Disk defragmentation. Everything about computer hard drive fragmentation

The article mentioned such a problem as data fragmentation. In this article I will consider all the issues related to fragmentation, as well as ways to combat it in as much detail as possible.

What is hard drive fragmentation and what problems does it bring with it?

When writing a file to your hard drive, there is a possibility that the file will not fit into the space allocated to it and the operating system will split it into logical parts. This division of a file into parts is called file fragmentation. Disk or file system fragmentation refers to the percentage of files that are fragmented.

The most severely fragmented files are those that change size frequently, such as databases and program logs, as well as large files, such as movies.

The more fragmented the file system is, the slower the computer processes information on the hard drive. And due to the fact that the hard drive is one of the most bottlenecks in the performance of a PC, with increasing fragmentation the performance of the entire computer can significantly suffer.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the more full the hard drive is, the more the files on it begin to fragment. To prevent fragmentation from reaching a critical level, do not fill the hard drive partition to more than 80%.

What is hard drive defragmentation?

Defragmentation of a computer is a process in which fragments of files are removed or at least their number is reduced.

How to defragment a hard drive?

There are a huge number of programs designed for defragmentation. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, I will not name them, because the Windows operating system has a standard utility designed for defragmentation, and starting from Windows XP it works quite stable and well.

You can run the program: RMB on the disk -> Disk properties -> Performance -> Defragmentation

In addition, there is a very reliable method of defragmentation - copying. If you copy all the information to some kind of media, and then back at once, then all the files will no longer be fragmented. But this method has all kinds of problems. The first is that you must have media with free space that is at least equal to the occupied disk space required by defragmentation. The second is the inability to make a copy on the working system partition.

Frequently asked questions about hard drive defragmentation

How often should you defragment your hard drive?

There are no clear deadlines. Defragmentation must be performed as fragmented files appear. I recommend setting the defragmenter to run automatically once a week.

What can I do to defragment less often?

Just defragment less often. 🙂 Or don’t work with your PC’s hard drive.

Do I need to defragment solid state drives (SSDs)?

No. SSDs are immune to fragmentation, but defragmentation increases wear and tear on them.

Do I need to defragment the flash drive?

No. The reason is the same as for SSD drives.

How to defragment a flash drive?

If you still want to defragment, then copy all the information from the flash drive to your computer, format the flash drive, and then copy all the files back.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer them.

For some reason, defragmentation of hard drives has recently become exotic, although 6-7 years ago it was in the order of things. Many people have heard about it, but only a few do it. Let a fossil mammoth like me explain what it is and why defragmenting your hard drive is necessary.

What is fragmentation?

Since disk defragmentation exists, then there must be fragmentation... What is this? Directories (folders), subdirectories (subfolders) and files form the hierarchical structure of the hard drive of a modern computer. From the very beginning, you need to understand that files and folders do not lie in solid pieces on the disk. In theory, they should lie like this, but in reality everything happens somewhat differently. When writing to a hard drive, files are written in sequential chunks called clusters. At the beginning, when the disk is half empty, clusters of one file and folder may well lie side by side, which ensures quick reading of such information. However, after some (relatively short) time, these pieces (fragments) of files end up scattered throughout the hard drive. This happens due to numerous erases, transfers, copies and other operations with files while working on a PC. This state of the file (in pieces scattered across the disk) is called fragmentation.

Why is disk defragmentation necessary?

As a result of numerous deletions, transfers, copies and other operations with files, pieces of the same file end up at different ends of the disk. Accordingly, the reading head of the hard disk, in order to read the entire file, has to run like a bee back and forth across the surface of the disk. This takes some time. And if there are many such pieces and they are located far from each other, then this time becomes very noticeable. In fact, the search for pieces of a file slows down, because it takes time to read their location from the table, time to move, brake, and accurately position the head. The user perceives this additional time as “brakes” of the system when loading, opening files, and also when performing various operations.

It turns out that the more fragmented files there are on the disk (the higher the fragmentation of the file system), the lower the performance of the system as a whole. In order to optimize computer performance, defragmentation is needed - transferring and consolidating pieces of files scattered across the hard drive for compact storage in order to reduce the time they open. Defragmentation allows programs and files to load faster.

What happens when a disk is defragmented?

As mentioned just above, when defragmenting a disk, pieces of files scattered across the hard drive are transferred and consolidated for compact storage. The algorithms for this process may be different for different defragmenter programs. There are the most common rules that most disk defragmentation software solutions follow:

  • Moving the most frequently used and system files to the beginning of the disk for faster access to them;
  • Consolidation of empty disk space to reduce the likelihood of fragmentation during subsequent work;
  • Place files in the same directory (folder) as close to each other as possible.

I have NTFS disks, why do I need defragmentation?

The people asking this question have clearly read Microsoft's advertising slogans and fallen victim to them. The statement that NTFS is “not susceptible to file fragmentation” is, to put it mildly, untrue. It is also not entirely correct to say that NTFS "prevents fragmentation." In general, of course, it interferes, but this is of no use. The NTFS file system is actually quite prone to fragmentation, despite all the marketing hype. Yes, the structure of this system is such that fragmentation is not an obstacle to quickly searching for pieces of files. However, this structure will not save you from unnecessary movements of the disk read heads when reading files. Therefore, defragmentation of disks with the NTFS file system is also necessary.

How often should you defragment hard drives?

This depends on how hard your hard drive is used. Previously, software manufacturers recommended defragmenting the disk once a month. For a home computer used occasionally in the evenings and not too intensively, this frequency, in my opinion, is even excessive. Once every two months, or even three, is quite enough. If the home computer is used intensively - new games are constantly installed, movies are downloaded, old files are deleted, then once a month is a completely adequate defragmentation frequency.

If the PC is used constantly and intensively, as they say, “both tail and mane,” then once every 3-4 weeks is a completely normal option for defragmentation. In this case, it may be wise to schedule this process to run automatically. The only advice is to choose a time when the computer is used least intensively, since during defragmentation, working with the PC may be impossible or difficult, since this process “eats up” quite a lot of resources.

How to defragment a hard drive?

There are special programs for defragmentation. There are quite a lot of them. I do not recommend using the standard Windows defragmenter. It works for a long time and is not very high quality. However, if you cannot find anything else, you can use it. To do this, you need to open the list of disks in the "My Computer" window, then right-click on any disk, and then select "Properties" - "Tools" - "Defragment". In the snap-in that appears, select the disk to defragment and click “Defragment.”

There are successful defragmentation programs, both paid and free. I try to use free ones, especially since there are many very worthwhile ones among them, which are superior to most paid analogues. I will list only the most notable of the free defragmenters: , and . Choose and use.

Please note that for defragmentation to work effectively, you must have sufficient free disk space. Typically, about 10-15% of free space is required, since the defragmenter needs space to copy files.

Hello! Disk defragmentation- many have heard about it, many know what it is, but practically no one performs this necessary operation.

This situation reminds me of smokers - they know that it is harmful and kills, but they do not quit smoking. Same with disk defragmentation. They forget to do it, they don’t attach any importance... Now we will look at why it is needed, how, with what and when to defragment the disk. As always - in detail, step by step and in pictures. As they say - “on the fingers”. I'll use a ruler...

Let's imagine that our hard drive (computer memory) is a ruler. A simple wooden ruler from my school childhood.

Let's “download” a couple of programs and a game onto this “line”...

We use them for a while, but then we realize that we don’t need program “B” and delete it using CCleaner or Unlocker. We end up with this picture...

Without suspecting anything, we install another program, smaller in size. And this is where the fun begins. A computer is a smart device. He is trying his best to help the system, speed it up, optimize it. And he prescribes a new program “C” as close to the beginning of the “line” as possible. To the nearest free place.

As a result, we get a hole. It won't fit into anything. This is fragmented data. Why and why does he do this? I'm telling...

The fact is that information is read from our “ruler” using a special reading device located on the carriage. So this carriage is carried around with the reading device like a fool with a mortar over a “ruler”. And by the way, at “cosmic” speed.

Imagine a mother with ten children who crap themselves. Or a wolf with a basket from a very popular game of the 80-90s(at the last level)…

Introduced? This is roughly how it happens in the iron insides of our computers. And this device (let’s call it a wolf) needs to monitor and view all programs and files on the “line”, and then there are these useless holes. He also reads them all the time.

And the more we use the computer, install and delete files, the faster the number of these holes grows. As a result, the system slows down, the “wolf” wears out, the mother of many children is in shock, the children are in the city... Oh, I can’t take it anymore! Wait a second!

That's it, he calmed down and crawled out from under the table. So what am I talking about here? Oh yes! About what disk defragmentation is.

And in order to reduce the number of movements of the “wolf” and speed up the search for files, the system places everything as close as possible to the beginning of the disk. Well, defragmenter programs are designed to bring order to all this mess.

Disk defragmentation allows you to organize the location of files on your disk. Remove the holes to the very end of the “ruler”. Thus, stop monitoring and taking them into account.

I hope you now understand the importance and necessity of periodically defragmenting the disk. "Wolf" is smoking, mom is sleeping, the children are bought.

Now let's install the defragmenter program. There are a lot of them on the Internet. Paid and free. I will use a proven, reliable manufacturer of free software. Such as CCleaner, Speccy, Recuva...

Defraggler is a free disk defragmenter program. Simple, reliable and in Russian.

Disk defragmentation: download Defraggler 2.10 (3.17 MB)

Installed a defragmenter. If you are asked to reboot, do it. After it we launch Defraggler and having selected the desired disk (it is advisable to select everything at once and click “defragment”, then in the settings set to turn off the computer after the operation and go to sleep), click “Analysis” to find out whether you need to defragment the disk today.

You can manage the process and put it in the background and continue to do your business on the computer.

What is hard drive defragmentation? You've probably heard the expression - disk defragmentation? What is it and what is it for? As you know, all information on a hard drive is recorded in so-called clusters. A cluster is a cell of a certain size in which some piece of a file is stored. Just a piece, because... the cluster is very small. The cluster size varies depending on the size of the hard drive and the type of file system used.

When formatting a hard drive, it is divided into clusters. Without this procedure, you will not be able to install an operating system on it, which means you will also not be able to work with such a disk.

Each cluster also has sectors. If the file is large, then it is written to clusters in parts. If the hard drive is new or just formatted, then writing to it occurs in a chain (in order).

And if you have been working with this disk for a long time, installing programs or creating new files, and then deleting them, then the chain of clusters is broken. Where particles of a file have been deleted, holes (empty clusters) are formed.

Therefore, the recording of the next file will be scattered across all these “holes”. One part of the file may be at the beginning of the disk, the second in the middle, and the third somewhere at the end of it. This state of the disk is called fragmentation .

Not only does fragmentation begin to slow down the computer, but the hard drive is also not used rationally.

In this case, when you open such a file, the hard disk head begins to intensively search for all parts of this file throughout the disk. Naturally, its operation slows down, and constant operation in this mode leads to rapid wear of the read heads.

All this work resembles a turntable with vinyl discs. Only there the head goes in a spiral and the disc (they used to be called records) is played gradually from the outer edge to the inner.

And then the hard drive head jumps from one sector or turn to another, collecting the entire “song” in parts. And thus the head can move first to the beginning, then to the end, then to the middle of the disk until it collects the entire file in order.

And if all the pieces of the file were in order, then the work would be much faster, and wear on the head would also be minimal. It turns out that as we delete, write and rewrite, our hard drive wears out, which has a very bad effect on its “health”.

Is it possible to help the disk work faster and not get sick? Can! To do this, it is necessary to carry out preventive work with it at least once a month, i.e. defragmentation disk . When defragmenting, all parts of files are collected in order and moved to the beginning of the disk. Therefore, the heads will not have to search for them for a long time and strain.

How to defragment a disk

If you are a novice computer user, you can initially carry out this procedure using the utility built into Windows Defragmentation .

INWindowsXP it is located at: Start – Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Disk Defragmentation .

On Windows 7 this program is located at: Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Disk Defragmenter . The seven has the ability to set a time for automatic disk defragmentation.

Open this program, select your hard drive and click the big button at the bottom Disk defragmentation . And wait for the result. If you have done a lot of bloat on your hard drive, the first procedure may last several hours. Still depends on the disk space and speed of your computer. It’s better to start this procedure at night or when you don’t need a computer for work. But this is at your discretion.

In the future, it is better to use third-party programs for defragmentation, because They “treat” your disc much better, which means it will “live” longer. There are a lot of such programs on the Internet. I can recommend Defraggler And O&O Defrag Free.

If you use third-party programs, you will be asked to indicate the cluster size. For the NTFS file system, it is better to specify a size of 4 KB.

It is forbidden!

Defragment flash media (flash drives), memory cards and SSD drives. This procedure is disastrous for them.

Video on the topic What is hard drive defragmentation:

I hope that I was able to convey to you the necessary information.

Disk defragmentation is a very useful feature that can significantly increase the speed of your personal computer. As new information accumulates, the HDD begins to work noticeably slower. This tool is designed to eliminate such troubles. This guide describes what defragmenting a local disk is, why it is needed, and what programs can be used to do it.

General information

To understand why disk defragmentation is needed, you need to know in general terms how the HDD works. The hard drive is divided into many sectors of a certain size. When you create a new file, or download it from the Internet, it is automatically split into many small pieces, which are written to adjacent sectors.

Then, suppose you decide to delete this object, thereby freeing several sectors from the information recorded on them. If you now download another file, a larger one, part of it will be written in adjacent places, and the other (which does not fit into the free space) will be written in other positions.

Thus, over time, a kind of “porridge” is created from parts of various files, programs, photographs, and so on. This does not affect the quality of the computer in any way - it knows exactly where and what is located. But the speed begins to suffer, because in order to open one file, the reading head has to move back and forth across the entire surface of the disk. And when milliseconds count, any movement is critical.

Disk defragmentation is designed to solve such problems. It rewrites all files so that their parts are located in adjacent sectors. This significantly increases the speed of the read head and extends its service life.

Standard Windows program

It is recommended to defragment your HDD regularly to always keep it in good condition. This process can be compared to regularly cleaning your room. The more often you spend time on it, the easier it will be to find any item.

If you don't want to download and install third-party programs, the best way for you is to use the standard Windows operating system tool. Working with it is quite easy, just follow the instructions provided:

In the same menu, you can set a schedule for automatically carrying out this procedure. Click “Set up schedule” and set a schedule according to which the system will defragment.

Auslogics Disk Defrag

If the standard Windows tool does not suit you, you can use third-party programs for these purposes.

The most popular defragmentation program is Auslogics Disk Defrag. It has a clear, minimalistic interface and works much faster than the basic Windows program. In addition, you can find a portable version online that does not require installation. You can download it to your flash drive and use it on any personal computer or laptop whenever necessary.

The most important advantage of the program is that it is free. You can download it from the official website of the developers and use it freely without any activation or trial periods. Follow the link