Quiet sound on the computer, causes and solution to the problem. How to choose good headphones based on technical characteristics

While working at a computer or laptop, you use a headset to listen to audio recordings individually. And you have already come across the question more than once - how to increase the volume in your headphones? Let's consider several options.

When connecting headphones to a jack on any device, make sure that you insert the jack all the way until you hear a characteristic click. On the monitor screen in the lower right corner there is a system tray in which the headphone icon will appear. Don't forget to immediately increase the volume using the control located on the headset cord.

When using headphones to watch movies and listen to music, you have the ability to adjust the volume in the player at your discretion. If you make sure that the volume on the headphones and in the program is increased, but the volume is still not enough, then last option

. Go to your computer settings through the Start menu and select Control Panel. Find the “Sound” section and open it. IN context menu The “Headphones” item must be activated. Click on the icon double click right key

mouse, and the properties of your headset will appear in the next window. In the “Advanced Features” tab, select “Volume Equalization” and check the box.

Here you can immediately try increasing the volume of sounds. To do this, click “Listen” and feel the difference. Before closing the window, do not forget to press the “Apply” button and then “OK”. Only in this case the changes that have occurred will be saved. If the above methods did not help you increase the volume, test the headset on another device; perhaps it’s time to replace the headphones or sound card

computer, or reinstall the sound drivers. Sound - important characteristic any communication device, because a lot depends on it: sufficient volume allows you not to miss a call, and correct setting microphone - gives the interlocutor the opportunity to hear you loudly and clearly. But what if the maximum sound volume of your headphones, microphone or speaker is not enough? The sound settings change spontaneously, and the maximum volume rests on the automatic "»?

safe limit There are several ways to increase the sound volume on Android: using sound control, using equalizer programs, as well as through engineering menu. But first things first.

An easy way to control the audio level on your phone

The fastest way to adjust the volume on an Android device is with the Volume+ and Volume- keys, usually located at the end of the device. They are responsible for the volume of the active mode. If you press a key on the main screen (desktop), the volume of notifications is adjusted; in a game or player, the media volume is adjusted. Most often, in the pop-up window with the volume slider, you can select “More” (usually looks like a down arrow), and adjust the volume of all possible sounds on the device.

Other settings options are available at: “Settings” menu, “Notifications” item. There are several available to choose from standard profiles sound, you can change the “General” profile to suit yourself.

Photo gallery: setting up sound on Android in detail for smartphones and tablets

Setting the ringer volume Setting the volume of media effects The pop-up window can be expanded by clicking on the down arrow
In the menu, you must select “notifications.” The “Notifications” item provides basic sound settings, profiles and alert modes. detailed settings"General" profile available
On different device models additional options sound improvements may vary The number of options, except for the device model, depends on the version of Android

Except standard settings, V different versions Android can be found and others useful features: options to improve sound for headphones, enhance speaker volume, effects surround sound and others.

How to improve the quality and volume of sound using programs

Typically, Android devices have standard applications for sound control - equalizers. But if the manufacturer did not bother to add such a program, or the standard one does not meet all the requirements, download from the official application store Play Market There are always dozens of analogues available for every taste. Let's look at the main ones.

Volume Booster Plus

When you need to increase the Android volume level, but there is neither time nor desire to go into the engineering menu, the Volume Booster Plus program will come to the rescue. The lack of Russian language in the interface will not prevent you from using the program: after the first launch, the application will inform you that it will analyze the characteristics of the device and select optimal settings to enhance the sound. To do this: press the Start keys successively, Next twice, then Boost, and then wait for the setup process to complete. The result will be a window with the title Success. All! The device volume is increased by 2 by the specified percentage. You can close the application.

Photo gallery: setting up sound on Android using Volume Booster Plus

Increase ringtone volume using Simple EQ

For detailed sound settings, Simple EQ is one of the simplest free equalizers on Android.

Increasing the volume can be achieved by controlling the frequency sliders 60 Hz, 230 Hz and others. Bass and stereo effect enhancement is also available. After the first launch, the program remains running in the background and provides the specified level of volume and sound quality in all usage scenarios.

In the image: setting up sound on Android using the Simple EQ Equalizer

Five frequency levels, “bass” and stereo sound enhancement are available for customization You can download the program from official page

in the Android app store - download Simple EQ Equalizer.

How to make a loud call through the engineering menu

The most advanced volume settings are available through the device's engineering menu. Engineering menu (mode) is a special service program on devices with the Android operating system. Developers use it to final settings device, bring in last changes , check the work various sensors and perform system testing. The same application is used to receive large quantity system information, and among other things, helps to perform fine tuning

sound volume.

It is worth noting that an ignorant user should not wander around the engineering menu without a clear goal. A careless “poke” or a tick in the wrong place can both format the device and deprive the radio module of its treasured frequencies: the device will stop “catching” the Internet or making calls. But if you do everything according to the instructions and do not deviate from the letter of the manual, you can adjust the sound volume in no time.

You can enter the engineering menu using the service code or through an intermediary program - MTK Engineering Mode (only for devices with an MTK processor).

You can download the program to enter the engineering menu from a device on an MTK processor from its official page in the Android application store - MTK Engineering Mode.

Video instructions on how to increase the speaker volume:

You need to enter the service code in the dialing field (in the “dialer”), which one depends on the device manufacturer.

Table: service codes for different models of Android devices

After which the engineering menu will open. In it, by swiping from right to left, you need to go to the Hardware Testing page and open the Audio item.

Photo gallery: how to add sound using the Android service menu

IN Audio section(Audio) there are several points, we will focus on the first five:

  • Normal Mode- is responsible for the volume level in normal mode, without headphones or other audio devices;
  • Headset Mode - operating mode with a connected headset (headphones, portable speakers and other);
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode;
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone mode with a headset;
  • Speech Enhancement - conversation mode (without a headset).

Is the music coming from the speaker not loud enough? Your choice is Normal Mode. Can't hear your interlocutor? Click Speech Enhancement. Is the sound from the game wheezing in your headphones at maximum volume? Headset Mode. And so on, depending on the circumstances.

When you have decided on the mode, tapping on it takes you to a settings page with several values.

Photo gallery: how to change the sound of a microphone, headphones, strengthen conversational and music speakers on Android

Type - the list contains the type of equipment being configured, its items mean:

  • Sip - volume of Internet calls;
  • Mic - microphone volume;
  • Sph - speaker volume (for talking on the phone);
  • Sph2 - second speaker(rarity);
  • Sid - do not touch (problems are possible!);
  • Media - playback volume of media files (Music, Games, Video);
  • Ring - ringer volume level;
  • FMR - FM radio volume.

Next is a list of volume levels - Level, usually there are seven of them. Each level corresponds to one press of the volume key. Level 0 is the quietest, and Level 6 is the loudest signal level. Here you can set your values, in the input cell opposite the inscription “Value is 0~255” (the specified limits may differ from device to device). Accordingly, the lower the value in this cell, the lower the volume. After making changes, you must click the Set button and the settings will be saved.

The bottom one in the window will be “Max Vol. 0~160", the value in the input field is responsible for the maximum possible volume, one for all Levels.

Attention! Before changing the default settings, overwrite the factory settings or save screenshots (usually a snapshot can be taken by pressing the volume down key and the power key at the same time) so that if the change is unsuccessful, you can return previous settings. It is also highly recommended not to use maximum values: try to limit yourself to an increase of 10–20 points. Otherwise, the risk of speaker failure increases: noise, distortion, complete shutdown speaker or microphone of the device.

Once you have decided on the setting required regime sound, the engineering menu can be closed, and the device can be rebooted, then all changes will be applied.

What to do if the volume limit turns on - how to remove it

Some device models and versions operating system"Android" contain automatic limitation of the maximum sound volume when you connect headphones or increase the volume above a certain value, in this case, you can use the Volume Boost program or its analogue. Just install, launch, and in the Settings tab check the box next to Auto Start (this will allow the application to load automatically and always run in the background). There you can also check the box and activate the application control widget, and by placing it on the desktop, you can independently turn on and off the volume limit so as not to keep the program always active.

Photo gallery: removing restrictions on the maximum volume of music on Android using Volume Boost

Eliminate spontaneous volume changes

Sometimes users encounter the rare problem of spontaneously switching the volume level; this can be caused by several factors:

  • Most often, this problem is found in people who are too “smart” Samsung devices or HTC, as well as little-known eastern brands. First of all, in the “Settings” > “Sound” menu, you need to check the presence of the “auto volume control” item. The name may differ and contain phrases: in the case, in the pocket, on the table. If you have problems with sound, try starting by disabling such options.
  • Owners of old models Samsung smartphones, like the Galaxy S4, can detect malicious settings at: Settings > My Device > Calls > Ring Loudly in Bag.
  • Also, similar settings can be found in the “Settings” menu > “ Special abilities"and be called: Smart case, Auto volume, Pocket mode.
  • If the device is equipped with a protective bumper or case, it would be a good idea to check whether the physical sound control keys are stuck.

But remember! If on your device, when you connect a headset (headphones, portable speakers), the message “safe limit” appears and turns down maximum volume- this limitation was set by the manufacturer for a reason. First of all, we are talking about the health of the person using the headset. Protect your hearing.

The value of the data indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with headphones, as a rule, does not tell the average consumer anything, so many sales consultants, taking advantage of the buyer’s ignorance, easily “hang noodles” and sell off the stale goods. To prevent this from happening to you, you should learn to understand the basic technical parameters of headphones and their meaning on your own.

Frequency characteristics without indicating the coefficient harmonic distortion cost nothing, and a smooth frequency response graph does not guarantee high sound detail.

The frequency range in headphones and its meaning.

It is generally accepted that the higher the boundaries of the frequency range, the better quality sound. But as we know from a biology textbook, a person is able to distinguish sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Then why do manufacturers of various audio devices produce products with frequencies exceeding the audible range of the human hearing aid by two to three times or more.

If in the frequency characteristics of the headphone model you like you see values ​​exceeding the limits of the audible region, this is more likely a plus than a minus. Such speakers are capable of operating not only in a narrow boundary mode, but also have additional potential for more accurate, distortion-free transmission of audible frequencies.

Speaker size and headphone power.

The diameter of a speaker is just its size and nothing more, but for some reason many buyers are consciously or subconsciously convinced of the relationship between the size of the driver (aka speaker) and the sound quality of the acoustics.

The speaker size characteristic is meaningless; in fact, it is a marketing ploy designed for the stereotype of an unenlightened buyer.

Acoustic power matters when choosing. This parameter tells us about the output power of the speakers and affects their volume. The higher the headphone power value, the richer, brighter the sound, the greater the bass, and the more accurate the interpretation.

High power headphones of 2000 mW and above will drain the battery of your portable device much faster. If the power of the sound source exceeds the maximum permissible for the headphones, they may fail. Consider these nuances when choosing.

What affects the sensitivity of headphones?

Let me answer briefly - the sensitivity parameter is responsible for the sound volume. With the same headphone power, those whose sensitivity is higher will sound louder. Focus on a sensitivity rating of 90 dB and above; such devices can be considered good.

What does impedance mean in headphones?

What affects resistance or what is impedance in headphones? The technical parameter means the following: the greater the resistance (impedance)
headphones, the more powerful the incoming signal must be to swing the membrane.

Thus, for players and other portable gadgets, the acceptable headphone impedance is 16-50 Ohms. More powerful headphones with an impedance of 250 Ohms will require a sound source more powerful than a standard player; of course, they will work from a standard player, but you will not get powerful sound.

There is the following pattern: the higher the resistance, the clearer and cleaner sound. Therefore, low-impedance headphones can transmit sound with distortion, while high-impedance headphones are not loud enough when the power of the outgoing signal source is low.

A good choice for a portable player and computer would be headphones with an impedance of 32-80 Ohms. For more professional work in the studio, etc., the headphone impedance can be from 200 Ohms and higher using sound amplifiers.

When choosing headphones, for example for a player, take into account its power and the impedance of headphones it is designed for. Typically, portable gadgets are designed to work with low-impedance head-mounted monitors with a resistance of 32 ohms.

Frequency response - amplitude-frequency response of headphones.

Frequency response is one of visual ways representation of the sound of head monitors in the form of a graph. As a rule, this is a curve on which you can see how certain headphones transmit frequencies. The fewer sharp bends there are in the graph and the further it goes this line the more accurately the monitors transmit the original audio material. Bass lovers can understand from the frequency response graph whether these headphones are suitable for them or not, on the graph in the area low frequencies there must be a "hump". The higher the graph extends, the louder the sound of the headphones.

A flat frequency response line does not guarantee high sound quality. This gives us reason to believe that the sound in the headphones is balanced, in other words, the low frequencies do not roll over or stick out, and do not hurt the hearing.

Nonlinear (harmonic) distortion factor.

In Western literature, they usually use THD - harmonic distortion coefficient, while in domestic literature they traditionally prefer THD - coefficient nonlinear distortion. This is perhaps the only parameter by which you can judge the sound quality. If you want to get high-quality sound from your headphones, choose models with a harmonic distortion coefficient of less than 0.5%. Head-mounted monitors with an indicator of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

Very often you will not find this indicator on the packaging or on the official website of some manufacturers; perhaps the manufacturer has something to hide, this is a reason to think about it. For example, the widely advertised Beats by Dr. headphones, popular among young people. Dre Studio has a THD of 1.5% at 1kHz.

If you found this characteristic In the description of the model you like, pay attention to what frequency this indicator is indicated for. The fact is that the harmonic distortion coefficient is not constant over the entire frequency spectrum. Due to the fact that the human ear hears the low frequency region less intelligibly, harmonic distortion of up to 10% is permissible in the low frequency range, but in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 2 kHz - no more than 1%.

The best headphone manufacturers

Now you know the importance of headphone characteristics and are unlikely to buy a “pig in a poke”, but I still advise you to choose head-mounted monitors famous brands, time-tested and proven to be good.

Here are some reliable companies: AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Grado, KOSS, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Bose, Shure. IN model range There are dozens of headphone models from these manufacturers, but whatever one may say, they are all made using similar technologies, so their accents are very similar.

Fans of classic rock should take a closer look at the KOSS models; they have a pronounced bass. Head monitors under the AKG brand are famous for their “beauty” - the detail of high frequencies. Headphones from the German company Sennheizer usually have a relatively flat frequency response, which indicates good balance without falling or bulging frequencies.

What do the letters in the name of the headphones mean?

The letter prefix in the name of the head-mounted monitors indicates design features and some technical details of the model.
Here is an example of smart labeling of Sennheiser headphones:

  • CX, as well as the IE series - in-ear headphones;
  • MX - in-ear headphones;
  • HD - classic with headband;
  • RS - wireless, base and headphones included;
  • HDR - extra pair wireless headphones;
  • OMX - plug-in with hook type fastening;
  • OCX - in-channel with hook type fastening;
  • PMX - overhead or plug-in with an occipital arch;
  • PXC - a line of headphones with an active noise reduction system;
  • PC - computer headsets;
  • HME - headset models designed for pilots and crews of airplanes and helicopters.

If you see the index “i” at the end of the model name, then you are looking at headphones that can work with Apple gadgets.

The final values ​​of the main technical characteristics of head-mounted monitors should be as follows.

1. Speaker size doesn't matter technical point vision.
2. Acoustic power - The higher the power value, the “brighter” the sound, the higher the bass, and the more accurate the interpretation.
3. Sensitivity - from 90 dB and above can be called good.
4. Resistance (impedance) - for a portable player and computer, choose head monitors with an impedance of 32-80 Ohms. For studio work from 200 Ohms and above.
5. Harmonic distortion coefficient - high quality sound will be provided by models with a harmonic distortion coefficient of less than 0.5%. Head-mounted monitors with an indicator of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

Have a nice day and good luck in choosing headphones!

Headphones are a device for personal listening to music and other sound signals. They often come complete with a microphone and can serve as a headset - a means for conducting telephone conversations or other means of voice communication. Headphones are also used in recording studios for precise control of the recorded track of a musical composition. Headphones are needed to listen to music alone and to disturb others less with this process, or so that those around them disturb you less. They are used in home audio systems, music centers, computers, players, mobile phones, smartphones and other portable devices. In this article we'll talk about choosing headphones for simple lovers of high-quality music listening.

Types of headphones

For ease of orientation in the variety of types of this device, we present their conditional classification.

1. By design, headphones are in-ear (in the jargon - “earbuds”), in-ear or vacuum (in the jargon - “plugs”), on-ear and full-size (monitor). No matter how comfortable and discreet earbuds are, they cannot provide good sound. It is very difficult to achieve a wide frequency range with the small size of the headphones themselves. Also on sale you can find so-called “bug” headphones with additional rubber (silicone) earbuds. With their help, better contact of the earphone with the auricle is achieved, and better sound insulation is provided. In addition, these headphones are very hygienic - the silicone seals are easily removed and washed under the tap.

2. According to the type of fastening, headphones come with a vertical bow on the headband, connecting two cups of the headphones, and with a back band, connecting the two parts of the headphones at the back of the head. The bow consists of three elements - a flexible frame and two elastic ties. This design allows the load on the head to be distributed as evenly as possible, saving the listener from rapid physical fatigue. They also produce headphones with fastening on the ears using earhooks or clips, and headphones without fastenings, where the cups are held by ear pads in the ear canal.

3. Depending on the method of sound transmission, headphones can be wired or wireless. Wired headphones are connected to a source (player, computer, music center etc.) wire, providing maximum sound quality. Professional headphone models are made exclusively wired. Wireless headphones connect to the source via wireless channel one type or another (radio signal, infrared, bluetooth technology). They are mobile, but are tied to a base and have a limited range. They have lower sound quality compared to wired headphones due to the modulation process during encoding-decoding of the signal from the emitter to the receiver.

4. Depending on the method of connecting the cable, headphones can be single-sided or double-sided. The connecting cable is connected to each of the earcups, or only to one, while the second is connected by a wire tap from the first.

5. According to the design of the emitter, headphones are dynamic, electrostatic, isodynamic, orthodynamic. Without going into technical details of all types, we note that the most common type of modern headphones is dynamic. Although the electrodynamic method of signal conversion has many disadvantages and limitations, constantly improving design and new materials make it possible to achieve very high sound quality.

6. By type acoustic design there are headphones open type, half-open (half-closed) type and closed type. Open-back headphones are partially leaky external sounds, which allows you to achieve a more natural sound. The sound of open headphones seems to be more transparent and natural, there is no feeling of “audio cut-off” from the outside world. However, when high level external noise will be difficult to hear in open headphones. This type of headphones creates less pressure on the inner ear. Semi-open (semi-closed) headphones are almost the same as open-back headphones, but provide better sound isolation. Closed-back headphones block out external noise and provide maximum sound insulation, which allows them to be used in noisy environments, as well as in cases where you need to fully concentrate on listening. The main disadvantages of closed-type headphones are boominess when playing music and sweating of the ears. On sale you can even find models “closed from water” - special waterproof headphones.

Main technical characteristics

The main technical characteristics of headphones are: frequency range, sensitivity, resistance, maximum power and distortion level.

frequency range affects the sound quality of the headphones. Headphones with a larger membrane diameter have improved sound quality. Average value frequency response 18 Hz - 20,000 Hz. Some professional headphones have a frequency range from 5 Hz to 60,000 Hz.

Sensitivity affects the volume of sound in the headphones. This is a kind of headphone efficiency. The larger this parameter, the louder sound, the smaller, the quieter the sound. Regardless of the sound source. Typically, headphones provide a sensitivity of at least 100 dB. At lower sensitivity, the sound may be too quiet, especially when used with portable devices. The sensitivity is affected by the material of the magnetic core used in the headphones. In-ear headphones with a small membrane diameter, for example, have a low-power magnet.

Most headphones are designed for an impedance of about 32 ohms. Headphones with an impedance of 16 Ohms have increased acoustic power. What is important here is that the modulus value corresponds to the full electrical resistance headphones and output impedance of the sound source. For studio work, use headphones with the maximum impedance value.
The maximum (nameplate) input power determines the sound volume of the headphones.

The level of distortion in headphones is measured as a percentage. The lower this percentage, the better the sound quality. Headphone distortion of less than 1% in the frequency band from 100 Hz to 2 kHz is acceptable, while 10% is acceptable for the band below 100 Hz.

Comparing headphones with speaker systems

How to choose headphones, what to pay attention to first? In headphones, the most important thing, by and large, is sound quality and comfort in use. The final sound quality is determined primarily by the headphones, and not by the device to which they are connected. Those models that come with portable devices (mp3 player, mobile phone, smartphone, etc.) are usually of rather low quality. Good models are expensive, and purchasing complete headphones along with any device unreasonably increases the final cost of such a device.

Headphones have a number of advantages and disadvantages compared to speaker systems. The advantage of headphones is that they are capable of providing a wide frequency range and delivering strong sound pressure without distortion at a much lower cost. In addition, the sound in the headphones is not affected acoustic characteristics premises, and powerful sound, in turn, will not get on the nerves of the neighbors. The disadvantages of headphones include the unnatural presentation of spatial information. When the sound in the room comes from acoustic systems- each human ear hears sound not only from the near emitter, but also from the far one. It is based on this information that a person can determine the location of the sound source in space. In headphones, each ear perceives only sounds coming from the emitter intended specifically for this ear, which ultimately leads to unnatural sound. And, as a result, to increased fatigue. True, it is believed that devices called “head speakers” are free from this drawback.

If you have hearing problems, or are simply concerned about the possible harm from constant use of headphones, then you need to consider the following. The greatest danger to hearing are in-ear headphones and in-ear headphones, because... when used, the sound goes directly into the ear canal, bypassing the pinna, which usually amplifies all the sounds we hear outside. With this type of listening, the load on the ear canal, even at low volumes, is significantly higher than with normal listening. Therefore, prolonged use of headphones is fraught with partial hearing loss, and in extreme cases can even lead to deafness. For this reason, a number of countries introduce special restrictions, for example, on the use of headphones by vehicle drivers.

Monitor headphones

Among all types of headphones, the so-called monitor headphones stand apart. They are the most comfortable and practical - they have maximum size, greater power and excellent quality indicators. Their the main task- monitoring of music, samples used by sound engineers when mixing a composition. Since when listening on high-quality equipment, all possible colors in the sound will be heard, the highest technical requirements are imposed on such headphones throughout the entire sound range. Professionals advise choosing models with an operating range of at least 20-20,000 Hz.

Monitor headphones are used by sound engineers, DJs, gamers, and simply lovers of very good music. Therefore, manufacturers today offer entire lines of attractively designed models with the “DJ” index. For higher isolation, such headphones are usually produced as a closed acoustic type. They also use a lot of tracking force to keep them on your head.

Wireless headphones

It is worth mentioning separately wireless devices sound transmission. There are two ways to transmit a signal from the base unit to the headphones. The first of them is using a radio signal. The principle of operation is simple: the base unit contains a radio transmitter that operates in FM-stereo mode at frequencies of 433-435 MHz. The base unit is connected on the one hand to the output of any source (CD, MD, etc.), and on the other hand to the network via a standard AC/DC adapter. The radiation pattern of the transmitter antenna is circular, and allows you to maintain a stable connection between the headphones and the base station within a radius of about 100 meters.

The second method of signal transmission with base station- via infrared port. In this case, the signal is transmitted according to the remote control principle remote control to the TV and only at a line of sight distance. The advantages of wireless headphones are freedom of movement around the apartment, office, or country house. Cons - noticeable noise when listening to songs, frequent replacement of batteries, inability to listen to headphones with infrared port in the next room.

Manufacturers also offer special “invisible” wireless headphones in the form of a special microcapsule, which is completely inserted into the ear hole and connects to any mobile phone with help wireless communication. This capsule is completely invisible from the outside. The body of such a micro-earphone is usually made of light brown, black or flesh-colored plastic.

Is frequency range really that important?

The importance of the frequency parameter in headphones, which we so often pay attention to, is unnecessarily inflated by manufacturers. This parameter is not that important for the average music lover. Moreover, it is not worth overpaying for it.

A person hears sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. At the beginning of this range there are low-frequency sounds - basses, and at the top - high-frequency sounds - violins, flutes. In the middle of the range - the bulk of the sound - vocals, most of the various musical instruments. The task of any headphones is to correctly reproduce this range, without blockages, wheezing, hissing, grinding, etc. This ability is reflected by the amplitude-frequency response (AFC), the dependence of loudness on frequency, which is usually presented in the form of a graph. Accordingly, the smoother this curve, the more accurate the sound. In other words, at any frequency - one volume, be it 150 Hz of a bass, or 15,000 Hz of a violin - nothing is distorted.

When the manufacturer writes the frequency range on the box, then ideally he should indicate the length of this linear, flat section. But if the range is written 5 Hz - 20000 Hz, this does not mean that above 20 kHz or below 5 Hz the headphones do not produce sound at all. It’s just that in this case the volume begins to subside. If the volume drops by 0.0001% or even 10%, is this considered the limit of the range? The problem is that the manufacturer himself sets this criterion. At the same time, he notes the most wide range, in order to attract more buyers with an inflated figure. There are incidents when headphones, say, for 5,000 rubles. with amazing sound, they have a declared frequency range worse than that of headphones for 500 rubles. with weak sound. Even if the range is marked correctly and fairly, it still cannot be a selection criterion. The main thing is not the width of the linear part of the frequency response, but its linearity. You cannot choose headphones based on the frequency response itself - you can only divide them into good and bad.

1. The choice of headphones is a purely individual matter, and depends both on the purpose of the purchase and on the taste of each buyer. If you really want to get high quality sound, then you should forget about three-hundred-ruble crafts and buy only branded products.

2. If you find it difficult or simply do not want to delve into the numbers and technical features of the parameters of resistance, frequency, etc. - dont be upset. Many numbers are quite arbitrary to somehow globally influence the sound quality. In this case, adhere to the principle “it is better to hear once than to see a hundred times.”

3. If the main thing for you is ease of use, then your choice is portable models. For example, in-ear headphones are extremely convenient - they are almost invisible, will not ruin your hair, and are also lightweight. If convenience is important to you, plus good sound, then you should pay attention to models with a thin rim or two arms that can be adjusted to suit your personal needs. Due to their not so small size, these headphones are characterized by the presence of good low frequencies. Also very popular today are headphones with an original design, the thin headband of which can be placed on the back of the head.

4. The average frequency response of good headphones should be 20-20000 Hz. The frequency range directly affects sound quality, although this is not the most significant criterion when choosing headphones. Most important is the low frequency response limit. If you notice hissing and metallic sound at very low or very low high frequencies- this is a consequence of the obvious poor quality of the headphones in the frequency range.

5. Sensitivity affects the volume of sound in the headphones. Ideally, headphones should provide a sensitivity of at least 100 dB. Otherwise, the sound may be too quiet when using headphones with a player or phone.

6. How to choose headphones and which model - wired or wireless? Obviously, the wire will restrict your movements - you won’t be able to dance or walk around the apartment listening to music. But there will be better sound. Wireless headphones, on the contrary, give complete freedom movement. However, you need to pay attention to the transmission quality, channel frequency, the presence of automatic adjustment and the weight of the headphones. One of the disadvantages of wireless headphones is the battery. There are models with batteries that are charged directly at the transmitter.

7. If headphones rub your ears, use on-ear or monitor headphones. To prevent headphones from spoiling your hair, choose headphones with a headband located behind the neck.

8. Estimate the weight of the headphones. Some headphones that seem light at first glance can cause discomfort after a couple of hours of continuous use. Use in-ear headphones with a headband or other models that distribute their weight evenly.

9. Pay attention to what the ear cups are made of and how good the adjustment options are to the diameter of your head. Is there, for example, a volume control on the wire, are the arms foldable and other little things that can make listening to music more comfortable and convenient.

10. The higher the resistance of the headphones, the more powerful the source needed for the headphones and the less the influence of the source itself on the sound. If, for example, to low-quality music player connect headphones with an impedance of 8-16 ohms, then in addition to the smallest musical nuances, you can also hear the noise of the amplifier, the crackling noise from the internal processes of the player itself, the rustle from switching tabs in the player menu, etc. If you connect to portable source large 250 Ohm monitor headphones, then nothing will happen to the player - it will not explode. The sound will simply be quiet and flat, bass, depth, beauty of the voice and other pleasant “little things” will be lost. The compromise for a portable device is somewhere in the range of 32-64 ohms. If the resistance in the headphones is more than 100 Ohms, then there is no point in taking them for portable equipment, connecting directly. If the resistance is less than 100 Ohms, the player must have a high quality audio output.

11. Included headphones are often of poor quality. If you want to fully enjoy high-quality sound, purchase headphones separately from your music device.

12. After some time, crackling, extraneous noise and other unpleasant effects may appear in the headphones. Very often it becomes clear that the headphones rub the ears, are uncomfortable and do not fit firmly on the head and have more whole line shortcomings. Always take the opportunity to try out headphones in action before purchasing them.

13. Be wary of “revolutionary technologies” declared by manufacturers. For example, the situation with five-channel audio headphones is indicative. Design headphones good quality with two speakers - quite difficult task. It is almost impossible to achieve consistency of sound in the small volume of the ear cup. The consistency of the sound of five speakers in headphones is generally a technological fantasy. What the output sound will actually be is a big question. These headphones are not suitable for listening to music. As practice shows, ordinary good headphones provide sound localization much better than the “revolutionary five-channel system”.

14. Many dubious companies are involved in the production of headphones, which means their quality will be questionable, as well as compliance with the declared indicators. Pay attention to recognizable manufacturers, make a choice in favor of those who have been producing headphones for decades. Headphones compared to other equipment are quite simple technical device, and for many years nothing fundamentally new has been invented. However, for this long time production technologies were honed to achieve the highest quality. Today, the consumer can afford (and should!) be picky when choosing such a device. Let's say a Chinese manufacturer uses a slightly wrong plastic structure in the headphone housing - and the sound will not be the same; it will position the coil slightly wrong - and the sound will be distorted. Advanced technologies famous manufacturers allow you to bypass such problems even in their most budget models.

Leading manufacturers of high quality headphones for a wide range of consumers are AKG, Audio-Technica, Koss and Sennheiser.

Sound quality depends equally on both the source (player, smartphone, tablet) and the headphones. It won't be possible to achieve good result, focusing on one link in the chain and forgetting about the other. The absence of external noise significantly improves perception, so choose headphones with the maximum degree of passive noise isolation. The best choice in this case - intra-channel “plugs” of the in-ear type. Much depends on the quality of the recordings. MP3 in this situation is not the best option. Truly natural sound is only possible when using uncompressed (WAV) or lossless compressed (APE, FLAC) audio files. It is important that the gadget you choose supports such formats.

Which player do you prefer?

Specialized audio player or smartphone?

Which headphones should you choose?

Selecting headphones by parameters

The main criteria for selecting headphones are their sound quality and wearing comfort. Passive noise insulation is also important. If, with all this, you want to have an acceptable reserve of undistorted volume, then for your signal source you should choose a device that is suitable in terms of electrical parameters.

The main criteria for selecting headphones are their sound quality and wearing comfort. Passive noise insulation is also important. If, with all this, you want to have an acceptable reserve of undistorted volume, then for your signal source you should choose a device that is suitable in terms of electrical parameters.

2 x 50 mW or more