What is the OFD for cash registers?

Online fiscalization, which began in early July 2017, introduced a new “player” in the retail market – the fiscal data operator (FDO).

Fiscal data operators are commercial companies, which accept, process, store and transmit fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service. The work of such companies is strictly regulated.

FDO operation algorithm

At points of sale, along with a paper receipt, an online copy is generated, which is sent to the fiscal data operator. Electronic checks are transferred to the OFD from each unit of cash register equipment assigned to it.
Fiscal data operators, using technical means, form and check the fiscal indicator on checks, store them and transmit the data to the Federal Tax Service via a secure channel.

How was it before?

Before the financial reform was introduced in 2016, fiscal data was also collected and stored on the EKLZ chip (electronic control tape secure), with which all cash registers were equipped. Each year, this data was transmitted directly to the tax office. The obligation to use cash register systems was assigned to a limited number of enterprises that accept payments from the public.

The reform introduced fundamental changes:

  • transmission of electronic checks through an online channel using OFD increases the speed of data provision;
  • detailed information on receipts – increases control over the sale of goods;
  • the obligation to maintain cash accounting for almost all enterprises working with individuals– provides access to information about the volume retail and purchasing power of the population.

What requirements does the new 54-FZ impose?

Changes in the tax system that came into effect in 2017 oblige all enterprises to conduct settlements with individuals through an online cash register. The time frame for installing a cash register varies and depends on the type of activity and the taxation system applied, but everyone will have to connect one way or another.

54-FZ regulates:
- install an online cash register at the enterprise,
- conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator (FDO),
- register the cash register with the tax office
- set up a cash register program for generating checks with the necessary details.

List of OFD

The list contains a list of organizations that have received the right to process fiscal data and permission from the Federal Tax Service. In order to obtain this permission, companies have completed a whole series requirements. Including, we received the necessary licenses for data protection, technical information protection, etc.

The First OFD system works with all CCP manufacturers in Russia. Data transfer is carried out using cryptographic protection tools certified by the FSB. An external audit is carried out information security for compliance with the requirements for government information systems. In 2014-2016 participant in the experiment of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.


  • "TAXCOM"(Takskom LLC)

Permission from the Federal Tax Service of Russia to process fiscal data dated September 1, 2016 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. ED-7-20/468@).

The security of the Taxcom fiscal data transmission system is confirmed by licenses from Roskomnadzor, FSTEC and the FSB of Russia. Used for data transmission modern equipment, the infrastructure meets strict requirements and international standards. The company's quality management system is certified ISO standard 9001.

In addition to providing fiscal data operator services, it is a certification center and official operator electronic reporting And electronic document management.


  • "OFD-YA"(Yarus LLC)

Permission from the Federal Tax Service of Russia to process fiscal data dated September 1, 2016 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. ED-7-20/468@).

The company was created on the basis of an IT company specializing in the automation of complex business processes, information security and support information systems. The fiscal data operator OFD-Ya has complete package permitting documentation for conducting activities in the status of OFD, and has the necessary technical and technological base to store and transmit data from cash registers to the Federal Tax Service.


  • "PETER-SERVICE"(PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies LLC)

Permission from the Federal Tax Service of Russia to process fiscal data dated October 18, 2016 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 18, 2016 No. ED-7-20/565@).

The company "PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies" was created on the basis of a subsidiary company that is part of USM Holdings, and is a Russian developer software products for the telecommunications industry.

USM Holdings Ltd (USM) is a diversified international company managing assets in the fields of metallurgy and mining, telecommunications, Internet and media. These include companies such as Metalloinvest, MegaFon, Mail.ru Group, etc.


  • "YANDEX.OFD"- (Yandex.OFD LLC)

Permission from the Federal Tax Service of Russia to process fiscal data dated April 10, 2017 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 10, 2017 No. ED-6-20/20@).

One of the activities of the Yandex company, known by its name search engine. The company owns Internet portals and services in several countries. In April 2017, the company received permission to process fiscal data.

Website: www.ofd.yandex.ru

  • "ELECTRONIC EXPRESS"- Limited Liability Company "Electronic Express".

The company is known for its development "Garant". In April 2017, the Electronic Express company had the official status of a Fiscal Data Operator (FDO) based on the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 14, 2017 No. ED-7-20/312@ and was included in the FDO Register. Services are licensed by the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, FSTEC.

Website: www.garantexpress.ru

Full official list The OFD is presented on the Federal Tax Service website.

Cost of connection to OFD

The cost of annual maintenance averages 3,000 rubles. At the same time, you can get a discount on services from a cash register equipment supplier if he is a partner of one of the OFDs.

After selecting the OFD, you need to conclude an agreement with it and connect. This can be done online.
First you need:
- purchase a cash register with a fiscal drive and have access to the Internet;
- register the cash register on the Federal Tax Service website and receive it registration number.

To sign an agreement with the OFD, you will need a CCP registration number and a qualified electronic signature (CES). CEP can be purchased at one of the certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, or at the OFD, if such a service is provided.

What benefits do the state and business owners receive from online fiscalization?

  • Daily statistical data received by the Federal Tax Service will make it possible to identify tax violations. For example, low income levels with square meter store in comparison with similar retail outlets will be one of the grounds for conducting an inspection. This will eliminate the “broadcast” checks that were previously practiced.
  • For business owners, one of the many benefits is obtaining customer information. Detailing receipts will allow you to better understand the needs of customers and create more effective programs loyalty.

Let's sum it up

It is mandatory to enter into an agreement with the OFD. To do this, you can either directly enter into an agreement with one of the registered fiscal data operators. After this, you need to carry out a number of actions on the website of the Federal Tax Service and the OFD so that the cash register correctly transmits the data to the Federal Tax Service. If you make a mistake at any stage, the fiscal drive may be damaged and you will need to purchase a new one.

Since 2016, a new type of cash register has been introduced, which sends data about each issued check to a specific website via communication means. From the second half of the year, such machines became mandatory for many business entities. To apply them, companies and entrepreneurs must necessarily enter into an agreement with an entity such as a fiscal data operator, a list of organizations of which is presented in the table.

This name has come into use among modern businessmen relatively recently, so many of them have no idea what the OFD is or who it is.

A fiscal data operator is a special company accredited by the tax authorities and created in accordance with the law, which receives, stores and processes on the server information on punched cash receipts of its customers on , and, if necessary, provides the Federal Tax Service with all the data necessary for inspections.

An FD operator can only be a legal entity that has been verified by the FSB and has issued a license there to carry out operations related to encryption. Moreover, it must be located on the territory of our country and have the appropriate equipment necessary to carry out this activity.

It is essentially a collector of information on cash transactions related to income generation. The CRF is used not only for the purpose of storing information. It can send aileron forms of punched checks to their specified email addresses, as well as generate specialized reports for accounting.

Attention! The FD operator may stop working. At the same time, he must warn all clients in advance about the cessation of activities. After its closure, information from online cash registers will not be retrieved, but will be accumulated on a fiscal medium.

Within 20 days, companies and individual entrepreneurs must find a new OFD operator and sign an agreement with him. All cash register transactions accumulated on the fiscal medium are then transferred to the service of the new OFD.

List of current fiscal data operators for 2019

The list of fiscal data operators in Russia is posted on the tax website, and it is constantly updated, as more and more new FD operators are included in it.

Name Website address Cost of service (1 CCP) Date of issue of the permit
JSC "Energy Systems and Communications" ("First OFD") www.1-ofd.ru 3000 rub. per year

900 rub. per quarter

6900 rub. in 3 years

Taxkom LLC www.taxcom.ru 31.08.2016
Evotor OFD LLC www.platformaofd.ru 3000 rub. per year

1700 rub. in six months

900 rub. per quarter

300 rub. per month

16.5 rub. per day

Yarus LLC www.ofd-ya.ru 3000 rub. per year 31.08.2016
Peter-Service Special Technologies LLC www.peterofd.ru 3000 rub. per year + month free 18.10.2016
LLC "Yandex.OFD" www.ofd.yandex.ru from 3000 rub. per year 10.04.2017
LLC "Electronic Express" www.garantexpress.ru from 3000 rub. per year 14.04.2017
CJSC Kaluga Astral www.ofd.astralnalog.ru 3000 rub. per year 14.04.2017
LLC "Company "Tensor" www.sbis.ru From 3000 rub. per year 14.04.2017
LLC Corus Consulting CIS www.esphere.ru From 2532 rub. per year

The price decreases as the number of cash registers increases

CJSC Manufacturing Company SKB Kontur www.kontur.ru 3000 rub. per year 29.06.2017
JSC "Tander" www.magnit.ru From 2900 rub. per year

The price decreases as the number of cash registers increases


Currently, several more companies are being considered for applications and included in the list of FD operators.

What functions does the OFD perform?

The FDO must continuously perform the following functions:

  • Receive receipts, BSO, shift opening and closing reports and other documents from the cash register;
  • Check the fiscal characteristics of each received document;
  • If the received document turns out to be counterfeit, immediately report this fact to the tax office;
  • Submit to the tax office all documents received from the cash register. Provide access to them at any time during the established storage period;
  • Process incoming data continuously 24/7/365;
  • Protect all fiscal data received by it from hacking, theft, and misuse;
  • Store all incoming information for 5 years;
  • Provides the buyer with the opportunity to verify the authenticity of the received check;
  • Sends checks to customers by email.

How to choose OFD

Here are some tips to help you choose a fiscal data operator:

  • You only need to choose from the official register of OFD, which can be viewed on the Federal Tax Service website. If a company positions itself as an operator, but is not included in this list, most likely they are just scammers;
  • It is advisable that your personal account have access to as much as possible more data and analytics - total revenue, and broken down by period, average receipt for the period, the ability to view receipts, etc. Unfortunately, of the available OFDs, not many provide access to a test account.
  • See how quickly technical support responds and how thoroughly they answer questions. You can write them a letter or call them hotline and evaluate the quality of communication with the operator.
  • Scroll additional services. Some of the operators additionally provide the ability to send electronic receipts or SMS to clients, making it possible to receive electronic signature from their partners in a simplified manner, they send notifications in the event of the end of the paid period, etc. You can give preference to the operator that offers the most relevant ancillary services.
  • Methods and terms of payment. Despite the fact that the annual price for one cash register is the same for almost all operators, some offer different payment periods - a day, a month, or vice versa - two or three years in advance. For seasonal trading, it is convenient to connect the OFD only for a month or one quarter, and for the reserve cash desk set a daily subscription fee.

Procedure for connecting to the fiscal data operator

To connect to any of the accredited OFDs, you need to perform several steps:

  • Get a qualified electronic digital signature. It is necessary to register the cash register on the Federal Tax Service website and your personal account with the OFD. To obtain a signature, you must contact the nearest special operator. It must be remembered that the digital signature received for participation in state auctions will not be suitable for these purposes.
  • Register on the website of the selected OFD. To do this, it is usually enough to indicate the TIN and the name of the organization (full name of the entrepreneur), and contact information- name, phone number and email address.
  • Sign an agreement with the OFD. At first personal account, in fact, will be unavailable until the contract is signed. In this case, some of the information will be received directly from the digital signature, and the rest will need to be added manually (bank details, information about the manager, postal address for delivery of correspondence, etc.). Analogous to signature and seal in in this case serves as a mark of a qualified digital signature.
  • Register the cash register in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website. After completing the entire procedure, the device will be assigned a number, which must then be indicated in your personal OFD account.
  • Connect the device in your OFD personal account. To do this, you need to indicate the model of the device, its number and the number of the fiscal drive. It will also be possible to assign to the cash register code name, which will help you navigate connected devices more easily.
  • Pay for data transfer services. After selection tariff plan, an invoice for services will appear in your personal account, which will need to be paid. After enrollment cash The cash register will be activated and begin transmitting data to the tax office.

Which operator is better?

Currently, there are 12 companies on the official register of operators. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are asking the question - which fiscal data operator is better?

In fact, they are all essentially the same. The price for services for all companies is the same - 3,000 rubles per year for one cash register. True, some provide the opportunity to pay in one day or even several years in advance - but this does not indicate that they are better or worse than others. The quality of service is generally the same for everyone, since all participants in the field of formal documentation are not new to electronic document management and telecommunications.

Therefore, you can choose any operator without fear. If you have doubts about your choice, you can ask for advice from service center, where the cash register was purchased. Surely, they have already tried working with various OFDs and can tell for whom the device is configured more easily, and for whom - with any complications.

Fiscal data operators play the role of a collection point. They receive payment data from various cash registers and transmit it to the tax office. The fiscal data operator has its own data processing center. The OFD can only work if there is a license from the FSB to work with encryption tools.

The buyer pays for the goods. The seller punches the receipt at the online cash register, and the sales data is instantly recorded on the fiscal drive and transmitted via the Internet to the fiscal data operator. The OFD transmits data from all cash desks to the tax office.

What does a store need to work with OFD?

  • Agreement with OFD for processing fiscal data
  • Internet
  • Cash register with fiscal storage and Internet connection

Cash register equipment will need to be registered in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website. To do this, you will need a qualified electronic signature.

How does the OFD work? We analyze amendment 54 of the Federal Law

Let's look at an example. A customer comes to the store to buy a carton of milk. The cashier scans the barcode from the milk package or enters the amount on the cash register keypad.

Inside the cash register (cash register) there is a fiscal drive. He saves the check, signs it with a fiscal sign, generates and sends a data package to the OFD server.

The fiscal data operator generates a response fiscal attribute and sends a receipt signed with the fiscal attribute to the cash register. When the fiscal drive registers the receipt, registration of the receipt for the new requirements will be completed.

Then the fiscal data operator transmits the calculation data to the tax office. The buyer receives two checks: paper and electronic (for email or subscriber number).

The receipts contain a QR code and a link. The buyer can scan the code with a smartphone camera or follow the link. The buyer will be taken to the receipt verification service website. There he will check that the check registered in the OFD matches the paper one. If the amounts are different, the buyer can complain to the store.

Will an electronic check completely replace a paper one?

The electronic receipt contains the store’s TIN, names of goods, the amount of taxes paid and all other information. But at the buyer's request, the seller is still required to issue a paper check.

What do the new checks look like?

How are the QR code and link generated?

The fiscal data operator provides the cash register with the rules for generating a QR code and links. Cash register equipment generates a QR, a link and prints a receipt.

What if the Internet goes out during the sale?

The store owner has 72 hours to restore the connection. Otherwise, the CCP will stop working.

What is a fiscal accumulator?

Relatively speaking, this is a new type of ECLZ. The fiscal drive receives the check data, processes it and signs it with a fiscal sign. It then sends the receipt data and fiscal attribute to the fiscal data operator. From OFD fiscal the drive receives a receipt signed with a fiscal sign and stores the receipt data.

That is, ECLZ will no longer be needed?

Yes, fiscal drives will replace ECLZ.

Where to buy a fiscal drive?

It is now known that EKLZ can be purchased from the manufacturer - the Atlas-Kart company. The company Proxima also sells EKLZ. The list of organizations that sell fiscal drives has not yet been approved.

One fiscal drive forever?

No, it needs to be changed.

Organizations on common system taxation - once a year. For organizations on a patent, UTII and simplified tax system - once every 3 years.

Who will change the fiscal drive?

How to get an electronic signature?

Electronic signatures are issued by certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. To obtain a signature, take the documents to a certification center.

For individuals:

  • passport

For legal entities:

  • constituent documents
  • document confirming the inclusion of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • tax registration certificate

The electronic signature will be recorded on physical media, for example a USB flash drive. Find out the cost of the service at the certification center.

What should a store owner do to connect to the OFD?

  • Get a qualified electronic signature
  • Conclude an agreement or contract with a fiscal data operator
  • Browse to the store online
  • Install a fiscal drive in the cash register
  • Register a cash register on the tax website and obtain a registration number on the Federal Tax Service website

How to register a cash register and get a number?

Log in to the taxpayer’s personal account on the Federal Tax Service website. Get your cash register registration number in your personal account. Fiscalize your cash register. KKT will send the data to the tax service through the OFD. You will receive a registration card in your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website. Registration is completed.

We remind you that an electronic signature is required for registration.

When will registration of cash registers for the transmission of OFD data begin?

Voluntary registration of cash registers - from April 1, 2016. Mandatory registration of cash registers - from February 1, 2017. By July 1, 2017, all cash registers must begin sending payment data to the OFD. The law has not been signed, the timing may change.

Do I need to buy a new cash register?

No, if your cash register connects to the Internet and you can install a fiscal drive in the case, and the internal software works with FN and OFD. If these options are not available and the manufacturer does not release a modification kit, then the cash register equipment will have to be replaced.

What cash registers are suitable for working with CFD?

The OFD has both hardware and software requirements.

Device requirements:

  • internet connection
  • space for a fiscal drive inside the case
  • printing QR codes and links

Program requirements:

  • working with a fiscal drive
  • working with OFD

The developers of the Dreamkas company have provided a compartment for a fiscal drive in all models of Viki cash registers and Viki Print fiscal recorders.

The software operates according to exchange protocols both between the cash register and the financial register, and between the cash register and the fiscal storage device. Viki cash desks connect to the Internet via network cable or WiFi.

I work on UTII, I don’t use a cash register. What to do?

Now - wait. The government is preparing a draft resolution that will precisely indicate the types of activities for the use of CCP.

What will happen to the CTO?

Maintenance at a central service center will no longer be mandatory. But the cash register equipment will still have to be repaired. It is reasonable to assume that reasonable store owners will not refuse technical support.

Is it necessary to enter into a service agreement with the central service center after implementing the CRF?

IN mandatory- No. But an agreement with the OFD must be concluded in any case.

Can a central service center become a fiscal data operator?

Yes. Any organization can become a fiscal data operator. To do this you need to have:

  • Permission to process fiscal data from the Federal Tax Service
  • FSTEC license for technical protection information
  • FSB license for the development and production of crypto security products
  • FSB license for data protection activities
  • Technical means for processing fiscal data (on the right of ownership)
  • Technical means to protect fiscal data
  • Non-residential premises owned or leased

More detailed requirements for the OFD will appear after the law is signed.

New materials about 54-FZ

OFD (fiscal data operator) is a mandatory link in the online cash register system for all trading companies. This is a relatively new entity that everyone who is obliged to work with cash register systems and send sales data according to the new regulations to the regulatory authority (in this case, the role of such an authority is assigned to the tax department) has to deal with. Connecting to the OFD has become one of the stages of a quest called “Start working with online cash registers in the new realities” for retail and online trade. Let's look into the details of the issue.

What is OFD, how do they differ from other special communication operators and how can you become a fiscal data operator?

OFD are specialized companies, special communication operators. There are many telecom operators in Russia that provide channels for businesses to send reports to regulatory authorities. OFDs are approximately the same enterprises, only the requirements for them specifically for sending fiscal data differ.
According to Russian legal standards, they must have:

  • premises where they are located technical means, ensuring the transfer of relevant fiscal data. The premises must be located in Russia (this is mandatory) and can be either owned or leased;
  • means of forming a fiscal indicator and checking it. Actually, this is what it is cryptographic means protection of fiscal data. These funds must be owned by the company;
  • relevant licenses and conclusions. We are talking about Roskomnadzor licenses for the provision of communication services and the conclusion of the FSTEC on the protection of information for its compliance with the legislation on cash register systems.

What is the function of fiscal special operators?

The main task is clear from the name - to process fiscal data, that is, to receive fiscal documents from cash registers, encrypt them, and check their accuracy (in technical terms, of course). And then - transmit by the right channels: from the trading company to the tax office and back (the actual data from the cash register is transferred there, confirmation is sent back). Simply put, only if there is an agreement with a special operator, the cash register of a retail outlet will be able to send data to the government agency according to the regulations, which came into force in the second half of 2017.

Two interesting details:

Firstly, the operator can use the data passing through it for other purposes - collecting statistics or research. This is not prohibited, but there is a condition: in this case, the data will be anonymized (according to at least, should become so).

Secondly, a company cannot be included in the register if its manager or chief accountant has a criminal record. In this case, we are talking about convictions for economic crimes or crimes against state power. If a company applying for OFD status has an employee who was previously dismissed on the basis of loss of trust, then this will also become an obstacle to obtaining the status.

Agreement with OFD: how to conclude correctly?

We figured out what the OFD for cash registers is. Now let's move on to practical issues- agreement. You can't do without it. Without an agreement, the cash office will not be able to transfer fiscal data to the tax office, and this will be a serious violation, for which a fine will be provided.

The contract is public, that is, one that must be concluded with everyone. This means that the operator does not have the legal right to refuse the client to enter into such an agreement if he has any technical capabilities to perform functions for transmitting fiscal data.

Each operator has its own form of agreement. But there are several conditions that must be included in such an agreement. This:

  • size (volume) of services provided;
  • conditions and procedure for their payment;
  • duration of the contract;
  • procedure for its termination.

It is important to know that the operating company must notify the relevant tax authority about all contracts. The following information is transmitted to the tax office:

  • name of the user organization;
  • Full name of the IP user;
  • INN of the taxpayer-user;
  • registration number of each copy of the cash register;
  • serial number of each cash register;
  • date of conclusion of the contract;
  • its validity period;
  • date of termination (if information about its termination is transmitted).

An agreement with the OFD is a serious matter; it is similar to an agreement for connecting to an electronic reporting operator.

How much do OFD services cost?

Each operator has the right to set its own price, since it provides a regular (albeit regulated by law) commercial service. But, according to the editors, all fiscal data operators currently have a price set at around 3,000 rubles per year for 1 cash register.

In this regard, the question of how to choose a partner depends not only on price. Rather, it translates into reliability of operation, convenience and speed of connecting services and the personal account interface in which the user will have to work.

What should an entrepreneur do? We recommend studying the websites of fiscal data operators, watching presentations of their services (the websites have screenshots and even videos that give an idea of ​​what a personal account looks like) and make your choice in favor of the OFD that you like best.

List of Russian fiscal data operators

The list of fiscal data operators as of April 5, 2019 includes 18 companies. All of them are approved by orders of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and are contained in a special register on the Federal Tax Service website. Here is a complete list of them, broken down by region of registration of the organization. But please note that the region of registration of the company and the region of operation of this OFD may not be related to each other. You can find out whether a company provides communication services in another region by contacting it directly.

1. Fiscal data operators (Moscow)

Company name TIN
LLC "Electronic Express" 7729633131 dated 04/14/2017 N ED-7-20/
Taxkom LLC 7704211201 dated 08/31/2016 N ED-7-20/
LLC "Yandex.OFD" 7704358518 dated 04/10/2017 N ED-6-20/
Yarus LLC 7728699517 dated 08/31/2016 N ED-7-20/
LLC "Energy Systems and Communications" 7709364346 dated 08/31/2016 N ED-7-20/
LLC "GROUP ELEMENT" 7729642175 dated September 12, 2017 No. ED-7-20/
NVision Group JSC 7703282175 dated 06.12.2017 No. ED-7-20/
PJSC "Vympel-Communications" 7713076301 dated December 26, 2017 No. ED-7-20/
LLC "MultiKarta" 7710007966 dated 02/12/2018 No. ED-7-20/

2. St. Petersburg fiscal data operators

Company name TIN The OFD operator is approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:
KORUS Consulting CIS LLC 7801392271 dated 05/12/2017 N AS-7-20/

Section menu:

List of OFD:

The main functions of the Fiscal Data Operator are the transfer of fiscal data from the entrepreneur’s cash desk to the Federal Tax Service servers, as well as the transfer to customers of copies of electronic receipts via SMS.

This is interesting: do not forget that you are not just paying for the transfer of fiscal data. Use the OFD service to the fullest. For example, for accounting and control of cashiers. Don't forget about this "free" opportunity.

List of parameters of fiscal data operators (FDO)



Data for KKM connections:

Host: gate.ofd.ru (or

port: 4000

Test personal account:

Host: testgate.ofd.ru

port: 4001

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

from 3000 rub. per year + 1 month free service

from 50 to 80 kopecks per SMS

Peculiarity: easy connection cash register equipment in LC. Virtually no “body movements” are required - the cash register itself uploads the necessary data. Comfortable.




Data for connecting KKM:

Host: k-server.1-ofd.ru(or )

port: 7777

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:


test port: 7777

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • annual - 3000 rubles;
  • three-year - 6900 rub. (2300 rubles per year).

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

Feature: very convenient test site.




Data for connecting KKM:

Host: f1.taxcom.ru(or

port: 7777

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:


test port: 7778

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

3000 rub. per year

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

on at the moment the service is free

Feature: the system is not working at the moment sending SMS clients.




Data for connecting KKM:

Host: ofdp.platformaofd.ru(or

port: 21101

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:


test port: 19081

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • service - 16.5 rub. per day (6000 rubles per year);
  • monthly - 300 rub. (3600 rubles per year);
  • quarterly - 900 rub. (3600 rubles per year);
  • semi-annual - 1700 rub. (3400 rubles per year);
  • annual - 3000 rub. per year

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

100 rub for 100 sms



Data for connecting KKM:

Host: kkt.ofd.yandex.net (or

port: 12345

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

from 3000 rub. per year

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

check with OFD

Feature: a surprisingly uninformative site for OFD services, but a very accessible technical section.



Data for connecting KKM:

Host: kkt.sbis.ru(or

Port: 7777

Test personal account:

data not provided

Data for test connection of the cash register:

data not provided

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

depending on the number of CCP:

  • up to 5 pieces - 3000 rub. per year;
  • from 6 to 10 - 2900 rub. per year;
  • from 11 to 25 - 2800 rub. per year;
  • from 26 to 50 - 2700 rub. per year;
  • from 51 to 100 - 2600 rub. per year;
  • from 101 to 500 - 2500 rub. per year;
  • from 501 - by agreement.

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

  • 500 SMS - 600 rub.
  • 1000 SMS - 1000 rub.
  • 20,000 SMS - 19,000 rub.
  • 50,000 SMS - 45,000 rub.
  • 20,000 SMS - 170,000 rub.

Feature: The support service works only for partners and direct clients.



Data for connecting KKM:

Host: ofd.garantexpress.ru(or

port: 30801

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

from 3000 rub.

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

included in the basic tariff

Features: a cash register is not required to conclude an agreement.



Data for connecting KKM:


Port: 7001

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:


Port: 7001

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • from 1 to 5 – 248.98 rub. per month (2095.68 rubles per year);
  • from 6 to 20 – 233.64 rub. per month (1968.24 rubles per year);
  • from 21 to 50 – 215.94 rub. per month (1812.48 rubles per year);
  • from 51 to 100 – 200.60 rub. per month (RUB 1,685.04 per year);
  • from 101 to 500 – 182.90 rub. per month (1543.44 rubles per year);
  • from 501 to 1000 – 166.38 rub. per month (RUB 1,416.00 per year);
  • from 1001 to 5000 – 149.86 rub. per month (1231.92 rubles per year);
  • from 5001 to 10000 – 133.34 rub. per month (1118.64 rubles per year);
  • from 10001 – 116.82 rub. per month (977.04 rubles per year).

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

  • 1 SMS – 90 kopecks. per piece

Feature: low tariffs with monthly payment. It takes a long time to get through to technical support (according to the Corus company, information about difficult access to technical support is outdated).



Data for connecting KKM:

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • from 1 to 50 - 2900 rub. per year;
  • from 51 to 500 - 2400 rub. per year;
  • from 501 to 20000 - 2100 rub. per year;
  • from 20001 to 40000 - 1800 rub. per year;
  • from 40001 to 90000 - 1650 rub. per year;
  • more than 90,000 - 1,200 rub. per year

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

Host: kkt.e-ofd.ru (

Port: 7777

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of the cash register:

Receipt verification website:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • Annual + - 500 rub. for 180 days, 1000 rub. - in 185 days;
  • Annual - 999 rub.

Cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

0.80 rub. for one SMS

Information about Fiscal Data Operators was collected manually after testing the system and communicating with technical support. If you are a representative of the OFD and the information about your system indicated in the table is not satisfactory, please provide correct information that we could provide to your potential clients.

This is not the final list of official OFD; there are companies that are awaiting permission from the Federal Tax Service.

Thoughts out loud: As you can see, large retail chains (for example, Magnit) appear in the OFD register. Based on quantity retail outlets and the number of cash desks installed at these points, such entrepreneurs save serious money (it’s stupid to pay for services provided to yourself). Time will tell how this will affect the cost of services of fiscal data operators for entrepreneurs who are unable to “buy” themselves the right to be an “ofedeshnik”. But allowing large retail chains to become both operators and ASCs clearly demonstrates to us the “support” of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.

OFD functions:

  • registration, re-registration and deregistration of cash registers in electronic form;
  • receiving fiscal information from fiscal storage devices and checking fiscal indicators;
  • confirmation of acceptance of fiscal information;
  • sending a check electronically;
  • transfer of data to the tax service;
  • guarantee of confidentiality of fiscal information;
  • storage of fiscal information;
  • various service and technology for clients.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an OFD?

Before choosing an OFD, you should pay attention to the following important points:

  • does the OFD have licenses from the FSB, FSTEC;
  • did you receive this operator permission to process fiscal data from tax service;
  • convenient work with service for cash registers, customers and central service centers;
  • experience working not only with the tax service, but also with Big Data;
  • 24/7 technical support;
  • testing of cash registers from manufacturers;
  • cooperation with central technical centers or certification centers for the issuance of electronic documents.

Checking the official document, cash register and fiscal storage for legality

This is easy to do, you just need to go to the tax service website using the following links:

Which OFD to choose?

So which fiscal data operator should you choose? And absolutely anyone. The fact is that the price for services for one cash register is currently the same for all operators - 3000 Russian rubles. The quality of service is also the same - all OFDs are far from new to the field of telecommunications services and electronic document management.

Some operators provide additional services, which may differ in cost from the services of competitors.

So if you only need to send fiscal data from your device, choose any fiscal data operator. If you plan to use additional services, then check with the operator whether the FDO you have chosen provides the required services.