How to show hidden files in Windows. Using Total Commander

IN operating system(OS) Windows there are so-called hidden folders and files that do not appear among public folders and files either on the computer’s hard drive or on various media(flash drives, external drives and so on.). However, it happens that the user needs to access them. How to open hidden folders in Windows? Let's consider several cases: with Windows XP, Windows 7, and also universal method with the program Total Commander– an excellent PC resource manager.

How to open hidden folders XP

This is done in two ways: through Windows Explorer and through the Control Panel. In the first case, double-left-click on “My Computer” (usually this shortcut is on the desktop) or press Win+E at the same time. Now in top menu select “Tools”, and then select “Folder Options”. In the window that opens, select “View” and find the “Show hidden folders and files” item there. Here click “Apply” and then “OK”. In the second case, open the “Start” menu (on the desktop in the lower left corner) and go to “Control Panel”, where you select the “Folder Options” section. Next, find the same items as in the first menu: “View” - “Show hidden...” - “Apply” - “OK”. That's all - now your hidden folders will be shown. I note that they will be displayed in the form of translucent icons so that they can be distinguished from publicly available ones. Usually this system files and you can change and delete them only if you know exactly what you are doing - otherwise, some programs, or even the entire system, may stop running, be sure to take this into account. Well, now let's talk about Windows 7, opening hidden folders, which is also not difficult, since the method of action is approximately the same, so we will describe only some differences.

How to open hidden folders in Windows 7

In “Seven” in the “Control Panel” there is a corresponding section called “Folder Options”, and an item in “Folder Options” - “Show hidden folders, files and drives”. If you want to do the same through Explorer, the top menu in Win 7 is not available by default, so you need to press Alt to turn it on. Now click “Tools”, then “Folder Options”, well, then everything is as usual. Well, as promised, a few words about Total Commander.

Opening access through Total Commander

Launch this program and select “Configuration” in the top menu, and then “Settings”. In the left part of the window, find the “Panel Contents” item; by clicking on it with the left mouse button, you will see a list of options in the right pane. In the top block, find the item “Display files” and check the box next to “Show hidden/system files”, then click “Apply” and “OK”. That's the whole simple procedure. Just remember that hidden folders and files must be handled very carefully. By the way, if you want to hide some information from prying eyes, you should not use this method, it is better to archive the data and protect it with a strong password, and the method of hiding folders is rather just for convenience.

The Windows operating system allows a huge variety of actions related to technical processes. Today we'll talk about hiding folders and files on your computer. About why this is done and how to find them.

Let's start with the fact that in some cases the concealment of certain documents is provided for by the developers of this system. By default, some important elements are hidden so that the user cannot accidentally delete them and damage the normal functioning of the system. Sometimes users hide them to hide them from extra eyes personal information or just important information. In any case, sometimes there is a need to find them, let's look at how to do this.

First you need to find the shortcut " My computer", in the window that opens, select the menu item " Arrange“Opening this menu, click on the section “ Folder and search options» and left-click.

After which a new window will open “ Folders settings". You need to go to the section " View", scroll the menu to the very bottom, where you will find the item " Hidden files and folders". Next, just switch to the point where hidden files will be shown, apply and click “ OK«.

All documents that are not displayed will be shown after this operation. They will stand out in a slightly duller color.

A similar operation needs to be repeated in Windows 8. First, you should open the same shortcut “ My computer“, and then find the checkbox at the top and open an additional section if it is not open by default.

In the menu that opens, select “ View" and click on the icon " Options«

In the window that appears, we repeat the same steps as in the previous algorithm, and you can also uncheck the “ Hide protected system files“if you need it for a specific purpose. After this, all non-displayed folders will become visible, but different in color.

Display in Windows 10

The actions are absolutely the same as in Windows 8, all sections and items are saved in their places, so there is no need to describe them.

It is much easier, in my opinion, to display hidden documents using third party program, for example, Total Commander. In the program find in top panel chapter " Configuration". In it select the item “ Settings«.

In the menu that opens, select the subsection “ Panel Contents" and then just check the boxes " Show hidden files" and, if necessary, " Show system files«.

Apply and click " OK". All documents are displayed, which is what we wanted.

It’s worth mentioning that the developers don’t just hide system elements. Removing, changing or damaging them can lead to failures and errors in the system, so you should treat them with special care and caution. If you are trying to find hidden files on someone else's computer, a moral question arises. The user hid these files for a reason, which means viewing them is wrong - respect everyone’s privacy.

To save confidential information PC users often use the hiding function. An attribute is set in the settings of folders (files) that hides them from prying eyes. If option , 7, 8 is enabled, then invisible objects will become visible and they will have a pale tint.

While on someone else's computer, you will probably want to search for classified information, for example, find out where private photos or videos, secret documents and other information of interest. In the instructions, we'll see how to find a hidden folder on a computer in Windows 7, (10, 8) via standard means OS (on the desktop and in Explorer), specialized software.

Search for hidden elements using standard OS tools

To search for hidden folders (files) in Windows, you need to enable their display. For eight and ten, follow these steps:

For seven, do this:

Note: The Folder Options window is also available in Windows 10, 8. In Explorer, click Options on the View tab.

Open File Explorer, if required, go to required section hard drive(for example drive C) or the desired directory, since the search works where you are. To find hidden files and folders in Windows, place your cursor in the search area. Enter part or all of the name and wait until the search ends. Windows 10, 8 has a lot of filters: size, type, modification date, and others.

Windows 7 also has a set of filters, but it is more limited: modification date, size. In addition to entering the name, you can use a construction like: *.docx or similar. This way you will find all the files Microsoft office Word. The logic should be clear. Pay attention only to pale elements.

Finding hidden objects through programs

Exist special programs for searching and processing invisible directories and files. These applications include: Find Hidden, Hidden File Finder, which we will consider below.

Find Hidden is a portable, free software that allows you to quickly find hidden folders (as well as files) on your Windows computer. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the program. Extract from the archive.
  2. Run executable file, wait. Accept license agreement by pressing ACCEPT.
  3. In the System Tools setting, select the type of elements you are looking for, these are regular objects and system protected ones.
  4. Specify the search location (for example, drive C). Choose what to find: files (Hidden Files Only) or folders (Hidden Directories Only). If the Hidden Files Only search mode is selected, you can specify a specific extension, size, and date (created, modified, opened). In Hidden Directories Only search mode, you can set the date. After setting the parameters, click on Search.
  5. The program will start searching for invisible Windows elements. You will see how many objects have been scanned and how many invisible ones have been found. A list of folders (files) with their descriptions will appear in the window. After a complete scan of the directory, you can do various operations with hidden files, folders by right-clicking: view properties, location, change attributes and more.
    Hidden File Finder is free program For quick scan and detecting all invisible objects in Windows system. To find hidden folders (files) in Windows, follow these steps:

    These are the ways you can find a hidden folder on your computer in Windows 10 (7, 8) or required file. The first method is suitable if you know what you are looking for, and the second gives full list all invisible elements, which makes it easier to find the information you need.

Good day, dear visitors of the blog site. Our topic today is about Windows, let's answer the question - .

Inexperienced users personal computers, switching to Windows 7, they encounter problems when working with the new interface. This is due to the fact that they tried to simplify shell management as much as possible.

Some controls have disappeared from the usual appearance for Windows users XP. Many users, for example, do not understand how to display or, conversely, hide some files and folders. I will try to explain how this can be done quickly enough, taking less than a minute.

There are several options for how to open access to hidden files and folders in Windows 7.

First option

Second option

It's very similar to the first one. The way to display "Folder Options" is different here:

The third option is easier than the second

  1. We also get through the Start menu to the Control Panel.
  2. Above below address bar you will find a toggle for “View: Category”. Click on it and select the “Large Icons” option.
  3. In the alphabetical list of shortcuts we find the “Folder Options” icon
  4. Now we find ourselves in the window we are already familiar with, where we select the “View” tab. Scroll down the parameters. Select "Show hidden files". Confirm your actions with the “Ok” button.

After all the manipulations will be available to you invisible files and folders, both on the hard drive and on the flash drive. To hide files or folders again, you need to disable this option by unchecking this box in the additional options and remember to click “Apply” and “OK”.

These are the methods and options for opening and hiding folders on Windows 7 that we looked at, I hope the article was useful to you, if so, then share it with your friends.

They complain about not understanding how to display hidden files in this OS. There may be several solutions to this problem, and in this article I would like to discuss this issue in more detail and determine options for eliminating this problem. So, let's deal with the question of how to show hidden windows files 7 quickly and effortlessly.

Option 1: Folder Options

The name, of course, is arbitrary, but it’s easier to navigate. The first thing you need to do is go to “My Computer”. After that on the left top corner Click on “Arrange”, and then click on “Folder Options”.

In the window that opens, select the “View” tab, after which you will see all kinds of Extra options. Among them you need to find “Hidden files and folders” and check the box next to “Show hidden files, folders and drives” and click “OK”.

Option 2: design and personalization

In principle, this method is almost identical to the previous one, but there are still differences. Go to the start menu, then to “Control Panel”, and then to “”.

To activate the show hidden function windows folders 7, find in this menu the corresponding option. Next, the “Folder Options” window will open, and then do everything in the same way as was written in option 1.

Option 3: File Manager

There is also another option to open hidden folders in Windows 7 - use file manager. This can be any application, I will choose Total Commander as an example. But before you turn it on, you need to first go to the settings and do this: look for the “Configuration” menu, then “Settings”. After that, find the “Panel Contents” tab and make the “Show hidden/system files” line active.

That's all, click "OK" and view your hidden files. By the way, Total Commander is better take it into account, it really is useful program. It will also come in handy if you often deal with external media, especially strangers. For example, a virus, and more than one, may be disguised in a colleague’s flash drive, but with this program it will immediately become visible.

I think after reading this article you will be able to quickly find your hidden folders. The article describes three ways to do this, so try it and choose the one that appeals to you most.

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