Beeline services for legal entities. Where to go for advice for a Beeline corporate client

A leading provider offers to connect Beeline Internet for legal entities, tariffs in Moscow are favorable and affordable. Tariff plans are available for small, medium and large businesses. Companies that want to receive quality services and stable Internet on high speed, switch to Beeline.

Why should you choose the “Internet to the office” tariff?

This is the best high speed internet for legal entities in Moscow. An offer that cannot be refused for the following reasons:

  1. Install cheap internet Beeline for legal entities is free if there is a connection point in the building. Check the website for access to Wi-Fi b2b.
  2. Providing static IP addresses, working in dynamics.
  3. Installing a modem with Wi-Fi function for general use.
  4. Open up to five email accounts at the same time.
  5. Ability to control traffic, view statistics, check expenses.

There is another bonus for clients - a backup communication channel.

What does the provider promise?

Internet providers promise a lot for legal entities, but not all fulfill their obligations. Beeline guarantees compliance with the stated parameters. Tariff package"Internet to the office" is excellent quality communications, Internet speed from 2 to 10 Gbit/sec. This is the most profitable, convenient, optimal tariff for companies and organizations.

The access point is connected at a convenient time and day, which are agreed upon with the client. If a Beeline point is installed in the building, we will connect the office for free! Full set services for legal entities at your disposal as quickly as possible!

Corporate clients are served individually. Selected for business optimal tariffs. How much does Internet cost for legal entities? Depends on financial capabilities and practical needs. The company has established itself as a reliable service provider. Uninterrupted operation is guaranteed by the presence of backup communication channels and the connection of additional nodes.

Package solutions for savings and convenience

Supplement your selected service package with unlimited mobile communications. The tariff allows you to reduce mobile communications costs and improve quality.

If desired, you can connect additional services. For example, “Mobile Enterprise”, which provides a set of tools for effective business management: task manager, mobile Internet, cloud storage data.

Go to Beeline! To activate the tariff, call:

Besides individuals, the provider actively cooperates with corporate clients. Created for them profitable terms to improve business performance and profitability through effective communication. But legal entities also have questions that are difficult to resolve on their own. In such cases, you need to maintain contact with the operator. We'll tell you how to establish a communication channel with your provider and tell you the Beeline technical support phone number for business.

During use mobile communications or fixed telephony, problems can sometimes arise that the subscriber is unable to solve on his own. In this case, it is advisable to request assistance from the operator’s specialists. To do this, you need to contact Beeline technical support. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. A short number has been implemented to communicate with individuals. If you call it at the decision of corporate clients, you will be served in any case. Will automatically redirect to required service. But the disadvantage of this method is the long waiting time. You will need to listen to all the advice from the autoinformer, and then wait until they transfer you to another line.
  2. A service telephone number has been created for mobile communications issues technical support for legal entities – “88007000628”. IN in this case the waiting time is significantly lower, and the specialist is competent in the field corporate telephony. No need to remember long sequence numbers, it will be enough to dial “0628” - when calling internal network Beeline.
  3. If there are problems with fixed line, internet or wired office telephony, then a dedicated contact “88007008061” is implemented for this purpose. Here you can find out and resolve your financial issues, get advice on setting up equipment.

Attention! Communication with service support not subject to tariffs at any point Russian Federation and from any contact number.

In some cases, talking to technical support is not enough. In such a situation, you can personally visit the provider's service department. On current time Beeline sales centers are not divided into offices for corporate or individual clients. You can visit any of them, but you must take with you all the documents that confirm your legal status and identity. Contact any available manager in the salon and ask your question. Here you can connect additional products from the operator, resolve technical and financial problems, and also order a detailed invoice for the use of communication services for a certain period.

Service email address

To get a consultation with a specialist, you don’t need to leave your home in search of the nearest provider branch or remember long phone numbers. Write your request to the installed email Beeline company for servicing corporate clients. Implemented technical support address " [email protected]" Therefore, the consumer can contact the mailbox and order an invoice for a specific month of service, detailed call details, receive a login and password from account V personal account. You can send your complaints, suggestions, claims to this address. But for this you should use only established sample applications for official resource provider and certify all documents with a seal and signature directly to the head of the organization. Otherwise they won't have legal force.

There are additional mailboxes to solve narrowly focused issues:

  1. « [email protected]» - to analyze technical problems and problems. Setting up office equipment and telephony.
  2. « [email protected]» - for working with finances. Determination of standing payments, implementation of invoices and detailing.
  3. « [email protected]» — service maintenance issues.

How to start a chat with a Beeline specialist

If you have access to network space, you can resolve your problems directly online. To do this, you need to create a chat with Beeline employees. To implement this, log in to your personal account as a corporate subscriber. IN top corner allocated special button chat. After clicking it, a menu will open in which you need to enter your contact information, namely phone number and name, confirm the captcha. Next, a chat window will appear. In the appropriate field, describe your problem in more detail and detail. After some time, a qualified specialist will contact you by phone or chat and help resolve issues in the field of legal entities.

If you are a corporate client, you may have a question for the operator cellular communication. The article examined all effective channels for establishing communication between the consumer and the provider. Remember, specialists are ready to answer at any time of the day for free.

Stable, cost-balanced mobile communications for business is a strict condition of modern reality. Mobile, wireless systems communications made it possible to raise the level of quality and pace of management to the level of an unspoken law of successful business.

Let's start with the Internet

Corporate clients who actively use the Internet on mobile media are offered the “Forsazh” tariff in several options:

  • 3 GB – website browsing, business correspondence, use social networks for work, monthly payment 225 rubles;
  • 5 GB – the ability to hold conferences online, business letters, higher resource for downloading, monthly fee 275 rubles;
  • 15 GB – all positions of the previous paragraph are included, more suitable for lovers of music and watching videos in HD quality, subscription fee 395 rubles;
  • 30 GB is the maximum offer for businessmen, their partners and employees, price 475 rubles.

The “Internet for everything” option will allow you to connect up to five mobile devices when paying for communication from one. The tariff plan covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The cost of MMS for Russian and foreign subscribers is 2 rubles. and 6.45 rub. respectively.

Colleagues communicate more

Simple tariff plan, subscription fee does not provide. Within the limits of the agreement, colleagues talk to each other for only 10 kopecks, even on business trips around Russia. Sending SMS messages will cost 1.9 rubles to all numbers domestic operators and 6.45 rubles for subscribers abroad.

Small to medium

“Everything for Business” is a whole bunch of tariffs for small and medium-sized companies. Any type of tariff is connected free of charge. The set of options for all plan modifications is standard. There are variations on the size of the subscription fee, the volume of starting indicators and the guarantee fee.

  • Bronze – 3 GB of Internet, 300 minutes for communication and 300 text and multimedia messages. This is the package of services paid for by a monthly subscription. a fee of 250 rubles;
  • Silver – increases capabilities to 5 GB, 600 minutes and 600 messages per month for 450 rubles;
  • Gold – starting indicators increase: 10 GB for global network, 1500 minutes for calls, 1500 messages, cost per month 950 rubles;
  • Platinum – for 1850 rubles you get 15 GB, 3000 minutes and the same number of messages.

Contributions to guarantee contracts will range from 300 rubles for “Bronze” to 1100 rubles for “Platinum”. Each package offers 2 options: “ More Internet» 10-30 GB (100-300 rub.) and “Travel Package” for 150, 500 and 1000 minutes of incoming/outgoing calls (100/250/450 rub.).

Let's play big

“My Company” – a set of tariff plans for large corporations. In terms of cost and volume of options, it is the same as the “Everything for Business” tariffs, except for “Platinum”, which is not included in the set. There are some nuances: subscribers covered by the contract will spend 0 rubles on mobile and SMS calls. Per day 120 free minutes are provided for calls to local and out-of-town Beeline subscribers.

Subscribers of other operators in Russia can make calls (50 min./day) and send messages (50 pcs./day) without payment. The payment scheme is prepayment, tariff category is per minute. Minimum amount on the mobile account when switching to this plan is 225 rubles.

There is a service

Optimize spending on business mobile communications and provide it to subscribers who are not connected to corporate agreement, “My Company” will allow, only as a service.

The “My Company” service is an opportunity to optimize the company’s expenses for mobile connections and connect to the corporate tariff even those who are not provided with business cellular communications. The “highlight” of the service is that new subscribers (this can also be relatives):

  • Pay for cellular communications yourself;
  • Save your number;
  • Enjoy all the benefits of the plan.

The service is available for all Beeline corporate tariffs and allows you to reduce costs for businessmen and enterprises by 20-35%.

Good for clients too

From any region of Russia, around the clock, via wired or cellular communication, the client can always call 8-800 for free. Profit of the organization, with the acquisition virtual number 8-800, will significantly cover the costs associated with subscription fee and connection. The profile of companies where the 8-800 service is most popular is quite broad:

  • Banking industry and insurance companies;
  • Tourism and hotel business;
  • Representative offices in the regions;
  • Transport service companies and car dealerships;
  • Retail networks;
  • Enterprises producing consumer goods.

The obvious benefits of the Beeline 8-800 offer are as follows:

  • Maintaining existing and expanding potential client base;
  • Orientation of the company's image towards the client;
  • Support for marketing campaigns at the federal and regional levels;
  • Creation of customer service centers around the clock;
  • Organization of information and reference lines, consumer support services, order desks, etc.

Having signed an agreement to connect any corporate tariff plan from Beeline or 8-800 services, you can not only save money, but also develop your business.

An unlimited tariff for corporate clients is valid in Moscow and the region. Connect by phone: +7-499-110-19-99.

Moscow provider Beeline offers to buy a corporate Internet tariff for the office. All in one package - profitable proposition for legal entities and businesses:

  1. Mobile connection: minimum 300 free messages and 550 free minutes of conversation with subscribers located in the region.
  2. Unlimited outgoing/incoming calls to Beeline subscribers in Russia.
  3. Mobile Internet from 5 GB.
  4. Access to high speed home Internet from 40 to 100 Mb/sec.

Tariffs "Everything for business" - advantageous offers for corporate clients from Beeline

The Moscow provider offers profitable and affordable tariff to use the Internet and mobile communications. Corporate rates And unlimited Internet from Beeline allow you to save on bills and receive quality services. The company offers several packages for business, which include:

  1. Internet traffic from 5 to 30 GB per month.
  2. SMS messages from 100 to 6000 per month.
  3. Conversations on the Beeline network - from 100 to 6000 minutes per month.
  4. As a gift from the company, the “Internet for everything” service with the ability to connect up to five devices of any kind.
  5. Installing a router with Wi-Fi function. Internet available to employees and office visitors.
  6. Connection short number 8-800 for customer service.
  7. Domain registration and support. Choose unique name website, attract customers. The provider will provide work, domain renewal and advice on all issues.
  8. Digital TV for the office. An interesting video, program, film is a reason to keep the client in the office. Connect to TV in HD quality about Beeline.

Use mobile network provider when traveling around Russia. Call Beeline subscribers for free. This is a profitable offer for business. It is possible to connect to corporate network employees who do not use official communications. They receive separate bills and pay themselves. The company saves on landline and mobile communications!

The price for beeline corporate internet varies depending on the chosen tariff. Existing and new subscribers receive additional bonuses and discounts. By connecting to a package plan, you can use corporate, mobile and home Internet at high speed, register domains, connect digital television, install cloud PBX. Beeline offers endless possibilities!

Why is it worth switching to Beeline?

The company is a leading Moscow provider offering favorable rates and additional services. Enterprises, companies, organizations of all forms of ownership and size choose Beeline. Main advantages:

  1. Free connection Internet in the office if there is an access point in the building.
  2. Dedicated line for access to the global network.
  3. Free installation and setting up a router with Wi-FI function.
  4. Downloading programs that protect against viruses and DDoS attacks on websites, mobile applications, equipment.
  5. Static IP addresses that all employees can connect to, even outside the office.
  6. Providing a unique domain name. Registration and support of the site.
  7. Self check traffic, cost control, remote connection functions.

A provider with a name and reputation complies with the stated parameters and monitors the stability of work. Internet at high speed, identical input/output is the main requirement. Plus a package of additional services. These are significant advantages that attract more and more new customers.

Do you want to hear information about the opportunities that the provider provides? Find out how much corporate internet costs with additional services and functions? The company holds promotions and introduces new programs. To find out more details, you need to contact the managers by phone +7-499-110-19-99. Ask questions and receive competent answers.