How to undo the last action on your computer? Restoring the operating system. How to undo the last action in Photoshop if you mess up

Anyone who has ever encountered the need to process an image knows the program Adobe Photoshop. This is a photo application that offers extensive functionality for making changes. The editor has many functions, so it is not always clear to beginners how to reverse the action.

How to use hotkeys in Photoshop to undo an action

How to undo an action in Photoshop cs6 or cs5? One of the most important and useful functions Photoshop - Return a keyboard action that allows you to take a step back during processing. This can be done in several ways, but the simplest is a combination of hot keys. With their help, you can cancel the change that you made in the program, you need to remember simple combination keys – Ctrl+Z. If you press it again, the undone changes will be returned.

How to Deselect a Selection in Photoshop

Some program tools require selecting a specific area on a layer. It’s not always possible to trace the outline or area of ​​a photo correctly the first time, so you need to know how to remove a selection from a picture. Options to solve the problem:

  1. The easiest option is through the Ctrl+D key sequence. After pressing them, the frame will disappear. If you press them again, an outline of the entire layer will appear.
  2. Many tools deselect when clicked right click mouse over any area of ​​the image. The only caveat is “ Quick selection» will react correctly if you press inside the area.
  3. You can use context menu, to do this, right-click on the image and find the “Deselect” section in the list. IN different versions programs and even tools, the location of this item may differ (somewhere in the first place, and somewhere in the middle).
  4. Another option is to go to the “Selection” menu item, which is located on the control panel, click “Deselect.”

How to undo the last action in Photoshop

If you make an accidental mistake or get a result that you didn't expect, it will be useful to know how to undo an action in Photoshop cs5 or cs6. To do this, you can use the hotkey command or the program menu. To revert the latest changes:

  1. In the main menu of Photoshop, click on the "Edit" section. A menu will drop down; you need to click the line that starts with “Undo” and ends with the name of the applied tool or edit. This helps to understand what will be changed.
  2. The Ctrl+Z key sequence will take you back a step and delete the last time you used the tool.
  3. In the right column, find the section called “History” (in the Russian version “History”). All transactions you have made (usually the last 20) will be displayed here. Click on the penultimate line, this will take your work in Photoshop back a step. Sometimes this window or tab is disabled; you can enable display through the menu settings work area.

How to take a step back in Photoshop

The Ctrl+Z hotkey combination only helps with the last change, but does not have the ability to go back more than one step. To do this you need to use the combination Ctrl+Alt+Z. By pressing multiple times, you can erase the last edits on the file the required number of steps back. If you need to go back to more early state document, you can use another method:

  • in the main menu go to the “Edit” section;
  • find the “Step Backward” section;
  • press the required number of times.

How to Undo Multiple Actions in Photoshop

In some cases, the return needs to be taken more than one step. This can be useful if you made several changes to the contrast, palette, color correction, added brightness, but you were not satisfied with the final result. I don’t want to re-upload the image, especially if the necessary adjustments have already been made. You can use options to go back a few steps:

  1. To sequentially undo several edits, you need to find the “Edit” section in the main menu and click the “Step Backward” item the required number of times. Click the item as many times as the number of edits you want to erase.
  2. Exactly the same effect as described in the paragraph above can be achieved by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+Alt+Z. Changes made will be lost in reverse order their applications. Only those that were added to the image will be deleted, and the choice of brushes and colors will remain the same.
  3. To go back several steps in one click, it is better to use the “History” tab. Find this menu on the right of the program’s workspace (in the English version it is labeled “History”). By default this list contains 20 latest changes, select the required restore point and click on it. If it has been thrown too far, then click the line below and the program will restore the state. This option helps you remove or revert any necessary edits.

Video: undoing an action in Photoshop

What's good about working with digital graphics, so this the ability to cancel an incorrect action.

Photoshop has a whole arsenal in various ways How to painlessly and quickly cancel an unwanted action. About all these methods and we'll talk in this article.

1 Method- Ctrl+Z

I think almost everyone who works with this key combination knows text documents on the computer. This is standard system command, which cancels the previous action. It works in almost any program and editor.

There is an important difference in Photoshop. If in a text editor we can press this combination ad infinitum and watch how step by step we go back, then in Photoshop we can press it only once.

For example, you took and placed two “frogs”. By pressing Ctrl+Z, you will remove only the last frog. If you press this combination again, you cancel yours last action, i.e. cancel cancel. As a result, the frog will return to its place again.

Thus, this combination undoes only one incorrect action, and pressing again returns everything to its place. And so on in a circle ad infinitum.

2 Method- Step back

Yes, I started with a little disappointment, because Ctrl+Z is already so “drilled into my hand” that it will be hard to get used to at first. But what if you need to undo not only the last action, but also, say, the last 10?

In this case, you will have to retrain yourself to another similar combination - Ctrl+Alt+Z. Or use the menu command Editing - Step Back.

There is also a command on the contrary - Step forward, which will return what you returned back. :)

By default, Photoshop remembers the last 20 actions you performed, that is, the Ctrl+Alt+Z combination can be pressed 20 times . But this can easily be changed in . To do this, open .

On the menu Action history You can set any value in the range from 1 to 1000.

In short, the History palette displays all your actions on the photo and displays each of them in a separate line. It looks like this:

In this example I used the brush tool a lot. Each of these uses is shown as a separate entry, labeled with the tool's name and displayed with a custom thumbnail.

The palette is easy to use- click a specific action in this story and Photoshop will return to the state when this action was performed. Everything that comes after began to appear pale gray. While you haven’t done anything, you can choose another action from among the pale gray ones, but if you go back and use, for example, another tool, then at that moment the entire pale gray history is erased.

To open it, check the box in the Window - History menu.

As in previous method By default, the History palette displays the last 20 actions. In settings Editing - Settings - Performance this can be changed.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

Almost every user has encountered a situation where certain actions performed on the computer cause harm instead of the expected result, and one wants to understand how to undo the last action on the computer. For example, this could be downloading various programs that have been infected with viruses or anything else.

Microsoft realized a long time ago that the main enemy of the computer and operating system is not some hacker or some other attacker, but the user himself, because it is through their actions that people most often cause their devices to malfunction. That is why a function was introduced on how to undo the last action on a computer, and it is called “Operating System Restore”.

What is this?

Operating System Restore is a feature that allows you to roll back your computer to specific date when its characteristics and data were saved. It is worth noting that this data can be saved either automatically or manually by the user, depending on how exactly this function was configured.

Advantage this method is that it allows you to completely remove all the negative actions that you have performed on your computer for certain time. But when considering how to undo the last action on a computer, it is often impossible to use it, because it simultaneously undoes several actions performed on the computer, regardless of whether they were harmful.

Automatic and manual

As mentioned above, the system can be saved either manually by the user or automatically. In professional circles, this is called “saving a backup,” and it must be done, since it is impossible to undo the last action on the computer without it.

To set this up in Windows 7, you need to go to: “Control Panel” > “Recovery” > “File Recovery” > “Configure backup" Here you will need to select the basic parameters and start archiving. In particular, you can independently choose to save only specific folders or even give the operating system a choice of folders so that it saves the most important information first.

What to choose?

Advantage automatic copying is a convenience, but for it you need to allocate a large number of free space on the hard drive, and often it is not suitable, since it is still possible to undo all actions on the computer for the last day, but in a month or week it is already more difficult.

That is why it is recommended to perform archiving exclusively manually. In particular, this is especially recommended by experts for Windows 8, since undoing the last actions on Windows computer 8 is generally required more frequently. To configure it on this system, you will need to go through the “Control Panel” to the “Backup and Restore” section, then select “Create a system image” and follow all the wizard’s instructions.

Data recovery is also important

It is worth noting that, among other things, it is highly recommended if you store some kind of important information. Thus, if some kind of malfunction occurs during the operation of your equipment and you lose all the data stored on the hard drive, backup copy will allow you to extremely quickly return any files you need in just a few minutes without involving outside specialists, which will save you not only nerves and time, but also money.

7 December 2013 Vladimir Home page» Your computer Views: 32001

Hello, friends. I am glad to welcome you all to the pages of the blog. Today I want to tell novice users about how you can undo the last action when working on a computer. We are talking about the Ctrl+Z key combination. Using this combination, you can easily and simply undo the last operation performed.

Undoing the last action (Ctrl+Z) can be very useful in many cases. For example, in a hurry, you moved the file to the wrong place. Or they moved the file instead of copying it. Or they deleted one file instead of another.

You can, of course, find the incorrectly moved file and return it to its place. You can also find material deleted by mistake in the trash and restore it. But it is much easier to press Ctrl+Z.

Using this combination, everything that was incorrectly moved is returned to its place and everything that was mistakenly deleted is restored. By undoing the last action (the Ctrl+Z key combination), you can also return the original name to the file if you renamed it incorrectly.

An obstacle to recovery remote file using the Ctrl+Z keys can serve to empty the Recycle Bin after executing an incorrect command. And also, it is impossible to restore a file that was permanently deleted using the Shift+Del command in this way.

In text and graphic editors The equivalent of Ctrl+Z is the curved arrow button shown in the figure below.

Undoing the last action in Paint

That's all I wanted to tell you about how you can cancel the last action if its result does not suit you in some way. You learned that the easiest way is to use the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut. I hope you liked the article. Good luck!

Best regards, Vladimir (

How to undo an action on your computer

Any user who performs certain work on the computer may find it necessary to undo the last action. The reasons for such cancellation can be various, for example, incorrectly entered information or selected action. IN different programs and components, undoing the last action may differ.


Video: How to undo the last action on Windows 7!

How to undo the last action on your computer? Restoring the operating system

Almost every user has encountered a situation where certain actions performed on the computer cause harm instead of the expected result, and one wants to understand how to undo the last action on the computer. For example, this could be downloading various programs that have been infected with viruses or something else.

Microsoft realized a long time ago that the main enemy of the computer and operating system is not some hacker or some other attacker, but the user himself, because it is through their actions that people most often cause their devices to malfunction. That is why a function was introduced on how to undo the last action on a computer, and it is called “Operating System Restore”.

What is this?

Operating system recovery is a feature that allows you to roll back your computer to a specific date when its characteristics and data were saved. It is worth noting that this data can be saved either automatically or manually by the user, depending on how exactly this function was configured.

The advantage of this method is that it allows you to completely remove all the negative actions that you have performed on your computer over a certain period of time. But when considering how to undo the last action on a computer, it is often impossible to use it, because it simultaneously undoes several actions performed on the computer, regardless of whether they were harmful.

Automatic and manual

As mentioned above, the system can be saved either manually by the user or automatically. In professional circles, this is called “saving a backup,” and it must be done, since it is impossible to undo the last action on the computer without it.

To set this up in Windows 7, you need to go to: “Control Panel” > “Recovery” > “File Recovery” > “Set Up Backup”. Here you will need to select the basic parameters and start archiving. In particular, you can independently choose whether to save only certain folders or even give the operating system a choice of folders so that it saves the most important information first.

What to choose?

The advantage of automatic copying is convenience, but for it you need to allocate a large amount of free space on your hard drive, and often it is not suitable, since it is still possible to undo all actions on the computer for the last day, but for a month or a week it is already more difficult.

That is why it is recommended to perform archiving exclusively manually. In particular, this is especially recommended by experts for Windows 8, since undoing recent actions on a Windows 8 computer is generally required more often. To configure it on this system, you will need to go through the “Control Panel” to the “Backup and Restore” section, then select “Create a system image” and follow all the wizard’s instructions.

Data recovery is also important

It is worth noting that, among other things, backup is highly recommended if you store any important information on your computer. Thus, if some kind of malfunction occurs during the operation of your equipment, and you lose all the data stored on the hard drive, a backup copy will allow you to extremely quickly return any files you need in just a few minutes without involving outside specialists, which will save you not only nerves and time, but also money.

How to undo recent actions on your computer

When working at a computer, every user sometimes makes erroneous actions that he would like to immediately cancel. Fortunately, this is not a problem and there is one great feature that can help you with this.

Most programs have an Undo command that undoes recent actions or changes to the current project. If the last action was to add or insert text into the document, then using the command you can undo/delete and return to the original version. If the last change was to delete something, you can restore it accordingly. This can also be useful when you accidentally rewrote a large piece of a document. In fact, knowing and using this feature is a big relief for many users.

The Undo function is most often found in the Edit or Edit menu.

Many programs have an Undo button on the toolbar, which usually resembles a curved left-pointing arrow, such as in Google Docs or Word.

Similarly, you can press Ctrl+Z (or Command+Z on Mac) to undo recent actions on your computer.

As a rule, some programs use the Undo function to track not only the most recent actions, but also whole line(history) of recent changes. For example, you inserted a picture into a document and entered text over the picture, and then used the undo command once - this undoes the most recent action. That is, in in this example you will delete the text on top of the picture that you typed, and using the command a second time will delete the picture that you inserted. Please note that the change history is only saved while the program is open. If you close a document (whether you saved it or not) and open it again, you won't be able to undo previous actions.

Many programs also have a "Redo" (or "Forward") function that returns what you undid with the "Undo" command.

These commands are used in almost all existing programs, including text editors, graphic editors, mail clients, file management programs, etc. This is universal functions in the field of computer software. Once you get used to using these useful commands, you will no longer have to worry about ruining your work due to simple mistakes.

What is a computer and types of computers

Undo last action in Microsoft Word

If you are an inexperienced computer user, and for one reason or another you often have to work in MS Word, you will probably be interested in knowing how you can undo the last action in this program. The task is actually quite simple, and its solution is applicable to most programs, not just Word.

Lesson: How to create in Word new page

There are at least two methods by which you can undo the last action in Word, and we will discuss each of them below.

Undo an action using a keyboard shortcut

If you are working with a document Microsoft Word made a mistake, performed an action that needs to be undone, just press the following key combination on your keyboard:

This will undo the last action you performed. The program remembers not only the last action, but also those that preceded it. Thus, by pressing “CTRL+Z” several times, you can undo the last few actions in the reverse order of their execution.

Lesson: Using hotkeys in Word

You can also use the “F2” key to cancel the last action.

Note: You may need to press the F-Lock key before pressing “F2”.

Undo your last action using a button on the Quick Action toolbar

If key combinations are not for you, and you are more accustomed to using the mouse when you need to perform (undo) this or that action in Word, then you will clearly be interested in the method described below.

To undo the last action in Word, click the curly arrow turned to the left. It is located on the panel quick access, right next to the save button.

In addition, by clicking on the small triangle located to the right of this arrow, you can see a list of the last few actions and, if necessary, select the one you want to cancel.

Return last actions

If for some reason you undo the wrong action, don't worry, Word allows you to undo, if you can call it that.

To redo an action you undid, press the following key combination:

This will return the undone action. For similar purposes, you can use the “F3” key.

The rounded arrow, located on the quick access panel to the right of the “Cancel” button, performs a similar function - returning the last action.

That's all, from this short article you learned how to undo the last action in Word, which means you can always correct your mistake in time.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

Almost all changes you make to images can be undone. You can undo the last action by selecting Edit → Undo from the image menu, but this operation is used so often that it is worth remembering the keyboard shortcut Ctrl +Z .

The cancellation itself can be reversed. After canceling the action, you can return it by selecting Edit → Repeat in the image menu, or using the shortcut key, Ctrl +Y. This is often useful when assessing the effect of an action by repeatedly undoing and repeating it. This usually happens very quickly, without wasting resources or changing the cancellation history, so there's no harm in doing so.

If you frequently undo and undo many steps at a time, you may find it more convenient to work with the Undo History dialog, a dockable panel that shows small thumbnails of each point in the undo history, allowing you to move backwards or forwards to the point you click.

Undo is performed on an image-specific basis: the "Undo History" is one of the components of an image. GIMP allocates a certain amount of memory to each image for this purpose. You can customize your Preferences to increase or decrease the amount, using the page of the Preferences dialog. There are two important variables: the minimal number of undo levels , which GIMP will maintain regardless of how much memory they consume, and the maximum undo memory, beyond which GIMP will begin to delete the oldest items from the Undo History.

Implementing action history in GIMP is quite complex. Many operations (such as changing the visibility of a layer) require very little memory to undo, so you can perform a large number of them before they start disappearing from the action history. Some operations (and again changing the visibility of the layer) are compressed, so executing them several times in a row produces only one point in the history of actions. However, other operations consume a lot of memory for possible cancellation. An example is almost any filter: since filters are implemented as extensions, the GIMP core has no way of knowing exactly what they changed. Thus, there is no other way to undo such an action other than to remember the contents of the affected layer before and after the operation. You can perform a limited number of such operations before they are deleted from your activity history.

3.1. Uncancellable Operations

Most actions that change the image can be undone. But some cannot be undone. Operations such as saving an image to a file, duplicating an image, copying an image, copying part of an image to the clipboard, etc. This also includes operations that affect the display without changing the image data. The most significant example is display scaling. However, there are exceptions: switching the visibility of a quick mask may be canceled if the image data has not changed between switches.

There are several important actions that change the image but cannot be undone.

Closing an image

The Undo History is a component of the image, so when the image is closed and all of its resources are freed, the Undo History is gone. Because of this, unless the image has not been modified since the last time it was saved, GIMP always asks you to confirm that you really want to close the image.

(You can disable this in the page of the Preferences dialog; if you do, you are assuming responsibility for thinking about what you are doing.)

Returning an image"Return"

means reloading an image from a file. GIMP does this by closing the image and creating a new image, which causes the undo history to be lost. For this reason, if the image has been modified, GIMP will always ask you for confirmation before reverting.

Action Fragments Some tools require you to perform a complex set of manipulations before using them, but only allow you to undo entire operations instead of. For example, Snipping Tool allows you to create closed paths by clicking on various points in the image and then clicking inside the path to create a selection. You cannot undo individual clicks: undoing once completed will return you to the starting point. In another example, when you're working with the Text tool, you can't undo individual letters, font changes, etc.: undoing after you're done will delete the text layer you just created.

Filters and other actions performed by add-ons or scripts can be canceled in the same way as actions implemented by the GIMP core, but under the condition correct use them GIMP's undo functions. If the code is incorrect, the add-on can potentially corrupt the undo history so that not only the add-on's actions, but also previous actions can no longer be undone correctly. All scripts and add-ons supplied with GIMP are reliably working correctly, but obviously there is no guarantee for add-ons obtained from other sources. Also, even if the code is correct, canceling an add-on while it's running can sometimes leave the undo history corrupted, so it's best to avoid this unless you accidentally did something with bad consequences.