How to install a mailbox on a computer. How to create an email account and send a letter

In the 21st century, electronic Mailbox, because without it it is impossible to register in any social network or other services. There are several ways to create an email account on the Internet.

How to create an email in Yandex

You can create your mailbox on different hosting sites: Google, Yandex, Rambler, Mail and others. They all provide free services. One of the most popular services– Yandex mail, which provides users with 20 GB of memory for their mailbox. Advantages of Yandex:

  • thoughtful interface down to the smallest detail;
  • convenient email filtering system;
  • presence of a built-in translator;
  • high resource security;
  • spam protection.

As for the disadvantages of Yandex mail, users note the limitation of mailbox sizes and the difficulty of setting up receiving letters via client programs. How to create mail on this resource:

  1. Go to Yandex, click the “Register in mail” button.
  2. Fill in the fields that appear: First Name, Last Name, Login.
  3. The system will then ask you to create a password and Secret Question.
  4. When filling out the data you are asked to indicate mobile number, but this is optional.
  5. To confirm, enter the captcha in the appropriate box, accept the terms of the agreement and use your email.

Create a mailbox on

This email is a production Google Corporation. She has a very user-friendly interface, and in terms of capabilities it is far ahead of its competitors. The most big advantage – groups emails into folders and organizes them. The security of the service remains high. The Google resource also provides:

  • the ability to link email to phone;
  • sending an access code via SMS;
  • complete absence of spam;
  • two-factor authentication and much more.

The disadvantage of is the small amount of memory for storing letters - only 15 GB, which users have to share with Google Drive.

You can create a mailbox on the service like this:

  1. Go to Gmail, select “Create an account.”
  2. Enter the requested data in the registration sheet that appears.
  3. If filled in correctly, the system will immediately go to the “Login” dialog box.
  4. Immediately on email will come information messages to set up your Gmail profile.

Register your email on Rambler

This is one of the oldest Internet services, which was originally used as a search engine, and then became a large media portal with great capabilities. mail allows you to send to its users, in addition to letters, a variety of multimedia files (photos, videos, audio). Among the advantages of the service is a warning about the presence of a virus in a received or sent file and best level antivirus security. The big minus of Rambler mail is small size box - only 2 GB.

How to create an e-mail on

  1. Go to the website, find the mail login form.
  2. You can register a mailbox in 2 ways: through social media or by standard procedure.
  3. For the second option, you need to fill out the proposed fields with your data, and then click “Register”.
  4. After confirmation of registration, the mailbox can be used.

Registration on

Another popular service for creating email. Free email in the browser has many advantages:

  • simple and convenient interface;
  • the ability to collect letters from all user mailboxes;
  • reliable protection about scammers;
  • unlimited memory capacity, increasing as emails accumulate;
  • cloud storage for 25 GB of disk space.

Mail on has one drawback - it’s not very successful system spam filtering (spam cutting). Otherwise, it is very well thought out, connected to many services and games, which is why it is popular in Russia and a number of other countries. Registering a mailbox is simple:

  1. Go to the domain, select the “Mail registration” column.
  2. In the tab, enter the required personal information and create a Login.
  3. Two protocols are used to receive mail: POP3 and IMAP, select the one you need.
  4. Next, you will be asked to enter a password, select one of the services -, or - and complete registration.

How to create mail on an IOS phone

If you have a smartphone from Apple Most users register the built-in iCloud mailbox after the first activation. If this does not happen or you need to connect another e-mail, you can do it manually:

  1. Open the settings of your iOS smartphone, then find the sections “Mail, Calendar, Contacts” - “Add” account».
  2. Find the one you need in the list of providers (Mail, Gmail, Rambler, Yandex and others).
  3. Enter the requested registration information.
  4. Wait for the box to connect.

Registration on a mobile device with Android

Create mail on any mobile device from Android it is possible only for the Google service. In all other cases, it means adding an existing one to the gadget. email address. To create your e-mail in Google system You will first need to register an account, then complete the following actions:

  1. Open the device settings, find the “Accounts” section.
  2. Click the "Add" line, then select Google.
  3. Create a new e-mail or enter an existing one by clicking the appropriate button.
  4. In the window that opens, enter the requested data, create an email address and password.
  5. After accepting the terms of use of this service you can use your mailbox from your mobile device.


Create your own email

Hello. In this post we will discuss in detail how creating an email is completely free.

In general, let's set up a mailbox on the Internet. It is needed to receive and send letters. It is very convenient and quick way correspondence with the right person or company at any distance.

So, let's start creating mail

We will create it on the well-known search service, that is, on Yandex. This is the largest Russian (Russian) search service, it is completely reliable and nothing bad can be said about its services.

Also, in addition to the fact that you will receive free email, you will also have access to storage space for files on Yandex. This is the so-called cloud file storage, but more on that later.

Let’s go to the website, in your browser, since I’m in Belarus, it’s, there’s no difference.

So we came in. Right in top corner We see a form for logging in to your mail.

Since we are not registered here yet, it means we cannot log in.

We need to click “create a box” - click here.

We get to the registration page, here you need to enter your name, for us it is Dmitry, last name Vasiliev, login - any of your choice, only in English letters, you will also be offered an option or you can simply write down your mobile number here.

Next number mobile phone(this is very important, it is advisable to enter it, because if you lose your password or your mailbox is stolen, you can easily restore it from your phone, they don’t charge you money for this).

If you do not want or are not able to specify a phone number, then you will be asked to specify an additional secret word. In my case, this is my favorite movie character.

Click - create mail. Plus, in my case, a message appeared to enter verification characters (you may not have one), enter it and click continue.

That's it, we created an email inbox in just a few minutes. Now you can use it freely.

At the top left is a block that lists incoming and outgoing letters; to view them, click on them.

To write a letter, you need to click “write”, as in the image below:

At first it will be a little unusual and incomprehensible, but a few days of practice and you will be able to use mail as quickly and easily as possible.

Now about the bonus from Yandex - cloud storage

To the right of the “letters” tab there is a “disk” tab - this is 10 gigabytes free space here you are provided as a Yandex user.

You can upload any files up to 10 GB in size here for storage. It is very comfortable:

  • You can view them from anywhere you have Internet access.
  • Reliable storage, downloaded files will never be lost

This is how we created an email quickly and easily. Plus we received a huge bonus in the form of free space on the Internet where you can safely store any files.

That's all, thanks for your attention. Ask questions in the comments.

Creating and setting up email is a very trivial task and should not cause any difficulties, but users nevertheless continue to ask questions. Many of them have only recently acquired gadgets and are experiencing difficulties even in such seemingly basic tasks. Email on a mobile phone has become an integral part of the life of a modern business person. Task of this material- explain to newcomers to the Internet how to create an email on their phone and use it in the future.

Postal services

First, you need to decide which of the hundreds you want to register with. Among the popular ones are Gmail, Yandex All of the above have the same operating principle, without any special features.

The first thing you need to do is register your own mailbox, to do this you need to visit the official website of one of the postal services(this can be Google or Yandex, at your discretion) and go through a simple registration procedure.

In most cases, you will be required to provide the following information:

  1. First and last name.
  2. Login (name of your mailbox).
  3. Password.
  4. Cell phone number.

This basic set, it is possible that you will be asked to enter a spare box or information about your website, you may have to enter special code, confirming that you are human.

Once you fill out all the specified forms, you can breathe out - the box is ready.

How to create an email on an iOS phone?

The next step in setting up your mail is connecting it to your phone. If you are the owner of an iOS-based smartphone (gadgets from Apple), then you probably registered already the moment you turned it on for the first time. If so, then you already have your iCloud mailbox set up and ready to go. You can easily receive a letter from your phone. If this does not happen or you want to connect a different address, you will have to do it manually. For this:

  1. Go to “Settings > Mail, contacts, calendar > Add account.”
  2. We look for the provider you need in the list, for example Google.
  3. We enter the registration data and wait for the mailbox to connect.

If the list of providers does not contain what you need:

  1. Scroll down and select “Other > Add Mailbox.”
  2. Enter your registration details (your name, mailing address and password).
  3. On the next screen, enter your IMAP information. Let's look at the example of Yandex:
    • In the subcategory “Incoming mail server” enter;
    • In the subcategory “Outgoing mail server” enter

These details may vary depending on where the box was registered. In most cases, it will be enough to replace yandex with the name of your email service.

How to create an email on an Android mobile phone

In the case of Android, the principle is the same. After purchasing a new device and registering, you will receive an account Google entry, and with it the postal Gmail account. Therefore those who have passed this procedure, may no longer think about how to create an email on their phone. If you prefer manual setting or want to connect a mailbox other than Gmail, then first:

  1. Find the Mail app on your device.
  2. Click “Add a new account” (if you are offered IMAP and POP3, feel free to select IMAP).
  3. On next page provide registration details:
    • your mailbox address;
    • password;
    • data IMAP servers and SMTP;
    • port, information about which can be found on the official website of the mail provider in the “Help” section (for Yandex this is 993 for IMAP and 465 for SMTP).

Using third party email clients

The simplest and quick method When setting up mail, there will be a special download that will help you both create an email on your phone for free and use it to the fullest.

To find one, just visit one of the application stores, in the case of iOS it’s AppStore, in the case of Android it’s Google Play. In both of them you can find ones created for specific providers.

In most cases, these programs are designed as simply as possible and are ready to work from the moment they are launched. In addition, this option is perfect for those who do not yet have their own mailbox and are just about to start one.

A bunch of search engines and Internet services offer to create a free mailbox, each of which provides its own exceptional advantages, but not all can compare with email from Yandex.

Yandex mail provides the user with unlimited space for storing letters, various systems protection against viruses and malware, and also has intelligent anti-spam protection and allows you to access mail from almost all devices connected to the Internet.

Creating a mailbox

Nowadays, even a beginner can open a mailbox. Nowadays, many Internet services offer to create an email for free, and to create it, the user must come up with a unique email address and a complex password. The most popular email services are Yandex, Google, Microsoft and

Each of these email services provides web-based access in any browser, as well as email clients.

As you know, all of the companies described above have search services and also provide access to their other services. Therefore, by registering a free mailbox, you can gain access to all other services of these companies.

How to create an email on Yandex The first step to register mail in Yandex is to create a username and password. Creating a login must be done responsibly, as it must be simple and easy to read. Once registration is complete, your login can no longer be changed, and it will be permanently attached to your email address. For example, if your login is written “login” then your email address will look like this “”.

[email protected]

Creating a password should also be taken very seriously, otherwise your mailbox may be hacked by scammers. To avoid such a situation, you should come up with complex passwords

Complex passwords are quite difficult to remember, so passwords have been developed to store them. special programs, where one of them is “KeePass Password Safe”. In addition to storing passwords, the program provides a password generator, which allows you to quickly create a complex password.

Registration 1 step

After you have come up with a username and password, you should begin to directly create an electronic mailbox.

  1. To do this, you should go to the web address and click on the “Create a mailbox” button, after which you will be taken to the mail registration page.

  1. On the registration page, you must enter your first and last name, as well as the username and password you previously created. Also pay attention to the point " Security Question” and the data that you filled in there must be remembered; they may come in handy if you forget your password. After all the information has been entered, you need to click the “Register” button.

Registration step 2

After registration, you will be taken to the main web interface of the mailbox, where further setup of your account will be done in the “ window Quick setup mail” and in it you can set up your mailbox step by step.

  1. The first step is to set up labels, which will allow you to group your contacts with colored labels.

  1. The second step allows you to connect other accounts to your mailbox. This is done so that you can receive letters, for example, from in your Yandex mailbox.

  1. The third step will allow you to specify Additional information about yourself, and will also allow you to choose domain zone and upload a photo.

  1. The fourth step is final, which informs you that initial setup mail is completed. By clicking the “Done” button, you will be able to fully use mail through the web interface.

Mail setup

When you go to mail settings, you will see the following items:

  • sender information;
  • collecting mail from other mailboxes;
  • folders and tags;
  • mail processing rules;
  • safety;
  • mail programs;
    other parameters.

You can safely skip the first three points, since they were configured using initial stage in the “Quick mail setup” window. The “Mail processing rules” item will allow you to configure a black and white list of contacts.

For example, if you receive a lot of spam from certain addresses, then you can add them to the “Black List” and their letters will never reach your mailbox again. The white list is used to ensure that all emails sent by your colleagues and friends do not end up in the spam folder.

Item “Security” will give you the opportunity to replace Old Password new. In addition, you can specify additional addresses email and your phone to restore access if your mailbox is hacked. The visit log makes it possible to track from which IP addresses you accessed your mail.

Paragraph " Mail programs allows you to configure the protocol through which your program will collect mail. Yandex mail can use the POP protocol and the more modern IMAP, which is installed by default.

Item “Other parameters” configures the webmail interface and editing, as well as sending letters.

Video: creating mail

Collecting emails on your computer via The Bat

If you use mail for regular correspondence with friends and relatives or to register for some service, then a browser will be enough for these purposes. But when you use the mailbox on large company and process hundreds of emails every day, then this will be an indispensable assistant for you. mail client , installed on PC, where the most popular is!

The Bat What sets it apart from its competitors is increased security , speed of operation, support for all operating systems Windows systems

. Thanks to these qualities, the program is increasingly used in corporate environments, where security and speed are in the foreground. The Bat! - is an independent product that can configure work not only with email services, email service providers, but also with Microsoft servers

Exchange, which is extremely important in the business environment. The program covers an unlimited number of email boxes, processing and storing letters of a huge scale with provided means of automatic sorting and filtering of messages. In addition, the use of IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP protocols ensures secure communication with mail servers and supports cryptographic SSL protocols and TLS different versions

for interaction with the client of all mail services that use encryption of network traffic.

Installation and configuration

To install the program on your PC, you should download the client by going to the download page. After downloading the client, launch it and click “Next”. After that, accept the terms license agreement

and click the “Next” button. You will then be given the option to select a “Full” or “Custom” installation, and full installation

After selecting the components, a window will appear informing you that the program is ready for installation. Click the “Install” button and wait until it finishes.

After installation, launch the program. A window for creating a new mailbox will appear.

Enter your mailbox information and click “OK”. After this, you will be taken to the main menu of the program and will be able to fully use email on your computer.

Working with the program

To a user who is used to working with mail in a web interface, The Bat may seem like a rather complicated program, but this is not so, because creating and receiving letters in it is just as easy as in mail from a browser. To create a new message, you just need to go to the “Letter” tab and click the “Create” button. A new window will then open in which you can edit your letter.

Unlike webmail, email editing in The Bat is quite advanced. You can format text, check text for spelling, and encrypt emails using S/MIME, PGP and OpenPGP.

Receiving incoming letters is as easy as sending them; all you have to do is open the program and go to your inbox. The program also has an advanced protection system against viruses and various spyware. The Bat can check how graphic files, and executed by viruses. And if you received a letter with malicious file, then the client will definitely issue a warning.

If you use The Bat at work and other employees have access to your PC, then you can protect it by using a password to access your personal account.

To do this, go to the “Box” tab and click the “Password to access the mailbox” button One of the advantages of such a program is the use of autonomous address book

. It provides additional security since many formats have been subject to various attacks that result in data theft. The book is also compatible with many modern formats, which allows you to store not only mail data in it. Thanks to the use of plugins, providing additional protection

mail that can be created by developers, The Bat has gained additional popularity in the corporate environment. To summarize, we can say that an electronic mailbox is, which helps people communicate both at home and at work. As you can see from the article, even the most novice user can create an email. The use of email in our time remains very relevant, since this type of transmission is one of the main ones in the Internet world.

Nowadays, email is needed everywhere: making an appointment with a doctor, buying tickets online, registering on social networks. Therefore, I will tell you how to quickly and freely create a new mailbox on

Registering a mailbox on

To register, go to the website in address bar browser). A page will open with a special form in the upper left corner.

Start of registration in mail ru mail

Registering a new mailbox on

The page opens Registration. Nothing difficult to fill out registration form No. First name 1, last name 2, date of birth 3 are required, but no one will check whether you wrote honestly or not. You select your gender by switching button 4.

How to choose a mailbox name (mail address)

In the line Desired mailing address 5, options for email names will appear, compiled automatically, taking into account your first name, last name, and date of birth. You can choose from the list provided, or you can choose a good name yourself.

The name must be 4-31 characters. In addition to Latin (English) letters, you can use numbers, underscores (_), a period, or a hyphen (-), but the name of the mailbox cannot begin with these characters. Be prepared for the fact that the simple name you want to use is already taken and you will receive a response that “A mailbox with the same name already exists.”

You can choose a mailbox name in four domains:,,, Your email, depending on this, might look like this: The first step to register mail in Yandex is to create a username and password. Creating a login must be done responsibly, as it must be simple and easy to read. Once registration is complete, your login can no longer be changed, and it will be permanently attached to your email address. For example, if your login is written “login” then your email address will look like this “ , The first step to register mail in Yandex is to create a username and password. Creating a login must be done responsibly, as it must be simple and easy to read. Once registration is complete, your login can no longer be changed, and it will be permanently attached to your email address. For example, if your login is written “login” then your email address will look like this “, The first step to register mail in Yandex is to create a username and password. Creating a login must be done responsibly, as it must be simple and easy to read. Once registration is complete, your login can no longer be changed, and it will be permanently attached to your email address. For example, if your login is written “login” then your email address will look like this “, The first step to register mail in Yandex is to create a username and password. Creating a login must be done responsibly, as it must be simple and easy to read. Once registration is complete, your login can no longer be changed, and it will be permanently attached to your email address. For example, if your login is written “login” then your email address will look like this “.

If in the same domain beautiful name busy, then check in other domains. To do this, click on the domain that is visible in window 6 (in my example -, a list of four domains will open, and you select the one you like from the list. When you finish choosing the name of the mailbox, proceed to entering the password.

How to choose a strong password for your mailbox

If you are going to use e-mail for a long time and for serious purposes, then password 7 should be strong. Russian letters are not allowed. And while we love to use meaningful words, it's best not to. If your password is hacked, you will not only lose your emails, but it will also be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

The password must consist of at least 6 characters, but it should not consist of only numbers. It must contain english letters, numbers, and symbols (for example: $, %, #). Letters must be used, both lowercase and uppercase. As you type, hints will change to the right of the password: Not strong password , average password , strong password . Make sure your password is strong - then you can sleep peacefully!

To make sure that you entered the password correctly, in the next field 8, enter the same password again. After this, immediately write down your email account name and password in notebook before we forget!

Enter your mobile phone number

Field Phone 9 must be filled in in case you forget your password and cannot access your mailbox. Anticipate such a nuisance!

To do this, select your country from the drop-down list and enter your mobile phone number. Within a minute you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

Enter the confirmation code

Enter the Code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click Continue.

How to register a mailbox without a mobile phone?

If you do not want to indicate your mobile phone number, then click the link I don’t have a mobile phone 10. An additional field will open. Enter in this field additional email, if you have it, and click the Continue button. . In principle, you don’t have to specify anything, but keep in mind that if your password is hacked or lost, it will be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

When you register mail without a phone number, a window will appear in which you need to enter the code from the picture. For such cases, I keep a magnifying glass on hand. And, anyway, you have to click the link 2-3 times. I don’t see the code to update the picture to a more legible one!

Registration without a mobile phone

Have you entered the code? Now click the Continue button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. There you will receive 3 letters from the Team with congratulations and recommendations for working with email.

Although no! You'll see the contents of your new mailbox, but a setup window will appear in front of it.

Setting up your new mailbox on mail ru in 3 steps

So, I’m showing you how to quickly complete your mail setup.

Step 1. Upload a photo and create a signature

In the first step, a window will appear allowing you to upload your photo and create a signature that will be inserted into every email you send. After these steps, click the Save button. However, if you don’t have the photo at hand, and you haven’t decided on the signature yet, then click on the Skip button and you will find yourself on the next step.

Step 2. Select a theme for your mailbox

The second step is to choose a theme that will decorate your mailbox while you work with letters. Having selected the theme you like, click the Save button. You can click the Skip button - then all that remains is Classic theme. As I see, for most users, this is exactly what remains.

Step 3: Install mobile app

The third step suggests installing a mobile application from If you register on a smartphone, you can immediately press the button App Store or Google play(depending on your smartphone model) and install the application on your phone.

If you create a mailbox on a PC or laptop, then it’s okay! As soon as you have a smartphone, you can install the mail ru application and, using your login and password, link your email to this application.

Now click the Finish button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. Write and send your letters, receive and re-read letters from friends!

Mail mail registration - video tutorial on registering and setting up a mailbox

The video tutorial shows how to register an e-mail on the popular Mail ru mail server, Video 2017 from the Virtual Computer Academy

  1. Find the registration page in mail
  2. How to choose an email address name?
  3. Enter a strong password!
  4. We receive a confirmation code via SMS.
  5. We go to our mailbox.