How to create a simple table in Excel. Changing line height

There are several ways How create a table in Excel . Tables may be different - pivot table, simple Excel table with and without formulas, etc. Let's look at several types of tables and ways to create them.
First way.
How to make a table in Excel.
To create the simplest table, you need to select the required number of rows and columns and draw all the borders with the “All borders” icon on the “Home” -> “Font” tab.
Then we make the font of the headings and columns bold, and the outer borders of the heading row are made bold. Thus, we have selected a row with column headings.
Now at the bottom of the table in the cell under the “Name” list we write “Total:”, and in the cells on the right we set the formulas for calculating the amount.Here it is more convenient and faster to use the “AutoSum” function.How to set the autosum, see the article "Excel sheet tab "Formulas""" .
We got the sum for each column. Let's highlight these numbers in bold.
Now let's find out the difference between the sum of the columns called "2" and "3" and the column called "1". To do this, enter the formula.For more information about formulas, see the article “ How to write a formula in Excel."
The result was a difference of “-614”.
Now we want to find out what percentage of the sum of column “2” is the sum of column “3”. Enter the formula (see the picture in the formula bar).
It turned out “74.55%”
This is how you can create simple tables. Numbers and text, headings, summary data can be highlighted with font color or cell color, italics, etc. etc. See the article "Excel format".
Convenient for daily work in an Excel spreadsheet set current time and date to the table. See "T" current date in Excel".
Second way.
Insert Excel table.
You can make a table using Excel's Insert functions. See article "Excel worksheet tab "Insert"" .
Third way.
You can select cells with data and press the key combination Ctrl+T (English letter T on any layout).
Fourth way.
Pivot table in Excel.
How to make a pivot table, see the article "Excel Pivot Tables".
In an Excel table you can do any forms , programs. Look" How to make a form in Excel".
Using the table data, you can build a graph, diagram, etc. "How to make a graph in Excel."
You can configure the table so that, under certain conditions, the cells will be colored in different colors. For example, if the amount exceeds 10,000 rubles, the cell will be colored red. Read the article "Conditional Formatting in Excel".
You can insert rows and columns into a prepared Excel table. "How to add a row, column in Excel".
For information about these and other functions of an Excel table, see the sections of the site.
How to practically use an Excel table and an Excel graph, see the article "Practical application of a graph, Excel table".
How to practically create a table, see the example of a family budget table, read the article “Table “Home, family budget in Excel””.

Hi all! Today's material is for those who continue to master working with application programs and do not know how to make a pivot table in Excel.

Having created a general table in any of the text documents, you can analyze it by making pivot tables in Excel.

Creating an Excel pivot table requires meeting certain conditions:

  1. The data fits into a table with columns and lists with names.
  2. No unfilled forms.
  3. No hidden objects.

How to make a pivot table in excel: step-by-step instructions

To create a pivot table you need:

An empty sheet has been created, where you can see lists of areas and fields. The headers became fields in our new table. The pivot table will be formed by dragging fields.

They will be marked with a checkmark, and for ease of analysis you will swap them in the table areas.

I decided that I would do the data analysis through a filter by seller, so that it would be clear by whom and for what amount each month was sold, and what kind of product.

We choose a specific seller. Hold down the mouse and move the “Seller” field to the “Report Filter”. The new field is checked and the table view changes slightly.

We will put the “Products” category in the form of lines. We transfer the field we need to “Line titles”.

To display a drop-down list, it matters in what order we specify the name. If we initially make a choice in favor of a product in the lines, and then indicate the price, then the products will be drop-down lists, and vice versa.

The “Units” column, being in the main table, displayed the quantity of goods sold by a certain seller at a specific price.

To display sales, for example, for each month, you need to replace the “Date” field with “Column names”. Select the "Group" command by clicking on the date.

Specify the date periods and step. Confirm your choice.

We see such a table.

Let's move the "Amount" field to the "Values" area.

The display of numbers has become visible, but we need the number format

To correct this, select the cells by calling up the window with the mouse and selecting “Number Format”.

We select the number format for the next window and check “Digit group separator”. Confirm with the “OK” button.

Designing a Pivot Table

If we check the box that confirms the selection of several objects at once, we will be able to process data for several sellers at once.

The filter can be applied to columns and rows. By checking the box on one of the product types, you can find out how much of it was sold by one or more sellers.

Field parameters are also configured separately. Using the example, we see that a certain Roma seller in a specific month sold shirts for a specific amount. By clicking the mouse, in the line “Sum by field...” we call up the menu and select “Value Field Parameters”.

Next, to summarize the data in the field, select “Quantity”. Confirm your choice.

Look at the table. It clearly shows that in one month the seller sold 2 shirts.

Now we change the table and make the filter work by month. We transfer the “Date” field to the “Report Filter”, and where “Column Names” is, there will be “Seller”. The table displays the entire sales period or for a specific month.

Selecting cells in a pivot table will cause a tab to appear called “Working with Pivot Tables”, and there will be two more tabs “Options” and “Designer”.

In fact, you can talk about the settings of pivot tables for a very long time. Make changes to your taste, achieving a convenient use for you. Don't be afraid to push and experiment. You can always change any action by pressing the Ctrl+Z key combination.

I hope you have learned all the material and now know how to make a pivot table in Excel.

So, table in Excel, this is a rectangular area of ​​a worksheet in which each row represents a set of data, and in the cell at the intersection of that row and each column there is a unit of data. Each column is given a unique name. The table columns are called fields, and the lines are records. A table cannot have records that do not contain data in any field.

If you select a rectangular range of cells in an Excel worksheet, you can easily convert it into a table, and conversely, you can work with table records as if you were a regular range of cells.
You can use Excel functions and formulas in tables; in particular, you can insert a row (record) in which totals or subtotals are calculated.

  1. Select any cell containing data that will be included in the table.
  2. Select a tab from the menu ribbon Insert, in the opened group of commands Tables you need to select a team Table .

  1. A dialog box appears in which Excel automatically suggests data range boundaries for the table

If this range needs to be changed, just select the desired data range with the cursor.

Naming the table

By default, when you create an Excel table, it is assigned a standard name: Table1, Table2, etc. If there is only one table, then you can limit yourself to this name. But it is more convenient to give the table a meaningful name.

  1. Select a table cell.
  2. On the tab Constructor, in Group Properties enter a new table name in the field Table name press a key Enter.

The requirements for table names are similar to those for named ranges.

In the created table, you can change the color, font, type of borders, etc. Using formatting, you can make information easier to understand. You can make these changes yourself or choose a ready-made design style.

  1. Select a table cell.
  2. On the tab Constructor select the desired design in the group Table styles .

Calculations in tables

You can add an additional summary row to the table, which will contain the results of various functions applied to the data of some or all fields.
The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the tab Constructor in Group Table Style Options, choose Total line .

  1. In the new line that appears Bottom line select the field in which you want to process the data and select the desired function from the drop-down menu.

To enter new records at the end of the table, select the totals row and use the right mouse button. A context menu will appear, in it you need to select the item Insert. If you enter data into the new line that appears, it will automatically participate in the recalculation of the totals.

In order to reduce the time it takes to add rows to the table, you can disable the totals row and add new data from a new row. In this case, the table will automatically expand its range.

To carry out calculations and place the results in a new field, just enter the formula in one cell of this field. Excel will automatically multiply it across all cells of this field. If the Excel settings are set correctly, when you enter a formula, not cell addresses are written into it, but field names.

If instead of the field name on the screen, cell addresses are indicated in the formulas, you need to change the setting:

  1. Select tab File or button Office, depending on the version of Excel; then tab Options .
  2. In chapter Formulas, in Group Working with formulas, mark the item Use table names in formulas .

Converting a table to a regular range

When working with tables, along with the advantages, there are a number of restrictions: you cannot merge cells, you cannot add subtotals, etc. If the table's calculations are complete and all you need is the data from it and perhaps some styling, the table can be quickly converted to a regular data range.
To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. On the tab Constructor select group Service .
  2. Select tab Convert to Range .

  1. Click the button Yes .

Most users of Windows-based computer systems with Microsoft Office installed have certainly encountered the MS Excel application. For novice users, the program causes some difficulties in mastering, however, working in Excel with formulas and tables is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, if you know the basic principles embedded in the application.

What is Excel?

At its core, Excel is a full-fledged mathematical machine for performing many arithmetic, algebraic, trigonometric and other more complex operations, operating on several basic types of data, not always related specifically to mathematics.

Working with Excel tables involves using broader capabilities by combining calculations, plain text, and multimedia. But in its original form, the program was created precisely as a powerful mathematical editor. Some, however, at first mistake the application for some kind of calculator with advanced capabilities. The deepest delusion!

Working in Excel with tables for beginners: first acquaintance with the interface

First of all, after opening the program, the user sees the main window, which contains the main controls and tools for work. In later versions, when the application starts, a window appears asking you to create a new file, called “Book 1” by default, or select a template for further actions.

Working with Excel tables for beginners at the first stage of getting to know the program should come down to creating an empty table. Let's look at the main elements for now.

The main field is occupied by the table itself, which is divided into cells. Each is numbered, thanks to two-dimensional coordinates - the row number and the letter designation of the column (for example, we take Excel 2016). This numbering is necessary so that in the dependency formula it is possible to clearly identify exactly the data cell on which the operation will be performed.

At the top, as in other office applications, is the main menu bar, and just below is the toolkit. Below it there is a special line in which formulas are entered, and a little to the left you can see a window with the coordinates of the currently active cell (on which the rectangle is located). At the bottom there is a sheet panel and a horizontal movement slider, and below it there are buttons for switching views and scaling. On the right is a vertical bar for moving up/down across the sheet.

Basic types of data entry and simple operations

At first, it is assumed that a novice user will master working in Excel with tables using operations familiar to him, for example, in the same text editor Word.

As usual, you can copy, cut or paste data in the table, enter text or numeric data.

But the input is somewhat different from that produced in text editors. The fact is that the program is initially configured to automatically recognize what the user writes in the active cell. For example, if you enter the line 1/2/2016, the data will be recognized as a date, and the simplified date - 02/01/2016 - will appear in the cell instead of the entered numbers. Changing the display format can be quite simple (we'll get into that a little later).

The same is true with numbers. You can enter any numeric data, even with an arbitrary number of decimal places, and they will be displayed in the form in which everyone is accustomed to seeing them. But, if an integer is entered, it will be presented without the mantissa (decimal places in the form of zeros). You can change this too.

But after finishing data entry, many novice users try to move to the next cell using the keyboard arrows (similar to how you can do this in Word tables). And it doesn't work. Why? Yes, only because working with Excel tables differs quite significantly from the Word text editor. The transition can be accomplished by pressing the Enter key or by placing the active rectangle on another cell using the left mouse click. If you press the Esc key after writing something in the active cell, the entry will be canceled.

Actions with sheets

Working with sheets should not cause any difficulties at first. On the panel below there is a special button for adding sheets, after clicking on which a new table will appear with automatic transition to it and setting a name (“Sheet 1”, “Sheet 2”, etc.).

By double clicking you can activate the renaming of any of them. You can also use the right-click menu to bring up an additional menu that has several basic commands.

Cell formats

Now the most important thing is the cell format - one of the basic concepts that determines the data type that will be used to recognize its contents. You can edit the format through the right-click menu, where the corresponding line is selected, or by pressing the F2 key.

The window on the left shows all available formats, and on the right shows options for displaying data. If you look at the date example shown above, "Date" is selected as the format and the right side is set to the desired appearance (for example, February 1, 2016).

To carry out mathematical operations, you can use several formats, but in the simplest case we will choose numeric. On the right there are several input types, an indicator for the number of decimal places in the mantissa, and a field for setting the thousand separator. Using other number formats (exponential, fractional, monetary, etc.), you can also set the desired parameters.

By default, automatic data recognition is set to the general format. But when you enter text or several characters, the program can spontaneously convert it into something else. Therefore, to enter text for the active cell, you need to set the appropriate option.

Working in Excel with formulas (tables): example

Finally, a few words about formulas. And first, let's look at an example of the sum of two numbers located in cells A1 and A2. The application has an automatic summation button with some additional functions (calculation of arithmetic average, maximum, minimum, etc.). It is enough to set the active cell located in the same column below, and when you select an amount, it will be calculated automatically. The same works for horizontally located values, but the active cell for the amount must be set to the right.

But you can enter the formula manually (working with Excel tables also implies this possibility when automatic action is not provided). For the same amount, you should put an equal sign in the formula bar and write the operation in the form A1+A2 or SUM(A1;A2), and if you need to specify a range of cells, use this form after the equal sign: (A1:A20), after which it will be The sum of all numbers located in cells from the first to the twentieth inclusive is calculated.

Building graphs and diagrams

Working with Excel tables is also interesting because it involves the use of a special automated tool for constructing dependency graphs and diagrams based on selected ranges.

For this purpose, there is a special button on the panel, after clicking on which you can select any parameters or the desired view. After this, the chart or graph will be displayed on the sheet as a picture.

Cross-links, data import and export

The program also allows you to establish links between data located on different sheets, use it on files of a different format or objects located on servers on the Internet, and many other add-ons.

In addition, Excel files can be exported to other formats (for example, PDF), copied data from them, etc. But the program itself can open files created in other applications (text formats, databases, web pages, XML- documents, etc.).

As you can see, the editor's capabilities are almost unlimited. And, of course, there is simply not enough time to describe them all. Only the basics are given here, but the interested user will have to read the background information to master the program at the highest level.

A table created in a program such as Excel can store a large amount of varied data. These could be bills for the purchase of some things, expenses spent on utility bills, and so on. Thus, without unnecessary errors, a person can control the family budget using software tools provided free of charge.

Now, the time has come when the age of advanced technology is developing at a rapid speed. Recently it became known that many citizens have already created tables at least once. Consequently, many people have been familiar with programs that can easily help you create tables. But, a large number of members of the public give their own preference to tables created in programs from Microsoft Office. Earlier, it became known that a ready-made solution such as Word was used, but it is significantly inferior in functionality to Microsoft Excel, so now we will consider in detail how the process of creating a table occurs, and what tools are needed for this.

Creating a table in Excel.

As it turned out, you can create a table in this utility using two common methods. The first is based on creating a table using available ready-made templates, and the second involves inserting a special object.

How is an element inserted?

At the very beginning, it is necessary to select the area on the required sheet that will be necessary for our future table. Here you need to count the number of required cells; they can be either empty or filled. Next, you need to select the section called “Tables”, it is located in the “Insert” tab.

There is a tip to easily cope with this action, you can use a hotkey combination by first pressing CTRL+L and then CTRL+T.

If there is data in the selected range of cells that you want to use in table headers, then you need to check the box next to “Table with headers.”

If there is no check mark next to this item, it means that standard values ​​will be indicated. And to correct this situation, you just need to enter the desired text.

If there is no need to display headers at all, you can simply turn them off without any problems.

When the table is created, the following section will appear with the title “Working with tables”. It is thanks to the menu that appears that any person will be free to enter various adjustments into the table he created.

Editing information that is in the table.

It turned out that now you can edit any information that will be located in your table, and for this you will not need to make any decisions, everything will look colorful, and no special problems will arise.

To perform the necessary actions, you need to do only 3 manipulations.

Select the required number of cells. Go to the “Home” tab and find the menu item called “Styles”; by opening this menu, find the “Format as table” function and click on it.

Transferring an existing table.

First, you need to click the mouse button in any part of the created table; this will display the “Designer” tab, which is located in the “Working with Tables” menu.

After the tab we need has been opened, we need to find a line in it called “Service”, and a little later find “Convert to range”.

If you do everything in the reverse order, your table will not work correctly, arrows, headers, and so on will begin to disappear. Everything will seem so terrible that you will want to delete the entire, finished, working project.

Provided that the table has been created, and you again need a range of data, you can return everything to normal by clicking on the “Cancel” button; it looks like a reverse arrow in the editor.

Deleting an existing table.

Having figured out how to create a table, many still do not know how to subsequently work with it, and how to, for example, “Delete” it. As it turns out, you don't need to be an expert to delete a table, you just need to perform some basic steps.

First, you need to select the entire table using your own mouse, or the CTRL+A key combination (provided that there is only one table in the document) and click on the Delete (Backspace) button. After the next update, it became possible to delete a table using the “Cancel” button.

Working with Smart Tables.

Excel became famous not only because of such tables, because they can be created in Worde, in fact, this software was remembered by many people due to the fact that it began to include the ability to create “Smart Tables”. Now, each person can create, for example, a table where the readings of water or light will be entered, and the table will automatically calculate everything, and then display the final result. Few people know about this functionality, and if they do, they simply have no idea how it can be used.

In order not to get confused, it is necessary to use special formulas, as well as adhere to the basic rules available in the world.

In each column, a separate column must have its own name.

Empty names should not be left in the finished table, because this can harm the calculation formula.

Each table should not include heterogeneous data.

There is no need to merge table cells unless there is a need to do so.

There is no need to touch cells that are located outside the table itself. Using these simple rules, you can gain basic skills that make it easy to understand how to work in Excel. Many significant problems occur; the user must decide how he will interact with the tables to achieve the final result.