How to tidy up your life. Clearing the information space

1. Get rid of old papers
If you're anything like me, your house is littered with all sorts of pieces of paper - all sorts of notes, old recipes, junk mail, notes to yourself. Get rid of it all. Destroy paper in a shredder, this way you will achieve order and security in your home.

2. Mentally prepare yourself for upcoming changes by imagining your ideal self.
What do you admire most? How do you see your future? What kind of person do you want to be? Imagine yourself as such a person.

3. Remember that unexpected events can be a blessing.
As the Dalai Lama once said: “Remember that not getting what you so longed to get sometimes turns out to be an amazing gift of luck.”

4. Ask people you admire how they became who they are. this moment
I have always admired my grandfather. Understanding how he started his business, how he overcame challenges throughout his life, and how he made his life better, helped me achieve my own prosperity.

5. Give up alcohol, cigarettes and other vices
Perhaps they are crutches for you, distorting a healthy view of the world. And the money saved on purchasing these harmful substances can be used for something pleasant, for example, traveling.

6. Get rid of negative elements in your life, be it people or work you don't want to do.
If you have friends who upset or suppress you, there is no need to continue these relationships out of a sense of duty. Break such ties and get rid of failures.

7. Start every day with clean slate, make up new list things to do over a cup of morning coffee
Having a clear understanding of what you have to do today will help you stay on track.

8. Clean up the house full order and get rid of all unnecessary things
Not only from old recipes, as mentioned earlier, but also from all that rubbish that belongs at sales, in a garbage dump, or that can be given to the poor.

9. Practice simple system storing personal information
Creating a simple file cabinet and sticker folder system is something that doesn't require the services of a personal secretary and can make your life much easier when you're looking for information you need.

10. Buy groceries for the week at the most convenient time for this.
Make a list, budget, and only buy what you need to save time and money.

11. Take a proficiency test that will help you identify your strengths
If you're struggling in your career and don't know where to start to get things moving, this method will be very helpful in identifying your strengths and choosing the right direction.

12. If you have problems, consult with professionals
Many struggle with the dead shadows of the past or carry heavy emotional baggage that prevents them from moving forward. Deal with this burden, get rid of it and move forward with the help of professionals.

13. Review and get rid of expired medications and food
When I'm in last time did this, I found everything from a 3 year old bag of spices to a 5 year old aspirin.

14. Develop your own diet, focusing on grains, vegetables and fruits
Proper nutrition produces a stunning effect on general level energy of the body.

15. Take vitamins
Vitamin food supplements help reduce the possibility of developing many diseases, including oncology and osteoporosis.

16. Develop an exercise routine that includes your favorite activities, such as dancing or cycling.
My friend prefers yoga, and I prefer football. Keep fit in your favorite activities, it will give results.

17. Make an appointment with the doctor that you've been putting off for a long time.
How easy it is to put off visiting a doctor, such as a dentist, until acute pain forces you to do so. However, preventative measures are very important to maintain the overall health of the body.

18. Do mental exercises
Crosswords, Sudoku and other word games are more than just an entertaining pastime. They have been proven to improve overall mental performance.

19. Publish your own book
Now, with the development of Internet technology, this has become much easier to do. You can post your ideas on the Internet and make money from it. I publish my own books online.

20. Create a reading list and join a reading club
Most people complain that they wish they could read more, but without a specific plan, you won't find enough time to do so. Joining a reading club will not only expand the scope of your social activity, but will also help you implement your reading plan and update your reading list.

21. Find time for solitude every day.
Susan Taylor states that “solitude helps to renew the mind and develop new ideas.”

22. Practice breathing exercises or meditation
Stress has a devastating effect on your life and overall performance. Personally, when I am under stress, I sometimes forget to breathe. Remember to take deep breaths, this will improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.

23. Be honest in everything you do and say.
Are you able to defend all your actions and actions? If not, analyze all your words and learn to express yourself honestly and directly. This will reduce the chances of making mistakes on your life path.

24. Learnonpastmistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. We usually learn a lot from them throughout our lives. Mistakes that we repeat several times are deposited in the subconscious as life experience and can serve as a good help in future situations.

25. Volunteer to help people
Helping others is a rewarding way to improve your own life.

26. Explore foreign languages or pick up a new hobby

27. Read biographies of people who will inspire you
To develop new ideas, try to understand how others have managed to get their lives in order.

28. Talk to strangers
Unexpected conversations are sometimes surprisingly inspiring.

29. Reconnect with friends and family who live far away from you
Call those you miss but keep putting off contacting. You have the Internet and Skype at your disposal; even a simple online conversation will help restore lost communication.

30. Change your toothbrush
An old toothbrush is a reservoir of bacteria.

31. Sleep more
Sleep is often neglected, while sleep is a source of energy, Have a good mood and vigor.

32. Drink at least 6 cups of water a day
A sufficient amount of fluid in the body allows you to maintain high level energy.

33. Build your photo collection
Store photos in in electronic format, and in photo albums. If your family is like mine, then you have shoeboxes full of photographs that just take up space.

34. Be interested in art and art people where you live
By visiting art galleries, you can meet artists, and such encounters stimulate the mind.

35. Join a hobby club
A friend of mine became seriously interested in aircraft modeling and was so immersed in it that he received a commercial aircraft piloting license. You never know when a simple hobby can become the main activity and meaning of life.

36. Keep a calendar with notes
Having a constant visual reminder in front of your eyes can be very helpful. All people different possibilities memory.

37. Don't put off difficult conversations
Learn to solve problems quickly and specifically. This will help reduce the level of nervousness and anxiety.

38. Make a list of priority tasks and do what gives you the most pleasure first.
If you are in Lately If you have lost track of what is most valuable to you in life, it can be helpful to take time to identify what gives you the most pleasure in life. Strive for this as much as possible.

39. Spend more time outdoors
Nature has a valuable influence on us - it calms the soul and clears our thoughts. Hiking in the forest or rock climbing at any level of difficulty gives a feeling of pride and excellence.

40. Attend public lectures
These could be scientific lectures or any other. They help keep up with the times, keep up with life, keep abreast of events happening in the world and build future plans accordingly. The activity of consciousness helps in all areas of life.

41. Strengthen your muscles
Get a massage, it improves muscle tone and improves blood circulation. Then the newly gained energy will help you in your routine work.

42. Let laughter be an important part of your life.
Meet more often with friends with whom you can have a good laugh, or just re-watch your favorite comedies. Laughter acts as exercise and is known to prolong life.

43. Set aside some time each day to be lazy.
You can read, draw, or just sit and stare at one point if that's what you want. Such a pastime calms the brain and allows you to feel new ideas.

44. Plan vacations when needed.

45. Use new ideas for entertainment
You don't have to be Martha Stewart to throw an amazing party; and a minimum of effort - and as a hostess or host of a holiday you are at your best. This will give you confidence.

46. ​​Throw away old clothes that no longer fit.
Many of us squeeze into old clothes that are no longer relevant, which does not add charm to us. Feel comfortable in the clothes that suit you best and that make you look great.

47. Live in the present, not the past
You can't bring back the past. Move forward and enjoy every moment of your life. Finish what needs to be completed and move on using the experience gained.

48. Learn from your mistakes and move forward
Organize your life by moving forward, rather than looking back.

49. Carry out diagnostics on your car
We periodically turn to doctors to check our body. Also, diagnose your car in a timely manner, without waiting until it is too late to repair something. I once got stuck on a road trip in Malaysia and it's not a pleasant memory.

50. Budget for necessary home repairs.
Set aside money in the proverbial pot to maintain the condition of your home in real time by planning necessary repairs in the coming year.

It’s better to start organizing your life with little things, then more global ideas will be much easier to implement.

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On the picture:

Do you know those people who always have order in their house, and in general everything in life is in order? It's your turn to become one of them with these simple and absolutely inexpensive ways to organize, clean and prevent chaos.

1 Gather bags and other packaging materials. Use magazine holders to store rolls of bags, aluminum foil, and plastic wrap in a vertical position in your closet.

2 Twist the cords. Wind up spares charging device, cables, extension cords and place each one in a cardboard tube left over from a toilet paper roll. Storing these tubes vertically in a box will help avoid wire tangles later.

3 Double the capacity of your under-sink space. Cleaning products will always be organized and at hand if you hang them on the rail by the “trigger” of the spray bottle.

4 Organize a system for folding clothes. To keep your clothing drawers tidy, try stacking items horizontally, filling each one from front to back. This way you can see all your belongings, including that favorite T-shirt you thought you lost two years ago.

5 Store kitchen utensils wisely. Who said that a paper organizer is only an office accessory? Use it for quick access to baking dishes and cutting boards.

6 Hang scarves like a pro. Thread the scarves through the shower curtain rings and secure them to a hanger so they are all wrinkle-free and visible.

7 Store bedding in sets. No more losing pillowcases! When folding a washed set of laundry, hide all its components in one pillowcase so that they are sure to be together when needed.

8 Place toys in plain sight. Hang toy baskets at the child's height. Wire garden beds can be used for this purpose. Agree, seeing the floor in the nursery is wonderful!

Read also:

9 Store accessories vertically. In boxes and caskets, jewelry falls into a state of chaos. And if you put the bracelets, for example, on a paper towel holder, then they will all be visible, and choosing the right one won’t be difficult.

10 Keep everything you need in sight. Store things that you usually take with you when leaving home (keys, umbrella, leash) in a transparent wall cabinet.

11 Collect bobby pins. Usually you have to look for them at the bottom of the bag. Meanwhile, Tic Tac jelly bean packaging is ideal for storing bobby pins in one specific place.

12 Tame the extension cord. Attach labels to identify the power cords on a fully occupied surge protector.

13 Stop the paper flow. Sort incoming correspondence into important (invoices, invitations, notices) and unimportant, which can be used for various household purposes ( advertising brochures, free newspapers). Go to receive invoices for public utilities through the Internet.

14 Pack the instruction manuals. You perfect order in the house, and you know exactly where everything is? Can you tell me right now where the instruction manual for your microwave is? Next time buying new technology, seal technical documents into a Ziploc bag and attach it to the back of the device.

15 No more separated socks. The fact of the abduction of earthlings by aliens is easier to explain than the general disappearance of single socks. To avoid this, wash them in a special zip-up bag.

16 Line up the knives. Replace your clunky, bulky knife holder with a sleek wall-mounted magnetic strip that will keep them neat and away from prying little hands.

17 Keep children's creativity in limited quantities. Children bring home a lot of crafts and drawings. Give your child a large plastic container where he can store all his creativity. And when the container is full, take away the most interesting projects. Throw out the rest to make room for new work.

18 Place plastic bags in a box. Usually infinite number These bags from supermarkets live somewhere under the sink. Put them all in one box.

19 Optimize applications on your smartphone. You finally have order in your home, but if you’re going to organize your life, then it’s in everything. Clean up your smartphone by organizing apps into categories (there are even special free programs for these purposes). Keep frequently used apps on your home screen. And it’s time to delete those applications that you haven’t used for several months.

20 Put an end to the clutter in your car trunk. Eggs will never break, and a can of tomato paste will never run away if there is a laundry container in the trunk of your car. It is perfect for storing bags of groceries during transportation, and will also facilitate the process of unloading purchases at home.

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spring-cleaning your life will allow you to reach a new level in all its areas.

  • First, you need to remove all garbage and junk from your life.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to systematize what remains.

This way you will get a huge space for development, you will be able to realize everything that seemed impossible before.

Any change begins with you doing something different from what you are used to. Cannot create new reality from old components using outdated methods.

Chaos in life constantly gets in the way. Have you ever wondered why someone moves at the speed of light, realizing more and more new aspirations, while others mark time? A lot depends on the ability to reboot yourself, your consciousness and the space in which you are.

How to bring order to all areas of life:
step by step guide

  1. Getting rid of garbage.

    To bring order to your head and life, you first need to get rid of the things around you that you really don’t need.

    Haven't used the item for more than 1 year? Then give it to someone, sell it, give it as a gift.

    There are, but they will be useful to other people. Sort everything and put it in boxes, then give it away within a week. There is no need to accumulate things in boxes, delaying the process of getting rid of trash.

    What needs to be reviewed first? Dishes, clothing, furniture, books, interior items, jewelry and shoes, appliances and electronics. Some people follow the 100 things rule. This means that they have no more than a hundred material objects in their personal use. Just imagine how easy it is to live if you only have 100 things, and not a burdensome cart and a small cart.

  2. Clearing the information space.

    Those who have decided to put things in order in their lives cannot help but take care of getting rid of unnecessary information. And now we are not talking about your thoughts.

    How many old films, random pictures, unnecessary text files stored on your computer? General cleaning of your life necessarily includes getting rid of everything that slows down your memory. personal computer. Also, do not forget to delete unnecessary work files, clean your smartphone of pictures, unnecessary applications and irrelevant notes. It’s much easier to put things in order in your head and in your life if nothing slows down the memory of your computer and phone, and nothing catches your eye. random files and annoying content.

    If it has ever happened to you that you lost information saved on your computer, then you must remember that at first you, of course, were upset, but later, starting work “from scratch,” you felt relief from getting rid of unnecessary burden.

  3. Systematization and management.

    Remember that every thing should have its own place. It is much easier to bring order where everything is systematized. Then you don’t need to clean up almost anything, and that’s where your energy goes. Develop in yourself. At the same time, not only in arranging household things, but also in distributing personal resources and time.

    Remember Golden Rule life: work affairs - in work time, personal time - for personal matters.

  4. We use filters for incoming information.

    How can you prevent your space from becoming cluttered in the future? Keep track of what comes into your life. Once you have removed everything and put it on shelves, the issue of maintaining cleanliness and order becomes relevant. If you not only want to restore order in all areas of your life, but it is important for you to preserve and maintain it, then you need to seriously filter everything that tries to penetrate your personal space.

    Start with social networks. For example, after cleaning your feed on social networks, you will realize that you will now be less annoyed by various negativity from specific people and communities. You will simply forget about them if they stop annoyingly catching your eye. It also doesn’t hurt to decide on a selection of those profiles, sites and blogs that are really interesting to you. This way you will save time and not spend extra hours on social networks.

  5. We close all unresolved issues.

    If you don’t know how to put things in order in your life, psychologists will give you specific advice. If so, go for a consultation. If you still decide to cope on your own, be sure to complete all the tasks. Any “hanging” task drains energy from you, because from time to time you return to the thought that it would be nice to finish the report, finish reading the book, complete the repairs and finish the dress. It is impossible to restore order in the house and in life if you leave stale tasks “hanging” and without solving old problems.

    Either completely refuse to do those things that are “not going well” and transfer them to the status of reset tasks, or still complete what was started a long time ago.

Why is it so important to put things in order in your head and life?

Information and material garbage prevents you from developing and setting new goals. This is a load that significantly slows down the forward speed.

Even a person with a serious baggage of mistakes and negative experiences is capable of new achievements, but only if he periodically “cleanses” himself of them. First you need to reset your consciousness, give up everything unnecessary. As you know, you can’t pour water into a full glass. That is why it is necessary to restore order in life, in the apartment, in the information space, leaving only what allows you to move forward and does not pull you back.

Cleaning is far from the most pleasant process, which many people try to avoid as long as possible. However, if you put things in order at least once, you will be able to understand how beautiful your apartment is and how pleasant it is to be in it. Accordingly, you need some tips that will allow you to take on cleaning more willingly, do it more efficiently, move faster from room to room and get more impressive results. So if you haven’t cleaned for a long time because you simply don’t know where to start and in which direction to move, this article is for you. You will learn how to clean quickly, efficiently and pleasantly for yourself. And you will finally be able to invite home guests whom you will not be ashamed to receive.

Focus on dust

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust. It enters the room from all possible places: from windows, doors and even ventilation holes. People bring dust into their apartments on their shoes and clothes. You can get rid of it with a vacuum cleaner, just make sure you turn it on wet cleaning so as not to simply spread this dust throughout the room. The places where dust is most noticeable (especially to your guests) are tabletops, chairs, the TV, and window sills. There is especially a lot of dust on the windowsills, as it flies into the apartment through the window. Dust can also accumulate on wallpaper and ventilation holes. You should pay special attention upper corners rooms, because cobwebs often form there.


The first thing your guests will notice is the floor. So you should start by cleaning it. Thoroughly scrub your carpets (if you have them), sweep the floors, and then mop them. More attention needs to be paid to those places that are most contaminated, such as the hallway and living room. At the same time, do not forget about hard-to-reach places, for example, the space under the bed or sofa.

Frequent trash removal

If you have a small apartment, try to take out the trash more often. There is no need to install separate trash containers in the bedroom, living room, hallway, and so on. It is much better to have one garbage container (in the kitchen) and develop the habit of taking out the garbage once a day. The more often you do this, the better, since it is from the garbage container that an unpleasant odor can spread throughout the house.

Unnecessary things

Get rid of things you don't need. Now that your hallway and living room are in order, you should pay attention to the things that surround you. The secret of order lies in the rational use of space in the house. If your home is a mess, then most likely you have too many things that you don't need. Naturally, no one wants to throw away things, even if they are not used. Therefore, it is better to buy a large box and put things there that you would hate to throw away. How do you determine what should go in the box? It’s very simple: put everything there that you haven’t used for more than a month: pens, magazines, accessories, old phones, and so on. When this box is full, seal it and write today on it. Then take it to the garage or basement and leave it there. If within a year you do not have a need for any of the things located in the box, it means that all its contents are of no value to you and you can safely get rid of it.

Just what you need

Have you ever noticed that when you need an item, you first have to take out a bunch of useless things from your closets and drawers? If yes, then you are surrounding yourself with the wrong things, and this is a reason to immediately reconsider your environment. Try to make sure that you are surrounded by only the things you need, so you can easily access them, and unnecessary items will not create a mess in your home.

A neat apartment, where everything is at hand, is not so tidy

So, now it's time to hide those things that you don't use regularly so that they are out of sight. If you are preparing to receive guests, you must understand that your apartment should look perfect. A wide variety of people can come to you: neighbors, friends, repair workers, utility workers, and so on. Each person may have their own idea of ​​cleanliness and order in the house, but there is one rule that is acceptable to everyone: objects Everyday life should not be in visible space. Therefore, try to arrange all the things in the house so that you can safely let a person into the house, even if you are woken up in the middle of the night. So the basic rule is: “hide personal items.” Money, bed linen, documents - all this should not be seen by visitors. Glasses, watches, Cell phones, bracelets must have their own place. Clothes should be put away in a closet or in a basket for dirty laundry; dishes should also not be left dirty after eating.


The order in the house can often be determined by the cleanliness of the kitchen. If the kitchen is well-cleaned, there is a good chance that other areas of the house will be clean as well. What are the rules for a clean kitchen? One thing you have already read: never leave dirty dishes, wash them immediately after eating. Second: your refrigerator should always be clean, both outside and inside. It attracts attention more than other objects because of its big size and frequency of use. Third: thoroughly wipe all handles on both cabinets and appliances so that guests don’t accidentally get their hands dirty when they want to handle something. And fourth: ventilate the kitchen more often so that there is not only visual order, but also fresh air.

Bathroom and toilet

It will be strange if you clean all the rooms in the apartment and they will literally shine, and your bathroom will stand out unpleasantly against the general background. There should always be a clean floor, a pleasant aroma, fresh towels and soap. All bottles that are placed on surfaces must be clean, without traces of water or any product. The sink should also always be cleaned.


To achieve cleanliness in the bedroom, it will not be enough to simply place all the objects in their places and put unnecessary things in the closet. You need to change the bed linen, remove any debris from the bedside table or coffee table, and air out the room. Pay attention to the mirrors: if you want to restore complete order, then you definitely need to remove all traces from the mirrors.


If you are having difficulty keeping your apartment clean all the time, you can clean it up once and then take pictures of what your ideal apartment looks like. These pictures will help you achieve excellent results in the future, and will also motivate you to clean.

Parallel check

When you clean your house, you can also simultaneously check the functionality of all devices, from the TV to the light bulbs. Check whether the plug is securely seated in the socket, whether the cable is coming loose somewhere, and whether each of the devices turns on. This will allow you not only to give your home a pleasant appearance, but have necessary information about which devices are functioning and which ones need to be repaired.

What emotions do you experience when you think it’s time to clean out your closet? Shudder? Irritation? Want to escape?

If you don’t want to open the closet door again for fear of being overwhelmed with things or, even worse, experiencing a shock to all your aesthetic senses, I recommend following us - we will tell you how to solve this problem once and for all.

A little over 30 years ago, a girl named Marie was born in Japan, who would go on to change the lives of thousands of people.

Perhaps her method will help you too. Marie has developed a system, after getting acquainted with which a person only has to carry out the last cleaning of his life. Don't worry, everyone will be alive and well. The method has nothing to do with hara-kiri, although you still have to open the cabinets and remove all the contents from them.

The analysis of all assets will take place in stages:

  1. cloth,
  2. books,
  3. documentation,
  4. komono (all the little things - from hairpins to kitchen utensils),
  5. things with an emotional component (photos, letters, postcards).

Please do not break the sequence - this is important. What is important to know before you start:

The KonMari method (that's what it's called) is not about throwing away. Its essence is precisely in identifying the things that need to be preserved. Taking each thing in your hands, you ask main question: “Does she make me happy?” For men who find it difficult to understand their feelings, I recommend answering a slightly different question: “If I saw this thing in a store now, would I buy it?”

Try to imagine what you would like your home and your life to look like after cleaning. What are you aiming for? In any undertaking, the final goal is important, because without knowing where you are going, you may not understand that you have already arrived.

Listen to yourself. Always and in everything. Somewhere deep down we know what is right for us, but the voice of reason, parents, husband often pulls in the other direction. For the same reason, try to follow all the instructions that follow, alone or with a like-minded person. A mother who comes in at the wrong time can “save” from garbage bags something that neither you nor she needs, but the Soviet past, in which they were taught to stock up just in case, will work perfectly.

It is best to start cleaning early in the morning. There are a lot of arguments here: there is a whole day ahead, and in the light of day some things become clearer, and you are full of energy. But if all your activity begins after sunset, you shouldn’t give up on the idea. Everything is individual, and only you decide what and when is best for you to do.

One last thing before we begin. Some people fearfully ask: “I’ll have to throw away my favorite things, right?” Nothing like that: you have the right to decide what should remain in your life.

The introductory part is over, let's move on to action.

So, the first, very broad, but the simplest category in terms of disposal is clothing and shoes.

Step 1:

We collect all clothes in one place, including scarves, belts, underwear, bags and shoes. We take things out not only from the closet, but also from all the unexpected places where you might have once forgotten them. The rule says: everything that was not found or that was forgotten at that moment goes into the trash bag by default. The exception is items in the dirty laundry basket. They stay.

Step 2:

We will select things in a certain order, starting with tops (cardigans, T-shirts, etc.). It is believed that it is through them that one can feel what joy is, since they are closest to the heart. This is followed by trousers and skirts, clothes that are stored on hangers (suits, jackets, cocktail and evening dresses), socks and tights, underwear, handbags, suitcases and clutches, scarves, ties and belts, specialized clothing (swimsuits, ski overalls, dance sets), shoes.

It's easier to start with out-of-season clothes. Take each of the objects in your hands, ask yourself a question and listen to the response. Advice from personal practice, which differs slightly from the methodology: paired items, such as tracksuits, a vest and a shirt, etc., that were produced as a single set, should be considered together.

Step 3:

So, the choice is made. Some of the things are put into bags, but we have to arrange (and precisely place) everything else in its place. At this stage, it is important to determine its place for each thing. Subsequently, it will be convenient for you to return them back. Important: it is better to store nearby things that are similar in material and purpose.

Step 4:

Let's learn how to fold correctly. Forget about even stacks that occupy the entire shelf space from top to bottom. Underwear inevitably experiences increased pressure, wrinkles more, and, among other things, gets lost from sight. The wise Japanese Marie Kondo found the ideal option through trial and error: vertical storage. Each item is folded in such a way that it forms a dense, smooth rectangle. You can check whether everything is done correctly by placing the rectangle on its edge. If it maintains an upright position and does not fall over, the job is done. If you have doubts about technology, YouTube can help you. By arranging things by purpose, fabric, color, brand or any other criterion you like, you will notice how much space you have freed up, and each item on the shelves radiates the light of joy. Perhaps this is called harmony.

Step 5:

A few words need to be said about tights and socks. For me, this was a real stocking revolution, since these items are now stored exclusively vertically in my chest of drawers. Often I see that people either put tights in store bags, creating tangled balls of nylon snakes, or store them twisted in tight knots (if tights) and balls (if socks) right on the shelf. The disadvantages of both methods are obvious: the threads stretch, the products lose their appearance, and housewives have difficulty figuring out which pair to wear (in this heap, the same tights can come across five times).

Marie teaches: you need to love every thing and give it care. Therefore, carefully take the tights, lay them out in front of you, and smooth them out. Place the top stocking on top of the bottom one so that the heel part is inside, fold the tights in half lengthwise and roll them up like a big roll. With socks it’s even easier: fold them heel to heel, then in half twice. If you don’t have restrictions in the shelf, it’s convenient to put tights and socks in shoe box and put it in a drawer. Just choose a prettier box.

WITH underwear, especially the corset part, should be treated like royalty, they should have enough space.

Step 6:

All clothes on hangers should be positioned so as to create the impression of taking off. This means that the bulkiest and longest things (coats, fur coats, heavy floor-length evening dresses) should hang on the left, while the lightest and shortest ones (blouses, shirts) should hang on the right. Between these two extremes all other things are located in descending order of length and increasing airiness. It is also good if color is also taken into account (dark to the left, light to the right).

The first stage is completed. All that remains is to decide what to do with the things that do not pass the joy test. There are a lot of options here: from the noble ones - donate them to an orphanage or a relief fund, to the completely mercantile ones - sell them. You can, of course, throw it away, but if the things are good and aren’t dying, give them a chance to make someone else happy.

Let's move on to books.

The stages of work here remain the same: we collect books in one place, take each one in our hands, feel joy or “not so much”, put on the shelves (again exclusively vertically) what lights us up, figure out where to put the rest. If you have a lot of books, before checking for joy, you can conditionally divide them into 4 categories:

  1. Fiction books (anything you read for pleasure)
  2. Applied books (everything you read to improve your professional level in any field)
  3. Illustrated books (albums with reproductions, manga, comics)
  4. Magazines

If you find books unread, half-read, or slightly started, sincerely thank them and say goodbye. Apparently, their mission was solely to be bought or studied a little, or maybe given to someone who needed it more. Books are very similar to people: not all people stay with us all our lives, most come to teach us a short lesson.

A few words should be said about handouts, which we are generously rewarded by the organizers of various seminars and trainings. We go to seminars to listen to the lecturer, get an emotion, and feel the subject. Most of us, after attending a seminar, have never looked at the bulging folders lovingly prepared by the coach.

What you heard during training is already in your head, perhaps somewhere very deep, but if once you have already allowed this knowledge to go into the subcortex, do you really need it that much? Our world is nourished a huge amount information, therefore selectivity in absorbing food for the mind should be no less than for the stomach.

What can you do with books? By the way, it’s much easier to attach them than clothes. One wise friend of mine, after checking her library for joy, photographed all the volumes that she had to say goodbye to and posted it in social network with an offer to give it into good hands free of charge to those who are very interested and will definitely read the received book.

Everything, from karate tutorials to court speeches by an eminent lawyer in 6 volumes, sold out in a couple of days. There are other options: take them to the library; most of them, due to poor funding, will accept books with great joy; can be sold through trading platforms, but there is a risk that unsold samples will flow into the permanent collection and the selection will soon have to start again.

What to do with books is up to you, and we move on to, perhaps, the most bleak category - documents.

How can documents spark joy, you ask? No, but if we leave these papers unsorted, then, firstly, the feeling of complete harmony and relaxation will not come, because we will always remember that there is a place in our house where it is better not to look; secondly, according to the theory of broken windows (proven many times in practice, it must be said), soon the entire apartment will again be swallowed up in chaos. But we are not spending so much time and effort to roll back. Our goal is a beautiful bright present and a radiant future.

We gathered for a breakthrough, took out and put in one pile all the letters from government agencies and banks, guarantee cards and instructions, agreements with various organizations and labor contracts, newspaper clippings, diplomas and certificates, fat deposits, etc. Take each document in your hands and determine how relevant the information in it is and whether it requires your participation. If this is a letter from the tax office, put it in a pile for urgent execution, a warranty card - double-check whether you still own this item, if so, put it in the documents requiring, if not, you know what to do. By looking through document after document, you can create an action plan for the coming days to resolve all urgent issues. You probably hate this thought. Most people tend to constantly put off unpleasant things, but I once heard what I think is a wise rule: “Do all the unpleasant things planned for the day in the morning.” Gritting your teeth, you do what you have to do anyway, exhale - and enjoy life. Constantly postponing an unpleasant task, we are in constant stress, and the task, like the sword of Damocles, continues to hang over us, rewarding us with neurosis and other ailments.

After selection, you can divide all documents into 4 categories: those already selected for urgent execution, used constantly (for example, some notes that you often refer to for information), used for a limited period ( insurance policies etc.) used for a long time (employment contracts, etc.).

Those documents that need to be dealt with as quickly as possible are best placed vertically in a visible place. This way your hands will reach them faster. You can come up with your own system, but try not to complicate it.

Do you have any strength left? Then I present the penultimate category - “komono”.

The author of the technique suggests starting with disks (CDs and DVDs). Perhaps many of you have seen them only as design elements for decorative items, in which case pay attention to flash drives, memory cards, mobile devices and digital media. This will allow you to free up a lot of gigabytes for new joyful memories, videos, music and programs, and will also increase the performance of your devices.

Having dealt with digital world, go to the real one and collect together all the skin care products and, if there are not so many of them, cosmetics. Of course, we throw out all expired products. On many packages of expensive cosmetics and on all products from the USA, the expiration date is indicated in a very unique way. Read on the Internet how to determine it. Do not use products whose service life has expired! Love yourself and your body. Also look through cosmetic samples: what you want, try it; what you don’t need, say goodbye. After care products, we look through hair accessories and jewelry, then move on to jewelry, credit and discount cards.

We throw away cards of places that have already closed (unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in Belarus), and we also get rid of credit and salary cards that we do not use. We move on to electrical appliances, throw away or take faulty ones for repair, if possible, say goodbye to the factory cardboard packaging. We look through all the devices for conducting household: stationery, sewing kits (special attention to spare buttons and pieces of fabric to check the resistance of the material to shedding during washing), shoe cleaning products, etc. Don't forget about medicines, supplies of hygiene products and paper towels, canned food and seams, sets of dishes and cutlery. Last subcategory in this section is a link between two last stages. We are talking about gifts. What is the connection?

Let me remind you that the last thing we will look at are things with sentimental overtones, which often include gifts.

Of course, I'm not talking about a coffee shop certificate given to you by your colleagues for your birthday. But before you get to the really hard stuff, look through all the gifts that never resonated with you. All these figurines, candles, notebooks and certificates for all sorts of girly training that don’t inspire you at all (for me it’s soap and cream making, for example). Isn't this all yours? Find those to whom it will bring joy. Perhaps these two figurines of pigs playing the accordion and violin are what your colleague needs to complete her collection, and learning to embroider with satin stitch is your classmate’s long-standing unspoken dream. Throw a cry - there will be people willing.

Well, of course, no one forbids throwing it away.

This is the last push. For many, dealing with sentimental items is more difficult than all the previous tons of clothes, books and broken TVs. There are too many experiences, joys, anxieties and triumphs contained in them. So, we pick up, one by one, all the letters, postcards, photographs, gifts, scraps of newspapers with hastily scribbled confessions, you never know what you keep there. Look carefully at each item and ask the good old and tired question, “Does this thing bring me joy?” So photographs of my first love disappeared from my life (I kept them for more than 15 years), incomprehensible declarations of love from random people, scraps of old life . Has it become easier? Definitely! Did I save anything? Letters that were written to me then by someone who was not yet my husband in those days when was an unaffordable luxury, and the Internet was turned on only after the fifth dial-up on the computer. Stay with me and Greeting Cards from grandfather. He sent them to every holiday. Then it seemed like a vestige of the Soviet past. And now every monogram, every word is like a second from the past. Now it seems to me a great idea to resume this tradition - sending colorful postcards by mail with a few sentences written in your own hand. This is certainly better and a hundred times more pleasant than the faceless “sr” left on the wall in your account.

Let's summarize. Have you achieved the goals you set at the very beginning? Has it become easier to breathe? Moving around the house? If you have taken before and after photos, please send them to us at [email protected]. Seeing our work bear fruit is the ultimate reward. For those who doubt whether they need this and are reading these lines, I will say one thing: “If you have read to the end, then go for it!” And let every day be better than the previous one!