Download file su. How to update a binary SU file on Android - restoring root access for the SuperSu application

The SU binary needs to be updated. Update? Can't update SU file? The site is in a hurry to help you solve this problem!


Very often, lately, many users have had a problem that appears after obtaining Root rights - the su binary file is not updated, there are a lot of questions on the Internet and almost 0 solutions, it’s time to fix it!

The material is not for beginners! Only for those who already know Android sections quite well, how to hide files in Android, knows about access rights in Android!


Although in fact all applications will work fine without a forced Root update, so you can just relax and not pay attention.

SuperSu allows applications to use Root rights even if the su binary is not updated!

Ways to solve SuperSU fails

Ideally, the SuperSu application when prompted “SU binary file requires updating. Update?" press the button " Fine“Then everything will update perfectly. If this is not the case:

Method 1

If you cannot update su, install recovery (if not installed) - K How to install Recovery. After installing Recovery, go to SuperSu again and select the su update method via “CWM/TWRP”, after which Android will reboot and the update will occur and the smartphone or tablet will boot again! The su binary is now up to date!

If you haven’t found Recovery for your device, then you’ll have to go a little hard…

Method 2

[This material assumes that you already know the Android file structure] and work with the command line .

This method will help push through the update...

  • Download the Root Browser and Android Terminal app
  • Download the archive with the files

1. Unzip the archive and move the updatersu folder to the internal Android memory or to a memory card.

2. Launch the Root Browser application and go to the updatersu folder and copy the files - .has_su_daemon And. installed_su_daemon And to folder:


3. Now you need to set the correct permissions for these files

For file .has_su_daemon

For a file. installed_su_daemon

For file

Now go to the folder:


4. Create a folder.ext (dot ext)

5. Set folder permissions

6. Copy the file su from folder


to the folder you just created (/system/bin/.ext)

7. Rename the file su on .su(dot su)

8. Set file permissions .su

9. Launch the Android Terminal application

10. Type the following commands

mount -o rw,remount /system

ln -s /system/etc/ /system/bin/

/system/xbin/su --install

11. Reboot Android and now try updating the binary again su way "Fine" to the SuperSu application.

Today we will talk about the most common error that occurs when launching the SuperSu program. The problem itself appears in the form of a notification with the following content: “There is no SU and SuperSu binary file.” How to update a binary su file on Android? You will learn about this from our material.

SuperSU is a special administration application that allows advanced management of all installed applications. In other words, with SuperSU you get complete control over your Android device. More details about the program:

So, when I launched SuperSU, the following message appeared on the screen:

It needs to be clarified here that the Su file is a fundamental component of the “Superuser” rights, so by deleting it you lose root rights. And even if you have an old version of SuperSU, which does not exclude the possibility of working on it, then problems associated with performing any operations will definitely arise. Therefore, you will have to update, or rather, correctly install the Su binary file in any case.

To do this, we will need to download and install the Baidu Root program. This application is not available on Google Play, so you can open any browser and find this utility, or click on the link provided and download it directly from this page. After which the downloading of the ark file will begin, the process of which will be visible on the display:

Now we need to open the file and click the “Install” button. When asked for permission to install, click the “OK” button:

Then a window will open with information about the data to which the application will gain access, and a warning about the responsibility of the user himself. We agree with everything, and now, the installation of Baidu Root is completed:

After installation, two buttons will appear at the bottom of the display on the right and left, click on the right one, after which a blue monitor will appear in the center of the screen, where your Android model will be indicated, and a blue button in the center (get root), click on it, after which a reboot will occur apparatus. Now we try to launch the SuperSU application. A request for Root access (Superuser rights) will appear from Baidu Root, we provide it. Next, a request will appear to update the SU binary file, click the “Continue” button:

Then the program will offer a way to install the SU file, select “Normal”. The installation process will begin, which the system will inform us about, and all our efforts are crowned again by a message from the system that the installation was completed successfully, click “OK”:

That’s it, the procedure is completed, and we can fully use the SuperSu program and use all the tools available in the program’s arsenal, including carrying out the so-called. temporary 'unroot' on your device.

How to install the Su binary file on Android using custom Recovery

Did the method described above not solve the problem? Well, this is possible, especially for HTC models. In this case, you will have to use custom (alternative) recovery. And if you don’t have it installed yet, but you still have the desire to become an advanced user of the Android OS, then you will have to install it sooner or later. Because this tool will allow you to perform many necessary operations: create backups, install system updates or flash your Android with a different version of the operating system (ROM), etc.

We will not tell you now how to install custom Recovery, because this is a topic for a separate conversation, and if you are interested in it, write, and we will tell you in detail how to perform this operation.

Now we will assume that you are on topic and return to our question. That is, if you have a custom recovery (or you know how to install it), then look at the last screenshot, and instead of the button “ Fine", click " CWM/TWRP" After completing the procedure, we reboot the smartphone, after which, along with the system update, the Su binary file will also be updated.

How to install SU file via command line

If both methods did not help install (update) the SU file, then the situation becomes more complicated, although not fatally. The next method that we will talk about is aimed at fairly advanced users who have experience working with the command line and are familiar with the file structure of Android OS.

So, our actions:

Download the Terminal Emulator for Android and Root Browser applications. Then, download the archive, unzip it and move the folder updaters to the SD card or internal memory of your Android device.

Now let's launch Root Browser, go to the folder updaters and copy the following files: ( .has_su_daemon) (.installed_su_daemon) ( to a folder /system/etc

After this, we need to set the correct permissions for these files:

Then we need to go to the next folder, namely /system/bin and create a folder .ext and set permissions for it:

The next step is to copy the su file located in the folder /system/xbin to the newly created folder ( /system/bin/.ext), rename the su file, putting a dot (.su) in front of the name and set the rights for it:

All we have to do is launch the Terminal Emulator for Android application and enter the following commands:

Now we reboot and again try to update the su binary file using the “Normal” button in the SuperSu program (see above).

In this article I will look at a very common error among Android users that occurs when running a program to control superuser access. SuperSu. This problem manifests itself as follows: when you try to enable or install the SuperSu application, you receive a notification with the text “ No binary fileSU andSuperSu" or " SuperSu binarySu is not installed”.

As a rule, a similar encounter occurs after obtaining root rights - the binary file simply stops updating. Unfortunately, the information I found on the network seemed very scattered and chaotic to me and I could not install the Su binary file from it, which is why I decided to somehow systematize attempts to solve this problem.

In fact, the Su file is a fundamental component of the above-mentioned root rights, so after deleting it, you lose SuperUser rights. Despite the fact that SuperSu does not exclude the possibility of working on the old version, if you leave it, then sooner or later you will almost certainly have problems performing operations. Therefore, let's install the Su binary file correctly!

Method one - simple and straightforward

If the classic update attempt fails, install Recovery first. After installing it, return to SuperSu, selecting the su update method via CWM/TWRP. Reboot, during which the system along with the problem file should be updated.

But if the described method did not help install the Su binary file or you could not find Recovery for your device, then the situation becomes unpleasant, but far from fatal.

Method two - intricately roundabout

Here we will push the SuperSu update manually. First, download Root Browser and Android Terminal, as well as the archive with the files, which, after unzipping, are sent to the updatersu folder.

Now we launch the Root Browser application, and transfer files from the updatersu folder .has_su_daemon And .installed_su_daemon and to the /system/etc folder.

Next is the main thing: we must set permissions for these files. Since I am the proud owner of the English version of Android, my instructions will be in English, but I believe that it is not difficult to compare with the Russian one.

So for the file .has_su_daemon: put three checkboxes in the vertical Read column (opposite Owner, Group and Others horizontally) and one in the vertical Write column (opposite Owner).

For file .installed_su_daemon: one in Read (opposite Owner) and one in Write (opposite, again, Owner).

For file all three in Read and in Execute (opposite Owner, Group and Others) and one in Write (opposite Owner).

Having done this, go to the /system/bin folder, where we create a new .ext folder. Then we set the rights for it: we put checkboxes in the Read column opposite Owner, in the Write column opposite Owner, in the Execute column opposite all three.

Then copy the su file from the /system/xbin folder to the newly created folder (/system/bin/.ext), at the same time renaming su to .su.

Set the permissions again, now for the .su file: tick all three in the Read column, opposite Owner in the Write column, all three in the Execute column.

You can catch your breath a little: Almost everything has been done, but the last push remains. Launch the Android Terminal program and enter the following commands into it:

  • mount -o rw,remount /system
  • ln -s /system/etc/ /system/bin/
  • /system/xbin/su -install

Now reboot and try to update the su file again by clicking “Normal” in SuperSu. After all these steps I was able to install the Su binary.

I hope I was able to consistently and structuredly present the solution to the problem “SuperSu does not have a binary file in the system.” If everything is done according to the instructions, then it should almost certainly work out.

Write your questions and solutions in the comments, let's help each other together!

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The widespread use of the Android software platform, which runs a large number of different devices - smartphones, tablet PCs, media players, etc., has led to the emergence of a huge number of applications that act as additional components that expand the functionality of the base OS.


All users who do not want to put up with some of the limitations of Android imposed by device manufacturers turn to so-called customization - changing individual components of the operating system or expanding its capabilities using additional software packages.

Root rights

In order to carry out serious manipulations with the software part of Android devices, the user will need superuser rights, as well as software that will allow him to manage root rights. One of the most popular solutions for managing superuser rights is the SuperSU application. It is worth noting that the utility perfectly performs the functionality assigned to it, but sometimes causes problems, the most common of which is the inability to update the SU binary file. Let's take a closer look at the application itself, and also try to figure it out: if the SU binary file requires updating, what should you do in this case?

SuperSU program

The SuperSU application may appear on the user's device automatically after the procedure for obtaining root rights. In addition, many custom firmware developers add already installed SuperSU to their solutions. If you have received root rights, but there is no application to manage them, you can download and install SuperSU from the Google Play Store.

SuperSU update

Regardless of the method in which SuperSU was obtained and installed, after its first launch, the user in most cases receives a notification: “The SU binary file requires an update.” Quite often you can continue using the program without updating. But it is still advisable to follow the recommendations of the developers and follow the procedures according to the program prompts when the SU binary file requires updating. It’s not difficult to complete the necessary actions; just click the “Update” button and select the appropriate update mode.

Emerging problems

It would seem that when using the program in question to manage root rights, the user should not have any difficulties. What could be simpler: when the SU binary file requires updating, update it in three simple steps and continue to enjoy all the benefits that full access to the software part of the device provides.

But, as in many cases with other applications, the smooth operation of SuperSU, unfortunately, is not guaranteed. Very often the following situation arises. After the user receives notifications from the program “SU binary file requires updating,” he tries to carry out the procedure according to the prompts on the screen. The procedure is not always successful. Often, after rebooting the device, an error message appears: “SU binary requires update, installation failed.” How to be in this case?


There are several ways to prevent the above error. Firstly, it is initially necessary to take into account that SuperSU must be installed on a clean system, not “littered” by other applications, especially in our case those that manage superuser rights. Thus, if again and again the SU binary file requires updating, the installation fails and/or other errors occur, the solution may be to reset the device to factory settings and repeat the procedure for obtaining root rights, as well as installing SuperSU again.

The second thing the user should remember is to be careful and slow when carrying out the update procedure. When you receive a notification that the SU binary file requires updating, you should first try updating it in normal mode. At the same time, we should not forget about the need to have a Wi-Fi Internet connection on the device (a connection via a mobile network is not suitable in this case). That is, after clicking on the “Update” button in the SuperSU program window, you need to select “Normal”. Then wait until the necessary data is downloaded from the Global Network and the application itself is completed, and then exit SuperSU and reboot the device.

In the case when the previous methods did not bring results and the already tired SU binary file requires updating again, you will have to resort to the method of installing/reinstalling SuperSU through a modified “Android” recovery. The most commonly used are TWRP or CWM recovery. To forget about problems with SuperSU forever, download a zip package containing application files from the Internet and install the resulting file through custom recovery. This drastic method of resolving the issue helps in most cases.

If the above methods do not help resolve problems with SuperSU, the user needs to think about the compliance of the firmware files and/or its components used with the Android device. Very often, the cause of many problems is inappropriate or damaged installation files, especially if they were obtained from unreliable sources.