occur during the synchronization process. Most of them are not essential (for example, some service or temporary file cannot be copied). Make sure that the error is really not significant and click the “Ignore” button.

5.5. Sync on another computer

To synchronize folders on another computer with an external drive or flash drive, you need to install the FreeFileSync program on it, configure and perform synchronization on it in the same way (section 5.1-5.4).

Also, when installing the program, you can select the “Portable” version and install the program on an external drive or flash drive, which will be used for synchronization. It is recommended to use this method if it is not possible to install the program on another computer (for example, at work).

6. FreeFileSync program settings

The program has a few settings and they are all quite clear and useful.

The program remembers latest folders for synchronization. But it’s still better to save the synchronization settings to a file using the “File/Save” menu.

Using the "File" menu you can create new configuration or open an existing one. This way, you can create several different configurations, for example, separately for backing up files on a second home computer and separately for synchronizing documents using a flash drive with a work computer.

If you select “Save as a batch job”, this file can be used to manually run a backup, synchronize folders, or specify it in the scheduler for automatic scheduled backups.

If you plan to run a batch job automatically according to a schedule, then when saving you can set error handling to “Ignore”, the “Run minimized” checkbox, and the completion action “Close the process window” or “Turn off the computer” (for backup at the end day).

The settings file and batch job have corresponding icons and can be launched without opening the main program.

6.2. Compare, filter and synchronization settings

From the "Actions" menu you can go to "Comparison Settings", "Filter Settings" and "Synchronization Settings".

In the comparison settings, you can set “File content” instead of the “Date and file size” mode, but this is not recommended, as it will greatly slow down the speed of the program.

In the left panel, you can select folders and set comparison settings for each of them individually. It is also possible to enable copying of symbolic links if you know why this is needed.

In the filter settings you can exclude separate files and folders from backup.

For example, if your D:\Documents folder contains a Videos folder with large files, which you have already copied somewhere, then to exclude it from synchronization you need to add the line “D:\Documents\Video\” to the “Exclude” section. If you want to exclude from the backup copy all installers of programs that can be downloaded from the Internet, then add the line “*.exe” to the “Exclude” section.

In the left panel, you can select folders and set filter settings for each of them individually.

Using the fields on the right, you can filter files unnecessary for synchronization based on the time period from their last change and size. This way you can weed out, for example, files that are too old and too large.

Synchronization settings

Synchronization settings are the most important, the most useful, and allow you to have flexible control over the process of creating backups or synchronizing folders.

The following synchronization options are available.

Round trip Used to synchronize folders between multiple computers. The folders on the left and right are brought into full compliance using the change database. Files are copied and deleted in both directions.
Mirror Used for backup. The folders on the right are fully consistent with the folders on the left. Files are copied only from left to right; files deleted on the left are also deleted on the right.
Update New and changed files in the folders on the left are copied to the folders on the right, but files deleted in the folders on the left are not deleted from the folders on the right. This may be necessary when you need to save old files in a backup copy.
Selectively Allows you to set up your own synchronization rules when detecting new, changed and deleted files both left and right. Can be used to solve some specific problems.

In all modes, except for “Both-Way” synchronization, you can set your own rules for new, updated and deleted files.

There is also a “Detect moved files” option, which is useful if you often clean out folders. In this case, the files will not be copied again, but will simply be moved to the copies.

Just below you can configure the settings for deleting files - “Delete permanently”, “Add to Trash” or “Archive”.

By default, files located on hard drives, are removed to the trash. If you make a mistake with the synchronization settings and some necessary files, then they can be restored.

Files on flash drives and network folders are not deleted to the trash. They can only be restored using special programs to recover files. If you make a mistake, then do not do anything with the flash drive or disk until you recover the necessary files from them.

When you select the “Archive” option, the files will not be deleted, but will be moved to specified by the user folder.

If you need to synchronize a large amount of data and there is no way to control the process, then it is recommended to set the “Error Handling” option to “Ignore”. You can also select the desired action to complete synchronization, for example, turn off the computer.

Synchronization settings can also be set for each separate folder by selecting it in the left panel.

6.3. Other settings and tools

From the “Tools” menu, you can go to “Settings” of the program itself, change the “Language” of the interface, “Find” files and folders in the comparison results, “Reset the location” of all folders and “Export a list of files” to a text document.

By default, “Fault-tolerant file copying” is enabled in the program settings, which makes backup or synchronization more reliable.

You can enable “Copy blocked files” if such problems occur. The “Copy DACL, SACL, Owner, Group” option allows you to copy file permissions if you have set such restrictions and want to save them in a backup copy to restrict access to them or later restore files along with security settings.

I do not recommend experimenting with security settings, especially file encryption, for inexperienced users. This may result in permanent loss of access to files in the event of a system failure or user error.

“Automatic retry on errors” allows you to set the number of attempts to copy files and the interval between attempts in case of temporary problems with the network or media.

Below are the rules for customizing the context menu for experienced users with reference to examples of their use.

The “Show hidden windows again” button restores the display that you previously disabled using the “Ignore subsequent errors” checkbox.

The “Default” button returns all program settings to the initial state. Use it when you are not sure that you have configured everything correctly.

Well, don’t forget to confirm all changes made with the “OK” button.

7. Real-time backup

Here we will look at additional utility RealTimeSync, which is installed along with the main program and is used for automatic synchronization.

Open the utility using the RealTimeSync shortcut on your desktop or START menu, go to the File menu and select Open.

Leave in the “Folders for monitoring” section only folders with files on the computer disk, and delete folders with a backup copy on an external drive, flash drive or local network.

Set the time in seconds after which you would like to check folders for modified files. For example, by setting 3600 seconds, folders will be scanned every hour from the start of monitoring. All that remains is to click the “Start” button, the program will minimize to the system tray (in the icon next to the clock) and begin monitoring the folders.

If changes to files in the specified folders occur during the next scan, the program will start the synchronization process, which will end with the display of the corresponding window.

If the “Run minimized” checkbox is checked in the batch job settings, this message will not be displayed and synchronization will be performed in silent mode.

If, at the time of detection of changes in folders, the utility will not be able to access external drive, flash drive or network folder with backup copies, a corresponding message will appear.

If in the batch job settings the “Error Handling” option is set to “Ignore”, then this message will not be displayed and synchronization will occur when access to the device with backup copies is resumed.

Among the advantages of the RealTimeSync utility, one can note the ease of its setup and use, but it also has several disadvantages. Firstly, you need to launch it manually or set up startup yourself along with Windows (for example, by copying the shortcut to the “Startup” folder in the “START” menu). Secondly, it does not allow you to set a flexible schedule for synchronization. And thirdly, sometimes synchronization does not work.

8. Scheduled backups

As an alternative to the RealTimeSync utility, you can use the "Scheduler" Windows jobs", which does not have all the listed disadvantages and has more flexible capabilities.

Go to “Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools” and select “Task Scheduler” or “Task Schedule”.

Select "Create a simple task."

Enter a meaningful name for the task and click on the “Next” button.

Select how often you would like to back up.

Then, be more specific about the day and time that your computer is likely to be turned on to sync. For example, every Friday at 17:00.

Select an action for the Run a program task.

Click the Browse button.

Select the batch job file created in FreeFileSync.

Click the "Done" button.

Now files will be backed up exactly on the appointed day and time. If the computer is turned off at this time, the task will be completed the next time it is turned on. Just make sure that the backup media is available at the right time.

You can delete or change backup settings at any time in the Task Scheduler Library.

The batch job file itself can also be changed at any time, regardless of the scheduler, using the FreeFileSync program.

You can also create an unlimited number of batch sync jobs and scheduler jobs with the most various settings and backup plans.

That's all, store your files on reliable media and do not neglect backup.

9. Links

Below you can download full version programs for backing up and synchronizing files.

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The development of technology has led to the fact that every home has several computers. In this case, we are talking not only about a desktop PC, but also about laptops, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, etc. If you often work with all these devices, then most likely you need to synchronize your folders. Let's talk about her.

What is this?

So, to understand what it is, you need to turn to computer science. There are several interpretations of the concept of synchronization in this area. This may be about the coordination of processes, data or transmission.

Process synchronization is special actions that help maintain the integrity of documents, files, data and other things while using them at the same time. This mechanism is usually activated when multiple processes or threads occur in a random order.

If we talk about synchronizing folders or, in general, data, then this is rather an action that helps to get rid of differences in copies of data. That is, if you transferred a document with text from one PC to another, and then corrected a couple of letters, then synchronization will do the same on the second PC with this document.


The question of synchronization methods is quite controversial. It clearly depends on some additional assumptions. But there is a problem that the changes that have been made may be incompatible. Then an “edit conflict” arises. What exactly to do in this case is still unknown.

And yet there are some guesses that shed light on methods that are applicable in different situations. As a result, there are assumptions that changes were made to one of the options, and the second was simply overwritten with its content. This method is used by many programs for synchronizing files and folders. Since all edits in this case will be considered irreversible, then you need to choose which of the two documents will be the main one.

There is another way this process can take place. If in this case the files are represented by independent records, such as phone book, then this whole thing is combined into a set. If in this case there is continuous synchronization, it is easy to enter into such data sets Additional information. This option is similar to how Outlook synchronizes folders.

The last way is to handle edit errors. It occurs automatically or manually. This option is accepted in version control systems. If so software notices an error, it either corrects it itself or gives the user the opportunity to do so.

For what?

Why is this process needed in general? There can be many options for using it. It all depends on what you are using synchronization for. You may need to periodically update documents and deliver them to another office or to a nearby computer. This can be done in several ways.

Let's say you work both at home and at work. In this case, you need data synchronization to create copies of folders. This can be done, for example, from a computer to external storage, via local network or via

It is the action that occurs periodically in this case that is called folder synchronization. It is important that the first and second folders have identical contents, are located in the same place and have the same name.


Utilities that cope with this task are widespread. There are many of them, and therefore finding a convenient and favorite one will not be difficult. We will look at a couple of options; they could help achieve our plans.

Exiland Backup

This program belongs to It is easy to use, it can create several backup options at once, one of them is synchronization. She works according to simple principle: A copy of the file appears in one of the folders, within certain period the program mirrors the source documents, adding them to the destination folder. There is an option to update via FTP.

Exiland Backup is a folder synchronization program that uses a one-way copy method. Updates are carried out every minute. It works quickly and correctly, verifies all the contents and changes that have occurred. There may be more than one source folder. That is, you can conditionally synchronize several projects.

The utility received a lot additional options. Maintains a consistent log of changes. You can adjust the process schedule. Synchronization starts automatically when the PC logs into the system. You can activate it using the command line.

Setting up Exiland Backup

In general, any “New task” is easy to start on your own. The setup wizard is intuitive and easily describes all your steps. First you need to give the task a name so as not to get confused in the multitude of projects. As mentioned earlier, there are four types of backup, the last one proposed is synchronization.

Then you need to specify the address of the source folder. We don’t need compression in this case, so we skip it. Then you need to specify the final folder where the documents will go. Afterwards, you can configure the synchronization process itself. Depending on when you need the data to be updated.

The last step is setting up notifications. It's individual here. You can just leave everything as default. If we are talking about synchronization via FTP, you will need to select this option in the final folder.


Is not specialized program for synchronization. This is a utility that plays the role of a manager and easily works as mail client. But in addition to writing letters, the program can work with a calendar, plan tasks, use notebook, contact manager. There is also work with documents.

When you add to the program account IMAP, you can configure synchronization of folders with a subscription. What it is? Subscription folders appear in the list because they are regularly synchronized with mail server. If there are ones that you don't use often, you can unsubscribe from them. This is necessary to make the update process faster.

In general, this program is universal. It allows you to synchronize various types of data. Possible from one mailbox update letters on another. You can use contacts with Outlook on your smartphone. You can forward data from your calendar, planner, and much more.


In addition to the classic utilities that we described earlier, you can use various kinds of services. Such programs for synchronizing files and folders will save you when working with a computer and smartphone.

For example, the business version of Yandex.Disk turned out to be quite good. 10 GB is available to the user for free. The business version is slightly better than the regular version thanks to special protection and security protocols. This already familiar cloud storage allows you not only to send data to the cloud, but also to synchronize it between different devices.

Zocalo is a similar service. It works thanks to Amazon, which released it in 2014. The user needs to pay $5 per month. At the same time, 200 GB is available to him virtual memory. The operating mechanism is the same as that of Yandex.Disk.

iCloud Drive has also recently been able to synchronize Windows folders. Early iCloud version Even owners of Apple gadgets didn’t like it. She only synchronized internal files, cost as much as $20 for 20 GB and only functioned with Apple devices. Now the cloud has become similar to the already familiar Dropbox service. It synchronizes any folders and documents. To supported Mac clients and iOS, Windows users were added.


Synchronizing folders and files can be useful for every computer user. Even if you are not seriously involved in any paperwork, even for studies or personal matters, you will sooner or later come to such programs. Conveniently, their number seems unlimited. There are both free and paid options.

Nowadays they have become universal cloud storage, which allow you to work with synchronization. Of course, their main drawback is their inability to work offline. In this case, you will have to get a desktop program that would work with updates every minute.