Changing the appearance of the Windows 7 desktop. Returning the standard Start menu

Windows 10 makes it easy to customize the appearance of your desktop. To access personalization settings, right-click on any free space desktop and select Personalization from the context menu. The personalization settings screen will open.

Below are the elements of the personalization screen, and just below the image are their descriptions.

1. Background

Here you can select and customize your desktop background.

2. Colors

Here you can change the color of places like the taskbar and Start menu. By default, Windows 10 will use a color based on the background image. However, you can disable this feature if you prefer to use a different color.

3. Lock screen

Here you can customize the appearance of your lock screen. Just like the desktop background, you can use default images or set a custom image.

4. Themes

If you have used themes for more than earlier versions Windows, you can view and select them here. However, Microsoft currently has no plans to release new themes for Windows 10.

5. Start

Here you can configure some settings for the Start menu.

6. Review

Click Browse to select background image from computer to desktop.

To change the font size:

If you have trouble seeing text on your screen, you can increase the font size. Increasing the font size will also increase the size of icons and other elements on your desktop.

To configure ClearType settings:

ClearType technology allows you to customize the display of text on the screen, which will help improve readability.

The design of Windows 10 contains elements of both versions 7 and 8 operating system. For example, the Start menu returned again, but in a slightly modified form. On the left side are recently open source software, and on the right side, instead of the list of applications, live tiles appeared.

Despite the fact that the developers listened to users and made the design more familiar, they changed start screen, returned the Start menu and so on, not everyone is satisfied with the existing system design. Therefore, there are several ways to make Windows 10 look like Windows 7.


When the user first logs in to the desktop, they will see nothing but the Recycle Bin. In version 7 of the system, in addition to it, there were desktop shortcuts on the screen, network environment and user folders.

IN new version The system's themes and icons have changed. This parameter is the easiest to change. The Internet is full of topics, among which there is Aero 7 - the standard design of the seven. It changes in the same place as the shortcuts - in the “Personalization” section.

Taskbar Settings

In Windows 10, the taskbar contains some elements that were not there in version 7 - the search bar and task view. These functions are more convenient for tablets than for the desktop version and therefore they can be hidden.

The search bar takes up a significant amount of space on the panel. To save space, and to make the Windows 10 desktop more similar in design to the 7, you can do two things: either remove the search bar completely, or make it in the form of a small icon that will be pinned to the taskbar.

For the first option, you need to right-click on the panel, click on “Search” and check the box next to “Hidden”. If necessary, you can call it with the Win button. To leave the search on the panel as an icon, instead of “Hidden”, select “Show search icon”.

View tasks button shows everything open processes and allows you to create a virtual desktop. You can remove it by right-clicking on the taskbar and unchecking the box next to “Show task view button”. You can see open programs and windows using the standard Alt+Win command.

Returning the standard Start menu

You can make the Start menu like Windows 7 either using system tools or using third party programs. You can return the Start menu using system tools or using additional utilities. In the first case, you just need to remove all the extra tiles from the right side of Start.

Open Start and right-click on the icons, selecting “Unpin from” home screen" The tiles will disappear and the menu will become more similar to version 7 of the operating system. You can also resize the menu so that the empty tile space doesn't take up too much space.

For quick access You can pin them to programs on the left side. Right-click on any empty space in the menu and select Properties. In the window that appears, go to the “Start Menu” and select “Settings”. Next, another window will appear with a list of applications that can be placed in the menu. This could be the Control Panel, Documents, and so on.

If this method is not suitable and you want a standard Start menu, then only special programs. For example, you can use Classic Shell - this is the most popular utility.

Download any of the above programs, run installation file and follow the program instructions. Many of them have flexible settings Start.

Windows 10 provides more opportunities to return to a familiar look than Windows 8. Users may like some innovations and decide to leave everything as is, some decide to completely redo the appearance.


Describes how to work in the Windows operating system (using versions XP and 7 as an example), text Word editor 2010 and other applications necessary for every user: archivers, antiviruses and programs for watching videos and listening to music (Winamp, QuickTime Pro). Much attention devoted to working on the Internet. Describes programs for viewing Web pages, e-mail, as well as about various useful applications for working on the network - file download managers, ICQ, Windows Live Messenger, MSN and many others. The second edition covers a new OS - Windows 7, as well as latest versions applications for users.

For novice PC users.

Here you can configure color scheme windows on your system. To select a color, click on it with the mouse. Using the slider located just below, you can adjust the brightness of the color. You can also mix colors: open the option Show color setting and use the sliders at the bottom to adjust these colors. To open the classic color settings window (Fig. 2.101), click on the option Open classic properties appearance to select other options. Here you can also select one of the design options from the list. In the window above you can see how the windows and headers will be displayed.

If you don't have much powerful car, I advise you to disable the Aero effect or even switch to classic look Windows - this way Vista will use significantly less system resources.

? Background image desktop- here you can set your desktop wallpaper. Compared to Windows XP, the desktop background selection settings have been greatly simplified. In the window that opens (Fig. 2.102), click on the picture you like, and it will be used as a background on your desktop. For convenience, all pictures are divided into several categories, and you can choose the image to your taste. The category of pictures is selected from the drop-down list at the top. Below you can choose how to display the pictures. To add a new image to the collection, click the button Review and select an image in the window that opens.

? Screen saver - selecting this item opens a window for setting up the screen saver (Fig. 2.103), which appears when you long time don't work on a computer. You can select a screensaver from the drop-down list. To view the splash screen, click the button View, button press Options Calls up the screen saver settings window. The time for turning on the screensaver is also set here. Clicking a link Change power options Brings up the computer's power settings window, where you can set power options.

? Sounds- setting sound effects. This window can also be called from the control panel. More details about this setting are described in section 2.6.7.

? Mouse pointers- in this window you can configure the mouse pointer and other mouse parameters. More information about setting up the mouse is described in section 2.6.7.

? Subject- when you select this option, a window opens Theme Options(Fig. 2.104). Here you can set the interface display option in Vista - it can be classic or Windows Vista(the latter, however, is installed by default).

? Display options- when you select this option, a window of the same name opens (Fig. 2.105), where you can set the monitor settings, screen resolution and color rendering.

To change the screen resolution, drag the slider Permission, the resolution will be displayed just below. Button press Additionally calls the window more detailed settings monitor and video card (Fig. 2.106). Here you can reinstall drivers (if necessary) and find out information about the hardware.

On the tab Monitor(Fig. 2.107) it is possible to set the screen refresh rate.

Also in the window Personalization(Fig. 2.92) there are two more options that are worth paying attention to - and Change font size. Let's take a closer look at them.

? Change desktop icons- when you select this option, a window opens Desktop Icon Options(Fig. 2.108).

At the top of the window, you can specify which icons will appear on the desktop. If you want to remove any icon from the desktop, uncheck the box next to its name and click the button Apply for the changes to take effect. Here you can also change the icons for Computer, Recycle Bin, Network Neighborhood, Browser and Documents Folder. To do this, select the icon you want to change and click the button Change icon. In the window that opens (Fig. 2.109), select any icon you like.

? Change font size- this option opens a window Scaling(Fig. 2.110), in which you can change the font size.

If you think the font is too small, you can increase it. To do this, check the radio button Large scale(120 dpi). Button press Special scale brings up a dialog box Selecting a scale(Fig. 2.111). Here you can adjust the font size yourself. The increase is shown as a percentage. An indicator of 200% increases the text by two times, 150% - by one and a half.

Customizing your desktop in Windows 7

In Windows 7, desktop settings are divided into three points - Screen resolution, Gadgets And Personalization. To open the settings menu, right-click anywhere on the desktop. We are interested in the last three items in the menu - they are responsible for the settings.

When selecting the option Screen resolution, the resolution settings window opens (Fig. 2.112).

Here you can adjust the screen resolution in the drop-down menu. If you have two monitors connected to your computer, or a monitor and a TV, you can choose which screen to adjust the resolution for.

If you are satisfied with the screen resolution, but the test and icons are too small or, conversely, large, then you can also adjust this here. Click on the link Make text and other elements larger or smaller. In the window that opens, you can change the size of text and other elements on the screen. If you have good vision, then leave the option - 100%. If you have problems reading text and the icons seem too small, you can select the options Average 125% or Large 150%.

To install the gadget, download it and then run the installation double click mice. After installing the gadget, you will see it in the settings window. To make the gadget appear on your desktop, right-click on it and select from the menu that opens Add. You can also double-click the desired gadget in the properties window to make the gadget appear on the desktop.

To remove a gadget, move your mouse pointer to it and click on the cross that appears above the gadget. Notice two more options below the close icon. The second option is to open the gadget settings window. The settings can be very different: if it is a news gadget, then from which sites does it receive information, if a calendar, then in what form is it displayed, etc. Under the settings option there is a special field with which the gadget can be dragged - click on the field , and then, holding the mouse, drag the gadget to the desired part of the desktop.

The third item of desktop settings is Personalization. When you select this item, a window of the same name will open (Fig. 2.93). Here you can customize your desktop themes, enable or disable your screensaver, change icons, and Windows theme.

Most of the window is occupied by a list of themes that you can set as desktop wallpapers. Most themes periodically change the desktop image. If you don't want to look at flowers or landscapes, you can install the Windows 7 theme or blue desktop. However, it's your choice.


Every computer user (especially the female half :)) tries to give their Windows originality and customize it for themselves. It's no secret that basic settings not everyone likes them, and besides, they can even slow down your PC if it is not particularly powerful (by the way, such effects include the same Aero).

Other users want to disable various graphical bells and whistles, because... we’re simply not used to them (after all, all this didn’t exist in Windows 2000 and XP before. I, for example, am generally quite ascetic about this, but I have to help other users...).

So, let's try to change the appearance of the seven a little...

How to change the theme?

Where can you find a lot of new topics? At the office Microsoft website has a sea of ​​them:

Theme - in Windows 7, the theme refers to everything that you see. For example, the picture on the desktop, window color, font size, mouse cursor, sounds, etc. In general, all display and audio are related to the selected topic. A lot depends on it, which is why we’ll start setting up our OS with it.

In order to change the theme in Windows 7 you need to go to personalization settings. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the control panel; you can simply right-click anywhere on the desktop and select “personalization” from the menu (see Fig. 1).

There are quite a lot of other topics on the Internet, just above under the title of this subsection of the article I provided a link to the office. Microsoft website.

By the way, important point! Some themes may even cause your computer to slow down. For example, topics without Aero effect(I talked about it here:) work faster (usually) and require lower computer performance.

How to change the background, wallpaper on your desktop?

Large selection of ready-made wallpapers:

The background (or wallpaper) is what you see on your desktop, i.e. background picture. This picture has a very big influence on the design. For example, even the taskbar bar changes its color depending on what picture was selected for the wallpaper.

To change the standard background, go to personalization (note: right click on the desktop, see above), then at the very bottom there will be a link “” - click it (see Fig. 3)!

By the way, the background on the desktop may be displayed differently, for example, there may be black stripes along the edges. This happens because your screen has a resolution (more about this here -). Those. roughly speaking specific size in pixels. When it doesn't match, then these black stripes are formed.

But Windows 7 may try to stretch the picture to fit your screen (see Fig. 4 - the lowest red arrow: “Fill”). True, in this case, the picture may lose its entertainment value...

How to change the size of icons on the Desktop?

Change icon size- very simple! To do this, right-click anywhere on the desktop, then select the “view” menu, then select from the list: large, medium, small (see Fig. 5).

How to change the sound design?

To do this you need to open in control panels Personalization tab, and then select Sounds.

Here you can change the usual soundtrack to various others: landscape, festival, heritage, or turn it off altogether.

How to change the screensaver?

We also go to the personalization tab (note: right-click anywhere on the desktop), select the screensaver item below.

How to change screen resolution?

Option #1

Sometimes you need to change screen resolutions, for example, if the game slows down and you need to launch it with lower parameters; or check the operation of a program, etc. To do this, right-click on the desktop, and then select screen resolution from the pop-up menu.

Option No. 2

Another way to change the screen resolution is to configure it in video drivers (AMD, Nvidia, IntelHD - all manufacturers support this option). Below, I will show how this is done in ItelHD drivers.

First you need to right-click on the desktop and select “ Graphic characteristics"(see Fig. 12). You can also find the video driver icon and go to its settings in the tray, next to the clock.

Rice. 12. Graphic characteristics

Rice. 13. Resolution, display section

How to change and customize the START menu?

To customize the START menu and taskbar, click right button click on the “START” button in the lower left corner of the screen, then select the properties tab. You will be taken to the settings: in the first tab you can configure the taskbar, in the second - START.

It probably doesn’t make much sense to describe every checkbox in the settings. It’s best to set it up experimentally: if you don’t know what the checkbox means, turn it on and see the result (then change again - look, at random you will find what you need :))..

Setting up showing hidden files and folders

Here, it is best to enable the display of hidden files and folders in Explorer (many beginners get lost and don’t know how to do this), as well as showing file extensions of any file types (this will help avoid some types of viruses that disguise themselves as other types of files).

This will also allow you to know for sure what kind of file you want to open, and also save time when searching for some folders (some of which are hidden).

To enable display, go to control Panel, then to the tab design and personalization. Next, look for the link “ Show hidden files and folders"(in the Explorer settings section) - open it (Fig. 17).

  1. uncheck the box next to “ hide extensions for registered file types«;
  2. move the slider to “show hidden files, folders and disks" (see Fig. 18).

Desktop gadgets

Gadgets are small information windows on the desktop. They can notify you about the weather, about visitors mail messages, show time/date, exchange rates, various puzzles, slides, CPU load indicators, etc.

You can use the gadgets installed in the system: go to control Panel, enter “gadgets” into the search, then you just have to choose the one you like.

By the way, if the presented gadgets are not enough, then you can additionally download them on the Internet - there is even a special link for this under the list of gadgets (see Fig. 19).

Important note! A large number of active gadgets in the system can cause a decrease in computer performance, slowdowns and other delights. Remember that everything is good in moderation and do not clutter your desktop with unnecessary and unnecessary gadgets.

That's all for me. Good luck to everyone and bye!

Operating table Windows systems 7 has undergone significant changes both in functionality and in its appearance. If we compare its capabilities with the desktop features in previous Windows versions, then significant progress can be noted. For example, the “Properties” item from the context menu has been replaced with new options with advanced functions. Windows 7 Desktop Gadgets have arrived - a noteworthy alternative to the existing Windows Vista mini-applications. The advantage of gadgets is that they can be placed on the desktop where it is convenient for the user. Modifying the Windows 7 desktop so that it becomes more comfortable to use is now easier and faster. Previously, changing screen resolution settings was available through the screen properties window, which increased the number of steps. Now this can be done via context menu, where this option is indicated separately. The appearance of the resolution settings window has also been slightly changed.

Link " Extra options» opens a window with information about the monitor and video adapter, plus there is a tab next to it that allows you to control color.

The "Color Management..." button allows you to customize color profiles display, providing access to various parameters, which is of particular interest to professional designers, photographers and artists. If desired, you can experiment with the appearance of the Windows 7 desktop, varying the sizes of labels, fonts and other objects. The “Make text and other elements larger or smaller” link located in the window where we changed the screen resolution will help with this.

In Windows 7, for the convenience of users, the entire set of desktop settings is placed in the Control Panel and divided into two groups called “Personalization” and “Display”.

The “Screen” group includes the options described above: selecting the size of text, icons and other desktop elements, changing the resolution. The second group - “Personalization” - has other functions. Click on its name.

In the window that appears, you can configure various desktop settings: background, color, etc., select one of the Windows 7 desktop themes from those presented in the folder or download a new one, assign theme images as the background, as well as pictures and photos from your own archive . Introduced in Windows 7 whole line ready-made themes available after installing the operating system. Among them, just select any one in the personalization settings window so that it appears on the desktop. By clicking on the “Other themes on the Internet” button, you find and download the appropriate one. The theme corresponds to the background and color of the desktop window. The Windows 7 desktop background can be anything you want, just click on the appropriate link, which is located below the theme gallery.

IN top line The window that opens shows a number of backgrounds of the selected theme. Mark one or more of them with a mouse click, and you will see a check mark appear on the selected image. If you don't want to settle on a specific background, try setting up automatic image rotation by specifying how often the background should be updated and whether it should be sequential or random. Backgrounds available from the entire range Windows themes 7 and those in the image library, as well as any photographs from those collected on your computer. A single-color background of any shade can be set using the option “ Solid colors" in the "Image location" drop-down list when clicked. You can also pay attention to the design nuances and change the color of the Windows 7 desktop window by clicking on the corresponding button in the personalization settings window.

There is ready-made templates, which can be modified if necessary by dragging the sliders left and right to achieve the most accurate shade. Setting up a desktop screensaver in Windows 7 no different from what was already in Windows XP. Choose required parameters can be done from the window that manages theme changes.