Find out the statistics of requests for keywords. Google and Yandex keyword statistics

All that is needed - mail account on Yandex. Registration only takes a couple of minutes.

Selection of key phrases

By default, Wordstat searches by words. Enter a keyword into the search and click “Select.” You will see different queries with this word and its word forms.

To the right of each is frequency. Its value is based on data for the last 30 days and takes into account searches in Yandex.

Important points regarding frequency:

  • It shows not how many times a query is entered into the search bar, but how many times a Yandex.Direct ad appears for this query;
  • It is a mistake to sum impressions across all variants, since they are included in total amount in the first line;
  • Indicators are sometimes inflated and do not always reflect adequate demand. The reason is that the owners regularly monitor their sites. This is also the work of services for checking positions, promotion behavioral factors, grouping search queries.

Wordstat offers filters by device:

The service automatically takes into account all cases and numbers and breaks phrases into words. So, for the query “bow tie”, both “how to tie a bow tie” and “buy a bow tie + in Moscow” come up.

Wordstat also picks up words that users entered along with the current query:

If you have a single product that differs in size and color, as in the example above, the right column displays different variations. If the request is more broad, usually related to the service industry, you will see options that are not directly related. For example, search results for the phrase “Apartment renovation”:

This is your chance to find out:

  • How potential clients seek to solve a problem or satisfy a need, and how they turn to a search engine. It is useful to take this into account when the main keyword does not provide wide coverage;
  • Additional interests of the audience (what products they still buy, what they are interested in) to create custom characters;
  • What phrases should you use to search for near-target traffic in order to advertise in YAN.

If you click on any phrase, it appears in the search bar - and the service displays the predicted number of impressions per month for it.

Under the results - go to next pages issuance. Unfortunately, you can't get to the end with one click. You need to turn each page using the “Next” button.

For super popular queries, the service does not show data beyond the 40th page. For example, there are over 32 million searches for the phrase “download torrent.”

Exit - third party solutions for parsing. Most Popular: Key Collector, YandexKeyParser, extensions Yandex Wordstat Helper and Yandex Wordstat Assistant (about them at the end of the article).

How to clarify your request

Operators help you search for phrases by different types compliance. Compare the number of impressions:

  • Shirokoe - bicycle repair - 10,519 impressions per month;
  • Phrasal - “bicycle repair” - 631 impressions per month;
  • Accurate (fixation of completion) - “!repair!bicycles” - 456 impressions per month.

For greater semantic detail of the results, there is an auxiliary syntax:

  • The minus excludes phrases that contain this word. For example, for the query “children’s bow tie,” Wordstat will not show phrases like “buy a children’s bow tie,” “children’s bow tie sizes.”
  • Plus means that it is required for issuance. This is especially true for short prepositions and conjunctions, which Yandex sometimes ignores. When you enter “famous scientists from Russia”, in the list we see both “the most famous scientists of Russia” and “famous scientists modern Russia", and "famous women scientists of Russia". And for “famous scientists + from Russia” we get only what we are looking for.
  • The exclamation mark ensures exact entry (preserving number and case, as in the query).

  • The (|) operator adds synonyms. “Buy (blanket|plaid)” are two requests in one: “Buy a blanket” and “Buy a blanket.”

  • The operator fixes the order of words in the query. Compare the statistics and understand which option is used more often:

  • Fixed number of words. This is useful for popular topics, when collecting the first 40 pages does not allow you to get all the search phrases. There are two options:

When the main query is two-word and 4-word options are needed, we write like this:

Popularity of the request by region

Wordstat sorts results by geography. Click “All regions” and mark the ones you need:

There is a Quick Select option for four frequently used options.

The “by region” checkbox helps assess the popularity of a query in a specific region or city. More than 100% is increased interest:

If necessary, you can see the frequency of use of words on the world map:

Determining the seasonality of a request

The Query History function shows dynamics based on data for the last two years.

Issues for most topics depend on the season. If Wordstat does not have the required semantics, it may appear in the search results when the corresponding season arrives.

When you search for “news” or “where to go,” you constantly receive different lists.

By default, the graph and table appear for months, but you can switch to weeks. They contain absolute (number of impressions on request) and relative values ​​(its ratio to total number impressions in Yandex).

One more trick. By sharp jumps in a short period, you can identify the increase in impressions by webmasters. A characteristic sign is that in a single short period the phrase gains thousands, in the rest - 0.

So, now you know how to get semantics from Wordstat, refined by meaning, geography and seasonality. Next, we’ll look at what to do with them and how, using an example. Namely, we will select syntax from real service data.

Selection of semantic core

According to experts, manual parsing in Wordstat yields 30-40% of all phrases. But considering that the service is free, this is very good. Additionally, you can generate keywords by search tips and using other tools.

Example: demand for wooden windows.


1) Determine how users formulate a request. Open and enter the phrase:

There are too many results. Working through them manually will take a lot of time. Moreover, among them there are irrelevant ones - “windows in wooden house", "wooden frames", "do-it-yourself wooden windows" and the like.

The wording needs to be clarified. First of all, let’s get rid of the “garbage” using negative keywords: house, trim, do-it-yourself, old, blinds, how to insulate, sweat.

2) We configure the region - the city of Perm - and the type of devices from which potential clients log in. Let's say we are interested in all users, since we are going to launch campaigns on mobile and desktop:

3) Determine target demand. To do this, we select relevant options from the search results and enter them into Excel spreadsheet across different segments.

Ideally, you need to work through all the pages to take into account all the nuances and get a more complete picture of the needs target audience. For simplicity, let's look at the first example:

In the screenshot gray phrases that we exclude because they are not suitable are indicated.

4) We look through similar phrases. Some of them fall into the target demand, for example:

You can also look at the second column for the suitable words that you identified in paragraph 3 and complete the table.

As a result we get a certain amount of keywords. Parsing in Wordstat is not enough. The semantic core can be expanded with more complex paid and free tools. In addition, they automate further work with the Wordstat service.


  • KeyCollector allows you to collect keywords, determine the competitiveness, cost and effectiveness of keywords;
  • Keyword parser "Magadan" (1,500 rubles, also offers free version). The advantage is convenient automatic collection, analysis and processing of statistics;
  • AllSubmitter (module “keyword selection”).

Extensions for working with Yandex Wordstat

Entering separate queries for each phrase is a huge waste of time. But there is no escape from this. But there are solutions that will significantly simplify and speed up working with the service.

Let's continue the story about useful tools Yandex.Webmaster. In the previous article we looked at new tool- “Pages in search”, why it is needed and how to use it, I recommend reading it. We also touched upon the “Search queries” section, today we will analyze it in more detail.

This section contains information about search phrases, for which the site is shown in the first 50 positions of Yandex search results. For these phrases, you can track the following indicators: impressions, clicks, position, CTR.

Requests can be sorted by region and time period. The graph can be built for all requests, or only for groups, for example, requests from the Top 3 or Top 10 in search results Yandex:

Each request has its own indicators.

Yandex generates all requests itself, based on its own statistics. If you want to track rankings for specific keywords, you can upload your list:

The general summary shows the 10 most popular queries on the site.

Let us show how you can use the “Search Queries” tool using the example of a Law Firm website, the site region is Moscow:

    • We determine the average position for keywords in Yandex search results. Go to Yandex.Webmaster, section “Search queries” → “ Latest requests» → “All requests”, look at the “Position” column:

IN this moment It is almost impossible to know exactly the current position of a site in search results. Yandex is actively promoting personalized search results for each user. The position of the site on your work computer and on your laptop at home will be noticeably different, so experiment with the search results sometime. I recommend reading more about personalized results in our article. And also the algorithm is a multi-armed bandit in full armor.

Therefore, determining the average position of a site in Yandex for a specific keyword will be very useful.

Ideally, compare the results in Webmaster and other services -,,, etc. Cross-analysis will help to create a complete picture of the site’s positions.

    • We identify requests for which users are already coming to the site.

After compiling semantic core We analyze the queries that bring users to the site and add them to the semantic core. To do this, go to Yandex.Webmaster, section “Search queries” → “Query history” → “Popular queries”:

In our case, to the already developed family. We added queries to the core: tax disputes, subscriber services legal entities. We use the same keywords when composing the “title” and “description” tags, creating headings and text for the page.

But that’s not all, next to the “Impressions” column you will see a “Clicks” column. And if there are a lot of impressions, but few clicks, you may have a bad snippet for this request. Thus, the Search Queries tool helps optimize the snippet. Let's look at an example:

    • We optimize the page snippet in search results.

The first column is impressions, the second is clicks.

In our case, there is an obvious bias in favor of impressions. The most common reason This is bad and uninformative snippets.

How to fix?

Analyze the snippet - to do this, find relevant page request you are interested in.
In incognito mode, enter search bar request, in in this case"Registration of LLC". Finding your site:

Users expect to see how an LLC is registered, what is needed for this, and how much it can cost. And not in which Federal Tax Service and on the basis of what law. Few useful information.

Let’s compare it with competitors’ snippets in the first positions:

The snippet of competitors immediately offers us instructions on how to create an LLC, a unique offer for 0 rubles! The likelihood of a click is much higher.

There is an excellent one on our blog. How to work with them, how it affects site traffic, how you can effectively adjust the snippet.


In total, the “Search Queries” tool in Yandex.Webmaster personally helps us:

  • find out the position of the site;
  • determine keywords for promotion;
  • optimize the site snippet in search results.

The tool is very useful for promotion, I highly recommend trying it.

If you don’t know how to promote your website, write to us, we will give you free specific advice on improving and optimizing your resource.

It is difficult to say unequivocally how many webmasters from the CIS have made life easier with the Yandex Wordstat resource. With its help, you can get statistics on popular queries from users to understand trending niches for business, create information and entertainment resources, commercial projects, etc. We will consider the most popular queries in Yandex 2018 for novice webmasters and ordinary users who are interested in knowing what other people most often write in the search engine.

First, I would like to talk about how to get accurate information regarding the frequency of words and phrases:

    For getting reliable information quotation marks should be used regarding the frequency of use of a phrase or word. Example: “Query rating in Yandex” - 44 impressions per month;

    To obtain accurate data on the frequency of a phrase in a certain declension, it is necessary to use an exclamation mark;

    To obtain data for a group of similar words, you must additionally use brackets and the | sign. Example: “(word stat | word stat | wordstat).”

We will not use well-known operators to collect statistics, since we are interested in the most popular words per month.

List of the best queries in Yandex in 2018


The word “VKontakte” opens the TOP 10 popular queries of 2018 in the Yandex search engine. This is about social network, which was created in 2006. Even then the resource was transferred to 90 different languages peace. Despite the development of competitors, the development of Pavel Durov, who is no longer the owner of the site, is still very popular in the CIS. You can find it on the Internet great amount information resources For individual applications social network. Currently Durov is the owner Telegram messenger, which gains users almost as quickly as VKontakte did in its time.

With the advent of bloggers and large television programs, not many people continued to spend their time searching for news using Yandex. Nevertheless, this thicket exists and remains quite popular in general. This can be explained by the fact that it is easier for many to perceive text information. At the same time, some publishing houses have earned such a powerful reputation that even alternative methods, more pleasant and interesting to perceive, cannot compete with online news publications. Whether this is good or bad, you be the judge! But if you decide to create news portal, make sure you are doing it for the right audience of users.

No, no, we are not talking about a movie, but about a social network that has become twice as popular as VKontakte. This is surprising, but rather not the merit of the developers of the Odnoklassniki website, but rather the mistake of the new management of competitors. However, this is another popular request of 2018 in Yandex, which deserves the attention of every person intending to make money from a group or their own resource dedicated to the social network.

The portal ranks 27th among the most popular sites on the planet. This is a phenomenal success, in my opinion.

Do you love games? If so, you're probably on the list of 65 million people who used this - a very popular query on Yandex in 2018. Actually, there is nothing to be surprised about. Most users download or run online flash games for children. It's surprising that the figure is so insignificant.

As for the prospect of creating a resource dedicated to this topic, it exists. There is a lot of traffic, the network is huge, but there is also a minus - monetization leaves much to be desired. For obvious reasons, it is necessary to try to find partners so that labor and financial expenses paid off.

It is unlikely that fans of multimedia content will be surprised to learn that the word “Video” is one of the most popular Yandex queries this year. Naturally, among the entire stream of keywords, the greatest demand is for phrases that suggest viewing content for an adult audience. In addition, relevant mid-frequency key query is the word Video plus:


This suggests that every day video hosting takes up everything more space in the open spaces world wide web among resources for watching videos.

Judging by popular queries on Yandex, there are more music lovers among Slavs than movie lovers. But in reality everything is somewhat different. In fact, about 20-30 million users are searching for music. The rest of the queries are repeated, that is, you can enter the phrase more than once. In addition, the search engine displays a query such as “Songs of Songs” in the report. It's about the work. This is a book. Here are some funny moments you can discover using Wordstat. To be honest, it is difficult to imagine that the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon could enjoy such fame. There may have been a mistake.

In addition, Yandex and Google, different algorithms the formation of search results, tips, and, accordingly, popular queries are also different. This means that in order to get the maximum possible traffic from Google, we need to collect semantics on it. In this article we will look at how to do this completely free of charge, spending no more than half an hour.

If you have previously launched an advertising campaign, then Additional information According to the statistics of queries in Google Adwords, you can see by monitoring for which queries your advertising was shown. To do this, go to the section "Reports" and create a new one in the form of a table.

Then, in the “Targeting” section, find the Search term and drag it into the table field. Then the data obtained in this way, in any convenient format, including an Excel file, can be saved on your computer, and then cluster or make a sample of interest. The figure below shows real data for one of our clients, where 1894 unique requests! Isn't that cool?

Among these queries, you can select all queries that indicate company names, phone numbers or competitors' website addresses, and add these keywords to your companies in KMS and/or on search.

The second use case is to improve SEO optimization of websites or separate page: .

Also this statistic, will help determine the real needs of users:

  • intends to buy, but not soon;
  • evaluates proposals from different companies;
  • ready to buy right now;
  • will not buy, looking for general information.

Another example of collecting statistics on queries

For example, our company repairs computers and hardware in Moscow. At the same time, we have enough limited budget for advertising, so we want to find keywords for which there is the lowest competition (few advertisers), so that in advertising we can be a priority choice for users and thus get maximum amount conversions.

  1. The query for which the words will be collected: “laptop repair”.
  2. Region: Moscow.
  3. Level of competition: low.

Here are a few of the 300 keywords that the system showed us, among which the request looks very promising "tablet repair". You don’t have to rely on the recommended bet level here, since in fact it can differ significantly from the real one, both with a “+” and a “-” sign.

After checking the request "tablet repair in Moscow" We didn't find any advertisements.

Therefore, we can conclude that statistics Google queries Adwords is a storehouse of useful information, with correct use, which has enormous potential. But whether you use it or not depends entirely on you.

We are starting a series of articles called “How to navigate the world of SEO.” In this way we will try to answer FAQ our clients and start speaking the same language as them. In our first material we'll talk about Wordstat frequency and how site owners often idealize this indicator, believing that:

  • Wordstat frequency is equal to the number of requests in Yandex;
  • by Wordstat frequency you can predict the volume of traffic to the site;
  • Based on Wordstat frequency, you can collect a semantic core of queries.

Is this really so, we will try to find out in this article.

Myth 1: Wordstat frequency = number of requests in Yandex

Many clients mistakenly believe that by entering a query into you can find out how much a given word or phrase was requested in the Yandex search engine during the month. In fact, this tool is designed for selecting keywords advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct, as the search engine itself says:

“The numbers next to each query in the search results give you a rough estimate of the number of impressions per month you will receive if you select that query as your keyword. Thus, the number next to the word “phone” indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the word “phone”: “buy phone”, “ cellular telephone", "buy a cell phone", "buy a new speckled cell phone", etc."

To get the correct data, you need to understand how Wordstat works. When choosing a word, be sure to indicate the region where your company operates. Do not forget that by default Wordstat counts all queries containing the word (phrase) of interest. In order to find out the real frequency of a phrase, you need to use special operators. There are five of them in total, the most relevant of them are quotation marks (“ ”) and an exclamation mark (!).

Quotes allow you to count impressions only for a given phrase, and not for all phrases containing it:

An exclamation mark placed in front of a word excludes its word forms (declension). You can find out the statistics of the exact occurrence of a phrase if you use two “!” operators simultaneously:

In our examples, the frequency is indicated for Moscow and the region.

Operator Name Description
- negative words Allows you to exclude queries that include a particular word from statistics. The “-” operator is placed close to the excluded word, without a space. The operator is preceded by a space.
Example: repair - warranty
+ plus Allows you to force prepositions or conjunctions that are ignored to be taken into account in statistics search engine and, accordingly, word selection statistics.
Example: goods + for a car



Allows you to take into account words in the query exactly in the specified spelling. Can be used to eliminate (-) unnecessary forms.
Example: cue -!Kyiv or!cue
() grouping Allows you to create an expression from several words combined logical operator, for example “or” (|).
| or Allows you to determine the logic of grouping words.
Example: repair (cars | motor vehicles)
« » quotes Allows you to take into account only word forms of the specified word, excluding its phrases.
Example: "fireplace"

Myth 2: Wordstat frequency can predict the amount of traffic to a site

There is an opinion that the Wordstat frequency shows the traffic that the company’s website will receive if it occupies the highest position (TOP-1) in this request. Let's assume that Wordstat frequency indirectly tells us about the potential of a keyword - if it is advertised often, it means that it may receive a lot of clicks from searches.

To test this statement, we conducted an experiment. Having collected keywords from our current projects that have been in the TOP-3 of Yandex search results for more than 20 days in a row, we compared traffic to the site from these words/phrase with their Wordstat frequency.

Keyword Number of days in TOP-3 Wordstat frequency Transitions from GA
cabins 30 5 212 3
car loan calculator 30 1 010 415
1c trade management 973 0
161 fz 30 942 0
Timberland winter boots 21 333 21
alt blood test 30 303 0
online store large sizes 30 202 95
take a microloan 30 121 5
Adonis spring buy 30 35 3
cigarette lighter car mug 30 16 2
non-contact temperature meter 30 14 1
storage of accounting documents 30 13 0

As can be seen from the table, high positions in search results for words with high “potential” did not bring significant traffic to the site. Even if the resource ranks TOP 3 for these requests, the maximum traffic that can be counted on will be no more than 20% of the Wordstat frequency.

Myth 3: You can collect a semantic core of queries based on Wordstat frequency

Many people believe that Wordstat alone is enough to collect the search core of queries. You can rely on this indicator, but with some reservations. Do not forget that very often words with a minimum frequency remain competitive in search results and can bring search traffic. If the frequency of a request is zero, this does not mean that users are not looking for it. The opposite is also true - words with high frequency does not necessarily have high traffic potential (we were able to verify this during our first experiment). This is what we decided to check by collecting traffic for a month from words with zero Wordstat frequency in the Moscow region. As a result, we received the following data:

Our experiment confirmed that queries with zero frequency bring traffic to the site, which means that when collecting the semantic core you cannot rely only on Wordstat data.

Requests Wordstat frequency Transitions from GA
unified modeling language 0 39
ibm tivoli smartcloud control desk basics 7 5 0 27
utg9002c price 0 58
tester capacitance and inductance meter buy ut603 0 37
multimeter yx-360treb pointer instructions 0 26
selecting an lcr meter 0 22
buy indoor-outdoor thermometer with humidity 0 16
outdoor-room thermometer Barnaul 0 15
intelligent multimeters in Mitino 0 9
thermometer kt-905 0 8
galoshes for dress shoes 0 9

At iSEO, we use several services simultaneously to select the semantic core, for example, Google AdWords, Adstat Rambler and a number of others. Each service has its own advantages and features, including Google AdWords words can be selected taking into account the category of the site, Rambler statistics provide data on impressions for the first page, for all pages and total impressions.

Selection of search queries in GoogleAdWords.

Selection of search queries in Adstat Rambler.

But knowing the approximate number of impressions for a particular query is not enough to understand how much traffic can be attracted from search. The click-through rate of a website is of no small importance, and is influenced by various factors:


So, we have clearly demonstrated that you should not idealize an indicator such as Wordstat too much. It has certain benefits in forming the semantic core of queries and forecasting potential traffic to the site, but it is only one of the tools, but far from the only one.

In the following articles we will talk about how to correctly read the calculation for website promotion and the monthly optimizer report, and also consider the main pitfalls of contracts forSEO.