Requirements for the development of a graphical user interface for an IS. Creating a graphical interface using Qt

yadobr January 14, 2014 at 09:10

Graphical User Interface Design

  • Interfaces


IN modern world billions of computing devices. Even more programs for them. And each has its own interface, which is the “levers” of interaction between the user and machine code. Not surprisingly, the better the interface, the more effective the interaction.

However, not all developers and even designers think about creating a convenient and understandable graphical user interface.

For myself, I started by asking questions: general principles, what interface elements (EI) create what design they should have, where they should be placed correctly and how they should behave.
Below I will try to answer these questions.

General principles

What EI should I create?

What should the EI design be?

In fact, EI design is the topic of a separate article. Here you need to take into account everything: from color, shape, proportions, to cognitive psychology. However, a few principles are still worth noting:

How to correctly position the EI on the screen?

How should EIs behave?

In custody

This article does not claim to be the most comprehensive guide to interface design principles. Graphical user interface is a vast topic, closely intertwined with psychology, occupying the minds of scientists and hundreds of pages of books and studies. In such a small format, there is no way to express the fullness of the topic raised. However, following the basic principles will make it possible to build interfaces that are more user-friendly, as well as simplify the design process itself.
Thank you for your attention.


Jeff Raskin, “Interface: new directions in the design of computer systems”
Alan Cooper, “About the interface. Fundamentals of Interaction Design"
Alan Cooper, “Mental hospital in the hands of patients”

When developing application programs, it seems useful to create GUI. In fact, this is the creation of an environment for calculating problems of a certain class without programming on the part of the user. As a rule, it makes sense to develop such interfaces for problems with several parameters if similar problems are expected to be solved repeatedly. In this case, it is advisable to develop a graphical interface that helps the user obtain the results of solving the problem (usually in graphically) for a certain choice of parameters. Such an interface can also be convenient when creating educational tasks, because in this case the student spends the main attention not on programming or solving the problem, but on selecting the required parameters, analyzing and comprehending the resulting results.

From the above brief introduction It is clear that the mandatory elements of a graphical interface when solving scientific and/or educational problems should be:

1. One or more windows for displaying graphical calculation results.

2. Several editable windows with which you can set and/or change the values ​​of task parameters.

3. Control buttons that allow you to start and stop the calculation process, redraw the results, and exit the task.

4. Explanatory notes (static text).

Of course, other controls are possible, such as scrollable lists, radio buttons for selecting one of many options, etc., but in this tutorial we will look in detail only at the four types listed. Figure 8 shows the simplest interface created for studying the beats formed when two harmonic oscillations with similar frequencies are added. As can be seen from the figure, all of the above elements are present in it.

To create such an interface, you can use the graphical output functions, as well as a special function designed for interactive user interaction with the drawing. This function is called uicontrol. But to simplify the work and create similar interface elements, the MATLAB system has a special program that allows you to create the required elements at the visual programming level, almost without writing code.

Rice. 8. The simplest graphical user interface for solving the “Beat” problem

9.1. Creating the appearance of the interface

In this paragraph we will look at using MATLAB for development appearance graphical interface (GUI -GraphicsUserInterface) using graphical (visual) programming tools. To call the visual editor, enter the guide command in the MATLAB command window. After a certain time, determined by the speed of your computer, two new windows will appear, shown in Fig. 9. One of them is the control panel (Control Panel, in the figure on the left) and the form or drawing area (Figure, in the figure on the right). These windows may overlap, but we have placed them side by side for clarity of presentation. The picture shown above will appear on the screen if there is no open picture before calling guide. If the guide function is called after drawing a picture, it is opened instead of an empty one. We will look at creating a graphical interface from the very beginning.

Before creating a GUI, it is advisable to “blueprint” what you want to have as an interface. We will look at an example of outputting three different signals in three subwindows, which in terms of high-level graphics would be defined by the operators subplot(3,1,k), where k is the plot number. Besides,

Rice. 9. General form visual graphic editor and editing window

to the right of the actual sills with graphs, we want to have three editable

fields in which you can enter/edit numerical values ​​of three

variables. Let these variables take arbitrary values.

In this presentation, we will not equip our editable windows with checking

whether the entered values ​​satisfy any conditions, although this is possible

Can. Let's call these variables N, R, C. In this example we mean the calculation

current in the RC circuit when a signal with number N is applied to the terminals, and R and C are resistance

voltage and capacitance in the circuit (for a detailed description of the task, see paragraph 10 of the main

manual text).

Our interface should allow changing the values

values ​​of N, R, and C, obtaining in three located

subwindows one above the other signal (voltage,

supplied to the terminals), derivative of the signal

la and resistance voltage U r . Besides

windows for displaying graphs and editable windows

R u n E x i t

input must be placed on the interface panel

there are two more buttons - RUN - start the program on

Rice. 10. Interface view

account and EXIT - termination and deletion

graphics window.

At the first stage, it is necessary to develop the appearance of the interface. Let it be

According to our preliminary sketch, the interface should look approximately

as follows (Fig. 10). The elements of this interface are three windows

graph output (axes in control panel terms), three static inscriptions N, R, C(text), three data entry/edit windows (edit) and two buttons (push).

To create subwindows in which the graphs will be displayed, use the button shown on the right in the figure (window and axes). By clicking on this element on the control panel and moving the mouse to the drawing panel, you need to place a cross, which will be on the tip of the mouse, while

the place where the upper left corner of the first subwindow should be. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, you need to drag out the resulting rectangle to the desired size. After this, the procedure for constructing the other two windows is repeated in a similar way.

To create editable input windows, use the edit button shown on the right. It is used in the same way as when creating sills with axes. First, a mouse appears loaded with a cross, with which an input rectangle is constructed.

Labels on the drawing panel are created using the text button, which is moved and aligned in the same way as described above. In order for some kind of text to appear inside the static text area

inscription, you need to work with the property editor, which is called either using the Property editor button, or by double-clicking with the left mouse button on the corresponding object in the drawing panel.

To create and place buttons, use the panel labeled Push. The method of placing a button and selecting its size is completely the same as the method described above for the editing window and the static text window.

The output and editing windows, static text windows and buttons, as well as other objects constructed in this way can be aligned and certain spaces between them can be set using the alignment panel (Alignment Tools).

To do this, click on the corresponding button on the control panel, and the alignment panel will appear. To specify a number of objects with which any actions will be performed, you need to select them by clicking on each of them while holding down the Shift key. Selected objects are marked

black dots around the corresponding objects. If you need to change the size of any object (buttons, windows, etc.), you must click on this object with the left mouse button and use the mouse to change the required size in the same way as the size of any Windows window.

When working with graphic objects in the drawing panel, it is advisable to expand (using the corresponding Windows window button) the drawing panel to full screen and select the size of all objects in the drawing panel.

Since by default the sizes of all objects are set in pixels, this can lead to the fact that when resizing the output window, buttons and/or windows may collide with each other. To avoid such an undesirable phenomenon, it is necessary to set the size units of all objects in dimensionless variables - fractions of the window size. This size is called normalized. To do this, you need to call the property editor by clicking on the button with the top button on the control panel.

by writing to Property editor. Having selected all the objects we entered in the upper window of the property editor (using the Ctrl key held down and selecting objects with the left mouse button), in the lower window of the property editor we find the Units property (units of measurement) and select it by clicking the left mouse button. After this, in the middle part of the editor, in a special window on the left, the Units property will appear, and on the right - a window for selecting values, in which there is a drop-down list with acceptable values properties. The Units property must be set to normalized . Similarly, you need to set the value of the FontUnits property – the units of font size. This ensures that the font size changes when the window size changes.

To place labels on buttons and in the static text area, you need to select the corresponding object (either by double-clicking directly in the drawing area, or in the upper window of the property editor) and in the lower window of the property editor, find the String property, and after selecting it, enter the required text between the quotes ( for example, 'Start' on the corresponding button). To set labels above each of the output windows, you need to select the corresponding window and call the property editor8, in the lower window of which you need to find the Title property.

8 The property editor can be called not only using the button on the control panel, but

and double click on the corresponding object.

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State educational institution

higher professional education

Russian State Humanitarian university

Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies

Department of General Informatics




Lisichenok Konstantin Viktorovich

Externship 3 years of study

(4-year duration of study)

Group b (information sphere)

Scientific adviser,

Ph.D., teacher: Mashintsov E.A.

Moscow 2005



X Window System

General system structure X Window

Programming using the X Toolkit Intrinsic (Xt) library

Xt objects, their classification

Information sources


When, for the first time in 1959, at the UNESCO conference on information processing, Streci proposed a time-sharing mode for solving problems on computers, from that moment it was customary to count the beginning of interactive computing and, consequently, the study of human machine interface. As computer power increased, so did the cost of the conversational component of the software. The issue of machine efficiency has become more acute with the rapid entry into the market of workstations that combine interactivity with graphics. The term efficiency has since changed its meaning - if previously it reflected such characteristics as processor time and the amount of memory occupied, now it is understood as ease of development, ease of maintenance and ease of working with the program. Therefore, the cost of researching and developing the user interface is justified.

The development of any application software usually involves the creation of a user interface. Since most modern user interfaces are based on similar ideas (active use of the mouse, focus on objects, graphics, etc. - imitation of processes and phenomena, the ability to use algorithms familiar to every person from his everyday life), there is an opportunity and necessity development of auxiliary software designed to create such “standard” interfaces, or rather their bases.

On the other hand, the multiplicity and variety of hardware and system platforms on which this software will need to run requires its portability at the source code level. The above requirements logically lead to the idea of ​​a portable, unified software toolkit for creating user interfaces or, if we consider the final application software, a system (module, block) that manages (manages, manages, maintains, manages) the interface with the user.

You can classify such tools (User Interface tools) according to the following scheme:

* Text screen systems (curse, ncurse, etc).

* Graphic screen systems.

* Multi-window systems (WMS):

* character-oriented (text);

* graphic;

*UI toolkits

* traditional;

* object-oriented;

* UIDS - User Interface Development System - user interface development system (toolkit);

* UIMS - User Interface Management System - user interface (management) system (software module - an integral part of the final product in conjunction with the corresponding UIDS);

* UIDE - User Interface Development Environment - user interface development environment.

This scheme does not pretend to be a systematic classification; rather, it is simply an enumeration.

Currently, great efforts are being made to develop methods and create tools within systems called UIMS - User Interface Management System.

SystemX Window

X Window or simply X is a system for creating a graphical user interface, initially on computers running UNIX. X was created at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Currently, version 11.6 (X11R6) has already been released and preparations are actively underway for the release of version 7.

A special feature of X Window is its architecture - it is built according to the client-server scheme. The interaction between the X client and the X server occurs within the framework of the corresponding application layer protocol - the X protocol. X Window is indifferent to the transport used, which can be either a local UNIX-socket or any network one, for example, TCP. This means that the X client and X server can "live" on different computers, i.e. the program can perform input/output of graphical information on the screen of another computer, and differences in the architecture of the X client and X server do not play any role - this is ensured by the X protocol standard. The system provides graphical output to the machine screen, receives signals from input devices such as the keyboard and mouse, and transmits them to programs. It should be noted that the output device may have more than one screen. X provides output to any of them. All this: screen (screens), input devices (keyboard, mouse) is called in X Window terms - display.

Thanks to its architecture, X Window can be freely used in distributed computing systems, for example, in TCP/IP networks (Internet).

X allows the user (behind the display) to communicate with many programs simultaneously. To prevent the output from them from being mixed, the system creates “virtual subscreens” - windows - on the display screen. Each application (as a rule) draws only in its own window (or windows). X provides a set of tools for creating windows, moving them around the screen, resizing them, displaying them, and so on.

As a rule, programs have a set of configuration parameters - resources. This can be the color of the window, various parameters of the text font (ligature, size, etc.) and much more. The system standardizes the way of defining application resources, managing them, and contains a number of procedures for working with them. This set of functions is called the “resource manager” (Xrm - X resource manager). The "storage" of program parameters is called the resource database.

X operates according to the ideology of event-driven architecture - it organizes communication between the programs themselves and between programs and the external environment through events. An event is a unit of information that identifies changes or actions occurring in a system. Using the event identifier, you can obtain information about it - the type of event, its characteristics, where it occurred, etc.

General X Window Device

System X Window is a collection of programs and libraries. Its “heart” is a special program - the X server. This is a separate UNIX process that takes place on the computer to which the display is attached. It is the server that knows the features of specific equipment and knows what needs to be done to display any graphic object, for example, a primitive, on the screen. He can also perceive and process signals coming from the keyboard and mouse.

The server communicates with client programs by sending or receiving data packets from them. If the server and client are on different machines, then the data is sent over the network, and if on the same machine, then the internal channel is used. For example, if the server detects that the user has pressed the mouse button, then it prepares the corresponding packet (event) and sends it to the client in whose window the mouse cursor was at the moment the button was pressed. Conversely, if a program needs to display something on the display screen, it creates required package data and sends it to the server. Obviously, a description of this interaction, packet formats, etc. and compiles the specification for the aforementioned X protocol.

However, to program for X, you don't need to know the details of the server implementation and the X protocol. The system provides a standard library of procedures by which programs access X services "at a high level." So, in order to display a point on the screen, it is enough to call the corresponding standard procedure, passing it the required parameters. This procedure will do all the work of generating data packets and transmitting them to the server.

X window

As mentioned earlier, a window is a basic concept in X. It represents, typically, a rectangular area on the screen that the system provides to a client program. The latter uses a window to display graphical information.

The window has an inside and an edge. The main attributes of a window are the width and height of the interior, as well as the width (thickness) of the edge. These parameters are called window geometry.

Each window is associated with a coordinate system, the origin of which is in the upper left corner of the window (more precisely, its interior). The x-axis points to the right and the y-axis points down. The unit of measurement on both axes is pixel.

X Window allows a program to create multiple windows at the same time. They are linked into a hierarchy in which some are “parents” and others are “descendants”. The server itself creates one main window on each screen, which is the topmost “parent” of all other windows. This window is called the "root" window.

Window management

Windows can be placed on the screen randomly, overlapping each other. X Window has a set of tools, using which the client program can change the size of windows and their position on the screen. A special feature of the system is that it does not have a built-in ability to control windows using the mouse or keyboard. To do this, you need a special client - a window manager.

However, a manager cannot correctly manage windows without knowing anything about them. Windows can have various properties that the window manager must provide: for example, in many cases it is convenient to have window titles, in others it is desirable that the window cannot be made smaller, or vice versa - larger, certain size. The window can be "collapsed" into an icon ("icon") - in this case the manager must know which icon to use and what to name it. Clients can communicate their wishes regarding windows to the manager in two ways:

* when creating a window X, “hints” can be transmitted about the initial position of the window, its geometry, minimum and maximum sizes, etc.;

* you can use the built-in way of communication between programs in X - the “properties” mechanism.

X Window Graphics Features

The X Window System is designed to run on raster displays. The number of bits per pixel is called the depth or thickness of the display. Bits with the same numbers (the same binary digits) in all pixels form a kind of plane, as if parallel to the screen. It is called the color plane. X allows you to paint in any color plane(s) without affecting the others.

The pixel value does not directly set the color of a point on the screen, but sets the number of the cell in a special array in which the color value is stored, i.e. the pixel value specifies the color number in the current palette.

X has a large set of procedures that allow you to draw graphic primitives: points, lines, arcs, text; work with free-form areas.

"Properties" and atoms

X Window has built-in facilities for providing information between client programs. To do this, the “properties” mechanism is used. A "property" is an information structure associated with some object, such as a window, that is available to all X clients. Each property has a name and unique identificator- atom. Typically, property names are written in capital letters. Atoms are used to access the contents of properties in order to reduce the amount of information sent between clients and the X server.

X provides a number of procedures that allow you to translate a property name into a unique atom, and, conversely, to obtain the necessary data for an atom.

Some properties and their corresponding atoms are predefined and are created at the time of server initialization.

Programming using the libraryX Toolkit Intrinsic (Xt)

To make programming on the X window system easier, several packages have been created. The de facto standard currently is the X Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) library, which is included in the standard delivery of the system. Xt makes it easy to initialize programs and create windows. In addition, the library contains tools for creating objects (control elements) used by programs when communicating with users. In Xt terms, the control element is called a widget.

Currently, various sets of control elements (objects) are implemented on the basis of the package, for example, Athena, OSF/Motif, Open Look. These kits, combined with Xt itself, are used as a convenient tool for creating interfaces. They take care of the tedious work that a programmer would have to do manually if he were writing his own application using only the X Window core library routines.

Xt Basics

programming user graphical interface

Xt objects

The Xt package is a base for creating control elements - widgets (blanks). In the Xt sense, a widget is simply a data structure whose fields include the ID of the element itself, the ID of its window, if any, and much more. The attributes of such an object are called resources. Widget resources can be, for example, the color of its window, the color of the window border, the font of the displayed text, etc.

Each object belongs to one of the predefined classes (widget class). A class is understood in the usual sense for object-oriented programming, i.e.: a class can be considered as a set of instances (objects) having the same characteristics. The Xt classes form a hierarchy.

During operation, the program creates the objects themselves (instances of classes - widget). They form aggregates, each of which also represents a certain hierarchy. Each such hierarchy is called an object tree (widget tree). The root of the tree is necessarily a widget, which belongs to one of the subclasses of the special class - Shell. If among two widgets A and B of a tree of objects, the first is closer to the root than the second, then A is the parent object ("parent") of B, and B is the subobject (or "child" object (child) of A. Thus, shell object is the parent widget for all other widgets of this tree objects. It is he who interacts between the program and the window manager.

The described hierarchy of widgets corresponds to the relationship of their windows, which is a property of X Window. In addition, another hierarchy is imposed on objects. The fact is that during operation, some objects can control others. For example, if an object has subobjects, then when the geometry changes, it can automatically rebuild the geometries of its descendants. In order for this to happen, a connection is established between the widgets - a “control” connection. Each object can have one or more subobjects "managed" by it.

There are three mechanisms for interaction between a program using Xt and the widget and X Window.


Procedures ("procedures callback"). For any class, a set of actions is defined to which the objects belonging to it must react. For example, for any class a reaction to the destruction of a widget is provided. When an action is performed, a call is made to either standard function Xt, or one or more procedures provided by the program. Such functions are called callback procedures or simply callback.


-procedures. The program can order a reaction to a particular complex event (group of events) coming from Xt. If an event occurs, Xt searches for and calls the appropriate function.

*Event handlers

- event handlers. This method is similar to the previous one, but faster and less flexible. It allows you to react only to simple (single) events, but not to their sequences.

General programming scheme

Programs running in X must perform a number of standard steps, such as establishing a connection to the server, setting the necessary properties for the window manager, and many other steps. If Xt is used, then all this is done with one procedure - XtInitialize(). It initializes the package itself, the resource manager (\term resource manager) X Window, and performs other necessary operations. A call to XtInitialize() (or XtAppInitialize()) must precede all other calls to Xt procedures. XtInitialize() returns the shell-widget identifier , which can be used as the root of a program's object tree. Typically, the program's class name is the same as the program's name, but begins with a capital letter. The resource manager uses the program's name and class to look up its parameters in the resource database.

Each program can set some parameters on the command line. Xt defines "standard" parameters that can be passed when running a program. In addition, the command line may contain non-standard parameters that are unique to this application. XtInitialize() scans command line and places the corresponding data values ​​in the database.

During initialization, a program context is also created - a structure that stores all information about the application. The context is intended to protect the program from the influence of various modifications in the operating system. XtInitialize() creates some standard context (default context), but, nevertheless, starting from the fourth version of X, it is recommended to create a separate “personal” context for each individual instance of the program, for which, in terms of Xt, you should use a call to the XtAppInitialize() procedure ( instead of XtInitialize()). Note here that an application in Xt can have not one, as usual, but several objects " top level".

The next step after initialization is the stage of creating program control elements, describing the relationships between them, setting reactions to various events (registering event handlers and other similar objects). This can be done in different ways, but the traditional way is to use, for example, the XtCreateWidget() procedure to create an object, the XtManageChild() procedure to transfer control of an object to its parent, the XtAddEventHandler() procedure to register event handlers for widgets, etc. and so on.

After all program objects are prepared for work, their graphical representations (for example, windows corresponding to these widgets) are shown on the screen by the XtRealizeWidget() procedure.

The next stage is the main cycle - the cycle of receiving and sending events. It is implemented by calling the XtMainLoop() procedure (XtAppMainLoop()).

A program that uses only core X library (Xlib) procedures must itself consider each incoming event (receiving it from the event queue with an explicit call, such as XNextEvent() or XPeekEvent()) and respond accordingly. If a task has several windows, then before performing any actions, it is necessary to determine in which of the windows the event occurred and at what level of the hierarchy this event will be processed (will this object or its parent process this event?). All this is quite tedious.

Xt takes care of all the routine work. XtMainLoop() receives the next event and determines the window to which it is intended. There is a corresponding widget along the window. For the latter, an event handler, action procedure or callback are defined, registered to react to the event that has occurred. If there are any network, they are called. The mechanism described above is called event broadcasting.

XtMainLoop() (XtAppMainLoop()) automatically terminates the program when requested by the window manager.

Xt objects, their classification

Xt provides a set of tools for creating objects that programs use to communicate with the user and, in general, with the rest of the outside world.

Each widget created by the program is a representative of one class or another. Xt and packages based on it, such as OSF/Motif, Athena, Tk/tcl, Open Look, etc., have a large number of such classes. Creating new widgets not provided for in standard libraries, also requires creating (defining) the corresponding class, which is usually a time-consuming task.

Each class has a number of fixed characteristics that are common to all its instances (for example, a list of callback procedures). The values ​​of these characteristics may vary among the objects themselves.

All Xt classes form a hierarchy. If class B is closer to the top of the hierarchy than class D, then B is called the base class of D, and D is called the derived class (or subclass) of B.

Subclasses inherit the characteristics of all their base classes. This means that an instance of a class has the characteristics not only of its class, but also the attributes of all base classes.

In programs, each class is identified by a variable that points to the corresponding data structure. This variable is called a pointer to the class. The data in this structure is populated when Xt is initialized.

Main widget classes:

Object. An abstract class (a class that does not generate its own object) that is used as the root of a tree of all objects. It contains a single subclass:

RectObj. An abstract class that is used to define some common characteristics necessary for the functioning of different types of objects (for example, for objects that do not have a window). It contains a subclass:

Core. The root of the tree of widget classes that have windows. This class defines characteristics that are common to all objects, such as the size of the widget and its position on the screen. Contains subclass:

Composite. Widgets belonging to this class can be parents of other objects. Instances of the Composite class define the following behavior for their subobjects:

* sets the location of “child” widgets according to certain restrictions;

* when destroyed, frees memory used by subobjects (when destroying a widget of the Composite class, all its “descendants” will be destroyed first);

* controls the appearance of the windows of its child widgets on the screen;

* controls the transfer of input focus between objects.

The Composite class contains subclasses:

Constraint. This class is a further extension of the base class. Its instances have additional capabilities to control the size and location of their descendants. For example, subobjects can be placed in a special order: in a row, in a column, etc.

Shell. This is a special class designed to interact with the window manager. widget from this class can have only one child. The Shell class contains subclasses:

OverrideShell. It is an important subclass of the Shell class. For a widget window of this class, the override_redirect attribute is set to True, i.e. the window manager does not control it. As a rule, windows of objects of this class do not have accessories added by the window manager (title, frame, standard buttons), and are used mainly to create menus of various types.

WMShel. This is a special subclass of the Shell class that contains additional fields needed to interact with the window manager. Contains:

VendorShell. This class is intended to provide the ability to interact with special window managers. This class contains subclasses:

TopLevelShell. Widgets of this class are usually used as shell objects of the program object tree. He contains:

ApplicationShell. A program can usually have only one instance, belonging to the ApplicationShell class.

TransientShell. This class differs from the previous one only in the features of interaction with the window manager. Widget windows of this class cannot be minimized (turned into an icon). But if the parent of a TransientShell class object is turned into an icon, then the widget window is removed from the screen. The TransientShell class is used to create dialogs.

Each of the widget classes, and therefore the objects created on its basis, have a fairly large number of parameters. In Xt terms these are called "resources". Xt provides a wide range of tools to work with them.

Additional Xt Features

Xt provides a mechanism for working with files (and external devices in general) in asynchronous mode. An application can register a procedure that will be called when data is ready or when read/write errors occur.

Xt gives an application the ability to perform certain actions at specified intervals. For example, periodically display the current time on the screen in a given window, etc. For such purposes, a special Xt mechanism is used - a timer. It provides a call at a specified time interval to a special function specified by the program.

Xt provides the ability to perform some action when the event queue is empty. This is accomplished by registering a special "work" procedure that Xt will call if the event queue is empty. Such functions are usually used to perform various actions and calculations in a very short time.

Each application, if necessary, can modify the usual cycle of receiving and distributing (processing) events - Xt provides a whole set of procedures for working with the event queue.

Xt has a mechanism called accelerators, which allows you to introduce event and action dependencies. Accelerators are similar to action procedures with the difference that an event (or group of events) occurring in one widget initiates a call to the corresponding action procedure for another object.

Xt supports several ways to work with widgets. Thus, the program, using the procedures provided by Xt, can show a window, set one or another operating mode for it, and close the window when it becomes unnecessary. These procedures are mainly used to create pop-up menus and dialogs. As a rule, all widget sets (for example, OSF/Motif) have their own much more convenient procedures for creating menus and dialogs.

Add-ons to Xt Xt is currently highly standardized by the X consortium, but there are no higher-level standards. Popular:

*OSF/Motif Toolkit;

* Athena Widget Set;

* OPEN LOOK Intrinsic Toolkit;

* InterViews;

* Tk/tcl.

The most common and almost de facto standard should probably be considered OSF/Motif.


The Athena Widget Set is provided by the X Consortium as part of the standard distribution of X. Athena was created through work on core applications and utilities during the Athena Project at MIT, which resulted in the X Window System.

Athena initially had “flat” graphics - all buttons, menus and other interface elements did not have shadows, i.e. were flat. About a year ago, AW3d was released - a variant of Athena Widgets, in which this drawback was eliminated.


Open Software Foundation Motif (OSF/Motif) is a package that includes a window manager, a set of utilities for performing various auxiliary operations, and a library of objects built on the basis of Toolkit Intrinsics.

Motif supports all Xt classes and therefore the resources of those classes, but to record the name and class of an object's resource, constants are used, starting with the prefix XmN and XmC, respectively. To record the type of resource, constants with the prefix XmR are used (instead of XtR, adopted in Xt).

Motif extends the many object classes provided by Xt. In particular, Motif supports a fairly large set of classes that allow you to create menus, scrollbars), clickable buttons, editing elements, etc.

In addition, Motif provides a special class of objects called gadgets - they form in Motif separate class XmGadget, which is a subclass of the RectObj class. They can also be used to create interface elements, but have the peculiarity that they do not have their own windows. To draw, a gadget uses its parent's window.

Each widget class has a fairly wide selection of both inherited and additional resources specific to it. They allow you to control such important characteristics of objects as background color, location on the screen, font of displayed text, etc.

Some of the Motif classes are not used to create widget instances (such classes are called abstract classes in object-oriented programming terminology). They contain the most common attributes and methods necessary for the functioning of various types of widgets.

Motif has two main subclasses of objects: XmPrimitive and XmManager (the XmGadget class was mentioned earlier). Both of these classes are abstract. The first of them inherits from the Core class and is used as a base for object classes that do not own other objects. Examples are clickable buttons, lists, etc. The XmManager class inherits from the Constraint class and is used to create objects that can have and manage child objects.

Classification of objects

XmGadget class. When instances of regular Motif object classes (widgets) are created, a corresponding window is spawned. If a program uses a lot of widgets, this leads to a significant slowdown in the application. Time is spent both on creating windows and on further work with them. But it is easy to see that the presence for each object separate window not at all necessary. Labels, buttons, and many other widgets could be successfully used to draw windows of their parent objects. There is no window - no need to contact the server again, productivity increases and additional memory is not wasted.

Carrying out exactly this idea, Motif developers duplicated some object classes, creating two versions - with a window and without a window. Versions of objects that do not have windows derive their hierarchy from an abstract class - XmGadget, and they have the same general name. This special class of objects inherits its characteristics from the RectObj class, which, in turn, is an abstract class that contains the basic mechanisms for controlling the geometry of objects.

In addition to the fact that gadgets do not have their own windows, other restrictions are imposed on them. Thus, event handlers and translation tables cannot be defined for them. In addition, gadgets cannot have descendant objects. Otherwise, the functionality of the gadget and the corresponding widget is the same, so we will not describe them separately, we will only list them.

The XmGadget class contains subclasses:

* XmArrowButtonGadget.

* XmLabelGadget.\hfil

* XmPushButtonGadget.

* XmToggleButtonGadget.

* XmCascadeButtonGadget.

* XmSeparatorGadget.

XmPrimitive class. This abstract class contains:

XmArrowButton. An instance of the class is a button with a directional arrow drawn on it. The button can be clicked using the mouse or keyboard. The border of the control element can have a shadow, it is used to display the different states in which the object can be: free ("released") and pressed.

XmLabel. Representatives of this class (labels) are one of the simplest Motif objects. Labels are designed to display information: text or pictures (bitmaps).

XmPushButton. Representatives of this class are rectangular clickable buttons in which a line of text can be drawn.

If an object is selected, for example, by pressing the left mouse button while the cursor is on the object, then the color of the widget's border changes, which creates the effect of clicking. After releasing the button, the border color is restored. You can also click on such a widget from the keyboard - to do this, you need to give the object the input focus and press the spacebar (usually).

XmDrawnButton. Objects of this class are similar to clickable buttons with the only difference that not text is drawn in them, but an arbitrary image (pixel map).

XmToggleButton. Objects of this class are a small button, next to which, as a rule, there is explanatory text. A button can be in two states: on and off (i.e. it is a switch). They are marked by a change in the appearance of the control element.

A representative of this class is used to create so-called “check buttons”, which would be wiser to call “checkmarks”, and “radio buttons” - multi-position switches. The first ones are used to set logical parameters, i.e. having two meanings. The latter serve a similar purpose, but the set of values ​​in this case is finite and contains more than two elements. In this case, the form graphical representation of an object of type XmToggleButton depends on whether it is used as a check mark or a radio button.

As a rule, widgets of the XmToggleButton class are combined into structures called, respectively, a check box and a radio box. These blocks, in turn, represent modifications of objects of the XmRowColumn class described below.

XmCascadeButton. Objects of this class represent clickable buttons and are used when creating menus. When you click on an object, a submenu of the next level appears.

XmList. Representatives of this class are some of the most interesting Motif objects. They are designed to display a list of strings and give the user the opportunity to perform various actions with the elements of the list. The user can select one or more rows represented in this object, and they are highlighted. In addition, if the list has input focus, then one of its elements is highlighted with a dotted frame. This frame is called the list cursor.

XmScrollBar. Objects of this class - scroll bars (scroll bars), as a rule, are used in conjunction with other objects, such as a list (XmList), text (XmText) and others. The scroll bar is designed to scroll an area if the information presented in it (list, text, picture, etc.) cannot be completely displayed in the window. Objects of the XmScrollBar class represent a strip (horizontal or vertical), along the edges of which there are arrow buttons. Clicking on any of them scrolls in the direction indicated by the arrow. On the scroll bar itself there is a slider (slider) - a rectangle highlighted in color. If you “hook” it with the mouse and “drag” it, this, as a rule, also leads to scrolling of the area.

XmSeparator. Objects of this class - separators - are used, as a rule, to improve the appearance of application windows. This widget is a vertical or horizontal strip (line) separating groups of objects. For example, separators can be used in menus to separate some commands from others, in dialogs - to isolate a group of pressed buttons from other elements, etc.

XmText. Objects of this class allow you to display one or more lines of text. If the lines do not fit in the window, then the image can be scrolled left and right and up and down. The text can be edited - the editing mode can be changed by the corresponding setting of object resources.

Motif provides a number of convenient procedures that allow you to perform a wide variety of operations with a widget of this class: obtain and modify data, copy a selected part of data to the system buffer (clipboard), and so on.

XmTextField. Objects of this class allow you to view and edit one line of text.

XmManager class. This class is abstract, i.e. not used to create objects. It defines the basic parameters needed to build widget classes that can manipulate other objects. These resources are needed to correctly display child widgets and control whether they receive input focus.

The XmManager class contains:

XmBulletinBoard. Objects of this class can have subobjects that are placed in the window in any way. The coordinates of child widget windows are measured in a coordinate system whose origin is in the upper left corner of the window of an object of the XmBulletinBoard class.

When you change the size of an object, for example, using the mouse, the initial location of the subobjects either does not change, or they are moved so as to avoid intersecting. If the widget window becomes smaller, parts of the subobjects may become invisible.

The XmBulletinBoard class contains:

XmForm. A distinctive feature of objects of this class (forms) is the ability to control the location of their subobjects by setting connections both between the form itself and the child widget, and between the subobjects themselves.

For each child widget, you can specify whether its left, right, bottom, or top edge is attached to. So, if the left and right edges of a subobject are snapped to the right edge of the form, then the distance from them to this edge will always remain the same. If the size of the form decreases, the subobject will move to the left, and if the size increases, then it will move to the right. You can bind one subobject to another. Then changing the position of the subobject to which the widget is bound will result in moving the bound object so that the distance between them is maintained.

When changing the size of the form, all connections between its subobjects are preserved.

XmSelectionBox. Objects of this class (“selection blocks”) represent an example of a composite widget and include a scrollable list where the user can select the element he needs, as well as a text field (XmTextField object) where the selected item in the list is displayed. The user can edit the selection made. The list and text field can have explanatory labels, specified using the corresponding widget of the XmLabel class. The XmSelectionBox class object also includes three pushable buttons (XmPushButton objects). By default, they are labeled "Ok", "Cancel" and "Help". And finally, there is one more element - a clickable button, called "Apply" by default. Initially, this subobject is created, but is not included in the list of managed widgets.

Using the selection block, the user can select the substring he needs in the list or enter it into the text field. The settings are confirmed by pressing the "Ok" button.

The XmSelectionBox class includes:

XmCommand. Objects of this class give the user the opportunity to select the desired command using a list of already entered commands, or by entering a command in a text field specifically provided for this in the widget.

XmFileSelection. Objects of this class allow you to view the current contents of different directories and select a particular file.

Objects of this class contain elements:

* 2 text fields: "Filter" and "Selection" (objects of the XmNextField class);

* 2 lists: "Directories" and "Files" (objects of the XmList class);

* 4 pushable buttons: "Ok", "Filter", "Cancel" and "Help" (objects of the XmPushButton class);

The "Filter" text field specifies a mask (template) for selecting from the entire set of files a certain subset that satisfies the condition specified in this field - matching the template - it is this subset that is shown in the "Files" list. The "Directories" list displays the subdirectories of the current directory. The "Selection" text field displays the file (its name) selected in the "Files" list, and in the same text field the user can enter the full name of the file he needs manually. Four pressable buttons are used to perform various actions:

Ok - select the specified file;

Filter - updating the list of files displayed in the "Files" text field in accordance with the current mask;

Cancel - closes the widget window, no file selection occurs;

Help - a call for help.

XmMessageBox. Objects of this class are intended to provide the user with messages that arise during the operation of the program. This widget is composite. It has an area in which a line of text (message) and a special icon characterizing the type of message are displayed. In addition, the object has three clickable buttons. By default, they are labeled: "Ok", "Cancel" and "Help".

XmDrawingArea. Objects of this class provide the program with a window for drawing and displaying information. The class itself does not provide parameters that could be directly used to display graphics. But the lists of callback procedures available in this class allow you to receive notifications about the need to redraw the widget window and about receiving input focus.

XmFrame. Objects of this class are used to highlight some objects from others by surrounding them with a frame. The peculiarity of this widget class is that they can only have and manage one subobject.

XmPanedWindow. Objects of this class can combine heterogeneous widgets. The subobjects are separated from each other, and a special element called sash is placed between them. It looks like a small square and is used to resize child widgets. So, if an object of the XmPanedWindow class has two subobjects, then you can do the following: “hook” sash with the mouse and “drag” it in the desired direction (down-up or left-right) - while the longitudinal size (size along the direction in which it was "dragged" sash) one child object will increase "at the expense" of the other (the size of the other will decrease), the transverse dimensions of both subobjects will be preserved. The "lateral" size of an object of the XmPanedWindow class is determined by the maximum similar size of its subobjects.

XmRowColumn. Objects of this class can combine heterogeneous widgets. Subobjects are arranged in a certain order - in the form of a matrix. widget of the XmRowColumn class are the basis for creating the following objects:

check box - “block of checkable buttons” (i.e. objects of the XmToggleButton class or XmToggleButtonGadget class); Among the buttons available in the “block” several can be selected (“enabled”) at the same time;

radio box - “block of radio buttons” (i.e. XmToggleButton or XmToggleButtonGadget objects); Among the buttons available in the “block”, only one can be selected (“enabled”) at a time;

pulldown menu - "drop-down menu" - a submenu window that appears after selecting a button in the top-level menu (menu bar); menu items are arranged vertically;

option menu - button with an associated menu; when you click the button, a menu window appears from which one parameter value is selected; menu items are arranged vertically;

popup menu - a “pop-up menu”, which is usually called up by clicking the third mouse button; the menu window appears in the place where her cursor is located; menu items are arranged vertically;

menu bar - a top-level menu containing a number of buttons (objects of the XmCascadeButton or XmCascadeButtonGadget class), which are used to call various submenus (pulldown menu); Menu items are arranged horizontally.

XmScale. An object of this class is a rectangular area containing a fixing slider, using which the user can select the value of the parameter associated with the object from a specified range.

XmScrolledWindow. An object of this class provides the ability to display and view some information (text, picture, list). Such a widget, as a rule, contains a subobject in which the data intended for viewing is located (this can be an object of the XmText, XmDrawingArea, etc. class). For more convenient viewing of data, horizontal and vertical stripes scroll.

This class contains a subclass

XmMainWindow. Objects of this class represent a separate interface component, usually consisting of the following parts:

* top level menu,

* command window,

* "Workspace,

* message window,

* and two scroll bars (horizontal and vertical).

Subobjects can be separated by separators.

XmMenuShell and XmDialogShell classes. Motif provides an XmMenuShell object class for creating various menus. This class inherits from the OverrideShell class (from Xt).

As already mentioned when describing Xt, the TransientShell class is used to create program objects that, on the one hand, directly contact the window manager, and on the other hand, have features that distinguish them from ordinary top-level windows. The main one of these features is that the widget of the TransientShell class cannot be minimized. But they are removed from the screen if the parent turns into an icon. This kind of widget is usually used to create auxiliary program windows.

Motif uses the specified properties of the TransientShell class and extends them into the derived class XmDialogShell. The latter serves as the shell object of the dialog.

The structure of the dialog box in Motif can be represented as follows:

XmDialogShell class object

An XmManager subclass object, such as XmBulletinBoard or XmForm

Various control elements: buttons, text input fields, etc.

The library has a set of procedures that facilitate the creation of the described design.


As stated, the design of a dialog box in Motif is as follows: first there is an object of the XmDialogShell class, which then includes a widget of one of the subclasses of the XmManager class; this object is used to host various objects.

The library provides special procedures for creating dialogues. They differ in the widget type, which is a child of the XmDialogShell class object.

Text output

The library has a fairly large number of widgets that are used to display text information. These are XmLabel with subclasses, XmText, etc. To specify possible fonts that can be used when drawing lines, the XmNfontlist resource is used. It is of type XmFontlist. Its meaning is a set of “font”/”font tag” pairs.

Tags (labels) are intended to make programs independent of specific fonts specified by the user. This is done as follows: the application is created in such a way that all functions that work with lines of text contain not the fonts themselves, but their labels. When the task is compiled and started, the correspondence between the tags and specific fonts. The latter are used for drawing.

Motif has tools not only for working with strings of texts displayed in a single font, but also allows you to work with objects such as “composite strings” - i.e. lines of text that use many fonts. There is a set of tools for creating such strings, working with them and converting them to regular, "single-font" strings.

Working with Images

Motif itself works with images, presenting them in an internal format, which is a simple bitmap, which is specified using the XImage structure.

Control input focus

Motif supports two input focus models. The first of them is implicit (pointer): focus is given to the widget into which the mouse cursor moves. The second model is explicit: to transfer focus, you need to place the mouse cursor in the widget window and click on the left mouse button. When a widget or gadget receives input focus, its border is highlighted.

In addition to these models of passing and receiving input focus, there is also a mechanism for passing input focus from one widget to another. Objects can be combined into groups - this can be done by setting the required values ​​of the corresponding resources, or it can be left to the system. In the latter case, Motif automatically links the widget using built-in rules. So, for example, an object of the XmMessageBox class contains three groups: one is the “main” dialog object (XmForm class), the second is the “label” in which the message is presented to the user, the third is the pressable buttons.

Input focus is transferred both from one object (in a group) to another, and from group to group.

Transferring focus within a group is done using the arrow keys, and from group to group using the tab key (that's why the groups themselves are called Tab groups). When a group is given focus, the input focus in that group is given to the first object that can receive focus (an object can be prevented from receiving focus by setting the corresponding resource to an appropriate value). The order in which input focus is transferred within a group is the same as the order in which its widgets are created. In this case, usually the key combination moves the focus in the opposite direction.

Motif also provides a number of routines that can be used to control input focus.

Lesstif Quite recently a freeware analogue of Motif was released, completely compatible with it. It's called Lesstif. It is freely available in its original form and compiled for various platforms on the Internet.


Tcl - read: - stands for: "tool command language" (instrumental command language). It consists of two parts: the language itself and the library.

The tcl language has a simple syntax and is easy to program in. In its original form, tcl is an interpreter. Allows you to create new constructs, such as functions or programs, which provides the skilled programmer with a powerful tool for developing not only final applications, but also his own extension of the TCL language, creating and maintaining his own style.

The tcl library provides the ability to use TCL language interpreters in application programs, and therefore include scripts written in the TCL command language in programs. The library contains a lexical analyzer for the TCL language, functions that implement built-in TCL commands, and allows you to attach user subroutines (function calls) to TCL commands. This arrangement is possible for both C and C++.

Tk is a Motif-compatible toolkit for developing graphical user interfaces in the X Window environment. In addition to standard interface with C and C++, it includes an interface to tcl, providing the ability to use Tk facilities from within the tcl command interpreter environment. This means that in addition to standard programming in C and C++, the interface parts of the application can be implemented in the form of scripts in the TCL language and these interface parts (dialogs, screen layouts, etc.) can be edited dynamically, during the operation of the final program, using tcl commands

The wish window environment allows you to create applications with graphical user interfaces using only the TCL language.

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The traditional graphical approach to user interface is associated with the work of Sutherland, Newman et al., in which interaction is based on use graphic display with regeneration and light pen. The further development of graphic dialogue is associated with progress in the field of interactive computer graphics systems, which led to regulation in the form of international standards.
GKS is the first international graphics standard. It first recorded the concepts of "workstations" and logical devices input (keyboard, selection, locator, valuator, pointer, coordinate sequence input). Unfortunately conceived during the superiority of the vector drawing paradigm. Hence the weakness of dialogue support: the inability to enter new devices or modify the image of a device on the screen even from an application program (user of a graphics package), which leads to the need to use mainly symbolic input when organizing a dialogue. The implementation of dialogue in GKS is the prerogative of the application program; the possibility of separate design is not assumed.
The second direction of graphics - raster graphics had an extremely large influence on all subsequent development of interactive systems. All the main features of the user interface on modern workstations are derived from the work of Xerox PARC: window management

  • usage graphic symbols("icons") to represent objects
  • a style of interaction called direct manipulation
  • popularity of the mouse as a screen positioning device
  • object-oriented programming style.
Since then, the classification system for tools for creating and managing user interfaces has been considered at three levels:
  1. window management systems (WMS - Window Manager System);
  2. specialized tools;
    • normal (MacIntosh, SunView...)
    • object-oriented (Smalltalk-80, Andrew, InterView)
  3. user interface management systems.
The following sections will provide a brief description, status, and functional description of each of these levels.

Window Management Systems (WMS)

Multi-window technology provides the user with access to more information than is possible with a single screen. Windows provide access to multiple sources of information. The user can combine information from several sources, explore information on different levels detailing. In multiprogram mode, it is possible to manage several parallel tasks. The input and output of each task are displayed in different windows, allowing the user to focus on each task as needed.
WMS, the operating environment for window-based management resources, supports:

  • overlapping windows (rectangular areas of the screen);
  • various input devices (digital and analogue);
  • cursors;
  • fonts.
The interface on the part of the operator and the application program contains commands for creating/destroying windows, changing their size and position, raising them to the top, compressing the window to an icon, and restoring them. Contains a graphical output library (only basic primitives) and an event handler. Thus, there are some mechanisms for implementing the user interface.
There are two types of WMS implementations possible: basic system(Kernel System), running on one machine, and network (Network oriented), implemented based on the client-server model.

User Interface Creation Toolkit