How to change your desktop wallpaper. Automatic change of desktop wallpaper (pictures) in Windows

Good day, dear readers. Next up is an article about the settings of the Windows 7 operating system. The article is short, since the material is not complicated, but, in my opinion, some novice users will find it useful. Today we will talk about How to change the desktop wallpaper of the Windows 7 operating system.

Desktop wallpaper– regular images that can be downloaded from the Internet, or photographs taken by you. The main requirement when using new images as desktop wallpaper is that the size of the pictures should be the same as the screen resolution. You can ignore this condition, but then the images on the desktop can be stretched, flattened, i.e. displayed incorrectly

No additional description is needed for today’s material, since the task is very simple: how to set new wallpaper on your desktop. Let's proceed directly to execution:

1. Click right click mouse on a file-free area of ​​the desktop. A context menu will appear.

Fig 1. Desktop context menu.

2. Go to the item “Personalization” context menu. A window will open to manage themes for the Windows 7 operating system.

Fig 2. Themes, images, sound

3. In this window you need to click on the link “ Desktop background ". Note that this window also contains options for changing the color of window borders, appearance windows, controls sound design and operating system screensaver. After this, a window for setting up your desktop wallpaper will appear.

Fig 3. Background image desktop.

— indicate the directory in which the images that will be used as desktop wallpaper are located. We do this using the button « Review".

— mark the images you want to use. The “Select All” button allows you to mark all added pictures. The “Clear All” button, accordingly, unchecks all images.

— specify the position of the image using the drop-down menu.

Fig 4. Image position.

— indicate the time after which the images will change. If you check item B random order, the images will be changed randomly after the specified time has elapsed (otherwise, in order).

Background picture
and screen saver on your computer

Initially, on computers with installed Operating
Windows system– the background image is already installed.
And, most often, this is a background image with the Windows logo.

The screen saver is not installed initially.
But it can be installed and then changed.

How to change your computer screen wallpaper

How to change
screen background

I’ll say right away that changing the background image to
today – not available to everyone Windows versions.
In particular, for Windows 7 (starter) -
this option is not available.

So, the path to changing the background image begins
from the “Start” button → select “Control Panel” on the right.

In the “Design” section, select the function
"Changing the desktop background."
The following window will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

This window contains desktop backgrounds. You need to click on the image you want to make the background. Then select the position of the image at the bottom - on the “Fill” button

Besides choice ready-made Background– you can choose any other image. From those that are downloaded to your computer. To do this, in the “Image Location” section, click on the arrow. A context menu will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

You can select "Image Library". And when yours open
folders with images - select the one you need. Or click the “Browse” button.

And also select the image in the desired folder.

And when the image appears in the window for setting the desktop background, do the same as for the finished Background. Click on the selected one. Select the position of the image at the bottom - on the “Fill” button, select the position of the image. And then click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom.

What's happened screen saver and how to install it

What is a screen saver
and how to install it

A screen saver is just that: a screen saver. Depending on the one selected, it appears either against the background of the Wallpaper, or instead of it at a time when the computer is turned on and is in a pause state. That is, you do not use a mouse or keyboard. Or just walk away from the computer.

As soon as you touch the mouse with your hand or click
pressing the keyboard button – the screen saver disappears.

Installing a screen saver on Windows 7 (initial) is also available.

The path to installing a screen saver begins with the “Start” button → select “Control Panel” on the right → click on the “Appearance” button. The following window will open.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In the “Screen” section, select “Change screen saver”.
The Screen Saver Options tab opens.

Initially, the screen saver is not installed. Therefore, in the “Screen saver” parameter it is set to “No”. To see the selection of available screensavers, click on the arrow. A context menu will open.


Windows 7 allows you to set any image as your desktop background. Agree that it is much nicer to see your favorite landscape or photo of loved ones on your desktop than a standard one Windows background or a picture set to your liking computer technician. Change background image desktop is very easy even for a novice user, especially when there is step-by-step instruction. In this article, I will tell you in detail about how to change the desktop background in Windows 7, in other words, how to install any image, photograph, picture or drawing on the desktop of your computer, as well as how to make a slide show of your favorite pictures on your desktop desktop in Windows 7.

How to change your desktop background

Right-click on your desktop and select Personalize. There is another option: Start menu -> Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Personalization.

In the window that opens, left-click on “Desktop Background”.

Click on any image from the list to set it as your desktop background. If you want to set another image or photo as your desktop background, click "Browse" and specify the path to the folder on your computer where it is stored. desired image or photograph. All images from the specified folder will appear in the list of wallpapers.

Under the “Image Position” line, you can select “Stretch” so that the image fills the entire desktop. It is advisable to choose images with the same resolution as your screen. Click "Save Changes" to set the selected image as your desktop background.

You have successfully changed your desktop background.

How to make a slideshow on your desktop

You can not only change the desktop picture, but also set up a slide show on your desktop from the selected images. What does this mean? You select many different images or photos that will automatically change on your desktop at a certain interval. This is done in exactly the same way as in the previous paragraph, only you select more than one image, but check off several or more pictures. You can simply click the “Select all” button, but then absolutely all the pictures from the list will be shown one by one. After selecting images, set the interval for changing images in the “Change image every:” column. You can also check the box next to “In random order” so that the pictures change randomly and not in order. Click Save Changes.

How to remotely change the wallpaper on your desktop April 3rd, 2015

Here good way, if you want to prank a colleague. You can remotely, that is, by local network, change the wallpaper on a colleague’s desktop. This will come as a surprise to him, won't it? Here's how to do it. Initial data:

  • Windows 7;

  • The victim computer is on the same network as you (i.e. on the same working group), for example HOME;

  • The victim computer must have network access;

  • On HDD the victim computer can be reached over the network using the C$ command;

  • Viewing of hidden folders is enabled in Explorer.

So let's get started:

  1. Select a picture to substitute as desktop wallpaper. You can download the required graphic file on Yandex-Images by search query. It is worth noting that the resolution of the image should be approximately similar to the screen resolution of the victim computer. If the resolution of your picture is small, then the new wallpaper will not be stretched to fill the entire screen as we are used to, but will be reduced and placed in the center. If the resolution of your picture is high, then the new wallpaper will blur so that your victim will only see central part Pictures. If you don’t know what resolution to choose a picture with, then choose 1024x768 or close to it - this is the most common resolution on office computers.

  2. Open Start - Network, then we see a list of computers (if there is no list, it means either your computer is not on the network, or you have different workgroups on the network with other computers).

  3. Open the victim computer (for example, the name of the victim computer Igor). If a window pops up in which you need to enter your login and password, and you don’t know either one or the other, leave this idea. You will not be able to gain network access to this computer.

  4. In the window that opens, we see folders that are “shared” with a colleague, i.e. to which he gave general access over the network. Or we don’t see anything if there are no such folders. Although, this is not important for us.

  5. We write the following in the address bar at the top of the window: \\Igor\C$ and press Enter (do not confuse Russian C with English C, it is English C that is needed here). The moment of truth, if access to the victim’s drive C using the command with C$ is still open, then we will find out this on this step, i.e. we should see the contents of the victim’s drive C, namely the folders: “Program files”, “Windows”, “Users” (or “Users”, depending on which case), etc. If you get an error message, I'm very sorry, but network access to disk From the victim you will not receive.

  6. In the victim’s C drive, go here (we move through the folders in the following order):

  • Users (or Users, again depending on who you are) >

  • [victim's computer username] >

To find out the username under which the victim logs in, we use the exclusion method. INyour colleague most likely does not use the "Default" accounts", "Administrator", "Are common ", "Guest", so we do not take them into account. Obviously, he logs in under the name "User" or the same "Igor". If you doubt whether you have correctly determined the username, you can do the following simple procedure for everyone found users by sifting out folders"Default ", "Administrator", "General", "Guest".

  • AppData >

  • Roaming >

  • Microsoft >

  • Windows >

  • Themes >

​ 7. In the "Themes" folder we see a file calledTranscodedWallpaper.jpg - this is the wallpaper that is in currently installed on the victim computer. Now you can delete this file or move it to another location, then copy our picture to this folder (remember the resolution!), rename it to TranscodedWallpaper.jpg

All. After rebooting of this computer there will be new wallpapers :-)
You just have to wait until the next day when he turns on his computer again or, if you can’t wait,truthfully encourage your colleague to reboot his computer

How can you change the picture on the monitor screen (wallpaper on your desktop).

In this lesson you will learn how to change the picture on the screen
monitor (Wallpaper on the Desktop) manually, and also how to do so,
so that these pictures replace each other in automatic mode through
specified period of time.

To change the wallpaper on your desktop, you first need this picture
get it somewhere. The fastest and easiest way to get a beautiful picture
is to download it on the Internet.

There are many sites that provide free
huge variety of downloads beautiful wallpaper, and to find such
site, you just need to enter the phrase “download wallpaper” and select the site you like.

By going to this (or similar) site we can choose the one we like
us the picture and quickly download it to your computer. But so that the picture
looked realistic on the monitor screen (without stretching) you should
know what resolution your monitor supports. To find out
Properties. Next go to the tab Options and remember your permission:

Now that you know what wallpaper (in what resolution) you need, you can start selecting and downloading the wallpaper you like.

When the required number of wallpapers is downloaded to the specified folder (or by default to the folder My drawings)
let's change the picture on the desktop. This is done simply -
right-click on the Desktop and select Properties. Next go to the tab Desktop, select the desired picture from the list Background image(1) and click on the button Apply(2):

If there are no new pictures in the list, then use the button Review(3) find the folder where you downloaded your pictures and select new pictures there so that they appear in the list.

As you can see, everything is very simple.

Now let's talk about automatically changing wallpaper on Desktop
table. There is nothing complicated here either, but for this we need
a special program that will do this. For example, the program Vetton Wallpapers, which you can download for free.

The program is small and very simple.

After installing and launching the program, you will be taken to the main window
programs where first of all you will need to create a list of those
wallpaper that will change on the desktop.

To add the desired picture press the button to the list Add and in the menu that opens, select the item File or Folder(depending on what you want to add):

Thus, by repeating these steps several times, we create a list of pictures that will change.
All that remains is to start the program with the button Start changing wallpaper (1):

Well, briefly about the rest of the program buttons:

2 - button Change wallpaper. Changes wallpapers one by one by selecting them from the list.

3 - button Shift setup. Allows you to configure program functions, for example, set the period of time after which the wallpaper will change.

4 - button In random order. The wallpaper from the list will change in random order.

5 - button Download new wallpapers. Allows you to download wallpaper directly from the program when connected to the Internet (from the official website of the program)

6 - button View in full screen.
Click on this button and the wallpaper selected in the list will be expanded to
full screen (for viewing). Clicking the screen again takes you back to

7 - button Exit. Closes the program.

8 - this is a list of those wallpapers that will replace each other on the Desktop.

That's all I have!

Change your wallpaper, make your computer life more varied and colorful, and it will definitely improve your mood!