Tariffs for corporate communications Beeline. Beeline, corporate tariff: number management

Mobile communications are needed not only individuals, but also for corporate clients. Especially for business needs, Beeline has prepared many interesting tariff plans and additional services. They allow you to organize corporate communications with free calls inside the company. In addition, Beeline for legal entities will offer many other opportunities - the organization of call centers, special traffic packages, fixed office telephony and special business services.

How corporate clients are served

Services for legal entities are carried out in separate offices, where specialists working with corporate clients are located. Individual issues are resolved by telephone contacts– 8-800-700-06-28 for mobile communications and 8-800-700-80-61 for questions fixed line. Technical support is available 24 hours a day. In large companies, communications are handled by a separate person who contacts Beeline through offices or a personal manager.

Also for legal entities there was created its own Personal Area, allowing you to manage both individual numbers and their groups. Here you can connect and disconnect individual services, compile reports, manage corporate address book, work with services from the “Mobile Commerce” category, conduct corporate SMS distribution. To solve especially complex problems you can call one of the phones hotline- they are listed above. Payment is most often made using bank details.

Login to your personal account for legal entities is located in the “Business” section on the operator’s official website. Mobile application, like “My Beeline”, but only for legal entities, is not provided.

Services from the category “Mobile enterprise”

  • Multichannel telephony for customer calls.
  • Call analysis system.
  • Cloud data storage (including for storing calls and documents).
  • Sales management system CRM.
  • Corporate messenger for prompt solution business tasks.
  • Callback widgets for the website.
  • Additional SIM cards for mobile internet.

Size subscription fee is calculated based on the number of connected employees. Call 8-800-770-00-08 and receive detailed advice on the entire range of services.

Mobile services

Beeline has prepared five main tariff plans for legal entities to choose from. They differ in the size of the subscription fee and include many communication services. The main difference from traditional tariff plans is the unlimited number of minutes for communication between employees. Let's study the tariffs for legal entities in more detail:

  • “For business over 400” – 5 GB included mobile traffic, 100 SMS/MMS and 100 minutes for any Russian license plates, unlimited SMS and calls within the company. The subscription fee is 400 rubles/month.
  • “For business over 700” – includes 15 GB of mobile traffic, 600 SMS/MMS and 600 minutes to any Russian numbers, unlimited SMS and calls within the company. The subscription fee is 700 rubles/month.
  • “For business for 1100” – includes 20 GB of mobile traffic, 1500 SMS/MMS and 1500 minutes to any Russian numbers, unlimited SMS and calls within the company. The subscription fee is 1100 rubles/month.
  • “For business over 1600” – includes 25 GB of mobile traffic, 3000 SMS/MMS and 3000 minutes to any Russian numbers, unlimited SMS and calls within the company. The subscription fee is 1600 rubles/month.
  • “For business over 3000” – includes 30 GB of mobile traffic, 6000 SMS/MMS and 6000 minutes to any Russian numbers, unlimited SMS and calls within the company. The subscription fee is 3,000 rubles/month.

All presented tariff plans work in Russia without roaming and include intranet unlimited for any all-Russian Beeline numbers. Subscribers also have access to the “Internet for Everything” gift service for 5 additional devices– a great way to share a packet of traffic between your own gadgets.

In the latest tariff plan, legal entities have access to two additional package– this is 100 SMS and 100 MB for spending in international roaming(packages are valid in popular countries and CIS countries). In addition, all tariff plans have preferential roaming conditions - incoming, outgoing to Russia, outgoing to other countries cost from 25 rubles/min. The cost of outgoing SMS is from 19 rubles/min. The cost of mobile Internet abroad is from 200 rubles for a package of 40 MB.

Additional services for legal entities – these are SMS mailings with targeting by parameters target audience, answering machine, mobile payments, a combination of fixed and mobile numbers into a single corporate network and much more. For getting reference information Contact the Beeline technical support hot number or your personal manager.

Tariffs for mobile Internet

Internet tariffs will offer traffic packages at more favorable rates. They are called “Fast and Furious for Business”. In total, there are three main tariffs for legal entities to choose from:

  • “Fast and Furious for Business 6 GB” – with subscription fee 390 rub/month.
  • “Fast and Furious for business 12 GB” – with a subscription fee of 600 rubles/month.
  • “Fast and Furious for business 30 GB” – with a subscription fee of 1200 rubles/month.

Voice communication is not possible on these tariffs, but it is possible to send SMS and MMS throughout Russia for 1.5 rubles/min. Additional services - access to zero zones (social networks, blogging and educational platforms), speed extension, fixed IP addresses.

Fixed line tariffs

Fixed communications for legal entities allows you to organize a landline office telephony and take you to the office high speed internet. Five tariff plans have been developed for telephony with a subscription fee starting from 0 rubles/month:

  • “Business communication for 0” – local calls for 2 rubles/min, calls to local mobiles for 2 rubles/min, intercity calls across Russia for 2 rubles/min.
  • “Business communication for 1000” – local calls at 0.65 rubles/min, calls to local mobile phones at 1.85 rubles/min, intercity calls across Russia at 1.85 rubles/min.
  • “Business communication for 2500” – local calls at 0.55 rubles/min, calls to local mobile phones at 1.75 rubles/min, intercity calls across Russia at 1.85 rubles/min.
  • “Business communication for 5000” – local calls at 0.5 rubles/min, calls to local mobiles at 1.7 rubles/min, intercity calls across Russia at 1.7 rubles/min.
  • “Business communication for 10,000” – local calls at 0.45 rubles/min, calls to local mobile phones at 1.65 rubles/min, intercity calls across Russia at 1.65 rubles/min.

The cost of international calls starts from 15 kopecks/min, depending on the direction.

Also, as part of a fixed line connection, Internet access is provided - up to 2 Mbit/s for 2600 rubles/month, up to 5 Mbit/s for 3200 rubles/month, up to 10 Mbit/s for 5300 rubles/month. Additional Solutions– managed Wi-Fi, fixed IP addressing, virtual private networks, hosting server equipment, hosting and much more. You can find out the cost of services when you connect to the network.

Sustainable, cost-balanced mobile communications for business is a strict condition of modern reality. Mobile, wireless systems communications made it possible to raise the level of quality and pace of management to the level of an unspoken law of successful business.

Let's start with the Internet

Corporate clients who actively use the Internet on mobile media are offered the “Forsazh” tariff in several options:

  • 3 GB – browsing websites, business correspondence, using social networks for work, monthly payment 225 rubles;
  • 5 GB – the ability to hold conferences online, business letters, higher resource for downloading, monthly fee 275 rubles;
  • 15 GB – all positions of the previous paragraph are included, more suitable for lovers of music and watching videos in HD quality, subscription fee 395 rubles;
  • 30 GB is the maximum offer for businessmen, their partners and employees, price 475 rubles.

The “Internet for everything” option will allow you to connect up to five mobile devices when paying for communication from one. The tariff plan covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The cost of MMS for Russian and foreign subscribers is 2 rubles. and 6.45 rub. respectively.

Colleagues communicate more

A simple tariff plan does not require a subscription fee. Within the limits of the agreement, colleagues talk to each other for only 10 kopecks, even on business trips around Russia. Sending SMS messages will cost 1.9 rubles to all numbers domestic operators and 6.45 rubles for subscribers abroad.

Small to medium

“Everything for Business” is a whole bunch of tariffs for small and medium-sized companies. Any type of tariff is connected free of charge. The set of options for all plan modifications is standard. There are variations on the size of the subscription fee, the volume of starting indicators and the guarantee fee.

  • Bronze – 3 GB of Internet, 300 minutes for communication and 300 text and multimedia messages. This is the package of services paid for by a monthly subscription. a fee of 250 rubles;
  • Silver – increases capabilities to 5 GB, 600 minutes and 600 messages per month for 450 rubles;
  • Gold – starting indicators increase: 10 GB for global network, 1500 minutes for calls, 1500 messages, cost per month 950 rubles;
  • Platinum – for 1850 rubles you get 15 GB, 3000 minutes and the same number of messages.

Contributions to guarantee contracts will range from 300 rubles for “Bronze” to 1100 rubles for “Platinum”. Each package offers 2 options: “ More Internet» 10-30 GB (100-300 rub.) and “Travel Package” for 150, 500 and 1000 minutes of incoming/outgoing calls (100/250/450 rub.).

Let's play big

“My Company” – a set of tariff plans for large corporations. In terms of cost and volume of options, it is the same as the “Everything for Business” tariffs, except for “Platinum”, which is not included in the set. There are some nuances: subscribers covered by the contract will spend 0 rubles on mobile and SMS calls. Per day 120 free minutes are provided for calls to local and out-of-town Beeline subscribers.

Subscribers of other operators in Russia can make calls (50 min./day) and send messages (50 pcs./day) without payment. The payment scheme is prepayment, tariff category is per minute. Minimum amount on the mobile account when switching to this plan is 225 rubles.

There is a service

Optimize spending on official mobile communications and provide it to subscribers not connected to corporate agreement, “My Company” will allow, only as a service.

The “My Company” service is an opportunity to optimize the company’s expenses for mobile connections and connect to the corporate tariff even those who are not provided with business cellular communications. The “highlight” of the service is that new subscribers (this can also be relatives):

  • Pay for cellular communications yourself;
  • Save your number;
  • Enjoy all the benefits of the plan.

The service is available for all Beeline corporate tariffs and allows you to reduce costs for businessmen and enterprises by 20-35%.

Good for clients too

From any region of Russia, around the clock, by wire or cellular communications, the client can always call 8-800 for free. Profit of the organization, with the acquisition virtual number 8-800 will significantly cover the costs associated with subscription fees and connection. The profile of companies where the 8-800 service is most popular is quite broad:

  • Banking industry and insurance companies;
  • Tourism and hotel business;
  • Representative offices in the regions;
  • Transport service companies and car dealerships;
  • Retail networks;
  • Enterprises producing consumer goods.

The obvious benefits of the Beeline 8-800 offer are as follows:

  • Maintaining existing and expanding potential client base;
  • Orientation of the company's image towards the client;
  • Support for marketing campaigns at the federal and regional levels;
  • Creation of customer service centers around the clock;
  • Organization of information and reference lines, consumer support services, order desks, etc.

By signing an agreement to connect to any corporate tariff plan from Beeline or the 8-800 service, you can not only save money, but also develop your business.

Proposed mobile operator Beeline business tariffs are an advantageous offer for organizations and enterprises (individual entrepreneurs and legal entities). Activation of such tariffs occurs after signing an agreement between the operator and the organization, after which the telephone numbers become the property of the organization. Beeline has already managed to switch to corporate tariffs famous corporation Russia, and it’s not surprising, because Beeline has many tariff plans for business! If your company needs corporate communications, Beeline tariffs are especially for you.

Offer from Binom and Beeline

The solidity of your enterprise will be emphasized by beautiful numbers from our company and Beeline tariffs for corporate clients. This good way not just take care of your employees and reduce their communication costs, but also unite the team by providing them with unlimited communication. And easy to remember, beautiful numbers will only be a plus for your company’s image.

On our website you will find wide choose tariff plans that differ in the size of the subscription fee and the list available services. No matter how many employees your company has, with us you will definitely find the most suitable conditions. If the number of your employees is several thousand, we can offer you closed Beeline corporate tariffs. These are tariffs that the operator offers to corporations on exclusive terms. Want to know more? Contact us!

Corporate number – maximum rates?

If you think that such tariffs are very expensive, we cannot agree with you. Let's not forget that services for businesses are always more expensive than for individuals. But there is one more rule - discounts are always offered for wholesale. And prices for corporate communications can be compared with wholesale purchases.

Yes, there are really expensive plans, but there are also quite acceptable ones, even budget options. You can verify this by looking at Beeline business tariffs in our catalog. Our specialists will always help you choose the best tariff plan.

As the director of an enterprise, you can not only connect your employees to all cellular communication services possible today, but also order them in a certain volume or with the necessary restrictions. Corporate tariff is:

  • free communication within the corporation;
  • free outgoing and incoming calls within the Russian Federation;
  • package minutes or unlimited throughout the country;
  • package MB Internet, SMS and MMS packages;
  • special conditions for roaming and international calls.

For residents of the capital, we offer unlimited Beeline corporate tariffs in Moscow and the Moscow region. Using them, you can communicate unlimitedly within the region, if desired, connecting a beautiful federal or direct number. In this case, the number can be multi-channel.

Hurry up to buy a Beeline corporate SIM card from beautiful room before your competitors get ahead of you!

Beeline tries to take into account all customer needs. Thus, the company provides special offers for business people and business clients, provides them with well-coordinated and reliable communications via reasonable prices. For this purpose, corporate tariffs from Beeline have been created, offering more ample opportunities and acceptable price ranges for both small and large organizations. In this article we will talk about these types of tariffs, who they are best suited for and what they offer according to the conditions.

Tariffs for corporate clients

Beeline offers special rates to business clients. They are suitable for smartphones, USB modems and tablets. To guarantee stable, well-coordinated functionality, you should select a tariff created exclusively for a certain type devices.

List of available on this moment business rates for various devices we will describe below in this article.

For mobile phone

Previously, corporate tariffs from Beeline were as follows: “Gold”, “Silver”, “Bronze”. There was also an expensive tariff called “Platinum”. Now everything has changed somewhat: the “Everything for Business” line has appeared, which includes more different advantageous offers. For example, corporate tariffs from Beeline in Moscow and Moscow Region are presented in the following list: “For business over 300”, “For business over 600”, “For business over 1000”, “For business over 1500” and “For business over 3000”.

All of them differ in price characteristics and volumes of service packages.

Line “For Business”:

Thus, each tariff has its own conditions: specific price ranges, contribution amount and package volume, including a certain amount of traffic, minutes of calls and MMS messages and SMS. Starting with the “Business for 1000” tariff, 4G users have the opportunity to use the Internet for free.

It is worth noting that the conditions described above apply to Moscow and Moscow Region. Each other region has different conditions, so the prices and packages in your region may not be the same as those listed above. Even the names of tariffs in regions differ due to differences in subscription fees.

For tablets

If you have a tablet, you can choose tariffs such as “Fast and Furious 4 GB” and “Fast and Furious 8 GB”, which offer the following service conditions: the first one is for 350 rub. gives 4 GB per month, and the second - for 550 rub.– 8 GB.

You are given the opportunity to connect corporate rate from Beeline for tablet for 500 rub. Any calls, of course, are impossible from these devices. Using SMS or MMS within the network in a roaming zone will cost 2 rubles .

The tariffs described above are more intended for accessing the Internet within business communication. The traffic package will be enough for communication on work, implementation of business tools, use social networks, viewing mail and other more simple services. As for downloading video and audio, there is not enough traffic here, but usually this is not required for work purposes.

Note that both tariffs are quite suitable for USB modems, because they are universal.

For USB modems and routers

The most suitable tariffs for these devices are two offers: “Fast and Furious 16 GB” and “Fast and Furious 32 GB”. They have quite decent conditions regarding Internet traffic: you will need to pay for the first one 850 rub. per month and use 16 GB of traffic, and the second - for 1150 rub. provides 32 GB.

The advantage of such tariffs is, of course, the volume of traffic. Here you can not only do simple steps on the Internet, such as web surfing, but also watching broadcasts and movies, listening to music and downloading large files. As for speed, it can only be limited by network capabilities. The most high speed, usually within 4G coverage area. There it can reach up to 75 Mbit per second.


Choose a business tariff that suits your goals and needs. Beeline provides quite a proposal in this area. Most of all, the tariffs listed above are, of course, suitable for business people who still want to save on services. In particular, unlimited corporate tariffs from Beeline benefit from high-speed Internet access, which is the most important thing in modern times, because what kind of business is there now without the Internet?

If you still have questions on the topic “Beeline Corporate Tariffs,” then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!