The iPhone does not charge from the Chinese charger. Why you shouldn't use non-original iPhone chargers

China rules! But not in this case and here's why.

In the comments on our site, readers are still asking questions related to the use of USB cables for iPhone and iPad. Some complain that when or on the smartphone screen a message appears stating that “ this cable or the accessory is not supported or certified." In this case, the device does not charge and does not synchronize, restore or updating the gadget also fails. Why do Apple smartphones and tablets not like some USB cables and what can be done about it?

These messages first appeared in iOS 7 on the iPhone 5 - “This accessory may not be supported.” On iOS 8 and later, the content of the message has changed slightly - “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone.” There are several reasons:

1. You are using a non-original and non-certified USB cable.

The Lightning connector only looks simple from the outside; under its shell there is a microcircuit with 4 microchips. We don’t fully know how they work and what a particular one is intended for, but it is reliably known that this controller:

  1. Switches the contacts to which the iPhone is connected - the Lightning connector is double-sided and is inserted into the connector on either side.
  2. Responsible for secure transfer information between the device and the computer when syncing with iTunes, restoring and updating iOS.
  3. Limits voltage and current when charging the device.

Yes, the original Lightning cable is too expensive, e.g. Russian App Store is asking 1,590 rubles for it. And this is for 1 meter of wire and two connectors, one of which is the simplest (USB).

Manufacturers of accessories spoke out in defense of user interests and offered analogues. However, “cable is different” and in pursuit of the lowest possible cost, some manufacturers (mostly Chinese) “forget” to add the necessary microchips to the Lightning connectors so that they at least comply with the MFi license. What kind of license is this?

MFi(short for " Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad" - Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad) is an Apple licensing program for manufacturers of accessories compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

"Made for iPod/iPhone/iPad" means that this cable or accessory has been specifically designed to connect to your iPod, iPhone, or iPad and has been certified by the developer to meet performance standards from Apple. .

For certified cables and Apple accessories vouches for which and receives corresponding monetary deductions from each unit, which means they are safe for your device (theoretically).

In addition to the price, original Apple USB cables have serious problems with durability: they quickly fray and break.

I myself stopped using the original Lightning cable from the iPhone 5s in favor of the black Juicies+ with lightning connector and I don’t regret it at all.

So, in order for your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad to charge when permissible voltage and amperage, and synced without errors, use at least a certified Lightning cable. It is cheaper than the original one. But, if you do not have such an opportunity, there is a way how Apple protection and charge, sync and using the cheapest cables.

"The cable is not certified." What to do?

In some cases it is enough:

Sometimes you need this:

For jailbroken devices in Cydia, find and install the “Support Unsupported Accessories 8” or “Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler” tweak.

Remember that the problem cannot be completely eliminated in this way - this is only a temporary solution. Apple can always block the “singed” cable at the iOS level. In addition, you risk running into an expensive replacement of the power controller - the cost of the service starts at $80.

Therefore, we strongly recommend using either original accessory, or certified, for example, any owner of an iPhone 5 and later models can afford this).

There are times when the warning “This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone” appears even when connecting the original cable, for example, if...

2. USB cable is damaged

If you are definitely using the original cable, and the ill-fated message still appears on the screen, your cable may simply be damaged.

If there are no visible signs of damage, to check, take a known intact (and, of course, original) cable and check the operation of your device with it. If it works, replace the cable with a new one.

3. The connector on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is clogged

We have already written about this situation in. The point is that the connector on the iPhone or iPad (this is especially true for Lightning connectors) gets various garbage and accumulates there for a long time. At some point, there is so much debris that it breaks the cable contact in the connector - and, accordingly, a corresponding warning appears. The solution is to carefully clean the debris from the connector. To do this, you can use a toothpick or a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. I advise you to clean the Lightning connector with your iPhone turned off.


And finally. Since 2008, I have always used the original cables to charge and sync my iPhone and iPad - it's safe and reliable. But if one of them was damaged and failed, I didn’t buy the other original one - it was expensive. Instead, I used a certified one, which I advise you to do. If you don’t have one at hand, you can charge the device once or twice with the cheapest cable, but don’t abuse it - the “unexpected” can sneak up unnoticed.

Due to the fact that the original chargers for iPhone have high cost in the market, people have a lot of problems. They cannot afford such luxury, and for this reason many people are forced to buy cheap Chinese chargers, realizing that they still have no other choice. There is a case when mobile device may not charge from a non-original cable, this article will tell us what to do in such cases and what needs to be done. Having been in such a situation, a person immediately thinks about how to cope with the problem that has arisen.

What to do when the battery does not charge from a non-original cable?

It turned out that although this is a common problem, there is a common way to solve the problem. It is enough to switch your mobile device to a mode called “ Airplane mode", and see that charging begins. After this, we transfer the device to its usual state and enjoy the result.

It happens that some people, who are most likely lucky in life, do not have difficulties using non-original cables. They charge everything and are happy with the result.

Where did these difficulties begin? It turned out that even since the release of iOS 7, people have noticed that after the update, Chinese chargers stop working correctly. But now a solution to the problem has been found, all you have to do is use it.

With the release of iOS 7, all users of new iPhones that use a proprietary connector Lightning charging, received certain problems when using non-original chargers and cables. This is due, first of all, to the design of the connector itself, which contains several microcircuits, one of which is responsible for checking the chip located in each Lightning wire for originality.

Cable certification identification is provided software processes, built into iOS. At the same time, it is worth noting that verification mechanisms are regularly updated and it very often happens that iPhone stopped charging after updating the version software. But it also happens that the phone stops accepting charge even when using certified accessories.

What to do if your iPhone stops charging

If there are a few tricks that can fix this:

  • A temporary solution to the situation if the iPhone is not charging with a non-original cable can be to turn off and then turn on the phone with the Lightning cable connected. In this case, there is a chance that the iPhone will start charging.
  • Another option is to do the following: Unplug the power adapter, turn your iPhone into airplane mode, and then reconnect the Lightning cable to the device. If your phone starts charging, you can turn off airplane mode.

If the iPhone still won't charge, there is a possibility of hardware problems.

Let's look at the main options.

Lightning connector is clogged

This is the simplest and most easily solved option. Very often, during operation, dirt and dust particles get into the connector, which over time roll off and disrupt the contact between the connector and the wire. At the same time, the iPhone may either stop charging, or the charging process will occur incorrectly - for example, the phone can only charge in certain position wires.

To solve this problem, you need to clean the charger connector, which can be done either independently (but this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the contact group of the connector), or service center. In a service center, cleaning the Lightning connector is done using compressed air, special reagents and fluff, which allows you to perform cleaning with the highest quality possible.

Malfunction of the lower cable / damage to the connector

If the iPhone stops charging, the reason for this may be a malfunction of the lower cable with the charger connector. This arises due to mechanical damage, oxidation of the cable contacts on the board or connector contacts after moisture, or a microcrack on the cable. In any of these cases, the cable assembly with the charger connector is replaced. In our service center, replacement of the lower iPhone cable with charger connector costs from 1500 rubles (depending on iPhone models) and is carried out, as a rule, within an hour from the moment of application.

Battery fault

Very often the reason that the iPhone does not charge is a malfunction battery, which may lose capacity during operation or begin to polymerize due to exposure to external factors or conditions of use.

The first signs that the battery will soon need to be replaced are a decrease in the time battery life, turning off the phone with an incorrect charge indication (iPhone can turn off at 20-30% of the displayed battery charge). In the future, if similar problems are observed long enough, the battery may stop charging and will need to be replaced.

Charge controller malfunction

The charge controller is a chip on the board that is responsible for correct operation iPhone power circuits. Most often, incorrect operation of the controller can be caused by using quality accessories used to charge the device, or a power surge during charging. This problem can appear on any iPhone generation, but most often problems with the charge controller occur on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.

In such cases, complex board repairs are required at the component level: in most cases, this is solved by replacing the charge controller chip. Please note that such operations can only be performed efficiently if you have specialized equipment, and the technician must have extensive experience in carrying out complex board repairs. Otherwise, there is a possibility of making things even worse - it is not uncommon for people to turn to the specialists of our service center who have already received unqualified service elsewhere.

A broken charging cable is the bane of every phone. The most important thing is to find a replacement in time. However, it is not always possible to fork out for an original iPhone. Fortunately, non-branded analogues are common. But to use them, you still need to try.

The problem is that Apple is too self-centered. Therefore, if users should buy something, it should only be with their logo. And thanks to this policy, iPhone in its program code has several interesting lines. They forbid him to use a cable that is not produced by the parent company. And the cost of a real accessory from Apple is quite high. But the proprietary cord contains a special chip, which the device must analyze in order to work.

How to charge an iPhone with a non-original wire

But despite all Apple’s tricks, you can still use a non-native USB cable. Although you will have to suffer a little each time for this. So, a list of actions that need to be carried out so that your iPhone still “eats” the non-original plug and starts charging:

  1. Connect the charger with the cable inserted into it into the outlet.
  2. Take the wire plug and insert it into the smartphone. The latter must be blocked.
  3. A warning will appear that you need to close. To do this, you need to pull it to the side.
  4. Only after this - unlock the device.
  5. Reject everything the iPhone complains about again.
  6. Without blocking the device, remove the cable plug from the Lightning socket and immediately return it to its place.
  7. And again, reject all the windows with which the miracle of Apple technology will notify you.

After this simple list of actions, the device should begin to receive energy.

Is it safe to charge with a non-original cable?

Such manipulations using a cheap cable, which for some reason is still not equipped with a normal chip (for example, like wires from Remax), can be very expensive for its users. Relatively new iPhones 5 among all their hardware have a small but very unpleasant module. It is almost invisible to the eye, but it can really ruin your life.

This little rascal is called U2 IC. It analyzes which cable is currently being used with the smartphone. And if for some reason he doesn’t like this cord, it simply breaks. And if this chip breaks, you will have to either get rid of the iPhone or repair it.

What problem does it cause? It's simple. Without an adequately functioning U2 IC, the device is unable to receive power. Even if it regularly enters the gadget, it does not reach the battery. As a rule, the owners think that the battery is damaged, and then they go to change it. But this does not help - as soon as the new battery is discharged to zero, more smartphone will show no signs of life.

So what should we do?

Use only high-quality non-original iPhone cables! All manufacturers who respect themselves and their name have long been aware of which chip inside the plug is responsible for initialization in the device. And they even learned to fake it. And therefore, you should not take Chinese “noname” wires from the nearest kiosk. They are certainly cheap and available. But won't it be more expensive to repair your mobile phone later?

It’s better to spend a little money and buy an accessory that is a little more expensive than a Chinese one, but still cheaper than the original one. There is a lot to do in this area. Many manufacturers offer their services:

  • company . There is no need to even doubt this - this company, according to assurances, is certified by Apple themselves. Consequently, your gadget will not suffer from the use of wires purchased with this brand;
  • firm . Their products attract attention; it is impossible to pass by such a wonderful purchase. Their big bonus is that they don't stop at boring monochromatic cables. The Remax assortment includes dozens of different wiring. In the catalog you will find everything, even fabric-braided data cables, which remain operational longer than regular ones;
  • manufacturer named . Severe and solid models for mobile phones, which will not become a problem for the user. They are produced with a leather braid, which is more reliable than even fabric. There is no need to talk about quality - it definitely exists. Not a single gadget, according to user reviews, failed while Just was working with it.

What to do if the wire does not charge your iPhone

Hello! There is one more problem on the current agenda. What to do (or not do) when your iPhone won't charge? In this article we will look at the probable prerequisites for this and try to find a solution for each of them. BYPASSING PASSWORD IN iOS 10 or what to do if you forgot. So, if your iPhone has finished charging, sit back and read until the very end... I'm sure one of the tips below will help you.

As you have already figured out, there are more than several circumstances why an iPhone may not charge. Below I have collected the most common of them. Let's start with the most “harmless” ones, and then move on to the “cardinal” ones... Follow the stated order, and every time try to implement what you read. I'm sure some of the tips will definitely help you charge your iPhone.

  • Is it safe to charge your iPhone using an iPad charger? - read in this article
  • Is your iPhone draining abnormally fast? There is a solution! - read in this article

Reason #0: Software (firmware) glitch

Believe it or not, almost always the reason for an iPhone not charging lies in the software (firmware), and not in the hardware. If the iPhone doesn't work anymore Question: The iPhone turned off and won't turn on, what should I do? If you didn’t know, there is a controller inside the iPhone (a chip on a board) that is responsible for charging the battery. What to do if frozen Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro and does not respond. This controller works under the guidance of software. Thus, when you connect the cord to the iPhone, power is supplied not directly to the battery, but first to the board with the controller, which in turn obeys the program built into the phone.

What can we do? And the fact is that the software component of the iPhone recognizes when a power source is connected to the phone and gives a command to the controller to start charging. If the software is frozen, no command will be issued and your iPhone will not charge.

To solve this problem, a hard reboot of the device usually helps. To do this, simultaneously press Home buttons and Power for at least 30 seconds.

Reason #1: Lightning port is dirty

80% of the population carries their phones in their pants or trouser pockets... I don’t know about you, but I regularly clean out all kinds of garbage from my jeans pockets... where does it come from? Moreover, this garbage (dust, lint, hair, etc.) tries to sneak into every crevice of my iPhone.

Imagine! This is the first reason why the iPhone may not charge. You can’t even imagine how much lint and dust gets into the Lightning charging connector! The accumulated compressed dust does not allow the Lightning plug to fit properly into the connector hole, which leads to the problem above. Don't believe me?

Try this! Take a wooden toothpick and gently clean out any accumulated debris from the Lightning connector. What to do if it doesn’t charge, you need to try charging the phone using another one. IN this material I will tell you what to do if the iPhone does not charge, but shows that it is charging, I will describe the reasons for this problem. Try to “pick out” charging holes from both corners. Proceed with extreme caution to avoid damaging the contacts. You will be shocked when you see how much “felt” we managed to get. After that, blow out the connector and connect the charger. What to do if your iPhone won't charge. If the phone is very low, it may take up to 15 minutes before it shows the first signs of life.

Reason #2: USB port is faulty

If you are trying to charge your iPhone from USB port Well, the first thing you should do is check if it works. At my work Windows laptop there are a couple USB connectors, from which the iPhone does not charge at all. I don’t know what this is connected with, but the phone does not receive a charge. It seems that 5V power supply to these USB ports not served at all.

Some information for general development:
- Regular USB the port has an output voltage of 5V and a current of 0.5A
- Standard for comparison iPhone charging outputs 5V and 1A
- Well, iPad charger outputs 5V and 2A

Try this! If this is your case, try another USB port or connect your iPhone to a regular 220V charger. If your charger also doesn't charge your iPhone, read on for the next possible reason.

Reason #3: Charger/cable is faulty

The iPhone cable does not charge. Repair

The most common malfunction usb cable For iPhone charging . ok... what if original Apple The charger also does not charge the iPhone? Then it was time to check the Lightning cable. I disassemble and repair in a few minutes

iPhone won't charge? Charging problems? We will suggest a solution to the problem

In this video, we will tell you what could be the reason incorrect operation charging cable Apple iPhone,iPod,.

OK, I won't be original when I say that real chargers Apple devices are quite expensive. It’s another matter if you buy an iPhone charger on AliExpress (from China) - after all, it will cost you several times cheaper. BUT! BUT! BUT! I strongly do not recommend doing this! Under no circumstances should you buy or use cheap Chinese non-original chargers. According to reviews from friends and personal experience, I can assure you that Chinese chargers will sooner or later play a cruel joke on your device if they don’t drive it into a “wooden box”. You must realize for yourself that " cheaper doesn't mean better“, and when it’s almost for nothing, doubts about the quality creep in.

So, if your iPhone does not charge from a Chinese (non-original) charger, I would DID NOT further EXPERIMENT and would try GET A REAL ORIGINAL CHARGER FROM APPLE. Everything should be clear here.

Okay - okay... what if the original Apple charger doesn't charge the iPhone either? Then it was time to check the Lightning cable. My iPhone won't turn on, what should I do? What to do if the iPad or iPhone does not turn on and is on fire. Again, from personal experience, even the original cables that come with the iPhone fail over time. To be honest, the original cables are quite fragile to begin with. If you do not use them carefully enough, frequent bending will damage not only the outer plastic braid, but also the conductive “cores.” WHAT TO DO IF THE SENSOR DOES NOT WORK. I recently threw out my original cable because it started charging the iPhone to no more than 60%.

I have nothing against the lightning cables they sell on AliExpress. Here they either charge or not. Do you know how much it costs original lightning cable 1m long Apple Store? Fabulous 19. “modem mode” and what to do if it doesn’t exist. Go crazy! For this money you can purchase at least three excellent certified cables that will charge your iPhone without any problems. I tried a bunch of cables - from cheap ones at 0.99 to expensive ones at 10 from different manufacturers, and I can recommend you a really cool lightning cable from Ugreen (link to AliExpress).

  • How do I get up to 90% cashback for purchases on AliExpress - Instructions

“This cable or accessory is not certified...”

Some of you have probably already encountered the message “ This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone." There may be several reasons for this, and we will consider them in a separate article. I will only say one thing - starting with iOS 7, Apple has taught its devices to recognize the authenticity of USB cables. As I wrote earlier, a special chip is installed in the Lightning cable plug that allows the iPhone (iPad) to recognize the origin of this cable. The Chinese, of course, learned to counterfeit Lightning chips, but with the release of iOS 7, Apple changed the rules of the game again. Therefore, try to use original chargers...

Try this! Use known-good original chargers and Lightning cables. If they don’t help, most likely one of the iPhone components has failed. Read about it below.

Reason #4: iPhone Battery

Any battery is consumables... This means that batteries do not last forever and require periodic replacement. I recently replaced the battery of my MacBook Air, because The battery completely stopped holding a charge and it became impossible to use the computer without a cord.

This can also happen with the iPhone, although it is quite rare. Why doesn't the iPhone charge? If the original Apple charger doesn't charge either, what should I do? What to do if Xiaomi freezes, the method really doesn’t work. The sensor doesn’t work. What happens if you don't charge your phone? original charger…. More likely, phones that are four or five years old are susceptible to this diagnosis, because... The battery, if it fails, does so gradually until it fails completely.

Replacement iPhone batteries It's not a tricky thing, but it does require some tools. Instructions for replacement are again available on

If your device is fairly new, then I don't think the problem is with the battery. Very often people contact me who charged their devices with power supplies of unknown origin, and ended up having a problem. Usually in this case the charging controller or power controller fails. But more on that below. See reason #5.

Reason #5: iPhone components are faulty

Well, the last reason for today why the iPhone does not charge is internal component failure. Yes, and don’t be surprised - this is a fairly common reason! Most often, either the battery or the power/charging controller fails. You can find out what exactly failed you after diagnostics at a service center. In the comments below, many people complain that their iPhone does not charge at all, or loses its charge abnormally quickly, or gets very hot, or does not accept the cable - all these are signs of a faulty iPhone power/charging controller. I wrote in detail about replacing iPhone power and charging controllers in a separate article (link). Well, if you need to explain it manually, then essentially the U2 charger controller is a chip (microcircuit) on iPhone board, which can be replaced (resoldered) with a new one. In normal service centers, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties and costs from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles.

Try this! I can’t say right away what exactly went wrong in your case. You have a direct route to the service center. Be sure to check the functionality of your iPhone after replacing the charging controller or battery. Even new ones iPhone batteries(again of Chinese origin) may be defective and not accept a charge. If the iPhone turns off in the cold and does not turn on and what to do if the iPhone is frozen. But no. What to do if your iPhone turns off and won’t turn on. Or maybe the technician mistakenly replaced one component and never discovered the real problem. Therefore, ask the service center to connect your iPhone to a power source and make sure that the phone turns on and the charge indicator has reached at least a couple of percent.

In any case, write in the comments which method helped you. If your iPhone still won't charge, write to me about it and I'll try to find another solution for you. What to do if the iPhone thinks, Ways to recognize non-original headphones. We are always at the same place, so come and ask. In order not to lose touch, subscribe to updates using the form below, as well as to our group in contact.
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