How to remove a non-breaking space in Word. Non-breaking space

Working with text information, you've probably had to deal with the difficulties of formatting text borrowed from other sources. And in order to bring it to a common style, it is necessary to get rid of the undesirable format. I have already written about how to correctly save text from various sources, for example, in an article about or. But sometimes clearing formatting does not give the desired result, since the text may contain non-printable characters: spaces, hyphens, tabs, end of paragraph, breaks, non-breaking space in Word and others. These could be the reason why the text is not aligned, or each line starts as a paragraph, or the text takes up part of the page and jumps to the next.

We turn on the display mode of paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols with the button (PI sign) on the tab home In chapter Paragraph(Ctrl+Shift+8 or ALT+I+8)

To make it easier to understand, let's analyze the text in the mode of displaying non-printable characters and look at how to remove a non-breaking space in Word using an example.

Removing a non-breaking space

We turn on the hidden character mode with the combination Ctrl keys+Shift+8 or on the Home tab in the Paragraph section, click the button that looks like the PI sign.

In the figure, unbroken spaces are underlined with a red line; they are indicated by empty circles. You can delete such a character by highlighting it and pressing the normal space bar on the keyboard. In a short document, this operation is easy to do, but if the text is voluminous, then automation is necessary.

Non-breaking space - special sign, which prevents the character or word immediately following from being hyphenated without a preceding word. Set by key combination Ctrl+Shift+Space

Let's replace non-breaking spaces throughout the text. Using hotkeys Ctrl+H or tab home in the editing section press the command Replace.

Now in the window that opens, you just need to indicate what to replace and with what. But the problem is that a non-breaking space is a non-printing character and you won’t be able to specify it for searching as a simple character. What to do?

Press the button More and get additional functionality. Now click on the field Find so that the text cursor blinks exactly there. Click the button at the bottom of the window Special and choose Non-breaking space.

Now in the field Find a combination of characters corresponding to a non-breaking space will be inserted. Let's move on to the field Replace and press the key once Space. All initial data is specified, we proceed to replacement by pressing a button Replace all.

If all of the above was done correctly, you will see a message like this.

As you can see, friends, this technique can also be used to replace other non-printable characters. I hope you find this information useful.

Table of non-printing characters for the Find field

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MS Word program automatically transfers to new line, when we reach the end of the current one. In place of a space at the end of a line, a kind of text break is added, which in some cases is unnecessary.

So, for example, if you need to avoid breaking any whole structure consisting of words or numbers, a line break added by using a space at the end of the line will clearly be a hindrance.

To avoid an unwanted break in the structure, at the end of the line, instead of a regular space, you need to set a non-breaking space. Exactly how to put a non-breaking space in Word and we'll talk below.

After reading the text in the screenshot, you probably already understood how to add a non-breaking space, but using the example of this screenshot you can clearly show why such a symbol is needed at all.

As you can see, the key combination written in quotes is split into two lines, which is undesirable. Alternatively, you can, of course, write it without spaces, this will eliminate the line break. However, this option is not suitable for all cases; moreover, using a non-breaking space is a much more effective solution.

1. To set a non-breaking space between words (symbols, numbers), place the cursor in the space space.

Note: A non-breaking space must be added instead of a regular space, not together with/next to it.

2. Press the keys “Ctrl+Shift+Space(space)”.

3. A non-breaking space will be added. Consequently, the structure located at the end of the line will not be broken, but will remain entirely in the previous line or will be transferred to the next one.

Repeat if necessary similar action to set non-breaking spaces in the indents between all components of the structure that you want to prevent from breaking.

If you turn on the hidden character mode, you will see that the regular and non-breaking space characters are visually different.

Actually, we can end this. From this short article, you learned how to create a non-breaking space in Word, as well as in what cases it may be needed. We wish you success in learning and using this program and all its features.

Type mathematical equations in Word or functions will not be difficult. Only the cursor reaches the end of the line and moves to next line, how a problem appears, since a rupture of a certain integral structure occurs, which cannot be allowed. Making a non-breaking space in Word will take a little time. Below are several ways you can use a non-separated space character.

Non-breaking space using a keyboard shortcut

To make a non-breaking space, you need to use the following key combination “Shift + Ctrl + Space”, where “space” is a space on the keyboard.

You must press the key combination “Shift + Ctrl + Space” after each character, then required function will be written and moved to the next line and will be a complete composition. For an example, look at the picture below.

The picture below shows an option; if you use the usual “space” sign, the text fragment will lose its integrity and stretch to the second line, which is very unsightly and incorrect.

How do you know if there is a non-separated space character?

Go to the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” subsection and turn on the “ Hidden symbols" Refer to the picture below.

This icon will appear throughout the text, in places where there is a space. Knowing this feature, you can remove it or put it in in the right place non-breaking space. The text where there is an unbroken gap is very neat. The main thing is that the non-breaking space performs the main task.

With a simple space, there will be dots between words; in the case of a non-breaking space, circles in the form of a degree sign will be indicated. If suddenly the phrase does not fit into one line, then use the “Hidden Symbols” button to check, which will show whether non-separated spaces are included everywhere.

Non-breaking space using the More Characters feature

You can add a non-breaking space using:

You can also remember the sign code “202F” for the future; it will work when you press the key combination Alt+X (x - in English).

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you have landed on this page, it means you often work with documents and, in particular, encounter some task in the program Microsoft Word. In this article, let's look at not very complex tasks page formatting - how to create a page break in Word, what a non-breaking space is and how to remove a forced page break.

When typing documents, the Word program automatically inserts a page break based on the specified print margin width parameters. As soon as you go beyond these parameters, Word inserts special character page break. But very often, for normal formatting and giving the document a readable appearance, it is necessary to manually insert a break exactly in the place where it is logically justified.

There is nothing complicated about this operation and in all versions it is done almost the same way. Place the cursor where you want to start new page(insert forced break). I use Microsoft version Word 2013, but by analogy you can do this in any previous and subsequent versions.

  1. Place the cursor in the place where you want to force the page to break.
  2. In the tabs (or in the menu if you are using early versions) click on the "INSERT" tab
  3. Click on PAGES if you have a narrow screen and this menu area is collapsed for better display.
  4. Select Page Break.

The location where the cursor was will now be the beginning of the next page.

If you noticed the image below or read the annotation when inserting, you may have noticed a keyboard shortcut for this operation. If you use the gap often, I recommend memorizing it and using it for more speed dial text. You placed the cursor in the right place or while typing you simply pressed Ctrl+Enter and got a gap.

Inserting a break between paragraphs

In addition to inserting a break, you can use the function to prevent inserting a page break for a specific paragraph. This option tells Word not to wrap the lines of a given paragraph to another page when editing a document. The program will move the entire paragraph to next page rather than one or more lines.

To prevent inserting a paragraph break:

  1. Select the required paragraph or simply place the cursor inside this paragraph.
  2. Go to the “PAGE LAYOUT” tab.
  3. Click on the “Paragraph Options” link

It will open the parameters of this selected paragraph. Go to the “Page Position” tab and check the “do not break paragraph” checkbox. Click OK.

Check the box “do not break paragraph”

In the same way, you can prevent the program from separating certain paragraphs that follow each other. In this case, the program, just like with one paragraph, will transfer the entire group to the next page. To set this property:

  1. Select the necessary paragraphs, or if you need to link one paragraph to the next one, just select one.
  2. Go to the PAGE LAYOUT tab
  3. Click on the Paragraph Options link

In the “Page Position” tab, check the “Keep with the next” option and OK.

How to remove a forced break

Please note that deletion is only possible " Forced break", i.e. the one that was installed by you or another user of the document.

To remove a forced partition:

  1. On the “HOME” tab, click on “Display all signs”.
  2. The program will display all hidden and service symbols.
  3. Select the Page Break checkbox and remove it.

A non-breaking space allows you to avoid a situation where there are two words in the text that, when they get to the end of the page, are broken line by line. A non-breaking space tells the program not to wrap one of the words, but to move both words to the next line.

First, turn on the display of all characters (try to get used to typing this way in the future, it will greatly simplify the process). In order to add a non-breaking space, while typing, instead of simply pressing the space bar, press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Space. If you look at the image below, you will see that a normal space is represented by a simple dot, and a non-breaking space is represented by a circle. In the same image in the first paragraph, I put a regular space between the words “put” and “your” and the program moved the second word to the next line. In the second paragraph, between the same two words, I put a non-breaking space and both words were moved to the next line.

Difference between a simple space and a non-breaking space

In Word or any other office application. This element, although not so often, is still used in the same word processor from Microsoft. This is what we will talk about in the future.


Non-breaking space in Word and not only can be set in the following ways:

  • By using special combination keys
  • Using special ASCII code.
  • Using the program menu.
  • Using the clipboard.

This symbol itself is normal mode the set is not visible. It can only be noticed in the mode for displaying non-printable characters, which is activated by the corresponding button on the toolbar.

Keyboard combination

This is the easiest way to type a non-breaking space in Word. The keyboard shortcut allows you to in this case easy and quick to type this symbol. The dialing order in this case is as follows:

  • Place the input cursor at the location where the given character is typed.
  • Hold down the Ctrl and Shift function keys at the same time and, without releasing them, press the space bar.
  • After this, we release all the keys at the same time and get a non-breaking space in the text.

We use ASCII codes

Any character can be entered using a special ASCII code in the input field word processor from Microsoft. The Gap is no exception in this regard. The input algorithm in this case is as follows:

  • We set the input pointer in the required place using the manipulator or cursor keys.
  • Switch to English language entering text using the same manipulator on the language bar.
  • We press the functional Alt key on the left side of the keyboard.
  • We sequentially type the key combination 2-4-8 (this is the ASCII code of this character).

After the manipulations have been done, this particular symbol should appear.

Using the menu

You can also add a non-breaking space in Word using the menu. To do this, place the input cursor at the typing location. In the menu, go to the “Insert” tab for “Office 2007” and later versions of this software product or select the “Insert” menu item for “Office 2003” and later versions of this software. Then we find the “Symbol” item and click on it with the left mouse button. In Office 2007 and later versions of this software The Symbol item is usually located on the right edge of the display. In the menu that opens, find the non-breaking space, select it and press the “Insert” button. All these manipulations are performed using the mouse or the cursor and tab navigation keys, which allows you to switch between various elements user interface.

The situation in the Microsoft Office 2013 package

Most a difficult situation with how to put a non-breaking space in Word, in latest versions of this software - "Office 2013". The usual key combination specified earlier does not function in it by default. Therefore, when you first launch this software, it is recommended to change it basic settings. To do this, go to the “Insert” menu or tab and find the “Symbol” item on it. In the “Character code” field, enter the combination 202F (this is the hexadecimal code of this character). After this, the system will automatically find a non-breaking space. Then click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts” button and after that in the window that opens, set the key combination we are familiar with for this character. Save changes made using the “Assign” button. In the future, when entering text, if you need to type this character, you only need to simultaneously press the usual combination of two function keys and a space - that's all.

Another universal way

Another way to enter a non-breaking space is to use a non-breaking space. In this case, the procedure is as follows:

  • We find this symbol anywhere and select it using the mouse. For example, on the Internet on any website.
  • We use the key combination Ctrl + C to add the non-breaking space character to the clipboard.
  • Next, go to the application in which you need to insert this character, and place the cursor at the input location.
  • Then click Ctrl combination+ V. After this, the copied symbol should be inserted into our document.

Be that as it may, the easiest way to insert a non-breaking space in Word is to use a special key combination. This is what is recommended to be used in practice.