How to enter the router settings, and what to do if the settings do not open. How to configure D-Link routers: basic sequence of actions

A router (also known as a router) is, according to Wikipedia, a specialized network computer that has at least one network interface and forwards data packets between different network segments, connecting heterogeneous networks of different architectures, making forwarding decisions based on information about the network topology and certain rules, specified by the administrator. More to the point in simple language, then we usually use a router to create a network between computers, as well as so that they have the opportunity to access the network. True, this mostly applies to offices. At home, the router connects to one computer and actually works as an Internet Wi-Fi device.

In order to properly configure the router, you need to use its interface. Many users don’t even know how to get into this very interface. This is exactly what I want to talk about today. By the way, this issue is active on the pages of the site, but I decided to include it in a separate article. So to speak, for convenience.

For my example, I will use the D-Link Dir-300 router - this is one of the most common models on the market, so I decided to write an article specifically around this device. But in fact, it’s not so important what brand your router is, be it TP Link, ASUS, Zyxel, Upvel or any other. They all work using the same algorithm, which means there will be minimal (if any) differences in the procedure I'm describing.

Instructions for use

The first step is to plug the device into a power outlet. Then on its back wall we find a panel for connecting wires.

We take the cable included in the kit (usually it is of blue color) and insert one end of it into the network card on your computer or laptop, and the other end into one of the LAN ports on the router (not Ethernet!). Now on the device itself, in addition to the POWER LED, the LED with the inscription LAN should light up. It is possible that your LEDs are not marked, this is not so important. The main thing is that we have just established a physical connection between the computer and the router.

Now open your favorite browser on the computer itself. It doesn’t matter what kind of browser it will be: even Mozilla, even Opera. You must enter the router's IP address in the address bar. You can find it on a sticker on the router itself (usually it is located on its bottom panel). For example, the address could be or

If for some reason you cannot find this sticker, no problem - use it. Click on the “Start” button, in the “Search programs and files” line, write the word cmd (without quotes) and press Enter. A command prompt will open. Type the word ipconfig and press Enter. You will see various options. Among them you need to find the “Main Gateway”, opposite which the very IP address you need will be located.

So, we figured out the IP. We enter it into his address bar in the browser and press the Enter key. A window will appear in front of you where you will need to enter your username and password. If you don’t see anything, for example, it opens empty page, it means you entered an incorrect IP address. Look at it in the way that I described just above (using the command line). If you can't do this, you can use another method. Go to the control panel, select “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" After the page opens, on the left side you will see an inconspicuous link “Change adapter settings” - click on it. Then select your connection, right-click and click on “Status”. Network status information appears. Click on the “Details” button and look at the IP address located opposite “Default Gateway IPv4” - this is the address we need.

But we got a little distracted. Finally we got to the settings panel, or rather, to its home page. Here you will need to enter your username and password. This data is needed so that no one can log into the router’s control panel and change the settings.

There are unlikely to be any problems with the login, since it is usually the same for everyone - admin. But you can struggle with the password. The fact is that if it was changed by someone, it will be possible to get into the router settings only either or with the help of the person who changed the settings and, accordingly, changed the password.

If the password has not been changed, then you can find it on your router - exactly in the same place where the IP address for entering the panel itself is located. To be honest, the combinations are usually extremely simple:

  • Login: admin, password: 1234.
  • Login: admin, password: admin.
  • Login: admin, password: password.
  • Login: admin, password: 12345.
  • Login: admin, password: not used.

Try one of the combinations, it might work for you. If the data turns out to be correct, then you will be able to appear in the router panel and change the settings as you wish.

There are a lot of setup instructions in the media, but they all relate to direct control of the router. In the proposed material, no one explains to many users how to log in, so the purpose of this article will be an explanation with step-by-step instructions. There is nothing complicated about this, any user can independently, by repeating the recommended steps, connect and configure the router in a few minutes. Also from this article, the reader will learn about all sorts of problems that can be encountered at work, and their solutions on the spot.

Input data

To connect you will need the router itself, a patch cord (eight-core cable " twisted pair", crimped on both sides with RG-45 clips, which should be included in the kit wireless point access) and a personal computer (or laptop).

As an example, TP-Link will be produced, since it is on domestic market found by most users. In fact, there is not much difference between manufacturers; differences can only be in the address of the access point itself, in the login and password. By the way, to recognize them, you need to turn the device over and read the information written on the base of the router (IP-address, login, password). In most cases, the IP-adress is (possibly, and the login and password are admin.

Physical connection

The router (modem) needs to be connected to a power source and make sure that it is in working condition (at least one light on the indicator panel lights up). One end of the patch cord must be connected to network card computer, and the other end of the cable into the router connector. In the device it is customary to distinguish network inputs and exits (often they have different colors). Only one input to connect to the Internet must be signed WAN or be different from the other ports (signed LAN) in color. The connection to the computer should be made only to the LAN interface (any one, let it be LAN 1, so as not to get confused).

When pairing two devices on information panel The router's LED will light up, which will inform the owner that the connection has occurred. Information will also appear on the computer screen that it has been successfully added to the local network. At this stage, setting up the router in WEB interface mode became available to the user.

Interface for management and configuration

Before entering the router settings, you need to decide on the WEB interface that will be used. The manufacturer recommends using standard browser Internet Explorer, however, it does not always display the control panel correctly, so it’s worth taking a closer look alternative programs: Mozilla Firefox, Opera Google Chrome.

Having opened the browser, you need to enter the IP-addrees in its address bar, which is indicated on the label at the base of the router ( or and press “go” (or Enter on the keyboard). In the menu that appears, you must enter your login and password, which are also written on the bottom of the router (most likely, admin) and press the “Login” button (or Enter on the keyboard). Successful login will provide the user with the router control panel.

Limitations in computer settings

Setting up a router (modem) is impossible if the computer’s network adapter is not working properly. automatic mode. This may be indicated by a warning indicator in the tray (in the lower right part of the screen, near the clock). He looks like Exclamation point in yellow or In such cases, it is recommended to take a pen, a sheet of paper and perform the following actions on the computer:

  1. Move to the warning icon and click on it right click mice. In the menu that appears, select “Control Center”.
  2. In the window that opens, on the left side edge, select “Change adapter settings.”
  3. From the proposed options, select the desired icon (usually it is labeled as Ethernet and has a logo with a warning). Right-click on it.
  4. Select "Properties". In the dialog box, find and place the cursor on the inscription “TCP/IPv4”. Click “Properties” again.
  5. Copy all the manual settings onto a sheet of paper (5 lines).
  6. Set the flag next to the “Receive automatically” menu in both fields. Click the “Ok” button and close all open tabs.

Fighting with the network adapter

Setting up a TP-Link router on a computer is impossible if the drivers for network adapter. This is quite possible after reinstallation operating system(then the Control Center simply won’t have the required icon). Naturally, you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer motherboard(or laptop) and download the appropriate software.

It is possible that the search for the inscription “TCP/IPv4” will not be successful - in the list, except for “TCP/IPv6”, the user will not find what he is looking for. To do this, there is an “Install” button in the same dialog box. You must select “Protocol” and from the proposed options point to the desired interface “TCP/IPv4”. If none of the options for setting up the network adapter helped, it’s time to contact IT specialists who will certainly solve the user’s problem.

ISP restrictions in router settings

Many providers provide users with their own router to work in their networks. Very often, company administrators set own passwords to access the device control panel. In such cases there are not many options: obtain access data from the provider (rarely anyone can do this) or do full reset(to factory settings) devices. The second option assumes that the router settings (password and login, in the factory version must be known to the owner) will depend on the user. Accordingly, before resetting, you need full control of the situation, because very often the provider uses non-standard settings(PPTP, VPN, PPPoE and the like). The user must have all the connection information on hand.

Wireless connection to a router

If the user, before entering the router settings, discovers that there is no patch cord interface cable, or there is no corresponding connector in the laptop, do not despair. Most devices support access point control by wireless channel Wi-Fi. To do this, you need to establish a connection between the two devices. Then open the browser and repeat the steps by entering the access point address.

In cases where access to Wi-Fi router does not require authorization, experts recommend setting a password to use wireless network, otherwise any attacker located within the router’s coverage area can not only reconfigure the access point for themselves, but also cause harm to all the user’s devices.

Remote connection to the router

It's one thing when setting up a router D-Link DIR or TP-Link - inexpensive devices are limited to a WEB interface, and users have no opportunity to gain access in any other way. Owners ASUS routers, LinkSYS, Cisco, Zuxel and other business class representatives can take advantage of remote connection to the device or via a COM-USB interface cable. Management using the “console” snap-in is more convenient because it can reconfigure the router to the owner’s needs in a few seconds (for this, special scripts are created and sent to the router).

The connection is quite simple: using the Putty or Telnet program, the user gains access by IP address (of course, by entering a password and login during authorization). Then everything happens at the level of commands, which can be found in full not only in the instructions for the router, but also on the manufacturer’s official website in the section: “Administration: step-by-step setup router."


The reader will agree that it is easy to go into the settings of a wireless access point, the main thing is that both devices (router and personal computer) do not have manual settings. Any connection problem will indicate that someone has corrected the operation of the network equipment. Having figured out how to enter the router settings, any user can easily connect to a wireless access point and receive full control device.

The main thing that the owner of the router should know is that no matter what settings he makes, it will harm the router and personal computer impossible on a physical level. The most you can fear is reinstalling Windows or reset the access point to factory settings. Accordingly, within this framework, you can safely learn all the subtleties in the router settings for yourself.

This question arises for everyone who purchases a Wi-Fi router for wireless connection to the Internet. So that the device transmitting the signal mobile gadgets, laptops and desktop computers, worked correctly, you need to change some standard options. It's not at all difficult to figure it out. The main thing is to understand how to enter the router settings. Once you have access to the general menu, you can install personal password connections to strangers could not use your traffic, and set some restrictions. Read on to find out how to do this.

First of all, you must establish a connection between the router and the Internet and your computer. To do this you will need to follow a simple algorithm:

  • connect the modem to the network;
  • insert the plug of the Internet provider cord into the appropriate connector;
  • connect the router to the PC using a regular network cable.

After performing these steps, the computer will “see” a new network connection and will notify you about it. The following indicators should light up on the router itself:

  • router is on;
  • broadcast Wi-Fi signal;
  • the modem is connected to the Internet;
  • The modem is connected to the computer.

On the router panel you will find the corresponding symbols. If all four indicators light up, it means that the connection to the router is established correctly. All that remains is to configure it correctly so that the Internet can work on landlines and mobile devices. To do this, you must know how to log into the router and change the standard options.

General instructions for launching the router web interface

Each manufacturer of Wi-Fi routers provides an individual interface for controlling modem functions. Outwardly they differ significantly, but, in essence, the principle is the same everywhere. The user launches any browser available on the computer, enters the router address and gains access to the device management page. It sounds extremely simple, but in fact it is not entirely clear how to access the router’s website. to install remote access, you need to know the router's IP. It must be indicated in the instructions.

If you don't have the instruction manual at hand, follow these steps:

  • On the taskbar, find the network connection icon and right-click on it;
  • a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the control center;
  • after completing these steps, the network settings window will open, in it you need to find “Change adapter settings” (located in the vertical panel on the left side);
  • after going to the adapter options settings window, you will see a list of connections, including the one you need to configure;
  • By double-left-clicking the status window for this connection, click “Details...”

Having done this, you will see in front of you a summary of data in which nothing is clear. In the first column, find "Default Gateway". Rewrite the IP address opposite. This is the direct address to your router. There are two common options used by leading router manufacturers: "" and "". Less common is the address “”.

You already know how to access the router page, so do it immediately. Enter the appropriate set of numbers in the address bar and you will see the router interface in front of you. The last obstacle remains - authorization. Like router addresses, manufacturers specify standard values login/password to gain access to device options. You can find them out by reading the instructions for the router or reading the subsequent sections of this article.

Features of individual router settings

Using the information contained in this section, you will understand how to log into the router’s web interface. The data in the table below will provide access to Personal Area user through whom it is possible to easily install New Password connections to wireless Wi-Fi network, set a new router name and configure many other settings.


Video: how to enter the WiFi router menu

After reading this article, you have already received a general theoretical understanding of how to enter the router setup room. It's time to see this process with your own eyes. After watching the video below, you will receive answers to many related questions and will be able to cast aside doubts about the fact that you misunderstood the instructions. Follow the recommendations from the video and you will certainly be able to configure your modem.

On computer forums a lot of attention is paid to fine tuning router, which can significantly increase its speed and connection stability. However, many users are faced with a problem of a different order - they simply cannot go into the settings of their router to select the optimal parameters. There is no need to panic and go to the store for a new device, since anyone can solve such a problem. If the computer does not log into standard menu router web client, you need to try changing the connection parameters or pay attention to other nuances.

We are looking for a way out if there is no access to the router settings.

By typing the web client address in your favorite browser, you may encounter that the router does not respond to your command. To enter the web client menu, first take the instructions and read what address is set for the router by the manufacturer. Many electronics developers prefer to set the combination, which allows you to free up the above address for other network equipment. Also, information about the base address may be contained on the bottom of the device.

Try changing your web browser - the best option is the default one Internet application Explorer, which uses direct connections without redirection. However, it may also display an error when trying to enter Increase your chances of successful creation connections can be made using the RJ-45 cable that comes with your router. Be careful - it must be connected to the port local network on the router, and not the WAN connector, which is most often highlighted in blue. To get unlimited access to menu, be sure to disable the one you are using wireless adapter on the computer using a special function button or the network connections menu.

Fine tuning

If the computer does not enter the standard web client menu, it is quite possible that the connection error with is caused by an address conflict on the network. First of all, you will need to go into the control panel of your operating system and find the “Internet Options” item there, which can also be called “Internet Options”. Then you need to open the “Connection” tab and find the button at the bottom that is responsible for the local network parameters. In the dialog box that opens after clicking it, disable the use of proxies in regular local networks and VPN.

However, it is not always possible to establish a connection with You need to open the properties of the network adapter you are using - you can enter this menu in three main ways:

  • Through the “Network Control Center”;
  • Through the control panel - the “Network Connections” tool;
  • Enter in command line control netconnections.

Since the router has a web client address of or an alternative, for correct operation electronic networks Calculating machine must have a similar IP, differing only in the last digit. By right-clicking on the icon of the adapter you need, open its properties, in the dialog box that appears, select the IPv4 connection protocol and click on the “Properties” button again.

IN general parameters The protocol may contain the answer to why the computer does not enter the standard menu of the router’s web client. The IP may be different from the one the router uses - to continue working you will need to change it, using the same beginning as or The number at the end should vary from 2 to 254 so as not to create an address conflict within the local network. Certainly, the best option will set the address automatically based on the needs of the computer, but this feature is not supported by every network. Don't forget to also set the gateway address on this tab and DNS server- in these fields you will need to enter the numbers or an alternative combination, depending on standard parameters router.

Also, the computer sometimes does not enter the menu you require as a result of restrictions on transmitted traffic within the created local network. It may be prevented from opening menu by the antivirus you have installed, which establishes too much control over the user’s actions - you should simply disable it while working with the device settings. Access by specified address or is often overlapped standard firewall operating system - it can also be disabled through the control panel of the operating system. After completing the above steps, you should be able to go into the settings of the router you are using, however, in certain situations, all user actions are ineffective.

Extreme measures

If the computer still does not log into the device’s web client, it is advisable to completely reboot it - for this, use a small Reset button, which can be located at the back or at the bottom of the router case. It must be pressed with a long, thin object (such as a paper clip) and held for approximately 10–20 seconds, depending on the model. wireless device. After a complete data reset, you will be able to access all advanced device settings via standard address menu, as well as the alternative combination - this is determined by the device model.

This method will also be effective if you have irretrievably lost your data for accessing the web client or it has been changed by another person who has received unauthorized access to the router settings menu. After the reboot, you must use the standard login and preset password, which is set by the equipment builder. Most often you need to enter the word “admin” in both lines, but there are some exceptions. To accurately determine the correct login information for a standard web client, review the instructions for the device. Be careful, because after rebooting all settings will have to be set again.

If, after resetting the router parameters, the computer does not enter the settings menu at menu address or an alternative IP, try again using another laptop or modern tablet. It is possible that the inability to access is caused by incorrect setting network card or its damage. In the first case, you should try to restore the drivers or use a proprietary operating system distribution from the developer smart car. In the second case, you will have to change the wireless module.

The source of your problems may also be a malfunction of the router itself - usually the problem of inability to access is solved by simply flashing the wireless device. Remember that you can enter the web client menu without interference only if you download the software from a trusted source - it is best to use the resource global network or file server the router manufacturer itself. Also, the router does not enter the standard settings menu for the combination and if the components are completely damaged. It is always easier and cheaper to replace such a device than to repair it. When choosing a new device, be guided by the characteristics of its power and antenna gain, as well as the ability to work with certain types of networks.

If the device is damaged, but you need to create a wireless network for a short time, you can use the corresponding adapter function on your computer. To do this, you should install the appropriate software - good option will Virtual Router Manager. After launching it and correct settings the electronic computer will independently distribute traffic via a wireless network, although the capabilities of such a connection will be limited. For example, achieve high speed and a long-range network will definitely not work. Additionally, your device will not be able to connect to other wireless networks during this time.

Problem solving

Statistics provided service centers, shows that in 90% of cases the problem with the inability to access the web client can be solved by simply reconfiguring the router or computer. The user should pay special attention to the network parameters - most often the cause of the malfunction is an address conflict in the computer’s environment. Also, the inability to access is often due to traffic restriction by an antivirus or a standard firewall, so it is advisable to disable such security applications before working with the wireless network settings. However, there are also troubles associated with failure software router - the device will need to be rebooted or re-flashed. Finally, the root of the problem should be looked for in the malfunction of the device itself or the computer’s network adapter - unfortunately, if they break down, you will have to purchase new equipment.

Router - complex network hardware, which is essentially a small computer. Each router needs settings depending on computer network, in which it is installed, and on the functions required of it. This article will discuss in detail such issues as how to enter the router settings, what problems may arise and how to solve them.

Historically, router settings were made through the built-in web interface, but many manufacturers, to make configuration easier for inexperienced users, develop assistant programs that perform configuration with virtually no participation. end user. They record such programs on a CD, which is included with the router. But such utilities, as a rule, configure only the basic functions of the router, without which the router simply will not work. All subtleties are available only through the web interface.

In the first part of the article we will look at such assistant programs, and in the second part we will look at the web interface.

Assistant programs

So, almost any desktop router comes with a CD with a helper utility. For example - ZyXEL router, model Keenetic Giga. We look at the package and see our CD.

Router components

As stated in the instructions for installing and configuring the router, before starting to operate the router, connect it to the computer, turn it on, and then insert the supplied CD into the computer drive. The startup disk, a program called NetFriend will begin the installation automatically.

Internet connection

In the first steps, the wizard will help you connect to the Internet via a dedicated Ethernet line.

Internet connection

After installing the program, launch it and the setup window will open.

We select four parameters:

  1. Locality;


The first two points are better to correspond to reality, since the settings may differ in different regions. And as we already know, the program will install these same settings automatically, so if we are cheated, we simply will not get access to the Internet.

If any item is not in the settings, check the box “my provider is not in the lists” and click “next”. In this case, the provider settings will have to be entered manually, informed by the agreement with the provider.

The next step will require you to enter your username and password.

Attention! Lowercase and capital letters I matter!

That’s it, then the router will try to connect to the Internet, and will inform the user about the results in a pop-up window. If the connection fails, NetFriend will offer some suggestions to resolve the cause.

Wi-Fi setup

Next step automatic settings is setting up a Wi-Fi wireless network.

Wi-Fi setup

On at this stage you need to select the standard of operation of the router (in fact, its transmission speed, for maximum value set the standard to 802.11n), set the name of the wireless network SSID and come up with a password for connecting other devices to the Wi-Fi network. Click “Next”.

The NetFriend program takes care of users, and so that they do not forget the configured settings, the program will automatically save them in text file and save it to your desktop. Please also note that to connect other people to the router wireless devices First, be sure to complete the setup of the assistant program, only after this Wi-Fi module The router begins to accept connection requests.

This completes the review of easy access to the router; next, we’ll look at a more professional one – how to log into the router through a web browser.

Setting up a router via the web interface

Of course, the first thing we do is connect the router to the computer, as in the first case, but that’s where the similarities end. Next, open any web browser and enter the router address in the address bar –

Entering the router settings menu

If you have a different router, then simply turn it over and carefully look at the label stuck under the bottom. As a rule, it is indicated there network address router, login name and password.

Label under the bottom of the router

So, after entering the router address and pressing the “Enter” button, a user authorization window will appear. You must enter your name in the first field, and your password in the second. All this information is in the instructions for setting up routers, or on labels under the bottom.

If the settings have not been changed previously, namely the router address, name or password, then entering the settings menu will occur without problems.

Router settings menu

If the router gives an error, then, most likely, something from the above has been changed, and the router simply does not allow the “stranger” to enter. To solve this problem, we perform a complete reset, as a result of which the address, name and password will be reset to the factory settings. The reset is carried out using a small “Reset” button, most often located on the back wall of the router, sometimes under the bottom. We press the button for 10-15 seconds (depending on the manufacturer) and that’s it, the settings are reset, we try to enter the menu again.